1981-04-20 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 5827 4/20/81 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS, HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, VILLAGE HALL, APRIL 20, 1981 . President Clayton called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. Roll call indicated the following present: President Clayton; ROLL CALL Trustees Marienthal , Stone, O 'Reilly, Hartstein , Gerschefske, and Schwartz. Also present were: William Balling, Village Manager; William Raysa, Village Attorney; William Sommer, Assistant Village Manager; William Brimm, Finance Director; Gregory Boysen, Director of Public Works; Frank Hruby, Director of Building and Zoning; and Paul Kochendorfer, Village Treasurer. Moved by Hartstein, seconded by Gerschefske, to approve the APPROVAL OF minutes of the April 6, 1981 Regular Meeting. The following MINUTES correction should be inserted on page 5819: Mr. Balling stated that the Commission and the Village desire for water to be treated as a commodity charge, and therefore, an operational maintenance expense. Under the provisions of our bond ordinance and that of the members, operational expenses have priority over the debt obligations of the system, reserve account obligations, and other funding. The language on page 19 which describes same is the proper language to put that provision into effect. The Village Attorney has contacted both Chapman & Cutler, and Ross Hardies , and reviewed the ordinance itself, and is satisfied that this language is appropriate for that purpose. It clarifies that water will be a commodities charge, and not a debt service charge, under the system. Mr. Raysa stated that he had spoken with Bob Sharp of Chapman & Cutler, and said that they are well aware of our bond ordinance. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES : 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES: 0 - None ABSTAIN: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried . Moved by Marienthal , seconded by O'Reilly, to approve the minutes of the April 13, 1981 Special Meeting. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES: 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES : 0 - None ABSTAIN: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. 5828 4/20/81 Mr. Kochendorfer read Warrant #450 , Moved by Marienthal , WARRANT #450 seconded by Gerschefske, to approve Warrant #450 in the amount of $727,281 .70, authorizing payment of bills listed. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES : 6 - Marienthal , Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES : 0 - None Motion declared carried. President Clayton reappointed Paul Soucy as ESDA Coordinator ESDA COORDINATOR for a term to expire April 30, 1984. Moved by Hartstein , seconded by O' Reilly, to concur with President Clayton 's appointment. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. President Clayton reappointed Kenneth Bates to the Electrical ELECTRICAL Commission for a term to expire April 30, 1984, Moved by COMMISSION Marienthal , seconded by Stone, to concur with President Clayton's APPOINTMENT_ appointment . Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. President Clayton reappointed Sylvia Bogart to the Community BLOOD COMMISSION Blood Donor Commission for a term to expire April 30, 1984, APPOINTMENT and also reappointed Mrs. Bogart as Chairman of the Commission for a one-year term to expire April 30, 1982. Moved by O'Reilly, seconded by Hartstein, to concur with President Clayton 's appointment . Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. President Clayton appointed Fern Manzo to the Zoning Board of ZBA APPOINTMENTS Appeals for a term to expire April 30, 1984. Moved by O'Reilly, seconded by Hartstein, to concur with President Clayton 's appoint- ment . Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried . President Clayton appointed David Stolman to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term to expire April 30, 1982. Moved by Hartstein , seconded by Gerschefske, to concur with President Clayton 's appointment. Upon voice vote, the motion was declared carried. There was one abstention from Trustee O'Reilly, who explained her vote, stating that while Mr. Stolman is highly qualified, she feels there are other candidates that are more suitable. President Clayton noted Certificates of Appreciation for CERTIFICATES OF Joel Finfer, retiring ZBA member, and Mary Ann Weidner, APPRECIATION retiring Transportation Commission member, and thanked them for their service to the Village. Trustee Hartstein reported on the status of the Town Center TOWN CENTER Development . He stated that , in the interest of being able to clearly give indication to the developer the concerns of the Village Board and the Plan Commission, he would like to request that a joint workshop of the Village Board and the 5829 4/20/81 Plan Commission be held next Monday, April 27, 1981 . Mr. Hartstein also suggested that May 11 , 1981 be set as the date for the Public Hearing on the project . Trustee Marienthal commented on the action taken at the April 15, 1981 Plan Commission meeting, stating that the plan presented to the Plan Commission was basically the same plan which the Village Board originally viewed. Mr, Marienthal said that he has since talked with the developer, �•/ and the developer is in the process of retooling his plan. The Plan Commission informed the developer that they would review any plan which took into account the comments of the Commission. Mr. Gary Glover stated that the Plan Commission did approve the land use. He said that the Commission feels strongly that this beginning of the Town Center must be laid out properly in order to develop the rest of the Town Center. Trustee Marienthal stated that he did not feel that a joint workshop would serve any purpose at this time. Mr. Glover stated that one of the things holding the project up is a lack of information from the developer; he said there is a concern regarding internal traffic. Trustee Hartstein stated that from a legal standpoint, the plan is now at the Board level , and he thinks it is most important to have the workshop. President Clayton stated that she shares the concern of wanting the developer to feel that he is being dealt with expeditiously; she also feels that the developer must be willing to work with the Village. Mrs . Clayton stated that she feels that before a workshop is scheduled, the Board should reaffirm to the developer that they approve of the land use, and that the developer should address himself to the concerns expressed in the Plan Commission minutes and the consultant 's report . Mrs. Clayton does not think that a Public Hearing should be scheduled until the expressed concerns have been met. After further discussion, President Clayton polled the Board: "Yes" indicates favor of holding a workshop next Monday night with the Plan Commission to discuss the Gitlitz plan; "No" indicates opposition: YES : Hartstein NO: Marienthal , Stone, O ' Reilly, Gerschefske, Schwartz �.J President Clayton polled the Board: "Yes" indicates favor of setting the Public Hearing date for May 11 , 1981 , with the understanding that it could be continued from time to time if deemed necessary; "No" indicates opposition : YES: Hartstein NO: Marienthal , Stone, O 'Reilly, Gerschefske, Schwartz v 5830 4/20/81 President Clayton polled the Board : "Yes" indicates favor of encouraging the developer to address the concerns that had been expressed by all of the bodies that have been involved with this , and make a new proposal to the Plan Commission , and we would urge the Plan Commission to consider this in an expeditious manner; "No" indicates opposition : YES: Marienthal , Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NO: None Mr. Balling noted the filing of the Monthly Activities Report MONTHLY ACTIVITIES for the month of March . REPORT Mr. Charles Birch stated that he wished to publicly thank the QUESTIONS FROM Village staff for their support in his recent campaign . He THE AUDIENCE also asked the Board to seriously address the problem of lack of community feeling, which became apparent to him during the campaign. Mr. Birch stated that he did not find a dis- satisfaction with Village government, but a lack of community spirit. He urged the Board to think of ways that community feeling can be created and regenerated in Buffalo Grove. President Clayton explained the Consent Agenda, and stated CONSENT AGENDA that any member of the audience or the Board could request that an item be removed for full discussion. There were no such requests . Moved by Stone, seconded by O' Reilly, to pass Resolution RESOLUTION #81 -20 #81 -20, establishing a service account for the General Obligation Bond Debt. The Resolution establishing the debt for Northwest Water Commission interim financing requires the revenues of the funds to be segregated into a separate account . Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES: 6 - Marienthal , Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NAPES: 0 - None Motion declared carried. Moved by Stone, seconded by O'Reilly, to approve Appearance TRUE VALUE Commission recommendation for additional lighting at Zimmerman HARDWARE True Value. The Appearance Commission recommends approval of additional lighting for this property. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES: 6 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NAPES: 0 - None Motion declared carried. President Clayton read a Proclamation designating May 3, 1981 WALK WITH as Walk With Israel Day in Buffalo Grove. Mr. David Stolman , ISRAEL Chairman of the event, thanked the Village for issuing the PROCLAMATION Proclamation . Y►bclv 5831 4/20/81 President Clayton read a Proclamation designating April 26 - CANCER CONTROL May 3, 1981 as Cancer Control Week in Buffalo Grove. Gail WEEK PROCLAMATION Wallis , the Buffalo Grove Cancer Crusade Chairman, thanked the Village for their support in issuing the Proclamation. Trustee Stone gave a brief explanation of the reason for ORDINANCE #81-20 Ordinance #81 -20, amending the appearance plan of the Village of Buffalo Grove (Monotony) . Moved by Stone, seconded by Hartstein, to pass Ordinance #81-20. Mr. Don Hardt , Chairman of the Appearance Commission, explained the procedure of the Appearance Commission regarding this Ordinance, and also answered questions from the Board on same. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein , Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES: 0 - None Motion declared carried. Moved by Gerschefske, seconded by Stone, to remove from table NORTH FIRE North Fire Station interior furnishings. Upon voice vote, STATION _~ the motion was unanimously declared carried. ( Interior Furnishings) Mr. Balling gave a brief history of this subject. He stated that, after review, the conclusion reached by staff is that Williams Institutional , while being S65.00 higher than Business Interiors , does provide a one year written labor service agree- ment, which is compliant with specifications for the bid. Business Interiors provides a manufacturers warranty. Neither bidder is compliant with specification #5, which is complete delivery by June 26, 1981 . Both bidders have indicated that temporary furniture will be availabe in place of those new pieces not delivered by June 26, 1981 . The two alternatives available to the Board are: 1 . Reject all bids as being non-compliant with specifications and authorize the Village Manager to negotiate for purchase of the furniture with either Business Interiors or Williams Institutional . 2. Accept loaner furniture concept and award bid to Williams Institutional as lowest qualified bidder. Trustee O' Reilly asked for a report from staff as to what caused the problem which has occurred with this bid, and what corrections will be made to insure that it does not happen in the future. Moved by Gerschefske, seconded by Stone, to reject and waive all bids, and direct the Village Manager to negotiate the contract with the two lowest bidders , i .e. Business Interiors and Williams Interiors . The motion was amended to state just to reject and waive all bids . Trustee Stone seconded the amendment. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : U i 5832 4/20/81 AYES: 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES: 1 - Hartstein Motion declared carried. Moved by Gerschefske, seconded by O'Reilly , to direct the Village Manager to award the contract to Business Interiors , contingent upon receipt of written confirmation of the loan of furniture. Mr. Lou Bennit of Business Interiors , and Mr. Ralph Williams of Williams Institutional both gave statements regarding the warranty. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 4 - Marienthal , O'Reilly, Gerschefske, President Clayton NAYES: 3 - Stone, Hartstein, Schwartz Motion declared carried. Mr. Don Hardt explained the Appearance Commission decision ALLSTATE regarding the Allstate Insurance Company sign. Mr. Hardt INSURANCE stated that the minutes of the Appearance Commission should be COMPANY SIGN corrected to show that Commissioner Knaak was not present and did not vote on this subject, as he is an employee of Allstate. Mr. Marvin Hyman , developer of Plaza Verde, stated that in April , 1975, a Plaza Verde sign criteria was approved by the Village. Mr. Hyman read a portion of this package: "Each tenant may identify his premises by a sign consisting of individual illuminated letters on a single line of copy on the 30" wide plaster fascia over his store." Mr. Hyman explained the variations that Allstate is requesting, and also the reasons that he feels this sign should be allowed. Trustee Hartstein stated that he respects the concern of the Appearance Commission with regard to maintaining the integrity of the sign package; however, it appears that what is being proposed is within the letter of the sign package. Moved by Hartstein, seconded by O' Reilly, to approve this particular sign, with the understanding that it be simply a white sign with no additional blue outlining on the sign otherwise in accordance with the plan that was submitted . Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES : 4 - O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES: 2 - Marienthal , Stone Motion declared carried . Moved by Marienthal , seconded by Gerschefske, that the Crossings CROSSINGS Sales Barn rezoning referral be removed from the agenda, and that SALES BARN it be replaced only at a time when the Village receives a petition (Rezoning from this particular group. Upon voice vote, the motion was Referral) unanimously declared carried. 93,11,0, I I I I I I 1� I 5833 4/20/81 Mr. Balling noted that there will be no meeting on April 27, FUTURE 1981 , and the next meeting will be May 4, 1981 . AGENDA Moved by Marienthal , seconded by Gerschefske, to adjourn to ADJOURNMENT Executive Session to discuss litigation. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:55 P.M. The Executive Session terminated at 10:30 P.M. • b i Village Janet M. ra an, V 1 ge Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS DAY OF `r'�u� , 1981 . Village President