1998-12-21 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 10291 12/21/98 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD. BUFFALO GROVE. ILLINOIS ON MONDAY DECEMBER 21. 1998 CALL TO ORDER The Village Clerk called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following present: Trustees Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks and Glover. President Mathias and Trustee Reid were absent. Also present were: William Balling, Village Manager; William Raysa, Village Attorney; Lee Szymborski, Assistant Village Manager; William Brimm, Finance Director; Phil Versten, Administrative Assistant; Gregory Boysen, Director of Public Works; Raymond Rigsby, Superintendent of Public Works; Robert Pfeil, Village Planner; Richard Kuenkler, Village Engineer; Carmen Molinaro, Director of Golf Operations; and Joseph Tenerelli, Village Treasurer. TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN Moved by Glover, seconded by Hendricks, to appoint Trustee Rubin as Temporary Chairman for tonight's meeting. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Glover, seconded by Hendricks, to approve the minutes of the December 7, 1998 Regular Meeting. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 -Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 -Reid Motion declared carried. WARRANT#876 Mr. Tenerelli read Warrant#876. Moved by Braiman, seconded by Glover, to approve Warrant#876 in the amount of$2,517,006.99, authorizing payment of bills listed. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 - Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 -Reid Motion declared carried. NORTHWEST SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION Temporary Chairman Rubin reported on a recent meeting of the Northwest Special Recreation Association. TOGETHER WE CAN Temporary Chairman Rubin reported on efforts to enforce teen smoking laws, particularly in restaurants. COMMISSION FOR RESIDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Mr. Szymborski reported on a complaint received from a member of the Commission for Residents with 10292 12/21/98 Disabilities with regard to handicapped parking at the theaters in Lincolnshire; this is being discussed with the owners of the theaters. ROUTE 83/LAKE COOK ROAD Trustee Braiman noted a serious accident which recently took place at Route 83 and Lake Cook Road; he suggested reducing the speed limit surrounding the intersection, and also a "double red" light for at least a couple of seconds. Mr. Balling stated that staff will investigate these suggestions. METRA Trustee Marienthal stated that he has written two letters to Metra regarding additional trains which were promised. MANAGEMENT REPORT Mr. Balling noted the submittal of the Management Report for the month of November, 1998; there were no questions on same. SIGNATURES Mr. Balling stated that he was giving a signature designation form sent by President Mathias to the Village Clerk so that the ordinances passed tonight relating to tax abatements may be signed by Mr. Balling. MANCHESTER GREEN Mr. Balling stated that a lien release document regarding the expenses related to the Manchester Subdivision was received Friday afternoon; the condominium association will repay the Village $80,000 for legal fees; this release has been reviewed and approved by the Village Attorney; he asked that the Board accept this proposal by motion. Moved by Braiman, seconded by Glover to accept the lien release as stated by Mr. Balling, in the amount of $80,000. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 -Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 -Reid Motion declared carried. 9UESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Rob Sherman commented on several sections of Lake Cook Road where he believe the speed limits should be addressed, with some being too fast and others being too slow; staff will review Mr. Sherman's suggestions. CONSENT AGENDA Temporary Chairman Rubin explained the Consent Agenda, stating that any items on the Consent Agenda may be removed by a Board member or member of the audience for full discussion. Temporary Chairman Rubin read a brief summary of each item on the Consent Agenda. Trustee Braiman abstained on Item XI.A. Moved by Trustee Glover, seconded by Trustee Hendricks to approve the Consent Agenda. RESOLUTION 98-47-Bikeway Overpass Motion to pass Resolution 98-47, indemnifying the Buffalo Grove Park District on the proposed Illinois Route 83 Bikeway Overpass at Farrington Drive. 10293 12/21/98 RIVERWALK PHASE 2 Motion to approve a Certificate of Initial Acceptance and approval -Riverwalk Phase 2. COUNCIL CHAMBERS VIDEO DISPLAY SYSTEM-Award of Bid Motion to approve the Award of Bid-Council Chambers Video Display System. SCHOOL DISTRICT#102 -Fee Waiver Motion to Approve a request for permit fee for the installation of activity announcement signs at four schools in the Aptakisic-Tripp School District#102. CONGREGATION BETH AM-Aesthetics Motion to accept the Appearance Commission Recommendation: Congregation Beth AM, 225 North McHenry Road-revised elevations, materials and colors. BUFFALO GROVE TOWN CENTER-Aesthetics Motion to accept the Appearance Commission Recommendation: Buffalo Grove Town Center Burger King- architecture, materials, colors, landscaping and lighting. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 -Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 -Reid Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE#98-96-TAX ABATEMENTS Mr. Balling and Mr. Brimm summarized the tax abatement strategy for the next seven ordinances, details of which are contained in Mr. Brimm's memo to Mr. Balling of November 24, 1998. Moved by Glover, seconded by Hendricks, to pass Ordinance#98-96, abating a portion of the taxes levied for General Corporate Purposes for the Village of Buffalo Grove. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 - Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Reid Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE#98-97-TAX ABATEMENT Moved by Hendricks, seconded by Glover, to pass Ordinance#98-97, abating a portion of the taxes levied for the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund for the Village of Buffalo Grove. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 - Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 -Reid Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE 98-98 - Tax Abatement Moved by Glover, seconded by Hendricks, to pass. Ordinance#98-98, abating a portion of the taxes levied for the Corporate Purpose General Obligation Bonds - Series 1992 of the Village of Buffalo Grove. 10294 12/21/98 Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 -Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0 -None ABSENT: 1 -Reid Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE#98-99-TAX ABATEMENT Moved by Glover, seconded by Hendricks, to pass Ordinance#98-99, abating a portion of the taxes levied for the Corporate Purpose General Obligation Bonds- Series 1984 of the Village of Buffalo Grove. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 -Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 -Reid Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE#98-100-TAX ABATEMENT Moved by Glover, seconded by Marienthal, to pass Ordinance#98-100, abating a portion of the taxes levied for the Corporate Purpose General Obligation Bonds - Series 1993-A of the Village of Buffalo Grove. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 -Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0- None ABSENT: 1 -Reid Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE#98-101 -TAX ABATEMENT Moved by Glover, seconded by Hendricks, to pass Ordinance#98-101, abating a portion of the taxes levied for the Corporate Purpose General Obligation Bonds -Series 1994 of the Village of Buffalo Grove. Upon roll Call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 -Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0- None ABSENT: 1 -Reid Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE#98-102-TAX ABATEMENT Moved by Glover, seconded by Hendricks, to pass Ordinance#98-102, abating a portion of the taxes levied for the Corporate Purpose General Obligation Bonds -Series 1995-A of the Village of the Buffalo Grove. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: �•/ AYES: 5 - Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0- None ABSENT: 1 - Reid Motion declared carried. Trustee Braiman commended staff, and particularly Mr. Brimm, for the excellent job which he has done; he also noted that, although Buffalo Grove is not legally bound by the tax cap, the Village has been under the allowed amount ever since the tax cap was enacted. 10295 12/21/98 ZALE/RIVER OAKS SUBDIVISION Mr. Balling introduced this topic. Gordon White, Vice President of Land Development with Zale, briefly reviewed the changes which they have made. John Martin, JEN Land Design, made a presentation to the Board describing the new plan, details of this presentation are contained in Mr. Pfeil's memo to Mr. Balling of December 17, 1998. During his presentation, Mr. Martin referred to the Site Plan and the Landscape Plan. Trustees expresses concern with the trees on the property and asked that the Plan Commission deal very carefully with preserving as many trees as possible on the site. Trustee Braiman stated that he does not like the idea of not putting in a sidewalk; he suggested a joint workshop between the Plan Commission and the Appearance Commission to work on the landscaping. Mr. White stated that they fully expected to provide sidewalks on Prairie within the frontage of their property; to provide turn lanes for the left turn movements into their subdivision; and also street lights. Moved by Braiman, seconded by Hendricks, to refer the proposed River Oaks Subdivision/Zale Development of the Krueger and Sislow properties to the Plan Commission for review, subject to the comments made by the Board tonight. Mr. Martin stated that they do have flexibility in working with grading. Trustee Glover stated that she does like the layout of the subdivision; she does think that sidewalks are important; and she wanted everyone to be aware of the status of the pending litigation with the Courtyards at Woodlands Condominium Association. Trustee Braiman stated that he would be happy to look at variations in order to have the advantages of the sidewalks and also keep the character they are seeking. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 -Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 -Reid Motion declared carried. NORTHWEST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL HEALTHCARE CENTER Mr. Balling noting that the developer is not quite ready at this point, so this item will be postponed until January, 1999. FY 1999-00 CENTRAL GARAGE BUDGET Mr. Balling briefly reviewed the process for the Central Garage Budget. Mr. Rigsby then made a presentation to the Board of the FY 1999-00 Central Garage Budget, details of which are contained in Mr. Rigsby's memo to Mr. Boysen of November 19, 1998. RESOLUTION#98-48-FY 1999 GOLF BUDGET Mr. Balling made a presentation on the FY 1999 Golf Budget, and began by highlighting golf in Buffalo 10296 12/21/98 Grove; he reviewed the revenues and expenditures of this budget, after which he answered questions from the Board. Mr. Molinaro then summarized the marketing campaign to be launched for the golf courses, and he ended by answering questions from the Board. Moved by Glover, seconded by Marienthal, to pass Resolution#98-48, approving the Fiscal Year 1999 Budget for the Buffalo Grove Golf Club and Arboretum Golf Course funds. Mr. Balling briefly reviewed the various stages in the budget process, and the current status of that process, details of which are contained in Mr. Brimm's memo to him of December 21, 1998. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows AYES: 5 - Marienthal, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0- None ABSENT: 1 -Reid Motion declared carried. FY1999-00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Mr. Brimm reviewed the FY 1999-00-2003-2004 Capital Improvement Plan, details of which are contained in Mr. Brimm's memo to Mr. Balling of November 18, 1998. Mr. Brimm pointed out that this is just a plan, and all projects will be brought back to the Board a minimum of three times before finalization. GOLF FOOD SERVICE Mr. Balling reviewed this item, details of which are contained in Mr. Brimm's memo to him of December 21, 1998. Trustee Glover commented first on the process and then on each of the prospective operators. Moved by Glover, seconded by Marienthal, to accept the term sheet for Golf Food Service from Creative Hospitality, Inc. Trustee Braiman stated that he will abstain from discussion and voting on this subject since he has at one time represented one of the prospective operators. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 4 -Marienthal, Rubin, Hendricks, Glover NAYS: 0- None ABSTAIN: 1 - Braiman ABSENT: 1 -Reid Motion declared carried. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Glover, seconded by Braiman, to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:48 P.M. 10297 12/21/98 40 Um • i .acwv Jane�191. Sirabian, Village Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS ` DAY OF ; 19 1 illage Presi VILlAGE OF VILLAGE OF V?uffal o BUFFALO GROVE Gmm Fifty Raupp Blvd. Buffalo Grove,IL 60089-2196 Phone 847-459.2500 Fax 847-459-0332 TO: Village of Buffalo Grove Board of Trustees Village Clerk FROM: Sidney H. Mathias %id DATE: December 17, 1998 SUBJECT: Signature Designation As you are aware, I will be away from the area through the end of the calendar year. On December 21, 1998 a series of seven (7) ordinances will be considered by the Board abating a portion of the property taxes levied for 1998 originally part of Ordinance No. 98-83. These ordinances should be filed before the end of the calendar year to assure that the appropriate credits will be applied against the initial tax levy filed in November. Chapter 65 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes at Section 5/3.1-35-30 permits the Village President to designate his/her signature to any written instrument that requires the Village President's signature. Designating another individual requires notice to the Village Board stating the following: 1. Who is selected to sign, and 2. What instrument(s) the person has the authority to sign. The notice of designation shall be recorded in the minutes of the Village Board and shall be maintained by the Village Clerk. I would recommend that William R. Balling be designated to sign the tax levy abatements to be considered on Monday, December 21, 1998 once adopted by those trustees in attendance. A sample of my signature as required is included with this notice as signed by Bill as well as his signature. Your concurrence to this request is appreciated. snlimto LaWcuim -611k Sidney Olathias William R. Balling (by William R. Balling)