2016-05-02 - Village Board Special Meeting - Notice Meetine of the Village of Buffalo Grove Village Board Special Meetine CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION May Y,2016 at 7:15 PM t.Call to Order A.PledgeofAlleaiance PaddockPu6lications Inc. Y.Special Business � A.Award ot Bitl Bike Path &Parkin9 Lot Proiect ������ (Trostee Stein) 3.Quesfions}rom The Audiente Questionsfrom ihe audience are limifed to items fhat are not on the regular agentla. In accordance with Section Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of 2.02.070 of fhe Municipal i°�°�s'from�ihe�audlence wlll the State of Illinois,DOES HEREBY CERTIFY that it is the publisher sr;ou aru`�e10�rr°,�ed°osc°o�d of the DAILY HERALD.That said DAILY HERALD is a secular ��"ssues fha�f a�esrelevnnt newspaper and has been circulated daily in the Village(s)of fo Village business. All members af the P�b��� aa- A1 o�nquin,Antioch,Arlin on Hei��ts,Aurora,Barrin�ton, dressing the Viltage Board shall maintain proper deco- B3t7'lIl on Hills, Lake Barrington,North Barrington, SOUtIl B31Tlri�tOri, rum and refrain from mak- in9 disresaectfu� remarks Bartlett,Batavia,Buffalo Grove.Burlington,Campton Hills, or comments reiating to in- use�every attempt To nof be Carpentersville,Cary,Deer Park,Des Plaines, South El�in,East Dundee, repeTiTive of poinis fhaT have been made by others. EIbUI11,Elgin,Elk Grove VillaQe,Fox Lake,Fox River Grove.Geneva, The Village Boartl may re- fer o�Y matter of P�nr� Gilberts,Grayslake,Green Oaks,Gurnee,Hainesville,Hampshire, commenf to ihe Viliage Manager,Village staff or an Hanover Park,Hawthorn Woods,Hoffinan Estates,Huntley,Inverness, Opp�OpfiOYB OgBf1Cy f0� fB- 4�Adiournment Island Lake,Kildeer,Lake Villa.Lake in the Hills.Lake Zurich, The Villa9e Board will make every effort ro o«ornrno- Libertyville,Lincolnshire,Lindenhurst,Lon�Grove,Mt.Prospect, date all ifems on the agentla bY 10:30 p.m. The Board, Mundelein,Palatine,Prospect Heights,Rolling Meadows,Round Lake, does, however, reserve ihe right to defer consitleration Round Lake Beach,Round Lake Hei ,hts,Round Lake ark,Schaumbur of matters to another meet- � � � ��g should rne discussion Sleenv Hollow, St.Charles, Streamwood,Tower Lakes,Vernon Hills, run pasf 10:30 p.m. The Village of Bufialo Grove, ;� compliance Wrrn Volo,Wauconda,Wheeling,West Dundee,Wildwood, Sugar Grove, �he Americans with Disabil- ities Ac�,revuests tnat aer- NOit}l AUi0i3 sons wi�h disobililies, who require certoin accommo- dolions to allow ihem to ob- SBIve ond/OY pol'riCipOf@ iIl ihis meetina a have ques- tfons abouf the accessibili�y of�he mee�ing or iacilities, con�pci fhe ADA Coordina- for ot 459•?5?5 fo allow the County(ies)of Cook,Kane,Lake,McHenry Villaee to make reasona6le �:So 5 wo�;o�5 ror mo5e and State of Illinois,continuously for more than one year prior to the Apbil 27e2076(�39347Herald date of the first publication of the notice hereinafter referred to and is of general circulation throughout said Village(s),County(ies)and State. I further certify that the DAILY HERALD is a newspaper as defined in "an Act to revise the law in relation to notices"as amended in 1992 Illinois Compiled Statutes,Chapter 7150,Act 5,Section 1 and 5.T'hat a notice of which the annexed printed slip is a true copy,was published Apri127,2016 in said DAILY HERALD. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned,the said PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS,Inc.,has caused this certificate to be signed by,this authorized agent,at Arlington Heights,Illinois. PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS,INC. DAILY HERALD NEWSPAPERS BY G�.� Authorized Agent Control#4439347