1981-06-15 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 5861 6/15/81 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS, HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, VILLAGE HALL, JUNE 15, 1981 . President Clayton called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. Roll call indicated the following present : President Clayton; ROLL CALL �•/ Trustees Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, and Gerschefske. Trustee Schwartz was absent. Also present were: William Balling, Village Manager; William Raysa , Village Attorney; William Sommer , Assistant Village Manager; William Brimm, Finance Director; Gregory Boysen, Director of Public Works; Raymond Rigsby, Superintendent of Public Works; Richard Kuenkler, Village Engineer; James Truesdell , Village Planner; Police Chief Harry Walsh; Paul Kochendorfer, Village Treasurer. Moved by Hartstein, seconded by O'Reilly, to approve the APPROVAL OF minutes of the June 1 , 1981 Regular Meeting. The following MINUTES correction was made to the minutes: Page 5852: The polling regarding handgun control should show that Trustee Stone was absent, and that Trustee O'Reilly voted "No". Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 4 - Marienthal , O'Reilly, Hartstein , President Clayton NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz ABSTAIN: 2 - Stone, Gerschefske Mr. Brimm read Warrant #455. Moved by Stone, seconded by WARRANT #455 Gerschefske, to approve Warrant #455 in the amount of $629,433.67 , authorizing payment of bills listed . After discussion on removing the fuel purchase from Lake Cook Farm Supply from the Warrant until a report is forthcoming from staff, President Clayton polled the Board : "Yes" indicates favor of removing the fuel purchase from the Warrant ; "No" indicates opposition: YES: Marienthal , O'Reilly, Gerschefske NO: Stone, Hartstein ABSENT: Schwartz Trustee Stone amended the motion to approve Warrant #455 minus $16,547.98 to Lake Cook Farm Supply (Vendor #051251 ) ; Trustee Gerschefske seconded the amendment. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried . Mr. Balling stated that the information will be ready, and the item will be back on the Warrant for July 6, 1981 . i 5862 6/15/81 President Clayton stated that a Certificate of Appreciation CERTIFICATE OF is being given to Christopher Palmer for his service on the APPRECIATION Fire and Police Commission. Mr. Palmer has moved out of state, and President Clayton noted the Village's appreciation for his service. President Clayton appointed Dwight Hall to the Blood Commission BLOOD COMMISSION for a term to expire April 30, 1984. Moved by Hartstein, APPOINTMENT seconded by O'Reilly, to concur with President Clayton's appointment. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. President Clayton introduced the new reporter from the Herald, HERALD REPORTER Karen Huelsman, to the Board and the audience, and welcomed her to the meetings. Trustee Hartstein noted the information in tonight 's packets NORTRAN relating to a request from Nortran for a loan of $10,000, and asked the Village's representative to Nortran, Mr. Robert Pinzur, to give the Board the details of this request. Mr. Pinzur first explained to the Board the steps that Nortran has taken to avoid a shut-down. Mr. Pinzur stated that the Nortran Board voted to ask each member community for a loan, the amount being determined by the size of the community; Buffalo Grove is being asked to loan Nortran $10,000. The money that would be gained by these loans would be used only as a last resort, i .e. if there were no other funds available, and if the union and the staff refused to take a deferral of wages. North Suburban Mass Transit District would sign a note, which would be non-interest bearing. Under the agreement with the RTA, Nortran is not authorized to sign a note which includes interest without RTA approval . An immediate request would be made for RTA approval to pay interest on the loans, if the communities desired interest. Mr. Pinzur stated that the City of Evanston was very much in favor of the loan, although no formal action has been taken; it is also anticipated that Des Plaines and Skokie will act favorably on the loans. Mr. Pinzur suggested that Buffalo Grove take the first formal action , and be the impetus for the entire district to make the loan commitments. Mr. Pinzur also suggested that Buffalo Grove commit a loan, making it con- tingent on payments of contributions from other communities in excess of $70,000, and also contingent on the fact that no monies will be turned over from Buffalo Grove until the need is there. It has also been suggested that each rider on Nortran be charged a 25 surcharge. Mr. Pinzur believes it is important to make an immediate decision regarding the loan so that the funds will be available if needed. Mr. Pinzur then explained the con- tingency plans in the event that the Milwaukee Road and the Northwestern Railroads shut down. Mr. Pinzur estimated that , if loans were received from a substantial number of communities, Nortran would be able to run for at least another 2 weeks. The loan repayments to the communities would be the #1 priority, after the FICA taxes have been paid, which Mr. Pinzur suggested 5863 6/15/81 be another contingency of the loan. Mr. Pinzur did admit that , as with any loan, there is the possibility of default. He said that the loan would not have anything to serve as collateral , because Nortran does not own their equipment; Nortran equipment is owned by the RTA. In answer to aquestion regarding buses seen runningempty, 9 9 P Y, Mr. Pinzur explained that the buses are empty at the beginning and the end of the runs; and that the drivers are under contract and must be paid anyway. He stated that he would be reluctant to eliminate any runs , since the Transportation Commission worked very hard to get these runs, and once they are eliminated, they would be difficult to restart. A polling was taken, with each Trustee giving their general position on the loan, and what type of conditions they would feel to be appropriate: Trustee Marienthal - would consider an interest-bearing note, with collateral Trustee Stone - would consider with collateral Trustee O'Reilly - would not consider a loan at all Trustee Hartstein - would consider a loan with the type of contingencies suggested by Mr. Pinzur Trustee Gerschefske - would consider a loan with interest and collateral Mr. Pinzur suggested that the Board take some affirmative action, by voting for an interest-bearing note with collateral , and then let Nortran present that to the RTA. Mr. Raysa stated that not all of the 21 municipalities in Nortran are Home Rule, and he questioned whether or not those non-Home Rule municipalities would have the power to make a loan. Mr. Pinzur stated that he would look into that and get an answer for Mr. Raysa. Mr. Raysa stated that if these loans are made by the 21 municipalities, he would like to see all 21 municipalities set up the loan the same way. Mr. Pinzur pointed out that Nortran is a public, rather than a private, body. Mr. Raysa stated that public funds could not be used for a private purpose. Mr. Raysa also stated that there was no appropriation or line item for this loan. Mr. Pinzur stated that he would check into the possibility of the RTA co- signing the note. Mr. Raysa stated that he would want to talk with the other municipalities, and said that he cannot at this time give a definite legal opinion regarding the loan of money to 2111-AD 5864 6/15/81 Moved by Hartstein, seconded by Marienthal , to direct our Nortran representative to explore the possibility of a secured and interest-bearing loan co-signed by RTA or its successor in connection with the loan request , with the understanding that any action by this Board in the event that such was a possibility would be subject to further review as to legal ramifications by our Village Attorney. Discussion regarding possible types of security and the possible 25 surcharge followed. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. Trustee Stone reported that the Northwest Municipal Conference CATS COUNCIL OF has elected President Clayton to represent the Northwest MAYORS Council on the Executive Committee of the CATS Council of Mayors. At the Executive Committee Meeting on June 8, President Clayton was elected Vice President of the Council of Mayors, and as such will represent the 262 Mayors on the CATS Work Program Committee. Also, on June 18th, President Clayton, as Vice-Chairman of CATS, will travel to Washington, D.C. and appear before the Senate Subcommittee on Transportation to support the continued consideration of the FAU Program. President Clayton stated that she looks forward to reporting to the Board on her trip to Washington. Mr. Balling reported on the staff investigation of a complaint PARKING COMPLAINT regarding parking by Mr. Huso of Golfview Terrace. Chief Walsh GOLFVIEW TERRACE was also available for comment . It was determined that Chief Walsh's memo on the subject was very thorough, and , therefore, there were no questions from Trustees. President Clayton asked if there were any questions from the QUESTIONS FROM audience. There were none. THE AUDIENCE President Clayton explained the Consent Agenda, and stated CONSENT AGENDA that any member of the Board or the audience could request that an item be removed for full discussion. It was requested that Items XI , I ; and XII , A be removed from Consent. Moved by Stone, seconded by O'Reilly, to pass Resolution #81 -28, RESOLUTION #81-28 establishing prevailing wages. Illinois Statutes require (Prevail`ing Wages) municipalities to verify prevailing wages on an annual basis . Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES: 0 None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. Moved by Stone, seconded by O'Reilly, to pass Resolution #81-29, RESOLUTION #81 -29 Banking Resolution (wire transfers Bank of Elk Grove) . The (Bank/Wire Trans.) , subject resolution specifically permits wire transfers of deposited funds for Village purposes. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: 5865 6/15/81 AYES : 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried . Moved by Stone, seconded by O'Reilly, to pass Resolution #81 -30, RESOLUTION #81-30 appropriating funds for signal improvement (Busch/Checker/IL.83) . S gna1I mprove- The Village of Buffalo Grove, in our FY 81-82 budget, provides ment for $6,000 of Village funds to partially pay for this $90,000 project. The additional $10,000 from budget will be made up by reducing this contract reconstruction program which is being transferred from S . Raupp Blvd. to Busch/Checker resurfacing. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES: 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O 'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. Moved by Stone, seconded by O'Reilly, to pass Resolution #81 -31 , RESOLUTION #81-31 approving plans and specifications and accepting agreement (Busch/Checker) (Busch/Checker/IL 83) . IDOT requires a written agreement IL 83) - prior to their financial participation in local projects. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O' Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. Moved by Stone, seconded by O'Reilly, to pass Ordinance #81 -31 , ORDINANCE #81 -31 amending title 10 of the Municipal Code (speed along Busch/ (Speed 'Limits�3 Checker Roads) . This ordinance clarifies the speed limit on Checker Road and Checker Drive and establishes a municipal speed limit on Busch Road. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES : 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. Moved by Stone, seconded by O' Reilly, to reject all bids for VEHICLE BID Building & Zoning sedan; Fire Department station wagon; and REJECTION Public Works 4-wheel drive vehicle. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES: 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. Moved by Marienthal , seconded by O'Reilly, to pass Ordinance ORDINANCE #81-32 #81-32, accepting amendment to annexation agreement (Grove (Grove Terrace Terrace Condominiums) . The Second Amendment will be dated Condos) June 15, 1981 . Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows : AYES : 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O 'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. 5866 6/15/81 Moved by Marienthal , seconded by Gerschefske, to pass Ordinance ORDINANCE #81-33__ #81 -33, amending Ordinance #78-47 and #79-7 (Grove Terrace (Grove Terrace Condominiums) . Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: Condos) AYES: 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O 'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. Moved by Stone, seconded by O ' Reilly, to pass Resolution #81 -33, RESOLUTION #81-33 concerning the Land & Lakes Landfill to respond to IEPA and (Land & Lakes VAGA. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: Landfill ) AYES: 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefkse NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. Trustee Hartstein highlighted the contents of Mr. Truesdell 's ORDINANCE #81-34 memo to Mr. Balling of June 11 , 1981 , subject ZONING ORDINANCE (Zoning Ordinance AMENDMENT - ARTICLE XIII , SECTION 4. Trustee Stone stated his Amendment) disapproval of this change in the Zoning Ordinance. Discussion on the pros and cons of thi's amendment to the Zoning Ordinance followed. Moved by Hartstein, seconded by Gerschefske, to pass Ordinance #81-34, amending the Buffalo Grove Zoning Ordinance to provide variation authority for the B-5 district. Mr. Raysa pointed out that the Zoning Ordinance cannot be amended until there is a Public Hearing. Trustee Marienthal stated that he wished to be sure that any variations would come before the Board of Trustees. President Clayton pointed out that the Plan Commission would still be handling the plan as they have in the past; however, if a plan they are looking at needs a varation , this provides the mechanism for that. Trustee Hartstein noted that the Board of Trustees could accept or reject any recommenda- tion from the ZBA. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 4 - Marienthal , O'Reilly, Hartstein , Gerschefske NAYES : 1 - Stone ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. Trustee O'Reilly stated her concern with the choice of the ORDINANCE #81-35 north/west side of Checker Drive being a "no parking" area; (No parkingon she explained the problems that this would cause in relation IL $3, Busch & to Willow Grove School traffic. Mr. Boysen explained the Checker Dr.) reason that the proposed ordinance was written as such . Moved by O'Reilly, seconded by Stone, to pass Ordinance #81-35, amending title 10 Buffalo Grove Municipal Code (No Parking on �.i IL 83, Busch and Checker Drive) , with the following changes: Section 2; Paragraph 34; 1st line to read: "On the south and east sides of Checker Drive," 3rd line to read: "83, and on the west side of Checker Drive,". In order to comply with the plans and specifications for the Busch/Checker/83 interchange improve- ment, no parking restrictions must be posted. In order to satisfy the FAU requirements in connection with the Busch/Checker resurfacing, parking must be restricted generally to one side only. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: 5867 6/15/81 AYES : 5 - Marienthal , Stone, O ' Reilly, Hartstein , Gerschefske NAYES : 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. Trustee Marienthal stated his reasons for requesting that PUBLIC WORKS the High Velocity Sewer Cleaner and Aerial Tower bid award EQUIPMENT BID be removed from Consent Agenda. Mr. Balling and Mr. Rigsby AWARD went into detail as to why these items should be replaced. Moved by Gerschefske, seconded by Hartstein, to award bids for a High Velocity Sewer Cleaner to Hillsman Equipment for $21 ,089; and for a 50' Aerial Tower with chipper to Illinois Truck & Equipment for $49,380. The FY 81-82 and reserves in the Central Garage Fund more than adequately cover the purchase of these pieces of equipment for the Department of Public Works . The sewer cleaner is being traded rather than auctioned since the equipment must be removed and replaced on chassis. The aerial bucket is being traded because it is a reasonable trade in value. Upon roll call , Trustees voted as follows: AYES : 4 - Stone, O'Reilly, Hartstein, Gerschefske NAYES: 1 - Marienthal ABSENT: 1 - Schwartz Motion declared carried. Moved by O 'Reilly, seconded by Hartstein, to adjourn to ADJOURNMENT Executive Session to discuss personnel . Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:50 P.M. The Executive Session terminated at 10:20 P.M. Janet (MX. Sirabian, Village Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS w DAY OF , 1981 . In11age President