1996-078 - APPROVING A PRELIMARY PLAN FOR SPECIAL USE - BUSCH GROVE COMMUNITY PARK - 12/02/1996 11/27/96 ORDINANCE 96- 78 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR A SPECIAL USE IN THE RESIDENTIAL ESTATE DISTRICT, VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES,ILLINOIS. Busch _Gmg Community Park. Northeast -Active Park F SopthyEgal corner of Busch ReadlBuffato WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit by virtue of the Illinois Constitution of.1970; and, WHEREAS, the real property legally described in EXHIBIT A("Property") attached hereto is zoned in the Residential Estate District with a Special Use for public park facilities pursuant to an Annexation Agreement dated March 20, 1995 approved by Ordinance 95-26; and, WHEREAS, Exhibits D and E to said Annexation Agreement were Concept Plans depicting the location of various recreation areas and facilities on the Busch Grove Community Park property; and, WHEREAS, the Buffalo Grove Park District as owner and"Developer" of the Property has requested the Village's approval of a Preliminary Plan proposing active use park facilities including in-line skating rinks, basketball courts, volleyball courts, a soccer field, shelter building, nature center, parking lot and outdoor lighting on the approximately 10.5-acre area in the northeast portion of Busch Grove Community Park pursuant to the following exhibits: EXHIBIT A Legal Description EXHIBIT B Busch Grove Park Master Plan dated as last revised July 29, 1996 by Lindley and Sons, Inc. EXHIBIT C Busch Grove Park Northeast Site Improvements Preliminary 2 Site Features Plan dated as last revised September 6, 1996 by Lindley and Sons, Inc. EXHIBIT D Busch Grove Park Northeast Site Improvements Preliminary Utility Plan dated as last revised September 6, 1996 by Lindley and Sons, Inc. EXHIBIT E Busch Grove Park Northeast Site Improvements Preliminary Grading Plan dated as last revised September 6, 1996 by Lindley and Sons, Inc. EXHIBIT F Busch Grove Park Northeast Site Improvements Preliminary Landscape Plan dated as last revised September 6, 1996 by Lindley and Sons, Inc. EXHIBIT G Parking analysis EXHIBIT H Elevations of Busch Grove Community Park Shelter dated July 17, 1996 by Williams Associates Architects, Ltd. GROUP Outdoor lighting specifications, including Photometric plots for EXHIBIT I parking lot (dated June 21, 1996 ), in-line skating rink (dated April 9, 1996), future recreation rink(dated June 30, 1996) and basketball and volleyball courts (dated April 30, 1996) WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing concerning the request for approval of the Preliminary Plan was given and the public hearing was held by the Buffalo Grove Plan Commission; and, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission determined that the Preliminary Plan is consistent with the Concept Plan approved as Exhibits D and E to the Annexation Agreement dated March 20, 1995, and the proposed development is appropriate for the Property and will be compatible with adjacent properties; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees after due and careful consideration have concluded that the development of the Property on the terms and conditions herein set forth would enable the Village to control development of the area and would serve the best interests of the Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: 3 Section 1. This Ordinance is made pursuant to and in accordance with the Village's Zoning Ordinance, Development Ordinance and the Village's Home Rule powers. The preceding whereas clauses are hereby made a part of this Ordinance. Section 2. The Corporate Authorities hereby adopt a proper, valid and binding ordinance approving the Preliminary Plan(EXHIBITS C, D,E and F ) and supporting EXHIBITS G,H and I, subject to the conditions set forth in Section 3 of this Ordinance. Section 3. Development of the Property is subject to the following conditions: A. The Park District is required to install a street light at the driveway on the Property connecting to Buffalo Grove Road and two streetlights along Busch Road as part of the initial phase of development of the Property. The remaining streetlights along Busch Road and Buffalo Grove Road as required by Section 16.50.100.C. of the Development Ordinance will not be required to be installed for a period of five years from the date of this ordinance or until planned improvements to said roads are completed by the Lake County Division of Transportation, as determined by the Village. The Buffalo Grove Park District will install street lights in accordance with standards of the Village Development Ordinance when directed to do so by the Village. In order to assist the Park District in funding said streetlights, the Village shall use its best efforts to obtain federal funding for said streetlights. B, Parkway trees along Busch Road and Buffalo Grove Road as required by Section 16.50.120.A. of the Development Ordinance will not be required to be planted until planned improvements to said roads are completed by the Lake County Division of Transportation. After completion of said road improvements, the Buffalo Grove Park District will plant parkway trees in accordance with the standards of the Village Development Ordinance when directed to do so by the Village. C, Parking shall be constructed in accordance with the schedule of completion of active use facilities as represented by the Buffalo Park District in EXHIBIT G attached hereto. D. Outdoor lighting is approved pursuant to GROUP EXHIBIT I, subject to final review and recommendation by the Village Appearance Commission. Lighting for the parking lot shall be completed prior to or simultaneous with installation of lighting for the active use park facilities. Outdoor lighting for active use facilities shall be turned off by 10:30 P.M. each day. Lighting for the parking lot shall include timed security lights as recommended by the Buffalo Grove Police 4 Department, E. Signs depicted on the attached exhibits are not approved by this Ordinance, and are subject to approval by the Village Appearance Commission. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after its passage and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. AYES: 6 - .Mariygnthal. Reid, R,ubin. Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAPES: 0 - None ABSENT:0 - None PASSED: December 2 1996 APPROVED: December 2 1996 ATTEST: APPR illage Clerk SIDNEY AIMATHDIAS, Village President EXHIBIT A Legal Description BUSCH GROVE COMMUNITY PARK Parcel 2, Annexation Agreement approved by Ordinance 95-26: The Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, (except the East 51 feet lying south of the north 33 feet thereof,) in Lake County, Illinois. NORTHEAST SITE IMPROVEMENTS, COMMON DESCRIPTION: The approximately 10.5-acre parcel in Busch Grove Community Park at the southwest corner of Busch Road and Buffalo Grove Road. Busch Grove Community Park r ~'�iIZYI C Tort east Site Improvements PARKING 10.5 acres of open space (43,560 s.f. x 10.5 acres = 457,380 =5,000 s.f. = 91.47 stalls Village requirement = 92 parking spaces based on 1 stall per 5,000 s.f. of open space Soccer Vehicles 15 participants per team x 2 teams 30 V'olleYbll 5 participants per team x 4 teams 20 Basketball 5 per team on full court x 2 teams 10 3 per team on '/2 court x 4 teams 12 1n-I..ine Skatin 10 participants per team x 2 20 Fast Pitch 'Nall 3 participants 3 Other 6 101 Peak parking demand based on all amenities being used simultaneously and each participant arriving in a separate vehicle. It is presumed that it will be one car for two people which would require 51 stalls in the initial phase of development. Park district proposes 55 parking stalls plus three handicap stalls in the initial phase of construction. 42 stalls plus one handicap stall are proposed when future amenities are constructed. Total parking stalls will be 97 plus four handicap stalls when this portion of the site is completed. Park district plans to bid out future parking as alternate in first phase of construction and hopefully afford to install the parking at same time. Over please The construction of Phase I will take place over spring and summer of 1997. Soccer field will be seeded in early September of 1997 and would not be scheduled for use until turf is established. The earliest for scheduling this field would be fall of 1998. If the alternate bid for future parking is not accepted during the 1997 bid then it would be incorporated in the Fiscal Year 1998-99 budget and installed in summer of 1998 prior to the fall soccer season. Busch Grove Community k EXHIBIT H Northeast Site Improvements CEDAR SHAKE ROOF `y4 CEDAR TRIM 1. NCRETE BLOCK C UT STONE BAND 1�STEEL I IOLUMN-PAINTED OPTIONAL CUI STONE ENCASED JT STONE BAND STONE VENEER Ila. ,r HOLLOW METAL DOOR AND FRAME-PAINTED E, T EEV0 CEDAR SHAKE ROOF CONCRETE BLOCK „M GLUE-LAM BEAM a CEDAR TRIM QCUT STONE BAND O STEEL COLUMN-PAINTED OPTIONAL CUT STONE ENCASED CUT STONE BAND STONE VENEER - HOLLOW METAL DOOR AND FRAME-PAINTED SUUT"M ELEVATKON muzoun O _ Y PARK t ELT 17 JULY 1996 SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" 4 2 8 wiiliams/associates/architects, ltd. pwrAn 210 north heWwheatonJiffimis 60187A 081 221-1M2