2018-10-01 - Board of Fire and Police Commissioners - Minutes VILLAGE OF BUFFALO Rnne� 459 500 Fax 847 7 a 519-'d"X b;;'i6 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Minutes of Regular Meeting October 1, 2018 CALL TO ORDER and ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Rubin in the Trustee Conference Room of Village Hall. Commissioner Dibbern called the roll and noted for the record that a quorum was present at the meeting. Present were Chairman Rubin, Commissioners, Johnson, Kulwin and Dibbern. Commissioner Hartman was absent. Also, in attendance were Police Chief Casstevens, Fire Chief Baker, Deputy Fire Chief Wagner, HR Director Malinowski, Management Analyst Katie Golbach and Trustee Liaison Ottenheimer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. Commissioner Kulwin made a motion to approve the minutes of the BFPC Regular Meeting of September 17, 2018, seconded by Commissioner Dibbern. Commissioners Kulwin, Dibbern and Rubin voted in favor of the motion. Commissioner Johnson abstained. The motion passed. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: A. Chairman Rubin had no news to report. COMMISSIONER'S REPORTS: A. Commissioner Dibbern will prepare draft questions for the Police Lieutenant Orals and send out for review and comments. Oral testing will be conducted on Saturday, December 1, 2018. CHIEF AND TRUSTEE REPORTS: POLICE DEPARTMENT: A. Chief Casstevens reported that there are four candidates for the Police Lieutenant process. CPR's are expected to be completed by end of month. B. Chief Casstevens reported that Police candidate #4 is in the investigative process. C. Chief Casstevens noted that Coffee with a Cop will be held at 9am on Wednesday, October 3 at the McDonalds on Arlington Heights Road. D. Chief Casstevens noted that Lt Rodriguez is at the FBI National Training Academy and is expected to graduate the second week of December. FIRE DEPARTMENT A. Chief Baker noted the Fire Department Open House was a huge success. The weather was perfect and led to one of the biggest turnouts ever. Page 1 of 2 B. Chief Baker reported two FF/PM candidates (#5,#6) are in the background stage. There are currently two openings. QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE: None SPECIAL BUSINESS: None OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. A motion was made at 6:08 p.m. by Commissioner Dibbern, seconded by Commissioner Kulwin, to move to Executive Session to discuss Section 2(C)(1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act: the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body, Including Hearing Testimony on a Complaint Lodged Against an Employee of the Public Body or Against Legal Counsel for the Public Body to Determine its Validity. Commissioners Johnson, Kulwin, Dibbern and Rubin voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. The Commission moved to Executive Session from 6:08 p.m. to 6:19p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: The open session resumed at 6:20 p.m. FF/PM Candidate #1: Brandon Spata. A motion was made by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Dibbern, to make a conditional offer of employment to FF/PM Candidate Brandon Spata. Commissioners Johnson, Kulwin, Dibbern and Rubin voted against the motion. The motion failed. FF/PM Candidate #2: Todd Robe]. A motion was made by Commissioner Kulwin, seconded by Commissioner Dibbern, to make a conditional offer of employment to FF/PM Candidate Todd Robe]. Commissioners Johnson, Kulwin, Dibbern and Rubin voted against the motion. The motion failed. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Commissioner Dibbern, seconded by Commissioner Kulwin, to adjourn the meeting at 6:29 p.m. Commissioners Johnson, Kulwin, Dibbern and Rubin voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Jane L. Dibbern, Secretary Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Page 2 of 2