2016-02-22 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 13027 02/22/2016 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS,50 RAUPP BOULEVARD,BUFFALO GROVE,ILLINOIS ON MONDAY,FEBRUARY 22,2016 CALL TO ORDER President Sussman called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following present: President Sussman;Trustees Berman,Trilling, Stein,Ottenheimer,and Johnson. Trustee Weidenfeld was absent. Also present were: Dane Bragg,Village Manager;William Raysa,Village Attorney;Jeff Stein,Assistant Village Attorney;Jennifer Maltas,Deputy Village Manager; Scott Anderson,Director of Finance;Christopher Stilling, Director of Community Development;Nicole Woods,Village Planner;Evan Michel,Management Analyst;Brett Robinson,Director of Purchasing;Brian Sheehan,Building Commissioner;Mike Reynolds,Director of Public Works;Darren Monico,Village Engineer;Police Chief Casstevens;and Fire Chief Baker. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Ottenheimer,seconded by Johnson,to approve the minutes of the January 4,2016 Regular Meeting. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Berman,Trilling, Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Weidenfeld Motion declared carried. Moved by Trilling,seconded by Johnson,to approve the minutes of the February 1,2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Trustee Stein asked that the following comment be added to his response on the polling regarding directing an additional$20,000 toward entertainment at Buffalo Grove Days: "because he came in the middle of the discussion and had not heard all of the discussion". Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the amended motion: AYES: 4—Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson NAYS: 0—None ABSTAIN: 1 —Berman ABSENT: 1 —Weidenfeld Motion declared carried. WARRANT#1260 Mr. Anderson read Warrant#1260. Moved by Johnson,seconded by Ottenheimer,to approve Warrant#1260 in the amount of$6,967,744.26,authorizing payment of bills listed. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Weidenfeld 13028 02/22/2016 Motion declared carried. VILLAGE PRESIDENT'S REPORT Brian Shepard,Indian Trails Public Library Director,made a brief presentation to the Board regarding the library services,with an update on the expansion project that will commence next month. Elliott Hartstein,Chairman of the Arts Commission made a presentation to the Board regarding the results of their recent strategic planning process. President Sussman read a Proclamation recognizing Ernie Karge for his years of humble and faithful service to the residents of Buffalo Grove. Mr.Karge was then given an enthusiastic standing ovation by the audience and the Board, Fire Chief Baker and Police Chief Casstevens each presented a plaque to Mr.Karge in appreciation for the outstanding service that he has rendered to their departments. Former Village Presidents Braiman and Hartstein spoke in appreciation of the outstanding and tireless service that Ernie,and his wife,Joan have given to make Buffalo Grove a wonderful community. Mr.Karge expressed his appreciation for this honor and he thanked the Board and all the Police&Fire Commissioners with whom he has worked. He thanked his wife Joan for all of her support over the years,and again thanked everyone for this honor. President Sussman recognized the Stevenson High School Boys Bowling Team for winning the state bowling championship,and presented a certificate to each of the team's members. • President Sussman asked for a motion to approve appointments to Boards and Committees as presented. Moved by Berman,seconded by Stein,to concur with President Sussman's appointments. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Weidenfeld Motion declared carried. President Sussman congratulated a member of the Planning&Zoning Commission,Mitch Weinstein,whose daughter and her partner won the Silver Medal in the Junior Pairs National Championship. President Sussman attended an event where Congressman Hold introduced bipartisan legislation which will increase access to a life-saving antidote for heroin overdoses. Buffalo Grove Police Officers are now equipped with this antidote. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Chief Casstevens presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the volunteer semi-truck drivers that donated their time to drive over 2,500 cases of water to Flint,Michigan. The water was delivered to first responders in Flint,Michigan as part of the Buffalo Grove Police and Fire Department's Water Collection effort. Officer Harris coordinated this effort,which turned out to be much larger than anticipated. Chief Casstevens then presented the Certificates to the drivers who donated their time to deliver these truckloads of water. All were then congratulated and thanked by the audience and the Board. The President of the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove reviewed the criteria for the Police Officer of the Year Award. Chief Casstevens then reviewed the careers of the dual recipients of this year's award,Officers Anthony Turano and 13029 02/22/2016 Ross Valstyn. The officers were unable to be present tonight,but the awards were received by their supervisor,as the audience and the Board expressed their appreciation and congratulations. Chief Casstevens then recognized Officer Brian Hansen with a Special Commendation Award,sponsored by the Amvets Post,again presenting the award to his supervisor,as he also was congratulated by the audience and the Board. PUBLIC HEARING-TEXT AMENDMENT President Sussman called the Public Hearing concerning proposed amendments to the Village of Buffalo Grove Zoning Ordinance(Title 17 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code)concerning provisions related to Health Clubs, Physical Fitness Facilities,Martial Arts Studios,Physical Training Facilities,Yoga Establishments,Physical Culture and Health Services and other similar uses in the B 1,B2,B3,B4 and B5 Business Districts and in the I Industrial District,to order at 8:22 P.M. Roll call indicated the following present: President Sussman,Trustees Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer and Johnson. Trustee Weidenfeld was absent. Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Daily Herald on February 3,2016. Mr. Stilling reviewed the proposed text amendments. President Sussman asked if there were any comments or questions from the Board or the audience;there were none. At 8:24 P.M.,President Sussman continued the Public Hearing until the Village Board takes final action on the text amendments. TRUSTEE REPORTS The Village Clerk urged residents to take advantage of the opportunity to vote in the Primary Election on March 15,2016. Trustee Johnson noted that February is American Heart Month. Trustee Stein noted that Mitch Weinstein's daughter and her partner have been named to the U.S.Junior Pairs World Team to compete for the world championships. Trustee Stein noted that the Stevenson High School Patriettes dance team was runner-up in the IHSA Competitive Dance Contest. Trustee Stein reported that the Buffalo Grove High School Co-ed Cheer Team won the State Championship. Trustee Stein noted that a member of the Buffalo Grove High School won the State Championship in Bowling for Girls. CONSENT AGENDA President Sussman explained the Consent Agenda,stating that any member of the audience or the Board could request that an item be removed for full discussion. The Village Clerk read a brief synopsis of each of the items on the Consent Agenda. Fire Department Kitchen Renovations Motion to award bid for Fire Department Kitchen Renovations. Li 13030 02/22/2016 �./ Cartegraph Motion to award Contract Software Support Extension to Cartegraph. 2016 Street&Utility Improvement Projects Motion to approve an agreement for Soil and Construction Material Testing with Soil and Material Consultants,Inc. for 2016 Street&Utility Improvement Projects. Utility Equipment Motion to authorize bid waiver and purchase Utility Equipment—Sole Source. [ Salt Dome Motion to approve Salt Dome Change Order#3. Turnout Gear Motion to authorize purchase of Turnout Gear Joint Purchase. Replacement Vehicles Motion to authorize purchase of Replacement Vehicles through the SPC. Fire Truck 236 Motion to ratify emergency repairs to Fire Truck 236. Intergovernmental Agreement Motion to approve ordinance an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Palatine. Gewalt Hamilton Motion to authorize execution of an Agreement with Gewalt Hamilton Associates,Inc. for the 2016 Linden Avenue Force Main Improvement Project Design. Ordinance No.2016-4—Lake County Sewer Utility Sewer Fees Motion to pass Ordinance No.2016-4,updating Lake County Sewer Utility Sewer Fees. Ordinance No.2016-5—Surplus Village Personal Property Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2016-5,authorizing the disposal of Surplus Village Personal Property. Ordinance No.2016-6—Zoning Ordinance Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2016-6,approving an Amendment to Section 17.52 of the Buffalo Grove Zoning Ordinance. Resolution No.2016-2—Legislative Agenda L 13031 02/22/2016 Motion to pass Resolution No. 2016-2,supporting the Legislative Agenda of the IML and the NWMC. Resolution No.2016-3—Private Activity Bond Motion to pass Resolution No. 2016-3,ceding the 2015 Unused Private Activity Bond Volume Cap of the Village of Buffalo Grove to Lake County. Ordinance No.2016-7—Municipal Code Motion to pass Ordinance No.2016-7,amending Chapter 10 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code. Mr. Bragg noted that Items 8.B.and 8.E. should be made"subject to the approval of the Village Manager indicating that the change order is in the best interest of the Village of Buffalo Grove". Moved by Berman,seconded by Johnson,to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the Consent Agenda: AYES: 5—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Weidenfeld Motion declared carried. RESOLUTION NO.2016-4—STATE BUDGET Trustee Berman presented introductory comments to provide some context for the proposed resolution. �./ Moved by Berman,seconded by Ottenheimer,to pass Resolution No.2016-4,urging prompt adoption of a State Budget and Protection of Local Government Revenues. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Berman,Trilling, Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Weidenfeld Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2016-8—ZONING ORDINANCE Moved by Ottenheimer,seconded by Berman,to pass Ordinance No.2016-8,approving a Text Amendment to the Village of Buffalo Grove Zoning Ordinance. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Weidenfeld Motion declared carried. Moved by Stein,seconded by Berman,to close the Public Hearing. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Berman,Trilling, Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Weidenfeld Motion declared carried. President Sussman closed the Public Hearing at 8:46 P.M. 13032 02/22/2016 `./ ORDINANCE NO.2016-3—2950 N.MAIN STREET Moved by Ottenheimer,seconded by Berman,to pass Ordinance No.2016-3,approving a Special Use and Variation for a Tower at 2950 N.Main Street,in accordance with the terms of the informational materials provided to the Board. Mr. Stilling reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in Mr. Sheehan's memo to the Board of February 18,2016,after which he answered questions from the Board. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Weidenfeld Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2016-9-850 ASBURY Moved by Berman,seconded by Trilling,to pass Ordinance No.2016-9,granting Preliminary Plan Approval for 850 Asbury,in accordance with materials contained in Board packets and the draft ordinance dated 2/11/2016. Mr. Stilling reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in his memo to the Board of February 18,2016. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Berman,Trilling, Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Weidenfeld Motion declared carried. RESOLUTION NO.2016-5—ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLAN Trustee Ottenheimer thanked Mr. Stilling and Ms.Woods for all of their efforts in creating this document. Moved by Ottenheimer,seconded by Johnson,to pass Resolution No.2016-5,approving the 2016 Village of Buffalo Grove Economic Development Strategic Plan. Mr. Stilling summarized the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in Ms.Woods memo of February 18,2016;he also thanked the Board and all those involved in the creation of this plan. Mr. Stilling then answered questions from the Board. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson NAYS: 0—None ABSENT: 1 —Weidenfeld Motion declared carried. 2016 STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Moved by Stein,seconded by Ottenheimer,to award bid for 2016 Street and Utility Improvement Project. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: 13033 ` 02/22/2016 �./ AYES: 5-Berman,Trilling,Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson NAYS: 0-None ABSENT: 1 -Weidenfeld Motion declared carried. QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE President Sussman reviewed the parameters to be followed by speakers,and asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight's agenda. Leon Gopon,737 Bernard Drive,shared some observations about the State Budget. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Berman,seconded by Stein,to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote,the motion was unanimously declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:24 P.M. Jariet M. Sirabian,Village Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS 21st DAY OF March ,2016 - Vil ge resident onsi