2020-09-21 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes r r 13394 09/21/2020 MINUTES OF THE RESCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE HELD IN THE JEFFREY S.BRAIMAN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD,BUFFALO GROVE,ILLINOIS,AND VIA AUDIO/VIDEO CONFERENCING MONDAY,SEPTEBER 21,2020 CALL TO ORDER President Sussman called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. This meeting is being conducted via audio and video conferencing. ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following physically present: Trustees Stein,Weidenfeld,Ottenheimer,Johnson,Smith and Pike. President Sussman was present by audio/video conference. Also present in person and via audio/video were: Dane Bragg,Village Manager;Patrick Brankin,Village Attorney;Jenny Maltas,Deputy Village Manager;Chris Stilling,Deputy Village Manager;Chris Black,Director of Finance;Evan Michel,Management Analyst;Darren Monico,Village Engineer;Mike Reynolds,Director of Public Works;Brett Robinson,Director of Purchasing;Jessie Brown,Administrative Services Manager/ Assistant Village Clerk;Tyler Grace,Fire Management Analyst;Police Chief Casstevens;and Fire Chief Baker. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Johnson,seconded by Ottenheimer,to approve the minutes of the August 17,2020 Regular Meeting. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. Moved by Weidenfeld,seconded by Johnson,to approve the minutes of the August 31,2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0-None Motion declared carried. WARRANT#1319 Mr.Black read Warrant#1319. Moved by Johnson,seconded by Smith,to approve Warrant#1319 in the amount of$6,606,136.51 authorizing payment of bills listed. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. VILLAGE PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Sussman read a Proclamation recognizing the work of GiveNKind,a Buffalo Grove-based non-profit organization functioning as a broker by assisting the companies looking to offload canceled orders,surplus and other unused items in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. 13395 09/21/2020 Emily Petway,founder and Executive Director of GiveNKind,presented a brief background of the organization and thanked the Board for their support. Mr.Michel reviewed the staff recommendation for 2020 Trick-or-Treat in Buffalo Grove,details of which are contained in his memo to Mr.Bragg of September 17,2020. After Board discussion,it was determined that Buffalo Grove would not officially sanction trick-or-treating for 2020. However,it is understood that there will be community members that will ultimately participate,and staff recommends the hours of 3:00 to 7:00 P.M. along with a series of guidelines to ensure safety,as well as encouraging alternative creative methods to celebrate the holiday. Moved by Weidenfeld,seconded by Ottenheimer,to pass Resolution No.2020-46 extending Executive Order 2020-09. Mr.Bragg reviewed the proposed resolution. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Mr.Bragg noted that the Buffalo Grove Rotary Firefighter of the Year award will be presented at a later date. Chief Baker reviewed the backgrounds of new Firefighter/Paramedics Jacob Senese and Adam Schroeder, after which their badges were pinned on by family members as they were welcomed by the audience and the Board. Mr.Bragg presented staff recommendation as to the hearing regarding Kimberly Hauber's claim for benefits under the Public Safety Employee Benefits Act,and subsequently that the Village President appoint a hearing officer with concurrence by the Village Board for same,details of which are found in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview that he prepared. Village Attorney Brankin believes that Steven Bierig has the right experience to hold an impartial hearing on this matter and recommends Board approval of Mr.Bierig. Moved by Weidenfeld,seconded by Smith,to approve Mr.Brankin's recommendation to appoint Steven Bierig as Hearing Officer for the Hauber PSEBA Hearing. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. Mr.Bragg reviewed the staff changes to take place with the departure of the previous Deputy Village Clerk, recommending that Dane Bragg be appointed to the position of Deputy Village Clerk,with Jessie Brown acting as Administrative Services Manager/Assistant Village Clerk and also assisting with duties associated with the Village Clerk. Moved by Johnson,seconded by Ottenheimer,to concur with Mr.Bragg's recommendation. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. REPORTS FROM TRUSTEES 13396 09/21/2020 The Village Clerk noted that nominating petitions for the April 6,2021 Municipal Election may be circulated beginning tomorrow. There are three Trustee positions that are up for election,and she reviewed the criteria in order for a candidate to be placed on the ballot. The Village Clerk urged any resident who has not completed the 2020 Census to do so as soon as possible,since the deadline is fast approaching and each resident counted represents the receipt of significant federal money to be distributed to our local community. Trustee Ottenheimer reviewed the many accomplishments and contributions made to Buffalo Grove by Rick Kahen,who recently passed away. It was moved by Ottenheimer,and seconded by Stein,to re-name the Commission for Residents with Disabilities after Mr.Kahen. Since this item was not on tonight's agenda,the motion was withdrawn,and the item will be discussed at a later date. CONSENT AGENDA President Sussman explained the Consent Agenda,stating that any member of the audience or the Board could request that an item be removed for full discussion. The Village Clerk read a brief synopsis of each of the items on the Consent Agenda;there were no such requests. Proclamation—National Preparedness Month Motion to approve a Proclamation designating September 2020 to be National Preparedness Month. Sky Fitness Motion to approve the Certificate of Initial Acceptance and Approval for the Sky Fitness Development Improvements located at 1501 Busch Parkway. True North Development Motion to approve the Certificate of Initial Acceptance and Approval,True North Development located at 185 Milwaukee Avenue. Woodman's Unattended Fueling Station Motion to approve the Plat of Vacation and Easement for Woodman's Unattended Fueling Station located at 1515 Deerfield Parkway. Lake County DOT Motion to approve Letter of Concurrence for the Agreement with the Lake County Department of Transportation for the addition of a pedestrian crossing on Buffalo Grove Road south of Brandywyn Road. Ouiet Zone Motion to approve the establishment of the Canadian National Railroad Corridor Quiet Zone. Ground Emergency Medical Transport Motion to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Health and Human Services. Ordinance No.2020-62—Fees&Fines L 13397 09/21/2020 v Motion to pass Ordinance No.2020-62,an ordinance amending the Fees&Fines schedules and related text amendments to the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code. Ordinance No.2020-63-Software Motion to pass Ordinance No.2020-63,authorizing the Village Manager to execute an amendment to the current Agreement with Vector Solutions/Target Solutions in a total amount not to exceed$31,800.26,pending final review and approval by the Village Attorney. Ordinance No 2020-64—Snow Plow Wing Retrofit Motion to pass Ordinance No.2020-64,authorizing the retro-fit of vehicle unit#418 with a wing plow and controls at a not-to-exceed price of$39,099.00 from Bonnell Industries of Dixon,Illinois. Ordinance No.2020-65—Clarke Environmental Motion to pass Ordinance No.2020-65,authorizing the execution of an Agreement with Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management,Inc.at a not-to-exceed price of$53,000.00 for Fiscal Year 2021. Ordinance No.2020-66—Coarse Aggregate Material Motion to pass Ordinance No.2020-66,authorizing the Village Manager to execute a contract,pending review and approval by the Village Attorney,with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder,G&M Trucking,at an annual amount not to exceed$87,350.00. Ordinance No.2020-67—Computer Purchase Motion to pass Ordinance No.2020-67,authorizing the Village Manager to purchase computers from Dell in an amount not to exceed$37,643.57. Ordinance No.2020-68—Vehicle Repair Motion to pass Ordinance No.2020-68,authorizing the Village Manager to expend$29,312.69 with a contingency in the amount of$5,862.31 with Fire Service Inc. Ordinance No.2020-69—Toughbook Motion to pass Ordinance No.2020-69,authorizing the Village Manager to order Panasonic Toughbooks through the State of Illinois Central Management Services contract CMS701124A in accordance with the Illinois Governmental Joint Purchasing Act(30 ILCS525/0.01 et seq.)in a total not-to-exceed amount of$73,035.00. Ordinance No.2020-70—Ciorba IICP Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2020-70,authorizing the execution of an Agreement with Ciorba Group at a price not to exceed$244,827.60 over the next five years,subject to review and approval of the Agreement by the Village Attorney. Resolution No.2020-42—Cook County CARES IGA Motion to pass Resolution No.2020-42,approving an Inter-Governmental Agreement with Cook County for reimbursements related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Resolution No.2020-43—Lake County Easement 13398 09/21/2020 Motion to pass Resolution No.2020-43,consideration for an Easement Assignment to Lake County to officially maintain a storm sewer related to Buffalo Grove Road and Aptakisic Road. Resolution No.2020-44—2020 Position Classification Motion to pass Resolution No. 2020-44,to approve the revised 2020 pay ranges for employees of the Village of Buffalo Grove. Resolution No.2020-45—Closed Session Minutes Motion to pass Resolution No.2020-45,relating to the semi-annual review of Closed Session Minutes. It was requested that Item 8.G. Ground Emergency Medical Transport Supplemental Payment be removed from the Consent Agenda. Moved by Ottenheimer,seconded by Smith,to approve the Consent Agenda minus Item 8.G. Ground Emergency Medical Transport Supplemental Payment. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the amended Consent Agenda: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2020-71—FIRE STATION 26 Moved by Smith,seconded by Johnson,to pass Ordinance No.2020-71,authorizing the Village Manager to �✓ execute a contract with Engineered Services,Inc.for Fire Station 26 Generator Replacement at a base amount not to exceed$75,136.00,pending final review and approval of the agreement by the Village Attorney,with staff also requesting that the Village Manager be authorized to control a contingency of$12,000.00 only to be expended in the event of issues that may arise as the generator is integrated into existing architecture. Mr.Robinson reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview that he prepared. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2020-72—SCADA Moved by Pike,seconded by Smith,to pass Ordinance No.2020-72,SCADA Support Services,authorizing execution of an agreement with Concentric Integration for supervisory control and data acquisition maintenance services and software maintenance support in an amount not to exceed$85,700.00,pending final review and approval of the agreement by the Village Attorney. Mr.Robinson reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in his memo to Mr.Bragg of August 26,2020. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None r _ _._ _ 13399 09/21/2020 Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2020-73—STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE Moved by Pike,seconded by Johnson,to pass Ordinance No.2020-73,authorizing the Village Manager to execute a contract,pending review and approval by the Village Attorney,with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder,Aldridge Electric,in an amount not to exceed$254,689.45. Mr.Robinson reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in his memo to Mr.Bragg of September 16,2020. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the motion: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2020-74—MICROSOFT OFFICE Moved by Johnson,seconded by Stein,to pass Ordinance No.2020-74,authorizing Microsoft software licensing to be acquired through the Illinois Central Management Services(CMS)purchasing program from Dell in accordance with the Illinois Governmental Joint Purchasing Act at an annual cost of$47,804.86 and three-year total cost of$143,414.57. Ms. Maltas reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in her memo to the Board of September 17,2020,after which she answered questions from the Board. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Stein,Ottenheimer,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 1—Weidenfeld Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2020-75—AMBULANCE PURCHASE Moved by Smith,seconded by Johnson,to pass Ordinance No.2020-75,authorizing that the replacement vehicle be acquired through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative program in accordance with the Illinois Governmental Joint Purchasing Act in a total not-to-exceed amount of$379,539.00. Mr.Robinson reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which may be found in Chief Baker's memo dated September 8,2020 to Mr.Bragg. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the motion: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2020-76—2020 BUDGET AMENDMENT Moved by Stein,seconded by Ottenheimer,to pass Ordinance No.2020-76,formally adopting the Village's Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Amendments,in accordance with materials contained in Board packets. 13400 09/21/2020 Mr.Black reviewed the proposal,details of which are contained in his memo of September 17,2020 to Mr.Bragg. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the motion: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. 2019 AUDIT Moved by Weidenfeld,seconded by Ottenheimer,to accept the 2019 Annual Audit presented by the Village's Auditor,Lauterbach and Amen. Mr.Black reviewed the proposed acceptance. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the motion: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. SNOW&ICE REMOVAL Moved by Pike,seconded by Smith,to reject all bids,negotiate with vendors for some services,and continue to have Public Works provide the majority of snow removal services for the Village of Buffalo Grove. Mr.Robinson reviewed the proposal,details of which are contained in his memo of September 2,2020 to Mr.Bragg. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the motion: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. 700 E.LAKE COOK ROAD Moved by Johnson,seconded by Weidenfeld,to refer the redevelopment of 700 E.Lake Cook Road to the Planning&Zoning Commission for review and consideration. Mr.Stilling reviewed the proposed redevelopment of 700 E.Lake Cook Road,details of which are contained in his memo to Mr.Bragg of September 17,2020. Rick Heidner,Heidner Properties,Inc.reviewed the preliminary plans for the proposed Ricky Rockets development,after which he and Mr. Stilling answered questions from the Board. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the motion: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. GROUND EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT PAYMENT i 1 13401 09/21/2020 Moved by Smith,seconded by Johnson,to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Health and Human Services to alter the payment structure for Medical Ambulance Transports. Mr.Grace reviewed the proposal,details of which are contained in the memo from Chief Baker to Mr.Bragg and Mr.Black,after which he answered questions from the Board. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows on the motion: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE President Sussman reviewed the parameters to be followed by speakers and asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight's agenda;there were no such questions. EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved by Ottenheimer,seconded by Weidenfeld,to adjourn the Regular Meeting and move to Executive Session to discuss Section 2(C)(1)of the Illinois Open Meetings Act: the Appointment,Employment, Compensation,Discipline,Performance,or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body,Including Hearing Testimony on a Complaint Lodged Against an Employee - of the Public Body or Against Legal Counsel for the Public Body to Determine Its Validity and Section 2(C)(21)of the Illinois Open Meetings Act:Discussion of Minutes of Meetings Lawfully Closed Under This Act,Whether for Purposes of Approval by the Body of the Minutes or Semi-Annual Review of the Minutes as Mandated by Section 2.06. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. The Board moved to Executive Session from 8:20 P.M.until 9:29 P.M. APy1611RNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M. -- ` Yu `��'l . .:.: - 4 \—- Xnet M.Sirabian,Village Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS 19th DAY OF October 2020 age President