2016-11-07 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Agenda PacketFifty Raupp Blvd Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-2100 Phone: 847-459-2500 A. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of Minutes A. Village Board - Committee of the Whole - Oct 13, 2016 7:30 PM 3. Approval of Warrant A. Warrant #1269 (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Scott Anderson) 4. Village President's Report A. Recognition of Bruce Kahn's Service to the Village (President Sussman) (Staff Contact: Arthur Malinowski) B. Appointment to Board of Fire and Police Commissioners (President Sussman) (Staff Contact: Brett Robinson) C. Congratulating the Chicago Cubs for Winning the 2016 World Series (President Sussman) (Staff Contact: Jenny Maltas) 5. Village Manager's Report A. Truth -In -Taxation Determination (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Scott Anderson) B. Oath of Office for Two Firefigheter/Paramedics (Trustee Ottenheimer, Trustee Trilling) (Staff Contact: Mike Baker) 6. Special Business 7. Reports from Trustees 8. Consent Agenda All items listed on the Consent Agenda, which are available in this room this evening, are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered after all other items of business on the Regular Agenda under New Business. (Attached). A. Authorization to Bid Renovations to the Buffalo Grove Golf Club Facilities (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Geoff Tollefson) SUMMARY: Staff requests authorization to seek bids for various facility renovations and repairs at the Buffalo Grove Golf Clubhouse. B. Authorization to Execute a Contract with a Natural Gas Supplier (Trustee Stein) (Staff Contact: Brett Robinson) SUMMARY: Staff requests that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to execute a contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, pending final review of the contract documents by the Village Attorney. C. Municipal Compliance Report for the Fiscal Year Ended 12/31/2015 - Police Pension Fund (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Scott Anderson) SUMMARY: The following report is required to be accepted by the Village Board prior to the extension of property taxes for the Article 3 & 4 pension funds. The report provides a summary of revenues and expenditures, the actuarial amount of the levy, and a series of assumptions used. D. Municipal Compliance Report for the Year Ended 12/31/2015 - Firefighters' Pension Fund (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Scott Anderson) SUMMARY: The following report is required to be accepted by the Village Board prior to the extension of property taxes for the Article 3 & 4 pension funds. The report provides a summary of revenues and expenditures, the actuarial amount of the levy, and a series of assumptions used. E. R-2016-27 Approval of Second Amendment to the Lake Cook Road Agreement (Trustee Trilling) (Staff Contact: Darren Monico) SUMMARY: Due to an increase in the design cost for the Lake Cook Road Widening Project, Civiltech Engineering, Inc., requested additional funding from Cook County. There is no cost increase to the Village. The Village must agree to amend the agreement by Resolution. F. 0-2016-53 Ordinance Amending Chapter 5.20, Liquor Controls (President Sussman) (Staff Contact: Chris Stilling) SUMMARY: The Class A liquor license for Leiserv, LLC d/b/a Brunswick's Buffalo Grove at 350 McHenry Road is being changed to Leiserv, LLC d/b/a Bowlero - Buffalo Grove. The assumed name has been filed with and approved by the Illinois Secretary of State. G. 0-2016-54 Ordinance Releasing Parcels 1, 2 and 5 from Village Recapture Ordinance No. 85-50 (Trustee Trilling) (Staff Contact: Darren Monico) SUMMARY: This Ordinance releases Parcels 1, 2 and 5 from Village Recapture Ordinance No. 85-50. Parcel 5, as depicted on Exhibit A, includes part of the proposed Woodman's property. The recapture Ordinance No. 85-50 was for the construction of water mains that the Village previously paid for. H. 0-2016-55 Preliminary Plan Approval for a New Self -Storage Facility at 847 Deerfield Parkway (Trustee Berman) (Staff Contact: Chris Stilling) SUMMARY: Metro Storage, LLC is seeking preliminary plan approval to develop a new three story 116,412 square foot self -storage building at 847 Deerfield Parkway. The proposed plan does comply with all applicable ordinances and was recommended for approval by the PZC. Pursuant to the Village's Development Ordinance, the project requires final Village Board approval prior to the issuance of the building permit. 0-2016-56 Variation to the Zoning Ordinance for the Property at 1101 N. Highland Drive (Trustee Weidenfeld) (Staff Contact: Chris Stilling) SUMMARY: The Petitioner, owner of the property located at the northeast corner of Highland and Deerfield, is seeking approval of a variation to allow a replacement air conditioning condenser unit to remain in the corner side yard and install a backup natural gas generator directly to the east of the condenser unit in the corner side yard. The petitioner was recently granted approval by the PZC for a variation for a fence in the corner side yard to provide screening for both the air conditioner and generator. 9. Ordinances and Resolutions A. 0-2016-57 Ordinance Adding Chapter 1.16, Fee Schedule, to the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Scott Anderson) B. 0-2016-58 Ordinance Adding Chapter 1.16, Fee and Fine Schedule to the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Scott Anderson) C. R-2016-26 Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Buffalo Grove Park District and the Village of Buffalo Grove for Police Protection on Park District Properties (Trustee Berman) (Staff Contact: Jenny Maltas) 10. Unfinished Business 11. New Business 12. Questions From the Audience Questions from the audience are limited to items that are not on the regular agenda. In accordance with Section 2.02.070 of the Municipal Code, discussion on questions from the audience will be limited to 10 minutes and should be limited to concerns or comments regarding issues that are relevant to Village business. All members of the public addressing the Village Board shall maintain proper decorum and refrain from making disrespectful remarks or comments relating to individuals. Speakers shall use every attempt to not be repetitive of points that have been made by others. The Village Board may refer any matter of public comment to the Village Manager, Village staff or an appropriate agency for review. 13. Adjournment The Village Board will make every effort to accommodate all items on the agenda by 10:30 p.m. The Board, does, however, reserve the right to defer consideration of matters to another meeting should the discussion run past 10:30 p.m. The Village of Buffalo Grove, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, requests that persons with disabilities, who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting or have questions about the accessibility of the meeting or facilities, contact the ADA Coordinator at 459-2525 to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. 2.A MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE HELD IN THE LOWER LEVEL CONFERENCE ROOM, 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD, BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2016 CALL TO ORDER President Sussman called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M. Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following present: President Sussman; Trustees Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld and Johnson. Trustee Berman was absent. 3 Also present were: Dane Bragg, Village Manager; William Raysa, Village Attorney; Jenny Maltas, Deputy Village Manager; Scott Anderson, Director of Finance; Art Malinowski, Director of Human Resources; Brett Robinson, Director of Purchasing; Christopher Stilling, Director of Community Development; Mike Reynolds, G Director of Public Works; Pete Cahill, Human Resources Management Analyst; Darren Monico, Village > Engineer; Geoff Tollefson, Director of Golf Operations; Deputy Fire Chief Wagner; Deputy Police Chief Szos. o a a The Committee of the Whole Meeting consisted of staff reports and Board discussion on the following issues. Q FY 2016 BUFFALO GROVE DAYS FINANCIAL REPORT Mr. Anderson summarized the financial performance of the 2016 Buffalo Grove Days event, details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview, as well as the memo from Andrew Brown and Franceska Fabyan to him and Mr. Bragg of October 6, 2016. DRAFT ANNEXATION STRATEGIES PLAN Mr. Stilling reviewed the 2016 Economic Development Strategic Plan recommendations, details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview, as well as his memo to the Board of October 7, 2016. FY 2016 PROPERTY TAX LEVY Mr. Anderson reviewed the proposed tax levy request, details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview, as well as his memo to Mr. Bragg of October 7, 2016. BRANDING & MARKETING UPDATE Ms. Maltas brought the Board up to date on the status of the branding and marketing initiative, details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview that she prepared. BOARD PRIORITIES— STRATEGIC PLAN Ms. Maltas brought the Board up to date on the status of the Board priorities for the Strategic Plan. 2017 PAY RANGES Mr. Malinowski reviewed the proposed 2017 pay ranges, details of which are contained in the memo from him and Mr. Cahill to Mr. Bragg of October 7, 2016. QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Packet Pg. 4 2.A President Sussman reviewed the parameters to be followed by speakers, and asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight's agenda; there we no such questions. EXECUTIVE MEETING Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Johnson, to move to Executive Session for the purpose of discussion on Purchase or Lease of Real Property for the use of the Public Body, including Meetings held for the Purpose of Discussing whether a Particular Parcel should be Acquired, pursuant to Section 2(c)(6) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 — Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None ABSENT: 1 — Berman Motion declared carried. 3 The Board moved to Executive Session from 8:57 P.M. until 9:41 P.M. ADJOURNMENT G Moved by Weidenfeld, seconded by Ottenheimer, to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:42 P.M. a Q Janet M. Sirabian, Village Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS 19`" DAY OF December 2016 Village President a 0 M Packet Pg. 5 3.A Action Item : Warrant #1269 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. Staff recommends approval of Warrant #1269 which totals $3,203,697.07 ATTACHMENTS: • W#1269 Summary (PDF) Trustee Liaison Johnson Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Scott Anderson, Finance Updated: 11/2/2016 3:27 PM Page 1 Packet Pg. 6 3.A.a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE WARRANT #1269 7-Nov-16 General Fund: 421,570.54 Parking Lot Fund: 425.00 Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 165,722.77 Debt Service Fund: 0.00 School & Park Donations 0.00 Capital Projects -Facilities: 43,690.66 Capital Projects -Streets: 34,626.85 Health Insurance Fund: 0.00 c°'o N Facilities Development Debt Service Fund: 0.00 *k �a L Retiree Health Savings (RHS): 0.00 L Water Fund: 399,983.21 Buffalo Grove Golf Fund: 47,444.35 �a E Arboretum Golf Fund: 82,181.63 E Refuse Service Fund: 56,623.09 N Information Technology Internal Service Fund: 55,771.83 Central Garage Internal Service Fund: 32,486.25 c E s U Building Maintenance Internal Service Fund: 66,951.92 1,407,478.10 a PAYROLL PERIOD ENDING 10/20/16 901,870.03 PAYROLL PERIOD ENDING 11/03/16 894,348.94 1,796,218.97 TOTAL WARRANT #1269 3,203,697.07 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS Village Clerk Village President Packet Pg. 7 4.A Information Item : Recognition of Bruce Kahn's Service to the Village ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends recognition. Recognition of Bruce Kahn's dedicated service to the Village of Buffalo Grove. Trustee Liaison Sussman Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Arthur a Malinowski, Human Resources Updated: 11/3/2016 10:08 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 8 4.B Information Item : Appointment to Board of Fire and Police Commissioners ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action N/A. With the advice and consent of the Village Board, President Sussman will recommend the appointment of Brian Rubin as Chair of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. Trustee Liaison Sussman Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Brett Robinson, Finance Updated: 11/3/2016 10:12 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 9 4.0 Information Item : Congratulating the Chicago Cubs for Winning the 2016 World Series ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. President Sussman will congratulate the Chicago Cubs for winning the 2016 World Series. Trustee Liaison Sussman Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Jenny Maltas, Office of the Village Manager Updated: 11/3/2016 4:32 PM Page 1 Packet Pg. 10 5.A Action Item : Truth -In -Taxation Determination ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends acceptance. The Truth in Taxation Act, (the "Act") Chapter 35, ILCS, Section 200/18-55 through 200/18-100 requires the Corporate Authorities to make a determination of the amounts necessary to be raised by taxation for the given levy year (tax year 2015) upon the taxable property within the Village. If a proposed levy is more than 105% of the amount extended, or estimated to be extended plus any amount abated prior to extension, from the prior tax year, (i.e. 2016 levies versus 2015 extension, plus abatement) the Village shall give notice and conduct a public hearing. The requirements apply if the proposed Corporate, Special Purpose, and Pension levies exceed, or are estimated to exceed, the 105% threshold. Levies for debt service are exempt from the calculation but are required to be disclosed in the public notice. ATTACHMENTS: • Truth in Tax 2016 (DOCX) Trustee Liaison Johnson Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Scott Anderson, Finance Updated: 11/3/2016 10:13 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 11 S.A.a VULLAGE OF 1 j,"F, `IOVE TO: DANE C. BRAGG FROM: SCOTT D. ANDERSON SUBJECT: TRUTH IN TAXATION DETERMINATION DATE: 11/3/2016 Is The Truth in Taxation Act, (the "Act") Chapter 35, ILCS, Section 200/18-55 through 200/18-100 requires the Corporate Authorities to make a determination of the amounts necessary to be raised by taxation for the given levy year (tax year 2016) upon the taxable property within the Village. If a proposed levy is more than 105% of the amount extended, or estimated to be extended plus any amount abated prior to extension, from the prior tax year, (i.e. 2016 levies versus 2015 extension, plus abatement) the Village shall give notice and conduct a public hearing. The requirements apply if the proposed Corporate, Special Purpose, and Pension levies exceed, or are estimated to exceed, the 105% threshold. Levies for debt service are exempt from the calculation but are required to be disclosed in the public notice. The first requirement of the Act is that the corporate authorities determine the amount of proposed levy for tax year 2016. That determination must be made not less than 20 days prior to the adoption of the aggregate levy. The proposed levies, the prior year's final or estimated extension(s) and percentage change are to be noted and entered into the public record. Notice is being provided at this time to the President and Board of Trustees that a tax levy ordinance for 2016 will be submitted for their review and consideration, for extension and collection in calendar 2017 with estimated Corporate, Special Purpose and Pension Levies as follows: Proposed 2015 Tax Levy (all levies other than debt service) $14,573,785 Final 2015 Tax Levy Extension Including Abatements $14,593,785 Rate of Change -.14% By motion, acceptance should occur in order for the appropriate notation to appear within the minutes of a Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees. Based on the above calculation, it will not be necessary to publish for and hold a public hearing as required by the Truth In Taxation Act. A notice certifying that the Village has complied with all of the requirements of the Act shall be provided at the time the Tax Levy is filed in both Cook and Lake Counties. It is anticipated that the levy will be presented for hearing and adoption on December 5, 2016. Traditionally the development of the Corporate tax levy includes an inflationary index (Municipal Cost Index) applied to the previous year's levy. The MCI for the trailing twelve month period is currently at .8 percent. The MCI is adjusted by changes in cost of materials and supplies, wages, and contracted -for services. It is a weighted average of the more detailed price indexes measuring consumer cost fluctuations, industrial wholesale pricing, and construction contract costs applied to Page 1 of 3 Packet Pg. 12 S.A.a the composition of typical local government purchasing. An additional 1.2 percent of new growth has been included in the Corporate Levy. The 2016 Corporate Tax Levy will increase 2.0 percent. The three Special Purpose Pension Levies for IMRF/FICA which increased by 2.5 percent, Police which increased by 3.50 percent, and Firefighters which decrease by 14.4 percent. Below is an historic Truth -in -Taxation review since tax year 2007 with the percentage change of levy over extension for each individual levy. The following chart provides a review of the components of the tax levy (net of debt service) over the last ten years. 2007 Levy 6,990,800 17.88% 1,311,706 8.76% 1,594,227 8.19% 1,334,734 -0.08% 11,231,467 12.92% O 2007 Extension 7,021,957 --- 1,335,324 --- 1,615,784 --- 1,355,050 --- 11,328,115 --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2008 Levy 7,227,701 2.93% 1,481,920 10.98% 1,754,664 8.60% 1,506,343 11.17% 11,970,628 5.67% E 2008 Extension 7,088,562 --- 1,451,641 --- 1,716,321 --- 1,486,171 --- 11,742,695 --- L y 2009 Lev Yc 7,237,280 0 2 10 /0 1 564 110 0 7 75 /0 2 038 612 0 18 78 /0 1 905 833 0 28 24 /0 12 745 835 0 8 54 /o J O 2009 Extension 7,433,947 --- 1,617,711 --- 2,102,799 --- 1,956,599 --- 13,111,056 --- 71 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2010 Levy 7,447,161 0.18% 1,546,972 -4.37% 2,145,917 2.05% 1,970,913 0.73% 13,110,963 0.00% x M 2010 Extension 7,414,210 1,534,456 2,151,874 1,988,265 13,088,805 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2011 Levy 7,530,100 1.56% 1,569,405 2.28% 2,159,838 0.37% 2,003,757 0.78% 13,263,100 1.33% 7 L 2011 Extension 7,529,707 1,599,461 2,177,722 2,007,912 13,314,803 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2012 Levy 7,643,051 1.51% 1,600,793 0.08% 2,198,690 0.96% 2,022,397 0.72% 13,464,931 1.13% J M 2012 Extension 7,603,609 1,612,944 2,193,738 2,021,776 13,432,067 .� 2013 Levy 7,910,558 4 04%0 1,562,879 3 10% 2,088,000 4 82% 2,174,632 7 56% 13,736,069 2 26% m O N 2013 Extension 7,867,046 1,555,318 2,074,718 2,174,352 13,671,434 K M 2014 Levy 8,147,875 3 57%0 1,537,616 1 14% 2,256,676 8 77% 2,174,352 0 00% 14,116,519 3 26% H C 2014 Extension 8,147,875 1,537,616 2,256,676 2,174,632 14,116,799 3 L 2015 Levy 8,475,959 4 03% 1,502,955 2 25% 2,440,239 8 13% 2,174,632 0 00% 14,593,785 3 38% J 2015 Extension 8,475,959 1,502,955 2,440,239 2,174,632 14,593,785 a� t 2016 Levy,8,645,479 2.00%,, 1,540,529 2.50% 2,525,647 3.50% 1,862,674 -14.35% 14,574,329 -0.13%� U Ten Year Average Annual 2.37% 1.74% 5.84% 3.96% 2.98% Q Growth The average growth of the levy over the last ten years, less the amount required for debt service, is 2.98 percent. The amount levied for public safety (Corporate Levy) represents 59.3 percent of the total levy. Ten years ago, the Corporate Levy was 62.3 percent of the total levy. The growth of each component of the levy is illustrated below. Page 2 of 3 Packet Pg. 13 I S.A.a I $16, 000,000 $14, 000,000 $12, 000,000 $10, 000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 Components of Tax Levy - Truth in Taxation Net of Debt Service 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Fire Pension Ld Police Pension • IMRF/FICA • Corporate As reported for Truth in Taxation purposes, the Village's 2016 Property Tax Levy will decrease by .14 percent over the 2015 tax extension. The entire 2016 Property Tax Levy, including debt service, will be presented to the Village Board on December 5, 2016. It is anticipated that the full levy will be an increase of 2.64 percent. Page 3 of 3 Packet Pg. 14 5.B Information Item : Oath of Office for Two Firefigheter/Paramedics ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends presentation. The firefighter Oath of Office will be given to two new firefighters, Richard Spellman and Joshua Rynders. Trustee Liaison Ottenheimer, Trilling Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Mike Baker, Fire Updated: 11/3/2016 4:20 PM Page 1 Packet Pg. 15 8.A Action Item : Authorization to Bid Renovations to the Buffalo Grove Golf Club Facilities ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: Staff requests authorization to seek bids for various facility renovations and repairs at the Buffalo Grove Golf Clubhouse. Trustee Liaison Johnson Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Geoff Tollefson, Golf Updated: 11/3/2016 4:21 PM Page 1 Packet Pg. 16 8.B Action Item : Authorization to Execute a Contract with a Natural Gas Supplier ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: Staff requests that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to execute a contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, pending final review of the contract documents by the Village Attorney. ATTACHMENTS: • Memo - Natural Gas (DOCX) Trustee Liaison Stein Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Brett Robinson, Finance Updated: 11/2/2016 11:08 AM A Page 1 Packet Pg. 17 8.B.a TO: Dane Bragg, Village Manager FROM: Brett Robinson, Purchasing Manager Mike Skibbe, Deputy Public Works Director SUBJECT: Natural Gas Service Bid FL BACKGROUNDCL As in the past, Staff will work with Kenneth J. Kogut & Associates to publish a Request for Bids N for Natural Gas Supply for select Village Facilities. Upon receipt of bids from vendors, Kenneth J. Kogut & Associates Energy and Management Consultants will perform a final pricing review and confirmation and will then make a recommendation as to which bidder the Village should z enter into an agreement with for Natural Gas Supply services. N ti Due to the nature of the utilities market, the pricing received is only good for a few hours, staff requests the Village Manager be authorized to execute a contract with the selected supplier. 0 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to execute a contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, pending final review of the contract documents by the Village Attorney. Packet Pg. 18 8.0 Action Item : Municipal Compliance Report for the Fiscal Year Ended 12/31/2015 - Police Pension Fund ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends acceptance. SUMMARY: The following report is required to be accepted by the Village Board prior to the extension of property taxes for the Article 3 & 4 pension funds. The report provides a summary of revenues and expenditures, the actuarial amount of the levy, and a series of assumptions used. ATTACHMENTS: • Municipal Compliance Report - Police Pension (PDF) Trustee Liaison Johnson Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Scott Anderson, Finance Updated: 11/2/2016 9:36 AM Page 1 Packet P9. 19 8.C,a � I 1 Packet Pg. 20 8.C,a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS POLICE PENSION FUND House Bill 5088 (Public Act 95-950) - Municipal Compliance Report For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 The Pension Board certifies to the Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois on the condition of the Pension Fund at the end of its most recently completed fiscal year the following information: 1) The total cash and investments of the fund and their current market value of those assets: Total Cash and Investments Total Net Position Current Fiscal Year $ 562503,331 $ 56 384 952 Preceding Fiscal Year $ 56 518 163 $ 56 254 452 2) The estimated receipts during the next succeeding fiscal year from deductions from the salaries of police officers and from other sources: Estimated Receipts - Employee Contributions $ 666 300 Estimated Receipts - All Other Sources Investment Earnings $ 3 955 200 Municipal Contributions $ 2 538 183 3) The estimated amount required during the next succeeding fiscal year to (a) pay all pensions and other obligations provided in Article 3 of the Illinois Pension Code, and (b) to meet the annual requirements of the fund as provided in Sections 3-125 and 3-127: (a) Pay all Pensions and Other Obligations (b) Annual Requirement of the Fund as Determined by: Illinois Department of Insurance Private Actuary- Lauterbach & Amen, LLP Recommended Municipal Contribution Statutory Municipal Contribution $ 3,761,900 $ 2 203 907 Page 1 Packet Pg. 21 8.C,a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS POLICE PENSION FUND House Bill 5088 (Public Act 95-950) - Municipal Compliance Report For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 4) The total net income received from investment of assets along with the assumed investment return and actual investment return received by the fund during its most recently completed fiscal year compared to the total net income, assumed investment return, and actual investment return received during the preceding fiscal year: Current Preceding Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Net Income Received from Investment of Assets $ 186,635 $ 3 756 487 Assumed Investment Return Illinois Department of Insurance 6.75% 6.75% Private Actuary- Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 7.00% 7.00% Actual Investment Return 0.33% 7.12% 5) The total number of active employees who are financially contributing to the fund: Number of Active Members 61 6) The total amount that was disbursed in benefits during the fiscal year, including the number of and total amount disbursed to (i) annuitants in receipt of a regular retirement pension, (ii) recipients being paid a disability pension, and (iii) survivors and children in receipt of benefits: Total Amount Number of Disbursed (i) Regular Retirement Pension 41 $ 2 709 467 (ii) Disability Pension 1 $ 69 967 (iii) Survivors and Child Benefits 4 $ 190,224 Totals 46 $ 2 969 657 Page 2 Packet Pg. 22 8.C,a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS POLICE PENSION FUND House Bill 5088 (Public Act 95-950) - Municipal Compliance Report For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 7) The funded ratio of the fund: Current Preceding Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Illinois Department of Insurance 70.29% 69.94% Private Actuary- Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 67.58% 67.91% 8) The unfunded liability carried by the fund, along with an actuarial explanation of the unfunded liability: Unfunded Liability: Illinois Department of Insurance 24 931 065 Private Actuary- Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 281034,391 The accrued liability is the actuarial present value of the portion of the projected benefits that has been accrued as of the valuation date based upon the actuarial valuation method and the actuarial assumptions employed in the valuation. The unfunded accrued liability is the excess of the accrued liability over the actuarial value of assets. 9) The investment policy of the Pension Board under the statutory investment restrictions imposed on the fund. Investment Policy - See Attached. Please see Notes Page attached. CERTIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL POLICE PENSION FUND COMPLIANCE REPORT The Board of Trustees of the Pension Fund, based upon information and belief, and to the best of our knowledge, hereby certify pursuant to §3-143 of the Illinois Pension Code 40 ILCS 5/3-143, that the preceding report is true and accurate. Adopted this President Secretary of — 2016 1a^11-1 Date ID - I ] - 1 J- Page 3 Packet Pg. 23 8.C,a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS POLICE PENSION FUND House Bill 5088 (Public Act 95-950) - Municipal Compliance Report For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 INDEX OF ASSUMPTIONS 1) Total Cash and Investments - as Reported in the Audited Financial Statements for the Years Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014. Total Net Position - as Reported at Market Value in the Audited Financial Statements for the Years Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014. 2) Estimated Receipts - Employee Contributions as Reported in the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2015 plus 4.88% Increase (Actuarial Salary Increase Assumption) Rounded to the Nearest $100. Estimated Receipts - All Other Sources Investment Earnings - Cash and Investments as Reported in the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2015, times 7% (Actuarial Investment Return Assumption) Rounded to the Nearest $100. Municipal Contributions - Recommended Tax Levy Requirement as Reported by Lauterbach & Amen, LLP, Actuarial Valuation for the Year Ended December 31, 2015. 3) (a) Pay all Pensions and Other Obligations - Total Deductions as Reported in the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2015, plus a 25% Increase, Rounded to the Nearest $100. (b) Annual Requirement of the Fund as Determined by: Illinois Department of Insurance - Suggested Amount of Tax Levy as- Reported in the December 31, 2015 Actuarial Valuation. Private Actuary Recommended Amount of Tax Levy as Reported by Lauterbach & Amen, LLP in the December 31, 2015 Actuarial Valuation. Statutorily Required Amount of Tax Levy as Reported by Lauterbach & Amen, LLP in the December 31, 2015 Actuarial Valuation. Page 4 Packet Pg. 24 8.C,a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS POLICE PENSION FUND House Bill 5088 (Public Act 95-950) - Municipal Compliance Report For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 INDEX OF ASSUMPTIONS - Continued 4) Net Income Received from Investment of Assets - Investment Income (Loss) net of Investment Expense, as Reported in the Audited Financial Statements for the Years Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014. Assumed Investment Return Illinois Department of Insurance - Current and Preceding Fiscal Year Interest Rate Assumption as Reported in the December 31, 2015 and 2014 Actuarial Valuations. Private Actuary - Current and Preceding Fiscal Year Interest Rate Assumption as Reported in the Lauterbach & Amen, LLP, December 31, 2015 and 2014 Actuarial Valuations. Actual Investment Return -Net Income Received from Investments as Reported Above as a Percentage of the Average of the Beginning and Ending Balances of the Fiscal Year Cash Investments, Excluding Net Investment Income, Gains, and Losses for the Fiscal Year Return Being calculated, as Reported in the Audited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Years Ended December 31, 2015, 2014 and 2013. 5) Number of Active Members - Illinois Department of Insurance Annual Statement for December 31, 2015 - Schedule P. 6) (i) Regular Retirement Pension - Illinois Department of Insurance Annual Statement for December 31, 2015 - Schedule P for Number of Participants and Expense page 1 for Total Amount Disbursed. (ii) Disability Pension - Same as above. (iii) Survivors and Child Benefits - Same as above. Page 5 Packet Pg. 25 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS POLICE PENSION FUND House Bill 5088 (Public Act 95-950) - Municipal Compliance Report For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 INDEX OF ASSUMPTIONS - Continued Illinois Department ♦ Insurance - Current and Preceding Fiscal Year Net Present Assets as a percentage of Total Assets as Reported in the December 31, 2015 and 2014 Actuarial Valuations. Private Actuary - Current and Preceding Fiscal Year Net Present Assets as a percentage of Total Assets as Reported in the Lauterbach & Amen, LLP, December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014 Actuarial Valuations. 8) Unfunded Liability: Illinois Department of Insurance - Deferred Asset (Unfunded Accrued Liability) as Reported in the December 31, 2015 Actuarial Valuation. Private Actuary - Deferred Asset (Unfunded Accrued Liability) as Reported by Lauterbach & Amen, LLP in the December 31, 2015 Actuarial Valuation. Page 6 I Packet Pg. 26 1 8.C.a 0 a uO TMM N Cl) N G1 C W L u N LL d t L 0 L 0 Q N� <.i Q E 0 U is M .v 2 N M I- C O N C d a a) 0 a Packet Pg. 27 8.D Action Item : Municipal Compliance Report for the Year Ended 12/31/2015 - Firefighters' Pension Fund ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends acceptance. SUMMARY: The following report is required to be accepted by the Village Board prior to the extension of property taxes for the Article 3 & 4 pension funds. The report provides a summary of revenues and expenditures, the actuarial amount of the levy, and a series of assumptions used. ATTACHMENTS: • BuffaloGroveFire_MCR_12.31.2015-Final to Board (PDF) Trustee Liaison Staff Contact Johnson Scott Anderson, Finance Monday, November 7, 2016 Updated: 11/2/2016 9:36 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 28 8.D.a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOS FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND HOUSE BILL 5088 - MUNICIPAL COMPLIANCE REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2015 Packet Pg. 29 8.D.a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOS FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND House Bill 5088 (Public Act 95-950) - Municipal Compliance Report For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 The Pension Board certifies to the Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinos on the condition of the Pension Fund at the end of its most recently completed fiscal year the following information: 1) The total cash and investments of the fund and their current market value of those assets: Total Cash and Investments Total Net Position Current Preceding Fiscal Year Fiscal Year $ 50,360,433 $ 50,348,164 $ 49,181,695 $ 49,156,718 2) The estimated receipts during the next succeeding fiscal year from deductions from the salaries of firefighters and from other sources: Estimated Receipts - Employee Contributions $ 553,300 Estimated Receipts - All Other Sources Investment Earnings $ 3,525,200 Municipal Contributions $ 1,862,674 3) The estimated amount necessary during the fiscal year to meet the annual actuarial requirements of the pension fund as provided in Sections 4-118 and 4-120: Annual Requirement of the Fund as Determined by: Illinois Department of Insurance Private Actuary - Lauterbach & Amen, LLP Recommended Municipal Contribution Statutory Municipal Contribution $ 1,666,750 $ 1,862,674 $ 1,404,770 Page 1 Packet Pg. 30 8.D.a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOS FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND House Bill 5088 (Public Act 95-950) - Municipal Compliance Report For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 4) The total net income received from investment of assets along with the assumed investment return and actual investment return received by the fund during its most recently completed fiscal year compared to the total net income, assumed investment return, and actual investment return received during the preceding fiscal year: Net Income Received from Investment of Assets Assumed Investment Return Illinois Department of Insurance Private Actuary Actual Investment Return Current Preceding Fiscal Year Fiscal Year $ 654,625 $ 3,195,916 6.75% 6.75% 7.00% 7.00% 1.32% 7.00% 5) The increase in employer pension contributions that results from the implementation of the provisions of P.A. 93-0689: Illinois Department of Insurance - Actuarial Report $ N/A Private Actuary - Lauterbach & Amen, LLP $ N/A 6) The total number of active employees who are financially contributing to the fund: Number of Active Members 55 7) The total amount that was disbursed in benefits during the fiscal year, including the number of and total amount disbursed to (i) annuitants in receipt of a regular retirement pension, (ii) recipients being paid a disability pension, and (iii) survivors and children in receipt of benefits: Total Amount Number of Disbursed (i) Regular Retirement Pension (ii) Disability Pension (iii) Survivors and Child Benefits Totals Page 2 25 4 4 33 Lo 0 N M N d w L d z 0 w 0 0. a� a� U _ ca Q E 0 U is .2 E 00 N ti $ 1,748,933 m _ $ 218,650 E s $ 81,491 Q $ 2,049,073 Packet Pg. 31 8.D.a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOS FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND House Bill 5088 (Public Act 95-950) - Municipal Compliance Report For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 8) The funded ratio of the fund: Illinois Department of Insurance Private Actuary Current Fiscal Year Preceding Fiscal Year 76.59% 74.82% 74.04% 72.08% 9) The unfunded liability carried by the fund, along with an actuarial explanation of the unfunded liability: Unfunded Liability: Illinois Department of Insurance Private Actuary - Lauterbach & Amen, LLP $ 15,804,959 $ 17,930,582 The accrued liability is the actuarial present value of the portion of the projected benefits that has been accrued as of the valuation date based upon the actuarial valuation method and the actuarial assumptions employed in the valuation. The unfunded accrued liability is the excess of the accrued liability over the actuarial value of assets. 10) The investment policy of the Pension Board under the statutory investment restrictions imposed on the fund. Investment Policy - See Attached. Please see Notes Page attached. CERTIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND COMPLIANCE REPORT The Board of Trustees of the Pension Fund, based upon information and belief, and to the best of our knowledge, hereby certify pursuant to §4-134 of the Illinois Pension Code 40 ILCS 5/4-134, that the preceding report is true and accurate. Adopted this day of , 2016 President Secretary Date Date Page 3 Packet Pg. 32 8.D.a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOS FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND House Bill 5088 (Public Act 95-950) - Municipal Compliance Report For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 INDEX OF ASSUMPTIONS 1) Total Cash and Investments - as Reported in the Audited Financial Statements for the Years Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014. Total Net Position - as Reported at Market Value in the Audited Financial Statements for the Years Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014. 2) Estimated Receipts - Employee Contributions as Reported in the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2015 plus 5.45% Increase (Actuarial Salary Increase Assumption) Rounded to the Nearest $100. Estimated Receipts - All Other Sources Investment Earnings - Cash and Investments as Reported in the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2015, times 7% (Actuarial Investment Return Assumption) Rounded to the Nearest $100. Municipal Contributions - Recommended Tax Levy Requirement as Reported by Lauterbach & Amen, LLP, Actuarial Valuation for the Year Ended December 31, 2015. 3) Annual Requirement of the Fund as Determined by: Illinois Department of Insurance - Suggested Amount of Tax Levy as Reported in the December 31, 2015 Actuarial Valuation. Private Actuary Recommended Amount of Tax Levy as Reported by Lauterbach & Amen, LLP in the December 31, 2015 Actuarial Valuation. Statutorily Required Amount of Tax Levy as Reported by Lauterbach & Amen, LLP in the December 31, 2015 Actuarial Valuation. Page 4 Packet Pg. 33 8.D.a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOS FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND House Bill 5088 (Public Act 95-950) - Municipal Compliance Report For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 INDEX OF ASSUMPTIONS - Continued 4) Net Income Received from Investment of Assets - Investment Income (Loss) net of Investment Expense, as Reported in the Audited Financial Statements for the Years Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014. Assumed Investment Return Illinois Department of Insurance - Current and Preceding Fiscal Year Interest Rate Assumption as Reported in the December 31, 2015 and 2014 Actuarial Valuations. Private Actuary - Current Interest Rate Assumption as Reported in the Lauterbach & Amen, LLP, December 31, 2015 Actuarial Valuation. Preceding Fiscal Year Interest Rate Assumption as Reported in the Timothy W. Sharpe, Actuary, December 31, 2014 Actuarial Actual Investment Return -Net Income Received from Investments as Reported Above as a Percentage of the Average of the Beginning and Ending Balances of the Fiscal Year Cash Investments, Excluding Net Investment Income, Gains, and Losses for the Fiscal Year Return Being calculated, as Reported in the Audited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Years Ended December 31, 2015, 2014 and 2013. 5) Illinois Department of Insurance - Amount of total suggested tax levy to be excluded from the property tax extension limitation law as contemplated by 35 ILCS 200/18-185. Private Actuary - No Private Actuarial Valuation amount available at the time of this report. 6) Number of Active Members - Illinois Department of Insurance Annual Statement for December 31, 2015 - Schedule P. 7) (i) Regular Retirement Pension - Illinois Department of Insurance Annual Statement for December 31, 2015 - Schedule P for Number of Participants and Expense page I for Total Amount Disbursed. (ii) Disability Pension - Same as above. (iii) Survivors and Child Benefits - Same as above. Page 5 Packet Pg. 34 8.D.a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOS FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION FUND House Bill 5088 (Public Act 95-950) - Municipal Compliance Report For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2015 INDEX OF ASSUMPTIONS - Continued 8) The funded ratio of the fund: Illinois Department of Insurance - Current and Preceding Fiscal Year Net Present Assets as a percentage of Total Assets as Reported in the December 31, 2015 and 2014 Actuarial Valuations. Private Actuary - Current Fiscal Year Net Present Assets as a percentage of Total Assets as Reported in the Lauterbach & Amen, LLP, December 31, 2015 Actuarial Valuation. Preceding Fiscal Year Net Present Assets as a percentage of Total Assets as Reported in the 9) Unfunded Liability: Illinois Department of Insurance - Deferred Asset (Unfunded Accrued Liability) as Reported in the December 31, 2015 Actuarial Valuation. Private Actuary - Deferred Asset (Unfunded Accrued Liability) as Reported by Lauterbach & Amen, LLP in the December 31, 2015 Actuarial Valuation. Page 6 Packet Pg. 35 8.E Resolution No. R-2016-27 : Approval of Second Amendment to the Lake Cook Road Agreement ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval of the Second Amendment to the Lake Cook Road Agreement. The agreement was approved in 2013 and the first amendment was agreed by resolution in 2015. SUMMARY: Due to an increase in the design cost for the Lake Cook Road Widening Project, Civiltech Engineering, Inc., requested additional funding from Cook County. There is no cost increase to the Village. The Village must agree to amend the agreement by Resolution. ATTACHMENTS: • RESOLUTION Lake Cook Design Agreement 2nd amendment 16-1107 (DOCX) • A5015-02-EG Buffalo Grove —Ph II_Amend2 (DOC) • Civiltech Supplement_2nd amendment(PDF) Trustee Liaison Trilling Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Darren Monico, Public Works Updated: 11/4/2016 10:59 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 36 8.E.a RESOLUTION NO. 2016 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO AN INTERGOVERNMENTALAGREEMENT WITH COOK COUNTY RELATED TO PHASE II FOR LAKE COOK ROAD BETWEEN HASTINGS LANE AND RAUPP BOULEVARD WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and, WHEREAS, the quality of life is enhanced by a high quality arterial street transportation system which operates efficiently and which does not experience extreme congestion so as to induce motorists to "cut through" neighborhood streets in order to reduce travel times; and, WHEREAS, the Village Board previously approved Resolution No. 2013-26 (A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Cook County Highway Department Related to Lake Cook Road) and Resolution No. 2015-25 (A Resolution Approving the First Amendment to an Intergovernmental Agreement with Cook County Highway Department Related to Lake Cook Road) which indicated the Village's agreement to implement the Phase II Design of Lake Cook Road in the area between Hastings Lane and Raupp Boulevard; and, WHEREAS, the Village is agreeable to paying $112,556.00 for Original Phase II Engineering Design of Lake Cook Road in the area between Raupp Boulevard and Hastings Lane and this second amendment involves no additional cost to the Village for the Phase II Design Engineering for the Revised Scope of Project (10-27-16) as stated in Exhibit A to the Second Amendment. Packet Pg. 37 8.E.a NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village President and Board of o a Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, as follows: 0 0 U Section 1: Second Amendment to the Agreement entitled "Intergovernmental J 0) Agreement" between County of Cook and the Village of Buffalo Grove related to 0 the Lake Cook Road (Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane) Phase 11 Engineering E Design Study, is hereby approved ("Amendment"). The foregoing WHERAS E a clauses are hereby incorporated. 0 Section 2: The Village President and Village Clerk are authorized and in directed to execute the Amendment. A copy of said Amendment is attached T Q N hereto and made a part hereof. AYES: co NAPES: c Q E ABSENT: PASSED: , 2016 APPROVED: , 2016 APPROVED: Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk Packet Pg. 38 8.E.b SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT THE COUNTY OF COOK LAKE COOK ROAD Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE Section: 13-A5015-02-EG This SECOND AMENDMENT to Agreement, is made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF COOK (the "COUNTY"), a body politic and corporate of the State of Illinois, and the VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE (the "VILLAGE"), a municipal corporation in the State of Illinois. The COUNTY and the VILLAGE are sometimes individually referred to as "Party' and collectively referred to as the "Parties". WITNESSETH Whereas, the VILLAGE executed an Agreement for Phase II design engineering services for improvements along Lake Cook Road from Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane (hereinafter called "PROJECT") on June 17, 2013 and an Amendment to said Agreement on August 11, 2015 and which the COUNTY executed same on July 17, 2013 and September 9, 2015, respectively, hereinafter collectively referred to as "AGREEMENT"; Whereas, the AGREEMENT specified the costs and obligations for Phase II design engineering 0 services for the improvements, wherein the estimated cost to the COUNTY was amended as Three � Million Six Hundred Thirty -Five Thousand Twenty Four Dollars ($3,635,024.00); and ti N Whereas, the COUNTY has requested additional design engineering services related to the PROJECT which are not included in the original AGREEMENT. The additional engineering services shall include, N but are not limited to: combining of two construction contract, preparation of additional plan sheets, W plan revisions, sanitary sewer forcemain design and permitting, update of traffic signal plans to new N Illinois Department of Transportation standards, re -inspect Buffalo Grove Road over Buffalo Creek, update bridge plans, project administration, and coordination; and E Whereas, the VILLAGE intends to expand the scope of work in the consultant engineering agreement to include said additional Phase II design engineering services; and Whereas, the VILLAGE and COUNTY desire to amend the AGREEMENT to modify the cost estimate to account for the additional Phase II design engineering costs; and Whereas, the COUNTY's share of additional Phase II design engineering services shall be Two Hundred Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Dollars ($209,850.00); and Whereas, the total estimated cost to the COUNTY under the AGREEMENT for the PROJECT is now Three Million Eight Hundred Forty -Four Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Four Dollars ($3,844,874.00); and Whereas, the COUNTY previously issued payments to the VILLAGE under the AGREEMENT and these additional payments shall reduce the COUNTY'S total payment obligation. Now, Therefore, in consideration of the promises and mutual undertakings herein set forth, the parties agree to amend the AGREEMENT as follows: Packet Pg. 39 8.E.b SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT Lake Cook Road Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane Section: 13-A5015-02-EG It is mutually agreed that the above Recitals are incorporated herein and made part hereof. I. MODIFICATIONS TO AGREEMENT The following modification is made to SECTION 3. PROJECT FUNDS • Subsection 3.1 is amended to read as follows: 3.1 County's Share of the PROJECT. The County shall pay for one hundred (100%) percent of the costs of the PROJECT, including Village of Wheeling and Lake County design elements, less the costs for the Village Work as described in AGREEMENT Section 5.8. The County's total estimated cost for the PROJECT is Three Million Eight Hundred Forty -Four Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Four Dollars ($3,844,874.00). The following exhibit provision is added to the AGREEMENT as follows: A Funding Breakdown is incorporated into this Amendment and attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Funding Breakdown is only an estimate and does not limit the financial obligations of the Parties as described herein. II. EFFECT OF SECOND AMENDMENT ti This Second Amendment forms a part of and supplements the requirements of the AGREEMENT. All other provisions of the AGREEMENT not specifically addressed in this Second Amendment shall N remain in effect and unaltered. This Second Amendment is subject to all terms and conditions � applicable to the AGREEMENT except as expressly provided in this Second Amendment. The COUNTY and VILLAGE agree that their respective successors and assigns shall be bound by the terms of this Second Amendment. III. EFFECTIVE DATES OF AMENDMENT This Amendment shall be effective upon proper execution by authorized signatories of the Parties and shall continue in effect until the AGREEMENT expires or is terminated. The Funding Breakdown incorporated herein as Exhibit A is modified as follows: The Funding Breakdown incorporated herein as Exhibit A is amended to reflect the work items, respective cost shares and amended total costs as described herein. THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK Page 2 of 4 Packet Pg. 40 8.E.b SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT Lake Cook Road Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane Section: 13-A5015-02-EG EXHIBIT A Funding Breakdown ITEM TOTAL COST VILLAGE COUNTY COST COST Original Phase II Design Engineering Agreement (7-17-13) $3,747,580.00 $112,556.00 $3,635,024.00 and First Amendment Phase II Design Engineering (9-9-15) Phase II Design Engineering for Revised Scope of $209,850.00 $0 $209,850.00 Project (10-27-16) TOTAL $3,957,430.00 $112,556.00 $3,844,874.00 Page 3 of 4 ti N _O O N W Packet Pg. 41 8.E.b SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT Lake Cook Road Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane Section: 13-A5015-02-EG IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the COUNTY and VILLAGE have caused this Amendment to be executed by their respective officials on the dates as shown. EXECUTED BY VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE: Beverly Sussman Village President This day of A.D. 2016. ATTEST: Village Clerk ( SEAL ) EXECUTED BY COUNTY: Toni Preckwinkle President Cook County Board of Commissioners This day of A.D. 2016. ATTEST: County Clerk ( SEAL ) RECOMMENDED BY: John Yonan, P.E. Superintendent County of Cook Department of Transportation and Highways APPROVED AS TO FORM: Anita Alvarez, State's Attorney By: Assistant State's Attorney H:\Transportation & Planning\Planning\AGREEMENTS\4-INTGOVT-REIMB-LOA\A5015-02-EG Buffalo Grove —Ph II_Amend2.doc Page 4 of 4 I- N _O O N W Packet Pg. 42 Local Agency Village of Buffalo Grove E Illinois DepartmentOof (DIV C Transportation C O County Cook and Lake A N Section 13-A5015-02-EG Supplement No. 2 to Project No. A Preliminary Engineering U G Services Agreement T Job No. E N A N Contact Name/Phone/E-mail Address Darren T. Monico, P.E. C T 847.459.2523 Y Consultant Civiltech Engineering, Inc. Address 2 Pierci City Itasca State IL Zip Code Contact Name/Phone/E-mail Address Jonathan R. Vana, P.E. 630.735.3382 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of I between the above Local Agency (LA) and Consultant (ENGINEER) and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the PROJECT Federal -aid funds allotted to the LA by the state of Illinois under the general supervision of the Illinois Department of Transportation (STATE) will be used entirely or in part to finance engineering services as described under AGREEMENT PROVISIONS. Project Description Name Lake Cook Road Improvements Route Termini Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane Length 7,156 ft Structure No. 016-3111 016-3204 Description Phase II engineering services for the Lake Cook Road improvement. This supplemental agreement includes additional engineering services required for combining of the construction contracts, design and permitting of sanitary sewer forcemains, update of traffic signal plans, re -inspection of the Buffalo Grove Road bridge over Buffalo Creek, agreement assistance, and wetland credit purchasf Agreement Provisions I. THE ENGINEER AGREES, 1. To perform or be responsible for the performance, in accordance with STATE approved design standards and policies, of engineering services for the LA for the proposed improvement herein described. 2. To attend any and all meetings and visit the site of the proposed improvement at any reasonable time when requested by representatives of the LA or STATE. 3. To complete the services herein described within 550 calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed from the LA, excluding from consideration periods of delay caused by circumstances beyond the control of the ENGINEER. 4. The classifications of the employees used in the work should be consistent with the employee classifications and estimated man- hours shown in EXHIBIT A. If higher -salaried personnel of the firm, including the Principal Engineer, perform services that are indicated in Exhibit A to be performed by lesser -salaried personnel, the wage rate billed for such services shall be commensurate with the payroll rate for the work performed. 5. That the ENGINEER is qualified technically and is entirely conversant with the design standards and policies applicable for the PROJECT; and that the ENGINEER has sufficient properly trained, organized and experienced personnel to perform the services enumerated herein. 6. That the ENGINEER shall be responsible for the accuracy of the work and shall promptly make necessary revisions or corrections resulting from the ENGINEER's errors, omissions or negligent acts without additional compensation. Acceptance of work by the STATE will not relieve the ENGINEER of the responsibility to make subsequent correction of any such errors or omissions or for clarification of any ambiguities. 7. That all plans and other documents furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to this AGREEMENT will be endorsed by the ENGINEEF and will affix the ENGINEER's professional seal when such seal is required by law. Plans for structures to be built as a part of the improvement will be prepared under the supervision of a registered structural engineer and will affix structural engineer seal when such seal is required by law. It will be the ENGINEER's responsibility to affix the proper seal as required by the Bureau of Local Roads and Streets manual published by the STATE. 8. That the ENGINEER will comply with applicable federal statutes, state of Illinois statutes, and local laws or ordinances of the LA. Page 1 of 5 Printed on 10/27/2016 6:26:10 AM BLR 05610 (Rev. 11/21/13) Q Packet Pg. 43 The undersigned certifies neither the ENGINEER nor I have: a. employed or retained for commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee or other considerations, any firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above ENGINEER) to solicit or secure this AGREEMENT, b. agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this AGREEMENT, to employ or retain the services of any firm or person in connection with carrying out the AGREEMENT or c. paid, or agreed to pay any firm, organization or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above ENGINEER) any fee, contribution, donation or consideration of any kind for, or in connection with, procuring or carrying out the AGREEMENT. d. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency, _ e. have not within a three-year period preceding the AGREEMENT been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against E them for commission of fraud or criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or performing a public a� (Federal, State or local) transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements or receiving stolen property, Q f. are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (e) and 0 g. have not within a three-year period preceding this AGREEMENT had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default. Y 0 0 v 10. To pay its subconsultants for satisfactory performance no later than 30 days from receipt of each payment from the LA. Y c� 11. To submit all invoices to the LA within one year of the completion of the work called for in this AGREEMENT or any subsequent J Amendment or Supplement. s 12. To submit BLR 05613, Engineering Payment Report, to the STATE upon completion of the project (Exhibit B). 0 _ a� 13. Scope of Services to be provided by the ENGINEER: E _ ❑ Make such detailed surveys as are necessary for the planning and design of the PROJECT. £ ❑ Make stream and flood plain hydraulic surveys and gather both existing bridge upstream and downstream high water data and Q flood flow histories. _ 0 ElPrepare applications for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Office of Water v cn Resources Permit and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Section 404 Water Quality Certification. ti N ❑ Design and/or approve cofferdams and superstructure shop drawings. co ❑ Prepare Bridge Condition Report and Preliminary Bridge Design and Hydraulic Report, (including economic analysis of bridge or 0 culvert types and high water effects on roadway overflows and bridge approaches). -- ❑ Prepare the necessary environmental and planning documents including the Project Development Report, Environmental Class < Action Determination or Environmental Assessment, State Clearinghouse, Substate Clearinghouse and all necessary E £ environmental clearances. _ m E ❑ Make such soil surveys or subsurface investigations including borings and soil profiles as may be required to furnish sufficient da M for the design of the proposed improvement. Such investigations to be made in accordance with the current Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Administrative Policies, Federal -Aid NI Procedures for Local Highway Improvements or any other applicable requirements of the STATE. ❑ Analyze and evaluate the soil surveys and structure borings to determine the roadway structural design and bridge foundation. d aEi ❑ Prepare preliminary roadway and drainage structure plans and meet with representatives of the LA and STATE at the site of the a C improvement for review of plans prior to the establishment of final vertical and horizontal alignment, location and size of drainage Cn structures, and compliance with applicable design requirements and policies. m ❑ Make or cause to be made such traffic studies and counts and special intersection studies as may be required to furnish sufficier data for the design of the proposed improvement. V ® Complete the general and detailed plans, special provisions and estimate of cost. Contract plans shall be prepared in accordanc with the guidelines contained in the Bureau of Local Roads and Streets manual. The special provisions and detailed estimate of E cost shall be furnished in quadruplicate. �a ❑ Furnish the LA with survey and drafts in quadruplicate all necessary right-of-way dedications, construction easements and borro� Q pit and channel change agreements including prints of the corresponding plats and staking as required. Page 2 of 5 Printed on 10/27/2016 6:26:10 AM BLR 05610 (Rev. 11/21/13) Packet Pg. 44 II. THE LA AGREES, 8.E.c 1. To furnish the ENGINEER all presently available survey data and information 2. To pay the ENGINEER as compensation for all services rendered in accordance with this AGREEMENT, on the basis of the following compensation formulas: Cost Plus Fixed Fee Specific Rate Lump Sum ® CPFF = 14.5%[DL + R(DL) + OH(DL) + IHDC], or ❑ CPFF = 14.5%[DL + R(DL) + 1.4(DL) + IHDC], or ❑ CPFF = 14.5%[(2.3 + R)DL + IHDC] Where: DL = Direct Labor IHDC = In House Direct Costs OH = Consultant Firm's Actual Overhead Factor R = Complexity Factor ❑ (Pay per element) El 3. To pay the ENGINEER using one of the following methods as required by 49 CFR part 26 and 605 ILCS 5/5-409: ❑ With Retainage a) For the first 50% of completed work, and upon receipt of monthly invoices from the ENGINEER and the approval thereof by the LA, monthly payments for the work performed shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER, such payments to be equal to 90% of the value of the partially completed work minus all previous partial payments made to the ENGINEER. b) After 50% of the work is completed, and upon receipt of monthly invoices from the ENGINEER and the approval thereof by the LA, monthly payments covering work performed shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER, such payments to be equal to 95% of the value of the partially completed work minus all previous partial payments made to the ENGINEER. c) Final Payment — Upon approval of the work by the LA but not later than 60 days after the work is completed and reports have been made and accepted by the LA and the STATE, a sum of money equal to the basic fee as determined in this AGREEMENT less the total of the amounts of partial payments previously paid to the ENGINEER shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER. ® Without Retainage a) For progressive payments — Upon receipt of monthly invoices from the ENGINEER and the approval thereof by the LA, monthly payments for the work performed shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER, such payments to be equal to the value of the partially completed work minus all previous partial payments made to the ENGINEER. b) Final Payment — Upon approval of the work by the LA but not later than 60 days after the work is completed and reports have been made and accepted by the LA and STATE, a sum o money equal to the basic fee as determined in this AGREEMENT less the total of the amounts of partial payments previously paid to the ENGINEER shall be due and payable to the ENGINEER. The recipient shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the award and performance of any DOT - assisted contract or in the administration of its DBE program or the requirements of 49 CFR part 26. The recipient shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT -assisted contracts. The recipient's DBE program, as required by 49 CFR part 26 and as approved by DOT, is incorporated by reference in this agreement. Implementation of this program is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as violation of this agreement. Upon notification to the recipient of its failure to carry out its approved program, the Department may impose sanctions as provided for under part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). III. IT IS MUTALLY AGREED, 1. That no work shall be commenced by the ENGINEER prior to issuance by the LA of a written Notice to Proceed. 2. That tracings, plans, specifications, estimates, maps and other documents prepared by the ENGINEER in accordance with this AGREEMENT shall be delivered to and become the property of the LA and that basic survey notes, sketches, charts and other data prepared or obtained in accordance with this AGREEMENT shall be made available, upon request, to the LA or to the STATE, without restriction or limitation as to their use. Page 3 of 5 BLR 05610 (Rev. 11/21/13) Printed on 10/27/2016 6:26:10 AM Packet Pg. 45 3. That all reports, plans, estimates and special provisions furnished by the ENGINEER shall be in accordance with the curren 8.E.c Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Administrative Policies, Fed Procedures for Local Highway Improvements or any other applicable requirements of the STATE, it being understood that all such furnished documents shall be approved by the LA and the STATE before final acceptance. During the performance of the engineering services herein provided for, the ENGINEER shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the documents herein enumerated while they are in the ENGINEER's possession and any such loss or damage shall be restored at the ENGINEER's expense. 4. That none of the services to be furnished by the ENGINEER shall be sublet, assigned or transferred to any other party or parties without written consent of the LA. The consent to sublet, assign or otherwise transfer any portion of the services to be furnished by +, the ENGINEER shall not be construed to relieve the ENGINEER of any responsibility for the fulfillment of this agreement. E 5. To maintain, for a minimum of 3 years after the completion of the contract, adequate books, records and supporting documents to verify the amounts, recipients and uses of all disbursements of funds passing in conjunction with the contract; the contract and all books, records and supporting documents related to the contract shall be available for review and audit by the Auditor General and Q the STATE; and to provide full access to all relevant materials. Failure to maintain the books, records and supporting documents required by this section shall establish a presumption in favor of the STATE for the recovery of any funds paid by the STATE under 0 the contract for which adequate books, records and supporting documentation are not available to support their purported Y disbursement. 0 0 v 6. The payment by the LA in accordance with numbered paragraph 3 of Section II will be considered payment in full for all services 0 rendered in accordance with this AGREEMENT whether or not they be actually enumerated in this AGREEMENT. J 7. That the ENGINEER shall be responsible for any and all damages to property or persons arising out of an error, omission and/or a) negligent act in the prosecution of the ENGINEER's work and shall indemnify and save harmless the LA, the STATE, and their o officers, agents and employees from all suits, claims, actions or damages of any nature whatsoever resulting there from. These *� indemnities shall not be limited by the listing of any insurance policy. E 8. This AGREEMENT may be terminated by the LA upon giving notice in writing to the ENGINEER at the ENGINEER's last known post 0 office address. Upon such termination, the ENGINEER shall cause to be delivered to the LA all drawings, plats, surveys, reports, 0) permits, agreements, soils and foundation analysis, provisions, specifications, partial and completed estimates and data, if any from E soil survey and subsurface investigation with the understanding that all such material becomes the property of the LA. The LA will be responsible for reimbursement of all eligible expenses to date of the written notice of termination. c 0 v 9. This certification is required by the Drug Free Workplace Act (301LCS 580). The Drug Free Workplace Act requires that no grantee cn or contractor shall receive a grant or be considered for the purpose of being awarded a contract for the procurement of any property or service from the State unless that grantee or contractor will provide a drug free workplace. False certification or violation of the N certification may result in sanctions including, but not limited to, suspension of contract or grant payments, termination of a contract or grant and debarment of the contracting or grant opportunities with the State for at least one (1) year but no more than five (5) years. c N For the purpose of this certification, "grantee" or "contractor" means a corporation, partnership or other entity with twenty-five (25) or more employees at the time of issuing the grant, or a department, division or other unit thereof, directly responsible for the specific = performance under a contract or grant of $5,000 or more from the State, as defined in the Act. The contractor/grantee certifies and agrees that it will provide a drug free workplace by: a. Publishing a statement: m (1) Notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance, cEa including cannabis, is prohibited in the grantee's or contractor's workplace. M (2) Specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. N (3) Notifying the employee that, as a condition of employment on such contract or grant, the employee will: (a) abide by the terms of the statement; and d (b) notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) aEi days after such conviction. a b. Establishing a drug free awareness program to inform employees about: CL (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; cn (2) The grantee's or contractor's policy of maintaining a drug free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance program; and a� (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon an employee for drug violations. c. Providing a copy of the statement required by subparagraph (a) to each employee engaged in the performance of the contract or V grant and to post the statement in a prominent place in the workplace. d. Notifying the contracting or granting agency within ten (10) days after receiving notice under part (B) of paragraph (3) of subsection (a) above from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. E e. Imposing a sanction on, or requiring the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program by, f. Assisting employees in selecting a course of action in the event drug counseling, treatment and rehabilitation is required and M indicating that a trained referral team is in place. Q g. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of the Drug Free Workplace Act. Page 4 of 5 Printed on 10/27/2016 6:26:10 AM BLR 05610 (Rev. 11/21/13) Packet Pg. 46 | | )lmmo wie7elillm4juawmpueumVpumoeS :lZ-$�OZ-N) pmauupuauuepuZ—jueuue|ddnSqomj|!x!0 :um0uu43mjjV 10. 1 he I-NUINtLK or subconsuitant snail not omnnm/nateonthe basis mrace, color, national origin or sex in the pertormance ot this LLJ AGREEMENT. The ENGINEER shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR part 26 in the administration of DOT assisted [— | contracts. Failure bythe ENGINEER tocarry out these requirements isamaterial breach ofthis AGREEMENT, which may result in the termination of this AGREEMENT or such other remedy as the LA deems appropriate. Agreement Summary Prime Consultant: TIN Number Agreement Amount Civiltech Engineering, Inc $195,607.84 Sub -Consultants: TIN Number Agreement Amount Gewalt Hamilton Associates Inc. $14,242.16 Sub -Consultant Total- $14242.16 Prime ConsultanM 607.84 Total for all Work: 1 $209,850.00 Executed by the LA: LA1111111*11 By Executed bythe ENGINEER: Page oofe Village of Buffalo Grove In 11111511-3 CivibechEngineering, Inc. By: Title: 8.E.c EXHIBIT A-1 PHASE II SCOPE OF ENGINEERING SERVICES Lake Cook Road Improvements Supplement No. 2 Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways Village of Buffalo Grove October 27, 2016 This supplement covers revisions pertaining to the following out -of -scope work that was not included in the original Phase II Engineering agreement: • Combining of two construction contracts into a single contract • Design and permitting of sanitary sewer forcemains • Update of traffic signal plans to new IDOT standards • Re -inspection of Buffalo Grove Road bridge over Buffalo Creek • Agreement assistance • Wetland credit purchase Additional details regarding each of these items follows below. SCOPE OF SERVICES ti 1. Combining of Contracts 0 N The Phase II Design Engineering contract included the preparation of the plans, special W provisions, and estimates for two construction contracts. The entire project was completed to a preliminary level. After receiving review comments on the preliminary plans, the first construction contract was completed to a pre -final level. After the review of these plans, and based on the status of the right-of-way acquisition, the County decided E to combine the two construction contracts into a single contract and delay the letting to the fall of 2017. The scope of the revisions and the need for additional engineering N workhours was discussed in the November 25, 20125 memo (included with this supplement). The combining of the contracts created the following items of work that are outside the scope of the original Phase II Design Engineering contract: A. Additional Plan Sheets In the original concept, the new intersection of Buffalo Grove Road and the Weiland Road extension would have been constructed in a single season. This would have allowed the permanent traffic signal to be installed prior to opening Weiland Road. With the revision to a single construction contract, Weiland Road will be completed during the first season and will be opened prior to the completion of construction on Buffalo Grove Road. Therefore, a temporary traffic signal will be needed during the second year of construction. • Temporary Traffic Signal Installation Plan — Buffalo Grove Road / Weiland Road (1 sheet) Packet Pg. 48 8.E.c • Temporary Cable Plan — Buffalo Grove Road / Weiland Road (1 sheet) B. Plan Revisions The combining of the contracts requires revisions to be made to the pre -final plans from Contract 1, as follows: Maintenance of Traffic Plans — The most significant change to the plans is in regards to the staging of traffic at the western limit of the Contract 1 plans. Pre -final plans had been developed showing traffic shifting back to the existing lanes west of the project limits. These plans will need to be updated to maintain traffic through the western limits of the Contract 2 area. This will also affect how the Contract 2 area along Lake Cook Road will be constructed since the concept staging for this area was originally based on Contract 1 being in its second main stage. Update at Contract Limits — Modifications to the work shown at the project limits will now be required since the interim work previously designed will no longer be required. This includes revisions to the Plan and Profile sheets (connections between the Contact 1 improvements and the existing pavement), the Drainage and Utilities sheets (connections between the Contract 1 storm sewers and existing storm sewers), and the associated quantity revisions. Temporary Traffic Signal Plans — The staging of signal heads shown on the temporary traffic signal cable plans will need to be updated to match the new maintenance of traffic plans. This includes revisions at the following intersections: o Lake Cook Road and Weiland Road C' Lake Cook Road and Walmart / Target W 2. Sanitary Sewer Forcemain Design and Permitting During the design of the pre -final plans in the Contract 2 area, conflicts with existing sanitary sewer forcemains have been determined at the following locations: • Lou Malnati's service across Buffalo Grove Road • Shell Gas Station service across IL Route 83 • Bank of America service at the southeast corner of Lake Cook Road and IL Route 83 Details of these private services were unknown at the time the Phase 11 contract was originally developed, and conflicts were not anticipated. The project will be best serviced if the relocation of these services is performed under the roadway contract. Civiltech proposed to utilize GeWalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. as a sub -consultant to perform this work. As approved via e-mail by the Village of Buffalo Grove on 6/27/16 and Cook County on 6/28/16 (copy attached to this supplement), we have reduced the amount of appraisal fee remaining in the project by the amount of GeWalt Hamilton's fee. A copy of GeWalt Hamilton's proposal is also included. A. Coordination with Subconsultant — This item includes coordination between Civiltech and Gewalt Hamilton. This will include an initial meeting to provide all Packet Pg. 49 8.E.c available information and discuss the proposed roadway design and permitting status. B. Incorporation of P,S&E — This item includes the work effort required to incorporate the plans, special provisions, and cost estimates prepared by GeWalt Hamilton into the construction contract. 3. Update of Traffic Signal Plans to New IDOT Standards In December 2015, after the Contract 1 pre -final submittal, IDOT revised the symbols for many of their traffic signal items as well as the layout of some traffic signal sheets. These updates will be applied to IDOT projects beginning with the June 2016 letting. Although this project is for CCDOTH and not IDOT, the plans will be updated to reflect the new IDOT symbols. Since the Lake Cook project will be let after June 2016, it will be preferable for the plans to reflect the new symbols in order to be consistent with other traffic signal plans in the State. Also, the new symbols more accurately reflect traffic signal pole and controller foundation sizes. The Lake Cook Road corridor contains many underground utilities, thus using more accurate foundation symbols will help with identification of utility conflicts. Revisions will be required for the following at 9 intersections: c • Temporary Traffic Signal Plans �n • Temporary Cable Plans • Traffic Signal Modernization Plans • Cable Plans o N W 4. Re -inspect Buffalo Grove Road over Buffalo Creek (SN 016-3204) & Update Bridge Plans a The approved scope of work for this bridge is complete deck replacement and steel superstructure and substructure widening in -kind. The bridge was inspected on August 18, 2010. Civiltech visited the bridge on August 19, 2016, and noticed a couple of possible repairable defects that were not included in the approved BCR. Portions of the substructure to remain will be inspected in order to identify and quantify repairable defects that did not exist in 2010. The bridge plans will be updated to include any new repairs. 5. Project Administration, Coordination, and Permits As of the date of this supplement, there are 15 agreements required between various agencies for this project. The County has requested Civiltech to aid in preparing and reviewing these agreements. The agreements will be reviewed by the Project Manager and cost breakdowns will be prepared as necessary to meet the requirements of each agreement. Packet Pg. 50 8.E.c 6. Wetland Credit Purchase As requested by CCDOTH, we have included the currently estimated cost of the purchase of the wetland credits required to mitigate for the wetland impacts associated with the construction of the project. This amount has been shown as an additional direct cost. W Packet Pg. 51 8.E.c w N A L (L U ❑ Oo + M J � ❑ a � u ❑ 7� o = O � � o o o `o 0 o u LL a p Q LL X ~ w LL _❑ N a a o oU o ._ U U CC Q Packet Pg. 52 8.E.c Q Packet Pg. 53 8.E.c Direct Cost and Sub Consultant Calculation Professional Engineering Services Proposal Supplement No. 2 Lake Cook Road Improvements Village of Buffalo Grove 11 DIRECT COSTS ITEM 1 - Sanitary Sewer Forcemain Design and Permitting GeWalt Hamilton Associates Inc. Total Item 1 $14,242.16 ITEM 2 - Right -of -Way Appraisals Appraisals Total Item 2-$14,242.16 ITEM 3 - Wetland Credits e-mail on June 27th and 28th (see attached). Exhibit A-4 Page 1 of 1 Packet Pg. 54 w 8.E.c Contract Combining Memo November 25, 2015 Packet Pg. 55 pvHtech EngIneering, Inc. I ww,vmciveltechinc,conn Transportation 1 Guvnll 1 Construction II Envlronnierntal V Water Resources II Structural II AppraVsal Memorandum Date: November 25, 2015 To: Mr. Noel Basquin, P.E. CFM Bureau Chief of Design Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways 69 West Washington Street Chicago, IL 60602 From: Civiltech Engineering, Inc. Re: Lake Cook Road — Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane Construction Contracts and Letting Date Revisions Based on the discussion at the progress meeting on November 9rh and subsequent conversations, Cook County is investigating combining the two Lake Cook Road projects into a single construction contract. Right-of-way acquisition is proceeding; however it is unlikely that all of the parcels required for Contract 1 will be acquired in time for a 2016 letting. If the contracts are combined, the new letting would be scheduled for 2017 with construction to be substantially completed in 2019. At the request of Cook County, we have prepared the following information regarding the impact that combining the contracts and shifting the letting date will have on the project. Once we have received approval from the County, we will begin the process of combining and updating the project. Fundin;; The project involves the use of the following Federal funds: $4.185 million CMAQ - Lake Cook Road / Weiland Road intersection — FYI — funds have been moved one time $5.113 million CMAQ - Lake Cook Road / Buffalo Grove Road intersection — FYI — funds have been moved one time $2.974 million CMAQ - Lake Cook Road / IL Route 83 intersection — FYI — it does not appear that these funds have been moved $4.0 million STP - Lake Cook Road — MYB List $4.0 million STP - Weiland Road Extension — MYB List $2.1896 million STP — Lighting — MYB List The CMAQ funds will need to be moved from their currently planned fiscal year. Since two of the funds have already used their one-time move, the County will need to request CMAP allow a second move. At the November 9th meeting, the County indicated that they were successful in doing this on another project. Lake County has also offered to attend any meetings or sign letters in support of the funding move. A decision will need to be made regarding what fiscal year to move the money to — either FYI or FYI 8. Our recommendation would be to move the funds to FYI 8, which would allow for an October 2017 letting. If right-of-way is not in place by the Fall of 2017, the letting could be delayed until 2018 without needing to shift the funds again. If the right-of-way is in place sooner, it would likely be easier to have the money moved to an earlier fiscal year at that time. W 450 F IDevon Ave, Suite 300 J Itasca, a, It 60143 30 N Lasalle St, Suite 2624 I Chicago, IL 60602 500 Covetttury ILn, Suite 2 901 C TO 630.773.39001 Fax: 630.773 3975 1el; 312,726,5910 p Fax 312',726 5911 'Tel; 815,477,1915 IJ Fax: Packet Pg. 56 Lake Cook Road — Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane Construction Contracts and Letting Date Revisions Page 2 Right -of -Way Acquisition The negotiations with the property owners are ongoing. Combining of the projects will not affect the number or size of parcels being acquired. The temporary easements are being acquired for a 5 year period. Therefore, any easements already acquired will be in place until the Fall of 2020. With a Fall 2017 letting, construction would be completed prior to that time. Permitting / Approvals USACE — The permit application was submitted for impacts to all Waters of the US within the entire project and comments were received on 9/3/15. The resubmittal will indicate that the project will be constructed as a single project. NCCSWCD — A conditional permit was received for Contract I on November 5tli. A new submittal will need to be made to modify the permit to cover the entire project. IDNR — Two permit applications were submitted, one for each contract since each contract had one Q waterway crossing. We do not anticipate combining the projects will affect IDNR's review of the c bridge crossings since the design is not changed. U W LCSMC — A conditional permit was received for Contract 1 on November 121h. The permit is valid N for three years (construction completion). A new submittal will need to be made to modify the permit to cover the entire project. At that time we will request that the permit be valid until construction is completed in 2020. MWRD — The permit application for Contract 1 was submitted and comments were received on November 19t'. A resubmittal to address the comments will be required. As part of that resubmittal, E the permit application will be revised to cover the entire contract limits. i= IEPA Water and Sanitary Sewer — Permit applications were scheduled to be prepared for Contract 1 upon receiving comments on the pre -final plans. These applications will be delayed until the impacts N to the water main and sanitary sewer in the Contract 2 area are determined. a� E Biological Clearance — The project was granted clearance on 12/26/2014. Biological clearance is valid for 2 years. We are in the process of updating the clearance based on the northern long-eared a bat issue. Assuming this clearance is granted in early 2016, the clearance will be valid until the (n letting. m Wetland Clearance — The project was granted clearance on 12/2/2011. Wetland clearance is valid for 2 years. It is our intent to have all wetland permits (USACE, LCSMC, and MWRD) in place in 2016. v The wetland clearance will need to be updated prior to the letting, but we anticipate this to be straight forward if the permits are in place and the project has not changed since the last clearance was received. Cultural Clearance — The project was granted clearance on 4/17/2015. Cultural clearance does not expire. Packet Pg. 57 Lake Cook Road — Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane Construction Contracts and Letting Date Revisions Page 3 Special Waste Clearance PSI (Local) — A PSI was prepared for the non-IDOT routes by Huff & Huff. The report is dated December 2014 and is valid for 5 years. PSI ([DOT) — IDOT has not initiated the PST for IL Route 83. A PESA Response was submitted to IDOT in February 2015 and revised in September 2015. IDOT should be notified about combining the contracts in the letter that they requested from the County as soon as possible so that a single PST is prepared for the project. Similar to above, the report will be valid for 5 years. Staging / Maintenance of Traffic Combining the projects into a single contract will have the most impact on the design of the staging and maintenance of traffic. Detailed plans have been prepared for Contract 1 based on the memo dated April E 15, 2015. One of the goals of the Contract 1 design was to maintain as many through lanes as possible for c the longest period of time. We were able to maintain 2 lanes in each direction for a majority of the first E main stage, then reduce to I westbound lane while maintaining 2 eastbound lanes during the remainder of a the first year. This lane configuration continued at the start of the second year but was reduced to 1 lane c in each direction in order to build the third, eastbound permanent lane and the median. We believe that we U will be able to maintain this strategy within the Contract 1 limits, however the Contract 2 project area is constrained by adjacent features (Buffalo Creek, Buffalo Grove Road bridge, existing 5 lane section at the N project limits). It is likely that we will need to reduce this area to 1 westbound lane and 2 eastbound lanes early in the project and then reduce to 1 lane in each direction, similar to the Contract 1 area. We anticipate that there will be some out -of -scope work effort required to modify the previously completed maintenance of traffic plans in order to accommodate the addition of the Contract 2 limits. VE Study A draft response to IDOT's comments on the VE Study was prepared and submitted to the County on September 4`t'. This response should be submitted to IDOT as soon as possible in order to obtain concurrence on the recommendations, specifically the possible change to the reconstruction limit on IL Route 83. IDOT's response will be needed in order to complete the pre -final plans on this roadway. Plan Preparation Plans have been completed to the pre -final level for Contract 1. Revisions are required to address the comments received to date from the Counties and Villages. Plans have only been completed to the preliminary level for Contract 2. These plans will need to be advanced to a pre -final level and then the plans combined into a single plan set. This recombination will involve some out -of -scope work. Intergovernmental Agreements Draft IGAs have been prepared. The draft IGA with Lake County covered both Contracts, while the draft IGAs with the Villages only covered Contract 1. All of the draft IGAs should be revised based on construction of a single contract. Packet Pg. 58 Lake Cook Road — Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane Construction Contracts and Letting Date Revisions Page 4 Utility Relocation The utility companies will now need to design their relocation work to cover the entire project. If any had started on plans for just Contract 1, those plans will need to be updated. The delay in the letting schedule will allow these companies additional time to perform the relocation work. Schedule We have prepared a revised schedule for the remainder of the project (attached). The schedule shows a late Summer 2017 letting. This will allow some advance construction to begin later in the Fall of 2017, including removal of all trees during the winter (anticipated to be required for the northern long-eared bat issue). Full construction would then start in early 2018 with substantial completion by the end of 2019, with some work potentially remaining in 2020 (landscaping, traffic signals, etc). W Packet Pg. 59 I 8.E.c ] 1 E '0 r E r N E E I PacketPg.60 ] 8.E.c Sanitary Sewer Forcemain E-mails and GeWalt Hamilton Proposal m m a� L a 0 W Y 0 0 L) Y R J 0 _ E E a _ 0 a� ti N O N _ 0 E C d E R C N I _ d E d CL Q 7 t d V _ d E s �a Q Packet Pg. 61 8.E.c David J. Kreeger, P.E. From: Helen Sterr (DOTH) <helen.sterr@cookcountyil.gov> Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 7:44 AM To: Darren Monico; David J. Kreeger, P.E. Cc: Noel Basquin (DOTH); Jonathan R. Vana, P.E. Subject: RE: Lake Cook Road Supplement Dave, This approach Is acceptable to the County as well. EM Ih-Nelen Pappas Sterr, P.E., PMP, CFM Civil Division Head / Bureau of Design Cookk County Department of lfran.sportation and Highways 69 west Washington, .Suite 21.00 Chicago, IL 60602 31.2.603.1.744 e V 0. s.o::.eLir.. ex q_k c�u a in . o �_:.� From: Darren Monico [mailto:DMonico@vbg.org] y Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 2:51 PM ti To: 'David J. Kreeger, P.E.' Cc: Noel Basquin (DOTH); Helen Sterr (DOTH); Jonathan R. Vana, P.E. c Subject: RE: Lake Cook Road Supplement That is acceptable to the Village. _ m Darren £ Darren T. Monico, P.E. I Village Engineer VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 51 Raupp Blvd, Buffalo Grove IL 60089 847.459.2523 dmonico@vbg.org 77yu�%; AGEMY NOTE: Email, attachments, and responses may be subject to release through the Illinois Freedom of Information Act From: David J. Kreeger, P.E. [! :ill a.;;.1DIKr e erta)ciiviilltech�iinc„coirn] Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 2:36 PM To: Darren Monico Cc: 'Noel Basquin (DOTH)'; Helen Sterr (DOTH); Jonathan R. Vana, P.E. Subject: FW: Lake Cook Road Supplement Packet Pg. 62 8.E.c i From: Helen Sterr (DOTH) [fn�!ika:_[r_e_en..sterr ! qqq !2g.uJ. yulo.gcay] Sent: Monday, June 27, 2016 1:36 PM To: David J. Kreeger, P.E. <DKreegar. _ci'iuiill_tech�i:lnc.._coM>; Noel Basquin (DOTH) <Ncie_ lBas.quii_In���p����uin�. iil.gov> Cc: Jonathan R. Vana, P.E. <,JVana ! iiui.11.tgclh_iirnc.com> Subject: RE: Lake Cook Road Supplement II-Nii Dave, 11as this been discussed with Buffalo Grove as weI1 and are they in agreement? Thanks Helen Pappas Sterr, P.E., PMP, CEM Civil Divusion Head / Bureau of Design Cook County Department of .l.ran.sportation and Highways 69 west Washington, Suite 21.00 Chicago, IL 60602 312.603.1.744 h0nosrr..grnkcaau.�in:.ggy. From: David J. Kreeger, P.E. [irn ::i.11 cr.;;.l[ IKr erna ciiviilltechiinc„com] Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 2:43 PM To: Helen Sterr (DOTH); Noel Basquin (DOTH) Cc: Jonathan R. Vana, P.E. Subject: Lake Cook Road Supplement Helen and Noel, w As we mentioned in the November 25, 2015 memo regarding the combining of the contracts and at the last progress meeting, there is out of scope work on the Lake Cook Road project that we would like to include in a supplement to the engineering contract. We have started to work on a draft of that supplement. One of the items is the design and permitting of the relocation of the sanitary sewer forcemains. Details of these private services were unknown at the time the Phase II contract was originally developed, and conflicts were not anticipated. The project will be best served if the relocation of these services is performed under the roadway contract. The design of this work is outside of Civiltech's area of expertise, therefore we are proposing to utilize GeWalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. as a sub -consultant. Based on the experience with the previous supplement, we anticipate that formal approval of the supplement and the amendment to the IGA with Buffalo Grove will take several months. We would like to include the forcemain work in the permit resubmittal to MWRD and the pre -final plans, which we are currently preparing and targeting a late July submittal. In order to expedite the forcemain design, we propose the following: GeWalt Hamilton has submitted a proposal to perform the design and permitting, in the amount of $14,242.16 (copy attached). Packet Pg. 63 8.E.c As a result of the previously approved supplement 1, Civiltech reduced the excess appraisal fees to $25,000. We would now propose to reduce this further by the amount of GeWalt Hamilton's proposal ($14,242.16), leaving a contingency for appraisal revisions of $10,757.84. This would essentially be a reallocation of funds under the current contract maximum. We felt that there may be an advantage to handling GeWalt Hamilton's services in this manner because it could be approved quicker, and there would still be time to include the forcemain relocation in the July pre -final submittal. Civiltech's work to coordinate with GeWalt Hamilton and to incorporate the forcemain plans would be included in the future supplement (GeWalt Hamilton's work includes providing mark-ups for Civiltech to incorporate into the previously £ prepared Utility Plans). L Please let us know if this approach is feasible, and if so, we can draft a formal letter requesting the reallocation. Thank you. o o: Dave Y David J. Kreeger, P.E. Project Manager 4cir geirAciiviillteclhiinc„com Civiltech Engineering, Inc. 450 E. Devon Ave, Suite 300 1 Itasca, IL 60143 Direct: 630.735.3375 1 Fax: 630.773.3975 udrvWrw„civil) tech i rnc„ com ................................................................................................... W Packet Pg. 64 May 27, 2016 Mr. David J. Kreeger, P.E. Project Manager Civiltech Engineering, Inc. 450 E. Devon Avenue, Suite 300 Itasca, IL 60143 Re: Proposal for Professional Services Sanitary System Utility Repair Design Lake Cook Road — Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane Buffalo Grove, IL GHA Proposal No. 2016.M040 Dear Mr. Kreeger: CONSULTING ENGINEERS 625 Forest Edge Drive, Vernon Hills, 11, 60061 TEL 847.478.9700 N FAx 847,478.9701 www.gha-engincers.com Thank you for requesting a proposal from Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. to provide design engineering services associated with the sanitary sewer replacements within this project. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or would like additional information. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. Todd P. Gordon, P.E. Associate/Senior Engineer tgordonC@gha-engineers.com Encl.: GHA Proposal No. 2016.M040 John R. Brigg , Senior Engineer jbriggsna qha-engineers.com 36001-70 Drive SE, Suite E, Columbia, MO 65201 N TEL 573.397.6900 0 FAX 573.397.6901 Packet Pg. 65 Proposal for Professional Services Sanitary System Utility Repair Design Lake Cook Road — Raupp Boulevard to Hastings Lane Buffalo Grove, Illinois GHA Proposal No. 2016.M040 Project Understanding `/ % j 1 l 1 ASSOCIATES, INC. 625 Forest Edge Drive, Vernon Hills, 11, 60061 TEL 847.478.9700 IN Fax 847.478.9701 w-ww.gha-engineers.corn Assistance is being requested from a qualified firm for the planning and design of several isolated main line and service line replacements on the existing sanitary sewer infrastructure system (See attached Design Plan markups). Work is to be associated with both gravity sewers and pressure lines that service individual business parcels as well as the Village force main system. Services to be provided include design development, construction drawing designs, specification preparation, and permitting applications through the Village of Buffalo Grove, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD). The proposed work consists of replacing and realigning sanitary service lines at three (3) locations and relocating a small segment of the Village's force main within the current design corridor (currently in development by others). These lines are in need of replacement due to their anticipated conflict with other proposed design features. A majority of the design work is already in the final stages of completion, and existing topographic data along with proposed design features have already been prepared. As such, the design effort will be limited to providing plan mark-ups for incorporation into the existing design plan set. Topographic data will not be collected and separate drawings will not be prepared. Project specifications will be prepared for inclusion in the current bid book. GHA will prepare permit applications and associated documentation; however, the Village or their representative will be responsible for submission of permit applications and any associated fees. GHA will use the existing topographic and design data provided by Civiltech to complete the design effort. Field reconnaissance will be performed to verify utility conflict information on an as -needed basis. Scope of Services A. Design Layout Development GHA will work with stakeholders to refine the final design alignment expectations. GHA will prepare the final layout design markups for incorporation into overall design plan documents (by others). 3. This phase of work includes one (1) team meeting. Remaining consultation will be via telephone, e-mail, fax, and hard copy documentation. _ L a 0 0 0 L) as Y J s 0 c 0 a _ 0 aD ti N �o a N W 36001-70 Drive SE, Suite E, Columbia, MO 65201 9 Tm, 573.397.6900 m Fax 573.397.6901 Packet Pg. 66 8.E.c B. Project Specifications and Quantity Estimates GHA will prepare project specifications (Microsoft Word document) for inclusion into the current bid book. It is anticipated that the work will include the following: 1. General Notes 2. Design Details 3. Materials Table 4. Preparation of anticipated construction quantities for sanitary forcemain and services work 5. Preparation of Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost for sanitary forcemain and services work C. Permitting We anticipate this project will require permitting through the MWRD as well as the IEPA. GHA will prepare the appropriate permit submittal documents for inclusion into the permit application and forward to the permittee for signatures. As the scale of MWRD permitting requirements for the project is currently unknown, we have provided an estimated allowance for the completion these services. III. Services Not Included The following services are not included in the scope of work. These services may be provided at the request of the Client as an additional service. Topographic survey data collection; IDNR, USACE, or other permit submittals not specifically listed above; N Permit fees and review fees; 4. Lift station pump designs or pipe capacity designs. Capacity analysis work will be conducted as necessary per MWRD comments 5. Meetings beyond those included in the scope; 6. Attendance at or preparation for after-hours meetings or public hearings; 7. Preparation of separate design plans, bid manual, or assistance with the bidding process; 8. Revisions required by changes to the site plan; and 9. Construction administration/observation services. IV. Timeline We are prepared to commence work upon receipt of authorization to proceed. GHA will make every reasonable effort to ensure project milestones and deadlines are met, as identified by the Client. GHA will not be responsible for delays caused by reviewing agencies or by failure of others to provide timely direction or execution of their services. May 27, 2016 GHA Proposal No. 2016.M040 P packet Pg. 67 8.E.c V. General Conditions of this Agreement The delineated services provided by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. (GHA), under this Agreement will be performed as reasonably required in accordance with the generally accepted standards for civil engineering and surveying services as reflected in the contract for this project at the time when and the place where the services are performed. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a third party against either the Client or GHA. GHA's services under this Agreement are being performed solely for the Client's benefit, and no other party or entity shall have any claim against GHA because of this Agreement or the performance or nonperformance of services hereunder. In no event shall GHA be liable for any loss of profit or any consequential damages. GHA shall not have control of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for job site safety measures. Such control is the sole responsibility of the Client's contractor. The Client, and not GHA, is responsible for ensuring that the contractor implements the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), including maintenance and/or repair of soil erosion and sediment control measures for compliance with the General NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Site Activities. GHA assumes no liability for any actions by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) resulting from the contractor's failure to comply with SWPPP or the requirements of the General Permit. The Client and GHA agree that all disputes between them arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the Project shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation in Chicago, Illinois unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. This Agreement, including all subparts and Attachment A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as the General Provisions of this Agreement, constitute the entire integrated agreement between the parties which may not be modified without all parties consenting thereto in writing. By signing below you indicate your acceptance of this Agreement in its entirety. Civiltech Engineering, Inc. Name: Title: Date: Encl.: Attachment A Man -Hour Estimate Design Plan Markups W May 27, 2016 GHA Proposal No. 2016.M040 P Packet Pg. 68 ATTACHMENT A TO GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 8.E.c 1. Standard of Care. The services provided by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc., (GHA) under this Agreement will be reasonal performed consistent with the generally accepted standard of care for the Scope of Basic Services called for herein at the time when and 1 place where the services are provided. 2. Duration of Proposal. The terms of this Agreement are subject to renegotiation if not accepted within 60 calendar days of 1 date indicated on this Agreement. Requests for extension beyond 60 calendar days shall be made in writing prior to the expiration date. T fees and terms of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for one year from the date of acceptance of this Agreement, and shall subject to revision at that time, or any time thereafter if GHA gives written notice to the other party at least 60 calendar days prior to i requested date of revision. In the event that the parties fail to agree on the new rates or other revisions, either party may terminate t Agreement as provided for herein. 3. Client Information. Client shall provide GHA will all project criteria and full information for its Scope of Basic Services. GI may rely, without liability, on the accuracy and completeness of the information Client provides, including that of its other consulter contractors and subcontractors, without independently verifying that information. 4. Payment. Payments are due within 30 calendar days after a statement is rendered. Statements not paid within 60 calendar days the end of the calendar month when the statement is rendered will bear interest at the rate of one percent (1.0%) per month until paid. T provision for the payment of interest shall not be construed as authorization to pay late. Failure of the Client to make payments when d shall, in GHA's sole discretion, be cause for suspension of services without breach or termination of this agreement. Upon notification GHA of suspension of services, Client shall pay in full all outstanding invoices within 7 calendar days. Client's failure to make such paymi to GHA shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement and shall be cause for termination by GHA. GHA shall be entitled reimbursement of all costs actually incurred by GHA in collecting overdue accounts under this Agreement, including, without limitatio attorney's fees and costs. GHA shall have no liability for any claims or damages arising from either suspension or termination of t] Agreement due to Client's breach The Client's obligation to pay for GHA's services is in no way dependent upon the Client's ability obtain financing, rezoning, payment from a third party, approval of governmental or regulatory agencies or the Client's completion of 1 project. 5. Instruments of Service. The Client acknowledges GHA's plans and specifications, including field data, notes, calculations, a all documents or electronic data, are instruments of service. GHA shall retain ownership rights over all original documents and instrumei of service. All instruments of service provided by GHA shall be reviewed by Client within 10 calendar days of receipt. Any deficienci errors, or omissions the Client discovers during this period will be reported to GHA and will be corrected as part of GHA's Basic Servic Failure to provide such notice shall constitute a waiver. The Client shall not reuse or make, or permit to be made any modifications to 1 instruments of service without the prior written authorization of GHA. The Client waives all claims against GHA arising from any reuse modification of the instruments of service not authorized by GHA. The Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to defend a indemnify and hold GHA harmless from any liability, damage, or cost, including attorneys' fees, arising from the unauthorized reuse modification of the instruments of service by any person or entity. The parties agree that if elements of the Scope of Basic Services identifi in this Agreement are reduced and/or eliminated by Client, then Client waives, releases and holds GHA harmless from all claims a damages arising from those reduced and/or eliminated services. If GHA's Scope of Basic Services does not include constructi administration phase services, Client assumes responsibility for interpretation of the instruments of service and construction observation, a waives all claims against GHA for any act, omission or event connected thereto. Unless included in GHA's Scope of Basic Services, GI shall not be liable for coordination with of the services of Client's other design professionals. 6. Electronic Files. The Client acknowledges that differences may exist between the electronic tiles delivered and the print instruments of service. In the event of a conflict between the signed / sealed printed instruments of service prepared by GHA and i electronic tiles, the signed / sealed instruments of service shall control. GHA's electronic files shall be prepared in the current software GI uses and will follow GHA's standard formatting unless the Scope of Basic Services requires otherwise. Client accepts that GHA makes warranty that its software will be compatible with other systems or software. 7. Applicable Codes. The Client acknowledges that applicable laws, codes and regulations may be subject to various, and possil contradictory, interpretations. Client accepts that GHA does not warrant or guarantee that the Client's project will comply with interpretatic of applicable laws, codes, and regulations as they may be interpreted to the project. Client agrees that GHA shall not be responsible for add project costs, delay damages, or schedule changes arising from unreasonable or unexpected interpretations of the laws, codes, or regulatic applied to the project, nor for changes required by the permitting authorities due to changes in the law that became effective after completi of GHA's instruments of service. Client shall compensate GHA for additional fees required to revise the instruments of service to coral with such interpretations. Client shall also compensate GHA for additional fees required to revise the instruments of service if Client chant the project scope after GHA's completes its instruments of service. 8. Utilities and Soils. When the instruments of service include information pertaining to the location of underground utility facilit or soils, such information represents only the opinion of the engineer as to the possible locations. This information may be obtained fr< visible surface evidence, utility company records or soil borings performed by others, and is not represented to be the exact location or nati of these utilities or soils in the field. Client agrees that GHA may reasonably rely on the accuracy and completeness of information furnish by third parties respecting utilities, underground conditions and soils without performing any independent verification. Contractor is soli responsible for utility locations, their markings in the field and their placernent on the plans based on information they provided. Client agn GHA is not liable for damages resulting from utility conflicts, mistaken utility locates, unfavorable soils, and concealed or unforese conditions, including but not limited to added construction costs and/or project delays. If the Client wishes to obtain the services o- contractor to provide test holes and exact utility locations, GHA may incorporate that information into the design and reasonably rely upon If not included in the Scope of Basic Services, such work will be compensated as additional services. Attachment A, September, 2014 Page 1 of 2 Packet Pg. 69 9. Opinion of Probable Construction Costs. GHA's Scope of Basic Services may include the preparation of an 8•E.e probable construction costs. Client acknowledges that GHA has no control over the costs of labor, materials, or equipment, or over the contractor's methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions. Opinions of probable costs, shall be made the basis of experience and qualifications applied to the project scope contemplated by this Agreement as well as information provided Client (the accuracy and completeness of which GHA may rely upon), and represent GHA's reasonable judgment. Client accepts that GI does not guarantee or warrant that proposals, bids, or the actual construction costs will not vary from opinions of probable cost prepared the Client. GHA shall not be liable for cost differentials between the bid and/or actual costs and GHA's opinion of probable constructi costs. Client agrees it shall employ an independent cost estimator if, based on its sole determination, it wants more certainty respecti construction costs, 10. Contractor's Work. Client agrees that GHA does not have control or charge of and is not responsible for construction mea methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for site or worker safety measures and programs including enforcement of Federal, St; 0 and local safety requirements, in connection with construction work performed by the Client or the Client's construction contractors. GHA not responsible for the supervision and coordination of Client's construction contractors, subcontractors, materialmen, fabricators, erecte Q operators, suppliers, or any of their employees, agents and representatives of such workers, or responsible for any machinery, consttucti M equipment, or tools used and employed by contractors and subcontractors. GHA has no authority or right to stop the work. GHA may 1 0 direct or instruct the construction work in any regard. In no event shall GHA be liable for the acts or omissions of Client's constructi �c contractors, subcontractors, materialmen, fabricators, erectors, operators or suppliers, or any persons or entities performing any of the wo p or for failure of any of them to carry out their work as called for by the Construction Documents. The Client agrees that the Contractor d solely responsible for jobsite and worker safety, and warrants that this intent shall be included in the Client's agreement with all prn contractors. The Client agrees that GHA and GHA's personnel and consultants (if any) shall be defended/indemnified by the Contractor J all claims asserted against GHA which arise out of the Contractor's or its subcontractors' negligence, errors or omissions in the performar s of their work, and shall also be named as an additional insured on the Contractor's and subcontractors' general liability insurance polio o Client warrants that this intent shall be included in the Client's agreement with all prime contractors. if the responsible prime contracto agreement fails to comply with the Client's intent, then the Client agrees to assume the duty to defend and indemnify GHA for clai arising out of the Contractor's or subcontractors' negligence, errors or omissions in the performance of their work. £ 11. Contractor Submittals. Shop drawing and submittal reviews by GHA shall apply only to the items in the submissions t] r- concern GHA's scope of Basic Services and only for the purpose of assessing if, upon successful incorporation in the project, they ; E generally consistent with the GHA's Instruments of Service. Client agrees that the Contractor is solely responsible for the submissions a Q for compliance with the Instruments of Service. Owner agrees that GHA's review and action in relation to the submissions does not constit the provision of means, methods, techniques, sequencing or procedures of construction or extend to jobsite or worker safety. GHY v consideration of a component does not constitute acceptance of an assembled item. y 12. Hazardous Materials. Client agrees that GHA has no responsibility or liability for any hazardous or toxic materk -- contaminants or pollutants. C� 13. Record Drawings. If required by the Scope of Basic Services, record drawings will be prepared which may include unverif] information compiled and furnished by others, the accuracy and completeness of which GHA may reasonably rely upon. Client accepts tl N GHA shall not verify the information provided to it and agrees GHA will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the rect drawings due to incorrect or incomplete information furnished by others to GHA. +, 14. Disputes. Client agrees to limit GHA's total aggregate liability to the Client for GHA's alleged acts, errors or omissions $50,000 or the amount of GHA's paid fees for its services on the project, whichever is greater. GHA makes no guarantees or warranti E either expressed or implied, including any warranty of habitability or fitness for a particular purpose. The parties agree to waive all clan ari against the other for any and all consequential damages, including attorneys' fees. The parties agree to waive against each other all rights a E claims otherwise covered by property insurance, by builder's risk insurance or by all risk insurance, including but not limited to subrogati rights regardless of whether the claims arise during or post -construction and regardless of final payment to GHA. N I All disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall first be negotiated between the parties. If unresolved, the dispute sh be submitted to mediation as a condition precedent to litigation. Mediation shall take place in Chicago, Illinois unless the Client and Gl E mutually agree otherwise. The fees and costs of the mediator shall be apportioned equally between the parties. if mediation is unsuccessf a litigation shall be the form of dispute resolution and shall be filed in the jurisdiction where the project was pending. The controlling law sh C be the law of the jurisdiction where the project was located. Client agrees that all causes of action under this Agreement shall be deemed have accrued and all statutory limitations periods shall commence no later than the date of GHA's services being substantially complete Client agrees that any claim against GHA arising out of this Agreement shall be asserted only against the entity and not against GHQ 4 owners, officers, directors, shareholders, or employees, none of whom shall bear any liability and may not be subject to any claim. > 15. Miscellaneous. Either Client or GHA may terminate this Agreement without penalty at any time with or without cause by givi V the other party ten (10) calendar days prior written notice. The Client shall, within thirty (30) calendar days of termination pay GHA for services rendered and all costs incurred up to the date of termination in accordance with compensation provisions of this Agreement. Clip E shall not assign this Agreement without GHA's prior written consent. There are no third -party beneficiaries to this Agreement. ra Q Attachment A, September, 2014 Page 2 of 2 1 Packet Pg. 70 (;uaWaa.IBV peoy 3100c) 931e-1 ay; o;;uaWpuaWy puoaaS : LZ-%OZ-M) 3uaWpuaWe puZ IuaWaiddnS y39;jmi3 :;uaWg38jjV C u W e�e 00 00 00 o _ F- LU m F ¢ o QLL 0 H W QXN O = LU L ¢ WZ aLL m W 2 p W o~a OUe J m a o ~ o Z 07 0 W a� 2 H W LV X g � J LL ao n r- o NN w N N a O N d z `° a O J M O CO a C) CD N N m W LO O L Q M W W T) W ¢ ¢ m F O 0 LU � F- C ayi is y o O V Z N �+ N O LO Q o O O � N Cr0 N 1�0 O O x o O _ O N O ya @ M ai (7 F- II II F O N Z W GO L a W N W a � a a 2 2 Q fq Z W LL a 8.E.c FIRM NAME PRIME/SUPPLEMENT PSB NO. PAYROLL RATES Gewalt Hamilton Assoc! DATE ESCALATION FACTOR 0.00% CLASSIFICATION CURRENT RATE CALCULATED RATE Senior Engineer $49.65 $49.65 Senior Engineering Tech $32.04 $32.04 Engineering Tech II $24.55 $24.55 Clerical $21.10 $21.10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 06/06/16 w Printed 6/6/2016 PREPARED BY THE CONSULTANT Bureau of Design and Environment (Rev. 11/19/15) Packet Pg. 72 V w co peoU )I000 9)le-1 ay; o; }uauapueuiV puoaaS : LZ-940Z-U) }uawpuauae puZ }uauaaiddnS y3841in10 :;uauayoelly w Q G w O LL H Q G _ Q X w w = J a w 2 > O O U z w 2 w J a a m w N R LL a a �lilllllllllllllllllllllllll I�111111111111111111111111I ■11111111111111111111111111I ■lillllllllllllllllllllllll ■lillllllllllllllllllllllll �I■111111111111111111111111 -0i r z LQ r J C0 z O U w 2 F- LU Q a w w a Q0 0 N co N d V L4 co E (;uawaa.16y peob )1000 93je-j ay; 04 juawpuawV puooaS : IZ-940Z-U) }uawpuauae puz ;ueuaalddnS yoa;linio :4uaWg3e;;y m N �i d a LO LL O nm■mmm�■mm■ nm■mmm�■mm■ o����■mmm�■mm■ ���n■mmmi■mme Ilill■IIIIIIIIII■IIIIII! �IIIII■IIIIIIIIII■IIIIIII a � c F- Q J C0 z O U W 2 H m 0 W a a w w IL m a v a V O a M C 11. �lE f I'bL9 w i m m � y 95'bi9 � - Bf'bL9 MIUMN L6'bL9 to SL°SL9 I � I 1 I 90°919 0 f['L19 BZ'9G9 - I ES'L19 R NI 4] 4],!](�] 9'9L9 � ry +AI _ 50"GL9 bi'9L9 No � zB o I V 66'LL9 � $ I }� SS'619 I9'8L9 O C F HH7- SZ'6L9 o Q v I yH, 9£'099 � I 1� OL°6L9 � z ao 0 0 9!'099 Q v m �I{ 8b'009 0 41 1* u I'LL U O w �a+66Z 133HS 33S _ 'b1S 3NIlHJ1VW J nS _ a a a a s momm I I • w ��a Mims i-MEMO rmmmm Imims II MRS II +i I II I I II 1=1211 OIL 'ON 53311'IHO1 W 00+Z« di M UM b6'£B9 4 a z 65'689 N w i ry m � � if'b99 — 9Z'069 Q 6L'009 N Q U � 96'619 w L£°099 Q 'i b8'919 � Z �I m O I ZC9i9 J ', 06'8L9 � fol momm LJ W O m p Z N O + U R � 07 CC H Q N � Z N � 0 I 995L9 0 1L SL9 S0'9L9 8b'919 L6'919 c m � y 86'LL9 i — OS'LL9 96'LL9 a _. Z L'8L9 c OL'819 a l 69�£9 O I U 7£'699 w 6E'bB9 Q m 16'b89 Z ZO'S89 � i O I 69'S09 � J I' momm O c-0 8.F Ordinance No. 0-2016-53 : Ordinance Amending Chapter 5.20, Liquor Controls ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: The Class A liquor license for Leiserv, LLC d/b/a Brunswick's Buffalo Grove at 350 McHenry Road is being changed to Leiserv, LLC d/b/a Bowlero - Buffalo Grove. The assumed name has been filed with and approved by the Illinois Secretary of State. ATTACHMENTS: • Class A - Leisery LLC dba Bowlero - Buffalo Grove (name change) 10-25-16 (DOCX) Trustee Liaison Sussman Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Chris Stilling, Community Development Updated: 11/2/2016 9:31 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 78 8.F.a Underlined = addition Stfikethfetigh-s = deletion 10/25/2016 ORDINANCE NO.2016 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5.20 LIQUOR CONTROLS WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS as follows: Section 1. Subsection A. of Section 5.20.072 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 5.20.072 Licenses authorized. A. Class A. Licensee and d/b/a 1. Luma ,LLC d/b/a Lou Malnati's 2. Select Restaurants, Inc. d/b/a Countyline Tavern 3. Rack `Em Up Chicago, Inc. 4. The Schwaben Center 5. Sushi Grove, Inc. 6. JBM Hospitality, LLC d/b/a Village Bar & Grill 7. Midas Banquets, Inc. d/b/a Astoria Banquets 8. Progressive Management Services, LLC 9. Chef Adam, Inc. d/b/a The Grove Banquets and Catering 10. La Minita, Inc. d/b/a Mi Mexico Mexican Restaurant 11. Prairie House Tavern LLC 12. K1 Speed, Inc. 13. SHK, USA, Inc. d/b/a Kum Kang San 1 Address 85 South Buffalo Grove Road 800 Lake -Cook Road 312 McHenry Road 301 Weiland Road 154-158 McHenry Road 48 Raupp Boulevard 1375 W. Dundee Road 401 Half Day Road 301 Weiland Road 220 N. Milwaukee Avenue 2710 Main Street 301 Hastings Lane 1329 W. Dundee Road Packet Pg. 79 8.F.a 14. Leiserv, LLC d/b/a Qfidns,. iek's Buffalo Frei,-eBowlero — Buffalo Grove 350 McHenry Road 15. Legas, Inc. d/b/a Rivaj Indian Cuisine 1034 Weiland Road 16. Auro Caf6, LLC d/b/a Mango Leaf Indian 228 McHenry Road Restaurant and Banquet 17. Le Presa Restaurant, Inc. 86 W. Dundee Road Section 2. A. The Class A liquor license for Leiserv, LLC d/b/a Brunswick's Buffalo Grove at 350 McHenry Road is being changed to Leiserv, LLC d/b/a Bowlero - Buffalo Grove. The assumed name has been filed with and approved by the Illinois Secretary of State.. B. This Section 2 shall not be codified. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and in effect from and after its passage and approval. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED: , 2016 APPROVED: ATTEST: Janet M. Sirabian, Village Clerk 2016 Beverly Sussman, Village President 2 Packet Pg. 80 8.G Ordinance No. 0-2016-54 : Ordinance Releasing Parcels 1, 2 and 5 from Village Recapture Ordinance No. 85-50 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: This Ordinance releases Parcels 1, 2 and 5 from Village Recapture Ordinance No. 85-50. Parcel 5, as depicted on Exhibit A, includes part of the proposed Woodman's property. The recapture Ordinance No. 85-50 was for the construction of water mains that the Village previously paid for. ATTACHMENTS: • CHICAGO1-#676740-v1-Payment—of—Recapture—Ordinance (DOC) • Recapture Map (PDF) Trustee Liaison Trilling Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Darren Monico, Public Works Updated: 11/2/2016 9:42 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 81 8.G.a 10/26/2016 #676740 ORDINANCE NO. 2016 - AN ORDINANCE ACKNOWLEDGING FULFILLMENT OF CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS UNDER ORDIANCE NO. 85-50, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF ADVANCES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAINS ALONG THE CHEVY CHASE GOLF COURSE AND MILWAUKEE AVENUE. WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and WHEREAS, THE Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, enacted Ordinance No. 85-50 on September 9, 1985 entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Recoupment of Advances for Construction of Watermains Along the Chevy Chase Golf Curse and Milwaukee Avenue" and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 85-50 was recorded on September 12, 1985, as Document No. 2383539 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Lake County, Illinois; and WHEREAS, certain sums collectible under Ordinance No. 85-50 have been received. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: Section 1. Recitals The foregoing recitals are hereby adopted and incorporated into and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. Receipt of Recapture Sums That the Village of Buffalo Grove hereby acknowledges receipt of certain sums collectable under Ordinance No. 85-50 and release the following legally described properties from the obligations imposed by said Ordinance: Packet Pg. 82 8.G.a Page 2 Parcel 1: That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 43 North, Range 11 East, of the Third Principal Meridian lying North of the North line of the Columbia Gardens Unit No. 4 subdivision, South and East of the Buffalo Grove Commerce Center Unit 2B subdivision and lying east of the east line extended northerly of Huntly Road, in Lake County, Illinois; Parcel2: That part of the Southwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 43 North, Range 11 East, of the Third Principal Meridian, lying east of the SOO Line Railroad west of Milwaukee Avenue, south of the Inverrary subdivision and north of the north line of the Columbia Gardens Unit No. 4 extended easterly, in Lake County, Illinois; Parcel 5: Part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, the Northeast Quarter of Section 34 and the Northwest Quarter of Section 35 all in Township 43 North, Range 11, east of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point which is south 89-1/2' East 8.35 chains from a point in the West line of the northeast quarter of said section 34, 4.63 chains south of the northwest corner thereof ; thence North V West 18.98 chains; thence south 86' - 30' east 47.40 chains to the center of the Milwaukee Road, thence south 12' East along the center of said road, to a point in the center of said road which would intercept a line drawn South 89-1/2' East from the place of beginning; thence North 89-1/2' West to the place of beginning in Lake County, Illinois. Section 3. Map of Released Area For the purpose of illustration, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is Exhibit "A" from Village Ordinance No. 85-50 which is a depiction of the foregoing legally described Parcels. Section 4.Remaining Sums That in all other respects the Village hereby acknowledges and reaffirms Ordinance No. 85-50 as far as any real property not so hereby released. Section 5. Enactment That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. Packet Pg. 83 8.G.a Page 3 AYES: NAPES: ABSENT: PASSED: , 2016 APPROVED: , 2016 PUBLISHED: ATTEST: Janet Sirabian, Village Clerk This document prepared by: William G. Raysa, Village Attorney Village of Buffalo Grove 50 Raupp Boulevard Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Mail to: Village Clerk Village of Buffalo Grove 50 Raupp Boulevard Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 4676740 2016 APPROVED: Beverly Sussman, Village President 1u Packet Pg. 84 m I Na Z, u ARr O 0 CL m u Packet Pg. 85 8.H Ordinance No. 0-2016-55 : Preliminary Plan Approval for a New Self -Storage Facility at 847 Deerfield Parkway ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action The Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 recommending approval of the preliminary plan. Staff concurs with this recommendation. SUMMARY: Metro Storage, LLC is seeking preliminary plan approval to develop a new three story 116,412 square foot self -storage building at 847 Deerfield Parkway. The proposed plan does comply with all applicable ordinances and was recommended for approval by the PZC. Pursuant to the Village's Development Ordinance, the project requires final Village Board approval prior to the issuance of the building permit. ATTACHMENTS: • BOT Memo (DOCX) • Draft Ord (DOCX) • Exhibit B Plan Set (PDF) • Project Description (PDF) Trustee Liaison Berman Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Chris Stilling, Community Development Updated: 11/3/2016 11:23 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 86 8.H.a "II'Le GE OF BUFFL � _ VI DATE: November 1, 2016 TO: President Beverly Sussman and Trustees FROM: Christopher Stilling, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: 847 Deerfield Parkway - Preliminary Plan Approval BACKGROUND Is Metro Storage, LLC is seeking preliminary plan approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) to develop a new three story 116,412 square foot self -storage building at 847 Deerfield Parkway. The site is currently vacant and zoned Industrial. Pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance, self - storage facilities are a permitted use in the Industrial Zoning District. As the proposed plan complies with all applicable ordinances, a public hearing is not warranted. However, preliminary plan approval is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION On October 19, 2016, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-0 recommending approval of the preliminary plan for a new 116,412 square foot self -storage building and associated infrastructure and landscaping for the property located 847 Deerfield Parkway. Staff concurs with this recommendation. PLANNING & ZONING ANALYSIS The following is a summary outlining compliance with the Village Code: Zoning The proposed development fulfills the dimensional requirements in the Industrial District. Industrial District Dimensional Requirements Vs Proposed Development at 847 Deerfield farkway I District Requirements Proposed Development Front 50 ft. (Min) 75' at the closest point 15' + 1' for each 1' over 30' of M Side building height 44'at the closest point Ln 15' + 1' for each 1' over 30' of Rear building height 49' 4 %" at the closest point Building Height 4 Stories or 50 ft (whichever is less) 3 stories and 44 ft. at front parapet FAR 0.8 (Max) 0.6 Surrounding Land Uses The proposed development is consistent with the other industrial uses and development within the Covington Creek Subdivision, all of which is zoned Industrial. It should be noted that the Comprehensive Plan identifies the property as Mixed Use. However, the proposed use is permitted because the current zoning is Industrial. Page 1 of 2 Packet Pg. 87 8.H.a Proposed Infrastructure and Facilities Vehicular Accessibility & Parking The petitioner proposes one full access point at the southeast corner of the property. The proposed access would connect to an existing access drive along Deerfield Parkway. The new building would be accessible from all sides and the Fire Department has approved the new layout and design. The proposed development includes a total of 14 parking spaces. As the Buffalo Grove Zoning Ordinance is not specific about parking for self -storage facilities staff surveyed six communities in the area and based on the analysis of the survey response, the proposed 14 parking spaces appear to be adequate. This includes parking for employees up to 4 persons. Stormwater/Wetlands Stormwater is being provided by one retention pond located to the south side of the proposed building. All required stormwater is being provided and the proposed project would comply with both the Village's Development Ordinance and the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance. Landscaping The applicant has provided a preliminary landscape plan for the overall site. The plan includes landscaping in parking islands and parkway trees. The plans also depict screening for the trash area. Elevations/Signage The proposed new building would be three stories and has an average roof height of approximately 37 feet and 4 inches. At its highest point at the front entry, the building's parapet will be 44 feet high. The exterior of the building will be a complimentary palette of architectural masonry units (brick), synthetic stucco, anodized aluminum and glass window units. The proposed signage is intended to meet the Village's Sign Code. Plat of Subdivision The subject property is made up of several parcels. The Petitioner intends to consolidate the lots as part of the final engineering approval. DEPARTMENTAL REVIEWS Village Department Comments Engineering The Village Engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and has no specific comments regarding the preliminary plans. The Village Engineer does note that the Petitioner still needs to complete final engineering. Fire The Fire Department has reviewed the proposed plans and does not have any Department objections. RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that the proposed preliminary plan meets all the requirements of the Zoning and Development Ordinance. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the preliminary plan. Page 2 of 2 Packet Pg. 88 8.H.b 10/31/16 ORDINANCE NO. 2016— PRELIMINARY PLAN APPROVAL Metro Storage, LLC, 847 Deerfield Parkway WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and WHEREAS, the real property ("Property') hereinafter legally described is zoned in the Industrial District; and, WHEREAS, Metro Storage, LLC, ("Developer") proposes to construct a new 116,412 square foot self -storage facility and associated infrastructure and landscaping; and, WHEREAS, said site improvements require approval as a Preliminary Plan pursuant to the Village Development Ordinance (Title 16 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code); and, WHEREAS, Developer has petitioned to the Village for approval of a Preliminary Plan pursuant to the following exhibits: EXHBITA Legal Description EXHIBIT B Preliminary Plan Set, including site plan, landscaping plan, preliminary engineering and elevations WHEREAS, the Village Plan Commission held a public meeting on October 19, 2016, and based on the testimony and exhibits presented by the Developer, determined that the proposed improvements will not have a detrimental affect on adjacent properties; and, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission voted 6 to 0 to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plan; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Buffalo Grove, hereby determine that the Preliminary Plan is acceptable based on the Plan Commission public meeting record and recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: Packet Pg. 89 2 8.H.b Section 1. The preceding WHEREAS clauses are hereby adopted by the Corporate Authorities and made a part hereof. Section 2. The Corporate Authorities hereby adopt a proper, valid and binding ordinance approving the Preliminary Plan for the improvements depicted on the Exhibits hereto. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED: APPROVED: ATTEST: APPROVED: Village Clerk Beverly Sussman, Village President Packet Pg. 90 8.H.b 3 EXHIBIT A — LEGAL DESCRIPTION Metro Storage, LLC, 847 Deerfield Parkway ALL THAT PART OF LOTS 42 TO 46, INCLUSIVE, IN COVINGTON CORPORATE CENTER UNIT 1, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 27 AND THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 11, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JUNE 24, 1987 AS DOCUMENT 2582920, AND CORRECTED BY CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION RECORDED FEBRUARY 5, 1988 AS DOCUMENT 2655213, LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT —OF --WAY LINE OF THE BUSCH ROAD--DEERFIELD PARKWAY CONNECTOR ROAD AS OPENED THROUGH SAID LOTS BY DEED TO THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS RECORDED JUNE 17, 1997 AS DOCUMENT 3981712, IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Packet Pg. 91 8.H.b EXHIBIT B — PLAN SET Metro Storage, LLC, 847 Deerfield Parkway ca L a a� m a� 0 co ca u m U- a� a� L O N w O 3 a� z Packet Pg. 92 (Re-Ved Playaaa(3 Lh8 3e AI!I!oe=l 06-01S;!aS MaN a ao;!enoaddy veld /Geu!wilaad aaP!SU03 : 99-9W-0) laS veld 8 3!q!4x3 :;uawyoell`d n o z O " >' d-6 .w J w Z o N Y ~O=J� u �z F z�O c� W 1.0 i O LU (' CN 0 O a w Uw a Q > W ma o C _ Z W O W LU _ J m O u� Q W O L-L J F— w L U � W coO W W U Q z O U w z g g O � g oQ � o z�z z �X gcg o o g z z o g O o Q w Uc0 co OZZN c o ?5 Q zmo � cwO�Oc�Oo�gOzx z 7' "'-� c wU' z'Oa m >> z o a Q o o p w o OU�2OU5usus 1 m� il�a a z z OUgo w a�OCN w n FDCV M�� OI�MP D�NN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 U w w O a (Rein Ved Playaaa(3 Lh8 3e i M!3e=1 06ea01S;!aS MaN a ao;!enoaddy veld /Geu!wilaad aaP!SU03 : 99-9W-0) laS veld 8 3!q!4x3 :;uauiyoell°d = Z Z m a° a 0 Y CV o > U A a LU J J Q u`- « [ �;& �����3�!98 ` ��! � �i��s �3P � y�� n� d� �� �6 ;�� i �x� $ �; S � � e � r� a s� �� •f � e �e €' � F Y 3 '3A P 3� 5 8��}fv rl ) Q@ �ns€gq3�� -a � 3 � y • S i = C� ° s �° 3 � i f 3) " FF�ytgp�` 3 }9 9 GG J E° F5 §g5 5p3f 1!t �9 1�grP-p[2i '9 $ idFE2 Ef@#� �f ifs � ae it l 6 s; ��- s 5 lY�f r5� ';6 9$($ r a° ?S a �� 4 5E 1 g $ ggg- 9a Yr4� f(4 �� �°�, a � � � � s 9 t � �a 5 � s'� t� E+ •z d r a '' NM @ y�5.5sn�,q� farq gC � grfflP ygY���q" 4g� ��� c � @@$ pig= g go �S� °v � 70866����R°5 ��3°9�i �� �E�geerE. �� �rPgi$k �P$9�rt'� . a� � �' - F � ! 4° "+ 5 � &� fth � 4) 5°gA € o ya@ sg .) € s4( 3 st( 9� 4 4 f P a° r i 4 4 4 W g' 02 8) $ gq pp se § FF `�` pp .r� $g �. {(( f 8 a f yyyy E 6 gg # 9 Aq ik r�i E6 5$' 3i fggy �6i�YPA 5e°x3C 6 �'^ bapE Y 9 8 SE 8 3 yy ggpp r 3 0¢ain°ra3gB� ag3� $ F 11R,'N �a 8 i9 t C E 9 9 S Y ik 1 g 9g 24 �s � E G°A99 "yam E E pa" 55 szg d H 4°srsee4�g3aFrl(.. 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Fo ui vi w w� Q J W S ¢ U Q I W > Cn Cl) LL OON a i OV = s l PP��R0PO w W U Q LL LL X W W J LL LL S F Z N z �w LLJ N wp w a Z } Z Z 03 02 ¢ m Q Uw U ❑¢ 0 Y � Z_U Z W 20 g J 2 F J � J Z 0 W zw z U' fz DE LL, �� J LL2 LLo LU LU J n F Z 7 w w O J W J aF aJ OU O� F' O of W LL aCl LLLL W J = J H LL Z LL LU W Z Z K � Z J Z ¢ C� zU) � LD rn o ¢ �z ar Y U N III a d u a W Z 0 W j V 0 W E W V S� V R` V e 9 2 w LL ci co N' 06 Cl) -Ved Playaaa(3 Lh8 3e AI!I!oe=l 06-01S;laS MaN a ao;!enoaddy veld /Geu!wllaad aaP!SuoO : 99-9W-0) laS veld 8 3!q!4x3 :;uawyoell`d J OZ Z U z F LU w z Dfr p 0 fn O FN w UFU = W d'K F W NO F z O W W F 2 ¢� ZLL U—` } m LLF(n W F W } WW w co Z U U m W> O LUX Wz ww OF LLI 0= U� I7 -0 F2 � n0 H a n W Zw FOUJ m¢a p OCr W p]� LU Q=Q WLL U �z000 woQ 00:7 n5 LLW Z Q w= m U W J 7 F LLQ O r CD p W W J }SioQQ0pD O U �Q U ZF�mLL�c, W LL dZ W LU 2iJ ¢U ` (D > �wwz0LU 0 co 2 W w'm Q�OJ wOf0W J} za w r J a W U U) F LL S F F JwZF<- SMf�Z Of m J W F w C7 J }r Up LU_ 0 � z z0N¢�¢¢z cwi �OF�x ay iu W, 0]U M LL W W U—` U J= U' mom' IhR� wZ Q FFW/F-Oo¢N� Z CO 7) w F F 2 w 0 co d m a ¢w o LL(If<w Ow 0 ww OFF —¢❑ F J W �Mn�N�Y OM I� U aF �LL Lu LL,(/]� W Z¢Zfn� t0� N�wpJ OW[aOOZW yUm W (n U W QLLcmi.� QLLQ Q 2Q 22�W F w m W O U �W0w0w0 WDJ mO¢ U} ~ Q OJ 0 O¢w¢> wOQaYLU K � a ®®^ooo■ }Zm °oNxD m O¢ LLJ Nw U Z W W�m U zU ❑¢�zr goa- �z z MwO zQ J W F ¢ � Y U LO W LL a WW W J = J F LL Z LL LUF W Z � K Z J Z Q C� U Z U) CD U)0 OQ W F Z �z w a W J a� a V Q wQ o0 M O � � 0 .n � \/ W E �Nj V ww o � G cc a� o =w � � w Q �� U�jJ o¢ Y �m W W 0Q> z? �a N 0 o Q P LLW wW�0 oo oo LU z U) � Oa m U OwLLO (Y-WLL W m �¢ \ 2 � � k � k Ql rz zz / LL C6 � k �2 kLL LL ON 1%% LL 0 LO � CL A_ed amp m Al! 9,0 mSIPS m,eA,_jdd Vum Ajeum&dJQP A03,99- &ems md,mm,amLj3e m [\ \\ 2§ § j\ )§ M: \; e 3 0 �of \ \ \ } - L j P \( $ :2 ()§\\ (\ >�±,a })}22) /\ LU y, Eo- Lo z c \k §\\//} / ° ©LU 0 LLJ� \wWM�0 �%%\ a- K° \ƒ¥¥5- \)§\ \ \/ Sf222§ Lu(D < = _ o <<F- §2(\/ kj \ } zz �)���� =e \\�� )§ \\(/\j (\\0 \ \ j} FC) \§(d� tt / $ eEf$@± .. 5z\/ ))»\0 0<L=w co c) H \ [/LU )k :z LL LL- \D cok\ / ; ( , _ ( W Z a W 22 / v— o/ RK ` ) V 0 LL]\ Q 2) j v co \ � � Qa } /¥ � 2 \ _ k w \/ d ,g � IL 0 /� / J E L 3 ± -i 2 Q 2 3 e e LU ) m L i � O �- § 03 ) o O E LL (Y- Lu LL -_ ± ¥ m \\ / \ w W W a 2 � 0 0 0 I I R LL C) CL (Re-Ved Pla!Paa(3 LtS le AI!I!De=l 06-01SIPS MaN e JOI JeAojddV veld AieultullgJd JQP!SU03 99-9 W-0) IQS veld 13 I!q!4x3 :IuaLuLj3e;;'V 0 z 84 86 I-- _ LU D en 5 o -i ZW w 00 u xw 0 < Z LL co = 0 LU J) 0 0 of Cr LU C, L) LU 1 0 0 6 J 0 W 8- z 0 C) 6 z 8N 86 w w F< 0 'o w wj 0 W, I �2 o W, 'd ill o - z of Lu 0- -It CO WO) ; , U: < . 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W 8 0>x a L/) < W W j 0- v 0 1-- V u FK Nj V M R0 D o cc LU Lu 0 > IL 0o U) LL LU LU 0 0 -0 'o oo LU LLJ j j)� U) 0 < L 0 LuLg (Y- Lu LL LU co 00 0 U) 1%% LL � � � CL A_ed amp m %9,0 mSIPS m,eA,_jdd Vum Aieum&dJQP A03,99- 9e0)s md,mm,amLj3e m [\ \\ 2§ j\ § )§ M: e 02 6 (\ a of ~ f _ \ 2 _ co 2 ¥ \( j $ � Lt ■ Mm \) )) 6 0< } LU )E> W y§ \ \F- -- 0 K e \ / \( -i § /\ \ \ 3)d a(/\( 77- t =2 )>a *. e 4 $< of ) CO } } CO W �\\�) 02 :t w wDLU }a- (LL \225� }C Q\5(j #f/( E // gS /$ Z}\)j \< \/%/P\)/ =\} ©< F--LU $,lye ( !<)6/$ ,)520 ,§$,y{ &/ G*f/ _ oIr \\ /¥ 2 \ _ Sg L �IL 0 \\ J L ±3 LU � i �- 0LULL w \_\ 00 _ 2= Q W Z 0 Wj v O \ k � 2 V E � � � \ \ \ 8.H.d Project Description for Metro Self Storage — 847 Deerfield Parkway Metro Storage, LLC proposes the development of a three story 116,412 SF class A self -storage facility that will harmonize with the adjacent high quality business and professional offices along Deerfield Road and Busch Parkway Road. The exterior of the building will be a complimentary palette of architectural masonry units (brick), synthetic stucco, anodized aluminum and glass window units. The proposed building will contain approximately 820 climate controlled storage units with floors two and three accessed by three elevators adjacent to the three loading areas. Loading and unloading will take place in the interior bays on the west side of the building as well as at the loading doors on the north and south sides of the building. The facility's office will be conveniently located at the SE corner of the building adjacent to the site's entry point. The building will be wrapped by an access drive with the southern portion of the site given up to the storm water retention basin. New landscaping will be installed in conjunction with existing trees to meet Village requirements. Operation of the facility is coordinated by the Site Manager and sometimes one other staff person averaging approximately 1.5 staff per week. Operating hours for the Site Manager will be from 9am-6pm with personalized key code entry available to clients from 6am —10pm. The facility will house an array of video security cameras that will cover virtually 100% of the public areas of the facility and be monitored from the office or over the web. The facility will be self-service meaning that people will pull their cars/trucks in the overhead door bays, shut the overhead door, and load or unload their belongings onto site provide carts for movement to their storage locker. New clients would park adjacent to the office and lease a new unit then move their car to one of the loading areas to load/unload. Parking for the facility is located near the office and the interior loading bays at the rear of the facility. We will have a total of 14 striped spaces, which will meet our demand based on experience with 100+ other locations. Metro is a privately held, fully integrated, self-administered and self -managed company specializing in the acquisition, development, and management of self storage facilities owned by Matthew Nagel and Blair Nagel (the "Owners"). Metro built the first self storage facility located in the Midwest in 1973. Today, it has positioned itself as one of the nation's premier self storage operators (Metro Self Storage®) and is now the 6th largest private self storage company in the country and the 11th largest among private and public self storage companies. Metro currently manages over 4.9 million rentable square feet of self storage space, consisting of over 42,000 Packet Pg. 120 8.H.d self -storage units in 96 properties across 10 states. Metro either owns or has a joint venture interest in 86 of the 96 self -storage properties it manages. Matthew M. Nagel is the Chairman of Metro Storage LLC and, with his brother Blair, co -owns the Company. Mr. Nagel has served in a myriad of positions since joining the Company in 1985, including Director of Acquisitions, Chief Financial Officer, President, and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Nagel has been involved in hundreds of self storage properties representing over a billion dollars worth of financings, developments, acquisitions, dispositions, and management transactions. Prior tojoining the Company, Mr. Nagel was a futures trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Mr. Nagel received his MBA from Northwestern University's J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management and his BS in Investment Finance from Drake University. Mr. Nagel is a licensed real estate broker and a CCIM and has served on various bank advisory boards, community organizations, and governmental committees. K. Blair Nagel is the Chief Executive Officer of Metro Storage LLC, and with his brother Matt, co - owns the Company. Mr. Nagel has been on numerous industry Boards, including the Board of Governors of the Self Storage Association Foundation (SSAF); National Board Member of the Self Storage Association (SSA); and President and former Secretary of the SSA's Central Region. Prior to joining the Company in 1987, he served as a market analyst for Centennial Development Corporation, a Virginia -based real estate development firm. Mr. Nagel received his MBA from DePaul University and graduated from The American University in Washington, D.C. with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. Mr. Nagel is a licensed real estate broker and has served on various community organization and governmental committees. c 0 AL U N 4) G r� V 2 O L a c a� E s �a a Packet Pg. 121 8.1 Ordinance No. 0-2016-56 : Variation to the Zoning Ordinance for the Property at 1101 N. Highland Drive ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action The Planning & Zoning Commission voted 6-0 recommending approval of the variations. Staff concurs with this recommendation. SUMMARY: The Petitioner, owner of the property located at the northeast corner of Highland and Deerfield, is seeking approval of a variation to allow a replacement air conditioning condenser unit to remain in the corner side yard and install a backup natural gas generator directly to the east of the condenser unit in the corner side yard. The petitioner was recently granted approval by the PZC for a variation for a fence in the corner side yard to provide screening for both the air conditioner and generator. ATTACHMENTS: • BOT Memo (DOCX) • Ordinance (DOCX) • Petitioner Information Redacted Trustee Liaison Weidenfeld Monday, November 7, 2016 (PDF) Staff Contact Chris Stilling, Community Development Updated: 11/3/2016 11:24 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 122 "II'Le GE OF BUFFL � _ VI MEMORANDUM DATE: November 1, 2016 TO: President Beverly Sussman and Trustees FROM: Christopher Stilling, Director of Community Development Is SUBJECT: 1101 Highland Grove- Variation for an air conditioning unit and generator to be in the corner side yard setback PROJECT BACKGROUND The Petitioner, owner of the property located at the northeast corner of Highland and Deerfield, is seeking approval of a variation to allow a replacement air conditioning condenser unit to remain in the corner side yard and install a backup natural gas generator directly to the east of the condenser unit in the corner side yard. The petitioner was recently granted approval by the PZC for a variation for a fence in the corner side yard to provide screening for both the air conditioner and generator. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION (PZC) RECOMMENDATION On October 19, 2016, the PZC held the required public hearing and voted 6-0 recommending approval of the variations. PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS There were no comments or objections as part of the public hearing. PLANNING & ZONING ANALYSIS • The existing property currently has an established building line of 35' along Deerfield Parkway, as set forth in the original Old Farm Plat of subdivision. The existing home is setback approximately 35.7' from the south lot line. • The petitioner is also seeking approval to replace an existing AC unit which is located in the corner side yard and setback approximately 32' from the south lot line. Page 1 of 2 Packet Pg. 123 • The AC unit has already been replaced by the petitioner and was issued a building permit. When the petitioner's contractor applied for the permit, they were informed that the new unit needed to be relocated to either the north side or rear of the house to meet code. Upon final inspection, the Village noticed that the unit was replaced in the same location as previously, thus requiring the variation. • The petitioner is also seeking approval to install a backup generator directly east of the AC unit. The generator would be setback approximately 28-30 feet from the southern lot, also requiring a variation. ACTION REQUESTED Staff recommends that the Village Board approve an Ordinance granting the requested variations for the property at 1101 Highland Grove. Page 2 of 2 Packet Pg. 124 10/31/16 ORDINANCE NO. 2016 - AN ORDINANCE APPROVING VARIATIONS TO THE VILLAGE ZONING ORDINANCE 1101 Highland Grove Lane VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit by virtue of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and, WHEREAS, 1101 Highland Grove is legally described in Exhibit A hereto (the "Property'), and, WHEREAS, The property owners, Ronald and Marian Krass, have requested a variation to allow a replacement air conditioning condenser unit to remain in the corner side yard and install a backup natural gas generator directly to the east of the condenser unit in the corner side yard; and, WHEREAS, the Village Planning & Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on October 19, 2016 concerning the variations to Zoning Ordinance, Section 17.20.030, pertaining to Building height, bulk and lot coverage; and Zoning Ordinance, Section 17.32.020, pertaining to location of accessory buildings and structures; and, WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission determined that the testimony and exhibits presented by the petitioners at the public hearing demonstrated that the requested variations are warranted based on the unique circumstances; and, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission voted 6 to 0 to recommend approval of the requested variations of the Village Zoning Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1. The preceding whereas clauses are hereby incorporated herein. Section2. The Corporate Authorities hereby grant for the Property a variation to Section 17.36.030 and 17.32.020 of the Zoning Ordinance Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage. This Ordinance shall not be codified Packet Pg. 125 2 AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED: ATTEST: Village Clerk APPROVED: APPROVED: Beverly Sussman, Village President L c s as Packet Pg. 126 3 EXHIBIT A — Legal description 1101 Highland Grove Lane Buffalo Grove, IL SUBJECT PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 in Block 1, all in Old Farm Village, Unit 1, being a Subdivision of part of the southwest % of Section 28, Township 43 north, Range 11, east of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof, recorded May 1, 1985, as Document 2352326, in Lake County, Illinois. SUBJECT PROPERTY COMMON DESCRIPTION: 1101 Highland Grove LN., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 PIN: 15-28-313-004 Packet Pg. 127 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE Department of Building and Zoning Fifty Raupp Blvd Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Phone: 847.459.2530 Fax: 847.459.7944 APPLICATION FOR VARIATION APPLICANT'S NAME .............w_............................,. ......._...............-,.,.,.,...........•.m ... ,.... _....., APPLICANTS ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY � .$.........�,......�..,.....�_._...m.�a9d/.�..,....®.o.........�...................................................................._.....,_w... [11 .�............. w_......._.. µ...... M.. ..............._......... ............... ._... ..,,,,...,....,,,................,..,__.._............__........... ......- .... PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE I ZONING DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY 4 C A &d o.......o__µ ._' SECTION OF MUNICIPAL CODE FROM WHICH VAR IANCE � IS REQUESTED ��� ®�� � A PURPOSE OF VARIANCE ....,..,.....C..........®....c........................o.......;.....®.,.........®1............ri ............--- ... ..... ............. .... ..... ........,.......,.,.....,00_......._............................................ ....................... _w Applicant must submit a letter stating what the practical difficulties or particular hardships are in carrying out the strict letter of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code and describing the proposed work or change in use. A plat of survey or plot plan, drawn to scale, must be attached hereto and made a part of this application Petitioner must submit proof of ownership such as a deed, title insurance policy, trust agreement, etc. I (vl heray certify that the legal title of the premises being the subject of this application is vested in and that all statements contained in this application are true and correct. (we) further understand that any misrepresentation in connection with this matter may result in a denial of the relief sought. Furthermore, I (we) have attached a list containing the names and addresses of all contiguous property owners if requesting a fence variation, OR a list of all property owners within two hundred fifty (250) feet in each direction of the subject property for all other variations; exclusive of public ways, as such are recorded in the Officer of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County and/or Lake County. APPLICANT OWNER, PARTNER IN TITLE, CORPORATE OFFICER, BENEFICIARY OF TRUST AGEN+ (Strike out till but applietible desigrtation) If signed by an Agent, a written instrument executed by the owner, establishing the agency, must accompany this application. FEE PAID ,.%aS 60 ... RECEIPT NUMBER a ... DATE .. _........_.....x.� Packet Pg. 128 a LJ 0 . 07 J as 6Y�o c 41';� � � �•. ✓" OR cm CL .c MP ''''�• D ^`"^�� s P oCL n rl 0 r �°•/' e pw: a� , mow' •� J , I L 4 FENCE�SHALL FACE THE C I Fa,� F ° ` /s n OIN to G 0 :2 Q V c C j 49 '-,,-APPROVED K �� Z RPO E q ZONING REVIEW DATE' cu ? BY: 0 p n ENGINEERING REVIEW DATE a C .7 141) n r ma IN Oil�.�' 6 cam'lot Packet Pg. 129 Ron & Marian Krass 1101 Highland Grove Dr. 9/29/2016 Dear Buffalo Grove Planning & Zoning Commission: We are writing to you today to describe the circumstances regarding our request for a zoning variance for some upgrades to our home located at the northeast corner of Deerfield Parkway and Highland Grove Drive. We have lived at the above address for nearly 19 years. Now that our last child has moved out on his own, we want to prepare our home for the next phase of our lives - grandchildren! We are starting with safety and health needs first. We were concerned about carbon monoxide fumes escaping from the home's furnace, originally installed in 1989, so we replaced the furnace and air conditioning system. The Four Seasons Company installed the new equipment in the same location as one it replaced. During the final inspection of the installation, it was noted that the air-conditioning compressor, although placed in the same location as the one it replaced, was not allowed to be installed on the south side of the house. In addition to replacing the old heating and air-conditioning equipment, we also planned to install a natural gas standby generator to protect our home and its contents in the event of a power failure when we are away. The current code, as we now understand it, would require placing the machine five feet away from the house at the rear (east). Although we selected a quiet machine, there will be noise when the unit cycles that the neighbors from the adjoining properties may hear, which is why we are asking for a variance to situate the generator on the south side of the house that abuts Deerfield Parkway. Finally, we are also seeking a fence variance to enclose our back yard for our toddler grandson and our little dog to play. The variance we are requesting is to make the fenced -in part of the yard as large as possible, just inside the shrubs that line the sidewalk along Deerfield Parkway. Without the fence variance, we would lose about thirty feet of grass play area. We have submitted photos from various sight lines that show that the new fence would screen the air-conditioning compressor and the standby generator from view on the south side of the house from anywhere along Deerfield Parkway, even from the Fire Department side of the street. Placing the air conditioner compressor and generator at the back of the house would be in plain view of our neighbors behind us. We are in full agreement with the of screening of mechanical equipment from view and we believe putting the c machines on the busiest street side of the house out of view from passgraty gndE accomplish this. To further enhance the screening of the machines, we plan to install some modest hedge landscaping as well. cu c a Thank you for your consideration of these variance requests. cu a. Sincerely, c cu E Ron & Marian Krass -� U t0 Q Packet Pg. 130 During your testimony at the public Hearing you need to testify and present your case for the variance being requested. During your testimony you need to affirmatively address the four (4) standards listed below. I have completed the first one for you since it is not applicable. I have left you room to write down your statements in advance of the meeting. z a The Planning & Zoning Commission is authorized to grant variations to the regulations of the Fence Code based upon findings of fact which are made based upon evidence presented at the y, hearing that: CL I- 1. The plight of the owner is due to unique circumstances; 0 2 3 4 Your Evidentiary Statement: 11 r �j ci • vc"(�J .S"�;lf Lac%{j /olec`7C3 72 CiGGGG�.✓ C'd nG i'h�G l � t ') 0 IX N 0 The proposed variation will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood; E a Your Evidentiary Statement: a , e0 :b Ifi There are practical difficulties or particular hardships in carrying out the strict letter of this Chapter which difficulties or hardships have not been created by the person N presently having an interest in the property; and, 0 cu Your Evidentiary Statement: e C✓ft.s ��'13 �CL [[(.r� Ci� T/%' �,.l:d'.rr�Cr *` y7 'f (/a'�.� �f L'� 14,. d /?•'t C'.. rc.�+�„1 CMG/i" d E c .�r cue 'J,a) , 7 . Cie �� �� i l ��" c�CT" �'� 7 i� y�9.� -7%~•: z -f f-i'c Gd e'c� S �.. a� The proposed variation will not be detrimental to the public health safety and welfare, .2 o .ot a � Evidentiary Statement: Your Ev C a ` E r .,. Packet Pg. 131 During your testimony at the public Hearing you need to testify and present your cas c o r- re requested. During y y y O q g your testimony you need to affirmative) address the three 3 standards listed below. I have .� completed the first one for you since it is not applicable. I have left you room to write down your statements in advance of the meeting. z a The Planning & Zoning Commission is authorized to grant variations to the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance based upon findings of fact which are made based upon evidence presented at the hearing that: y, 1. The property in question cannot yield a reasonable return if permitted to be used only under the CL conditions allowed by the regulations of the zoning district in which it is located except in the case of 0- residential zoning districts; a- cu Your Evidentiary Statement: This property is residentially zoned, so this standard does not apply. o cu U C t0 C 2. The plight of the owner is due to unique circumstances; 72 O Your Evidentiary Statement: �rt' fob r r o �`�'" ra�F��,•r +% �='`�"r•`,� �,+�N�^� �" Via" � �"~ � l , ✓"�t ��r>l o e rr) o ��m 1 ,� ��►"z c.;.� �► �z� � 3. The pro � . ioxe �'" w��'"a' � � �", �d 'o posed variation will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. a U Your Evidentiary Statement: ® yy f / fN %: a v Yf s d /f c? d W'✓ \ cis G'•'!/ SG/LC'•7 u7 cJ O A. me law V- �� a� o <C a G"A-arm( i�sa °: Gar Gt'� � / t0 7z^e l�a� 2 re e two r E CU C 0 CU CL C CU E L U t0 Q Packet Pg. 132 Complete Line of Fencing Wood - Ctaal - Ahimimim - All PVr IMww�rrrwrwrrrrrrwwrwrrw� ACTIC)N INCE 197-, FENCE ACTION FENCE CONTRACTORS, INC. (847) 949-6690 Fax (847) 949-6499 Main Office BM 945 Tower Road o Mundelein, Illinois 60060 BOARD ON BOARD -ARCHED BOARD ON BOARD - WITH LATTICE Q TRADITIONAL - WITH LATTICE TRADITIONAL Residential • Commercial • Industrial Packet Pg. 133 ALL PHOTOGRAPHS COPYWRITED a c m s am Packet Pg. 134 r a c m s am Packet Pg. 135 W, I I Packet Pg. 136 1 9.A Ordinance No. 0-2016-57 : Ordinance Adding Chapter 1.16, Fee Schedule, to the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. This Ordinance adds Chapter 1.16, Fee Schedule, to the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code. This method allows for members of the public to clearly access information regarding fees as they are all now in one place. ATTACHMENTS: • CHICAGO1-#670303-v3-Ordinance_Adding_Fee_Schedule-Strikethrough_version (DOC) • CHICAGO1-#670305-v3-Ordinance_Adding_Fee_Schedule-Clean_Version (DOC) Trustee Liaison Johnson Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Scott Anderson, Finance Updated: 11/3/2016 11:29 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 137 9.A.a Underlined = addition e*_a� = deletion 08/10/2016 4670303 ORDINANCE NO. 2016 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE TO REFERENCE A FEE SCHEDULE IN CHAPTER 1.16 WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove desires to amend its Municipal Code so that all the fees within the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code will be in a new Chapter 1.16, Fee Schedule. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby adopted and incorporated into and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. The following parts of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby amended: Section 2.63.130 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. If a person sent a notice pursuant to subsection A. fails to pay the amount owing within the time stated on the notice, the Village Traffic Compliance Administrator may file with the Secretary of State a certified report, in accordance with Section 6-306.5(c) of the Illinois Vehicle Code, that the person is eligible for initiation of suspension proceedings. The Village Traffic Compliance Administrator shall assess a fee against the person named in the certified report to reimburse the Village for the expense of preparing and filing the certified report with the Secretary of State. The fee the Village Traffic Compliance Administrator shall impose shall be in the amount as set forth in Chanter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. All one and two family dwellings: asset forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. . Section 3.06.020 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: Packet Pg. 138 9.A.a B. All multiple family dwellings: as set forth in Chapter l .l 6 of this Code. 1. Vafialions for pfineipal strui twes 0... hundred severity five dollars; Section 3.06.020 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. -All business, office/research and industrial buildings: as set forth in Chapter 1. Variations for p-.neipal gtnw4uieS, One hundred seventy five do!! 2. Variations, other than priaeipal stmettifes One hti*dfed PA,eaftfive do!' 16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. To appeal a decision of the Building Commissioner Orie htffidred severity five dellafs as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection E. is amended to read as follows: E. Special uses: 1. Pfe rty as set forth in R E thfatigh R 7 dis4iets One hundred dollafs,,Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 2. Property in all other distfiets Two hundred dollars. Section 3.06.020 subsection F. is amended to read as follows: F. Planned unit development (PUD}) as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 4. Amendment One hundred dollars- z. New development Two hundred dollars. Section 3.06.020 subsection G. is amended to read as follows: G. Rezoning or variation (if not part of a petition for special use or PUD` TWO httH Fe ems) as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection H. is amended to read as follows: H. Zoning text amendment One b.,,rtdfe dollars- as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection I. is amended to read as follows: 1. Concept/preliminary plan review-(_ pursuant to Section 16.20.020(- ._and as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 1. Sites Five aefes of less One huridfed fifty dollars-, Packet Pg. 139 9.A.a Section 3.06.020 subsection J. is amended to read as follows: J. Engineering review. -calculated for each development pursuant to Section 16.20.020(F)} and as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.030 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. Special uses: . P-ropefty as set forth in R E thFough n 7 distFiets—One hundred dollars Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.030 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Planned unit development (PUD)--.) as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 1. Affieiidffiei4 One heed dollars; Section 3.06.030 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. Rezoning or variation (if not part of a petition for special use or PUD dew-) as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.030 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. Zoning text amendment One Mind,.d do"afs as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.030 subsection E. is amended to read as follows: E. Concept/preliminary plan review_pursuant to development ordinance Section 16.20.020B)-. and as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 1. Sites five -a6res-OF less One hundFed fifty loll, s; Section 3.06.030 subsection G. is amended to read as follows: G. Development Ordinance variation for residential property O* t,,,n, pe t enty fwe dew as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.20.060 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. For industrial projects or pollution control facility revenue bonds, the Village shall charge a fee in the amount pttfsttant to the pfavisiaiis of.as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. This fee may be paid from the proceeds of such bonds or by the participating applicant from other resources in such manner as may be approved by the Corporate Authorities. Section 3.20.060 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: Packet Pg. 140 9.A.a B. For multi -family housing project revenue bonds, the Village shall charge a fee in the this eras set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. This fee maybe paid from the proceeds of such bonds or by the participating applicant from other resources in such manner as may be approved by the Corporate Authorities. Section 3.36.030 is amended to read as follows: A. The 4bilowing Fees as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code shall be charged to any nonresident or resident who utilizes the emergency medical service and transportation services of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department-_ 4 Packet Pg. 141 9.A.a . Beginning jantimy 4, 2017 the fees set forth in the foregoing Subseetion A. shall be ifleFeased by five per-eent and eaeh year- thefeaftef. Section 3.38.030 is amended to read as follows: The f n„, ing fees Fees as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code shall be charged to any nonresident or resident who utilizes the emergency services of the Buffalo Grove Fire Departmenti. 5 Packet Pg. 142 9.A.a Section 3.52.020 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: 6 N d V C M C i 0 _d 7 G1 s U) d m LL ti ca 0 N 0 Packet Pg. 143 9.A.a A. The daily fee established for the purpose of parking within the Village's commuter parking lot shall be two a^ is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The daily fee shall be deposited in the appropriate fee collection system to be established by the Village. The fee collection system will be established that permits the identification of a parking space with the appropriate area. The daily fee shall only be required to be paid 12:01 a.m. Monday through 11:59 p.m. Friday with the exception being national or state holidays that are observed on any of these days. Weekend parking shall be considered a no -cost use of the Village commuter parking lot. The daily fee parking pays for the defined twenty -four-hour period, 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. of the date that has been paid for. Section 3.52.030 is amended to read as follows: A fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of eighty jallafsthis Code shall be v. �.����bE edimposed for the purpose of parking for a defined two -month period within the Village's commuter parking lot.- A tag or visor hanger will be sold bimonthly for the following periods: January —February March —April May —June July —August September —October November —December The number of such tags or hangers will be limited to two hundred fifty in any bimonthly peril The fee fef pttwhase subseqttei4 to the beginning of any bimonthly pefiod shall be PFOFate f=. Section 3.52.055 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. The "Daily Fee" established for the purpose of parking within the commuter parking lots shall be ene dallaf ffid fifty eents (S 1.50) pef day afid shall be appheable ffam 6:00 a.m. to his set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The Daily Fee shall be deposited in the appropriate fee collection systems as established by the Township. Section 3.56.030 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. A Village telecommunications infrastructure maintenance fee is imposed upon all telecommunications retailers in Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, Formatted: Left, Indent: First line: 0" After: 0 pt Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, Packet Pg. 144 9.A.a oFiginating of iv eivea in the V44aean amount as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.65.030 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A.- Except as otherwise provided by this Chapter, a tax is imposed on the privilege of using or consuming gas in the Village that is purchased in a Sale at Retail at the Fate Of fie ,.o..ts e was set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.70.010 is amended to read as follows: An administrative fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of twenty doll s 1S20 nmthis Code shall be imposed upon any person arrested, processed and released on bail for any municipal ordinance or a state or federal law. Section 3.71.030 subsections C. and D. is amended to read as follows: C. Fee Imposed. A Stormwater Utility fee is hereby imposed on the owners of property in the Village: D. Fee Stni tur-e. as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The fee shall be the amount to be charged each month pet Rafeel in order to provide for the management, operation, maintenance, engineering, planning, construction, enhancement and rehabilitation of the Village's Stormwater System and provide for the payment of any principal and interest on any outstanding Stormwater Utility system debt that is due and payable during the fiscal year f r which the BRse Po� Section 3.72.010 is amended to read as follows: Upon application, the Village Police Department shall provide a fingerprinting service for a fee of t,*e tv delta s. as set forth in Chanter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.72.020 is amended to read as follows: Packet Pg. 145 Upon application, the Village Police Department shall provide a local records check for visa/immigration matters for a fee of Afteen dollar --as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.04.110 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. The fee charged for licenses shall be based on the following table, identifie d-as-�.,� :r ;t n to this seetiewis set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and kdetermined by business classification and square feet. E�tibit Village of Buff -ale GFove Table of Business Lieense Fee with Monthly PFo i-ation Fees afe detefmined by busitiess elassifieatiOn and floof Effea in squafe feet-��-. RE 1 1-1AIL AFTFAk --F4--T ANMAk -FR AFT JAN-Arbt-h 90,00 7-i GO T-)-2-07000 ........................................ ........................................... A 300,00 ........................... S-2&A'A ....................................... ......................................... 2-00,00 460-,99 ;IA0,00 A1Q 0 -CA -KTAIIIAN-H-H-F NPIIII I —A SE44ARIE-11 II tPF ANNUAL AF111- 1AAA-Ist, AAM-1-A-4 9 Formatted: Font color: Red I Packet Pg. 146 1 9.A.a �!,fDDD.D�:6DD SaD.DGD:�:DD �D�:�'-�-�D���°-➢D;D' D��bDmD��D�� b6:D:��Q;D ��D�Do�-D' w ) MN`G1.4-.:"S': PRI C)Gil- s'r NIlNG d:T'P'WYL @9ry " y��I;ryl- '' "pM^"_ AH ;N"d""k'N"V:_1W51A 'If"t:Y'"IGM4;Nti"F'Nti'FC',3'4;A' "N_'ti:'A�:IX:G.T�9 ',IC�CARN': M1''F4"C w""PPS�4:p�ti.p4,N "�XP�P'�:4"Ati'�" :NPf'�':4M'4. 450-49 'II"fi�.?"mb9:'S'y'k.-UC.D4Y '�bm"�-�t'N' "IC'!➢"'mb"'4-N'k.-V �mh'�:"CNk"d i D D QD )P-D)Q ° D C 44) 450-9 24!'�-�&�D �.............................................Dip!':n:4D..............................................� T4�1-007000 ;�50-00 �..............................................759-90..............................................� TG.Da�;��:D.�:D� DD D4DY:D-'}. 74304,A) DD DbDD .4 D,Gso-,o D 10 ti t>; C N ru Packet Pg. 147 9.A.a µ-i[a.-A-iP 7/—i Q-µ-i RENEWAL iF N�iER Section 5.04.170 is amended to read as follows: A day care provider granted a special use to operate a day care home as defined in Section 17.12.141 of the Village zoning ordinance shall be required to obtain a Village business license. The conditions and procedures for the approval of a special use are set forth in Section 17.28.060 of the Village's zoning ordinance. An application for a license shall be made in writing to the Village on forms provided by the Village Clerk or designee. The fee for a business license granted under this section is eighty five dallafs annually, an set forth in Chapter 1.16 of ee-nts-this Code. All licenses issued under this section shall terminate on December 31 st of each year. All other applicable sections of this Chapter shall apply in the granting and regulating of licenses under this class of special use in addition to any rules and regulations contained within the Village zoning ordinance. Section 5.08.050 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. The application shall be accomplished by a nonreturnable fee in the s.,w. of414y d A-WaWsan amount as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code, which shall be known as the amusement permit minimum fee. Bona fide not -for -profit organizations are exempt from fee payment. Section 5.08.050 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Prior to the issuance of the permit, the applicant shall pay an additional fee often dollaf; a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. This fee shall be known as the carnival fee. Section 5.08.050 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. Also prior to the issuance of the permit, the applicant shall pay R- ,,,7urr dditionala fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of his Code. This fee shall be known as the mechanical inspection fee. A ride shall be considered as any mechanical riding device. Section 5.10.040 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: 11 Packet Pg. 148 9.A.a A. The fee for a license to engage in the business of an arts and crafts vendor shall be twent� dollars for six days of fewer; fifty dollars per week5 s&,,enty-five dollars per month; and one hundred fifty y dollars per yeaFis set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.12.050 is amended to read as follows: The applicant shall pay an annual fee of fifty dollars for eaeh sueh amusement deviee,.-On-my following ea4endaF year, the fee shall as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.070 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. Class A licenses, authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic liquors on the specified premises by means of bar service, for consumption on the premises only. The annual fee for each license shrAl be two thattsan five Itun fe dollafs; is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.20.070 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Class B licenses, authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic liquors on the specified premises by means of a service area, for consumption on the premises only. The annual fee for each license shall be two thousand three hundred dollars; is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code: Section 5.20.070 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. Class C licenses, authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic liquors on the specified premises, to be sold only in the original packages and then for consumption off the premises only. The annual fee for each license shall be two thousand five hundred dollars; is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.20.070 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. Class D licenses, authorizing the retail sale of beer and wine on the specified premises, to be sold only in the original packages and then for consumption off the premises only. The annual fee for each license shall be e thousand ght hundred dollars. if aut ,.fiZe,1 by the LiqUOF est of the !glass ^ of Class B lim efFie is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.070 subsection D1. is amended to read as follows: D1. Class DI licenses, authorizing retail sale of beer and wine on the specified premises, to be sold only in the original packages and then for consumption off the premises only. The annual fee for each license shall be one thousand eight hundred dollarsis set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Class D1 licenses shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations: 1. Premises must have a state license for a filling station where gasoline or other fuel is provided for motor vehicles. 12 Packet Pg. 149 9.A.a 2. Two display areas for beer and wine shall be allowed on the premises as follows: a. A display area of not to exceed twenty-five square feet of floor sale area, and b. A display area in a cooler or display case which does not have more than eleven lineal feet of cooler or display door frontage. 3. No sale of beer or wine shall be allowed to any patron who is occupying a motor vehicle at the time of sale. 4. No sale of beer or wine shall be allowed from a drive-in window or other similar opening in the licensed premises to any patron who is occupying a motor vehicle at the time of sale. Section 5.20.070 subsection E. is amended to read as follows: E. Class E licenses, authorizing the retail sale of beer and wine on the specified premises by means of a service area, for consumption on the premises only. The annual fee for each license shall be efte the isana five w..,.a fe aa�is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.20.070 subsection F.4. is amended to read as follows: 4. The annual license fee for such license shall be two thousand ae"ar ;is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.20.070 subsection GJA is amended to read as follows: d. The fee for each special event license is tweiity five ;set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.20.070 subsection G.2.c. is amended to read as follows: c. The annual fee for each license shall be ORe hUndFed dell rsis set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.20.070 subsection G.3.c. is amended to read as follows: c. The fee for the special event license is twenty five del set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code, Section 5.20.070 subsection GAR is amended to read as follows: b. The fee for the special event license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code, Section 5.20.070 subsection G.5.d. is amended to read as follows: d. The fee for each special event license shall be tweiity &Ve dellafssis set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.070 subsection G.6.d. is amended to read as follows: 13 Packet Pg. 150 9.A.a d. The fee for the special event liquor license is twenty five d^rset forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.070 subsection G.7.c. is amended to read as follows: c. The annual fee for a G7 license shall be one r.un .va a llafsis set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code, Section 5.20.070 subsection HA. is amended to read as follows: 4. The annual fee for each license shall be two hundfed fifty loll f is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.20.070 subsection I. is amended to read as follows: 1. Class 1 licenses, authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquors when served and consumed off the premises as an incidental part of a catering food service that serves prepared meals, which excludes the serving of snacks as the primary meal and having a caterer retail license issued by the Illinois Liquor Control Commission. It shall be lawful however to permit the tasting or sampling of alcoholic liquor on the premises, if said tasting or sampling is part of a promotion, is of a temporary nature and no direct or indirect charge is made therefore. A Class I liquor license shall only be issued to a business located in the Village of Buffalo Grove having a business license as authorized by Chapter 5.04 of this Code. The annual fee for each license shall thetisa„d two hiia red d^"^r-s is set forth in Chanter 1.16 of the Code. Section 5.20.070 subsection J. is amended to read as follows: J. Class J license, authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in original containers for consumption off the licensed premises, authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic beverages on the specified premises by means of bar service for consumption on the premises only, and authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic beverages on the specified premises by means of a service area for consumption on the premises only. The annual fee for each license ;hAIlaxxmI he feurre *L.,,,.s,,n,7 doll rs is set forth in Chanter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.070 subsection K. is amended to read as follows: K. Class K license, authorizing the retail sale of beer manufactured on premises or off premises by the same licensee, for consumption on and off the licensed premises; provided, however, that such licensee shall not sell for off -premises consumption more than fifty thousand gallons of beer per year. The licensee shall maintain in good standing a State of Illinois brew pub license or craft brew license as required and authorized under the Illinois Liquor Control Act (235 1LCS 5/1, et seq.), as amended. The annual fee for each license shall be F ,, - thatis na his set forth in Chanter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.071 is amended to read as follows: 14 Packet Pg. 151 9.A.a A onetime fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of five hung -ed dollaf&this Code shall accompany all first time liquor license applications and no application shall be processed unless such fee is paid. Fee is nonrefundable and is in addition to the license fee payable for the class of license being applied for. This section shall not apply to Class G liquor licenses. This section shall not apply to current licensees applying to change their current license to another classification. Section 5.20.075 subsection B.2. is amended to read as follows: 2. The holder of a Class C or Class J license may obtain a permit for each separate monthly tasting period for a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code upon application with the Village Clerk. Section 5.20.075 subsection C.2. is amended to read as follows: 2. The holder of a Class C or Class J license may obtain a yearly tasting permit for a fee of one that s.ffia aa"tt--sas set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code upon application with the Village Clerk. The tasting permit shall run concurrently with the license year. Section 5.20.090 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. No license shall be renewed unless the owner or manager of the license attends an annual liquor law/alcohol awareness training seminar conducted by the Village. The fee for the Village providing a make-up seminaf shall tiet exeeed five hundfed dollafs pef lieensee.is set forth in Chanter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.100 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. Licenses may only be transferred to another premises upon the written approval of the Local Liquor Control Commissioner. The fee for such transfer shall be one 1,,,.,die d&4a"`,is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and is payable to the Village upon application for change of location. Section 5.20.155 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. Application and Application Fee. Any Licensed Video Gaming Locations shall submit an application for the authorization of video gaming provided by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner to the Local Liquor Control Commissioner in writing, signed and verified by oath or affidavit. Such application shall provide the number Video Gaming Terminals to be located upon the premises and any other information as deemed necessary by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner. Only licensed liquor establishments that have received a Video Gaming license from the Illinois Video Gaming Board authorizing video gaming at a Licensed Video Gaming Location shall be allowed to apply for authorization with the Local Liquor Control Commissioner for video gaming. The application fee shall be Asa: s set forth in Chapter 1.16 of + the establishffief4this Code. Section 5.20.155 subsection E. is amended to read as follows: 15 Packet Pg. 152 9.A.a E. Video Gaming Terminal Fee. All Video Gaming Locations shall pay an annual fee oF��o thousand dollafs pef tefininal pef yeaf, ��ieh shall be paid in addition to all othef .a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The first payment of the annual fee shall be paid prior to operation of any Video Gaming Terminal. If the first payment of the annual fee is paid after May 1 st, that payment shall be applied to the remaining fiscal year ending on April 30th, but said fee shall not be diminished or pro -rated. All subsequent annual fee payments shall be paid in full prior to May 1 st of each calendar year. Section 5.20.165 subsection CA. is amended to read as follows: 4. ^ thir4- five do :The payment of a processing fee peF se �emas set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.24.050 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. A permit fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of , ,this Code shall be required in connection with any for -profit solicitation permit application. Section 5.28.020 subsection E. is amended to read as follows: E. Issuance. if the Village President finds that the applicant conforms to the provisions of this section, and that the application reveals nothing of a nature that might endanger the health, safety and welfare of the general public as a result of the possession of a license, then the Village Clerk shall issue a business license upon the payment of a fee set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The license shall expire on December 31 st following the date of issuance. Section 5.28.030 subsection E. is amended to read as follows: E. Fee. The annual fee f ,. „blie p ehie4e license Applicant shall he twent3F de ;afsoahielipay a fee leas set forth in addition to all atheF stale and Village vehiele fees. The F e F « I;,.o Rsevs iv-1-41-leditily i st , a f v shall be to dell .^ Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The license shall expire on December 31 st following the date of issuance.- Any applicant not meeting the requirements set forth in this Chapter shall be refused a license which will cause the aforementioned fee to be nonrefundable. Section 5.28.150 subsection G. is amended to read as follows: G. Fee. The application for a chauffeur's license shall be filed with the Village Clerk, and the applicant shall pay to the Village a nonrefundable filing fee b was set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The license shall expire on December 31 st following the date of issuance. 16 Packet Pg. 153 9.A.a Section 5.32.040 is amended to read as follows: The license fee for a tobacco dealer's license shall be sevent� ..hole o any art of the license pe oa r F whieh a plieation ; ade.is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Such license shall entitle holder to sell tobacco products over the counter or from one mechanical device, but not both. Section 5.32.070 is amended to read as follows: Mechanical devices for ffie sale of tobacco products—l:m�:u:rsm; Hrab�l�rir��d �' . Every tobacco dealer having a mechanical device on his premises in addition to the sale of tobacco products over the counter or in addition to the first mechanical device permitted in Section 5.32.040 shall be required to pay a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code in addition to the fee set forth in Section 5.32.040. The fee shall be paid annually for the whole or any part of the license period for which the application is made. Section 5.44.050 is amended to read as follows: Every such applicant shall pay a nonrefundable application fee set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code to the Village Cleric. Section 5.46.040 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Each application for a License from an applicant who at the time of application does not hold a valid License shall be accompanied by anthe applicant fee of two I+uadr-ed f44y a^"^Fsas set forth in Chapter 1.16. This application fee shall be in addition to all other fees set forth in this Chapter and shall not be refunded in the event that the application for a License is withdrawn or denied. Section 5.46.060 is amended to read as follows: The License fee for a Resale Shop shall be one thousand five i",ndFea dollars ,.-h is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and must be paid in full prior to any valid License being issued. The License fee for a Pawn Shop shall be two thatigand da"Effs __,, iehis set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and must be paid in full prior to any valid License being issued. Section 5.52.050 is amended to read as follows: The applicant shall pay a fee for each license half of a yeaff . as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 17 Packet Pg. 154 9.A.a Section 5.52.070 is amended to read as follows: If for any reason the Village Health Officer shall have to reinspect a food/beverage vending machine due to a violation or complaint under the provisions of Chapter 8.28 of this Code, the applicant shall be charged a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16. Section 5.70.050 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Administrative Processing Fee. Every applicant for an Adult Establishment License or for the renewal of an existing Adult Establishment License shall pay an Administrative Processing Fee as set forth in the am)wtChapter 1.16 of this Code. The Administrative Processing Fee shall in all cases be non-refundable and shall be deposited in the general corporate fund of the Village. Section 6.08.030 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. Any other animal impounded under the provisions of this Title may be redeemed at the Animal Control Center by the owner within five days of impoundment, upon the payment of the fellowing fees made payable to the Village: of the fees as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 2. One hundt:ed dallafs fat: Effliffials fiat W lieeiise tag, plug payffietit of th-e Section 6.12.020 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. Any person owning or keeping within the Village limits any dog or cat, four months of age or over, shall obtain a license within ten days of acquiring such dog or cat, or becoming a resident of the Village. Written application for such license shall be made to the Village on forms provided by the Village. A current proof of rabies inoculation for a dog or cat shall be required at the time of the application for license, which shall certify that the inoculation is valid. Upon payment of a license fee, the Village shall issue a tag for each dog or cat. In the event a tag is lost, replacement tags e sting ene a^'l^~at a price set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code may be purchased from the Village. No tag shall be transferred from one animal to another. The license shall expire on April 30th of each calendar year. New licenses, but not a renewal of a license for the previous year, shall be issued after November 1st for a half -year fee. Section 6.12.020 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: \7�YLT.I:T!!!R77i1�71�7,7llT.l1!lMi�I�T.Rlnill�EGR�I.l:7Gf!!..T.Sl5G7l ...... � The annual license fee is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 18 Packet Pg. 155 9.A.a Section 8.16.020 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. The annual fee for a food -vending vehicle license shall be one huff fe 4o4at-.is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The license shall expire on December 31 st following the date of issuance. Section 8.16.030 is amended to read as follows: It is unlawful for any person to operate a food -vending vehicle without having first obtained a mobile food vendor pen -nit. The application for a food vendor permit shall be filed with the Village Clerk, and the applicant shall pay to the Village a nonrefundable filing fee of seventy as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 8.20.170 is amended to read as follows: Application for license shall be made to the Village. The annual license fee shall be five huiidfed dollars, payable aafmallyis set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The license shall expire on the thirtieth day of April following its issuance. Evidence of such license shall be provided by the Village and displayed on each vehicle of licensee used in the Village. Section 8.44.040 subsection B.I. is amended to read as follows: 1. Application for license shall be made to the Village. The annual license fee "a"�� dollars, payable is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The license shall expire on the thirtieth day of April following its issuance. Evidence of such license shall be provided by the Village and displayed in a conspicuous place on the premises of the license holder. Section 9.04.030 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. Alarm registration fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 9.04.080 is amended to read as follows: For a Police and/or Fire Department response to any false alarms the Village shall charge and collect from the person having or maintaining such burglary and/or robbery or trespass or other alarm system on premises owned or occupied by him or her, fees as €ehews set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 19 Packet Pg. 156 9.A.a 20 Formatted: Normal N O� Packet Pg. 157 9.A.a 6A 7A ifs 4+ 21 Packet Pg. 158 9.A.a 'f. The z !'' A!'' A T� F .,,.1...,1 „1.. F ,. ... L.:...... tioi .,1.iele.. � J GROSS0 r" T-Yt� AXLE ....,..................................................... 7 Az--r sLn7 E shall L e C` TA G L` as follows: ROT- 4D TRIP TRIP A T1T���7`ATT� e AXLES ...., ...., f l l/ C IY�GIQ r ��TP�n�� TRIP ... 4-9 �77�� ... ...., � .................. 0 /1l111 23,000 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ... 2B nnn 44,0VV g,,,,,,,,_ T A TTzi i 4DEP of 3 OR 4 AXLE GROUP ..., ..,.T'it1"Y c N G I:E AXLE ...., 14,,,,, ...., ..... 48,000 ...., 2T LE T A DE i of 3 no n s v�vr�� AXLE 22 ...., Packet Pg. 159 9.A.a W 01 p7 U-0 23 Packet Pg. 160 9.A.a P n GQP :FE...-.A iT n V Q IZE ESCORT T ............. .......... ,,,,,,,,,, ROUND,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 !1T T A A TF U T V ..,.A A4ST �n r,,, �f�Q V TRIP TRIP Q �r 24 Packet Pg. 161 9.A.a Section 10.20.040 is amended to read as follows: The registered owner of record of a properly impounded vehicle, or the agents(s) of said owner, shall be liable to the Village for an administrative fee of five U,.na..ea aa"at:sas set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Said administrative fee represents the administrative and processing costs associated with the investigation, arrest and detention of an offender, or the removal, impoundment, storage and release of the vehicle. The administrative fee is in addition to any towing and storage fees charged for the towing and storage of the impounded vehicle. Section 10.20.050 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: 25 Packet Pg. 162 9.A.a C. Impoundment Pending Hearing. The Village shall provide notice to the owner or lessee that the motor vehicle shall remain impounded pending the completion of the preliminary probable cause hearing unless the owner or lessee of the vehicle or a lien holder posts with the Village a cash bond equal to, or pays by money order or certified check, with the Village of Buffalo Grove Police Department the amount of the administrative fee or fiVe IVEffldfed a^"^~^as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and pays for all towing and storage charges. Section 12.04.040 subsection F. is amended to read as follows: F. Application Fees. Unless otherwise provided by franchise, license, or similar agreement, all applications for permits pursuant to this Chapter shall be accompanied by a fee as set forth in the ametin Chapter 1.16 of seven "ndFed fifty do this Code. No application fee is required to be paid by any electricity utility that is paying the municipal electricity infrastructure maintenance fee pursuant to the Electricity Infrastructure Maintenance Fee Act. Section 12.08.030 is amended to read as follows: Before any driveway apron, service walk, carriage walk or other appurtenance permit is issued, there shall be paid to the Village Clerk a permit fee was set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. No permit fee shall be charged where applicant has obtained a building permit for new construction. Section 13.04.040 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B-.- The fallowing water system improvement fees mare set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.04.060 is amended to read as follows: No connections with a water main shall be made without a permit being issued and twenty- four hours' notice having been given to the Director or designee. All such connections shall be made and all such work done at the expense of the applicant, who shall also furnish materials necessary for such work. All such connections shall be made under the supervision of the 26 Formatted: Normal Formatted: Space Before: 0 pt, After: Packet Pg. 163 9.A.a Director, and no connections shall be covered until the work has been inspected by the Director or designee. The following fees shall be paid for each connection and turning on of water—.- are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. + Q inn nn Pitts east of w. etet, 2 400.00 plus east of mete 4 1,600.00 Pitts east of ffietef Section 13.04.180 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. All costs for removal, testing and replacement of the meter shall be borne by the water consumer and paid for in advance. The taiiiinium fee • -ill be - e hundfoa fifty loll fs whie testing of the inefease if additionakk,afk is fequifed to shut off - with as fee set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.04.190 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. In addition to the charges set forth in Subsection C, each user/consumer of water service shall be billed and pay bimonthly at the rate of three dollars and twenty-four cents ($3.24) per one thousand gallons of water consumed beginning with all billed usage after January 1, 2013. Each user/consumer of water service shall be billed and pay bimonthly at the rate of four dollars and twenty-one cents ($4.21) per one thousand gallons of water consumed beginning with all 27 Packet Pg. 164 9.A.a billed usage after January 1, 2014. Beginning January 1, 2015 the water service rate will be increased by f ttF PeFOent (^ 0,` eaeb . eaF thereafteFas set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.04.190 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. A basic charge as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of one ,r llaf and ninet-, ee is ($ nm Pef menthrtothis Code for each user/consumer of water service in both Cook County and Lake County portions of the Village, which charge is necessary for the purpose of fulfilling the Village's contractual obligation for debt servicing requirements of the Northwest Water Commission revenue bonds authorized for the completion of the capital construction of the Commission's Transmission System. Section 13.04.210 is amended to read as follows: During the construction of any building and before any water is installed as is provided in this Chapter, the contractor and/or owner so constructing such building may be permitted to use the Village water supply by making application to the Department as provided in this Chapter. The contractor and/or owner shall pay the €elfewirgcharges for water used—.- as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. GonstFuetion Values Fee Section 13.04.230 is amended to read as follows: The Village, its employees, and agents shall have ready access, at all reasonable hours, to the premises, places or buildings where meters are located for the purpose of reading, examining, testing, replacing and repairing the same, and examining and testing the consumption, use and flow of water. If there is a refusal to permit access to the premises the Village may assess a S 100.00 surcharge as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.04.250 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. Service may be discontinued when any payment is past due. Service may not be resumed until payment of all charges including late and reconnection fees have been paid. A feeanneetio . 00 28 Packet Pg. 165 9.A.a S.., daa `., will be subject to ^ fee of one ,,, ndfod dollafs. The reconnection fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.04.250 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. In the event that a payment is returned due to insufficient funds, the village will not accept payment from the same bank account and a new payment shall be made by cash, cashier's check, or money order, and a processing fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code will be added to the unpaid balance. Section 13.04.290 subsection A.3. is amended to read as follows: 3. Service Charge. Effective for all use as of January 1, 2011, there shall be a service charge as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code for each user/consumer serviced by the Lake County sanitary sewer. Cook County user/consumers are taxed for sewer treatment via tax levied by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Section 13.04.290 second subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. User Charge Rate. The following unit charge shall be applied to each user's billable flow: 1. The basic unit charge for operation, maintenance and replacement shall be eighty-one cents ($.81) per one thousand gallons of water consumed beginning with billed usage after January 1, 2013. The basic unit charge for operation, maintenance and replacement shall be one dollar and five cents ($1.05) per one thousand gallons of water consumed beginning with billed usage after January 1, 2014. Beginning January 1, 2015 the basic unit charge will increase by set_llaun9Ga bnl_ _dn, pi 9 t_�0 a Q_uq_uu _ _i d . 2. The bimonthly fixed rate for all non -metered residential users shall be twelve dollars and fifteen cents ($12.15) per bi-monthly period beginning January 1, 2013. The bimonthly fixed rated for all non -metered residential users shall be fifteen dollars and sixty cents ($15.60) per bi- monthly period beginning January 1, 2014. Beginning January 1, 2015 the bimonthly fixed rate for all non -metered residential users shall increase a9ab lbr1..1u uur t"inaph - d,V6�_o this-C oll-e- ._ Section 13.04.310 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Permit Required. Before commencement of construction of a private sewage disposal system the owner shall first obtain a written permit signed by the Village Engineer. The application for such permit shall be made on a form furnished by the Village, which the applicant shall supplement by any plans, specifications and other information as are deemed necessary by the Village Engineer. A permit and inspection fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of twenty five dollarsthis Code shall be paid to the Village at the time the application is filed. Section 13.04.320 subsection FA. is amended to read as follows: 1. The fees paid for each connection to the Village sewer system are= set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 29 Formatted: Normal Packet Pg. 166 9.A.a Section 13.04.320 subsection F.2. is amended to read as follows: 2. In addition to the charges listed in paragraph 1 of this subsection, fees paid for each connection to the Village sewer system in Lake County are f ' asset forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Genneetien to Village Mftimn-s Fee Section 13.05.130 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Water service to such premises shall not be restored until the consumer has corrected or eliminated such conditions or defects in conformance with these regulations and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, and the required reconnection fee of offe thousand five h,.ndFea do fl rsas set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code is paid to the Village. Section 13.18.090 is amended to read as follows: To cover the cost of the Village's review of the plans and inspection of the proposed construction, and in addition to any other required fees, there shall be a fee of five as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 14.12.030 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. Fees spec €redare set forth in . —Chapter 1. 16 of lafgiff fae phis $50 nn pl i feview fee., 2. 'Alai! signs, illumitimed, $50.00 plus $0.25 eents pef squafe foot oflafgef faee $50.00 pla feview fee, phis a $50.00 eleetr-ieal fee shall apply; 30 Formatted: Normal 0 N rr+n+ 4) O Q U 30 Packet Pg. 167 9.A.a • MMEMBM ... this Code. Section 14.20.060 is amended to read as follows: B. The Administrator may issue a permit for a "For Rent, Sale or Lease" signs on commercial property in any zoning district provided that it does not exceed twenty-four square feet. The Administrator may issue a permit for a "For Rent, Sale or Lease" signs on any property within the Industrial Zoning District provided that it does not exceed thirty-two square feet. The owner of any permitted for "feft ,�Rent, Sale or leaseLease" sign can apply to have the sign permit renewed on an annual basis for an afiiva a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of €rf#-Y deflarstbis Code. Section 14.40.020 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. At the time of filing an application the e�00an application fee in the amount as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code must be submitted and a $2,000.00 Recovery of Village Costs Escrow shall be deposited with the completed Recovery of Village Costs Escrow Form. After the variation process is complete any funds remaining will be refunded back to the applicant. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.I. is amended to read as follows: A. A fee for each plan examination, building permit and inspection shall be paid prior to the issuance ofpermit(s) in accordance with the following schedule: 1. Building Pefmit Fees. Fe -if eanstfilettaii eests up to eiie thetisand dollars, the f�e will be fifty one thousand dellafs, plus ten dollat-s foF eaek additional one thousand dellaFs aF 4action thereof-. - - gai!ebas afid pa+ias have a fifty five dellaf base f�e plus fifteeii eents per- sq. fi. —Building Permit Fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Whenever the cost of construction is a factor in determining a permit or plan review fee, the valuation of building projects shall be established based on the greater of: a. The cost of construction established by the International Code Council (ICC) and published on their website. Adjustments to these figures shall be made on March 1 of each year based upon ICC published data; or b. The cost of construction as stated by the applicant or agent on the application for the relevant permit. 31 Packet Pg. 168 9.A.a Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.2. is amended to read as follows: 2. Building Plan Review Fees. a. n lter- tions and v , deft g he fe it ; impfaefieal to , u+e plan review fees on feet basis,the f e shall be , aFte... nt (n02-5) set forth in Chapter 1,16 of fifty dellafs. —h—Anthis Code. Further, an Amendment Form is required to be submitted detailing the Formatted: Normal changes for any revisions from previously approved plans. For building plans that have been previously reviewed and the permit issued, any revisions to any commercial building plan or any residential building plan that, based upon the changes proposed require the review of two or more disciplines, a plan review fee .for the Amendment Form is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.3. is amended to read as follows: 3. Plumbing Pet:fni Fe permit fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Wft4 f hea4ef $50.00 Feeh se 32 U Q U LOAN Packet Pg. 169 9.A.a 4. Electrical Pefmpermit fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. (a) The fees f6f eifettits shall be detefmined as follows: 15 AMPSS7.00 ea i 20 AMPS $ i 2.00 eaei 40 AMPS $25.00 eaeh 60A i —$ 33 Packet Pg. 170 9.A.a Fee 34 ti ca 0 N ru Packet Pg. 171 9.A.a Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.5. is amended to read as follows: 35 Formatted: Normal M] I O U Q U LOAN Packet Pg. 172 9.A.a WWWORMY4_ Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.6. is amended to read as follows: Formatted: Normal Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.7. is amended to read as follows: 7. Fire Pfeteetion Systemprotection system fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Formatted: Normal Code. 36 Packet Pg. 173 9.A.a ti ca 0 N ru Packet Pg. 174 9.A.a Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.8. is amended to read as follows: S. Swimming Pool Fees. The installation permit fee for an above ground pool is set forth Formatted: Normal in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and the installation fees for an in -ground pool will comply with the building fee schedule. The installation fees outlined herein shall be in addition to any electrical or plumbing fees that may be required.Above eamply with building fee sehedule. shallbe in addition..,., tion to any .._eleet, iea o„-The �511-00 ,, The in gfeand inst..l l.,t;.�, aherfffiall pools will ,.. � on- Foe nit Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.9. is amended to read as follows: 9. Health Department Plan Review Fees. Plan review fees for the Health Department fifty dallars eF twenty five peFeent af btfi4dilig plan Feview fee whieheveF .are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A10. is amended to read as follows: 10. Reinspection Fees. The aforementioned permit fees include one reinspection. Any inspection or reinspection not covered by the fees designated in this section shall be charged at as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.11. is amended to read as follows: 11. Work Prior to Permit. Where work has been started prior to the issuance of a pefffiit, he ner-rwal permit fee shall be thousand aa"a~� as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.12. is amended to read as follows: 38 N O Packet Pg. 175 9.A.a 12. Certificate of Occupancy. The fee for Certificate of Occupancy, including business license inspections, shall be as f llo v ,s: is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.13. is amended to read as follows: 13. Zoning/Code Compliance Letter fesi epti ,i aiily e 1 cn nn fee is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.M. is amended to read as follows: 14. Parking Lot Repairs/Restriping SSA.Wis set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.15. is amended to read as follows: 15. Fire Department Fees. '-Feiaspeedea shall be ehafged at fifty dollars pe-F . are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.M. is amended to read as follows: 16. Temporary Foodservice Permit fee $75.0is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.20.030 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. The fee for a fence permit sha44 be thiF�y five dePaFs for- the fii:st ane hffndFed lineal feet is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The fee shall be paid at the time of permit issuance. Section 15.32.010 is amended to read as follows: No person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity shall engage as a general contractor, subcontractor, or construction manager for alarm, tannac, carpenter, cement, demolition, electrical, excavator, fence, irrigation, low voltage electrical, mason, mechanical (heating & air conditioning), plumbing, sewer, fire suppression or any other type of work that requires a building permit in the Village of Buffalo Grove, unless they possess a current Contractor Registration in the Village of Buffalo Grove pursuant to the requirements of this Chapter (Contractor Registration) and (except as set forth in Sections 15.32.020 and 15.32.030) pay ene , and .o,a defla - ^ al f�ethe fee as set forth in Section 15.32.030. 39 Formatted: Normal N d V C M C i d 7 d m ILL ti m 0 N ru Packet Pg. 176 9.A.a Section 15.32.020 is amended to read as follows: The following contractors will have to complete a Village of Buffalo Grove Contractor Registration but are exempt from the one huti4ed ae"af anpmal fee sineefee required in 15.32.010 because they are licensed by the State of Illinois: plumbing, irrigation, roofing, alarm and fire suppression/sprinkler. Section 15.32.030 is amended to read as follows: All Contractor Registration fees are based on a calendar year. Aa�eeatfaetaf who is as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.32.040 subsection A.2. is amended to read as follows: 2. The Corporate Authorities, by virtue of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, requires candidates for electrical registration to successfully complete a written examination administered by the Village Electrical Commission or contractor registration from any Illinois municipality that administers written examinations. Those holding an electrical registration from the Village of Buffalo Grove shall pay an annual fifty dallafregistration fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.36.050 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. Each application for a new license or a renewal of any existing license shall be accompanied by an annual fee of se;,,eaty five dolla-r-s -fiewasingle family home, ineluding but not 4imited to, eanderninium, town home, or Fow house. The annual fee for an apat4ment eemplex is one hundfed fifty dellaFs per- building pkis thir-ty dollars per- dwelling unit. The an"al fee ineludes the initial inspeetion and one Feinspeetion (if appheable). Subsequent inspeetion fees are ate, dell Fs peF inspeation.as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.36.060 subsection F. is amended to read as follows: F. All additional inspections made necessary because of cited violations not being corrected at the time of the initial license reinspection shall be subject to a fee offiftydell s pe4 as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The conditional license and the full rental residential license shall not be issued and the property shall not be considered property licensed until all reinspection fees are paid. Section 16.20.020 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. Coincident with the submittal of the concept plan and application, the owner or developer shall pay a concept plan filing fee and make an initial escrow deposit for the Village's recoverable costs for review of the development. The concept plan filing fee shall beone 40 Packet Pg. 177 9.A.a is set forth in exessChapter 1.16 of fi o affeS, t to exeeed one thousand ,a 4laFs for all devei r..w tsthis Code. The concept plan filing fee and initial escrow deposit for recoverable costs shall be tendered to the Village in the form of either a certified check, cashier's check, or money order made payable to the order of the Village of Buffalo Grove. There shall be no refund of any portion of the concept plan filing fee. Section 16.20.020 subsection H. is amended to read as follows: H. A public hearing by the Planning & Zoning Commission will be scheduled once the above requirements in this Section are met following the developer's submittal of all necessary information for the preliminary plan and its supporting documents. A submittal of the preliminary plan shall be made to staff, prior to the Planning & Zoning Commission workshop or public hearing. The submittal shall include, but not be limited to hard copies as needed and other submissions in accordance with the Village's digital data standards. All plans and documents, including a list of all variations requested of Village ordinances, shall be submitted at least twenty-one days prior to the date of the public hearing. At the time of the preliminary plan submittal, the developer shall pay to the Village a Public Hearing fee and an Engineering Review fee of eiie peFeeiit of the total estimated eest of of all iffipFei�emeiits--�- � .as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Said fees and additional escrow funds for Village recoverable costs (if necessary) shall be tendered to the Village in the form of either a certified check, cashiers check, or money order made payable to the order of the Village of Buffalo Grove. There shall be no refund of the public hearing or Engineering Review fees. Section 16.20.080 subsection D.1. is amended to read as follows: 1. An engineering review and inspection fee in the amount the total estimated e0A Of all ifflpfflVefflelitS, both publie and pFiva4e, goveffled by this Title, less the amount of the engineering Teviewfee, paid pufsuaRto Section as set forth Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 16.20.105 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. The Village filing fee for an Administrative Subdivision is one hthadfed do set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 16.20.105 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. The petitioner for an Administrative Subdivision shall comply with the requirements of Section 3.06.040, Recovery of Village Costs, except that the advance estimate set forth in Subsection 3.06.040(D)(1) shall be five ,....,fed dellafsthe amount as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 17.36.020 subsection A.2. is amended to read as follows: 2. Any re -striping, reconstruction, expansion or modification of an existing parking lot or construction of a new parking lot shall require a permit from the Village's Department of 41 Packet Pg. 178 9.A.a Building and Zoning. Application for said permit shall include a site plan drawn at a scale of one -inch equals fifty feet or larger, delineating the size and location of all parking spaces, driveways, sidewalks and curb ramps for accessibility in compliance with this Title. Said site plan shall conform to the applicable specifications of Title 16 and Zoning Ordinance and shall comply with the Illinois Accessibility Code concerning parking spaces and accessibility for persons with disabilities. The pefmit fee shall inelude a fifty dollafs building and z eo�.The permit fee is set forth in Chapter l .l 6 of this Code. Said site plan requirement may be met by the approved Preliminary Plan or other plan of record approved by the Village for a property if the proposed Improvements do not require modifications of parking stalls or other changes to the approved plan. Section 19.01.030 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. The amount of the library services cash contribution eighty five eents pef is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 19.01.040 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Fair Market Value. The cash contributions in lieu of land shall be based on the fair market value of the acres of land in the area improved as specified herein, that otherwise would have been dedicated as park and recreation and school sites. It has been determined that the present fair market value of such improved land in and surrounding the Village is offo Imad -ed aria seN,enty five thausan4 ''^"ws per- reset forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and such figure shall be used in making any calculation herein. 42 Packet Pg. 179 9.A.a Section 3. The Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is further amended by deleting Section 5.32.080. M(4,hanita➢I devirtrer Ii"r W ruaiaiudr��n�-6�� airs 1`ee �keV i"�rbVgr nia� "�a�a�uii�bu� .5.:�.:�.6i44�: ll°qua-� fee tirvV�mni l��e q�d�nri �unrraa�a�Vn�� 4�i�d° unnelu��i�; a��: �rrr� p�s�u=q;-�rV� �Gua� ii�,r.,nss4° parr°iiarufl tlr�u. r�aiura°6�-t1��; awpl�.ii�°r��ia���-.awr n�rrri��: Section 4. The Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is further amended by deleting Section 13.04.290 the first subsection D. 1- i lue V�rru u�; a r:ruit Bruurli�� u r a is�e,ur�aien, �ruruinda rrroura,e, ur i r4,irllsua:as uur��rr0. a Guaii be-s�iM., eeWi iur^u°ro�na: Q-0 ab�i�sa�.nalsaill��o-a�a 4�i".���s�u ���a�;mm�sd 1 i ie-biruor~afli[), fix-ed-rate 4'61�aIi non_111eler-ed reasidentia tHser s[aW-b niiief.kfpWs„per bi--urnrrrrdd- Section 5. If any section, paragraph, clause of provision of this Ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity thereof shall not affect any other provision of this Ordinance. Section 6. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: PASSED: 12016 APPROVED: .2016 PUBLISHED: 2016 ATTEST: 43 APPROVED: Beverly Sussman, Village President Packet Pg. 180 9.A.a Janet Siiabian, Village Clerk #670303 44 ti ca 0 N ru Packet Pg. 181 9.A.b 08/10/2016 #670305 Clean ORDINANCE NO. 2016 - c AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE TO REFERENCE A FEE SCHEDULE IN CHAPTER 1.16 O as as WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and LL WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove desires to amend its Municipal Code so that all the fees within the Municipal Code will be in a new Chapter 1.16, which will be added simultaneously with this Ordinance; and N O NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF c TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: >i Section 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby adopted and incorporated into and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. The following parts of Municipal Code shall read as follows: Section 2.63.130 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. If a person sent a notice pursuant to subsection A. fails to pay the amount owing within the time stated on the notice, the Village Traffic Compliance Administrator may file with the Secretary of State a certified report, in accordance with Section 6-306.5(c) of the Illinois Vehicle Code, that the person is eligible for initiation of suspension proceedings. The Village Traffic Compliance Administrator shall assess a fee against the person named in the certified report to reimburse the Village for the expense of preparing and filing the certified report with the Secretary of State. The fee the Village Traffic Compliance Administrator shall impose shall be in the amount as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. All one and two family dwellings asset forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection B. is amended to read as follows:; c Q B. All multiple family dwellings as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. z U Section 3.06.020 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: a Packet Pg. 182 9.A.b C. All business, office/research and industrial buildings as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. To appeal a decision of the Building Commissioner as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection E. is amended to read as follows: E. Special uses as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection F. is amended to read as follows: F. Planned unit development (PUD) as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection G. is amended to read as follows: G. Rezoning or variation (if not part of a petition for special use or PUD) as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection H. is amended to read as follows: H. Zoning text amendment as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection I. is amended to read as follows: L Concept/preliminary plan review: pursuant to Section 16.20.020 and as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.020 subsection J. is amended to read as follows: J. Engineering review: calculated for each development pursuant to Section 16.20.020 and as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.030 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. Special uses as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.030 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Planned unit development (PUD) as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. c as Section 3.06.030 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: E z U C. Rezoning or variation (if not part of a petition for special use or PUD) as set forth in Q Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Packet Pg. 183 9.A.b Section 3.06.030 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. Zoning text amendment as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.030 subsection E. is amended to read as follows: E. Concept/preliminary plan review: pursuant to development ordinance Section 16.20.020B and as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.06.030 subsection G. is amended to read as follows: G. Development Ordinance variation for residential property as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.20.060 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. For industrial projects or pollution control facility revenue bonds, the Village shall charge a fee in the amount as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. This fee may be paid from the proceeds of such bonds or by the participating applicant from other resources in such manner as may be approved by the Corporate Authorities. Section 3.20.060 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. For multi -family housing project revenue bonds, the Village shall charge a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. This fee may be paid from the proceeds of such bonds or by the participating applicant from other resources in such manner as may be approved by the Corporate Authorities. Section 3.36.030 is amended to read as follows: Fees as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code shall be charged to any nonresident or resident who utilizes the emergency medical service and transportation services of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department. Section 3.38.030 is amended to read as follows: Fees as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code shall be charged to any nonresident or resident who utilizes the emergency services of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department. Section 3.52.020 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. The daily fee established for the purpose of parking within the Village's is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The daily fee shall be deposited in the appropriate fee collection system to be established by the Village. The fee collection system will be established that permits the identification of a parking space with the appropriate area. The daily fee shall only be required to be paid 12:01 a.m. Monday through 11:59 p.m. Friday with the exception being Packet Pg. 184 9.A.b national or state holidays that are observed on any of these days. Weekend parking shall be considered a no -cost use of the Village commuter parking lot. The daily fee parking pays for the defined twenty -four-hour period, 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. of the date that has been paid for. Section 3.52.030 is amended to read as follows: =a A fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code shall be imposed for the purpose of parking for 0 a defined two -month period within the Village's commuter parking lot. A tag or visor hanger will be sold bimonthly for the following periods: January —February March —April May —June LL July —August September —October November December N The number of such tags or hangers will be limited to two hundred fifty in any bimonthly period. 0 Section 3.52.055 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. The "Daily Fee" established for the purpose of parking within the commuter parking lots is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The Daily Fee shall be deposited in the appropriate fee collection systems as established by the Township. Section 3.56.030 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. A Village telecommunications infrastructure maintenance fee is imposed upon all telecommunications retailers in an amount as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.65.030 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. Except as otherwise provided by this Chapter, a tax is imposed on the privilege of using or consuming gas in the Village that is purchased in a Sale at Retail as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.70.010 is amended to read as follows: An administrative fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code shall be imposed upon any person arrested, processed and released on bail for any municipal ordinance or a state or federal law. Section 3.71.030 subsections C. and D. is amended to read as follows: C. Fee Imposed. A Stormwater Utility fee is hereby imposed on the owners of property in the Village as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The fee shall be the amount to be charged each z month per Parcel in order to provide for the management, operation, maintenance, engineering, U planning, construction, enhancement and rehabilitation of the Village's Stormwater System and Q Packet Pg. 185 9.A.b provide for the payment of any principal and interest on any outstanding Stormwater Utility system debt that is due and payable during the fiscal year. Section 3.72.010 is amended to read as follows: Upon application, the Village Police Department shall provide a fingerprinting service for a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 3.72.020 is amended to read as follows: Upon application, the Village Police Department shall provide a local records check for visa/immigration matters for a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.04.110 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. The fee charged for licenses is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and are determined by business classification and square feet. Section 5.04.170 is amended to read as follows: A day care provider granted a special use to operate a day care home as defined in Section 17.12.141 of the Village zoning ordinance shall be required to obtain a Village business license. The conditions and procedures for the approval of a special use are set forth in Section 17.28.060 of the Village's zoning ordinance. An application for a license shall be made in writing to the Village on forms provided by the Village Clerk or designee. The fee for a business license granted under this section is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. All licenses issued under this section shall terminate on December 31 st of each year. All other applicable sections of this Chapter shall apply in the granting and regulating of licenses under this class of special use in addition to any rules and regulations contained within the Village zoning ordinance. Section 5.08.050 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. The application shall be accomplished by a nonreturnable fee in an amount as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code, which shall be known as the amusement pen -nit minimum fee. Bona fide not -for -profit organizations are exempt from fee payment. Section 5.08.050 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Prior to the issuance of the permit, the applicant shall pay a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. This fee shall be known as the carnival fee. Section 5.08.050 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: Packet Pg. 186 9.A.b C. Also prior to the issuance of the permit, the applicant shall pay a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. This fee shall be known as the mechanical inspection fee. A ride shall be considered as any mechanical riding device. Section 5.10.040 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: =a A. The fee for a license to engage in the business of an arts and crafts vendor is set forth in O Chapter 1.16 of this Code. as Section 5.12.050 is amended to read as follows: z The applicant shall pay an annual fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. d d LL Section 5.20.070 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: CO N A. Class A licenses, authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic liquors on the specified premises 0 by means of bar service, for consumption on the premises only. The annual fee for each license c is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; 2 Section 5.20.070 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Class B licenses, authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic liquors on the specified premises by means of a service area, for consumption on the premises only. The annual fee for each license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.20.070 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. Class C licenses, authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic liquors on the specified premises, to be sold only in the original packages and then for consumption off the premises only. The annual fee for each license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.20.070 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. Class D licenses, authorizing the retail sale of beer and wine on the specified premises, to be sold only in the original packages and then for consumption off the premises only. The annual fee for each license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.070 subsection D1. Is amended to read as follows: D1. Class D1 licenses, authorizing retail sale of beer and wine on the specified premises, to v be sold only in the original packages and then for consumption off the premises only. The annual z fee for each license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Class D1 licenses shall be subject to v the following conditions and limitations: 1. Premises must have a state license for a filling station where gasoline or other fuel is provided z for motor vehicles. U 2. Two display areas for beer and wine shall be allowed on the premises as follows: Q a. A display area of not to exceed twenty-five square feet of floor sale area, and Packet Pg. 187 9.A.b b. A display area in a cooler or display case which does not have more than eleven lineal feet of cooler or display door frontage. 3. No sale of beer or wine shall be allowed to any patron who is occupying a motor vehicle at the time of sale. 0 4. No sale of beer or wine shall be allowed from a drive-in window or other similar opening in the licensed premises to any patron who is occupying a motor vehicle at the time of sale. =a 0 Section 5.20.070 subsection E. is amended to read as follows: a� z E. Class E licenses, authorizing the retail sale of beer and wine on the specified premises by means of a service area, for consumption on the premises only. The annual fee for each license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; LL Section 5.20.070 subsection F.4. is amended to read as follows: CO N 4. The annual license fee for such license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; 0 Section 5.20.070 subsection G.l.d. is amended to read as follows: d. The fee for each special event license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.20.070 subsection G.2.c. is amended to read as follows: c. The annual fee for each license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.20.070 subsection G.3.c. is amended to read as follows: c. The fee for the special event license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code, Section 5.20.070 subsection G.4.b. is amended to read as follows: b. The fee for the special event license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code, Section 5.20.070 subsection G.5.d. is amended to read as follows: d. The fee for each special event license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.070 subsection G.6.d. is amended to read as follows: d. The fee for the special event liquor license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.070 subsection G.7.c. is amended to read as follows: " c aD c. The annual fee for a G7 license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code, z U Section 5.20.070 subsection HA is amended to read as follows: a Packet Pg. 188 9.A.b 4. The annual fee for each license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; Section 5.20.070 subsection I. is amended to read as follows: Ci I. Class I licenses, authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquors when served and consumed off the premises as an incidental part of a catering food service that serves prepared meals, which =a excludes the serving of snacks as the primary meal and having a caterer retail license issued by O the Illinois Liquor Control Commission. It shall be lawful however to permit the tasting or sampling of alcoholic liquor on the premises, if said tasting or sampling is part of a promotion, is of a temporary nature and no direct or indirect charge is made therefore. A Class I liquor license shall only be issued to a business located in the Village of Buffalo Grove having a business license as authorized by Chapter 5.04 of this Code. The annual fee for each license is set forth in LL Chapter 1.16 of the Code. , Section 5.20.070 subsection J. is amended to read as follows: N 0 J. Class J license, authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in original containers for consumption off the licensed premises, authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic beverages on the specified premises by means of bar service for consumption on the premises only, and authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic beverages on the specified premises by means of a service area for consumption on the premises only. The annual fee for each license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.070 subsection K. is amended to read as follows: K. Class K license, authorizing the retail sale of beer manufactured on premises or off premises by the same licensee, for consumption on and off the licensed premises; provided, however, that such licensee shall not sell for off -premises consumption more than fifty thousand gallons of beer per year. The licensee shall maintain in good standing a State of Illinois brew pub license or craft brew license as required and authorized under the Illinois Liquor Control Act (235 ILCS 511, et seq.), as amended. The annual fee for each license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.071 is amended to read as follows: A onetime fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code shall accompany all first time liquor license applications and no application shall be processed unless such fee is paid. Fee is nonrefundable and is in addition to the license fee payable for the class of license being applied for. This section shall not apply to Class G liquor licenses. This section shall not apply to current licensees applying to change their current license to another classification. Section 5.20.075 subsection B.2. is amended to read as follows: " c aD 2. The holder of a Class C or Class J license may obtain a permit for each separate monthly z tasting period for a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code upon application with the Village Clerk. Q Packet Pg. 189 9.A.b Section 5.20.075 subsection C.2. is amended to read as follows: 2. The holder of a Class C or Class J license may obtain a yearly tasting permit for a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code upon application with the Village Clerk. The tasting permit shall run concurrently with the license year. =a Section 5.20.090 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: O as B. No license shall be renewed unless the owner or manager of the license attends an annual liquor law/alcohol awareness training seminar conducted by the Village. The fee for the Village providing a make-up is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. LL Section 5.20.100 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. Licenses may only be transferred to another premises upon the written approval of the Co N Local Liquor Control Commissioner. The fee for such transfer is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this 6 Code and is payable to the Village upon application for change of location. Section 5.20.155 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. Application and Application Fee. Any Licensed Video Gaming Locations shall submit an application for the authorization of video gaming provided by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner to the Local Liquor Control Commissioner in writing, signed and verified by oath or affidavit. Such application shall provide the number Video Gaming Terminals to be located upon the premises and any other information as deemed necessary by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner. Only licensed liquor establishments that have received a Video Gaming license from the Illinois Video Gaining Board authorizing video gaming at a Licensed Video Gaming Location shall be allowed to apply for authorization with the Local Liquor Control Commissioner for video gaming. The application fee shall be is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 5.20.155 subsection E. is amended to read as follows: E. Video Gaming Terminal Fee. All Video Gaming Locations shall pay a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The first payment of the annual fee shall be paid prior to operation of any Video Gaming Terminal. If the first payment of the annual fee is paid after May 1 st, that payment shall be applied to the remaining fiscal year ending on April 30th, but said fee shall not be diminished or pro -rated. All subsequent annual fee payments shall be paid in full prior to May 1 st of each calendar year. Section 5.20.165 subsection CA. is amended to read as follows: 4. The payment of a processing fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code; E z Section 5.24.050 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: o a Packet Pg. 190 9.A.b B. A permit fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code shall be required in connection with any for -profit solicitation permit application. Section 5.28.020 subsection E. is amended to read as follows: E. Issuance. If the Village President finds that the applicant conforms to the provisions of this section, and that the application reveals nothing of a nature that might endanger the health, safety and welfare of the general public as a result of the possession of a license, then the Village Clerk shall issue a business license upon the payment of a fee set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The license shall expire on December 31 st following the date of issuance. Section 5.28.030 subsection E. is amended to read as follows: E. Fee. Applicant shall pay a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The license shall expire on December 31 st following the date of issuance. Any applicant not meeting the requirements set forth in this Chapter shall be refused a license which will cause the aforementioned fee to be nonrefundable. Section 5.28.150 subsection G. is amended to read as follows: G. Fee. The application for a chauffeur's license shall be filed with the Village Clerk, and the applicant shall pay to the Village a nonrefundable filing fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The license shall expire on December 31st following the date of issuance. Section 5.32.040 is amended to read as follows: The license fee for a tobacco dealer's license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Such license shall entitle holder to sell tobacco products over the counter or from one mechanical device, but not both. Section 5.32.070 is amended to read as follows: Mechanical devices for the sale of tobacco products -Fee. Every tobacco dealer having a mechanical device on his premises in addition to the sale of tobacco products over the counter or in addition to the first mechanical device permitted in Section 5.32.040 shall be required to pay a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code in addition to the fee set forth in Section 5.32.040. The fee shall be paid annually for the whole or any part of the license period for which the application is made. Section 5.44.050 is amended to read as follows: Every such applicant shall pay a nonrefundable application fee set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code to the Village Clerk. Section 5.46.040 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: 10 Packet Pg. 191 9.A.b B. Each application for a License from an applicant who at the time of application does not hold a valid License shall be accompanied by the applicant fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16. This application fee shall be in addition to all other fees set forth in this Chapter and shall not be refunded in the event that the application for a License is withdrawn or denied. c c Section 5.46.060 is amended to read as follows: =a 0 The License fee for a Resale Shop is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and must be paid in full prior to any valid License being issued. The License fee for a Pawn Shop is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and must be paid in full prior to any valid License being issued. LL Section 5.52.050 is amended to read as follows: Co N The applicant shall pay a fee for each license as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 0 Section 5.52.070 is amended to read as follows: If for any reason the Village Health Officer shall have to reinspect a food/beverage vending machine due to a violation or complaint under the provisions of Chapter 8.28 of this Code, the applicant shall be charged a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16. Section 5.70.050 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Administrative Processing Fee. Every applicant for an Adult Establishment License or for the renewal of an existing Adult Establishment License shall pay an Administrative Processing Fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The Administrative Processing Fee shall in all cases be non-refundable and shall be deposited in the general corporate fund of the Village. Section 6.08.030 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. Any other animal impounded under the provisions of this Title may be redeemed at the Animal Control Center by the owner within five days of impoundment, upon the payment to the Village of the fees as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 6.12.020 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. Any person owning or keeping within the Village limits any dog or cat, four months of 0 c� age or over, shall obtain a license within ten days of acquiring such dog or cat, or becoming a v resident of the Village. z U Written application for such license shall be made to the Village on forms provided by the a Village. A current proof of rabies inoculation for a dog or cat shall be required at the time of the z application for license, which shall certify that the inoculation is valid. Upon payment of a U license fee, the Village shall issue a tag for each dog or cat. In the event a tag is lost, replacement Q tags at a price set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code may be purchased from the Village. No tag 11 Packet Pg. 192 9.A.b shall be transferred from one animal to another. The license shall expire on April 30th of each calendar year. New licenses, but not a renewal of a license for the previous year, shall be issued after November 1st for a half -year fee. Section 6.12.020 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. The annual license fee is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 8.16.020 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. The annual fee for a food -vending vehicle license is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The license shall expire on December 31 st following the date of issuance. Section 8.16.030 is amended to read as follows: It is unlawful for any person to operate a food -vending vehicle without having first obtained a mobile food vendor permit. The application for a food vendor permit shall be filed with the Village Clerk, and the applicant shall pay to the Village a nonrefundable filing fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 8.20.170 is amended to read as follows: Application for license shall be made to the Village. The annual license fee is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The license shall expire on the thirtieth day of April following its issuance. Evidence of such license shall be provided by the Village and displayed on each vehicle of licensee used in the Village. Section 8.44.040 subsection B.I. is amended to read as follows: 1. Application for license shall be made to the Village. The annual license fee is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The license shall expire on the thirtieth day of April following its issuance. Evidence of such license shall be provided by the Village and displayed in a conspicuous place on the premises of the license holder. Section 9.04.030 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. Alarm registration fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 9.04.080 is amended to read as follows: For a Police and/or Fire Department response to any false alarms the Village shall charge and collect from the person having or maintaining such burglary and/or robbery or trespass or other alarm system on premises owned or occupied by him or her, fees as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section BG-15-307 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: 12 Packet Pg. 193 9.A.b B. Fee Schedule is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 10.20.040 is amended to read as follows: The registered owner of record of a properly impounded vehicle, or the agents(s) of said owner, shall be liable to the Village for an administrative fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this =a Code. Said administrative fee represents the administrative and processing costs associated with O the investigation, arrest and detention of an offender, or the removal, impoundment, storage and 3 release of the vehicle. The administrative fee is in addition to any towing and storage fees charged for the towing and storage of the impounded vehicle. d d Section 10.20.050 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. Impoundment Pending Hearing. The Village shall provide notice to the owner or lessee that the motor vehicle shall remain impounded pending the completion of the preliminary N probable cause hearing unless the owner or lessee of the vehicle or a lien holder posts with the 0 Village a cash bond equal to, or pays by money order or certified check, with the Village of c Buffalo Grove Police Department the amount of the administrative fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and pays for all towing and storage charges. Section 12.04.040 subsection F. is amended to read as follows: F. Application Fees. Unless otherwise provided by franchise, license, or similar agreement, all applications for permits pursuant to this Chapter shall be accompanied by a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. No application fee is required to be paid by any electricity utility that is paying the municipal electricity infrastructure maintenance fee pursuant to the Electricity Infrastructure Maintenance Fee Act. Section 12.08.030 is amended to read as follows: Before any driveway apron, service walk, carriage walk or other appurtenance permit is issued, there shall be paid to the Village Clerk a permit fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. No permit fee shall be charged where applicant has obtained a building permit for new construction. Section 13.04.040 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: The water system improvement fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.04.060 is amended to read as follows: No connections with a water main shall be made without a permit being issued and twenty- four hours' notice having been given to the Director or designee. All such connections shall be made, and all such work done at the expense of the applicant, who shall also furnish materials z necessary for such work. All such connections shall be made under the supervision of the U Director, and no connections shall be covered until the work has been inspected by the Director Q 13 Packet Pg. 194 9.A.b or designee. The fees shall be paid for each connection and turning on of water are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.04.180 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: c c C. All costs for removal, testing and replacement of the meter shall be borne by the water 7 consumer and paid for in advance with as fee set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. O a� Section 13.04.190 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: z B. In addition to the charges set forth in Subsection C, each user/consumer of water service shall be billed and pay bimonthly at the rate of three dollars and twenty-four cents ($3.24) per UM one thousand gallons of water consumed beginning with all billed usage after January 1, 2013. Each user/consumer of water service shall be billed and pay bimonthly at the rate of four dollars and twenty-one cents ($4.21) per one thousand gallons of water consumed beginning with all N billed usage after January 1, 2014. Beginning January 1, 2015 the water service rate will be 0 increased as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.04.190 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. A basic charge as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code for each user/consumer of water service in both Cook County and Lake County portions of the Village, which charge is necessary for the purpose of fulfilling the Village's contractual obligation for debt servicing requirements of the Northwest Water Commission revenue bonds authorized for the completion of the capital construction of the Commission's Transmission System. Section 13.04.210 is amended to read as follows: During the construction of any building and before any water is installed as is provided in this Chapter, the contractor and/or owner so constructing such building may be permitted to use the Village water supply by making application to the Department as provided in this Chapter. The contractor and/or owner shall pay the charges for water used as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.04.230 is amended to read as follows: The Village, its employees, and agents shall have ready access, at all reasonable hours, to the premises, places or buildings where meters are located for the purpose of reading, examining, testing, replacing and repairing the same, and examining and testing the consumption, use and flow of water. If there is a refusal to permit access to the premises the Village may assess a surcharge as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.04.250 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: E z A. Service may be discontinued when any payment is past due. Service may not be resumed U until payment of all charges including late and reconnection fees have been paid. The Q reconnection fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 14 Packet Pg. 195 9.A.b Section 13.04.250 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. In the event that a payment is returned due to insufficient funds, the village will not accept payment from the same bank account and a new payment shall be made by cash, cashier's check, or money order, and a processing fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code will be added to the unpaid balance. Section 13.04.290 subsection AA is amended to read as follows: 3. Service Charge. Effective for all use as of January 1, 2011, there shall be a service charge as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code for each user/consumer serviced by the Lake County sanitary sewer. Cook County user/consumers are taxed for sewer treatment via tax levied by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Section 13.04.290 second subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. User Charge Rate. The following unit charge shall be applied to each user's billable flow: 1. The basic unit charge for operation, maintenance and replacement shall be eighty-one cents ($.81) per one thousand gallons of water consumed beginning with billed usage after January 1, 2013. The basic unit charge for operation, maintenance and replacement shall be one dollar and five cents ($1.05) per one thousand gallons of water consumed beginning with billed usage after January 1, 2014. Beginning January 1, 2015 the basic unit charge will increase as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. 2. The bimonthly fixed rate for all non -metered residential users shall be twelve dollars and fifteen cents ($12.15) per bi-monthly period beginning January 1, 2013. The bimonthly fixed rated for all non -metered residential users shall be fifteen dollars and sixty cents ($15.60) per bi- monthly period beginning January 1, 2014. Beginning January 1, 2015 the bimonthly fixed rate for all non -metered residential users shall increase as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.04.310 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. Permit Required. Before commencement of construction of a private sewage disposal system the owner shall first obtain a written permit signed by the Village Engineer. The application for such permit shall be made on a form furnished by the Village, which the applicant shall supplement by any plans, specifications and other information as are deemed necessary by the Village Engineer. A permit and inspection fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code shall be paid to the Village at the time the application is filed. Section 13.04.320 subsection F.I. is amended to read as follows: 1. The fees paid for each connection to the Village sewer system are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.04.320 subsection F.2. is amended to read as follows: 15 as E z U a Packet Pg. 196 9.A.b 2. In addition to the charges listed in paragraph 1 of this subsection, fees paid for each connection to the Village sewer system in Lake County are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 13.05.130 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: =a B. Water service to such premises shall not be restored until the consumer has corrected or O eliminated such conditions or defects in conformance with these regulations and to the 3 satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, and the required reconnection fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code is paid to the Village. as d Section 13.18.090 is amended to read as follows: To cover the cost of the Village's review of the plans and inspection of the proposed construction, and in addition to any other required fees, there shall be a fee as set forth in Chapter N 1.16 of this Code. 0 Section 14.12.030 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. Fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 14.20.060 is amended to read as follows: B. The Administrator may issue a permit for a "For Rent, Sale or Lease" signs on commercial property in any zoning district provided that it does not exceed twenty-four square feet. The Administrator may issue a permit for a "For Rent, Sale or Lease" signs on any property within the Industrial Zoning District provided that it does not exceed thirty-two square feet. The owner of any permitted for "Rent, Sale or Lease" sign can apply to have the sign permit renewed on an annual basis for a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 14.40.020 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: B. At the time of filing an application an application fee in the amount as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code must be submitted and a $2,000.00 Recovery of Village Costs Escrow shall be deposited with the completed Recovery of Village Costs Escrow Form. After the variation process is complete any funds remaining will be refunded back to the applicant. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.l. is amended to read as follows: A. A fee for each plan examination, building permit and inspection shall be paid prior to the v issuance of permit(s) in accordance with the following schedule: z 1. Building Permit Fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Whenever the cost of v construction is a factor in determining a permit or plan review fee, the valuation of building projects shall be established based on the greater of: z a. The cost of construction established by the International Code Council (ICC) and published U on their website. Adjustments to these figures shall be made on March 1 of each year based upon Q ICC published data; or 16 Packet Pg. 197 9.A.b b. The cost of construction as stated by the applicant or agent on the application for the relevant permit. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.2. is amended to read as follows: 2. Building plan review fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Further, an Amendment Form is required to be submitted detailing the changes for any revisions from previously approved plans. For building plans that have been previously reviewed and the permit issued, any revisions to any commercial building plan or any residential building plan that, based upon the changes proposed require the review of two or more disciplines, a plan review fee for the Amendment Form is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.3. is amended to read as follows: 3. Plumbing permit fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.4. is amended to read as follows: 4. Electrical permit fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.S. is amended to read as follows: 5. Mechanical permit fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.6. is amended to read as follows: 6. Elevator permit fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.7. is amended to read as follows: 7. Fire protection system fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.S. is amended to read as follows: 8. Swimming Pool Fees. The installation permit fee for an above ground pool is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and the installation fees for an in -ground pool will comply with the building fee schedule. The installation fees outlined herein shall be in addition to any electrical or plumbing fees that may be required. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.9. is amended to read as follows: 9. Health Department Plan Review Fees. Plan review fees for the Health Department are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.10. is amended to read as follows: 17 as E z U a Packet Pg. 198 9.A.b 10. Reinspection Fees. The aforementioned permit fees include one reinspection. Any inspection or reinspection not covered by the fees designated in this section shall be charged as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.11. is amended to read as follows: =a 11. Work Prior to Permit. Where work has been started prior to the issuance the permit fee O shall be as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. as z Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.12. is amended to read as follows: 12. Certificate of Occupancy. The fee for Certificate of Occupancy, including business as d LL license inspections, is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. , Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.13. is amended to read as follows: N 0 13. Zoning/Code Compliance Letter fee is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.M. is amended to read as follows: 14. Parking Lot Repairs/Restriping is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.15. is amended to read as follows: 15. Fire Department Fees are set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.04.020 - Section 108.2 subsections A.16. is amended to read as follows: 16. Temporary Foodservice Permit fee is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.20.030 subsection A. is amended to read as follows: A. The fee for a fence permit is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The fee shall be paid at the time of permit issuance. Section 15.32.010 is amended to read as follows: No person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity shall engage as a general contractor, r subcontractor, or construction manager for alarm, tarmac, carpenter, cement, demolition, o a electrical, excavator, fence, irrigation, low voltage electrical, mason, mechanical (heating & air v conditioning), plumbing, sewer, fire suppression or any other type of work that requires a z building permit in the Village of Buffalo Grove, unless they possess a current Contractor v Registration in the Village of Buffalo Grove pursuant to the requirements of this Chapter (Contractor Registration) and (except as set forth in Sections 15.32.020 and 15.32.030) pay the z fee as set forth in Section 15.32.030. U a Section 15.32.020 is amended to read as follows: W3 Packet Pg. 199 9.A.b The following contractors will have to complete a Village of Buffalo Grove Contractor Registration but are exempt from fee required in 15.32.010 because they are licensed by the State of Illinois: plumbing, irrigation, roofing, alarm and fire suppression/sprinkler. Section 15.32.030 is amended to read as follows: All Contractor Registration fees are based on a calendar year as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.32.040 subsection A.2. is amended to read as follows: 2. The Corporate Authorities, by virtue of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, requires candidates for electrical registration to successfully complete a written examination administered by the Village Electrical Commission or contractor registration from any Illinois municipality that administers written examinations. Those holding an electrical registration from the Village of Buffalo Grove shall pay an annual registration fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.36.050 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. Each application for a new license or a renewal of any existing license shall be accompanied by an annual fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 15.36.060 subsection F. is amended to read as follows: F. All additional inspections made necessary because of cited violations not being corrected at the time of the initial license reinspection shall be subject to a fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The conditional license and the full rental residential license shall not be issued and the property shall not be considered property licensed until all reinspection fees are paid. Section 16.20.020 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. Coincident with the submittal of the concept plan and application, the owner or developer shall pay a concept plan filing fee and make an initial escrow deposit for the Village's recoverable costs for review of the development. The concept plan filing fee is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. The concept plan filing fee and initial escrow deposit for recoverable costs shall be tendered to the Village in the form of either a certified check, cashier's check, or money order made payable to the order of the Village of Buffalo Grove. There shall be no refund of any portion of the concept plan filing fee. Section 16.20.020 subsection H. is amended to read as follows: H. A public hearing by the Planning & Zoning Commission will be scheduled once the above requirements in this Section are met following the developer's submittal of all necessary information for the preliminary plan and its supporting documents. A submittal of the preliminary plan shall be made to staff, prior to the Planning & Zoning Commission workshop or public hearing. The submittal shall include, but not be limited to hard copies as needed and other 19 Packet Pg. 200 9.A.b submissions in accordance with the Village's digital data standards. All plans and documents, including a list of all variations requested of Village ordinances, shall be submitted at least twenty-one days prior to the date of the public hearing. At the time of the preliminary plan submittal, the developer shall pay to the Village a Public Hearing fee and an Engineering Review fee as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Said fees and additional escrow funds for Village recoverable costs (if necessary) shall be tendered to the Village in the form of either a certified check, cashiers check, or money order made payable to the order of the Village of Buffalo Grove. There shall be no refund of the public hearing or Engineering Review fees. Section 16.20.080 subsection D.1. is amended to read as follows: An engineering review and inspection fee in the amount as set forth Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 16.20.105 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. The Village filing fee for an Administrative Subdivision is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 16.20.105 subsection D. is amended to read as follows: D. The petitioner for an Administrative Subdivision shall comply with the requirements of Section 3.06.040, Recovery of Village Costs, except that the advance estimate set forth in Subsection 3.06.040(D)(1) shall be the amount as set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 17.36.020 subsection A.2. is amended to read as follows: 2. Any re -striping, reconstruction, expansion or modification of an existing parking lot or construction of a new parking lot shall require a permit from the Village's Department of Building and Zoning. Application for said permit shall include a site plan drawn at a scale of one -inch equals fifty feet or larger, delineating the size and location of all parking spaces, driveways, sidewalks and curb ramps for accessibility in compliance with this Title. Said site plan shall conform to the applicable specifications of Title 16 and Zoning Ordinance and shall comply with the Illinois Accessibility Code concerning parking spaces and accessibility for persons with disabilities. The permit fee is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Said site plan requirement may be met by the approved Preliminary Plan or other plan of record approved by the Village for a property if the proposed Improvements do not require modifications of parking stalls or other changes to the approved plan. Section 19.01.030 subsection C. is amended to read as follows: C. The amount of the library services cash contribution is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code. Section 19.01.040 subsection B. is amended to read as follows: all c c 0 a� as z as d LL Co N 0 r.. as E z U a Packet Pg. 201 9.A.b B. Fair Market Value. The cash contributions in lieu of land shall be based on the fair market value of the acres of land in the area improved as specified herein, that otherwise would have been dedicated as park and recreation and school sites. It has been determined that the present fair market value of such improved land in and surrounding the Village is set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this Code and such figure shall be used in making any calculation herein. =a Section 3. The Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is further amended by deleting O Section 5.32.080. as as Section 4. The Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is further amended by deleting z Section 13.04.290 the first subsection D. d LL Section 5. If any section, paragraph, clause of provision of this Ordinance shall be , held invalid, the invalidity thereof shall not affect any other provision of this Ordinance. Co N Section 6. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, O approval and publication. 0 .y i d >I AYES: C NAYES: 3 a� s ABSENT: PASSED: , 2016 APPROVED: , 2016 PUBLISHED: ATTEST: Janet Sirabian, Village Clerk #670305 21 2016 APPROVED: Beverly Sussman, Village President Packet Pg. 202 9.B Ordinance No. 0-2016-58 : Ordinance Adding Chapter 1.16, Fee and Fine Schedule to the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. This Ordinance Adds Chapter 1.16, Fee and Fine Schedule to the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code. ATTACHMENTS: • CHICAGO1-#670307-v4-Ordinance_Adding_Fee_Schedule_-_Adding_Chapter_1_16.2 (DOC) Trustee Liaison Johnson Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Scott Anderson, Finance Updated: 11/4/2016 11:02 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 203 9.B.a 08/11/2016 #670307 ORDINANCE NO. 2016 - AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 1.16, FEE SCHEDULE, TO THE BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove desires to amend its Municipal Code so that all the fees within the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code will be in a new Chapter 1.16; and WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove has passed an Ordinance simultaneously with this Ordinance to amend the Municipal Code so that all the fees formerly listed throughout the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code will all now be listed in the new Chapter 1.16. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby adopted and incorporated into and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. Chapter 1.16, Fee Schedule, is added to the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code, to read as follows: Chapter 1.16 - FEE SCHEDULE 1.16.010 — Fee Schedule The following is the Village of Buffalo Grove Fee Schedule: 3.06.020 All one and two family dwelling - variations for principal S125.00 subsection A. structures Packet Pg. 204 9.B.a 3.06.020 All multiple family dwellings - variations for principal $175.00 subsection B. structures 3.06,020 All multiple family dwellings - variations, other than $125.00 subsection B. principal structures 3.06.020 All business, office/research and industrial buildings - $175.00 subsection C. variations for principal structures 3.06.020 All business, office/research and industrial buildings - $125.00 subsection C. variations, other than principal structures 3.06.020 To appeal a decision of the Building Commissioner $175.00 subsection D. 3.06.020 Variation for special uses property in R-E through R-7 $100.00 subsection E. districts 3.06.020 Variation for special uses property in all other districts $200.00 subsection E. 3 ,06.020 ` Planned unit development (PUD) amendment - variation $100.00 subsection F. 3.06.020 Planned unit development (PUD) new development - $200.00 subsection F. variation 3.06.020 Rezoning, or variation (if not part of a petition for special $200.00 subsection G. use; or PUD) 3.06.020 Zoning text amendment - variation $100.00 subsection H. 3.06.020 Concept/preliminary plan review for sitesfive acres or $150.00 subsection I. less -variation 3.06,020 Concept/preliminary plan review per acre (or fraction $25.00 subsection I. thereof) for sites larger than five acres - variation 3,06.030 Special uses for property in R-E through R-7 districts.' $100.00 subsection A. Petition filing fee 3.06.030 Special uses for property in all other districts. Petition $200.00 subsection A. filing fee 3.06.030 Planned unit development (PUD) amendment. Petition $100.00 subsection B. filing fee 3.06.030 Planned unit development (PUD) new development. $200.00 subsection B. Petition filing fee ru El Packet Pg. 205 9.B.a 3,06.030 Rezoning or variation (if not part of a petition for special $200.00 subsection C. use or PVD). Petition filing fee 3.06.030 Zoning text amendment. Petition filing fee $100.00 subsection D. 3.06,030 Concept/preliminary plan review for sites five acres or $150.00 subsection E. less. Petition filing fee 3.06.030 Concept/preliminary plan review per acre (or fraction $25.00 subsection E. thereof) for sites larger than five acres. Petition filing fee 3.06.030 Development Ordinance variation for residential property. $125.00 subsection G. Petition filing fee 3.20.060 For industrial projects or pollution control facility revenue One -tenth of one subsection A. bonds percent of the principal amount of any bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.20. 3.20.060 For, multi -family housing project revenue 'bonds One percent of the subsection B. principal amount of any bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.20. 3.36.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency medical service: $800.00* BLS 3,36,030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency medical service: $950.00* ALS Level 1 3.36.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency medical service: $1,100.00* ALS Level 2 3,36.030 Nonresident who utilizes theemergency medical service: $175.00* Treat, Non -Transport 3.36.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency medical service: $13.50* Mileage/mile 3.3�6.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency medical service: $600.00 BLS 3.36.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency medical service: $700.00 ALS Level 1 3,36,030 Resident who utilizes the emergency medical service: ' $900.00 ALS Level 2 3.36.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency medical service: $0.00 Treat, Non -Transport ru El Packet Pg. 206 9.B.a 3,36.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency medical service: $13.50 Mileage/mile 3.36.030 *Nonresident annual fee increase Beginning January 1, 2017 the fees for non- residents shall increase by five percent and each year thereafter. 3.38.030 Nonresident or resident who utilizes the emergency $435.00 services of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Motor Vehicle Incidents Level 1 3.38.030 Nonresident or resident who utilizes the emergency $495.00 services of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Motor Vehicle Incidents Level 2 3.38.030 Nonresident or resident who utilizes the emergency $605.00 services of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Motor' Vehicle Incidents Level 3 3.38.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency services of the $900.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Motor Vehicle Incidents Level 4 3.38.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency services of the $1,800.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Motor Vehicle Incidents Level 3.38.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency services of the $1,100.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Motor Vehicle Incidents Level 5 3.38.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency services of the $2,200.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Motor Vehicle Incidents Level 5 3.38.030 Nonresident or resident who utilizes the emergency Itemized services of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Motor Vehicle Incidents Level 6 3,38.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency services of the $350.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Hazardous Materials Incidents Level 1 3.38.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency services of the $700.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Hazardous Materials Incidents Level 1 3.38.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency services of the $1,250.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Hazardous Materials Incidents Level 2 1u c 0 s El Packet Pg. 207 9.B.a 3.38.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency services of the $2,500.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Hazardous Materials Incidents Level 2 3.38.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency services of the $2,500.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Hazardous Materials Incidents Level 3 3.38.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency services of the $5,900.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Hazardous Materials Incidents Level 3 3.38.030 Nonresident or resident who utilizes the emergency $50.00 services of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Haz Mat Technician per hour 3.38.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency services of the $200.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Pipeline/ Power line Incidents Level 1 3,38,030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency services of the $400,00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Pipeline/ Power line i Incidents Level 1 3.38.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency services of the $500.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Pipeline/ Power line Incidents Level 2 3.38.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency services of the $1,250.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Pipeline/ Power line Incidents Level 2 3.38.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency services of the Itemized Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Pipeline/ Power line Incidents Level 3 3.38.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency services of the Itemized Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Pipeline/ Power line Incidents Level 3 3.38.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency services of the $275.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Fire Investigations per hour 3,38,030 Resident who utilizes the emergency services of the $200.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Water Incidents Level 1 3.38.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency services of the $400.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Water Incidents Level I 1u El Packet Pg. 208 9.B.a 3,38.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency services of the $400,00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Water Incidents Level 2 3.38.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency services of the $800.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Water Incidents Level 2 3.38.030 Resident who utilizes the emergency services of the $1,000.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Water Incidents Level 3 3.38.030 Nonresident who utilizes the emergency services of the $2,000.00 Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Water Incidents Level 3 3,38.030 Nonresident or resident who utilizes the emergency $50.00 services of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Water' Incidents Technician per hour 3.38.030 Nonresident or resident who utilizes the emergency Itemized services of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department: specialized rescue 3.38.030 Nonresident or resident who utilizes the emergency $50.00 services of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department: Technician per hour 3.52.020 Daily fee for the purpose of parking within the Village's $2.00 subsection A. commuter parking 3.52.030 Parking for a defined two -month period paid the 1st $80.00 through 15th of first month 3.52.030 Parking for a defined two -month period paid the 16th $60.00 through end of first month 3.52.030 ' Parking for a defined two -month period paid the 1 st $40.00 through 15th of second month 3.52.030 Parking for a defined two -month period paid the 16th $20.00 through end of second month 3,52.055 Daily fee for parking within a commuter parking lot (from $1.50 subsection B. 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) 3.56.030 Telecommunication infrastructure maintenance fee 1 % of all gross subsection A. charges by telecommunications retailer to service addresses within the Village for telecommunications originating or received in the 1u El Packet Pg. 209 9.B.a Village 3.65.030 Gas tax $0.05 pertherm subsection A. 3.70.010 Administrative fee for persons arrested, processed and $20.00 released on bail 3.71.030 Stormwater utility fee tier 1: residential (single family $60.96 subsections C. attached and detached). Annual fee 3.71.030 Stormwater utility fee tier 2: multi -family, commercial $0.006950 X Property subsections C. and industrial. Annual fee Square Footage 3,72,010 Fingerprinting service $50.00 3.72.020 Local records check for visa/immigration matters $15.00 5,04.110 Annual fee for a business license for service/retail and $90.00 subsection A. wholesale sales/office up to 5,000 square feet 5.04.110 Annual fee for a business license for service/retail and $150.00 subsection A. wholesale sales/office up to 10,000 square feet 5.04.110 Annual fee for a business license for service/retail and $200.00 subsection A. wholesale sales/office up to 20,000 square feet 5.04.110 Annual fee for a business license for service/retail and $300.00 subsection A. wholesale sales/office up to 50,000 square feet 5,04,110 Annual fee for a business license for service/retail and $350.00 subsection A. wholesale sales/office up to 75,000 square feet 5.04.110 Annual fee for a business license for service/retail and $400.00 subsection A. wholesale sales/office up to and including 100,000 square feet 5,04.110 Annual fee for a business license for service/retail and $450.00 subsection A. wholesale sales/office more than 100,000 square feet ` 5.04.110 Annual fee after July 1st for a business license for $45.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office up to 5,000 square feet 5.04.110 Annual fee after July 1st for a business license for $75.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office up to 10,000 square feet 5.04.110 Annual fee after July 1 st for a business license for $100.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office up to 20,000 square feet ru El Packet Pg. 210 9.B.a 5,04.110 Annual fee after July 1st for a business license for $150.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office up to 50,000 square feet 5.04.110 Annual fee after July 1st for a business license for $175.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office up to 75,000 square feet 5.04.110 Annual fee after July 1st for a business license for $200.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office up to and including 100,000 square feet 5.04.110 Annual fee after July 1 st for a business license for $225.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office more than 100,000 square feet 5,04.110 Renewal fee after January 15th for a business license for $135,00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office up to 5,000 square feet 5.04.110 Renewal fee after January 15th for a business license for $225.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office up to 10,000 square feet 5.04.110 Renewal fee after January 15th for a business license for $300.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office up to 20,000 square feet 5.04.110 Renewal fee after January 15th for a business license for $450.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office up to 50,000 square feet 5.04.110 Renewal fee after January 15th for a business license for $525.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office up to 75,000 square feet 5.04.110 Renewal fee after January 15th for a business license for $600.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office up to and including 100,000 square feet 5,04,110 Renewal fee after January 15th for a business license for $675.00 subsection A. service/retail and wholesale sales/office more than 100,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee for a food establishment or service/retail with $100.00 subsection A. food accessory up to 5,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee for a food establishment or service/retail with $150.00 subsection A. food accessory up to 10,000 square! feet 1u El Packet Pg. 211 9.B.a 5.04.110 License fee for a food establishment or service/retail with $200.00 subsection A. food accessory up to and including 20,000 square feet 5.04,110 License fee for a food establishment or service/retail with $250.00 subsection A. food accessory more than 20000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee after July 1st for a food establishment or $50.00 subsection A. service/retail with food accessory up to 5,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee after July 1st for a food establishment or $75.00 subsection A. service/retail with food accessory up to 10,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee after July 1 st for a food establishment or $100.00 subsection A. service/retail with food accessory up to and including 20,000 square feet 5,04,110 License fee after July 1st for a food establishment or $125,00 subsection A. service/retail with food accessory more than 20,000 square feet 5.04.110 License renewal fee after Jan 15th for a food $150.00 subsection A. establishment or service/retail with food accessory up to 5,000 square feet 5.04.110 License renewal fee after Jan 15th for a food $225.00 subsection A. establishment or service/retail with food accessory up to 10,000 square feet 5.04.110 License renewal fee after Jan 15th for a food $300.00 subsection A. establishment or service/retail with food accessory up to and including 20,000 square feet 5.04.110 License renewal fee after Jan 15th for a food $375.00 subsection A. establishment or service/retail with food accessory with more than 20,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee for industrial/research and development $200.00 subsection A. (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 100,000 square feet 5,04,110 License fee for industrial/research and development $250.00 subsection A. (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 150,000 square feet" 5.04.110 License fee for industrial/research and development $300.00 subsection A. (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 200,000 square feet 1u El Packet Pg. 212 9.B.a 5,04.110 License fee for industrial/research and development $350.00 subsection A. (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 250,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee for industrial/research and development $400.00 subsection A. (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 300,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee for industrial/research and development $450.00 subsection A. (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 350,000 square feet' 5.04.110 License fee for industrial/research and development $500.00 subsection A. (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 400,000 square feet 5,04.110 License fee for industrial/research and development $550.00 subsection A. (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 450,000 square feet' 5.04.110 License fee for industrial/research and development $600.00 subsection A. (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to and including 500,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee for industrial/research and development $700.00 subsection A. (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) more than 500,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee after July 1 st for industrial/research and $100.00 subsection A. development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 100,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee after July 1 st for industrial/research and $125.00 subsection A. development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 150,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee after July 1 st for industrial/research and $150.00 subsection A. development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 200,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee after July 1 st for industrial/research and $175.00 subsection A. development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 250,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee after July 1 st for industrial/research and $200.00 subsection A. development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 300,000 square feet 5.04,110 License fee after July I st for industrial/research and $225.00 subsection A. development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 350,000 square feet 10 T a M s U a, c a 00 0 N 1u c as E s U El Packet Pg. 213 9.B.a 5.04.110 License fee after July 1 st for industrial/research and $250.00 subsection A. development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 400,000 square feet 5.04,110 License fee after July J st for industrial/research'and $275.00 subsection A. development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 450,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee after July 1st for industrial/research and $300.00 subsection A. development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to and including 500,000 square feet 5.04.110 : License fee after July I st for industrial/research ;and $350.00 subsection A. development (including industrial w/foodaccessory or processing) more than500,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee renewal after January 15th for $300.00 subsection A. industrial/research and development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 100,000 square feet 5.04.110 ` License fee renewal after January 15th for $375.00 subsection A. industrial/research and development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 150,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee renewal after January 15th for $450.00 subsection A. industrial/research and development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 200,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee renewal after January 15th for $525.00 subsection A. industrial/research and development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 250,000 square feet 5.04,110 License fee renewal after January 15th for $600.00 subsection A. industrial/research and development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 300,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee renewal after January 15th for $675.00 subsection A. industrial/research and development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 350,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee renewal after January 15th for $750.00 subsection A. industrial/research and development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 400,000 square feet 11 T T i d a M s U c a 00 0 N 1u c a� E s U El Packet Pg. 214 9.B.a 5,04.110 License fee renewal after January 15th for $825.00 subsection A. industrial/research and development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to 450,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee renewal after January 15th for $900.00 subsection A. industrial/research and development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) up to and including 500,000 square feet 5.04.110 License fee renewal after January 15th for $1,050.00 subsection A. industrial/research and development (including industrial w/food accessory or processing) more than 500,000 square feet 5.04.110 Licensee fee for hotel/motel up to and including 150,000 $750.00 subsection A. square feet 5,04.110 Licensee fee forhotel/motel more than 150,000 square $1,000.00 subsection A. feet 5.04.110 Licensee fee after July 1st for hotel/motel up to and $375.00 subsection A. including 150,000 square feet 5.04.110 Licensee fee after July 1st for hotel/motel more than $500.00 subsection A. 150,000 square feet 5.04.110 Licensee fee renewal after January 15th for hotel/motel up $1,125.00 subsection A. to and including 150,000 square feet 5.04.110 Licensee fee renewal after January 15th for hotel/motel $1,500.00 subsection A. more than 150,000 square feet 5.04.170 Day care business license $85.00 annually, $42.50 if purchased on or after July 1 st of any year 5.08.050 ' Amusement permit fee $50.00 subsection A. 5.08.050 Carnival fee $10.00 per day subsection B. 5,08.050 Mechanical inspection fee (charged per ride per day) $5,00 subsection C, 5.10.040 Arts and crafts vendor six days or fewer $20.00 subsection A. 5.10.040 Arts and crafts vendor per week $50.00 subsection A. 5.10.040 Arts and crafts vendor per month $75.00 subsection A. 5.10.040 Arts and crafts vendor per year $150.00 subsection A. 12 1u c a� E s U i, Packet Pg. 215 9.B.a 5.12.050 Amusement device fee $50.00 for each device; however, for any license issued between November 1st and April 30th of the following calendar year, the fee shall be $25.00 for each device. 5.20.070 Class A liquor license $2,500.00 subsection A. 5.20.070 Class B liquor license $2,300.00 subsection B. 5.20.070 Class C liquor license $2,500.00 subsection C. 5.20.070 Class D liquor license $1,800.00 subsection D. 5.20.070 Class D liquor license, if authorized by the Liquor Control $30000 plus cost of subsection D. Commissioner and approved by the Village Board, Class A or Class B combined with a Class A or Class B liquor license 5.20.070 Class D1 liquor license $1,800.00 subsection D1. 5.20.070 Class E liquor license $1,500.00 subsection E. 5.20.070 Class F liquor license $2,000.00 subsection F.4. 5,20.070 Class G1 liquor license $25.00 subsection G.l.d. 5.20.070 Class G2 liquor license $100.00 subsection G.2.c. 5.20.070 Class G3 liquor license $25.00 subsection G.3.c. 5.20.070 Class G4 liquor license $25.00 subsection G.4.b. 5,20.070 ` Class G5 liquor license $25.00 subsection G.5.d. 5.20.070 Class G6 liquor license $25.00 subsection G.6.d. 5.20,070 Class G7 liquor license $100.00 13 T T i a M s U c a 00 0 N ru c as E s U i, Packet Pg. 216 9.B.a subsection G.7.c. 5.20.070 Class H liquor license $250.00 subsection H.4. 5,20,070 Class I liquor license $1,200.00 subsection 1. 5.20.070 Class J liquor license $4,000.00 subsection J. 5.20.070 Class K liquor license $4,000.00 subsection K. 5.20.071 First time liquor license applicant fee $500.00 5.20.075 Monthly tasting permit $25.00 subsection B.2. 5.20.075 Yearly tasting permit $1,000.00 subsection C.2. 5,20.090 Fee for a make-up liquor/alcohol awareness training shall not exceed subsection B, seminar $500.00 per licensee 5.20.100 Fee to transfer liquor license $100.00 subsection C. 5,20.155 Application fee for video gaming (regardless of number of $250.00 subsection D. terminals) 5.20.155 Annual fee for video gaming locations $1,000.00 subsection E. 5.20.1 65 ' Processing fee for special server application for minors $35.00 subsection CA. 5.24.050 Solicitor permits $50.00 (which subsection B. includes one solicitor) plus $15.00 for each additional person that is added to the permit 5.28.020 ' Business public passenger vehicle license fee $50.00, provided that subsection E. the fee for licenses issued for less than a year shall be prorated for the period from the date of issuance to the end of the year, 5.28.030 Annual fee for a public passenger vehicle license $20.00 subsection E. 5,28,030 Annual fee for a public passenger vehicle license issued $10.00 subsection E. July 1 st or after 5.28.150 Chauffeur's license original application filing fee $75.00 subsection G. 5,28.150 Chauffeur's license renewal application filing fee $35.00 14 ru i, Packet Pg. 217 9.B.a subsection G. 5.32.040 Tobacco dealer's license $75.00 5,32.070 Tobacco dealer license fee for mechanical devices (for $50.00 each mechanical device) 5.44.050 Massage establishment license application fee $250.00, provided the fee for licenses issued for less than a calendar year shall be prorated for the period from the date of issuance to December 31 st of that year. 5.46.040 ' Application fee for initial license for a pawnbroker or ' $250.00 subsection B. resale shop dealer 5.46.060 Resale shop license fee $1,500.00 5,46,060 Pavan shop license fee $2,000.00 5.52.050 Food/beverage vending machines license per year $30.00 5.52.050 Food/beverage vending machines license for half of a year $15.00 5.52.070 Health Officer reinspection fee for a food/beverage $10.00 vending machine 5,70,050 Processing fee for an Adult Establishment license or $200.00 subsection B. renewal 6.08.030 Animal impound fee per day $15.00 subsection C. 6.08.030 Additional fee for animals not wearing a current license $100.00 subsection C, tag (in addition to the payment for a license if the animal is unlicensed) 6.08.030 Additional fee for dogs running at large $50.00 subsection C. 6,08.030 Additional fee for second and subsequentoffenses of a $100.00 subsection C. dog running at large 6.12.020 Tag fee for each dog or cat $1.00 subsection A. 6,12.020 Licensee fee for cats, dogs and animals. $10.00, except for an subsection D. animal found to be a potentially dangerous shall be $50.00.' There shall be no 15 i a M s U a, c a 00 0 N 1u i, Packet Pg. 218 9.B.a license fee for dogs leading special needs persons, or dogs use as, part of law enforcement. 8.16.020 Annual fee for a food -vending vehicle license $100.00 subsection C. 8.16.030 Food -vending vehicle mobile food vendor permit original $75.00 application fee. 8.16.030 Food -vending vehicle mobile food vendor permit renewal $35.00 application fee. 8.20.170 Licensee fee for garbage and refuse removal services ' $500.00 8.44.040 Annual licensing fee to operate a swimming pool $50.00 subsection B.1. 9.04.030 Alarm registration fee for both original and renewal $10.00 subsection A. permits for any single police burglar alarm or single fire alarm for any occupancy. 9.04.030 Alarm registration fee for both original and renewal $20.00 subsection A. permits for any combination fire/police alarm for any occupancy. 9.04.080 For the first response to premises at which no other false $0.00 alarm has occurred within the Annual Period 9.04.080 For the second response to premises at which a previous $75.00 false alarm has occurred within the Annual Period 9.04.080 For the third response to premises at which a previous + $125.00 false alarm had occurred within the Annual Period 9.04.080 For the fourth response to premises at which a previous $175.00 false alarm had occurred within the Annual Period 9.04.080 For the fifth through ninth responses to premises at which $200.00 a previous false alarm had occurred within the Annual Period 9.04.080 For the tenth or more responses to premises at which a $250.00 previous false alarm had occurred within the Annual Period BG-15-307 Category l A: fee for single vehicle with 2 axles; max " $15.00; $25,00; subsection B. weight across axles of48000 and max weight on any $85.00; $340.00 single axle of 25000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually 16 ru c as s U El Packet Pg. 219 9.B.a BG-15-307 Category 2A: fee for single vehicle with 2 axles, max $20.00; $35.00; subsection B. weight across axles of 54000 and max weight on any $100.00; $400.00 single axle of 28000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 3A: fee for single vehicle with 3+ axles, max $25.00; $45.00;, subsection B. weight across axles of'60000, max weight on any single $115.00; $460.00 axle of 21000 and max weight for any 2 axle tandem of 40000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 4A: fee for single vehicle with 3+ axles, max $30.00; $55.00; subsection B. weight across axles of 68000, max weight on any single $130.00; $520.00 axle of 25000 and max weight for any 2 axle tandem of 48000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 5A: fee for single vehicle with 3+ axles, max $60.00; $115.00 subsection B. weight across axles of72000, max weight on any single $270.00; $1080.00 axle of 25000 and max weight for any 2 axle tandem of 48000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 6A: fee for single vehicle with 3+ axles, max $70.00; $135.00; subsection B. weight across axles of 80000, max weight on any single $285.00; $1140.00 axle of 27000 and max weight for any 2 axle tandem of 54000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 7A: fee for single vehicle with 4+ axles, max $35.00; $65.00; subsection B. weight across axles of'72000, max weight on any single $145.00; $580.00 axle of 21000 and max weight for any 2 axle tandem of 40000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 8A: fee for single vehicle with 4+ axles, max $40.00; $75.00; subsection B. weight across axles of 76000, max weight on any single $160.00; $640.00 axle of 23000 and max weight for any 2 axle tandem of 44000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 9A: fee for single vehicle with 4+ axles, max $60.00; $100,00; subsection B. weight across axles of 80000, max weight on any single $225,00; $900.00 axle of 27000, max weight for any 2 axle tandem of 54000, and max weight on 3 or 4 axle group of 60,000' for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually 17 T T i a M s U as a 00 0 N 1u c as E s U El Packet Pg. 220 9.B.a BG-15-307 Category 113: fee for single combination vehicle with 5+ $30.00; $55.00; subsection B. axles, max weight across axles of 88000, max weight on $190.00; $760.00 any single axle of 23000 and max weight for any 2 axle tandem or 3 or 4 axle group 44000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 2B: fee for single combination vehicle with 5+ $40.00; $75.00;` subsection B. axles, max weight across axles of 100000, max weight on $220.00; $880.00 any single axle of 25000 and max weight for any 2 axle tandem or 3 or 4 axle group 48000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 3B: fee for single combination vehicle with 6+ $45.00; $85.00; subsection B. axles, max weight across axles of 110000, max weight on $235.00; $940.00 any single axle of 23000, max weight for any 2 axle tandem of 44000 and max for any 3 or 4 axle group of 54000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 4B: fee for single combination vehicle with 6+ $50.00; $95.00; subsection B. axles, max weight across axles of 120000 max weight on $250.00; $1000.00 any single axle of 25000, max weight for any 2 axle tandem of 48000 and max for any 3 or 4 axle group of 60000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 5B: fee for single combination vehicle with 6+ $60.00; $115.00; subsection B. axles, max weight across axles of 143000, max weight on $325.00; $1300.00 any single axle of 27000, max weight for any 2 axle tandem of 54000 and max for any 3 or 4 axle group of 78000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 6B: fee for single combination vehicle with 7+ $70.00; $135.00 subsection B. axles, max weight across axles of 162000, max weight on $400.00; $1600.00 any single axle of 25000, max weight for any 2 axle tandem of 50000, max for any 3 axle group of 75000 and max for any four axle group of 10000 for a single trip;,; round trip; quarterly and annually W. T i a M s U c a Go 0 N ru c as E s U El Packet Pg. 221 9.B.a BG-15-307 Category 713: fee for single combination vehicle with 7+ $80.00; $155.00; subsection B. axles, max weight across axles of 187000, max weight on $500.00; $2000.00 any single axle of 25000, max weight for any 2 axle tandem of 50000, max for any 3 axle group of 75000 and max for any four axle group of 10000 for a single trip; round trip; quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 1C: fee for over dimension (oversized vehicles) $15.00; $25.00;` subsection B. with a max sizes: WIDTH: 10'; HEIGHT:13'6"; S75.00; $300.00 LENGTH: 115' for single trip, round trip, quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 2C: fee for over dimension (oversized vehicles) $20.00; $40.00; subsection B. with a max sizes: WIDTH: 12'; HEIGHT: 13'6"; $120.00; $480.00 LENGTH: 115' for single trip, round trip, quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 3C: fee for over dimension (oversized vehicles) $30.00; $55.00; subsection B. with a max sizes: WIDTH: 14'; HEIGHT:' 13'6" $165.00; $660.00 LENGTH: 115' for single trip, round trip,' quarterly and annually BG-15-307 Category 4C: fee for over dimension (oversized vehicles) $50.00; $95.00 subsection B. with a max sizes: WIDTH: 18'; HEIGHT: 16'; LENGTH: 135' for single trip and round trip BG-15-307 Category 5C: fee for over dimension (oversized' vehicles) $100.00; $195.00 subsection B. with a max sizes: WIDTH: >18'; HEIGHT: >16'; LENGTH: >135' for single trip and round trip 10.20.040 Administrative fee for properly impounded vehicle $500.00 10.20.050 Administrative fee fora properly impounded vehicle to be $500.00 subsection C. posted for a vehicle to be released prior to a preliminary probable cause hearing 12.04.040 Application fee for construction of any facility that affects $750.00 subsection F. a public right-of-way 12.08.030 Driveway apron; service walk, carriage walls or other $50,00 appurtenance permit fee 13.04.040 Water system improvement fee for single-family dwelling $680.00 subsection B. 13.04.040 Water system improvement fee for townhouse $585.00 subsection B. 13.04.040 Water system improvement fee for condominium unit $485.00 subsection B. 19 T i a M s U c a Go 0 N ru c as E s U El Packet Pg. 222 9.B.a 13,04.040 Water system improvement fee for multi -family $390.00 subsection B, apartment unit 13.04.040 Water system improvement fee for business, commercial $95.00 per 100 subsection B. or industrial gallons of maximum daily usage 13,04.060 Fee for connecting to a water main for each 1 inch water $100.00 connection (which includes labor cost but not the cost of the meter) 13.04.060 Fee for connecting to a water main for each 1.25 inch $125.00 water connection (which includes labor cost but not the cost of the meter) 13,04.060 Fee for connecting to a water main for each 1.5 inch water $150.00 connection (which includes labor cost but not the cost of the meter) 13.04.060 Fee for connecting to a water main for each 2 inch water $400.00 connection (which includes labor cost but not the cost of the meter) 13,04.060 Fee for connecting to a water main for each 2,5 inch water $625.00 connection (which includes labor cost but not the cost of the meter) 13.04.060 Fee for connecting to a water main for each 3 inch water $900.00 connection (which includes labor cost but not the cost of the meter) 13,04,060 Fee for connecting to a water main for each 4 inch water $1,600.00 connection (which includes labor cost but not the cost of the meter) 13.04.060 Fee for connecting to a water main for each 6 inch water $1,800.00 connection (which includes labor cost but not the cost of the meter) 13.04.060 Fee for connecting to a water main for each 8 inch water $2,000.00 connection (which includes labor cost but not the cost of the meter) 13.04.180 Cost to remove, test and replacement water meter $150.00, provided the subsection C. cost may increase if additional work is required to shut off the water or otherwise complete the test. 13.04.190 Annual increase for each user/consumer of water services Beginning January 1, subsection B. 2015 the water service rate will be increased by four all i d a M s U a co 0 N ru c as E s U i, Packet Pg. 223 9.B.a percent (4% o) each year thereafter. 13.04.190 Monthly basic charge to each user/consumer of water $1.90 subsection C. service 13.04.210 Fee a contractor or owner to use water before water is $17.50 installed on any building where the value of construction is between $0 and $29999.99 13.04.210 Fee a contractor or owner to use water before water is $18.50 installed on any building where the value of construction is between $30,000 and $49,999.99 13.04.210 Fee a contractor or owner to use water before water it is $20.00 installed on any building where the value of construction is between $50,000 and $74,999.99 13.04.210 Fee a contractor or owner to use water before water it is $20.00 plus $0.25 per installed on any building where the value of construction thousand dollars in is $75,000 or more excess of $75,000 13,04.230 Surcharge if Village cannot access to read, examine, test, $100.00 replace and repair water meters (per water billing period) 13.04.250 Reconnection fee for delinquent payment $50.00 subsection A. 13,04,250 Reconnection fee for delinquent payment if reconnected $100.00 subsection A. after 4:00 pm Mondaythrough Friday or on Saturday or Sunday 13.04.250 Processing fee if the reconnection fee is returned due to $25.00 subsection D. insufficient funds 13.04.290 Sewer user charges for each user/consumer serviced by $4.00 per1,000' subsection A.3. the Lake County sanitary sewer, gallons of water consumed 13.04.290 Sewer user rate basic charge for operation, maintenance Beginning January 1, subsection D. and replacement 2015 the basic unit charge of $1.05 will increase by four percent (4%) each year thereafter. 13.04.290 The bimonthly fixed sewer user rate for all non -metered Beginning January 1, subsection D. residential users 2015 the bimonthly fixed rate for all non - metered residential users of $15.60 shall 21 T a M s U as c a 00 0 N ru i, Packet Pg. 224 9.B.a increase by four percent (4%) each year thereafter. 13.04.310 Permit and inspection fee for construction of a private $25.00 subsection B. sewage disposal system 13.04.320 Fee paid per 6 inch connection to the Village sewer $50.00 subsection F.1. system 13.04.320 Fee paid per 8 inch connection to the Village sewer $200.00 subsection F.1. system 13.04.320 Fee paid per 10 inch connection to the Village sewer $300.00 subsection F.1. system 13.04.320 Fees paid for each connection to the Village sewer system $5,150.00 subsection F.2. in Lake County per residential unit 13,04.320 Fees paid for each connection to the Village sewer system $5150.00 per single - subsection F.2. in Lake County per industrial, commercial and family residential institutional equivalent. 13.05.130 Water reconnection fee after defects and corrections have $1,500.00 subsection B. been eliminated 13,18.090 Review of plans and inspection fee for each water well $500.00 permit issued. 14.12.030 Wall signs, non -illuminated $50.00 plus $0.25 subsection A. cents per square foot of larger face, plus $50.00 plan review fee 14,12.030 Wall signs, illuminated $50.00 plus $0.25 subsection A. cents per square foot of larger face $50.00 plan review fee, plus a $50.00 electrical fee 14.12.030 Ground signs $75.00 plus $0.25 subsection A. cents per square foot of larger face, plus $50.00 plan review fee. If internally illuminated, a $50.00 electrical fee shall apply 14.12.030 Banners, pennants, searchlights, balloons or gas -filled ` $50.00 subsection A. figures and Grand Opening signs 14.12.030 Temporary identification sign $50.00 subsection A. 22 1u c as E s U El Packet Pg. 225 9.B.a 14.12.030 Permit renewal for special signs $50,00 subsection A. 14.12.030 Tenant panel sign $50.00 subsection A. 14,12.030 For Rent, Sale, Lease signs less than 6 square feet. $0.00 subsection A. 14.12.030 For Rent, Sale, Lease signs more than 6 square feet. $75.00 plus S0.25 subsection A. cents per square foot of larger face, plus $50.00 plan review fee, plus (if applicable) a $50.00 annual renewal fee 14.12.030 An awning sign Priced as a wall sign subsection A. 14.12.030 All other signs requiring a permit, that are not combined $50.00 subsection A. with additional sign fees 14.20.060 Renewal fee for a "For Rent,; Sale, or Lease" sign $50.00 14.40.020 Variance application fee $125.00 subsection B. 15,04.020 Building permit fee for construction costs up to one $50.00 Section 108.2 thousand dollars. subsection A.1. 15.04.020 Building permit fee for construction costs over one $50.00 for the first Section 108.2 thousand dollars. $1,000 of subsection A.1. construction cost plus $10.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof 15.04.020 Building permit fee for decks, sheds, gazebos and patios S50.00 base fee plus Section 108.2 fifteen cents per sq. subsection A.1. ft. (not including any electrical fees). 15.04,020 Building plan review fee for buildings of up to 500 square $50.00 Section 108.2 feet subsection A.2. 15,04.020 Building plan review fee for buildings of 501 through $75.00 Section 108.2 1,000 square feet subsection A.2. 15.04.020 Building plan review fee for buildings of 1,001 through S125.00 Section 108.2 2,000 square feet subsection A.2. 15.04.020 Building plan review fee for buildings of 2,001 through $175.00 Section 108.2 3,000 square feet subsection A.2. 23 T i a M s U a 00 0 N ru c as s U El Packet Pg. 226 9.B.a 15.04.020 Building plan review fee for buildings of 3,001 through $200.00 Section 108.2 4,000 square feet subsection A.2. 15.04,020 Building plan review fee for buildings of 4,001 through $250.00 Section 108.2 5,000 square feet subsection A.2. 15.04.020 Building plan review fee for buildings of 5,001 and over $0.05 per sq. ft. Section 108.2 square feet subsection A.2. 15.04.020 Alterations and remodeling where it is impractical to One -quarter percent Section 108.2 compute plan review fees ona square foot basis (.0025) of the cost of subsection A.2. ` the work to be performed with a minimum fee of $50.00 15.04.020 Amendment Form plan review fee. $50.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.2. 15.04.020 Plumbing permit fees for a water heater $50.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.3. 15.04.020 Plumbing permit fees for a each sump pump pit $15.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.3. 15.04.020 Plumbing; permit fees for a each sewer service $15.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.3. 15.04.020 Plumbing permit fees for a each water service $15.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.3. 15.04.020 Plumbing permit fees for a each water meter $15.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.3. 15.04.020 Plumbing permit fees for a each clean out $10.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.3. 15.04,020 Plumbing permit fees for a each plumbing fixture or $10.00 Section 108.2 opening not listed subsection A.3.' 15.04.020 Plumbing permit fees for an in -ground swimming pool $60.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.3. 15.04.020 Plumbing permit fees for a lawn sprinkler system $4.00lhead $75.00 Section 108.2 minimum subsection A.3. 15.04.020 Plumbing permit fees for a sewer repair $65.00 Section 108.2 24 T a M s U a 00 0 N 1u c as E s U i, Packet Pg. 227 9.B.a subsection A.3. 15.04,020 Plumbing permit fees for a RPZ installation (new or $50.00 Section 108.2 replacement) subsection A.3. 15.04.020 Minimum plumbing fee $50.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.3. 15.04.020 Plumbing permit fees for a plan review fee $50.00 or 25 percent Section 108.2 of building plan subsection A.3. review fee, whichever is greater 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for each closed circuit of 15 AMPS $7.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for each; closed circuit of 20 AMPS $12.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for each closed circuit of 30 AMPS $20.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for each closed circuit of 40 AMPS $25.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for each closed circuit of 50 AMPS $30.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for each closed circuit of 60 AMPS $40.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for services, including service $50.00 Section 108.2 revisions, of 100 AMPS subsection A.4. 15.04,020 Electricalpermit fee for services, including service $75.00 Section 108.2 revisions, of 101 through 200 amp subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for services, including service $100.00 Section 108.2 revisions, of 201 through 400 amp subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical ;permit fee for services, including service $150.00 Section 108.2 revisions, of 401 through 800 amp subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for services, including service $200.00 Section 108.2 revisions, of 801 through 1199 amp subsection A.4. 25 i a M s U c a co 0 N ru c a� E s U El Packet Pg. 228 9.B.a 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for services, including service $250.00 Section 108.2 revisions, of 1200 through 4000 amp subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for services, including service $300.00 Section 108.2 revisions, of 4001 through 8000 amp subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for feeder circuits of60 through 100 $35.00 Section 108.2 amp subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for feeder circuits of 101 through 200 $50.00 Section 108.2 amp subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for feeder circuits of 201 through 400 $65.00 Section 108.2 amp subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for feeder circuits of 401 through 600 $85.00 Section 108.2 amp subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for feeder circuits of 601 through $110.00 Section 108.2 1000 amp subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee for feeder circuits of 1001 through $130.00 Section 108.2 2000 amp subsection A.4. 15.�04.020 Electrical permit fee for a motor three quarter horsepower The circuit fee plus Section 108.2 or more $25.00 for the fiat subsection A.4. and $15.00'for each additional 15.04.020 Electrical permit fee except for residential units, the fee $10.00 plus the Section 108.2 for a motor less than three-quarter horsepower circuit fee subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Audio communications system fee $50.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4.' 15.04.020 Burglar alarm system fee $50.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15,04.020 Electronic computer/data processing system fee $50.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Fire alarm system fee $100.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Intercom and public address system fee $50.00 per; system Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 3. T a M s U a Go 0 N ru c as E s U i, Packet Pg. 229 9.B.a 15.04.020 Relocatable wired partitions system fee $50.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04,020 Temporary wiring system fee $50.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit minimum fee for all installations, except $50.00 Section 108.2 signs subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Elcctrical;permit fees for a sign of 15 AMPS $7.00 Section 108.2 subsection AA. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fees for a sign of 20 AMPS $12.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15,04,020 Electricalpermit fees for a sign of 30 AMPS $20.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fees for a sign of 40 AMPS $25.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fees for a sign of 50 AMPS $30.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical permit fees for a sign of 60 AMPS $40.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.4. 15.04.020 Electrical; permit minimum plan review fee $50.00 or 25% of the Section 108.2 building plan review subsection A.4. fee -whichever is greater. 15.04.020 Mechanical permit fees for heating in residential (new or $50.00 Section 108.2 replacement unit) subsection A.5. 15,04,020 Mechanical permit fees for heating in all non-residential $50.00 Section 108.2 uses (new installations) per 2,000 square feet or fraction subsection A.5. thereof 15.04.020 Mechanical permit fee for air conditioning (window units $50.00 Section 108.2 not included) in a residence (new or replacement unit) subsection A.5. 15.04.020 Mechanical permit fee for air conditioning (window units $50.00 Section 108.2 not included) in any non-residential unit (new subsection A.5. installations) per 2,000 sq. ft or fraction thereof 15.04.020 Minimum mechanical permit fee for modification of $50.00 Section 108.2 existing duct work subsection A.5. 27 T T a M s U a 00 0 N 1u c as E s U El Packet Pg. 230 9.B.a 15,04.020 Mechanical permit fee plan review fee $50.00 or 25°l of Section 108.2 building plan review subsection A.5. fee - whichever is greater 15.04.020 Elevator permit fee - new installation charge per each $125.00 Section 108.2 elevator, dumbwaiter, moving walk, escalator, conveyor subsection A.6. or manlift (includes initial inspection) 15.04.020 Elevator permit fee - Semi-annual inspection/Certificate $80.00 Section 108.2 of compliance per each inspection per elevator, subsection A.6. dumbwaiter, moving walk, escalator, conveyor or manlift 15.04.020 Elevator permit fee - Semi-annual inspection/Certificate $80.00 Section 108.2 of compliance per each inspection for repairs and subsection A.6. reinspection 15.04.020 Elevator permit fee - Plan review fee for each elevator; $175.00 Section 108.2 conveyor, dumbwaiter, moving walk, escalator or manlift subsection A.6. for buildings of four stories or less 15.04.020 Elevator permit fee - additional fee per floor for every $10.00 Section 108.2 story above four stories: subsection A.6. 15.04.020 Fire protection systems fee, new automatic sprinkler $125.00 Section 108.2 system, each system, 1-100 heads subsection A.7. 15.04.020 Fire protection system fee, new automatic sprinkler $50.00 Section 108.2 system, every 100 additional heads or fraction thereof subsection A.7. 15.04.020 Fire protection system fee, renovation to an existing $25.00 Section 108.2 system of 20 heads or less subsection A.7. 15.04,020 Fire protection system fee, renovation to an existing $50.00 Section 108.2 system of 21-100 heads subsection A.7. 15.04.020 Fire protection system fee, renovation to an existing $50.00 Section 108.2 system every 100 additional heads or fraction thereof " subsection A.7. 15.04.020 Fire protection system fee, renovation to partial system of $50.00 Section 108.2 the domestic water system subsection A.7. 15.04.020 Fire protection system fee, renovation to existing system: $50.00 Section 108.2 standpipes (each) subsection A.7.' W T a M s U c a co 0 N ru c as E s U El Packet Pg. 231 9.B.a 15.04.020 Fire protection system fee, renovation to existing system: $50.00 Section 108.2 fire pumps (each) subsection A.7. 15.04,020 Fire protection system fee, renovation to existing system: $50.00 Section 108.2 hood suppression systems subsection .A.7. 15.04.020 Fire protection system fee, renovation to existing system: $50.00 Section 108.2 clean agent extinguishing systems subsection A.7. 15.04.020 Fire protection system fee, renovation to existing system: $50.00 Section 108.2 alternate fire extinguishing systems subsection A.7. 15.04.020 Fire protection system fee, renovation to existing system: $50.00 Section 108.2 means of egress access control systems subsection A.7. 15,04,020 Fire protection system fee, renovation to existing system: $100,00 Section 108.2 plan review/inspection fee for fire suppression systems subsection A.7. 15.04.020 Fire alarm system fee: new or modification to an existing $60.00 Section 108.2 system (this is in addition to a $100.00 electrical fee) subsection A.7. 15,04.020 Fire alarm system fee: plan review/inspection fee for fire $50.00 Section 108.2 alarm systems of 5,000 square feet or less subsection A.7. 15.04.020 Fire alarm system fee: plan review/inspection fee for fire $5.00 per device Section 108.2 alarm systems of 5,001 to 10,000 square feet (minimum $100.00) subsection A.7. 15.04.020 Fire alarm system fee: plan review/inspection fee for fire $5.00 per device Section 108.2 alarm systems of 10,000 square feet or more (minimum $150.00) subsection A.7. 15.04.020 Above -ground pool installation or alteration permit fee $50.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.8. 15,04,020 Plan review fee for the Health Department $50.00 or 25% of Section 108.2 building plan review subsection A.9. fee - whichever is greater 15.04.020 Any inspection or reinspection not covered by the fees $50.00 Section 108.2 designated in section 108.2 (per inspection) subsection A.10. 15.04.020 Where work has been started prior to the issuance of a Doubled the original Section 108.2 permit, the normal permit fee shall be increased to permit fee (with a subsection minimum of $50.00 A.11. and a maximum of M T T a M s U a co 0 N 1u i, Packet Pg. 232 9.B.a $1,00000) 15.04.020 The fee for Certificate of Occupancy: residential (per unit) $50.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.12. 15.04,020 The fee for Certificate of Occupancy: non-residential (per S150.00 Section 108.2 unit) subsection A.12. 15.04.020 Zoning/Code Compliance Letter (non-residential only) S150.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.13. Parking Lot Repairs/Restriping 15.04.020 $50.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.14. 15.04.020 Permit fee for Fire Department construction inspections $50.00 Section 108.2 (includes one reinspection) subsection A.15. 15.04.020 Fee per reinspection by the Fire Department after the first $50.00 Section 108.2 reinspection subsection A.15. 15.04.020 Fire Department annual safety inspection fee (original $0.00 Section 108.2 inspection or the first reinspection) subsection A.15. 15.04.020 Fire Department annual safety inspection fee per $50.00 Section 108.2 reinspection subsequent to first reinspection subsection A.15. 15.04.020 Temporary food service permit fee $75.00 Section 108.2 subsection A.16. 15.20,030 Fence permit fee $35.00 for the first subsection A. one hundred lineal feet and $5.00 for each additional one hundred lineal feet or any part thereof M T a M s U a� c �a a co 0 N ru c as E s U El Packet Pg. 233 9.B.a 15.32.030 Contractor, subcontractor or construction manager annual $100.00 for the first fee trade. If registering for more than one trade then $100.00 for the first trade and $50.00 for each subsequent trade. Any contractor registering on or after July 1 st will pay one- half the required fee until the end of the year. 15.32.040 Electrical contractor annual registration fee $50.00 subsection A.2. 15.36.050 New license or renewal license for renting a single family $75.00 subsection C. home, condominium, townhome, or row house. (includes the initial inspection and one reinspection ) 15.36.050 New license or renewal license for renting an apartment $150.00 per building subsection C. complex (includes the initial inspection and one plus $30.00 per reinspection ) dwelling unit 15.36.050 The fee for any reinspection after the first reinspection $50.00 subsection C. 15.36.060 The fee for any reinspection after the first' reinspection $50.00 subsection F. (except that a single reinspection shall be conducted at the end of the conditional license term without any fee for the purpose of determining compliance) 16.20.020 Concept plan filing fee $150.00 plus $25.00 subsection D. for each acre or fraction thereof in excess of 5 acres, not to exceed $1,000.00 dollars 16.20.020 Public Hearing fee and an Engineering Review fee fora 1.0% of the total subsection H. public hearing with the Planning &'' Zoning Commission estimated cost of construction of all improvements required pursuant to Title 16. 31 ru c as E s U El Packet Pg. 234 9.B.a 16.20.080 Plat filing application fee for a developer 3.5% of the total subsection D.1. estimated cost of all improvements, both public and private, governed by Title 16, less the amount of the engineering review fee, paid pursuant to Section 16.20.020 16.20.105 Filing fee for an administrative subdivision $100.00 subsection C. 16.20.105 Initial payment and recoverable cost escrow for an $500.00 subsection D. administrative subdivision 17.36.020 Permit fee for any construction, reconstruction, re -striping $50.00 plus an subsection A.2. ` or expansion or modification of a parkinglot engineering and reviewing fee of 3.5% of the first $10,000 of the construction cost estimate plus 1.0% of the remaining construction cost estimate 19.01.030 Subdivider or developer cash contribution for library $93.85 subsection C. services (per person in the subdivision or development) 19.01.040 Fair market value of improved land in the Village for + $175,000.00 subsection B. purposes of determining cash contributions in lieu of land (per acre) Section 3 If any section, paragraph, clause of provision of this Ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity thereof shall not affect any other provision of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. This Ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: PASSED: , 2016 32 ru Packet Pg. 235 9.B.a APPROVED: , 2016 PUBLISHED: , 2016 ATTEST: Janet Sirabian, Village Clerk #670307 33 APPROVED: Beverly Sussman, Village President Packet Pg. 236 9.0 Resolution No. R-2016-26 : Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Buffalo Grove Park District and the Village of Buffalo Grove for Police Protection on Park District Properties ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. The Park District approached the Village requesting that the Police Department enforce the Ordinances of the Park District and that tickets written for the enforcement go through the local adjudication process. The Park District has a few recurring issues, such as sports teams that use their facilities without a proper permit. The attached agreement allows for the Police Department to enforce the Ordinances of the Park District and to subsequently send tickets through the adjudication process. Practically speaking, if there is an issue at a facility, a Park District representative will notify the Police Department who will write the ticket. The IGA is not an agreement to patrol the parks, simply an avenue for the Park District to gain compliance for frequent offenders. For the use of Police Department time and resources, the Village will keep all fees and fines associated with any ticket written. ATTACHMENTS: • Resolution (DOC) • IGA (DOC) • Certification of Ordinances (PDF) • BGPD Ordinance Book October 2016 (PDF) Trustee Liaison Berman Monday, November 7, 2016 Staff Contact Jenny Maltas, Office of the Village Manager Updated: 11/3/2016 2:35 PM Page 1 Packet Pg. 237 9.C.a 11/03/2016 RESOLUTION NO. 2016 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR POLICE PROTECTION ON PARK DISTRICT PROPERTIES WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and WHEREAS, the Buffalo Grove Park District is a unit of local government organized under the Park District Code (70 ILCS 1205/1 et seq.) and, as such, may exercise any power and perform any function related to its government and affairs; and WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1970 authorizes units of local government to enter into agreements to exercise, combine, or transfer any power or function, in any manner not prohibited by law or ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Agreement Cooperation Act (5 ILCS 220/1 et seq.), authorizes units of local government to exercise jointly, combine, or transfer to any public agency of the State, including other units of local government, any power, privilege, function, or authority which may be exercised by a unit of local government individually, and to enter into agreements for the performance of governmental services, activities, or undertakings; and WHEREAS, the Village and the Park District share a common interest in protecting and preserving the peace and dignity of property located in the Village that also falls within the Park District's corporate boundaries; and WHEREAS, the Village and the Park District have had ongoing discussions related to 0 the Buffalo Grove Police Department providing police protection in all of the parks controlled by the Park District that are located within the Village; and _ 0 WHEREAS, the Village and the Park District have agreed that it is in their community's c best interests to enter into the Intergovernmental Agreement for Police Protection of Park District Properties. as NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF s TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE a COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: a SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated herein and made a part of this Resolution. SECTION 2. The attached Intergovernmental Agreement for Police Protection of Park District Properties is hereby approved and the Village Manager, or his designee, is authorized and directed to execute said Agreement and take all actions as are necessary to effectuate the terms of said Agreement. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after is passage and approval as provided by law. Packet Pg. 238 9.C.a AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: PASSED: , 2016 APPROVED: , 2016 APPROVED: Beverly Sussman, Village President ATTEST: Janet Sirabian, Village Clerk #677485 Packet Pg. 239 9.C.b Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Buffalo Grove Park District and the Village of Buffalo Grove for Police Protection on Park District Properties Recitals THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of November, 2016, by and between the Village of Buffalo Grove, a municipal corporation located in Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the "Village", and the Buffalo Grove Park District, an Illinois Park District located in Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the "Park District". WHEREAS, the Park District's corporate boundaries include within its territory property located in the Village; and WHEREAS, the Village and the Park District share a common interest in protecting and preserving the peace and dignity of the general citizenry within their boundaries; and WHEREAS, the Buffalo Grove Police Department ("Police Department") has demonstrated competence, integrity and ability in law enforcement and maintaining order; and WHEREAS, the Village and Park District have determined that it would be beneficial to the public health, welfare and safety for the Police Department to not only provide police protection within and upon all of the parks and property controlled by the Park District within the corporate boundaries of the Village, but to have the authority to enter Park District property for such purposes and to enforce Park District ordinances in addition to all Federal, State and local laws; and 1 Packet Pg. 240 9.C.b WHEREAS, the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970 at Article VII, Section 10, the Illinois Compiled Statutes at 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq., 65 ILCS 5/11-1-2.1 and 70 ILCS 1205/1- 1, et seq. authorize intergovernmental cooperation and agreement between the Village and the Park District; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest and general benefit of the citizenry of the Park District and the Village that the Park District and Village enter into an agreement for the enforcement of laws and ordinances on property and in facilities owned and maintained by the Park District located within the Village with the intention of the parties to exercise to the fullest extent permitted by law the authority granted to them under those provisions. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by the Village and the Park District as follows: 1. Recitals are Incorporated The above Recitals are hereby incorporated into this Agreement. 2. Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to provide police protection and police services to Park District controlled property located in the Village. 3. Police Protection Defined For all purposes of this Agreement, the term "Police Protection" may include by way of example, but not limitation: entry onto Park District controlled lands and facilities; enforcement of Park District ordinances (attached here as Exhibit A), Village ordinances, state statutes and applicable federal law; routine or periodic surveillance; police patrol; inspection; general safeguarding of the parks, park patrons and the facilities and equipment located in the various parks or facilities controlled by the Park District; to make arrests upon view of the offense, 2 Packet Pg. 241 9.C.b reliable report of witnesses or upon warrants for violation of any applicable law. Police Protection shall be conducted in the manner determined by the Village Chief of Police. The Village, at its sole discretion, shall provide these services in the manner it sees fit. 4. Police Department Authorized to Enter Parr District Property Members of the Police Department are hereby authorized to enter Park District lands and facilities for purposes of providing Police Protection. 5. Additional Police Protection The Village shall use its best efforts to provide additional Police Protection and services for special events occurring at Park District lands or facilities. The costs for said additional Police Protection shall be paid by the Park District on an as agreed basis for each function. The Village Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to determine the charge, or to waive any charges, for such additional Police Protection. All requests by the Park District for additional Police Protection shall be made directly to the Village Chief of Police or his designee. Such requests shall be made by the Executive Director of the Park District or his designee. 6. Territory and Laws Enforced This agreement shall apply to all Park District owned or controlled properties and facilities within the corporate limits of the Village. It is understood between the parties that the Police Department shall enforce Village ordinances, Park District ordinances, state statutes and applicable laws of the United States. 7. Supervision of Police The Village's police officers shall at all times be subject only to the direction and control of the Village Chief of Police in the discharge of their normally assigned duties as Police 3 Packet Pg. 242 9.C.b Officers and shall not respond to orders or directions from any Park District officer or employee. Village is not required but may, in its sole discretion, patrol Park District's parks. The Park District hereby agrees and authorizes the Police Department to enter upon the premises and facilities controlled by the Park District for the purpose of providing police protection. 8. Working Rules The Village and Park District mutually agree that the Village Chief of Police of the Village and the Executive Director of Park District shall jointly establish rules and guidelines, not inconsistent with the law or this Agreement, for the initial implementation of this Agreement and for the ongoing enforcement of the provisions set forth herein. It is understood and agreed that the Village shall have appropriate procedures in place to allow police officers to respond as promptly as practicable to calls for police services at Park District lands or facilities. 9. Court Appearances/Fines/Costs All citations written pursuant to this agreement shall be adjudicated on a regularly scheduled Buffalo Grove court call as directed by the Cook County or Lake County Courts or Buffalo Grove's local adjudication. When requested by the Village, a Park District representative shall be present at court hearings and adjudication hearings when a citation contemplated by this Agreement is on the respective docket in order to provide witness testimony or other support requested by the Village. The Park District agrees that all fines collected pursuant to such citations shall be solely owed to and exclusively paid to the Village; the Village, in its sole discretion, shall determine the fine amount — not to exceed the maximum fine amount provided for by ordinance — sought from 4 Packet Pg. 243 9.C.b the court or local adjudication. The Park District shall not have the authority to settle any fine or penalties that may arise from a citation issued by the Police Department. The Village and Park District agree to execute any and all necessary documents and take all necessary steps to see that the office of Clerk of the Circuit Court, the applicable Judicial Circuit or other applicable entity or person pays all such fines and penalties to the Village. It is also agreed that all monies paid as restitution for damages to Park District property will be paid to the Park District. In the event the Village collects such monies, it shall regularly forward the same to the Park District. In the event the Park District collects monies for fines owed to the Village, it shall regularly forward the same to the Village. 10. Indemnification The Park District shall indemnify and hold harmless the Village, its elected and unelected officers, employees, volunteers, and agents against any claims, demands, costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees for the defense thereof, arising from, directly or indirectly, or in connection with this Agreement. 11. Modification This agreement may be modified or amended by mutual consent and must be done so in writing executed by both parties in the same manner as this initial agreement, except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement. 12. Validity If any provision or provisions of this Agreement or the application of any provisions to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity of that provision or circumstance shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement, which other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 5 Packet Pg. 244 9.C.b 13. Term of Agreement This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until terminated by either the Village or Park District upon thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice to the other party. However, Section 10 shall survive and such termination. 14. Condition Precedent The Village is not obligated to perform any of its duties and obligations outlined in this Agreement until the Park District ensures all its fines and penalties set by ordinance are the maximum amount allowed by law. 15. Ordinance Updates The Park District shall provide to the Village any amendments to or new ordinances of the Park District within five (5) calendar days of the same being passed. Upon the notice provided by the Park District of an amendment to the Park District ordinances or new ordinance, the Village Chief of Police shall review the amendments or new ordinance and if approved and accepted by the Village Manager, those amendments or new ordinance shall be incorporated into Exhibit A of this Agreement and shall amend the same without any additional approval required. 16. Notices All notices, demands or other writings in connection to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given (a) upon delivery, if personally delivered or if sent by e-mail or facsimile transmission, to the party to be given such notice or other communication; (b) on the third business day following the date of deposit in the United Stated mail, if such notice or other communication is sent by certified or registered mail with return receipt requested and postage thereon fully prepaid; or (c) on the business day following the day such notice or other communication is sent by reputable overnight courier, to the following: 6 Packet Pg. 245 9.C.b If to the Village: If to the Park District: 17. Titles Village Manager Village of Buffalo Grove 50 Raupp Boulevard Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 dbragg@vbg.org Executive Director Buffalo Grove Park District 530 Bernard Drive Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 RRisinger@bgpkr.org The headings and titles of this agreement are for convenience and shall not influence the construction or interpretation of this agreement. 18. Other Documentation The Village and Park District shall take such other steps and execute such other documents as shall be necessary or advisable to accomplish the intent of this Agreement. [REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK] c 0 �a U Q L N 0 L a s 3 Q c� �o N t0 O N Q C d E s U ca Q 7 Packet Pg. 246 9.C.b IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village of Buffalo Grove and the Buffalo Grove Park District, by their duly authorized officers, have executed this agreement effective on the date first above written. VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE Village Manager Attest: Village Clerk BUFALLO GROVE PARK DISTRICT Executive Director Attest: Secretary a c� Packet Pg. 247 9.C.b EXHIBIT A Buffalo Grove Park District Ordinances w N t0 O N Q C d E s U ca Q Packet Pg. 248 STATE OF ILLINOIS )SS COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK CERTIFICATION OF ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF THE PARK SYSTEM OF THE BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Board of Park Commissioners (the "Board") of the Buffalo Grove Park District, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, (the "District"), and as such official, I am the keeper of the records and files of the District and the Board. I do further certify that the foregoing constitutes a full, true and complete copy of the Ordinance Providing for the Regulations and Restrictions Governing the Use of the Park System of the Buffalo Grove Park District, Lake/Cook Counties, Illinois. -1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix my official signature, this ?� day of -I U1 2016. Secretary, Board of Commissioners 9.C.d BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF THE PARK SYSTEM OF THE BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT, LAKE -COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. Packet Pg. 250 9.C.d RULES AND REGULATIONS APPROVAL DATES * Approved by Board Action: June 30, 1970 * Revisions Approved by Board Action: March 23, 1993 * Revised Tennis Court Usage Policy Approved by Board Action: June 27, 1995 *Private Use of Picnic Shelters, Playing Fields, Tennis Courts, Baseball Fields and Soccer Fields Ordinance #95-8-1 Approved by Board Action: August 28, 1995 * Rollerblade Ordinance Approved by Board Action: December 15, 1997 * Skateboard Ordinance Revisions Approved by Board Action: December 15, 1997 * Reviewed by Staff. March 5, 1998 * Section 31 Revisions Approved by Board Action: September 25, 2000 * Section 35 Revisions Approved by Board Action: September 25, 2000 * Director Approved: April 2004 *Smoking Ordinance Revision Approved by Board Action: July 25, 2005 * Director Approved: February 2009 *Use of Electronic Personal Assistive Mobility Device & Revisions Ordinance #11-02-1 Approved by Board Action: February 28, 2011 *Fishing, Green Lake Catch and Release Approved by Board Action: July 25, 2011 * Revisions Approved by Board Action: May 29, 2012 *Aircraft Control Revisions May 25, 2015 *Smoking Ordinance Revision Approved by Board Action: February 22, 2016 * Animals Ordinance Revision Approved by Board Action: October 24, 2016 Packet Pg. 251 9.C.d PARK BOARD MEETINGS The Park Board meets the second and fourth Monday of each month at the Alcott Center, 530 Berard Drive, at 7:00 p.m. Park Board meeting schedule and agendas are posted on our web site at bgparks.org. Please feel welcome to attend. PARK DISTRICT OFFICE HOURS Monday: 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Tuesday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. PHONE NUMBERS Non -Emergency Police 847-459-2560 Emergency 911 Aquadome Pool 847-459-2310 Buffalo Grove Fitness Center 847-353-7500 Buffalo Grove Park District 847-850-2100 General Information 847-850-2194 Golf/Sports Center 847-459-2321 Outdoor Sports Conditions 847-850-2192 Parks Department 847-459-2311 Pool Information 847-850-2191 Raupp Museum 847-459-2318 Spray-N-Play 847-793-0570 Trip Information 847-850-2193 Vandalism Reporting 847-850-2195 Willow Stream Pool 847-459-2309 CONTRIBUTING AGENCIES Thank you to Arlington Heights Park District, Glencoe Park District and Lake County Forest Preserve for your time and contributions. Packet Pg. 252 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9.C.d SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE Chapter I Definitions and Specific Restrictions 1.01 Definition of Words Page 1 1.02 Advertisements Page 1 1.03 Aircraft/Model Aircraft/Drones Control Page 1 1.04 Alcohol, Drugs and Narcotics Page 2 1.05 Animals Page 2 1.06 Assault, Battery, Fighting, and Reckless Conduct Page 3 1.07 Bicycles Page 3 1.08 Camping Page 3 1.09 Change of Oil/Cleaning Page 3 1.10 Commercial Activities Page 3 1.11 Cooperation with Authorities Page 3 1.12 Dog Park, Happy Tails Page 4 1.13 Disorderly Conduct Page 4 1.14 Dumping, Pollution, Sanitation, and Litter Page 4 1.15 Electronic Personal Assistive Mobility Device, Use of Page 5 1.16 Fires Page 6 1.17 Fireworks Page 6 1.18 Firearms, Missiles and Weapons Page 6 1.19 Fishing Page 6 1.20 Gambling Page 6 1.21 Hindering of Employees Page 7 1.22 Indecent Conduct Page 7 1.23 Limitations on Smoking within Parks and Other Property Page 7 1.24 Loitering Page 7 1.25 Minors Page 7 1.26 Noise Page 8 1.27 Offering Articles for Sale Page 8 1.28 Permit or Pass (Display of) Page 8 1.29 Picnics Page 8 Packet Pg. 253 TABLE OF CONTENTS 9.C.d SECTION DESCRIPTION 1.30 Public Assemblage and Meeting 1.31 Public Use; Hours 1.32 Restricted Areas of Park District 1.33 Restrictions Applicable to Specific Recreational Activities 1.34 Restrooms, Washrooms and Locker Rooms 1.35 Skating, Ice 1.36 Sledding 1.37 Traffic/Parking 1.38 Use of Playground Equipment 1.39 Vandalism 1.40 Waters, Use of Chapter II 2.01 Enforcement & Penalties Appendix A Separability B Parks & Facilities PAGE Page 8 Page 8 Page 9 Page 9 Page 11 Page 11 Page 11 Page 11 Page 12 Page 12 Page 13 Page 13 Page 13 Page 14 Packet Pg. 254 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 9•C.d GOVERNING THE USE OF THE PARK SYSTEM OF THE BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT, LAKE -COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. CHAPTER I — DEFINITIONS AND SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS 1.01 DEFINITION OF WORDS Whenever, in this ordinance, the following words or terms are used, they shall have meaning respectively ascribed to them in this section. Animals: All domestic animals including ponies, horses or other riding animals; cats; dogs; and any animal c although usually considered wild which has been domesticated. Animals (Wild):All animals living in a state of nature and not domesticated. ' a Board: Board of Park Commissioners of the Buffalo Grove Park District. ,o District: Buffalo Grove Park District, Lake -Cook Counties, Illinois. G Employee: One who is working for compensation in the service of the Park District. L ca a Missile: Any object which has been thrown, hurled, or projected so as to strike another object. •3 Officer: The Buffalo Grove Police Department fulfills this capacity by cooperative agreement on behalf of the Park District Board of Park Commissioners. ca N Park System: All of the parks, roadways, parking lots, waters, structures and other property of every kind either owned 10 or leased by the district now or hereafter, whether within or without its boundaries. N Vehicle (Motor): Any motorized device upon, or by which, any person or property is, or may be transported or drawn. co Vehicle (Other): Any device upon, or by which, any person or property is, or may be transported or drawn. 0 N Volunteers: One who is working for no compensation in the service of the Buffalo Grove Park District. 0 1.02 ADVERTISEMENTS c No person shall display any placard, advertisement, or political information of any kind in the park system, nor shall any person distribute, cast, throw or place any hand bill, pamphlet, circular, advertisement or notice of any kind, nor post, stencil or otherwise affix any notice, or bills, advertisement or other papers, upon any structure or thing in or about the park premises without having first obtained a permit or written permission from the Park District Board of Commissioners or the Executive Director unless: The person holds a valid picnic or special event Permit in which case the person may display signs to identify their location or direct others to such location, provided that such signs are temporary and are removed by the permittee at the termination of the activity and provided that such signs are no larger than 24" x 30" and are not attached to any tree shrub, post, building, gate, District sign, or other structure located on District property. 1.03 AIRCRAFT/MODEL AIRCRAFT/DRONES CONTROL No person shall land, cause to be landed, or permit or authorize the landing of any aircraft, model aircraft or drones of any kind at any time over Park District property at an elevation lower than the minimum safety requirements established from time to time by the Federal Aviation Administration or by other governmental agencies having authority in this area, at an elevation which is lower than is reasonably safe under the circumstances, or in a manner which endangers the safety of any person using Park District property. 1 Packet Pg. 255 9.C.d No person shall land, cause to be landed, or permit or authorize the landing of any aircraft, model aircraft or drones on or over Park District property unless a permit has first been obtained from the Park District. No person shall fly or cause to be flown or permit or authorize the flying of aircraft, model aircraft or drones on or over Park District property unless a permit has first been obtained from the District. No person shall parachute or otherwise descend from an aircraft into or onto Park District property or cause, permit or authorize another person to parachute or otherwise descend from any aircraft into or onto Park District property unless a permit has first been obtained from the Park District, except when necessitated by an unavoidable emergency. This ordinance does not include the flying of kites. 1.04 ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND NARCOTICS No person shall use or possess drugs or narcotics as defined in the Illinois Revised Statutes on Park District properties. No person shall bring within, sell or give away, or drink alcoholic beverages at any time in the park system, unless written permission by the Board of Commissioners has been granted. Notice must be given, to the Board of Commissioners, at least thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled event, and then only if proper forms, accompanied with a Village of Buffalo Grove liquor license and proof of dram shop insurance coverage, are exhibited. At no time shall beer, wine or alcoholic liquor be served to anyone below the age of 21 years, and the service shall at all times be in compliance with the laws of the State of Illinois and the ordinance of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois. No person shall be under the influence of intoxicating liquor while in any park. 1.05 ANIMALS 0 No person shall within the park system bring, allow to be loose, drive, lead, carry, or permit any animal on any premise N within the park system, without being leashed, except in connection with Park District sponsored activities, programs, or W events where the presence of animals is specifically permitted or required by the Park District as an integral part of such N program activity or event. No leash shall be longer than eight (8) feet in length. co Any animal found on park property running at large may be impounded. c N L The owner of every animal shall be responsible for removal and sanitary disposition of any excreta deposited by his c animal(s) anywhere in the park system. O Service animals will be allowed in parks and facilities, but must be leashed as per ordinance requirements, other than c those times when doing so would prevent them from performing their responsibilities. m d U A service animal is any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal specifically trained, or in the process of being trained, to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. Service animals do not have to be licensed or certified b a state or p Y• Y � local government, but often do have a method of verifying that they have gone through a training program. p a. To clarify, service animals perform some of the functions and tasks that the individual with a disability cannot perform for him or herself. Guide dogs are one type of service animal, used by some individuals who are blind. This is the type of m service animal with which most people are familiar. But there are service animals that assist persons with other kinds of disabilities in their day-to-day activities. Some examples include: E • Alerting persons with hearing impairments to sounds • Pulling wheelchairs or carrying and picking up things for persons with mobility impairments Q • Assisting persons with mobility impairments with balance Animals, other than service animals as described above, will not be allowed either leashed or unleashed on Park District property when posted at specific programs/events. Notification of this restriction of animals at programs/events will be communicated either through on -site signage, on the Park District website or through social media outlets. 2 Packet Pg. 256 9.C.d No person shall trap, catch, wound, kill, treat cruelly, or attempt to trap, catch, wound or kill any bird or animal, or molest or rob any nest of any bird or animal, in the park system. 1.06 ASSAULT, BATTERY, FIGHTING, AND RECKLESS CONDUCT No person shall knowingly start a fight or fight or commit any assault, battery, or reckless conduct on District property. For purposes of this section: A person commits an assault when, without lawful authority, he engages in conduct which places another in reasonable apprehension of receiving a battery. A person commits a battery if he intentionally or knowingly, without legal justification and by any means (1) causes bodily harm to an individual or (2) makes physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with an individual. A person commits reckless conduct when he causes bodily harm to or endangers the bodily state of an individual by any means if such person performs recklessly the acts which cause the harm or endangers safety regardless whether the acts are otherwise lawful or unlawful. 1.07 BICYCLES Bicycles may only be ridden on designated bike/walk paths found in the park system. No person shall ride any bicycle on any playground ramps or in any designated playground facility including Kendrigan Field, Skate Park and Inline Rink. Use of areas such as but not limited to railings, planters, curbing, bleachers for "grinding" is prohibited. 1.08 CAMPING No person shall place, erect, or use any hammock, swing, tent, camper or other shelter or otherwise camp or sleep in the park system, except upon written permission from the Park District Executive Director to do same. 1.09 CHANGE OF OIL/CLEANING No person shall dispose of mechanical fluid (oil, grease, antifreeze, etc.) or perform mechanical work of any type such as but not limited to brake jobs, changing the oil, antifreeze or grease of, vehicles on Park District property. 1.10 COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES (a) No peddler, vendor or any other person involved in an endeavor for profit shall engage in the commercial sale, rental, exhibition, or distribution of goods or services, including without limitation the giving of instruction or lessons for a fee, upon Park District property unless he has received a permit, license or contract therefore from the District. (b) No person engaged in the sale or distribution of goods or services under this section shall obstruct or impede pedestrians or vehicles, harass park visitors with physical contact or persistent demands, misrepresent the affiliations of those engaged in such activities, misrepresent whether the goods or services are available without cost or donation, or interfere, interrupt, or engage in conduct incompatible with the purpose of any program, activity, function, and/or special event conducted, sponsored, licensed or otherwise permitted by the Park District. (c) No person may use any Park District property for the purpose of filming an advertisement, television program, or movie without first obtaining a permit therefore from the Park District. The Board will make its determination based in part on the impact the proposed use would have on residents and on Park District programs and other services and the amount of revenue to be derived from an approved use. 1.11 COOPERATION WITH AUTHORITIES (a) No person shall physically hinder, threaten, resist, intimidate, disobey, or otherwise intentionally interfere with any Park District employee or agent in the performance of his duties. Packet Pg. 257 9.C.d (b) No person shall falsely represent that he is, or otherwise pretend to be, a Park District employee, or an agent or other representative of the Park District. 1.12 DOG PARK, HAPPY TAILS For everyone's safety and enjoyment, you and your dog are required to adhere to the following while visiting the Buffalo Grove Park District Happy Tails Dog Park. Permits are nontransfereable and nonrefunadable. Permits may be revoked and/or fines charged for any rule violation. General 1. Park hours are from sunrise to sunset. Patrons will use the park at their own risk. 2. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are not permitted. 3. All dogs must wear a collar displaying the following tags: • Current local dog license • Current rabies tag • Buffalo Grove Park District Annual Dog Park Permit, or the owner must have valid daily use permit. 4. Children under the age of 10 years old are not permitted in the dog park at any time. Children 10 - 17 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older. 5. Children should not run or chase after dogs. Never pet a dog unless the dog's owner has granted permission. Control & Behavior 1. Dogs visiting the park must be at least 4 months old. 2. Dogs that are ill or in heat are not permitted. 3. Rawhide or food are not permitted, as dogfights might result. 4. Aggressive dogs are not permitted. Handlers/owners must remove their dog(s) at the first sign of aggression. 5. Dogs must be leashed while entering and exiting the park. Once in the dog park, the leash may be removed; however, the handlers/owners must have a leash in their possession at all times. 6. Handlers/owners are responsible for controlling their dog(s) and must maintain visual and voice contact with their animals at all times. Handlers/owners may be legally responsible for any injuries or damage caused by their dog(s). 7. There shall be no more than 3 dogs per handler/owner. 8. Pinch, choke chain and spike collars must be removed from the dog(s) prior to entering the dog park. 9. Handlers/owners are subject to a $75 fine for failure to pick up and properly dispose of their dog's waste. 1.13 DISORDERLY CONDUCT No person shall make, countenance or assist in making any improper noise, riot, disturbance, breach of the peace, or diversion tending to a breach of the peace, in the park system, or be guilty of any disorderly conduct therein, or collect with other persons, in bodies or crowds, for unlawful purposes, or for any purpose to the annoyance or obstruction or disturbance of other persons. 1.14 DUMPING, POLLUTION, SANITATION, AND LITTER (a) No person shall litter, cast, throw, drop, leave, scatter, place, pile, or otherwise dump, leave, or deposit in any manner any kind of dirt, rubbish, placard, handbill, pamphlet, circular, book, notice, paper of any kind, ashes, garbage, waste material, snow, ice, or other substance, whether liquid or solid, or any other refuse in or upon Park District property except as specifically permitted by the Park District. Provided, however, that paper, glass, cans, garbage and other refuse resulting from picnics or other lawful use of Park District property shall be deposited in receptacles provided by the Park District for that purpose. Where receptacles are not provided, are missing, or are full to capacity, all such garbage, refuse, or other material shall be carried away from the area of use by the person responsible for its creation and presence, and properly disposed of elsewhere. No person shall urinate or defecate on District property other than in toilets in rest room facilities expressly provided for such purposes. 0 Packet Pg. 258 (b) No person shall drain refuse from a trailer or other vehicle on Park District property. (c) No person shall bathe or wash himself or food, clothing, dishes, or other property at water outlets, or fixtures on Park District property. (d) No person shall pollute or contaminate Park District property or waters. (e) No person shall dispose of fish remains on Park District property, or in Park District waters, or within any park area of the Park District except as permitted by the Park District. (f) No Person shall dispose of human or animal waste on Park District property except at designated locations or in fixtures provided for that purpose. Any person violating this section may be assessed the cost of removing any such improperly deposited substance or material and such charge shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other penalties provided for in this ordinance or applicable federal, state, local, and/or Park District laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. 1.15 ELECTRONIC PERSONAL ASSISTIVE MOBILITY DEVICE Definition: An electronic personal assistive mobility device (EPAMD) is a device used by a person with a mobility impairment for ambulation. This definition does not include gasoline powered devices, golf carts, or riding lawn mowers, Permission: The Buffalo Grove Park District authorizes persons with mobility impairments to use Electronic Personal Assistive Mobility Devices (EPAMDs) in District facilities and sites subject to the following restrictions: 1. The operator of the device must be a person with a mobility impairment, and upon request by District officials, shall produce proof of such status within 24 hours; 2. The device, if used in a facility or in a park, is allowed in any area of the facility or park in which the general public is allowed, with the exception of employee only spaces, stairways, and identified hazardous areas; The device, if used in a facility, must be controlled by the operator. It: A. may not exceed 4 mph; B. shall be driven on the right side of the circulation route; C. is prohibited from carrying another person on the frame, or any object on the frame that may make the EPAMD less stable; D. must not be operated in a dangerous or reckless manner that jeopardizes the safety of the operator, Park District employees, or Park District participants. The device, if used in a park or out-of-doors, must be controlled by the operator. It: A. may not be operated between dusk and dawn; B. may not exceed 6 mph; C. may not be driven into wet or ecologically sensitive areas which are posted as prohibited areas by the Park District; D. shall be driven on the right side of the circulation route; E. is prohibited from carrying another person on the frame, or any object on the frame that may make the EPAMD less stable; F. must not be operated in a dangerous or reckless manner that jeopardizes the safety of the operator, District employees, or District participants. The District accepts no responsibility for storage of the device. 6. The District accepts no liability for damage to the device, or injury to the operator, whether caused by the operator, another visitor to a District facility or site, or any other circumstance. Packet Pg. 259 9.C.d 7. The District accepts no liability for damage caused by the operator of the device, or injury to others caused by the operator of the device. 8. The District reserves the right to suspend the use of facilities or sites by the operator if doing so is in the best interests of the District and its participants. 9. The District reserves the right to change, modify, or amend this policy at any time, as it would any other ordinance. 1.16 FIRES No person shall light or make use of any fire on Park District property, except such portions thereof as may be designated for such purpose, such as in a grill, and then only under such regulations as are prescribed by the Park District. No fire shall ever be left unattended. Every fire shall be under the continuous care and direction of a competent person 18 years of age or older from the time it is kindled until the time it is completely extinguished. All fires must be properly and completely extinguished prior to any person leaving the site of the fire. No person shall throw or otherwise discard lighted or smoldering material in any manner that threatens or causes damage to, or results in the burning of, District property or park resources, or creates a safety hazard. 1.17 FIREWORKS No person shall carry, discharge or cause to be exploded any fireworks or other fireworks of like construction or anything containing explosive substances in the park system unless by written permission of the Executive Director. 1.18 FIREARMS, MISSILES AND WEAPONS No person shall bring, carry or fire any gun or pistol or other firearms of any kind in any Park District park system and/or facility. No person shall throw, cast or shoot stones, or other missiles, nor shoot any bows and arrows, air rifle or air pistol, toss darts or spears in any Park District facility except at such places and times as the Board may designate for such purpose. a) No person other than police officers shall bring, attempt to bring, carry, have in his vehicle, or use in any way, any gun or firearm or portion thereof upon District property, except designated shooting ranges. b) No person shall bring, attempt to bring, carry, or have in his vehicle, or use in any way, any knife having a blade longer than 3 inches, any air gun, pellet gun, or sling shot on District property. c) No person shall bring, attempt to bring, carry, have in his vehicle, or use in any way, any explosives, or ammunition d) No person shall use or explode any toy pistol, toy cannon, toy cane, or toy gun in which explosives are used, or use or explode any blank cartridge, on District property except that starter pistols may be used for sporting or athletic events authorized by the District. 1.19 FISHING No person shall fish or otherwise take aquatic life from Park District waters without a valid Illinois fishing license. No person shall dig, scratch, or otherwise disturb Park District property in order to locate to take bait. The provision of this section also applies to ice fishing. 1.20 GAMBLING No person shall tell fortunes, gamble or participate in or abet any game of chance or use any gambling device in any part of the park system for money or other valuable thing, except for the benefit of bona fide not -for -profit purpose as may be 0 Packet Pg. 260 when and where recommended by the Executive Director and approved by the Board of Commissioners, and if suc 9•C.d activities are allowed by federal, state and local authorities. 1.21 HINDERING OF EMPLOYEES No person shall interfere with, unreasonably disrupt, delay, or in any manner hinder any employee of the Park District while engaged in constructing, repairing or caring for any park property. 1.22 INDECENT CONDUCT No person shall enter, appear, be or remain anywhere in a state of nudity or in an indecent or lewd attire. No person shall utter any lewd or offensive words within the hearing of another person. No person shall expose any part of the body to the public in an indecent or lewd manner, nor speak or make advances in a profane or obscene way, or make any indecent or obscene gestures in any park. Nor shall any person take, or attempt to take any immoral, improper or indecent liberties with any child or adult of either sex in any park. 1.23 LIMITATIONS ON SMOKING WITHIN PARKS AND OTHER PROPERTY SECTION ONE: Tobacco smoking prohibited within parks: It shall be unlawful to smoke tobacco within any Parks and other property under the jurisdiction of the Park District. "Smoking" means the act of inhaling the smoke from or possessing a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or any other form of tobacco or similar substance used for smoking. This includes electronic cigarettes (e-cigs or e-cigarettes), personal vaporizers (PV) or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) or any other device that simulates tobacco smoking by producing an aerosol that resembles smoke. SECTION TWO: PENALTY FOR VIOLATION: Any person violating the provisions of Section Two hereof shall be given a warning. A person found guilty of further violations shall be subject to revocation of any permit issued by the Park District and, in addition, shall be fined for any subsequent violations during the calendar year as follows: Is` offense: Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00); 2nd offense: not less than Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00); 3rd offense: not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00); 4'1' offense: not less than Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). The maximum fine shall be One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each such violation. 1.24 LOITERING No person shall loiter or remain on District property either alone or in consort with other persons in such a manner that: (1) unreasonably obstructs the usual use of entrances, hallways, corridors, stairways, or rooms designated for specific purposes; (2) impedes or disrupts the performance of official duties by District employees; (3) prevents the general public from obtaining the administrative or recreational services provided on District property in a timely manner; (4) restrict vehicular or pedestrian traffic or restrict free ingress to and egress from District property; after being requested to leave, move, or disperse by any employee of the District, or where the District has posted a sign or signs that prohibit loitering. 1.25 MINORS The parent or legal guardian of a minor defendant who resides with such parent or legal guardian shall be liable for any fine or condition of restitution or reparation imposed by a court upon a minor for violation of Sections 9.48.010 and 9.48.040 through 9.48.060 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code; provided that the minor has not paid the fine or made restitution or reparation within the time ordered by the court; and further provided, that said parent or legal guardian has been served with summons or notice to appear in the original cause and all proceedings thereafter as provided by law. 1.26 NOISE It shall be unlawful to use or operate a sound amplification device on any property owned and controlled by the Park District unless a written permit from the Park District has been issued setting forth the conditions for use. For the purposes of this Ordinance, this includes any sound amplification device whether powered by battery or other power source. The Park District Executive Director shall cause a sound amplification permit form to be promulgated in accordance with the terms of this Ordinance setting forth the days and hours during which the 7 Packet Pg. 261 device may be used and the maximum allowable decibel level. Upon submission of the completed application, the 9•C.d Executive Director shall approve or deny the permit based on the standards set forth herein. The conditions prescribed for a sound amplification permit may be waived or modified in the case of a special Park District sponsored or co -sponsored community -wide event. Sound amplification devices may be used on any Park District property only during the following hours: 8:00 am until 10:30 pm Sunday through Thursdays 8:00 am until 12:01 midnight Friday, Saturday and holidays. In no case shall any sound amplification device produce more than 70 decibels (A -scale slow meter response) at the c Park District property line adjacent to a residential community. (adopted July 2003) 1.27 OFFERING ARTICLES FOR SALE No person shall offer or exchange for sale any article or thing, or do any hawking, peddling or soliciting, or buy or offer to c buy any article or thing, or take up any collection or solicit or receive contributions of money or anything of value in the w park system, except when authorized to do so by permit form or contract with the Board of Commissioners. •L N ❑ 1.28 PERMIT OR PASS (DISPLAY OF) Every person shall produce or display a permit or pass when requested to do so by any authorized person for the purpose a of enforcing compliance with any federal, state, local, or Park District law, ordinance, rule, or regulation, when such permit or pass is required to engage in an activity on Park District property. 3 Q _0 1.29 PICNICS Persons or companies wishing to hold a picnic in any of the designated picnic areas must first obtain a Picnic Permit from CC the office of the Buffalo Grove Park District and must meet all requirements as requested in the permit. This permit is o valid only on the day and times shown and must be signed by an authorized representative of the Buffalo Grove Park N District. co 0 1.30 PUBLIC ASSEMBLAGE AND MEETING L No person, group of persons, associations or corporations shall call or hold any public meetings or assemblage or give or 0 conduct any concert, performance or public exhibition or entertainment of any kind in any of the parks or public places 0 under the jurisdiction of the district without first applying to the Board of Commissioners or the Executive Director for Y permit to do so, setting forth the purpose of the proposed meeting or assemblage, the place and time sought and the 0 0 approximate number of participants and spectators expected to be involved. Upon receipt of such application, the Board of m Commissioners or the Executive Director may grant or refuse to grant the same, in whole or in part and no such meeting c shall be held except in accordance with the permission so granted. i 1.31 PUBLIC USE, HOURS The parks of the district shall be closed to the public each day at 10:00 PM for non -lighted parks and 11:00 PM for lighted CL parks. All parks of the park system shall open each day at 6:00 am unless otherwise posted by the Buffalo Grove Park in District. c E 1.32 RESTRICTED PARTS OF THE PARK DISTRICT No person shall enter upon any portion of the park system where entry is prohibited by the Park District by sign or other Q suitable notice. No person shall enter or attempt to enter any building area or facility in the park system which is closed to the public, or is under construction in an unfinished state, or scheduled for a specific group or activity unless invited to same; nor shall any person not invited or not having paid an admission fee, when such is charged, enter an area, building or place when it has been rented or otherwise reserved. 8 Packet Pg. 262 9.C.d 1.33 RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO SPECIFIC RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES (a) Golf No Person shall play or practice golf on Park District Property. No person shall hit a golf ball into, in or from any park nor play golf in any park, nor bring any golf ball or golf club into any park other than any facility or area designated by the Board of Commissioners. (b) FIELD USAGE Emmerich East Park football fields are scheduled for use by permit only between July 15 and December 15 of each year. Violators will be asked to leave the premises. No organized league games or league practice sessions will be permitted at Canterbury Park. (Village of Buffalo Grove Ordinance P.U.D. #88-76). (c) GAMES AND SPORTS No person shall engage in any game, sport or amusement in the park system without the proper permit request submitted and approved by the Park District and then only under such rules and regulations as may be proscribed. No person shall engage in any activity in a manner so as to endanger, injure, or damage persons or property in the park system. (1) No person shall engage in softball or baseball games except in those parks, which have established diamonds and backstops constructed for that purpose, or such other areas as may be specifically designated by the Park District; (2) In those parks having established softball or baseball diamonds, participation in softball or baseball in areas other than established diamonds is limited in accordance with signs or notices posted by the Park District; (3) In those parks having established softball or baseball diamonds, the type of recreation on said diamonds shall be in accordance with posted signs or notices posted by the Park District. (d) PRIVATE USE OF PICNIC SHELTERS, PLAY FIELDS, TENNIS COURTS, BASEBALL FIELDS AND SOCCER FIELDS No areas shall be reserved except picnic shelters and areas designated as play fields, such as but not limited to soccer fields, baseball, basketball, football, volleyball courts, bocce courts and tennis courts; which shall be authorized by permit only issued by the Park District. No reservation shall be made for any organization known to the Park District to discriminate against persons on account of sex, skin color, race or national origin or disability provided that this provision shall not prevent a reservation on behalf of a church league or other religious organization. No area shall be reserved exclusively for any one league or organization. In scheduling the times, staff will take into account the hours at which there is a demand for the use of the area and divide the hours of greater demand among various organizations. Managers or coaches of organized team practices or games may be asked to produce a permit upon request. Written public records shall be kept of all reservations. The general public, organizations or teams can complete a permit application at the Park District Administrative Office, 530 Bernard Drive. The provisions of this ordinance are separable, and the invalidity of any part of this ordinance shall not affect the validity of the rest of the ordinance. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not less than twenty-five ($25.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. 7 Packet Pg. 263 9.C.d (e) TENNIS COURT RULES OF USAGE Persons, age 14 and over, have priority for tennis play after 7:00 PM on weekdays. Players must give up courts every hour on the hour or make arrangements with those waiting. Players must hang a tennis racquet to reserve a court. (f) SKATE PARK/INLINE RINK RULES AND REGULATIONS No person shall be allowed in the Skate Park or in the inline rink, except by permit, after dusk or before dawn unless otherwise posted or authorized by the Park District. No person shall bring upon or ride upon the premises of the Skate Park or inline rink, except by permit, any bicycle or other vehicle. 0 Any person violating the bicycle and vehicle provision shall be given a warning. A person found guilty of further U violations shall be fined as follows: 1st offense: Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00); 2nd offense: not less than Twenty Five 0 Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00); 3rd offense: not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than M Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00); 41" offense; not less than Seventy Five Dollars ($75.00) nor more than One Hundred Q Dollars ($100.00). The maximum fine shall be One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each such violation. •L (g) PICNICS U) 0 Picnics requiring fires shall be held only in those areas where fireplaces, stoves, grills, or pits have been provided for that purpose and upon issuance of a permit by the Park District. s The Park District may designate areas for preparing, consuming, and dispensing food, beverages and other products. 3 Persons holding a permit and dispensing any of such products may do so only in the area designated in the permit. In the event the dispensing of the permitted products is by sale, the person must also comply with Section 1.10 -2 of this Ordinance. No person may dispense, prepare, consume, sell or otherwise use products, items or things otherwise N prohibited in this Ordinance or any other federal state, local, or Park District law, rule, regulation or ordinance. co 0 N (h) CLASSES, CAMPS AND LESSONS No person shall bring or cause to be brought onto Park District property any class, play class, day camp, group lesson or co similar organized group activity of any kind unless a permit allowing such use or activity has first been obtained from N Park Services. No person shall conduct any private lesson or instruction for a fee on Park District property unless a permit allowing such use has first been obtained from the Park District. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary c contained in this Section 1.31(h), Buffalo Grove Park District classes, lessons and other similar organized activities are 0 allowed without a permit on tennis courts, which will be designated by appropriate signage, provided that a person may use either of those tennis courts in order of priority established by a "rack system" under which a person wishing to use a °o court places his or her racquet in order on a rack provided for that purpose. m Kendrigan Field Use — Wear rubber sole gym shoes only. Cleats of any kind are not allowed. Do no chew gum on the c field or in the dugouts. This field is for baseball only. No other activities are permitted. c i (i) TOURNAMENTS, LEAGUES, OR OTHER ORGANIZED RECREATIONAL 0 ACTIVITIES a. No person shall utilize any Park District property, including without limitation playing fields and other Park m District facilities, for tournaments, leagues, or other organized recreational activities and outings unless a permit allowing such use or activity has first been obtained from the Park District. This section does not apply to normal or E scheduled District programs or activities. Where a conflict between normal or scheduled District programs or activities and a requested activity occurs, District programs and activities shall take precedence. a 1.34 RESTROOMS, WASHROOMS, AND LOCKER ROOMS (a) No person shall deposit objects of any kind, other than human waste and toilet tissue, in the toilets or plumbing fixtures of a rest room, washroom or locker room facility on Park District property. 10 Packet Pg. 264 (b) No person of the age of seven (7) years or older may enter or use rest rooms, washrooms or locker rooms on P 9•C.d District property designated for the opposite sex. (c) No person shall use: 1. Any still camera, television or movie camera, camcorder, video recorder or transmitter or any other device capable of recording, filming or transmitting visual images; or 2. Any cellular telephone, into any restroom, locker room or washroom facility anywhere on Park District property. 1.35 SKATING, ICE No person shall skate upon any natural ponds, lakes, creeks found upon Park District property. Skating is only allowed in areas designated by the Park District. No person shall engage in any such activity in a reckless manner that endangers, injure or damage persons or property in any way or others or at a speed greater than is safe and proper under the circumstances. All persons engaged in skating must adhere to rules established by the Park District. 1.36 SLEDDING No person shall sled or toboggan in any parks unless designated as a sledding area by the Buffalo Grove Park District. No person shall engage in any such activity in a reckless manner that endangers, injure or damage persons or property in any way or others or at a speed greater than is safe and proper under the circumstances. All persons engaged in sledding must adhere to rules established by the Park District. 1.37 TRAFFIC/PARKING No person shall set or place or cause to be set or placed, any goods, wares or merchandise or property of any kind so as to obstruct travel in the park system. Unless authorized by the Park District Executive Director, no person shall operate any motor vehicle except upon the established roadways. No person shall operate or park any motor vehicle except in accordance with the laws of the Village of Buffalo Grove. No person shall operate motorbikes, go-carts, snowmobiles, or other motor driven vehicles, except for authorized Park District vehicles, in any parks of the park system except when necessary by Park District staff for an integral program or activity sponsored by the Park District. No person shall park any vehicle in any park, driveway or parking area of a park between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM, unless otherwise posted, nor shall any person leave any vehicle anywhere in a park more than 24 hours because of mechanical failure, nor shall any person fail to notify and obtain the services of a tow truck for any vehicle that has failed to function within one hour of such failure. Parking in all parking lots owned and maintained by the Buffalo Grove Park District is only allowed in designated, striped parking stalls. 1.38 USE OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT BY ADULTS No adult person shall in any manner use any of the playground apparatus or devices meant exclusively for the use of children. 1.39 VANDALISM Unless authorized by a written agreement with the District or otherwise expressly permitted by the District, no person shall while in or on District property: a) Deface, disfigure, break, cut, tamper with or displace or remove in or from any District property or building or other part thereof, any playground equipment, table, bench, fireplace, coping, lamp post, fence, wall, paving or paving material, 11 Packet Pg. 265 9•C.d water line or other public utility or parts or appurtenances thereof, or sign, notice or placard whether temp permanent, equipment, facilities or other District property or appurtenances whatsoever, either real or personal; b) Destroy, cut, break, injure, disturb, sever from the ground or remove any sod, soil, earth, rock, stone, timber, wood, material, or growing thing including but not limited to any plant, flower, flower bed, shrub, tree, growth, or any branch, stem, fruit, or leaf thereof, bring into or have in his/her possession in or on District property any tool or instrument intended to be used for the cutting thereof, or any garden or agricultural implements or tools which could be used for the removal thereof, c) Set fire to any trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, grass, plant growth or living timber, or allow any fire upon land to extend into District property; c 0 d) Cut, break or in any way injure, deface, destroy or alter any building, fence, monument, sculpture, bridge, or other structure or property contained therein; U 0 e) Allow any animal under the person's ownership or temporary care to injure or deface any tree, plant, shrub, lawn or Q grassplot in any manner whatsoever. An animal is under a person's temporary care if the animal was brought upon 10 District property by the person or by a minor under the person's temporary or permanent care; •L f) Deface, destroy, cover or otherwise make unreadable any traffic warning or prohibitory sign or symbol in or on District N p property; L ca a g) Mark, carve, bend, cut, paint, deface, breakdown, destroy, damage, alter, change, sever, uproot, excavate or otherwise_ remove, or attach or suspend any rope, wire or other material or contrivance to or from any District property; 3 1.40 WATERS, USE OF No person shall swim in any of the lakes, ponds, or creeks found in the park system unless permitted to do so by the Park District. No person shall operate any type of water vehicle in, on or upon any waters of the park system. No person shall have in his possession or take or attempt to take any fish in any waters of the park system, except in designated areas and subject to such rules as may be promulgated by the district and subject to such rules set by the district from time to time. No person shall be allowed to ice fish on any lakes, ponds, or creeks found in the park system. No person or company shall be allowed to pump water from any of the park systems lakes, ponds or creeks unless given permission by the Park District. (Refer to Section 1.19) 12 Packet Pg. 266 Chapter II - ENFORCEMENT 2.01 ENFORCEMENT The police force of the district shall consist of all officers of the district. The officers of the district shall be conservators of the peace of the park system, it shall be their duty and they shall have the power to make arrests on the view of an offense, or upon warrant for the violation of any of the penal ordinances of the district or for any breach of the peace committed in the park system. No person shall resist any commissioner or police officer of the district in the discharge of his duty, or fail or refuse to obey any lawful command of any such commissioner or police officer or in any way interfere with or hinder or prevent any such commissioner or police officer from discharging his duty, or in any manner assist or give aide to any person in custody to escape or to attempt to escape from custody, or rescue or attempt to rescue any person when in such custody. No person shall falsely represent or impersonate any police officer or pretend to be a police officer. Pursuant to Ordinance No.71-6, Police Officers of the Village of Buffalo Grove are authorized to police these parks and issue citations to persons for violations of these ordinances; and whereas, the Buffalo Grove Park District wishes to have the Village prosecutor for the Village of Buffalo Grove act as its prosecutor when the matters of the ordinance violations are presented in court. Penalties Any person violating any clause or provision of any section of this ordinance shall be fined not less than Ten Dollars (10.00), nor more than Five Hundred Dollars (S500.00), for each offense upon conviction thereof. Appendix A — SEPARABILITY It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Board of Commissioners that the several provisions of this ordinance are separable, in accordance with the following: a. If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge any provision of the ordinance to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provisions of this ordinance not specifically included in said judgment. All ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage and publication as required by law. This ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. It is declared to be the intention of the Board that the sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and words of these Ordinances are severable. If any sections, subsections, paragraph, sentences, clause or word is declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by the lawful judgment or decree of any court or competent jurisdiction, its unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of any of the remaining sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and words of these Ordinances, since the sections or parts of sections would have been enacted by the Board without and irrespective of any unconstitutional or otherwise invalid section, paragraph, sentence, clause or word being incorporated into these Ordinances. AYES: Richard Drazner, Scott Jacobson, Adriane Johnson, Dr.Lawrence Reiner, Jack Schmerer NAYS: ABSENT PASSED AND APPROVED: May 29, 2012 President: Secretary: Signed: May 29, 2012 13 Packet Pg. 267 Appendix B - PARKS & FACILITIES Map Park Name Address Acreage 1. Alcott Center & Park 530 Bernard Drive 6.8 2. Aptakisic Park 1231 Weiland Road 4 3. Apple Hill Park 2275 Apple Hill Lane 8.66 4. Aquadome Indoor Pool at BGHS 1100 W. Dundee Road 1 5. Bicentennial Park 1301 N. Arlington Heights Road 3 6. Bison Park 905 W. Dundee Road 4.5 7. Cambridge Park 951 S. Buffalo Grove Road 6 8. Candlewood Detention 43 Carman Avenue 0.75 9. Canterbury Park 560 Blue Ash Drive 2.6 10. Cherbourg Park 815 Marseilles Circle 5.6 p 11. Children's Park 1000 Fremont Way 4.5 12. Churchill Park 1900 N. Buffalo Grove Road 21.47 v 13. Cooper Park 1050 Plum Grove Circle 6 14. Crossings Pond 1051 Fremont Way 10.9 15. Emmerich Park 150 Raupp Blvd. 13 0 16. Emmerich East Park 151 Raupp Blvd. 8.75 17. Frenchmens Cove 3351 N. Carriageway Drive, A.H. 4 •L 18. Green Lake Park 1101 N. Green Knolls Drive 20 y 19. Happy Tails Dog Park 835 Commerce Court 2.5 G 20. Highland Point Park/Detention 850 Weiland Road 10 i 21. Ivy Hall School & Park 10721vy Hall Lane 5 a 22. Kilmer School & Park 655 Golfview Terrace 8 23. Lions Park 729 Weidner Road 5 .3 24. Longfellow School & Park 501 S. Arlington Heights 3.5 25. Martha Weiss Park 815 Kingsbridge Way 0.75 - 26. Mike Rylko Community Park 1000 N. Buffalo Grove Road 76.5 to 26a. Golf & Sports Center 801 McHenry Road N 26b. Fitness Center 601 Deerfield Parkway to 26c. Spray `N Play 951 McHenry Road N 27. Mill Creek Park 1250 Radcliffe Road 7 28. Mirielle Park 2236 Avalon Drive 2.93 co 29. Nicole Park/Site 21 501 N. Arlington Heights Road 4 N 30. Northwood Park/Detention 615 Pauline Avenue 3.29 31. Old Farm Park 1300 Highland Grove Drive 10.5 32. Oxford Park 1450 Oxford Drive 1 33. Parkehester Park 851 Weiland Road 7.05 O 34. Prairie Grove Park 2020 Olive Hill 1.32 -V 0 35. Prairie School & Park 1530 Brandywyn Lane 9.5 0 36. Raupp Memorial Museum & Park 901 Dunham Lane 3.5 a) 37. Reservoir # 7 400 LaSalle Lane 0.25 v c 38. Rolling Hills Park 1850 Twin Oaks Blvd. 0.48 39. Rolling Hills North Park 1951 Sheridan Road 5.6 40. Sommerset Detention 153 Pauline Avenue 1 O 41. Tartan Park 650 Pinehurst Lane 2 a 42. Twin Creeks Park 401 Aptakisic Road 7 O 43. Veterans Park 1300 N. Weiland Road 9.5 m 44. Weidner Park 50 Weidner Road 3.5 45. Wellington Commons Park/Detention 505 Windover Road 8 0 46. Westchester Park 180 Thompson Blvd. 5.5 47. Willow Grove School & Park 777 Checker Drive 2 48a. Willow Stream Pool & Park 600 Farrington Drive 54 Q 48b. Willow Stream Park (S) 651 Old Checker Road 49. Windfield Park/Detention 550 S. Arlington Heights 2.4 50. Windsor Ridge Park 780 Vernon Lane 6.24 51. Woodland Park 2500 N. Buffalo Grove Road 14 14 Packet Pg. 268 Park Location Map Schools Guidelines/Ordinances to follow in the parks 0 Country Meadows Elementary and Woo<dawn Middy e Schools 6360 Gilmer Rood, Long Grove. 0 Tripp Elernerfioiy Schccl, 850 Highbrid Grave Drive Meridian Middle School, II-)9e) Brandywyn Lane Pritchelt Elementary School, 200 Horatio Drive 0 Riley Elpryienfory School, 1209 Burr Oak Dii,/P, 0 Kildeer Elementary School, 3 100 Old McHenry Road, Lclig (-,IOVEI, 0 Twin Giow--.s Middle School, 2600 N Buffalo Grove Road • Simnking is not allcmed on park Pfc'PeffY • DoT, without leashes are nor allowed on park. property • (-fwnef i, responsible to puck. up c:ftei aiunnal(3N on park property. • No alcoholic beverages allowed • No hiking of golf balls • Nc, motorized vehicles unless C;L)1h(-)[IZP,Ct by Park District personnel (except fcj designated parking lofsM • Dumping --)f dehris, giass dkppngs, etc (-)n park property is pialubted • Park d,nsing hours are as follows ,JlIiH,d parks I I In nr IN o i i- L i c I i fed park, 10 p m Park, open at (I'm • Use. sidewalks, not the c ros6 Discord trash. • To ieport acts of vandalism and/or hazardous park conditions, please call Join H(Ader at (8471 850 2 163 • NO 0190MZed league games ar practices permitted cir Canterbuiy Park. 15 I Packet Pg. 269 1