2016-06-20 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 13053 06/20/2016 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS,50 RAUPP BOULEVARD,BUFFALO GROVE,ILLINOIS ON MONDAY,JUNE 20,2016 CALL TO ORDER President Sussman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following present: President Sussman;Trustees Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld,and Johnson. Also present were: Dane Bragg,Village Manager;William Raysa,Village Attorney;Jeff Stein,Assistant Village Attorney;Deputy Village Manager Jennifer Maltas;Scott Anderson,Director of Finance;Art Malinowski,Human Resource Director;Christopher Stilling,Director of Community Development;Nicole Woods,Village Planner; Evan Michel,Management Analyst;Brett Robinson,Director of Purchasing;Brian Sheehan,Building Commissioner;Mike Reynolds,Director of Public Works;Darren Monico,Village Engineer;Police Chief Casstevens;Deputy Chief Szos;Fire Chief Baker. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Johnson,seconded by Stein,to approve the minutes of the May 16,2016 Regular Meeting. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. Moved by Ottenheimer,seconded by Weidenfeld,to approve the minutes of the June 6,2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. Moved by Stein,seconded by Weidenfeld,to approve the minutes of the June 13,2016 Special Meeting. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None ABSTAIN: 1 —Berman Motion declared carried. WARRANT#1264 Mr. Anderson read Warrant#1264. Moved by Trilling,seconded by Ottenheimer,to approve Warrant#1264 in the amount of$4,410,011.07,authorizing payment of bills listed. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. 13054 06/20/2016 VILLAGE PRESIDENT'S REPORT Dr.Robert Hudson and Mrs.Charlene Chausis of Aptakisic-Tripp CCSD 102 shared some history and highlights from the B.A.S.I.C.Public Service Announcements,which addresses the areas of bullying,alcohol and drug education,social networking,internet safety,and cell phone and text usage. President Sussman read a Proclamation Supporting the Redefining Ready Campaign,declaring that the Village of Buffalo Grove supports the framework of multiple readiness indicators proposed in the Redefining Ready campaign to more accurately assess students'readiness to succeed in college,career and life. President Sussman then presented the Proclamation to the president of the School District 214 School Board,who spoke thanking the Board for their support. President Sussman read a Proclamation Commending Roman Mazur for Years of Dedicated Service to the Promotion of the Arts in Buffalo Grove and recognized Roman Mazur's contributions to the cultural enrichment of Buffalo Grove. President Sussman presented the Proclamation to Mr.Mazur,who then thanked the Board for the recognition. President Sussman read a Proclamation recognizing June as Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month,after which she presented the Proclamation to representatives of the Alzheimer's organization. President Sussman appointed Amy Au to the Planning&Zoning Commission. Moved by Johnson,seconded by Ottenheimer,to concur with President Sussman's appointment.Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling, Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. President Sussman recently attended a program entitled Celebrating Partnerships where outstanding volunteers were honored. Ernie Karge and Stuart Kanowitz were honored at this event,and President Sussman congratulated them on their achievements. RESOLUTION NO.2016-17—DR.THERESA DUNKIN Mr.Bragg read the proposed resolution congratulating Dr.Theresa Dunkin on her retirement as Superintendent of District 102. Moved by Trilling,seconded by Berman,to pass Resolution No.2016-17,congratulating Dr.Theresa Dunkin on her retirement as Superintendent of District 102. AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. Dr.Dunkin thanked the Board and the Village for this honor and for the wonderful spirit of cooperation and partnership that she has had with the Village of Buffalo Grove. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Chief Casstevens presented a brief history of the Buffalo Grove Police Department Canine Unit,after which he introduced our newest officer,Hogyn. Chief Casstevens then swore in Hogyn as the Buffalo Grove Canine Officer. Officer Hogyn was then presented with his badge and congratulated by the audience and the Board. Officer Hogyn's partner,Officer Baron,thanked the Board for their continued support of the canine program. 13055 06/20/2016 Mr.Bragg presented an update on the proposed flight departure changes at Chicago Executive Airport,and noted that a meeting is set up for this week to discuss the possible impact of these changes on Buffalo Grove. Rob Sherman,778 Stonebridge,stated the concerns that he has regarding the proposed changes and how he believes they are detrimental to the Village of Buffalo Grove. PUBLIC HEARING—20914&20926 N.MILWLAUKEE President Sussman called the Public Hearing regarding the Annexation Agreement for 20914&20926 N. Milwaukee Avenue to order at 8:13 P.M. Roll call indicated the following present: President Sussman,Trustees Berman,Trilling, Stein,Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld and Johnson. President Sussman read the Purpose of Public Hearing. Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Daily Herald on May 26,2016. Mr. Stilling reviewed the proposed annexation,details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview,as well as his memo to the Board of June 17,2016. Steven Elrod,Holland&Knight,counsel representing the developer,was sworn in to give testimony,after which he provided a brief background on the project. Mr.Elrod commended Mr.Raysa and Mr. Stilling for their work on this issue and noted that they are tremendous assets to the Village. Mr. Elrod stated that the version of the Annexation Agreement before the Board tonight is acceptable to the developer. • Jeff Silverman,MJR,owner/developer of the property,was sworn in to give testimony,after which he further elaborated on the proposed project. Mr.Elrod confirmed that they are prepared to deliver the cross access easement,and they are in hopes that the Village will use its good offices to help that become a reality. At 8:20 P.M.,President Sussman continued the Public Hearing until later on in the meeting. TRUSTEE REPORTS Trustee Johnson presented a background on the Textile Arts Competition,after which she announced the winners of the competition,Lynne Schneider,Valerie Koppenhaver,Judy Yublosky and Anne O'Donnell. The winners were present and presented with a certificate as they were congratulated by the audience and the Board. Trustee Johnson announced the 2016 Landscaping Contest,and noted that the deadline has been extended until June 30,2016. Trustee Johnson announced that Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band will be presenting several concerts over the summer. Trustee Johnson announced that Culver's had a grand re-opening today,and noted that Culver's owner,as well as representatives from the corporate office,complimented the Village of Buffalo Grove staff for working so quickly and easily to complete this renovation. Trustee Ottenheimer noted that the Buffalo Grove Action Team Green Fair will be taking place on Sunday,June 26,2016 in conjunction with the Farmer's Market. Trustee Stein announced the Farmer's Market began on June 12,2016 and urged residents to attend. 13056 06/20/2016 CONSENT AGENDA President Sussman explained the Consent Agenda,stating that any member of the audience or the Board could request that an item be removed for full discussion. The Village Clerk read a brief synopsis of each of the items on the Consent Agenda. Harassment Awareness Training Motion to authorize staff to seek proposals for Harassment Awareness Training. Sole Source Pavement Motion to authorize bid waiver for Sole Source Pavement Rejuvenation Services. Adjudication Software Motion to authorize bid waiver and negotiation with adjudication software vendors. Tile Flooring Replacements Motion to award bid for Tile Flooring Replacements. Ambulance and Fire Billing Motion to authorize execution of a contract for ambulance and fire billing. Landscaping Motion to award bid for landscaping. Resolution No.2016-18—Buffalo Creek Watershed Motion to pass Resolution No.2016-18,supporting the Buffalo Creek Watershed-Based Plan. Moved by Ottenheimer,seconded by Berman,to approve the Consent Agenda. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2016-34—ANNEXATION AGREEMENT Moved by Weidenfeld,seconded by Berman,to pass Ordinance No.2016-34,approving an Annexation Agreement for 20914&20926 N.Milwaukee Avenue,in accordance with materials contained in Board packets. Mr. Stilling reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview that he prepared,as well as his memo to the Board of June 17,2016,after which he answered questions from the Board;he confirmed that the draft Annexation Agreement dated 6/15/2016 is the document that has received approval from both parties. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson 13057 06/20/2016 NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. Moved by Weidenfeld,seconded by Berman,to close the Public Hearing. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. President Sussman closed the Public Hearing at 8:35 P.M. ORDINANCE NO.2016-35—ANNEXATION Moved by Weidenfeld,seconded by Johnson,to pass Ordinance No.2016-35,annexing 29014&20926 N. Milwaukee Avenue,in accordance with the agreement previously approved. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the motion: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2016-36—REZONING Moved by Weidenfeld,seconded by Johnson,to pass Ordinance No. 2016-36,approving a Rezoning to B-3 for the property at 20914&20926 N.Milwaukee Avenue. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2016-37—WOODMAN'S Moved byOttenheimer,seconded byBerman,topass Ordinance No.2016-37 approving a Development Agreement PP g P � with Woodman's Food Markets,Inc. Mr.Bragg extended appreciation to Mr. Stilling,Mr. Stein and the Woodman's team for the hours devoted to this project and the professionalism displayed by all parties. Mr. Stilling reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in his memo to the Board of June 16, 2016. Bret Backus,Vice President at Woodman's,shared information about Woodman's and what makes them unique,as well as their excitement at becoming a part of the Buffalo Grove community. Mr.Backus then answered questions from the Board. Mr.Bragg clarified that the agreement before the Board is subject to final approval by Mr.Raysa as well as the attorney for Woodman's. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. 13058 06/20/2016 WOODMAN'S DEVELOPMENT Moved by Berman,seconded by Ottenheimer,to refer the Woodman's Development to the Planning&Zoning Commission for review. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. 20914&20926 N.MILWAUKEE AVENUE Moved by Stein,seconded by Weidenfeld,to approve the Development Improvement Agreement for 20914& 20926 N.Milwaukee Avenue,in accordance with materials contained in Board packets. Mr.Monico noted that staff recommends approval of the Development Improvement Agreement. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. 2016 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Moved by Stein,seconded by Weidenfeld,to award bid for 2016 street improvement Project Phase III,in accordance with information contained in Board packets. Mr.Bragg reviewed the proposed bid award,after which he answered questions from the Board, Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE President Sussman reviewed the parameters to be followed by speakers,and asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight's agenda;there were no such questions. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Berman,seconded by Weidenfeld,to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote,the motion was unanimously declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. M. Sirabian,Village Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS 18th DAY OF July ,2016 Via resident