1977-01-10 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 4325 1/10/77 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977, AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD, BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS. President Fabish called the meeting to order at 3:05 P.M. Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. The Clerk called the roll and found the following: PRESENT: President Fabish; Trustees Mahoney, Rech, Bogart, Carroll , Marienthal ABSENT: Trustee Driscoll Also present were Daniel Larson, Village Manager; Richard Raysa and William Raysa, Village Attorney; Charles McCoy, Director of Public Works; William Davis, General Superintendent of Public Works; and Arthur Voigt, Police Sergeant. 1 . Minutes of January 3, 1977 Moved by Carroll , seconded by Rech to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 3, 1977. The following changes were made: Page 4820 - paragraph 2 - add "or other public use". Page 4821 - item 30 - add "all" before "current fees" Page 4822 - paragraph 5 - change "their" to "developer's" Upon roll call , the vote was: AYES: 5 - Mahoney, Rech, Bogart, Carroll , Marienthal NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Driscoll Motion declared carried. 2. President 's Report Bus Service President Fabish announced that he presented John Kiddie, 133 St. Mary's Parkway, a 10-trip bus ticket for being the 25,000th rider on the R.T.A. bus servicing Buffalo Grove. He said that 2 runs have been added to the route and it is hoped that additional buses will be added. He thanked Steve Goldspiel and Claude Luisada for their efforts in getting this service for Buffalo Grove and helping to make it successful . 3. Questions from the Audience li Annexation Requirements Trustee Bogart requested that his memo, dated January 6, 1977, regarding annexation requirements be discussed at this time. Trustee Rech suggested this be discussed during agenda item i (Village Procedures) . Trustee Bogart agreed. 4826 1/10/77 4. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Village Hall Remodeling_ Ray Knoeppel , architect , reviewed preliminary plans for alterations to the lower level of the Municipal Building for the Police Department (Study 4) , dated December 19, 1977. Trustee Carroll referred to a letter, dated December 27, 1976, from Chief Wayne Winter of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department, in which he requested an additional 4 feet of floor room in the garage to accommodate their new engine which is longer than the present one. Mr. Knoeppel said this was accomplished by eliminating the corridor beside the ESDA office and making the entrance to the ESDA office on the east wall . Security of the Police Department and the ESDA area is provided with electronic locks. Regarding the garage area, Trustee Carroll was concerned that Police vehicles have to be moved before ESDA vehicles can exit. Mr. Larson said 2 options were available, 1) park ESDA vehicles in the rear of the garage or 2) provide an overhead door on the west side of the building. For aesthetic and economic reasons and because ESDA is not a quick response emergency unit, he recommended option I . He said Paul Soucy, Director of ESDA, would like to have quick access, but he understands the situation and is willing to try it. Mr. Knoeppel suggested that if problems arise, the garage could be shared side to side instead of front and back. In response to a question from Mr. Larson, Mr. Knoeppel said that the loft could be extended for storage at a minimum cost. In response to a question from Trustee Bogart, Mr. Knoeppel said it would be difficult to estimate cost of the work because there are so many variable items. Mr. Larson said that he plans to budget $90,000 next year and $35,000 the following year. Trustee Bogart said that the Countryside Boys Club is disbanding; therefore the 4,000 square foot Cambridge-on-the-Lake sales office is available to the Village. He said the staff has estimated it would cost $15,000 to refurbish the building and $10,000 to move it. He felt the Board should consider using this building for a police station. Mr. Knoeppel did not feel the building could be refurbished for less than remodeling the downstairs of the Municipal Building. Discussion followed regarding other uses for the building. In response to a question from Trustee Marienthal , Sgt. Voigt said the down- stairs area should meet the needs of the Police Department for 5 years depending on development in the Village. He said the entire department is satisfied with the proposed plan. In response to a question from Trustee Marienthal , Mr. Larson said that in the Capital Improvement Program, $90,000 was budgeted out of non-recurring revenue for this project. Trustee Marienthal noted that the Capital Improvement Program shows the remodeling being funded out of Revenue Sharing Funds. He said the Board has directed that funds from Revenue Sharing are to be spent in no other place until the Public Service Center is paid off and finished. He asked the source of $90,000 in non-recurring income. Mr. Larson said that this year more than $280,000 was received in non-recurring income; however, if the Village does 4827 1/10/77 not continue to grow, the Board would have to consider other sources of funds for this project. He requested the working drawings be completed and proceed with remodeling of the Public Service Center, which was budgeted in the present fiscal year. Moved by Bogart , seconded by Rech to direct Mr. Knoeppel to complete the final drawings for the Municipal Building/Public Service Center remodeling project and to direct the staff to review the Cambridge-on-the-Lake sales office building as a possible alternative and to look at other uses of the building. Trustee Rech was concerned about how the project would be funded, but she felt the plans should be available to proceed when the time is right. Regarding the Countryside Boys Club, she felt that too much work and planning has gone into it to let it die now. She said she would use her energies to preserve the sales office building for that use. President Fabish felt the Police Department does not have proper facilities, and this remodeling should be a prime item in next year 's budget. Trustee Carroll was concerned that the prisoner entrance is next to the main entrance. Sgt. Voigt did not feel this is a major problem because 90% of the prisoners are not combative types. Discussion followed. Upon roll call , the vote was: AYES: 5 - Mahoney, Rech, Bogart, Carroll , Marienthal NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Driscoll Motion declared carried. Ordinance #77-1 President Fabish read Ordinance #77-1 , AN ORDINANCE GRANTING CERTAIN RIGHTS TO HONEYWELL PROTECTION SERVICES, REGARDING THE INSTALLATION OF AN ALARM CONTROL SYSTEM IN FACILITIES OF THE BUFFALO GROVE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Discussion took place regarding Section 5, the fact that the present agreement with Burns Alarm provides to the Village 10 free positions on the panel instead of 3 as provided in this agreement, difference in position cost on each system, and that a dialer alarm would better suit the needs of Public Works in case of well or lift station failure. Moved by Carroll , seconded by Bogart to approve Ordinance #77-1 with a change l I stipulating that the Village will pay $375 cost for 7 positions and will not pay `J any monthly fees and will receive 3 free panel positions from Honeywell . After discussion , John Poile of Honeywell Protection Service agreed to permit the Village to use the panel points until the Village decides if it wants to go to a dialer alarm for wells and lift stations. The motion was amended to include this. Upon roll call , the vote was: AYES: 5 - Mahoney, Rech, Bogart, Carroll , Marienthal NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Driscoll Motion declared carried. 4828 1/10/77 Otis Park Site Trustee Bogart stated that the Park District requested that consideration of transfer of the deed for the Otis park site be deferred until their attorney has had the opportunity to review Exhibit A, and they had objections to item 3. He said the Park District had not received the title documents until last Friday. Mr. Raysa stated that these items were sent to the Park District attorney, John Sullivan , 3 or 4 months ago. Trustee Marienthal suggested that Mr. Raysa send Mr. Sullivan a copy of his transmittal letter. President Fabish noted that the letter, dated December 30, 1975, from James Otis states that rent on the farm house is $150 per month, but the agreement states that it is $175. He requested that this be clarified. In response to a question from Trustee Carroll , Mr. Raysa stated that the rent should go into the general fund. In response to a question from Trustee Bogart , Mr. Raysa stated that when transferring property to another municipal corporation, the Village can make reservations in the deed. Trustee Bogart stated that the Park District will send a communication to the Village, prior to next week, outlining what they will accept. Moved by Bogart, seconded by Carroll to table consideration of transferring the deed for the Otis park site to the Park District. Upon roll call , the vote was: AYES: 5 - Mahoney, Rech, Bogart , Carroll , Marienthal NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Driscoll Motion declared carried. Village Procedures Trustee Bogart read his memo, dated January 6, 1977, recommending for future annexations, 1) minimum lot size of not less than 8750 square feet, 2) no deviation from zoning ordinance or subdivision regulations, and 3) not accept PUD as viable zoning. Trustee Mahoney suggested that the recommendations be sent to the Plan Commission and staff for their comments. President Fabish noted that if the recommendations are made Board policy, future Boards will not be bound by it. Mr. Raysa noted that the present Board could also over-rule the policy. In response to a question from Trustee Rech, Mr. Raysa said the policy could be set for annexations only, future Boards cannot be bound by it, and present Board cannot be bound by it. Trustee Bogart said the purpose of his recommendation is to eliminate negotia- tion between the developer and the Plan Commission and to give the Commission guidelines. Mr. Raysa suggested that the Board could insist that all petitioners for annexation spell out exactly what they are requesting prior to referring it 4829 1/10/77 to the Plan Commission. Then, if the Board is not interested, the developer can be advised at that time. Trustee Marienthal felt a plan should be presented before referring an annexation request to the Commission. Trustee Marienthal agreed with allowing no deviations from the zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations. He, too, did not feel the PUD has serviced the Village to the benefit that it should have, but he was concerned that restrict- ing development to R-4 zoning would sterotype the Village. v Plan Commissioner Mendenhall made the following points: 1 ) the PUD ordinance was written as a means to deal with multi-family development, 2) how do you deal with a single family development with traditional zoning because it leaves no leeway for the developer with a superb plan , 3) if a developer is willing to give the Village what it wants, the Village should be willing to discuss it, and 4) every PUD in the Village was approved prior to the present PUD ordinance. Rich Heinrich, Z.B.A. Chairman , felt that PUD is not a good classification for single family, but it is a good control on multi-family. Trustee Rech felt that documentation should be presented before referring an annexation request to the Plan Commission. If the Board is not satisfied with the proposal , it would not be forwarded to the Commission. Mr. Heinrich suggested that property be annexed and zoned R-1 , and it can be rezoned when a plan is presented. In response to a question from Trustee Rech, Mr. Larson said that a petitioner determines the type of land use he will request by the designation indicated on the Master Plan. Commissioner Mendenhall felt it would take the Plan Commission 45 days for a thorough review of the recommendations. Trustee Bogart said that he will not vote in favor of any more R-6 zoning, deviations of the Zoning Ordinance, or more PUDs. Trustee Mahoney felt that each annexation request should be considered on an individual basis. He also felt that if the Board wants no more PUDs, it should be eliminated from the ordinance books. President Fabish said that he would like comment from the Plan Commission and the Z.B.A. Trustee Bogart requested that these comments be returned to the Board within 2 weeks. President Fabish felt that 4 weeks would be reasonable. Trustee Rech said that she would like to allow the Plan Commission the time requested by Commissioner Mendenhall , which would be 4 weeks. Trustee Carroll agreed to allow 4 weeks on the condition that no developer, requesting annexation, will be brought before the Board during that time. Trustee Mahoney felt the Commission should be given as much time as needed to discuss it intelligently. Trustee Marienthal agreed to allow 4 weeks. Trustee Bogart said he would go along with the rest of the Board to allow 4 weeks. 10:05 P.M. - The President declared a recess. 10:20 P.M. - The meeting resumed. 4 830 1/10/77 Trustee Rech stated that during the "questions from the audience" period of a Board meeting, developers have been making requests to proceed with various stages of building with no documentation and prior to engineering approval and final plat approval . She felt this is an unwise procedure because it subverts the Subdivision Regulations in regard to approval procedures. She requested establishment of a policy to prevent this. President Fabish said that some- times developers face emergencies. Trustee Rech stated that the recent requests have not been of this nature. In response to a question from Trustee Bogart , Mr. Raysa said that if a developer publicly agrees to grade, put in foundations, or construct model homes at his own risk, the Village can require them to be torn down if they do not receive final plat approval . Trustee Carroll did not feel developer's should be permitted to make requests during "questions from the audience". In an emergency situation, the request could be made during that section of the meeting, but discussion should be delayed until after all other agenda items had been handled. She felt each request should be handled on an individual basis. The Board decided that no developer's request would be heard without the relevant background information. The Board decided that developer 's requests should be heard on an individual basis as agenda items with proper documentation. Trustee Mahoney felt the President should control "questions from the audience" and if any of the questions become lengthy discussions, they should be cut off or considered later in the meeting. Street Evaluation Mr. McCoy reviewed with the Board a report, dated January 3, 1977, from Novak, Dempsey and Associates, Inc. regarding their pavement evaluation of certain streets in the Village. In response to a question from Trustee Rech, Mr. McCoy said that he would like to formulate an on-going program, for the next 5 years, to evaluate all streets in the Village. From that information, Public Works can formulate a maintenance program. Mr. Larson said this report will be used for reference material in preparing the Capital Improvement Program and next year's budget. Community Development Block Grant Mr. Larson stated that, in the past, the Village has been asked by Lake and Cook Counties to permit them to include Buffalo Grove in their population count in order for them to qualify as an urban county and get direct funds from the Community Development Block Grant program. He noted a list of municipalities receiving funds, amount of grants and projects. He, then, read a memo, dated December 22, 1976, from William Muhlenfeld, Executive Director of the Northwest Municipal Conference, showing the funding distribution as set by the Steering Committee for the Cook County Community Development projects. He felt one project the Village may want to consider for the grant would be 4831 1/10/77 moving the Cambridge-on-the-Lake sales office to Village Hall property for senior citizen use. He then reviewed a memo, dated December 29, 1976, from Bill Whited regarding the requirement that the Village would have to be part of the Cook County Housing Assistance Plan and that Mill Creek Apartments might qualify since they were purchased with subsidized funds. He noted that the Village President of Hoffman Estates has recommended to their Board that they not be included until they receive further information regarding dis- tribution of funds by Cook County. Moved by Marienthal , seconded by Carroll to send a resolution that the Village not be included in the population count. Trustee Rech felt the Village will have to make some provision for the type of housing required by this program. She noted that the Village will receive no funds by not joining with the County unless a complicated housing review is done. She felt a comprehensive staff study should be done regarding this so that the Village will be well prepared. Moved by Mahoney, seconded by Bogart to table consideration of the resolution and to direct the staff to provide copies of data provided by the Cook County Board of Commissioners. Upon roll call , the vote was: AYES: 5 - Mahoney, Rech, Bogart , Carroll , Marienthal NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Driscoll Motion declared carried. Pavement Marking Grant Moved by Rech, seconded by Marienthal to authorize execution of the Federal-Aid Highway Safety Act agreement between the Village and the State Department of Transportation for installation of 51 ,296 linear feet of thermoplastic pavement marking. Trustee Bogart found it hard to believe that the Federal Government would waste $25,000 for this type of project. Trustee Carroll was concerned that the snow plows would tear the material . Mr. Davis said the material presently is being used in the crosswalks and there has been no problem. Trustee Carroll requested that Northbrook be contacted to see if they have experienced this problem. Mr. McCoy said that Deerfield has had no problem. Upon roll call , the vote was: AYES: 4 - Mahoney, Rech, Carroll , Marienthal NAYES: 1 - Bogart ABSENT: 1 - Driscoll Motion declared carried. 4832 1/10/77 Lake County CETA Mr. Larson reviewed a letter, dated December 1 , 1976, from C.A. Van Dyke, Director of Lake County CETA Program, asking the Village to decide either 1) continue receiving 100% compensation for both positions through March 31 , 1977, and take a chance after that time as to whether both or either position would be funded, or 2) have 1 participant committed to transition by Sept- ember 30, 1977, and the other position be transferred from the CETA program to full Village employment on March 31 , 1977. Mr. Larson recommended the second option 5e adopted and put the CETA employee assigned to the Water Department on full Village employment. He noted that this employee was employed to replace an existing authorized position. In response to a question from Trustee Rech, Mr. McCoy said that this position is allocated in the budget. Moved by Rech, seconded by Bogart to maintain full employment for the 1 individual whose CETA grant will expire March 31 , 1977, and enter into an agreement with Lake County CETA for another employee which will extend through September 30, 1977, with the understanding with the employee that should the Village not be able to continue employment , the position will be terminated at that time. Upon roll call , the vote was: AYES: 4 - Mahoney, Rech, Bogart, Marienthal NAYES: 1 - Carroll ABSENT: 1 - Driscoll Motion declared carried. Not-For-Profit Building Fees The Board reviewed a memo, dated December 30, 1976, from Carol Hennenfent, Deputy Clerk, regarding a survey of neighboring Villages with regard to their policy of charging building fees to not-for-profit organizations. Trustee Rech did not feel the Village can afford to waive water system improvement fees. After discussion, the general consensus of the Board was to consider each request for waiver of fee on an individual basis. 5. Executive Session Moved by Carroll , seconded by Marienthal to adjourn to executive session to discuss personnel and possible litigation. Upon voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. Time: 11 :55 P.M. The Board returned to the council chamber at 12:30 A.M. 6. Adjournment Moved by Carroll , seconded by Marienthal to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. 4833 1/10/77 Time: 12:30 A.M. Respectfully submitted, • • Verna L. Clayton, Village Clerk PASSED AND APPROVED this /7 day of , 1977. /r Jt4// { Vi lage Presi ent