1981-11-02 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 5943 11/2/81 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS, HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, VILLAGE HALL, NOVEMBER 2, 1981 . President Clayton called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 1 _ Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. Roll call indicated the following present: President Clayton; ROLL CALL Trustees Marienthal , Stone, O 'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, and Schwartz. Also present were: William Balling, Village Manager; William Raysa, Village Attorney; James Doyle, Assistant Village Manager; William Brimm, Finance Director; Richard Kuenkler, Village Engineer; Raymond Rigsby, Superintendent of Public Works; James Truesdell , Village Planner; and Paul Kochendorfer, Village Treasurer. Moved by Marienthal , seconded by O' Reilly, to approve the APPROVAL OF minutes of the October 19, 1981 Regular Meeting. Upon roll MINUTES call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES : 4 - Marienthal , O' Reilly, Hartstein, President Clayton NAYES : 0 - None ABSTAIN: 3 - Stone, Gerschefske, Schwartz Motion declared carried. Mr. Kochendorfer read Warrant #466. Moved by O'Reilly, WARRANT #466_ seconded by Stone to approve Warrant #466 in the amount of $317,190.47, authorizing payment of bills listed. Mr. Brimm answered a question from the Board regarding the Warrant. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES : 6 - Marienthal , Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES : 0 - None Motion declared carried. President Clayton congratulated the Village Clerk on completing MUNICIPAL CLERK'S three years of instruction at the Municipal Clerk's Institute INSTITUTE held at the University of Illinois , for which she was awarded a Certificate of Achievement. With regard to the discussion at last week's meeting regarding DEVELOPMENT the Development Ordinance, and also because of discussions ORDINANCE during the past couple of years with regard to the Village's r . _ development process , Mrs. Clayton stated it became obvious that the Village does want to have some developer input not only to the Ordinance, but also to the development process. Mrs. Clayton has asked Trustee Schwartz to chair a committee to gather this input, and report back to the Board. The two developers who have volunteered to work with Trustee Schwartz are Bill Griffin from the Hoffman Group, and Robert Friedman with RBF Associates . Mr. Boysen, Mr. Kuenkler , and Mr. Doyle will also attend these meetings. There are presently two meetings 5944 11/2/81 scheduled, and anyone who wishes to attend is welcome; the meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, November 10, 1981 at 2:00 P.M. and Thursday, November 19, 1981 at 2 :00 P.M. President Clayton noted that the Historical Society had an HISTORICAL unveiling of a piece of art donated by Gary Groty to the SOCIETY Buffalo Grove Museum on October 31 , 1981 . President Clayton, Trustee O'Reilly and Trustee Gerschefske were present at the unveiling. Trustee Gerschefske brought a poster signed by the artist, valued at $125, which will be displayed in the Village Hall . Trustee O' Reilly reported that the final firefighter was sworn FIRE DEPARTMENT in on Saturday, and began work on Sunday morning. Trustee Hartstein noted "A Checklist to Aid Municipalities ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL in Dealing with Real Estate Development in Adverse Economic REVIEW ARTICLE Times", and an article written by Diamond and Glinck in the current issue of the Illinois Municipal Review. Mr. Balling noted the 1981/82 Snow and Ice Control Program which 1981/82 SNOW AND was previously distributed. Mr. Rigsby highlighted the report, ICE CONTROL - -- OL - which he stated was basically the same with the exception of PROGRAM the addition of 1 .4 miles of Wheeling Township roads; the addition of the Wheeling Township roads will have no effect on the route. Mr. Balling noted the section on Future Program Improvements which does offer suggestions for future consideration. It was noted that the Village does not have any liability for any damage done to the Township roads by the equipment. Mr. Balling noted the filing of the Administrative Activities SEPTEMBER Report for September, and pointed out that the Fire report ADMINISTRATIVE which was erroneously submitted last month for August again ACTIVITIES REPORT was tacked on to the September report; Mr. Balling has re- distributed the corrected report to the Board. Mr. Sal Genualdi of 1115 Brandywyn stated that there is a STREET LIGHT street light near his home which needs repair. Mr. Genualdi REPS R also cited some diseased trees on a neighbor 's property which need to be removed. Mr. Balling will look into both matters and report back to Mr. Genualdi . President Clayton explained the Consent Agenda, and stated that CONSENT AGENDA any member of the audience or the Board could request that an item be removed for full discussion. Item XI , C was removed from the Consent Agenda. Moved by Gerschefske, seconded by O' Reilly, to pass Resolution RESOLUTION #81 -49 #81-49 opposing House Resolution 4420 (Restrictions on Commercial -- — and Industrial Revenue Bonds) . The Village of Buffalo Grove opposes efforts to inhibit the existing commercial and industrial revenue bond program which currently serves as an inducement to commerce and industry. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES: 6 - Marienthal , Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein , Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES : 0 - None Motion declared carried. 5945 11/2/81 Moved by Gerschefske, seconded by O' Reilly, to pass Ordinance ORDINANCE #81-52 #81 -52 declaring the Village of Buffalo Grove's computer ballot ' ~ counter surplus and authorize bidding. Due to the consolidation election law, the Village is no longer in need of their computer ballot counter. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES : 6 - Marienthal , Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES: 0 - None Motion declared carried. Moved by Gerschefske, seconded by O 'Reilly, to accept staff JOYCE_ KILMER study of Joyce Kilmer School supplemental analysis. Staff SCHOOL_ recommends minor regulations to enhance pedestrian safety at Kilmer School . Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows : AYES: 6 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES: 0 - None Motion declared carried. Moved by Gerschefske, seconded by O 'Reilly, to refer to the DEVELOPMENT Plan Commission the Village of Buffalo Grove proposed develop- ORDINANCE ment ordinance. At the Village workshop meeting on October 26, 1981 , the Board reviewed the first presentation of the proposed development ordinance and directed the document to be forwarded to the Plan Commission. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES : 6 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein , Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES : 0 - None Motion declared carried. Moved by Gerschefske, seconded by O ' Reilly, to accept HIGHLAND GLEN Appearance Commission recommendation for the Highland Glen sales area, reduction of color package, and exterior lighting. The Appearance Commission recommends passage of the subject aesthetic features for this project. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES : 6 - Marienthal , Stone, O ' Reilly, Hartstein , Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES : 0 - None Motion declared carried. Trustee Gerschefske introduced the proposed ordinance for PROPOSED ORDINANCE the preservation of historic landmarks. After discussion FOR THE PRESERVA- it was suggested that the Village Board be able to submit TION OF HISTORIC applications , as well as the Historical Society. President LANDMARKS Clayton polled the Board: "Yes" indicates favor of the above suggestion; "No" indicates opposition : YES: Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NO: None Mr. Raysa suggested that the wording in Section 5. , A. , 1 ) be changed as follows : strike the word "solely" in the first line; strike the words "(hereinafter referred to as "Applicant")" in the second and third lines; having the third and fourth lines read as follows : "(upon recommendation of the Curator of the Buffalo Grove Historical Museum), or ,he Board, to request a historic landmark designation for any 5946 11/2/81 Trustee O' Reilly stated that she thinks that the Appearance Commission should have had some input into this ordinance, and asked that the ordinance be tabled until such time as some input can be received from the Appearance Commission. Mr. Raysa will get more information on the specific use of the Museum Tax which is collected by the Park District. Moved by O' Reilly, seconded by Hartstein, to defer this proposed ordinance until there is input from the Appearance Commission. Upon voice vote, Trustees Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, and Schwartz voted "Aye"; Trustee Marienthal voted "Nay" because of the fact that staff did not communicate with the Appearance Commission. Trustee Gerschefske explained Ordinance #81-53, increasing ORDINANCE #81 -53 fines in the Village. After discussion on the proposed fines , Trustee Marienthal moved, and Trustee Schwartz seconded, to pass Ordinance #81-53, with the following change on Page 2, Section A: 18. That the fines for weeds in excess of 12 inches , and 19. Grass in excess of 6 inches, be changed from $35.00 to $10.00. Further discussion followed on the mediation procedure which may be instituted if a resident has a legitimate reason for having grass or weeds in excess of the limits. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES : 4 - Marienthal , O'Reilly, Schwartz, President Clayton NAYES: 3 - Stone, Hartstein, Gerschefske Motion declared carried. President Clayton stated that she had made all of her comments RESOLUTION #81 -50 last week regarding the authorization for the Village to (VAGA WithdrawalT withdraw from VAGA. Trustee Hartstein stated that he would like a separate vote on Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 of the proposed Resolution , and stated his reasons for this request. President Clayton polled the Board: "Yes" indicated favor of the first paragraph of the Resolution, where the Village is going on record as strongly disagreeing with our neighbors about the transportation issue; "No" indicates opposition : YES: Marienthal , Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NO: None President Clayton again polled the Board: "Yes" indicates favor of the second paragraph of the Resolution, which notifies each member of VAGA that the Village of Buffalo Grove withdraws ; "No" indicates opposition: YES : Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Gerschefske, Schwartz NO: Hartstein Moved by Mareinthal , seconded by Schwartz, to pass Resolution #81-50, authorizing the Village of Buffalo Grove to withdraw from the Vernon Area Government Association. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : 5947 11/2/81 AYES: 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O' Reilly, Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES: 1 - Hartstein Motion declared carried. Moved by Marienthal , seconded by Gerschefske, to pass RESOLUTION #81-51 Resolution #81-51 , regarding an objection to the proposed sign amendment to the Cook County Zoning Ordinance. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried . L� Mr. Balling reported to the Board that he had received a phone LAKE-COOK ROAD/ call from Mr. Arthur Zaltzman, part owner of the commercial IL-8-3 PLAN property located at Lake-Cook and Arlington Heights Road; COMMISSION Mr. Zaltzman 's call related to the fact that the Board had REFERRAL originally not been in favor of a food/drug store on his property because the Board felt that this type of operation should be in the Town Center. Mr. Zaltzman asked Mr. Balling to ascertain if there was any change in the mood of the Board with respect to that application, although Mr. Zaltzman did not have any specific proposal to discuss with the Board. President Clayton stated that she wanted the Board to be aware of Mr. Zaltzman 's call ; there was no discussion from the Board. Mr. Rick Moses , architect with Charles Coburn, explained that they propose a food store of approximately 52,700 square feet, with a 10,000 square foot addition; approximately 32,000 square feet of shops; and two outparcels of approximately 4,000 square feet each. Mr. Moses then pointed out the ingress/egress points of the center. He stated that there would be employee parking in the back of the stores ; they do not know what the outparcels will be at this time; the zoning ordinance calls for 12 ' buffer strips along Lake-Cook Road, Route 83, and behind the Jewel store, and they plan to landscape those buffers ; there will be a 50' setback for the Jewel store; there will be a 40' service drive behind the food store, with trucks coming in off of Lake- Cook Road; there will be a 35' drive in front of the food store; if the property to the north is developed, they have planned access to that property. Mr. Peter Flotz explained the traffic survey done for the site. He stated that they propose a right-in/right-out entrance on Lake-Cook Road, and that the county suggested a "pork chop" at that entrance to insure that traffic flow. They propose full access for the service drive on Lake-Cook Road; they propose full access with a signal at the Route 83 entrance. Discussion took place regarding the Board's concern with the three entrances and the traffic flow. Moved by Hartstein, seconded by Schwartz, that the proposal be referred to the Plan Commission for further review, along with the Board's concern with the traffic pattern and the necessity for the third driveway. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: 5948 11/2/81 AYES : 5 - Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein , Gerschefske, Schwartz NAPES : 1 - Marienthal Motion declared carried. Moved by Schwartz, seconded by Hartstein, to adjourn the meeting. ADJOURNMEN1 Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 P.M. LAWAL Jane Sirabian, Village Clerk APPRO\(ED BY ME THIS 1611, DAY OF c,lv.7retR� , 198) . Village President �' II