2020-05-04 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Minutes 13358 05/04/2020 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE HELD VIA AUDIO/VIDEO CONFERENCING ON MONDAY,MAY 4,2020 CALL TO ORDER President Sussman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. This meeting is being conducted via audio and video conferencing. ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following present via audio/video: President Sussman;Trustees Stein,Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith and Pike. Also present via audio/video were: Dane Bra Village Manager;Patrick Brankin,Village Attorney;Chris Stilling, Bragg, g gg Deputy Village Manager;Brett Robinson,Director of Purchasing;Evan Michel,Management Analyst;Mike Reynolds,Director of Public Works;Kyle Johnson,Civil Engineer;and Ted Sianis,Civil Engineer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Weidenfeld,seconded by Ottenheimer,to approve the minutes of the April 20,2020 Regular Meeting. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None 1 Motion declared carried. WARRANT There is no Warrant for tonight's meeting. RESOLUTION NO.2020-21—EXECUTIVE ORDER Moved by Weidenfeld,seconded by Smith,to pass Resolution No.2020-21,extending Executive Order 2020-04. Mr. Bragg reviewed the proposed resolution,details of which are contained in his memo of April 2,2020 to the Board. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Mr.Stilling reviewed the proposal for the 2020 Farmer's Market,details of which are contained in his memo to Mr.Bragg of April 30,2020,after which he answered questions from the Board. Board discussion included measures to ensure crowd control,face coverings,food prepared and served on premise, staffing,and whether or not enough vendors are willing to participate under the new rules and guidelines. It was noted that,if there is a way to make this work,it would be nice benefit to our residents during this time. 13359 05/04/2020 Staff will contact the other communities that have already begun their annual Farmer's Markets to obtain information as to problems they may have encountered and what has worked well. Mr. Reynolds reviewed the staff recommendations for Buffalo Grove Days 2020,details of which are contained in his memo to Mr. Bragg of April 21,2020,after which he answered questions from the Board. Trustee Johnson stated that medical professionals have predicted that there will be social distancing required throughout the summer and she doesn't see how Buffalo Grove can have an event with people in crowds;she does not see families lining up at the carnival or sitting in crowds watching bands;it will be difficult to get sponsors and restaurants this year;she does not believe that residents will want to attend and believes it would be impossible to even come close to breaking even financially on the event;this is a big expense for the Village and she would rather err on the side of caution,and although it is a tough decision,she believes cancellation of the event is the wise decision to make. Trustee Ottenheimer agrees from a safety situation,but also from a practical situation,decisions need to be made now;from a financial standpoint,he believes that the Village owes it to the residents to cancel the event for safety reasons and economic reasons because the Village will need every dollar to provide just the core services to residents. Trustee Smith asked if the committee had reached out to businesses to solicit sponsorships. Mr.Reynolds stated that any businesses contacted stated that they wanted to wait and see what happens with the pandemic situation. Trustee Smith stated that the only way he can see it going forward would be to drastically scale it back. Trustee Stein stated that his concern is that COVID-19 is not going away any time soon,and he does not see how we can stage an event that brings together thousands of people in close quarters. Trustee Pike stated that he does not believe that the Village should risk the$50,000.00-$100,000.00 that this event could cost at this time. In answer to a question from Trustee Pike,Mr. Reynolds stated that the vendors to whom deposits have already been paid have agreed to reallocate those deposits to the 2021 event. President Sussman confirmed that the consensus from the Board is that Buffalo Grove Days 2020 will be cancelled. Mr. Bragg stated that it is possible that the Village and the Park District might look at doing some smaller neighborhood events that would allow residents to be together without having a large central gathering,and both entities will continue to explore that possibility. Mr.Bragg reviewed the 2020 July 4th and Concert event,details of which are contained in his April 23,2020 memo to the Board,pointing out that the only cost at this point would be approximately$7,500 to Melrose Pyrotechnics for their materials,but that cost would be applied as a credit to the 2021 July 4th Fireworks show. Mr. Bragg noted that this is another very difficult decision and staff has struggled with the decision,but the recommendation to cancel is what is best for the community to maintain public health and safety. Mr.Bragg stated that Melrose Pyrotechnics is booked for Labor Day weekend and the adjoining weekends,so rescheduling is not an option. President Sussman confirmed that the Board concurs with staff recommendation to cancel the 2020 July 4th Fireworks and Concert. REPORTS FROM TRUSTEES Trustee Johnson noted that the Village of Buffalo Grove owns the two Village golf courses and the Ernie Karge Rotary Village Green,but the Buffalo Grove Park District owns all the other parks in Buffalo Grove,and the Park District Board determines rules and regulations for the parks. Trustee Johnson was asked by the Park District Board to convey a message to residents that ensuring the safety and well-being of residents is a top priority for their Board, 13360 05/04/2020 { and they are following recommendations from various agencies as to the pace at which they re-open outdoor facilities and re-start their programs. Questions regarding parks should be directed to the Buffalo Grove Park District,and questions regarding the golf courses should be directed to the Village. Trustee Johnson noted that the current Village Newsletter was published electronically and she wanted to commend the communications staff on the new format which is outstanding,and she encouraged all residents to access the newsletter. CONSENT AGENDA There is no Consent Agenda tonight. ORDINANCE NO.2020-32—TIF DISTRICT Moved by Weidenfeld,seconded by Smith,to pass Ordinance No.2020-32,establishing a Public Hearing date of June 22,2020 at 7:30 P.M.for the proposed 2020 Buffalo Grove Lake Cook Road TIF District,consistent with materials contained in Board packets. Mr. Stilling reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in his memo of April 30,2020 to Mr. Bragg,after which he answered questions from the Board. Mr.Stilling stated staff has conferred with all the taxing bodies and all taxing bodies have been supportive of what Buffalo Grove is trying to accomplish. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows. AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2020-29—BONDS Trustee Stein recused himself from participation in this agenda item. Moved by Johnson,seconded by Weidenfeld,to pass Ordinance No.2020-29,providing for the issuance of approximately$24,000,000.00 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2020,of the Village of Buffalo Grove,Lake and Cook Counties,Illinois,to finance Street Improvements,Water,Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water System Improvements and other Capital Projects within the Village,providing for the Levy and Collection of a Direct Annual Tax sufficient to pay the Principal and interest on said Bonds,and authorizing the sale of Said Bonds to the purchaser thereof. Mr. Bragg reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in Mr. Stilling's memo to him of April 30,2020,and also referenced the Bond Option that was held this morning. 1 Anthony Micelli,Speer Financial,provided further detail on the Bond Option,as well as briefly touching on current financial conditions,and noted that their recommendation is that the Village approve the proposed ordinance. Craig Horwitz,Stonebridge Lane,questioned how the Village will handle residents who wish to speak at the Public Hearing if the Public Hearing is held virtually. Mr. Stilling stated that he will be in touch with Mr.Horwitz and answer his questions tomorrow. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5—Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike 13361 05/04/2020 NAYS: 0—None RECUSED: 1—Stein Motion declared carried. Trustee Stein returned to the meeting. ORDINANCE NO.2020-30—CHATHAM LIFT STATION Moved by Stein,seconded by Smith,to pass Ordinance No.2020-30,Chatham Lift Station Reconstruction Award to the lowest responsive bidder,Bolder Contractors,Inc.in an amount not to exceed$1,109.823.75 in accordance with materials contained in Board packets,and pending Village Attorney review. Mr.Johnson reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in his memo of April 30,2020 to Mr. Bragg. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows. AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2020-31—SAXON/DOWNING Moved by Stein,seconded by Johnson,to pass Ordinance No.2020-31,2020 Saxon/Downing Water&Street Improvements Award to Joel Kennedy Construction Corp.as the lowest responsible and responsive bidder in an amount not to exceed$2,589,501.97 in accordance with materials contained in Board packets,and pending Village Attorney review. Mr.Johnson reviewed the proposed ordinance,details of which are contained in his memo of April 30,2020 to Mr. Bragg. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows. AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. RESOLUTION NO.2020-20—ROAD SALT PURCHASE Moved by Pike,seconded by Ottenheimer,to pass Resolution No.2020-20,authorizing the Village Manager to purchase no less than 1,400 tons and no more than 2,100 tons of Bulk Rock Salt from Morton Salt at a price not to exceed$142,464.00 in accordance with the Illinois Governmental Joint Purchasing Act. Mr. Robinson reviewed the proposed resolution,details of which are contained in his memo to Mr.Bragg of April 30,2020. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows. AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. NCH OUTPATIENT CARE CENTER 1 i i 13362 05/04/2020 L, Moved by Smith,seconded by Johnson,to approve the Development Improvement Agreement for the proposed development located at 15 S.McHenry Road,subject to review and approval by the Village Attorney and Final Engineering Plans. Mr.Sianis reviewed the proposed Development Improvement Agreement,details of which are contained in the memo from Mr.Monico to Mr.Bragg of April 8,2020. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows. AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. OUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE President Sussman reviewed the parameters to be followed by speakers and asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight's agenda;there were no such questions. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Stein,seconded by Weidenfeld,to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call,Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6—Stein,Ottenheimer,Weidenfeld,Johnson,Smith,Pike NAYS: 0—None Motion declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 P.M. [ahett M.Sirabian,Village Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS 18th DAY OF May 2020 - - - - - 1 ....„&„,,...,,„47 __ _ _ ..... ej _ _ ,. . _ _ , /' illage President _ - _ _ I 1 i 6 I