2016-07-18 - Village Board Regular Meeting - Agenda PacketFifty Raupp Blvd Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-2100 Phone: 847-459-2500 A. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of Minutes A. Village Board - Regular Meeting - Jun 20, 2016 7:30 PM B. Village Board - Committee of the Whole - Jul 11, 2016 7:30 PM 3. Approval of Warrant A. Approval of Warrant #1265 (Trustee Johnson) 4. Village President's Report 5. Village Manager's Report 6. Special Business 7. Reports from Trustees 8. Consent Agenda All items listed on the Consent Agenda, which are available in this room this evening, are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered after all other items of business on the Regular Agenda under New Business. (Attached). A. Fire Stations Diesel Exhaust Retrofit (Trustee Trilling) SUMMARY: Due to the proprietary nature of the equipment staff recommends a waiver of bids and authorization to purchase magnetic exhaust disconnection equipment and installation services from Hasting Air Energy Control in an amount not to exceed $28,396.33. B. 0-2016-38 An Ordinance Amending Title 18 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code (Trustee Trilling) SUMMARY: The attached ordinance clarifies two items that were intended to be in the streamlined Development Ordinance Amendment the Village Board approved in March. C. 0-2016-39 An Ordinance Amending Chapter BG-15, Size, Weight and Load, of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code (Trustee Trilling) SUMMARY: This ordinance streamlines and updates the size, weight, and load provisions in the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code to be consistent with best practices. D. Approve Change Order Chadwick Contracting Company (Trustee Stein) SUMMARY: On May 5th, the Board authorized $105,969.00 in Bike Path and Parking Lot Repairs to Chadwick Contracting Company. Staff recommends approval of a $17,554.33 change order. 90% of the costs associated with the change order will be paid by the Park District for requested bike path improvements. E. Computer Purchase through GovITC (Trustee Weidenfeld) SUMMARY: Staff recommends the Village waive the formal bid process and purchase 41 replacement computers through the GovITC at a price not to exceed $24,579.62. 9. Ordinances and Resolutions 10. Unfinished Business 11. New Business A. Authorization to Negotiate with Reliable Property Services (Trustee Johnson) B. Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency Withdrawal (Trustee Berman) C. R-2016-19 Resolution Authorizing the Village Manager to Negotiate with Risk Management and Insurance Companies for Insurance Services (Trustee Berman) 12. Questions From the Audience Questions from the audience are limited to items that are not on the regular agenda. In accordance with Section 2.02.070 of the Municipal Code, discussion on questions from the audience will be limited to 10 minutes and should be limited to concerns or comments regarding issues that are relevant to Village business. All members of the public addressing the Village Board shall maintain proper decorum and refrain from making disrespectful remarks or comments relating to individuals. Speakers shall use every attempt to not be repetitive of points that have been made by others. The Village Board may refer any matter of public comment to the Village Manager, Village staff or an appropriate agency for review. 13. Adjournment The Village Board will make every effort to accommodate all items on the agenda by 10:30 p.m. The Board, does, however, reserve the right to defer consideration of matters to another meeting should the discussion run past 10:30 p.m. The Village of Buffalo Grove, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, requests that persons with disabilities, who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting or have questions about the accessibility of the meeting or facilities, contact the ADA Coordinator at 459-2525 to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. 2.A MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD, BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS ON MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016 CALL TO ORDER President Sussman called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following present: President Sussman; Trustees Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, and Johnson. d Also present were: Dane Bragg, Village Manager; William Raysa, Village Attorney; Jeff Stein, Assistant Village Attorney; Deputy Village Manager Jennifer Maltas; Scott Anderson, Director of Finance; Art Malinowski, Human Resource Director; Christopher Stilling, Director of Community Development; Nicole Woods, Village Planner; Evan Michel, Management Analyst; Brett Robinson, Director of Purchasing; _0 Brian Sheehan, Building Commissioner; Mike Reynolds, Director of Public Works; Darren Monico, > Village Engineer; Police Chief Casstevens; Deputy Chief Szos; Fire Chief Baker. a a APPROVAL OF MINUTES Q Moved by Johnson, seconded by Stein, to approve the minutes of the May 16, 2016 Regular Meeting. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Motion declared carried. Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Weidenfeld, to approve the minutes of the June 6, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Motion declared carried. Moved by Stein, seconded by Weidenfeld, to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2016 Special Meeting. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 5 — Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None ABSTAIN: 1 — Berman Motion declared carried. WARRANT #1264 Mr. Anderson read Warrant #1264. Moved by Trilling, seconded by Ottenheimer, to approve Warrant #1264 in the amount of $4,410,011.07, authorizing payment of bills listed. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Motion declared carried. VILLAGE PRESIDENT'S REPORT Packet Pg. 3 2.A Dr. Robert Hudson and Mrs. Charlene Chausis of Aptakisic-Tripp CCSD 102 shared some history and highlights from the B.A.S.I.C. Public Service Announcements, which addresses the areas of bullying, alcohol and drug education, social networking, internet safety, and cell phone and text usage. President Sussman read a Proclamation Supporting the Redefining Ready Campaign, declaring that the Village of Buffalo Grove supports the framework of multiple readiness indicators proposed in the Redefining Ready campaign to more accurately assess students' readiness to succeed in college, career and life. President Sussman then presented the Proclamation to the president of the School District 214 School Board, who spoke thanking the Board for their support. President Sussman read a Proclamation Commending Roman Mazur for Years of Dedicated Service to the Promotion of the Arts in Buffalo Grove and recognized Roman Mazur's contributions to the cultural enrichment of Buffalo Grove. President Sussman presented the Proclamation to Mr. Mazur, who then y d thanked the Board for the recognition. 3 c President Sussman read a Proclamation recognizing June as Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month, after which she presented the Proclamation to representatives of the Alzheimer's organization. 0 �a President Sussman appointed Amy Au to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Moved by Johnson, o seconded by Ottenheimer, to concur with President Sussman's appointment. Upon roll call, Trustees voted a as follows: Q AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Motion declared carried. President Sussman recently attended a program entitled Celebrating Partnerships where outstanding volunteers were honored. Ernie Karge and Stuart Kanowitz were honored at this event, and President Sussman congratulated them on their achievements. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-17 — DR. THERESA DUNKIN Mr. Bragg read the proposed resolution congratulating Dr. Theresa Dunkin on her retirement as Superintendent of District 102. Moved by Trilling, seconded by Berman, to pass Resolution No. 2016-17, congratulating Dr. Theresa Dunkin on her retirement as Superintendent of District 102. AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenteld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Motion declared carried. Dr. Dunkin thanked the Board and the Village for this honor and for the wonderful spirit of cooperation and partnership that she has had with the Village of Buffalo Grove. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Chief Casstevens presented a brief history of the Buffalo Grove Police Department Canine Unit, after which he introduced our newest officer, Hogyn. Chief Casstevens then swore in Hogyn as the Buffalo Grove Canine Officer. Officer Hogyn was then presented with his badge and congratulated by the audience and the Board. Officer Hogyn's partner, Officer Baron, thanked the Board for their continued support of the canine program. Packet Pg. 4 2.A Mr. Bragg presented an update on the proposed flight departure changes at Chicago Executive Airport, and noted that a meeting is set up for this week to discuss the possible impact of these changes on Buffalo Grove. Rob Sherman, 778 Stonebridge, stated the concerns that he has regarding the proposed changes and how he believes they are detrimental to the Village of Buffalo Grove. PUBLIC HEARING — 20914 & 20926 N. MILWLAUKEE President Sussman called the Public Hearing regarding the Annexation Agreement for 20914 & 20926 N. Milwaukee Avenue to order at 8:13 P.M. Roll call indicated the following present: President Sussman, Trustees Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld and Johnson. President Sussman read the Purpose of Public Hearing. Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Daily Herald on May 26, 2016. Mr. Stilling reviewed the proposed annexation, details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview, as well as his memo to the Board of June 17, 2016. Steven Elrod, Holland & Knight, counsel representing the developer, was sworn in to give testimony, after which he provided a brief background on the project. Mr. Elrod commended Mr. Raysa and Mr. Stilling for their work on this issue and noted that they are tremendous assets to the Village. Mr. Elrod stated that the version of the Annexation Agreement before the Board tonight is acceptable to the developer. Jeff Silverman, MJR, owner/developer of the property, was sworn in to give testimony, after which he further elaborated on the proposed project. Mr. Elrod confirmed that they are prepared to deliver the cross access easement, and they are in hopes that the Village will use its good offices to help that become a reality. At 8:20 P.M., President Sussman continued the Public Hearing until later on in the meeting. TRUSTEE REPORTS Trustee Johnson presented a background on the Textile Arts Competition, after which she announced the winners of the competition, Lynne Schneider, Valerie Koppenhaver, Judy Yublosky and Anne O'Donnell. The winners were present and presented with a certificate as they were congratulated by the audience and the Board. Trustee Johnson announced the 2016 Landscaping Contest, and noted that the deadline has been extended until June 30, 2016. Trustee Johnson announced that Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band will be presenting several concerts over the summer. Trustee Johnson announced that Culver's had a grand re -opening today, and noted that Culver's owner, as well as representatives from the corporate office, complimented the Village of Buffalo Grove staff for working so quickly and easily to complete this renovation. Trustee Ottenheimer noted that the Buffalo Grove Action Team Green Fair will be taking place on Sunday, June 26, 2016 in conjunction with the Farmer's Market. Trustee Stein announced the Farmer's Market began on June 12, 2016 and urged residents to attend. d c 0 �a 0 a a Q Packet Pg. 5 2.A CONSENT AGENDA President Sussman explained the Consent Agenda, stating that any member of the audience or the Board could request that an item be removed for full discussion. The Village Clerk read a brief synopsis of each of the items on the Consent Agenda. Harassment Awareness Traininu Motion to authorize staff to seek proposals for Harassment Awareness Training. Sole Source Pavement Motion to authorize bid waiver for Sole Source Pavement Rejuvenation Services. d Adiudication Software c Motion to authorize bid waiver and negotiation with adjudication software vendors. 0 Tile Flooring Replacements > 0 L Motion to award bid for Tile Flooring Replacements. a Q Motion to authorize execution of a contract for ambulance and fire billing. Motion to award bid for landscaping. Ambulance and Fire Billing 2 Landscaping Resolution No. 2016-18 — Buffalo Creek Watershed Motion to pass Resolution No. 2016-18, supporting the Buffalo Creek Watershed -Based Plan. Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Berman, to approve the Consent Agenda. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO.2016-34 — ANNEXATION AGREEMENT Moved by Weidenfeld, seconded by Berman, to pass Ordinance No. 2016-34, approving an Annexation Agreement for 20914 & 20926 N. Milwaukee Avenue, in accordance with materials contained in Board packets. Mr. Stilling reviewed the proposed ordinance, details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview that he prepared, as well as his memo to the Board of June 17, 2016, after which he answered questions from the Board; he confirmed that the draft Annexation Agreement dated 6/15/2016 is the document that has received approval from both parties. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Packet Pg. 6 2.A Motion declared carried. Moved by Weidenfeld, seconded by Berman, to close the Public Hearing. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Motion declared carried. President Sussman closed the Public Hearing at 8:35 P.M. ORDINANCE NO. 2016-35 — ANNEXATION Moved by Weidenfeld, seconded by Johnson, to pass Ordinance No. 2016-35, annexing 29014 & 20926 N. d Milwaukee Avenue, in accordance with the agreement previously approved. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows on the motion: AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson _0 NAYS: 0 — None > Motion declared carried. a a ORDINANCE NO. 2016-36 — REZONING Q Moved by Weidenfeld, seconded by Johnson, to pass Ordinance No. 2016-36, approving a Rezoning to B-3 for the property at 20914 & 20926 N. Milwaukee Avenue. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Motion declared carried. ORDINANCE NO. 2016-37 — WOODMAN'S Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Berman, to pass Ordinance No. 2016-37, approving a Development Agreement with Woodman's Food Markets, Inc. Mr. Bragg extended appreciation to Mr. Stilling, Mr. Stein and the Woodman's team for the hours devoted to this project and the professionalism displayed by all parties. Mr. Stilling reviewed the proposed ordinance, details of which are contained in his memo to the Board of June 16, 2016. Bret Backus, Vice President at Woodman's, shared information about Woodman's and what makes them unique, as well as their excitement at becoming a part of the Buffalo Grove community. Mr. Backus then answered questions from the Board. Mr. Bragg clarified that the agreement before the Board is subject to final approval by Mr. Raysa as well as the attorney for Woodman's. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Motion declared carried. WOODMAN'S DEVELOPMENT Packet Pg. 7 2.A Moved by Berman, seconded by Ottenheimer, to refer the Woodman's Development to the Planning & Zoning Commission for review. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Motion declared carried. 20914 & 20926 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE Moved by Stein, seconded by Weidenfeld, to approve the Development Improvement Agreement for 20914 & 20926 N. Milwaukee Avenue, in accordance with materials contained in Board packets. Mr. Monico noted that staff recommends approval of the Development Improvement Agreement. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Motion declared carried. 2016 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Moved by Stein, seconded by Weidenfeld, to award bid for 2016 street improvement Project Phase III, in accordance with information contained in Board packets. Mr. Bragg reviewed the proposed bid award, after which he answered questions from the Board, Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 — Berman, Trilling, Stein, Ottenheimer, Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYS: 0 — None Motion declared carried. QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE President Sussman reviewed the parameters to be followed by speakers, and asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight's agenda; there were no such questions. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Berman, seconded by Weidenfeld, to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Janet M. Siiabian, Village Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS 18`" DAY OF July , 2016 Village President Q Packet Pg. 8 2.B MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD, BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS ON MONDAY, JULY 11, 2016 CALL TO ORDER President Sussman called the meeting to order at 7:31 P.M. Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following present: President Sussman; Trustees Berman, Trilling, Ottenheimer, _ Weidenfeld and Johnson. Trustee Stein was absent. U) d Also present were: Dane Bragg, Village Manager; William Raysa, Village Attorney; Jennifer Maltas, Deputy Village Manager; Scott Anderson, Director of Finance; Andrew Brown, Deputy Finance Director; Art Malinowski, Director of Human Resources; Christopher Stilling, Director of Community Development; Brian _o Sheehan, Building Commissioner; Mike Reynolds, Director of Public Works; Evan Michel, Management Analyst; Pete Cahill, Human Resources Management Analyst; Darren Monico, Village Engineer; Geoff o Tollefson, Director of Golf Operations; Fire Chief Baker; Deputy Police Chief Szos. a Q The Committee of the Whole Meeting consisted of staff reports and Board discussion on the following issues. s CAFR AND PAFR Mr. Brown reviewed the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which is the Village's Annual Financial Report, and presents the information in a manner that goes above and beyond the requirements of generally accepted accounting principles. This format provides transparency and full disclosure of the financial statements for the benefit of the user. The Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) is a summary of the CAFR and is not meant to replace the CAFR. It is the intention of staff to provide the PAFR as a reader -friendly format targeted at those who want to learn about the Village and its financial performance, but does not require the user to have an accounting or finance background to understand the information presented. AUDIT MANAGEMENT COMMENTS Mr. Brown reviewed the Audit Management Comments, details of which are contained in his memo to the Board of July 5, 2016. SIGN CODE Mr. Sheehan reviewed future amendments to the Sign Code, details of which are contained in the memo to the Board from him and Mr. Stilling of July 7, 2016. FIVE YEAR GENERAL FUND FORECAST Mr. Anderson reviewed the five-year operating forecast, details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview that he prepared, as well as the document itself. TWENTY YEAR WATER FUND PROFORMA Mr. Anderson reviewed the twenty-year water fund proforma, details of which are contained in his memo to Mr. Bragg of July 7, 2016. Packet Pg. 9 2.B PROGRAM BASED BUDGET Staff reviewed the program -based budget, details of which are contained in the memo from Mr. Anderson and Ms. Maltas to Mr. Bragg of July 7, 2016. LIABILITY INSURANCE Staff reviewed the various options for liability insurance. OUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE President Sussman reviewed the parameters to be followed by speakers, and asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight's agenda. There were no such questions. U) ADJOURNMENT 3 c Moved by Berman, seconded by Ottenheimer, to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote, the motion was 2 unanimously declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. 0 APPROVED BY ME THIS 18t" DAY OF July 2016 Village President Q Janet M. Sirabian, Village Clerk S Packet Pg. 10 3.A Action Item : Approval of Warrant #1265 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. Staff recommends approval of Warrant #1265 which totals $5,076,701.11 ATTACHMENTS: • W#1265 Summary (PDF) Trustee Liaison Johnson Monday, July 18, 2016 Staff Contact Scott Anderson, Finance Updated: 7/13/2016 3:49 PM Page 1 Packet Pg. 11 3.A.a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE WARRANT #1265 18-Jul-16 General Fund: 640,655.93 Parking Lot Fund: 291.19 Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 673,568.06 Debt Service Fund: 0.00 School & Park Donations 274,543.35 Capital Projects -Facilities: 51,856.68 Capital Projects -Streets: 174,637.04 Health Insurance Fund: 0.00 c"'o N Facilities Development Debt Service Fund: 0.00 *k �a L Retiree Health Savings (RHS): 0.00 L Water Fund: 1,022,247.39 m Buffalo Grove Golf Fund: 106,655.68 �a E Arboretum Golf Fund: 160,945.02 E Refuse Service Fund: 0.00 `O m N Information Technology Internal Service Fund: 74,090.86 Central Garage Internal Service Fund: 70,839.44 c E s U Building Maintenance Internal Service Fund: 10,029.53 3,260,360.17 a PAYROLL PERIOD ENDING 06/30/16 897,323.33 PAYROLL PERIOD ENDING 07/14/16 919,017.61 1,816,340.94 TOTAL WARRANT #1265 5,076,701.11 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS Village Clerk Village President Packet Pg. 12 8.A Action Item : Fire Stations Diesel Exhaust Retrofit ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: Due to the proprietary nature of the equipment staff recommends a waiver of bids and authorization to purchase magnetic exhaust disconnection equipment and installation services from Hasting Air Energy Control in an amount not to exceed $28,396.33. ATTACHMENTS: • Memo - Exhaust Retrofit (DOCX) • Hastings_2016 (PDF) Trustee Liaison Trilling Monday, July 18, 2016 Staff Contact Mike Baker, Fire Updated: 7/14/2016 11:14 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 13 8.A.a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 101j," DATE: July 8, 2016 TO: Dane Bragg FROM: Brett Robinson, Purchasing Manager Mike Baker, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Vehicle Diesel Exhaust Extraction Retrofits BACKGROUND is This project will replace the current Plymovent equipment that uses compressed air to fill a rubber sleeve that grips the exhaust pipe to capture the diesel exhaust. The current equipment is becoming problematic with increasing maintenance and replacement costs as there are many mechanical parts (compressors, air lines, rubber boots, etc.) that are reaching the end of their life expectancy. The Plymovent retrofit replaces the air system with a magnetic collar eliminating the need for an air compressor, air lines, rubber boots with less overall parts to maintain. As detailed in the attached letter from Plymovent, Hastings Air Energy Control Inc., is the only dealer in our area authorized to perform work on the existing Plymovent systems installed at all three fire stations. Staff was able to get pricing for similar equipment from a different supplier, however costs were 30% higher. RECOMMENDATION Due to the proprietary nature of the existing equipment staff recommends a waiver of bids and authorization to purchase magnetic exhaust disconnection equipment and installation services from Hasting Air Energy Control in an amount not to exceed $28,396.33. Packet Pg. 14 "" Ll M V : T J8.�A.b January 1, 2016 To Whom It May Concern, a The purpose of this letter is to confirm that Hastings Air Energy Control Inc. is the exclusive cu dealer of Plymovent vehicle exhaust extraction systems in the state of Illinois for the zip codes inclusive of 600-617. As the only Plymovent dealer in this territory, Hastings Air Energy Control Inc. is in good standing and has the exclusive rights to sell, install and service our vehicle w exhaust extraction systems. CA For over 35 years, Plymovent has created products that provide a safe and healthy work cfl environment. Together with our nationwide dealer network, Plymovent continuously strives to design and engineer products that meet or exceed our customers' expectations and needs. D CCA i If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. c Kindest regards, _ PLYMOVENT CORP. c cu U t0 Q Brad Pitzl President/General Manager Packet Pg. 15 Pag iiIp�ouuoummumooiiouuomouum„, �oioauai@� Ir o��crg coi�uLIrv��0, inc,,. I Q II�I� ur s or ✓lo � c h rl r,e Illlllllltr�trrrrmuwv,� .�uuuouum�uuoVummui�Ill , R: 800.236.8450 / 262 364.0500 F: 800.260.9199 / 262.3640550 www.hastitigsair.com Regionally Serving Illinois I Indiana I Iowa I Kentucky I Michigan I Minnesota I North and South Dakota I Ohio I Wisconsin Chief Baker Buffalo Grove Fire Dept. #25 505 West Dundee Road Buffalo Grove IL 60089 Ship To: Buffalo Grove Fire Dept. #25 505 West Dundee Road Buffalo Grove IL 60089 Date: 6/20/2016 Sales Person: Dean Havnen Quote #: QUO-28885-M6N5Y3 Expires: 8/31/2016 Part # Description Qty DISC-023 Safety disconnect handle for 4" hose on Magnetic Systems 4.00 ADAP-111 Reducer 5" - 3.5" Kit 1.00 GRAB-019 Magnetic Grabber® STIR 5". Includes Magnetic Grabber® Nozzle With 4" Hose Connection, Conical Tailpipe Connector 5" And Balancer Locking Cable. 4.00 SADL-018 4" 90 deg Saddle 5.00 FX-FF-401 LOWER HOSE ONLY, 2' LONG 4" DIA. BLACK SPECIALITY HI TEMPERATURE 4.00 INST-M Installation of the magnetic conversion kits performed by Hastings service technician. 1.00 FRT Freight 1.00 $8,589.50 NOTE: Shipping and Tax are NOT INCLUDED. I have read the terms page, a single, separate page from the pricing, and I accept the terms and conditions of this quotation. Signed Name: Terms: Title: Prepay - 3% Discount: Net 30 Days from Shipment Visa/Mastercard/Discover Purchase Order # Thank you for considering Hastings. Please remit to: Hastings Air -Energy Control, Inc. 5555 S. Westridge Drive New Berlin, WI 53151-7900 ZI Packet Pg. 16 Pag iiIp�ouuoummumooiiouuomouum„, �oioauai@� Ir o��crg coi�uLIrv��0, inc,,. I Q II�I� ur s or ✓lo � c h rl r,e Illlllllltr�trrrrmuwv," .�uuuouum�uuoVummui�Ill , R: 800.236.8450 / 262 364.0500 F: 800.260.9199 f 262.3640550 www.hastitigsair.com Regionally Serving Illinois I Indiana I Iowa I Kentucky I Michigan I Minnesota I worth and South Dakota I Ohio I Wisconsin Chief Baker Buffalo Grove Fire Dept. #26 109 Deerfield Parkway Buffalo Grove IL 60089 Ship To: Buffalo Grove Fire Dept. #26 109 Deerfield Parkway Buffalo Grove IL 60089 Date: 6/20/2016 Sales Person: Dean Havnen Quote #: QUO-23822-N4G1D0 Expires: 8/31/2016 Part # Description Qty DISC-023 Safety disconnect handle for 4" hose on Magnetic Systems 6.00 ADAP-126 Tailpipe Adapter Conical 6" 2.00 ADAP-111 Reducer 5" - 3.5" Kit 1.00 GRAB-019 Magnetic Grabber® STIR 5". Includes Magnetic Grabber® Nozzle With 4" Hose Connection, Conical Tailpipe Connector 5" And Balancer Locking Cable. 4.00 GRAB-023 Magnetic Grabber® SBT 3". Includes Magnetic Grabber® Nozzle With 4" Hose Connection, Conical Tailpipe Connector 3" And Balancer Locking Cable. 2.00 SADL-018 4" 90 deg Saddle 8.00 FX-FF-401 LOWER HOSE ONLY, 2' LONG 4" DIA. BLACK SPECIALITY HI TEMPERATURE 6.00 ADAP-134 3.5" conical adapter 2.00 INST-M Installation of the magnetic conversion kits performed by Hastings service technician. 1.00 FRT Freight 1.00 $12,950.10 NOTE: Shipping and Tax are NOT INCLUDED. I have read the terms page, a single, separate page from the pricing, and I accept the terms and conditions of this quotation. Signed Name: Terms: Title: Prepay - 3% Discount: Net 30 Days from Shipment Visa/Mastercard/Discover Purchase Order # Thank you for considering Hastings. Please remit to: Hastings Air -Energy Control, Inc. 5555 S. Westridge Drive New Berlin, WI 53151-7900 O L d N O M t K W N co 0 N N I Im C N 2 C d E t V c3 ZI Packet Pg. 17 Pag iiIp�ouuoummumooiiouuomouum„, )oioauai@� Ir o��crg coi�uLIrv��0, inc,,. I Q II�I� ur s or ✓lo � c h rl r,e Illlllllltr�trrrrmuwv," .�uuuouum�uuoVummui�Ill , R: 800.236.8450 / 262 364.0500 F: 800.260.9199 / 262.3640550 www.hastitigsair.com Regionally Serving Illinois I Indiana I Iowa I Kentucky I Michigan I Minnesota I worth and South Dakota I Ohio I Wisconsin Chief Baker Buffalo Grove Fire Dept. #27 100 West Halfday Road Halfday Road Station Buffalo Grove IL 60089 Ship To: Buffalo Grove Fire Dept. #27 100 West Halfday Road Halfday Road Station Buffalo Grove IL 60089 Date: 6/20/2016 Sales Person: Dean Havnen Quote #: QUO-28884-FOL1N7 Expires: 8/31/2016 Part # Description Qty DISC-023 Safety disconnect handle for 4" hose on Magnetic Systems 3.00 ADAP-126 Tailpipe Adapter Conical 6" 1.00 ADAP-111 Reducer 5" - 3.5" Kit 1.00 GRAB-019 Magnetic Grabber® STIR 5". Includes Magnetic Grabber® Nozzle With 4" Hose Connection, Conical Tailpipe Connector 5" And Balancer Locking Cable. 3.00 FX-CWCW-402 FH Grade Hose, yellow/black, 4"x25' 1.00 SADL-018 4" 90 deg Saddle 3.00 FX-FF-401 LOWER HOSE ONLY, 2' LONG 4" DIA. BLACK SPECIALITY HI TEMPERATURE 3.00 INST-M Installation of the magnetic conversion kits performed by Hastings service technician. 1.00 FRT Freight 1.00 ADAP-086 Ford F-Series, Vehicle Model F250-F550 Fleet Kit (Angled Louvered Pipe, 3.5" Stop Plate) 1.00 $6,856.73 NOTE: Shipping and Tax are NOT INCLUDED. I have read the terms page, a single, separate page from the pricing, and I accept the terms and conditions of this quotation. Signed Name: Terms: Title: Prepay - 3% Discount: Net 30 Days from Shipment Visa/Mastercard/Discover Purchase Order # Thank you for considering Hastings. Please remit to: Hastings Air -Energy Control, Inc. 5555 S. Westridge Drive New Berlin, WI 53151-7900 O L N O M t K W N T_ 0 co 0 N I N C N 2 C d E t V c3 ZI Packet Pg. 18 8.B Ordinance No. 0-2016-38 : An Ordinance Amending Title 18 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: The attached ordinance clarifies two items that were intended to be in the streamlined Development Ordinance Amendment the Village Board approved in March. ATTACHMENTS: • Ordinance amending Title 18 (DOCX) • village code ordinance memo 16-0711 (DOCX) Trustee Liaison Trilling Monday, July 18, 2016 Staff Contact Darren Monico, Public Works Updated: 7/14/2016 11:40 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 19 8.B.a 07/ 11/2016A ORDINANCE NO. 2016 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 18, FLOODPLAIN REGULATIONS OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and WHEREAS, it is prudent that the Village adopt the latest editions of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago's Watershed Management Ordinance and the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission's Watershed Development Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Village desires to update its development and floodplain standards. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby adopted and incorporated into and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. Section 18.04.330, Flood protection elevation (FPE), of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 18.04.330 - Flood protection elevation (FPE). "Flood protection elevation (FPE)" means the elevation of the base flood or one -hundred -year frequency floods plus twenty four 44inches of freeboard at any given location in the SFHA. Section 3. Subsection H. of Section 18.12.100, Construction of the lowest floor below the base flood elevation (BFE), of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: The basement floor shall be at an elevation that is no more than five feet below the BFE Section 4. Subsection G. of Section 18.20.010, General, of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 18.20.010.G. 1 Packet Pg. 20 8.B.a The elevation of the crown of any new street constructed within or adjacent to the SFHA shall be not less than one foot above the base flood elevation for the area. The design of such facilities shall be such that the normal direction of course of drainage or runoff throughout the area is not altered. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: PASSED: , 2016 APPROVED: 2016 PUBLISHED: .2016 ATTEST: Janet Sirabian, Village Clerk 0) APPROVED: Beverly Sussman, Village President Packet Pg. 21 8.B.b VILIAGE OF TO: DANE BRAGG, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: DARREN MONICO, VILLAGE ENGINEER 11 SUBJECT: VILLAGE CODE UPDATES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE AND STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS DATE: J U LY 11, 2016 CC: MIKE REYNOLDS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Introduction As a part of the 2015 strategic plan goals, Staff reviewed and updated sections of the Village Code specifically the Development Ordinance. Staff is proposing a set of changes to the Village Code to streamlines processes that are the culmination of these efforts. This was last discussed with the Committee of the Whole on September 24, 2015 and many of these changes were adopted earlier this year in March. Additional Updates Staff discovered two sections in the floodplain ordinance (Title 18) that were intended to be included in the March 2016 Development Ordinance updates to bring the Village Code to the same standards as Cook and Lake County's Stormwater Requirements. This update also includes two sentences that were discovered to have a missing word (feet of foot) as shown below. The changes are in red. The updates are as follows: 18.04.330 - Flood protection elevation (FPE). "Flood protection elevation (FPE)" means the elevation of the base flood or one -hundred -year frequency floods plus twenty four th4ty inches of freeboard at any given location in the SFHA. 18.12.100 Construction of the lowest floor below the base flood elevation (BFE) The basement floor shall be at an elevation that is no more than five feet below the BFE. 18.20.010.G - General The elevation of the crown of any new street constructed within or adjacent to the SFHA shall be not less than one foot above the base flood elevation for the area. The design of such facilities shall be such that the normal direction of course of drainage or runoff throughout the area is not altered. Packet Pg. 22 8.0 Ordinance No. 0-2016-39 : An Ordinance Amending Chapter BG-15, Size, Weight and Load, of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: This ordinance streamlines and updates the size, weight, and load provisions in the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code to be consistent with best practices. ATTACHMENTS: • Redlined Ordinance (DOC) • CHICAGO1-#668931-v1-Ordinance_Amending_Chapter_BG-15_Clean (DOC) Trustee Liaison Trilling Monday, July 18, 2016 Staff Contact Steven Casstevens, Police Updated: 7/14/2016 4:14 PM Page 1 Packet Pg. 23 8.C.a Underlined = addition Stfikethfetfgh = deletion 07/06/2016 #668892 ORDINANCE NO. 2016 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER BG-15, SIZE, WEIGHT AND LOAD, OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and WHEREAS, the Village Police Department has recommended amendments to Article III, Overweight and Oversized Vehicle Permits, of Chapter BG-15, Size Weight and Load, of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby adopted and incorporated into and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. Article III, Overweight and Oversized Vehicle Permits, of Chapter BG-15, Size, Weight and Load, of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Article III, Overweight and Oversized Vehicle Permits BG-15-301 Definitions. For purposes of this Article, the following definitions apply: A. One-way or single trip permit: one move from the point of origin to the point of destination. Any additional stops between the point of origin and the point of destination are expressly prohibited. Single trip permits are valid for 5 consecutive days from the date of issuance unless otherwise directed by the Police Department. B. Round-trip movement: two trips over the same route in opposite directions. Round-trip permits are valid for 10 consecutive days from the date of issuance. C. Quarterly permit: a permit issued to a single ttucl!c, truck -tractor power unit, or piece of special mobile equipment which is valid for unlimited moves for a period not to exceed thfee no,-t. s n t el� 9i�9 days from the date of issuance. Page 1 Packet Pg. 24 8.C.a D. Annual permit: a permit issued to a single truck, truck -tractor power unit, or piece of special mobile equipment which is valid for unlimited moves for a period not to exceed ono -year tlii;a° rere. ^axl d�3fi' dad from the date of issuance. E. Non -divisible: a vehicle and load will be considered non -divisible when of : it meets the definitions found. in the Illinois ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ elnicle t::"�::a ie a 25 IIIC,C 5, 911....1 8.8. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Would require more than 8 work hours to dismantle using appropriate equipment. The applicant has the burden of proof as to the number of work hours required to dismantle the load. 2. Will compromise or destroy the intended use of the load only. A load can be either permanently mounted or temporarily secured equipment. Any parts, fluids, or material necessary to the operation of only the power unit portion of the vehicle shall be deemed non- divisible. 3. Would prohibit the vehicle from hauling one attachment that is necessary to the operation of the load. To be considered non -divisible, the attachment must be securely mounted to the load in the manner it is to be used and not carried as a separate object on the hauling vehicle. It is the duty of the applicant to declare such an attachment in the permit application. F. Police Department: the Village of Buffalo Grove Police Department. G. Village: the Village of Buffalo Grove. BG-15-302 Permits. A. A permit shall be required for the movement of any vehicle or combinations of vehicles, which is non- divisible or is carrying a load that is non -divisible, while operating on roadways and bridges within the jurisdiction of the Village which exceeds the ."O"oWing 4.4s-1 maxHum size and weight, iimit;s descrit)ed in the ➢>Ilin ois Tehnc;i tl u t......�i2 III t9! i...................i 02 {wn ltlnb, C C il: n ci : l tl..r 1 ip I i am rytlu n.nn�l 1�n i.�:..1 (np:l"ul 1. Maximum gFess weight of mere than 90,000 , 7. Mwicifnuin single axle weight ef ffiefe than 20,000 pounds; 8. bRnv;m,,m t,,,-®,ie axle weightf more than 34,000 pounds-. B. Exempt from permits are the following: 1. Fire department vehicles; Page 2 Packet Pg. 25 8.C.a 2. Those vehicles operating under an emergency declaration; 3. Village owned vehicles engaged in emergency utility repair; 4. Equipment used for snow and ice removal, owned or operated by any governmental body. C. Permits shall be issued only in the name of a person, firm, business, or corporation that owns and operates the transporting vehicle or that operates the vehicle under a bona fide lease agreement. D. Permits for vehicles av�;�,u� .._areWth ovefweight and, ofoversize are valid only a half hour before sunrise until a half hour after sunset, on any day which a permit issued by the Illinois Department of Transportation is valid. E. Permits are non -transferable and apply only to the permittee a. id vehicle to wvhac tl...lit was issued. .................................................................................. F. The Village may issue revisions to permits for dufe of,,,_(L)r0Yk offihaa orlgan�u pg�rnit fee .:i the o g ad p�a��ut icew...:was 39 1. To correct an error attributed to the Village( Q,re j; ,io��,,,,fee),; 2. To correct an error attributed to the applicant, discovered before the move. 3. To adjust weights, dimension or routes as issued on the permit, before the move is made. G. The permit, when issued, constitutes an agreement between the permittee and the Village that the move described in the application will take place only as described. The permittee has the responsibility to report to the Police Department any inaccuracies or errors on the part of either the Village or the permittee before starting any move. Undertaking the move is prima facie evidence of acceptance of the permit as issued and its terms. H. The routing prescribed in the permit constitutes the sole extent of the authority granted by the permit for the use of roads within the jurisdiction of the Village, and any vehicle and/or load found to be off route will be considered off route and without a permit. Permits shall be in the driver's possession in either or e: ectronlc naat all times unless otherwise directed by the Police Department and presented upon demand to any and all police officers for the purpose of inspection. I. Any vehicle(s) and/or load found to be divisible will render the permit null and void. The entire gross weight and axles weights of the vehicle(s) with the load are subject top,a.�.gg size and weight limits prescribed by State statutes. It is the duty of the applicant to verify the non -divisibility of the vehicle(s) before making application for the permit. The permit application itself is prima facie evidence that the applicant confirmed the vehicle(s) and/or loads were non -divisible. J. If required, arrangements shall be made by the permittee to have the proper utilities notified, property moved, bridge or highway analysis performed and completed in advance of any permit movement. K. All movements under the permit shall be made in accordance with all applicable federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Page 3 Packet Pg. 26 8.C.a The Police,_� lhie cat his ,�lesu, ewe rn��t'..nurnu n(l the l is t....,f°uorn time t�t.......tuuuu� l ll�e L,) (.)visions sll.aall not be nuior ....:res"Iriclivethan those. _Ested......_in the,.. OPER. 993 form issued b:y, tluv ...:1:.1luno is C111partn'ie<nt. of u�un �nu:tu:�tion g:ar tli.e uu� st cu rrcu"at l��Ls�; cul iuute!f state harunonization i1olicies issti.e l by the unn�,mncan A.sso� a.flon of Scat and l I:i. �I ... Fri ants c�rtrnti(.�n t:➢itucu�.Os, exce t u�::... � xtri c �ne c,�� se^�... c ruauin p ovna no �s......shall ;;;�cc(,, , ip uny ever�l)en n uit issued. L. . Permits are null and void if altered for the purpose of deception. The permits issued under this Article constitute the grant of a privilege by the Village and may be denied or suspended for such reasons as the Village may deem rationally related to its governmental interests including, but not limited to: 1. Apermittee know�figl � pfoavid-ig I a��,doAlu .ably provuties incorrect information in an application for a permit; 2. A permittee, its agents, or employees operating on a permit which has been altered for purposes of deception; 3. Non-compliance by permittee, its agars or employees with federal, State, or local ordinances pertaining to the transport of goods or operation of a vehicle engaged in the transport of goods; 4. Moving on Village streets without a valid permit as required under this Article. M.N. All single -trip or round-trip permits are limited to movements on assigned routes only N.( All quarterly or annual overweight permits are restricted to the following maximum limitations and routing: 1. 12 feet in width 2. 13 feet 6 inches in height 3. 115 feet in length 4. May not move across bridges or structures that are posted or listed as such on the Village truck route map. 5. May not move on a "no -truck" route that is posted or listed as such on the Village truck route map, without written permission from a member of the Police Department. 6. May not use any Village street as a cut-thru to avoid using a State, County, or Township highway. Permits are subject to the requirements set forth in BG-15-303 herein, except that the load may be interchanged provided none of the above listed maximum weight and size dimensions are exceeded. Quarterly and annual permits shall list the registration number and state for the power unit, and vehicle identification number (VIN). The serial number of the power unit, and/or owner applied number shall also be listed, if applicable. Any violation of these terms will render the permit null and void, and subject the driver, firm, business, or corporation that owns the vehicle to weight and dimension laws prescribed by State statutes. The arresting police officer will immediately confiscate the permit. Page 4 Packet Pg. 27 8.C.a BG-15-303 - Applications for Permit. A. All applications for permits shall be given full consideration. Permits for proposed moves may be issued: 1. When the Village roadways and bridges will not be unduly damaged; and 2. When the safety of the traveling public will be adequately protected. B. Applications for a permit to move an oversized and/or overweight vehicle, and/or load, must be made to the Police Department. The following information shall be included on the permit application ..:in �-�dd�::ptia)�u t iai�y ii�laear anQ°orrimatdian cilccai��,d uii�, ci,ss in�� tlic. I�oiacc Deparri.rneuiid: 1. Company name. 2. Company address.,......::"ity„ state and z l�...._�°gd.�. c 3. Company crrijfax and telephone numbers. 0 4. M..ake. of hauling vehicle or power unit. 3 i 5. Description of load to be moved s 6. Maximum dimensions, gross weight, and axle weights of vehicle including load. 7. Roads under the jurisdiction of the Village to be traveled. a eO 0 BG-15-304 Police escorts. 0 N v Ems;, .,ol,; for 7 1 , a� z .R4 �, i BG 1 G `ivfliarl......op::......f.c ji(..% ......escorts are required . n O at i e c t i o t] i t e... Pia➢ic is Qe..[ tment. The total number of pfl cc officers necessary to provide for a safe move shall be determined by the Police Department, ^�* based upon th- Of *"e fte4Mimove . Fees for f*„escorts shall be in addition to the permit fees set forth herein arid. n ➢uded in 1, bid➢in�� inv¢�ii i�ug a nib:.. i okc Lion cal 7Gae�mit tees. B~ L-esc.o t 1 shall provide for 0 a minimum of 2 hours of service calculated by the most current overtime rate established by the Police o Department. as G-15-305 - Indemnification and insurance. c aD The permittee shall assume total liability for any and all damages to streets, bridges, Village s owned appurtenances and private or public property while engaged in a permit move. The measure of liability is the cost for all repairs or replacement of property damaged by the permittee. Q B. The permittee shall indemnify and hold harmless the Village from any costs, judgments or settlements, including attorney's fees, arising from physical injuries, including loss of life, or damage to or loss of property related to acts or omissions by permittee, its officers, agents, or employees pursuant to the permit. C. Upon application for a permit each applicant shall provide evidence of a valid comprehensive general liability insurance policy, , for protection against personal injury or property damage in the minimum anioLint of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence. The Village shall be listed as an ad litional in�,,Lrr ,dl certificate holder on the policy. BG-15-306 Suspension and reinstatement. Page 5 Packet Pg. 28 8.C.a A. Suspension of a current permit shall be for the time determined appropriate by the Police Department; however, reinstatement may be made upon conditions determined by the Village and payment of all outstanding settlements or judgments. B. The Chief of Police or designee shall administer and enforce this Article and shall have the authority to grant, deny, suspend, or reinstate permits. Any applicant or permittee denied a permit or who has had a permit suspended, upon request, shall be given a hearing before the Chief of Police. C. No permits shall be issued an applicant or company who has outstanding fees or payments due to he Village. BG-15-307 Permit fee schedules. as U A. The Village with respect to highways Colder its jurisdiction shall collect a fee as shown herein from applicants for the issuance of a permit to operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicle(s), and/or loads, which fit the categories shown. Any axle--of-gm weight greater than the maximum p weights set forth in the fee schedule are subject to special assessment and investigation to determine appropriate fees. B. Fee Schedule. 1. The fee schedule for si lriele ��v� a r✓;, u,g 1tub, „aw;uA, ,n; , w,,,,,;�r, , ;;p,�,l,e; ,s, shall be as follows: a� fVATT !`a ll Tli/ AVT TC'AXTT TCY ®ITTAn n AT.T TTTAY O WE4 um a) z48-,OW GROSS N O 01 C L 1 O ANY rY SMILE a� s U 2 ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ a Page 6 Packet Pg. 29 TANDEM 42-1000 GROSS $4-9#W-W ANY SINGLE; AXLE 49-,OW wa-lwo 2 AXLE TANDEM GROSS &74-.W ............................................................................... $445,00 .................................................................................. $245-.W ................................................................................ $44,44,04 ................................................................... ANY SINIII Q AXLE I A VT C T A 7A 4+ 54-,W0 72-INO .—NDE'M ............................................................................... .................................................................................. ................................................................................ ................................................................... A VV Q FXTCT U 4A 4=4 -761" 2 AXLE TANDEM GROSS S44,00 V5-.-oo $440,00 $64440 44OW ANY SIN(I-T F ............................................................................... .................................................................................. ................................................................................ ................................................................... AXLE AXLE TAND-EM -9A 44- 3 801-NO 2 GROSS 40-.W $440,00 $22-5-.W $WJO-. 00 54-,W0 A VV 0 FKTrT U ............................................................................... ............................................................................... .................................................................................. .................................................................................. AXLE 2 AXLE TANDEM 3 0R 4 A VT F 0 Lol Page 7 Packet Pg. 30 8.C.a CINIFIF" 14pllpY 1� KIMU M NUIIU,�BIIFl IlkO➢ AXLES GROSS Ur➢pU6 L,E' V'V1111 ROU NIDT1111,11, U`BLAPI, ,R,UpC.,i' ANNUAL .A 2 48,0003 $J.5:.00 $25.0.00 $85.00 $340.303 A2 2 5.4,03.0 0 $20D..0 0 $35.00.03 Wa..n:.���3.,00 $403.03...0103 A3. 2 5 0,UpUp03 $4U3...0d�0 $7.5.U3.OD $.:0:.50� U300 "�500 O .A4. 3 60,00 0 $2. ,00 $45... y03 $.] 100 $4.60,00 A5. � On0%.,0 0() $3.03.::.0303 $5..5..MO $i..:0:.�3.� 0303 .5r. 20➢..0301 Ah.. i 72.,000 $6 0...000J i n n:...r..00. 1.2 .70 .00 S..:O:, 80 t1.01 -'�7 3. {43.,0poo $70,.0101 $1 3.5 00 $285 0D0D $..:O:j40 00 ..... ..... ...............0�00 ........ ........ �'�9 4 T.2.,Op00 $3..5.::.3�3 $65..�'.�' n:.4.5..00 ..5.80...0 .....4p TU�,0pUp0p $fP5.,.Ur4r V ➢,.U1.(3(3 ..n..<;Ub Uy0y �P40 ky0y A:.:�.:.:. k 0.,004p 1> .::.d U50 00 $2.2 .Up $000Ulf A:.: .. � .90,4b00 S,n00.003 $ Y&p ��U 3Q.5.0,00 5>..,1,?URUR.dp.03 �.:..3. 5 8..8.,YYQDOO A85.00 $23g5Y '.)4QDp}(�„0 2..U4. :5. 6 o.,.()()() fi$4p5}.,.�00 U5tl.::.4pWp 6r 95MO pUy�p0 15250 00 �.t�0'00 4 o A 15 ............. > ..... V V p 000 ......U.... $8500 ................ $d0 00 $32p 00 ....... ..... $ V280 00 ........,....... .A,_6. 6 U U.0...,0003 $45,00 $85. 00 $2::35 UDUD $±.pSpp4ppUry�Dppry���0 0..2. .A.1 8. F U 43..,0 003 $60,.0 0. n n:.: 5,00 $ 3.25M $.1, UU➢U➢ 4 0 A..�._`. 6 0 ,% 4p4pfl➢ 0 UDO),U303 2�13y QUQp n3.02Ub Q➢0➢ E...�.,S PU➢ U1.01 A:2.03 7 0:.62.,000 $±...f3.::.3�3 b.n,.:3.5.:,00 5x.300b,00 .J..,2.00 03.03 A2.:. 7 162,000 $➢ ➢ 03,U303 322.0OYOY Sx4.40.2 P $..:O:, lUppp 0.03 A22. 8, n 87..>ppp300. �idUD.:.0333 � V 5,5.(303 �3..n U6 0D0p 3p..:0.,2�Pp .. Fr3 2..4bb ... L➢,30 d 95 0 0 $3.90 00p I n:,5Un4D (3.(3 .A24. .. 20r�w,pp�b�p, $' u ... 5... ��'...... ?25GxUbUry 0 $J.25.U00 $2p�R.d0 $p.8'.UybUybrtyQpp0 `�Y.:::r,p2ppUDpp0 (r0 ,.26., .9.. .... L.,.l QNQ✓Q✓ �II., Y4XiAi gUD�0 S. QLQQ I II. AQdd..YV.d V.d �Y�y'4d'4d'4d, M1k,M1k The fee schedule for oyersize vehicles shall be as follows: ................................................................. u Page 8 Packet Pg. 31 8.C.a 49-,000 HE w 9 49-,000 60-1000 5 9 5 5 Page 9 Packet Pg. 32 6-B 7-4-- 79 "1 442-,ON 2-s'" 3 4 AXLE GROUP of GROS.S. A -NY SINGLE AXhE 75 -1 AVT C GROUD 440TOW 4 AXLE CD CIT TD 7B 9-+ � 419q7W) GROSS CATEGORY ....................................................... ........... ............ W.DT1.1. HEK1.1.11' LENCITT­ . .................................... WEIG14T --SlN..(j.L.1 R 5' $ � 5.dO .B 2.. .... ... J 2..'. . .... . J 4..'. . .... . J 5..' 2..0 .VJQ ... .... .... . .B 3 J 4..'� J 4.'� .4.... 1 5' .$ 3 0 09. B4 ............ � 81 .............. 16' .............. 135' ..................... $50,00 .................................. Ei 5 ............ a 8' > ....................... 1, 16' ....................... -- ➢ 35' .............................. $ ➢ 00.00 ........................................ 0 -000--w 1-0C L 11, R(..)]-)NE) FRIP ANNUAL C? ............... QU A R _rE, ill I I Y ................................ ............ '25,00 $7500 3 0 0..,..0 0. 0 MOM ......................................... $480.00 ........................................ $55,00 .................................. $165 .00 ........................................ $660.00 ............................ $95,00 $250�00 5p..4...000 00 0 .................................. .......................... ............ .......................... .................. ....,200.00 CD E ... . ...... �m 2-MAHM, IMMEM 111—Mmi I M- i .1,41 =M "ALI 010 iz go H, i Page Packet Pg. 33 8.C.a ,x/TT,TLT. , IV$490-.00 T T NGTTs. 1 , c' d r TaNGTu. , , c' c c L zx4DT 4 i 4' X x 0 V a.d LE i 0 �A7TTl TT3a �,1 4' e e .. a) M 'f fiLYdYfii . �' 0 N 0 T T: ATG TLT • >1 3 c' 01 V C L Section 3 If any section, paragraph, clause of provision of this Ordinance shall be held 0 invalid, the invalidity thereof shall not affect any other provision of this Ordinance. c Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. CD E s v ca AYES: a NAYES: ABSENT: PASSED: , 2016 APPROVED: , 2016 11 Packet Pg. 34 8.C.a PUBLISHED: 12016 ATTEST: Janet Sirabian, Village Clerk #668892 12 APPROVED: Beverly Sussman, Village President Packet Pg. 35 8.C.b 07/06/2016 #668931 ORDINANCE NO. 2016 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER BG-15, SIZE, WEIGHT AND LOAD, OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and WHEREAS, the Village Police Department has recommended amendments to Article III, Overweight and Oversized Vehicle Permits, of Chapter BG-15, Size Weight and Load, of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby adopted and incorporated into and made a part of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. Article III, Overweight and Oversized Vehicle Permits, of Chapter BG-15, Size, Weight and Load, of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Article I11, Overweight and Oversized Vehicle Permits BG-15-301 Definitions. For purposes of this Article, the following definitions apply: A. One-way or single trip permit: one move from the point of origin to the point of destination. Any additional stops between the point of origin and the point of destination are expressly prohibited. Single trip permits are valid for 5 consecutive days from the date of issuance unless otherwise directed by the Police Department. B. Round-trip movement: two trips over the same route in opposite directions. Round-trip permits are valid for 10 consecutive days from the date of issuance. C. Quarterly permit: a permit issued to a single ttucl, truck -tractor power unit, or piece of special mobile equipment which is valid for unlimited moves for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from the date of issuance. 1 Packet Pg. 36 8.C.b D. Annual permit: a permit issued to a single truck, truck -tractor power unit, or piece of special mobile equipment which is valid for unlimited moves for a period not to exceed three -hundred sixty-five (365) days from the date of issuance. E. Non -divisible: a vehicle and load will be considered non -divisible when it meets the definitions found in the Illinois Vehicle Code at 625 ILCS 5.0/1-148.8. 1. Would require more than 8 work hours to dismantle using appropriate equipment. The applicant has the burden of proof as to the number of work hours required to dismantle the load. 2. Will compromise or destroy the intended use of the load only. A load can be e i t h e r permanently mounted or temporarily secured equipment. Any parts, fluids, or material necessary to the operation of only the power unit portion of the vehicle shall be deemed non- divisible. 3. Would prohibit the vehicle from hauling one attachment that is necessary to the operation of the load. To be considered non -divisible, the attachment must be securely mounted to the load in the manner it is to be used and not carried as a separate object on the hauling vehicle. It is the duty of the applicant to declare such an attachment in the permit application. F. Police Department: the Village of Buffalo Grove Police Department. G. Village: the Village of Buffalo Grove. BG-15-302 Permits. A. A permit shall be required for the movement of any vehicle or combinations of vehicles, which is non- divisible or is carrying a load that is non -divisible, while operating on roadways and bridges within the jurisdiction of the Village which exceeds the maximum size and weight limits described in the Illinois Vehicle Code at 625 ILCS 5.0/15-102 (width), 15-103 (height), 15-107 (length) and 15-111 (weight). B. Exempt from permits are the following: 1. Fire department vehicles; 2. Those vehicles operating under an emergency declaration; 3. Village owned vehicles engaged in emergency utility repair; 4. Equipment used for snow and ice removal, owned or operated by any governmental body. C. Permits shall be issued only in the name of a person, firm, business, or corporation that owns and operates the transporting vehicle or that operates the vehicle under a bona fide lease agreement. D. Permits for vehicles which are oversize are valid only a half hour before sunrise until a half hour after sunset, on any day which a permit issued by the Illinois Department of Transportation is valid. 0) Packet Pg. 37 8.C.b E. Permits are non -transferable and apply only to the permittee and vehicle to which it was issued. F. The Village may issue revisions to permits for a fee of $20 (or 50% of the original permit fee if the original permit fee was $30 or less): 1. To correct an error attributed to the Village (no revision fee); 2. To correct an error attributed to the applicant, discovered before the move. 3. To adjust weights, dimension or routes as issued on the permit, before the move is made. G. The permit, when issued, constitutes an agreement between the permittee and the Village that the move described in the application will take place only as described. The permittee has the responsibility to report to the Police Department any inaccuracies or errors on the part of either the Village or the permittee before starting any move. Undertaking the move is prima facie evidence of acceptance of the permit as issued and its terms. H. The routing prescribed in the permit constitutes the sole extent of the authority granted by the permit for the use of roads within the jurisdiction of the Village, and any vehicle and/or load found to be off route will be considered off route and without a permit. Permits shall be in the driver's possession in either paper or electronic form at all times unless otherwise directed by the Police Department and presented upon demand to any and all police officers for the purpose of inspection. I. Any vehicle(s) and/or load found to be divisible will render the permit null and void. The entire gross weight and axles weights of the vehicle(s) with the load are subject to legal size and weight limits prescribed by State statutes. It is the duty of the applicant to verify the non -divisibility of the vehicle(s) before making application for the permit. The permit application itself is prima facie evidence that the applicant confirmed the vehicle(s) and/or loads were non -divisible. J. If required, arrangements shall be made by the permittee to have the proper utilities notified, property moved, bridge or highway analysis performed and completed in advance of any permit movement. K. All movements under the permit shall be made in accordance with all applicable federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. L. The Police Department shall maintain a list of reasonable provisions to accompany every permit. The Police Chief or his designee may amend t he 1 i s t from time to time. The provisions shall not be more restrictive than those listed in the OPER 993 form issued by the Illinois Department of Transportation, or the most current phase of interstate harmonization policies issued by the American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, except in extreme cases. Permit provisions shall accompany every permit issued. M. Permits are null and void if altered for the purpose of deception. The permits issued under this Article constitute the grant of a privilege by the Village and may be denied or suspended for such reasons as the Village may deem rationally related to its governmental interests including, but not limited to: C Packet Pg. 38 8.C.b 1. Apennittee fraudulently provides incorrect information in an application for a permit; 2. A permittee, its agents, or employees operating on a permit which has been altered for purposes of deception; 3. Non-compliance by permittee, its agents or employees with federal, State, or local ordinances pertaining to the transport of goods or operation of a vehicle engaged in the transport of goods; 4. Moving on Village streets without a valid permit as required under this Article. N. All single -trip or round-trip permits are limited to movements on assigned routes only. O. All quarterly or annual overweight permits are restricted to the following maximum limitations and routing: 1. 12 feet in width 2. 13 feet 6 inches in height 3. 115 feet in length 4. May not move across bridges or structures that are posted or listed as such on the Village truck route map. 5. May not move on a "no -truck" route that is posted or listed as such on the Village truck route map, without written permission from a member of the Police Department. 6. May not use any Village street as a cut-thru to avoid using a State, County, or Township highway. Permits are subject to the requirements set forth in BG-15-303 herein, except that the load may be interchanged provided none of the above listed maximum weight and size dimensions are exceeded. Quarterly and annual permits shall list the registration number and state for the power unit, and vehicle identification number (VIN). The serial number of the power unit, and/or owner applied number shall also be listed, if applicable. Any violation of these terms will render the permit null and void, and subject the driver, firm, business, or corporation that owns the vehicle to weight and dimension laws prescribed by State statutes. The arresting police officer will immediately confiscate the permit. BG-15-303 Applications for Permit. A. All applications for permits shall be given full consideration. Permits for proposed moves may be issued: 1. When the Village roadways and bridges will not be unduly damaged; and E O Packet Pg. 39 8.C.b 2. When the safety of the traveling public will be adequately protected. B. Applications for a permit to move an oversized and/or overweight vehicle, and/or load, must be made to the Police Department. The following information shall be included on the permit application in addition to any other information deemed necessary by the Police Department: 1. Company name. 2. Company address, city, state and zip code. 3. Company email, fax and telephone numbers. 4. Make of hauling vehicle or power unit. 5. Description of load to be moved. 6. Maximum dimensions, gross weight, and axle weights of vehicle including load. 7. Roads under the jurisdiction of the Village to be traveled. BG-15-304 Police escorts. Civilian or police..... escorts are required at the direction of the Police Department. The total number of police officers necessary to provide for a safe move shall be determined by the Police Department. Fees for police escorts shall be in addition to the permit fees set forth herein and included in the billing, invoicing and collection of permit fees. Police escort fees shall provide for a minimum of 2 hours of service calculated by the most current overtime rate established by the Police Department. BG-15-305 - Indemnification and insurance. A. The permittee shall assume total liability for any and all damages to streets, bridges, Village owned appurtenances and private or public property while engaged in a permit move. The measure of liability is the cost for all repairs or replacement of property damaged by the permittee. B. The permittee shall indemnify and hold harmless the Village from any costs, judgments or settlements, including attorney's fees, arising from physical injuries, including loss of life, or damage to or loss of property related to acts or omissions by permittee, its officers, agents, or employees pursuant to the permit. C. Upon application for a permit each applicant shall provide evidence of a valid comprehensive general liability insurance policy for protection against personal injury or property damage in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence. The Village shall be listed as an additional insured certificate holder on the policy. BG-15-306 Suspension and reinstatement. A. Suspension of a current permit shall be for the time determined appropriate by the Police Department; however, reinstatement may be made upon conditions determined by the Village and payment of all outstanding settlements or judgments. 9 Packet Pg. 40 8.C.b B. The Chief of Police or designee shall administer and enforce this Article and shall have the authority to grant, deny, suspend, or reinstate permits. Any applicant or permittee denied a permit or who has had a permit suspended, upon request, shall be given a hearing before the Chief of Police. C. No permits shall be issued an applicant or company who has outstanding fees or payments due to the Village. BG-15-307 Permit fee schedules. A. The Village with respect to highways under its jurisdiction shall collect a fee as shown herein from applicants for the issuance of a permit to operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicle(s), and/or loads, which fit the categories shown. Any gross weight greater than the maximum weights set forth in the fee schedule are subject to special assessment and investigation to determine appropriate fees. B. Fee Schedule. 1. The fee schedule for overweight and oversize vehicles shall be as follows: CATEGORY MINIMUM NUMBER OF AXLES GROSS SINGLE TRIP ROUND TRIP QUARTERLY ANNUAL Al 2 48,000 $15.00 $25.00 $85.00 $340.00 A2 2 54,000 $20.00 $35.00 $100.00 $400.00 A3 2 > 54,000 $40.00 $75.00 $150.00 $500.00 A4 3 60,000 $25.00 $45.00 $115.00 $460.00 A5 3 68,000 $30.00 $55.00 $130.00 $520.00 A6 3 72,000 $60.00 $1 15.00 $270.00 $1,080.00 A7 3 80,000 $70.00 $135.00 $285.00 $1,140.00 A8 3 >80,000 $100.00 $195.00 $400.00 $1,500.00 A9 4 72,000 $35.00 $65.00 $145.00 $580.00 A10 4 76,000 $65.00 $110.00 $160.00 $640.00 A11 4 80,000 $80.00 $150.00 $225.00 $900.00 Al2 4 > 80,000 $100.00 $190.00 $350.00 $1,200.00 A13 5 88,000 $45.00 $85.00 $235.00 $940.00 A14 5 100,000 $50.00 $95.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 A15 5 > I10,000 $85.00 $160.00 $320.00 $1,280.00 A16 6 110,000 $45.00 $85.00 $235.00 $940.00 X Packet Pg. 41 8.C.b A17 6 120,000 $50.00 $95.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 A18 6 143,000 $60.00 $115.00 $325.00 $1,300.00 A19 6 > 143,000 $100.00 $200.00 $390.00 $1,560.00 A20 7 162,000 $70.00 $135.00 $300.00 $1,200.00 A21 7 > 162,000 $110.00 $220.00 $440.00 $1,760.00 A22 8 187,000 $80.00 $155.00 $310.00 $1,240.00 A23 8 200,000 $100.00 $195.00 $390.00 $1,560.00 A24 8 >200,000 $160.00 $300.00 $600.00 $2,400.00 A25 9+ 225,000 $125.00 $240.00 $800.00 $3,200.00 A26 9+ >225,000 $150.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 2. The fee schedule for oversize vehicles shall be as follows: CATEGORY WIDTH HEIGHT LENGTH SINGLE TRIP ROUND TRIP QUARTERLY AN BI 10, 14' 115' $15.00 $25.00 $75.00 $3 132 12' 14' 115' $20.00 $40.00 $120.00 $4 B3 14' 14' 115' $30.00 $55.00 $165.00 $6 134 18, 16' 135' $50.00 $95.00 $250.00 $1,1 B5 > 18, > 16' > 135' $100.00 $195.00 $350.00 $1,: Section 3 If any section, paragraph, clause of provision of this Ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity thereof shall not affect any other provision of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: PASSED: 2016 Packet Pg. 42 8.C.b APPROVED: , 2016 PUBLISHED: , 2016 APPROVED: Beverly Sussman, Village President ATTEST: Janet Sirabian, Village Clerk Packet Pg. 43 8.D Action Item : Approve Change Order Chadwick Contracting Company ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval of a $17,554.33 change order in additional quantities to a new contract amount of $123,532.33. SUMMARY: On May 5th, the Board authorized $105,969.00 in Bike Path and Parking Lot Repairs to Chadwick Contracting Company. Staff recommends approval of a $17,554.33 change order. 90% of the costs associated with the change order will be paid by the Park District for requested bike path improvements. ATTACHMENTS: • Chadwick Change Order #1 bike and parking lot (PDF) • Bike path and parking lot Bid Tab (PDF) • CHICAGO1-#669470-v1-Change_Order Determination (DOCX) Trustee Liaison Staff Contact Stein Darren Monico, Public Works Monday, July 18, 2016 Updated: 7/14/2016 11:45 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 44 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 2016 BIKE PATH AND PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS ITEM NO. 1 ITEM m Hot -Mix As halt Surface Reoval, Variable De th 0-1 Inch UNIT ,Y S QUANTITY 1,278 UNIT PRICE $4,30 TOTAL $5.495.40 2 Pavement Removal - 6 Inch S.Y 124 $19.65 $2„436.60 3 Earth Excavation C.Y. 35 $28 42 $994.70 4 Aaare iate Base Course, Tvpe B TON 89 $44.75 $3,982.75 5 Class D Patches, Type IV - 5 Inch S.Y. 0 $33 44 $0,00 6 7 Class D Patches, Type IV - 3.5 Inch Hot -Mix As halt Surface Course, Mix "C", N50 S,Y TON 1,630 194 $22.63 $83,96 $36,886.90 $16,288,24 8 Hot -Mix As halt Binder Course, IL-19,N50 TON 0 $76.85 $0.00 9 10 Concrete Curb & Gutter Removal and Replacement B6:12) 5" PCC Sidewalk Removal & Replacement LF S.F, 94 96 $35 52 $18.27 $3.338.88 $1,753,92 ff16"C Dum ster Pad - New S.F. 180 $12.18 $2,192.40 table Warnings S.F. 12 $35.52 $426,24 13 Draina a and Utility Structures to be adjusted EACH 3 $203 00 $609,00 14 15 Hot A lied Rubberized Crack Sealant Two Coat Coal Tar Emulsion Sealcoat LF, S.F. 6„000 199„350 $0.70 $0,120 $4.200.00 $23 922.00 16 17 18 4" WhiteNellow Painted Stall Lines Tree Root Prunin with Base Preparation Topsoil and Seed with Erosion Control Blanket LT Each Tree S,Y 1,010 5 1,185 $0,54 $125.00 $11,220 $545,40 $625,00 $13,295,70 19 Class D Patches, Ty e IV 2 - Inch S.Y 305 $21 440 $6,539,20 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE $123,532,33 Q Packet Pg. 45 0 (aapap a6ue13 anoiddd : 0696) qel p!8;ol 6upped pue gjed ali8 quawLjoe; Ooh o N m � �fJ N N t0 (D M (O V V m h eR eR s4 H3 M W to Vi to to to eA to V3 fA fA 6A m Q M N a S } } } Z - 63 to to to ER �t � to to to to to N to cA Y3 ER ER fA M m � J fA C n H Z. V N O N O 6 O 6 O 6 O O 6 O 6 O O 6 O o V o m � � � o M m w 0 n 0 O O m 0 O F» O F» O» O pi c Y U H3 e3 s4 s4 V tH V3 fA eA N to ER V3 E9 aA, 10 � m 0f m a a y R F Y _ fO N N N O V N m h N p 0 h N h M 6O N O O N N N O O a V a N o 0 ui h V O h N M h N V h V O M V N h V tU ER 6? EPr ER M fA fA fA fA EA N EA Uf tH eA U S N N N O O h O o b o b o b o p o b o 0 0 61 o 6 0 o b o b 6 p o b o b o b N b M O o N m 0 p 0 �In N O N O o V o V o N ry M m O V b 11J O tD 61 lIY t0 II') � � h tD tD N cb � M h N M � o} o fA 63 EA N H1 V1 63 63 V3 N EA 63 b} d3 U3 EA ¢ C t � o O o �o�O�b�00000�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o �+o moo EH H3 fPr fPr V fR V3 V3 H3 N fA fA 0 M � � o 4A fR ER <A Q -18 G 3: } } } Z n Y Y > Y > a a a m a a a cr cr o 0 m N Z Z m Q O N O N > C U N vOi N m m N M U U E 3 Ol (h N Ntf s n o K > w °� a�i d ❑ m is �. h W 0 m O co ❑ ❑ s s 3 n @ N LL � N D_ D_ � a � B B @ N O ❑ LL F co m vo m U H o. W m U U Q Q U (n ❑ 0 U F y F F F 8.D.c III''! w f DATE: July 12, 2016 TO: President Beverly Sussman and Trustees FROM: Dane Bragg, Village Manager SUBJECT: Change Order for Chadwick Contracting Is I, Dane Bragg, Village Manager of the Village of Buffalo Grove, pursuant to being authorized as a designee by the Village Board of the Village of Buffalo Grove and after reviewing the facts presented to me by staff, as detailed in the agenda item for this matter, "Change Order Chadwick Contracting Company", do hereby determine that the increase in work to be performed by the contractor is in the best interests of the Village of Buffalo Grove. DM#669470 Page 1 of 1 Packet Pg. 47 8.E Action Item : Computer Purchase through GovITC ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. SUMMARY: Staff recommends the Village waive the formal bid process and purchase 41 replacement computers through the GovITC at a price not to exceed $24,579.62. ATTACHMENTS: • Memo - GovITC PC Purchase (DOCX) Trustee Liaison Weidenfeld Monday, July 18, 2016 Staff Contact Jenny Maltas, Office of the Village Manager Updated: 7/14/2016 11:50 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 48 8.E.a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO (11101j,"T DATE: July 12, 2016 TO: Dane Bragg FROM: Brett Robinson, Purchasing Manager Jennifer Maltas, Deputy Village Manager SUBJECT: Computer Purchases BACKGROUND is The Government Information Technology Consortium (GovITC) has undertaken the process of consolidating both the manufacturer and models of computers purchased by member communities. This process allows for more efficient service and replacement of computers along with cost saving when ordering in bulk. The members paired down the selection of computers to the attached list and then had the GovITC seek competitive pricing on behalf of the member communities. Initial observations indicate that the Village can expect to save at least 3% over previous purchases by ordering in concert with the other communities through the GovITC. A Summary of the prices received for the member communities is displayed below. Vendor Buffalo Grove Glenview Lake Bluff * Linclonshire Total Shi �����Utll�������� $ 84,934.57 Paragon $ 26,749.52 ° ,. ; , ; „ $ 3,280.96 $ 91,055.79 M nJ $ 29,164.88 $ 3,334.34 fir' 6,53, ? $ 93, 896.49 CDW �������� $52,808.46 ������� $ 6,289;92 $ 105,907.05 Notes: CDW did not provide pricing on all items Shi's costs are inclusive of 2 extra PCs for Lake Bluff RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Village waive the formal bid process and purchase 41 computers through the GovITC at a price not to exceed $24,579.62. as s U L a L a E 0 U 00 N Packet Pg. 49 8.E.a Approved Consortium Hardware List Buffalo Laptops Grove Qt Dell Latitude E7470 - Intel Core i7-66000 2.3GHz/8GB RAM/256GB SSD/Win 7 Pro - 3yr Basic Warr Dell Latitude E7470 - Intel Core i5-62000 2.3GHz/8GB RAM/128GB SSD/Win 7 Pro - 3yr Basic Warr Dell Latitude E5470 - Core i5-6300HQ 2.3 Ghz/4GB RAM/5000B HD/Win 7 Pro - 3yr Basic Warr 7 Dell E-Port Replicator Docking Station Dell 3 Year Accidental Protection Rugged Laptop Dell Latitude 14 Rugged 5404 - Core i5-4310U 2.0 Ghz/8GB RAM/128GB SSD/ Win 7Pro - 3yr Basic Warr USB Docking Station Dell 3 Year Accidental Protection Desktops Dell OptiPlex 5040 SFF: Core i7-6700 3.4GHz/8GB RAM/256GB SSD/DVDRW/Win 7 Pro AMD Radeon R5 340X, 2GB, HH DP, SL-DVI-I / 3 Yrs Basic Warr Dell OptiPlex 5040 SFF: Core i5-6500 3.2GHz/8GB RAM/256GB SSD/DVDRW/Win 7 Pro 3yr Basic Warr Dell OptiPlex 5040 SFF: Core i5-6500 3.2GHz/4GB RAM/500GB HD/DVDRW/Win 7 Pro 3yr Basic Warr 34 Dell OptiPlex 3040Micro - 1 x Core i3 6100T / 3.2 GHz - RAM 4 GB - HDD 500 GB - HD Graphics 530 - GigE - Win 10 Pro 64-bit /Win 7 Pro 64-bit downgrade Microsoft Tablets Microsoft Surface Book - with detachable keyboard - Core i5 63000 / 2.4 GHz - Win 10 Pro 64-bit - 8 GB RAM - 256 GB SSD -13.5" touchscreen 3000 x 2000 - GF 940M - Wi-Fi - silver - kbd: English - North America - commercia Microsoft Surface Pro 4 - no keyboard - Core i7 665OU / 2.2 GHz - Win 10 Pro 64-bit - 8 GB RAM - 256 GB SSD - 12.3" touchscreen 2736 x 1824 - Iris Graphics - Wi-Fi - silver - commercial Microsoft Surface Pro 4 - no keyboard - Core i5 63000 / 2.4 GHz - Win 10 Pro 64-bit - 4 GB RAM - 128 GB SSD - 12.3" touchscreen 2736 x 1824 - HD Graphics 520 - Wi-Fi - silver - commercial Microsoft Surface Dock Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Type Coker (Keyboard) Microsoft Complete Accident Protection Surface Pro 4 - replacement 3 years Microsoft Complete Accident Protection Surface Book - replacement 3 years $ 24,579.62 E 0 U 00 N O N t 7 a U a v H O C9 0 aEi c m t U M Q Packet Pg. 50 Action Item : Authorization to Negotiate with Reliable Property Services ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. Staff seeks authorization to negotiate with Reliable Property Services Inc., to expand their landscape maintenance services to include the Village Campus and Village Green. ATTACHMENTS: • Memo - Reliable 2016 (DOCX) Trustee Liaison Johnson Monday, July 18, 2016 Staff Contact Brett Robinson, Finance Updated: 7/14/2016 11:57 AM Page 1 Packet Pg. 51 11.A.a VILLAGE OF BUFFALO 101j," DATE: July 8, 2016 TO: Dane Bragg FROM: Brett Robinson, Purchasing Manager SUBJECT: Reliable Property Services BACKGROUND is In 2015, the Village engaged the services of Reliable Property Services to maintain both of the Village's golf courses. Reliable has provided excellent service and have received numerous compliments on the condition of both golf courses. In June the Village outsourced the landscape maintenance of 150 acres of green space. The landscape maintenance of the Village Campus and Village Green tends to be more involved than the maintenance of medians and retention/detention basins. As such, Staff is requesting approval to engage Reliable Property Services in negotiations to provide landscaping and snow removal services for the Village Campus and Village Green, if it is cost effective to do so. Due to the fact that Reliable already has staff and equipment on site, it may be a more efficient way to provide the service. Staff would also like to explore with Reliable Property Services the possibility of contracting some capital improvements at each of the golf courses. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Village Board provide authorization to negotiate with Reliable Property Services for additional landscaping and snow removal services for the Village Campus and Village Green, as well as, capital improvements at both golf courses. If negotiations are successful, staff will be back before the Village Board to seek approval of any contract documents. Packet Pg. 52 Action Item : Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency Withdrawal ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recommendation of Action Staff recommends the Village Board direct the Village Manager not to rescind R-2016-10 and to withdraw from IRMA. Attached is Resolution R-2016-10 which gives notice to IRMA that the Village will withdraw its membership. The Resolution gives the Village Manager the authority to revoke the resolution which would allow the Village to remain in IRMA. Staff recommends leaving IRMA and negotiating with a broker to provide a fully insured program outside of IRMA. Subsequent to the July 11 Committee of the Whole presentation, additional information was sought and provided concerning IRMA's future pricing, ability to re-enter the pool, etc. After a thorough analysis of the information provided and previously developed, staff recommends withdrawing from IRMA and pursuing a standalone risk management program. It is staff's opinion that future cost containment of the risk management program requires a more tailored approach than can be provided by the IRMA plan given the Village's size, scope, non -liability generating revenue streams and pay-as-you-go financing approach. An example motion is to affirm R-2016-10, adopted March 28, 2016. In this case, an affirmative vote of "aye" represents the intent to withdraw from IRMA, while a vote of "no" indicates the intent to stay within the IRMA program for the 2017 plan year. If the Village wishes to continue membership in IRMA, notice must be given on or before July 26, 2016. ATTACHMENTS: • 2391 (PDF) Trustee Liaison Berman Monday, July 18, 2016 Staff Contact Dane Bragg, Office of the Village Manager Updated: 7/14/2016 2:38 PM Page 1 Packet Pg. 53 11,B.a 3/25/2016 RESOLUTION NO.2016 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE TO ISSUE A REVOCABLE WITHDRAWAL NOTICE TO THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK MANAGEMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove ("Village") is and has been a member of the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency ("IRMA") which has served as the Village's primary risk management and insurance provider for numerous years; and WHEREAS, the Village is in the midst of conducting due diligence regarding the pricing and services provided by IRMA as well as other potential risk management and insurance carriers; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the Contract and Bylaws of IRMA, a member must give at least 120 days notice prior to withdrawing from IRMA as a member, but must also provide such notice at least nine (9) months prior to the end of IRMA's fiscal year in order to receive its Member Reserve Funds back; and WHEREAS, the Village currently has approximately $460,000 in the Members Reserve Fund; and WHEREAS, IRMA's executive director has indicated that failure to provide this notice nine (9) months prior to the end of IRMA's fiscal year would in fact result in a forfeiture of the o Village's Member Reserve Fund if it were to withdraw after that nine month period during this fiscal year; and WHEREAS, IRMA's executive director also indicated that such notice of withdrawal rn N may be revoked should the Village decide to stay with IRMA after the completion of its due diligence; and = U t0 WHEREAS, the provisions of IRMA's Contract and Bylaws and IRMA's refusal to waive those provisions have forced the Village to issue a revocable notice of withdrawal; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove believe it is in the best interests of the Village and its residents to preserve its right to withdraw from IRMA and secure its Member Reserve Fund should the results of the Village's due diligence reveal a cost savings requiring it to withdraw from IMRA, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The foregoing findings and recitals, and each of them, are hereby adopted as Section 1 of this Resolution and are incorporated by reference as if set forth verbatim herein. Packet Pg. 64 11,B.a SECTION 2: The President and Board of Trustees authorize that a notice be given, by the Village Manager or his designee, to IRMA's executive director notifying IRMA of the Village's intention to withdraw from IRMA this fiscal year pursuant to Article IV of IRMA's Contract and Bylaws. SECTION 3: The President and Board of Trustees hereby authorize that such withdrawal be revocable and that the Village Manager is authorized, in his discretion based upon the results of the Village's due diligence, to revoke the withdrawal notice by sending the same to IRMA's Executive Director. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. All prior resolutions, motions and orders in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, to the extent of such conflict. AYES: 6:_........:.... .�"�.r'..,.h�e..ia.._._._.f....t;e�atx.�..i. r� Weidenfeld, Johnson NAYES: onp,co co ABSENT: U -none _.... ._.._.. _._.......................... ABSTAIN: w..._U.........-.........tic ne. ....--...........................................................w..vw............... ........ ._ Q PASSED: Mar .h 28, 2016 52016 °= o APPROVED: March 28 2016, , 2016 ,ro rn N ATTEST: JAN N 4 SIRABIAN, Village Clerk APPROVED- m E BEVE 1.1SSMAN, Village President 2 Packet Pg. 55 Resolution No. R-2016-19 : Resolution Authorizing the Village Manager to Negotiate with Risk Management and Insurance Companies for Insurance Services ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval. As discussed at the June 11th Committee of the Whole meeting, if the Village Board votes affirmatively to leave IRMA and pursue a fully insured solution, the Village Board should pass the attached resolution allowing the Village Manager to negotiate for insurance services and in accordance with the Proposal of Insurance dated May 26, 2016 and addenda, provided by Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc. ATTACHMENTS: • A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE WITH RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE COMPANIES FOR INSURANCE SERVICES (DOC) Trustee Liaison Berman Monday, July 18, 2016 Staff Contact Dane Bragg, Office of the Village Manager Updated: 7/14/2016 2:24 PM Page 1 Packet Pg. 56 11.C.a 7/13/2016 RESOLUTION NO. 2016 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE WITH RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE COMPANIES FOR INSURANCE SERVICES WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove ("Village") is and has been a member of the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency ("IRMA") which has served as the Village's primary risk management and insurance provider for numerous years; and WHEREAS, the Village is in the midst of conducting due diligence regarding the pricing and services provided by IRMA as well as other third -party risk management and insurance companies; and WHEREAS, the Village, as part of its due diligence, desires to negotiate with risk management and insurance companies to obtain the same or comparable services and protections IRMA has provided the Village; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The foregoing findings and recitals, and each of them, are hereby adopted as Section 1 of this Resolution and are incorporated by reference as if set forth verbatim herein. SECTION 2: The Village Manager, or his designee, is authorized and directed to negotiate the terms of service, including pricing and scope of service, from one or more risk management and insurance companies for said company to provide comparable insurance coverage and services to those that were once provided to the Village by IRMA. SECTION 3: The Village Manager is directed to provide to the Village Board a proposal, after financial information and comparables pricing has been obtained and analyzed. SECTION 4: No agreement shall be valid or binding upon the Village without the approval and authorization from the Village's Corporate Authorities. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. All prior resolutions, motions and orders in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, to the extent of such conflict. AYES: NAPES: ABSENT: Packet Pg. 57 11.C.a ABSTAIN: PASSED: .2016 APPROVED: 2016 ATTEST: JANET SIRABIAN, Village Clerk ":• "D 2 BEVERLY SUSSMAN, Village President Packet Pg. 58