1981-10-05 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 5923 10/5/81 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE , ILLINOIS , HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS , VILLAGE HALL, OCTOBER 5, 1981 . President Clayton called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. Roll call indicated the following present: President Clayton; ROLL CALL Trustees Stone, O 'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz. Trustee Marienthal arrived at 7:45 P.M. Also present were: William Balling, Village Manager; William Raysa, Village Attorney; James Doyle, Assistant Village Manager; James Truesdell , Village Planner, Gregory Boysen, Director of Public Works ; Richard Kuenkler, Village Engineer; and Paul Kochendorfer, Village Treasurer. Moved by Stone, seconded by Hartstein , to approve the minutes APPROVAL OF of the September 21 , 1981 Regular Meeting. Trustee O' Reilly MINUTES made the following correction to the minutes: Page 5921 , 2nd paragraph from the bottom, third line should read : "it was stated that the Center could formally request a time extension from the Board in two years ." Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES : 5 - Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NAPES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Marienthal Motion declared carried. Mr. Kochendorfer read Warrant #464. Moved by O' Reilly, WARRANT #464 seconded by Hartstein, to approve Warrant #464 in the amount of $419,978.68, authorizing payment of bills listed. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES : 5 - Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein , Gerschefske, Schwartz NAPES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Marienthal Motion declared carried. President Clayton explained the new Trustee Signalization CERTIFICATE OF System, which was installed, at no cost to the Village, by APPRECIATION Donald Korstanje of Vernon Hills . Mrs . Clayton then read (Donald Korstanje) the Certificate of Appreciation which will be sent to Mr. Korstanje. President Clayton then noted a Certificate of Appreciation CERTIFICATE OF to be sent to Jordan Shifrin for his years of service on the APPRECIATION Buffalo Grove Plan Commission. (Jordan Shifrin) 5924 10/5/81 President Clayton read a letter of thanks to Carl Schulien, LETTER OF THANKS a paid on-call volunteer for the Buffalo Grove Fire Depart- (Carl Schulien) ment. Mr. Schulien resigned from the Fire Department due to other commitments. Mr. Balling Noted the submission of the August Monthly ADMINISTRATIVE Activities Report. He noted an error on the last page of ACTIVITIES REPORT the report, and stated that corrected numbers will be published . President Clayton asked if there were any questions from QUESTIONS FROM the audience. There were none. THE AUDIENCE President Clayton explained the Consent Agenda, and stated CONSENT AGENDA that any member of the audience or the Board could request that any item be removed for full discussion. There were no such requests . Moved by O' Reilly, seconded by Stone, to approve final UPTOWN FEDERAL acceptance for Uptown Federal Savings. All final inspections SAVINGS have been satisfied , and staff recommends acceptance of improvements for this development. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES: 5 - Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Marienthal Motion declared carried. Moved by O' Reilly, seconded by Stone, to approve Plat of UPTOWN FEDERAL Easement for Uptown Federal Savings . This easement is SAVINGS required to accommodate a portion of an on-site public watermain. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES : 5 - Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein , Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Marienthal Motion declared carried. Moved by O' Reilly, seconded by Stone, to approve Appearance BUFFALO GROVE Commission recommendation for Buffalo Grove Commerce Center COMMERCE CENTER landscaping, Lots 5 and 7 and exterior lighting fixtures, Lots 38 and 39. The Appearance Commission recommends approval of the subject aesthetic elements for this project. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 - Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES : 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Marienthal Motion declared carried . President Clayton read a Proclamation proclaiming the week PROCLAMATION - of October 18, 1981 as Junior Women 's Club Week in the Buffalo Grove Village of Buffalo Grove. Junior Women's Club 5925 10/5/81 President Clayton read a proclamation proclaiming October 3, PROCLAMATION - 1981 through October 11 , 1981 as Mindpower Week in the Mindpower Week Village of Buffalo Grove. Mr. Ted Uskali gave a brief history of the Buffalo Grove HISTORICAL Historical Society, the Buffalo Grove Historical Museum, LANDMARK and the Village of Buffalo Grove itself. Mr. Uskali then PRESERVATION gave a slide presentation showing some of the 36 sites considered to have significant historical value in Buffalo Grove. Mr. Uskali stated that the proposed ordinance is very important to the Historical Society, and would be a tool which would help them preserve historic sites for future generations. Mr. Uskali then answered questions from the Board. Among those questions , was the criteria to be used for the use of the word "substantial" in Section 4, B. Mr. Raysa stated that, if the BOCA Code required a permit for work being done, it would be considered "substantial". It was requested that said definition be put into the ordinance. Under the proposed ordinance, the Village could designate a building or a site as a landmark without the owner's approval . There was discussion on the possibility of putting a safeguard into the ordinance so that the Board could designate a building as a landmark, even after a subdivision was approved. The reason for this would be to prevent a potential landmark being overlooked before approval . Mr. Raysa stated that there would be no legal problem with inserting this into the ordinance. Discussion followed on the fact that no reapplication for designation as a historic landmark may be made for said building or site prior to 5 years from the date of denial by the Board. President Clayton polled the Board: "Yes" indicates favor of keeping the 5 year time on page 5 in Section 5, E. ; "No" indicates opposition: YES: Marienthal , Stone, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NO: O' Reilly Mr. Uskali stated that the Historical Society would have a budget to include all drawings and documents which would be required for the hearing process in declaring a site as a historic landmark. It was stated that the Building Commissioner should examine the structure of the building before the hearing is held. After discussion, President Clayton polled the Board: "Yes" indicates favor of adding wording in the ordinance that part of the staff review process of any new development would include comment on historical preservation within that particular development; "No" indicates opposition : YES: Marienthal , Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NO: None 5926 10/5/81 It was stated that, once this ordinance is passed, the Historical Society would make application on historic landmarks already existing in the Village. Mr. Raysa stated that this ordinance deals with historic preservation of landmarks ; this ordinance would not give any tax advantage to the owner of the property. Mr. Uskali stated that, if a building is designated as a landmark, it would qualify for a historic preservation grant, for the restoration or rebuilding or preservation of the building. This is not federal money, but would come from the Historic Preservation Society of Washington, D.C. The Historical Society would pay for all drawings, etc. which would need to be submitted to the Village to request landmark designation on a building which was donated to the Historical Society. However, they probably would not be able to pay for these items if the landmark designation were requested by a private homeowner; they could assist the homeowner in applying for a grant from the Historic Preservation Society to pay for these drawings. Mr. Uskali stated that the Historical Society does not necessarily expect that all possible historical buildings be donated to them. President Clayton polled the Board" "Yes" indicates favor of putting this ordinance into final form for action at a future Board meeting; "No" indicates opposition : YES : Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske, Schwartz NO: None President Clayton declared a recess from 8 :56 P.M. until RECESS 9: 12 P.M. President Clayton stated that the next item of business on PRE-APPLICATION the agenda is the Pre-Application Conference for the Commercial CONFERENCE Center located on the east side of Illinois 83 at Lake-Cook (Commercial Center Road. on east side of 83 at Lake-Cook) Trustee Marienthal stated that Ken Tucker & Associates is before the Board this evening to present a Jewel/Osco food store and a commercial center which would be approximately 10 acres. Mr. Marienthal stated that he personally did not care for the plan. Mr. Harold Eisenberg of Ken Tucker & Associates, then introduced Ken Tucker. Mr. Eisenberg stated that they are proposing to develop approximately 10 acres of property at the northeast corner of Lake-Cook Road and Route 83. They have a food store of 52,717 square feet that is interested in locating on the site; the food store would have expansion capability of approximately 10,000 square feet. They are proposing approximately 40,000 square feet of ancillary shops in an L-shaped configuration. There are two outlots on the property. Mr. Eisenberg pointed out where the approximately 530 parking spaces would be located. 5927 10/5/81 Access to the center for service would be at the far southeast corner of the site. Mr. Eisenberg pointed out the two points of ingress/egress for customers, one being on Lake-Cook Road and one being on Route 83. The shopping center would be designed in a first-class fashion to be compatible with surrounding buildings. Trustee Marienthal stated that he had some serious problems with the traffic situation on that site. He also does not think the plan is very original . Trustee Gerschefske stated that he thinks that this is an excellent site for a food store. His major concern is that there is no enough commercial shopping to go along with the food store. He also thinks that the view on Lake-Cook Road from east to west would be unattractive. Trustee Hartstein stated that he shares some of the concern with the traffic problem at this particular intersection. He thinks there should be limited access or redesign of the intersection to provide some type of systematic way to handle the traffic. Trustee Hartstein stated that there is a policy determination which. the Board must address, that being whether the east side of Route 83 should be developed in a commercial manner, or whether the Town Center route should be pursued. He asked that the Board- reconsider participation in the Town Center Plan which was turned down recently. Mr. Hartstein stated that he is not unalterably opposed to this plan, but does favor the development of the Town Center. Trustee O 'Reilly stated that staff has recommended pursuing the parcel to the north , and shifting the buildings on this plan. Mr. Eisenberg stated that their broker, David Cole, has had discussion relative to that piece of property, which has several beneficiaries in the estate. Mr. Eisenberg stated that they believe it will be very difficult to gain control of that property, but they are working on it. With regard to shifting the buildings , Mr. Tucker stated that it could be a timing problem; however, if the property were to become available soon, they would consider shifting the buildings. Trustee Marienthal asked if Ken Tucker & Associates would secure a bond, if the Village were to backstop the Town Center, so that there would be no properties in the Village of Buffalo Grove that could be affected by a default. Mr. Tucker stated that they had worked very hard on the Town Center to make it an exciting project; however, the Town Center project is now behind them. The options on that property are_ gone and they are not interested in resurrecting them. Mr. Tucker also stated that his company would not be interested in underwriting the bonds as suggested by Trustee Marienthal . 5928 10/5/81 Regarding the traffic problems on this particular piece of property, Mr. Tucker stated that they recognize that there are problems. They believe that they can come up with solutions to these problems by working with staff and traffic engineers . 1r. Tucker stated that if the Board is interested in having his company pursue the present project, they will do so; if the Board is not interested, they will back away from the project. If the latter is the case, they will try and work with Jewel Food Store to select a site elsewhere to serve that market. With regard to Trustee Marienthal 's comments regarding originality, Mr. Tucker stated that they know that this is the type of shopping center which works for the merchants. He stated that his company is very proud of the shopping centers that they have developed. Mr. Tucker stated that if they cannot get to the point of breaking ground for this project in March or April , they will pass on the project. President Clayton polled the Board: "Yes" would indicate favor of the developer pursuing this particular development to the point that they would be making application to the Village; "No" indicates opposition : YES : Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein*, Gerschefske, Schwartz NO: Marienthal -Subject to the resolution of the traffic situation. Mr. Balling brought the Board up to date on all that has EMMERICH PARK transpired with regard to the Emmerich. Park East site. This EAST site was identified as a park site in the Village Master Plan of 1973; the Village pursued this through litigation to block zoning for condominium and commercial development in the late 70's. The Park District pursued the project through funding, and was successful in passing a referendum based on active use for the site. The project has proceeded through the design phases. The Village is confronted with a dilemma between the Park and the Village which relates to the design requirements of the Village of Buffalo Grove. Apparently the project has been designed without consideration of the storm water management requirements for the Village of Buffalo Grove, which creates a conflict between the Village and the Park District in necessary permitting for proceeding with the project. In July of this year, the Park District petitioned the Village to consider a waiver of the storm water detention requirements; the Village indicated that they were not in a position to consider such a variation and denied their request. Subsequently, staff was informed that storm water detention would be provided on the site. Subsequent to that act, an additional matter surfaced in the design relating to the Village's mandatory 100' statutory flood plain limit for properties adjacent to the Buffalo Creek. The flood plain ordinance does not provide clearly for variation other than through public hearing at the Plan Commission level . 5929 10/5/81 After a meeting with President Clayton and Park District staff and officials, Mr. Balling 's recollection was that the Park District would puruse the necessary design work required to present the Village Engineer with data sufficient so that he could consider a variance which could be pre- sented to the Board. At the conclusion of that meeting, there was consensus that redesign work was necessary. The Village is currently awaiting that redesign work. The Board had indicated that there would be support for that variation. The Village was awaiting the design for the necessary cross sections of Buffalo Creek, when they were presented with a letter from the Park District attorney indicating that the Park District raised questions with the basic authority of the storm water detention ordinance. The letter was followed up by a meeting with Mr. Balling and Mr. DeLance last Monday, at which time Mr. DeLance indicated that the District was not in a position to submit the necessary drawings requested by the Village Engineer for the evaluation , and that the variance was not going to be pursued, and that the storm water detention system as identified by the Village Engineer conceptually was not going to be considered due to cost. Mr. DeLance was also interested in pursuing the signature of the Village as co permitee to the Metropolitan Sanitary District 's permit for sanitary sewer and storm water management. The Village position was presented clearly to Mr. DeLance, which was that the Village could not issue permits which were in clear violation of its ordinance. The policy of the Village had been unchanged, which was that the Village would pursue a legal variation of the flood plain issue provided that it would not aggravate flooding, and could be done so in a legal manner not jeopardizing the federal flood insurance program or setting precedence for decisions that may affect future developments. The result is an impasse. The Park District needs direction on how to proceed. The Village is in a position on a staff basis that they are unable to execute the necessary permits on design which does not comply with Village ordinances. The Park District is apparently not interested in pursuing the storm water detention , which would be a reversal of the earlier commitment that followed the denial of the Village to consider detention variation. Mrs. Prudy Knaak distributed a packet of information regarding the position taken by the Park District in this matter. Mrs. Knaak introduced the Park District attorney, Mr. Sullivan; Mr. Roland Schapanski , the project architect; and several Park District Board members . Mrs . Knaak then read a statement of the Park District 's version of chronological events regarding this parcel of land. The entire packet of material distributed, as well as the full text of Mrs. Knaak's statement, are on file in the Clerk 's office. Summarizing 5930 10/5/81 Mrs. Knaak's statement, she stated that , now that the plans have met IDOT and MSD approval , the Park District attorney has given legal opinion that the Park District is not subject to Village ordinances. With IDOT approval , and with the attorney's opinion , work will begin tomorrow on Emmerich Park East. In appearing before the Board this evening, Mrs . Knaak has tried to present the Park District 's side of this problem; it is not the District 's intent to disregard Village ordinances; it is with a genuine concern for the taxpayers and the community that the District has taken its stand. The District has met state agency requirements and have their approval ; these agencies have stated that they will act on the District 's behalf if so requested. The District would not pursue the project if increased flooding would occur; they have been assured by IDOT, MSD, and the project engineer that the project would not contribute to flooding. President Clayton responded to Mrs. Knaak by stating that this Board does not want to hinder the development of the Park; however, the Village Board must be responsive to other needs in the Village, such as the flood insurance program, and to be sure that this project does not increase flooding in any other part of town. The drainage plan is needed so that if there is an amendment prepared to the flood plain ordinance to provide a vehicle for a variance to be granted in the development of this park, a more detailed plan is necessary. It must be a very specialized type of vehicle so that the Board is not subjected to having to grant a variance in another area. Park District Commissioner Borowski stated that it is the advice of their project engineer and attorney that the cross sections that the Village is requiring are totally unnecessary for what the Park District is trying to do. Mr. Borowski stated that if the Park District does not get a substantial amount of work done on the site this year, the active use of the park itself will be postponed until 1983. Mr. Balling stated that the Division of Water Resources, Department of Transportation, has authority over the channel itself and over the floodway. The MSD has jurisdiction with respect to sanitary sewers and storm water detention. In both cases , MSD and IDOT have ordinances which are more narrow in scope than the municipal ordinance. The representation that MSD approvals have been acquired are not relevant to the point, which is : how does the Village as a municipal corporation act with respect to the application? The other point is that the Park District knew of the 100' requirement before August or September of this year. Mr. Balling stated that he had an exhibit in his office which is dated 1978 which represents the 100 ' limitation, and it was presented and shared with the Park District with respect to pricing of the site. 5931 10/5/81 Mr. Balling stated that he did not think anyone left any of the meetings which were held with any question that the Village intended for its ordinances to be met. Trustee Marienthal pointed out that the Village tried to help the Park District in the acquisition of this site; many past and present Trustees helped in the passage of the Park District referendum. Mr. Balling pointed out that the problem is that the Village ordinances, which do not have clear variation authority, are not being met with respect to storm water detention and with respect to flood plain management. The issue is that the statutory floodway, which is the amount of land needed to reserve in its existing state which cannot be reconfigured, must be 100 ' from the center line of the Creek. It was stated by a resident that, what the Park District is planning to do to make the site a finished piece of land, should provide better run-off and flood control than now exists. Another resident stated that, if there is better flood control and run-off, then the intent of the ordinance has been satisfied. Trustee Hartstein asked Mr. Raysa if there is any question as to whether a park is or is not covered by these regulations. Mr. Raysa stated that there is no specific exemption for any park or publicly owned land. Trustee Hartstein asked Mr. Kuenkler if, in his professional opinion as an engineer, based upon the information that he has seen, there would be a flooding problem. Mr. Kuenkler responded that he has not had any calculations submitted ; he also stated that no single one development anywhere in the Village would have a significant impact on flooding. Trustee Gerschefske stated that it is impossible to have the Village Engineer form an opinion without calculations. Park Commissioner Karen Larson- stated that the Park District had a qualified architect draw up the plans andfigures which were submitted; she stated that they are detailed drawings. Mr. Roland Schapanski , architect for the Park District, pointed out the problem on a plan. Mr. Kuenkler gave a summary of the information requested and why it was requested. He stated that they had asked the Park District to give the Village cross sections of before and after conditions, along with a hydraulic analysis of the floodway in that area. Mr. Kuenkler stated that he did not think that anyone informed the Y./ Park District that the land had to be resurveyed. Mr. Schapanski stated that in other communities in which he has done work, the Park District informs the Village what they are going to do, and then goes ahead with the work. He said there is usually not approval by the city of the Park District development. A number of members of the BGRA stated that they felt the Village should allow the park to be built on the site because of the lack of active playgrounds for Park District programs. 5932 10/5/81 Trustee Hartstein stated that the issue here is the possible flooding of resident 's homes , and it is not something that the Village Board can treat lightly. Mr. Hartstein asked. Mr. Kuenkler if he thought that there is going to be a real problem with this situation; Mr. Kuenkler replied that he thinks there is good potential for problem. Mr. Bill Schwebke of the BGRA stated that the restrictions that are forthcoming will make the field un- useable next year; he also asked the Board to be aware of the dimensions necessary for baseball and soccer fields. President Clayton assured him that the entire Board is aware of the needs of the Park District, and also wants to see the park developed. President Clayton stated that, at the present time, this Board has not had the opportunity to discuss with the Village Attorney certain items which need to be discussed. By law, these items may be discussed in Executive Session. There is legal advice which the Board must have. Mrs. Clayton stated that the Board does want to resolve the problem. Mrs. Knaak stated that their attorney has given them the legal opinion that they are not subject to the Village ordinances with regard to the detention and the floodway. As far as the Park District is concerned, they are beginning construction tomorrow morning on everything except the concession stand. Moved by Hartstein, seconded by Gerschefske, to adjourn to EXECUTIVE Executive Session, with the understanding that the Board return SESSION to Open Session tonight with an explanation of this particular issue. Mr. Raysa 's opinion on whether or not it is appropriate to go into Executive Session on this subject was requested. Mr. Raysa stated that, based on the last paragraph of Mr. Sullivan 's letter, it would be an appropriate matter to discuss in Executive Session. Upon voice vote, all Trustees voted "Yes" except for Trustee O'Reilly, who voted "No". The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 10 :53 P.M. The Regular Meeting resumed at 12 : 14 A.M. Moved by Hartstein , seconded by Marienthal , to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance wich exempts the Park District from the 100' flood plain requirements with regard to the Emmerich Park East flood plain requirements , and that the Park District otherwise be required to comply with all Village ordinances. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES : 6 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein , Gerschefske, Schwartz NAYES : 0 - None Motion declared carried. Moved by Schwartz, seconded by Stone, to adjourn the meeting. ADJOURNMENT Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried, - The meeting was adjourned at 12: 15 A.M. *ft± atAilkt. u_ Janet M. S' abian , Village Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS 19- g DAY Chew , 1981 . • ViJJaae President _____