1958-016 COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE 08-13-1958 ORDINANCE NO. ,16 COMEMNSIYEZON FCC ELLN NPB IDefinitions...... .... .... .......WW.WWWWY KWW WW 1.01 II Districts and Botmdaries... ...... .. #00* 2.01 III "AP Residence District 3.01 IV "A" Residence District Regulations......#04 4#01 V "B" Local Bqsiness District Regulations.... 5.01, Zvi. "C" Light Industrial District Regulations.. 6.01 il "D11 Utility District... 6.000#*.... . 7001 "Fill Board of Appeals - Variations... ... . 8.01 Ix Amendments - Enforcement... .......#.....#*0' 9.01 Zoning ..... ........ Attached C0XP'r'ff3HENSLVE ZONING OIDMANCE WHEREAS the question, of adopting, a a ampre hens Ive zonliaer, ordinance for the village, setting up zoning dis- tricts, bound&rtes and regu].,Rttons to be enforeed 'Was referred by. ordInance to a zoning commtssion previoasly passed; and WHEREAS the zoning comnIssion so oreated. was duly. a P pointed by the President with ti~je approval, of, t he Board, of Tt-tistees; and Wffl'eRBAS the said zoning commission has prepared a tentative zoning ordInELnee and has held public hearings thereon, after due publication as required by law; and HERS the zoning commission has made its report to the Board of Trustees recommending the adoption of such a comp.rehensive ordinance substantially in the folloving Corm: Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Vl,,IIFLge of' Buffalo Grove, that-. ARTLC,111 I Def initions 1001 Ests!`a11,8?unent - oonstraction. For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain terms and words are hereby, defined. Words used in the, preaent tense shall include the future, the aingular number sh,all - 1 - incliade Lelo plural and the pluvtkI the singlAlar ; tlia word "Buidling" shall inc lade the ward nm 1,t!r,, -oature" and tkae word "ahall" 1.9 mandatory and not directory. 1.02 Aa-oessory Laild�L a&s. A subordinate biallding or a, portion of the �main building, the use of w111.0,11 is incidental to that of the main building or to the maj,rj use (,>f tjjf.) pro,�njses. kri acoes3ory use le one whiGh Is inaidental to :the main use of tkie premieses. 1-03 Ll I e A j,')ublic or private tin orouj,hfare which afford3 only as sa(nondary means of access to property abuttL,t,11 thereon. fP I�Lart"rift.�it. A rroom or sultan of rot)MS irl a MArltiple or two-family dwelling, or where more than one living unit Is established above non-residentla.1 uses, intended or designed for u.se as as residence by an, single feinily. 1-05 Akartment House,. as Dwelling, Multiple,. ix6 Basement. A story having part but not lesa than two-thirds (2/3) of its height below grade. A ba5ement shall not bray raounted as as story for the gnu rpoise of heig],.it regulation, 1-07 Boardiniz, LR. h,�us e. A building othor than a otel where, fox, compensaLion, mes.1s, or lodging and meals, are provided for three (3) but not more than, tw(-.tive (12) persans. - 2 - 1.(,)8 BuLUd',tri * Any structure designed or intended for the Support, enclosure, shelter or protection of Persons, animals, chattels, or property. nay, a structure Is divided Into sep&rate parts by un- Piercled walls extending from the ground up, each part is deemed as separate Inailding, 1.09 Lulldt trkt 2f. The vertical distance from the grade to the highest point cif the eopin,g of a flat roof or to the deek line of as mansard roof, or to the Mean height level between eaves and ridge, for gatde, hip and gambrel roofs. 1.10 Cellar. A story having more than one (1/2) of its height below grade. A cellar Is not included in computing the number of stories for the purpose of height Yneasuremants 1111, District# A section or, sections of the Village of Buffalo Grove for which the regulations governing the use of buildings and premis,es, the: height of buildingps, tile size of yards, and intensity of use are uniform, 1012 Dwellin a. A,ny building or portion thereof, but not an tr,Riler, which is aesigned, wad used exclusively for residential purposes. 1.13 LweljLn A building designed, for or occupied exclusively by one family. 1-14 RML111,na, Tw o-L qaLlX. A building dealgned for or occupled exclusively by two f"jilles. - 3 - -15 DEILLiT17, hy. ti le. A building designed f ot, or ..L _1p oaaupied exclusively by move than two f�milies. fe i.,L6 Lam 1-. One or more rsons ocoupying a premisOs La and living as a single housekeepin-9 unit, whether or not related to each other by birth, adoption, or marriage, but no unrelated, group shall consist of more than five (5) persons, as distinguisbod from a group occapylng a boarding houee, lodging house, or hutal, as k,jorein defined. 1.1,7 Farm. kn area which is used for the growIng of the, ii.sival. farm producta such as vegetables, fruit, trees, and grain, and their, storage on the area, as well as for the raising thereon of the usuA&I farta laotzlt.).,-y rind Hamm animals for tho use or oon- s,tunptinn of." the person or persons operating the fary.a. The term "farming" includes the cq.,eerating of s,t3ob an area for one or more of the above iases, Including 'the neoessary aocessory uses for treating or, storing the proclixoa, provid.ed, however, that Lhe operatAir)n of any surh accessory tAses shall be secondary bo that of V.,,in norrtitil farkimijig acti�ritles, and pr'ovided farttiler$ thLat fat-cuming do#,Iia not inaliuie the feeding of gax,bage or offal to swine o'V 'other animals. ".3tation. Any, building or premlsou used for the dispensIng, saL',, Or Offering fox' sale at retal.1 of any antomobile fuels or c)J'Ls. When the &Ispenalng, - 1� - sRle, or offeving for sale Is incidental to the conduat of a public gaz,age, the premises are alassified as at piYblie garage. 3_19 Frmlriaa. All. Propert;y on One side of an street L)etween two lnter.,.xecting streets (crossing or termiriating), measured, alon&z the line of the street, or If the street Is dead end(,�nd$ 'thon 821 Of the property sbutting on one ,,ilde between an Inter- seou ing street antl the dead, end of the stra(�,,t. 1 120 2ArA.Lxe, Pri.irste,. An accessory ton -11ding housing motor-driver, vehleles wbioh are the property of and for the 1pri.vste ase of the oacupants of tdle lot on whir,t, the private garage is located* 1.21 LmsrF.I&e, Public. Any buil(,Ilng, Or premises, used for hou,sing more then three motor-driven vehicles o.r W3e repair thereof. 3 .22 G:rade (a) For buildings having walls adjoining one street, orly, the establIslied elevation. or the s1dewalk at the center ear. the m,,M, adjolnii°ig tl e 3tree-b. (b) Fox, buildine,-a havIng walls adjoining more than one street, the Avert,,ngei of t1to establishod elemitionn c,,)f the side- walk art;, the centers of all, walls adjoinlng,y the streets. (e) 1,,1(',n1 hu.Lldin@:,s havlrg n.o wr421. adjoiriinL4 the street, t1le everage level of tlie finished surface of the ground adjacent t(,) the exterlor all (,ef the building. (d) AnY° wall appro,ximatelV paralle], to Faid not moi,e tha-A.n twenty (20) feet from the street line is tau be conaldered as adjoining the street. 2L:LLaL 13ovtses. A group of tiwc� (2) or 'more but not exceedir-ig .your (LO single-fmilly dwelllngs separated - 5 - by walls without pot more than two (2) rooms deep. 2 .214, 11ome Lxaet Any oc,,aLq,)p,tj,oix or professlon ,�IL _ oarried on 'by a menft.er of the Immedlate family, resIding an the 1,remlse�s, In oornclot!orl With Whluh, Were Is used no sign otber than a name plate not, aiore than. (,jne (1) as alas fa:(Dt 1u1 RX'ea,, eXCej,�rt as prov.Ided in, Articles 5 ar4 6, or no d1spley that will Indicate from tha exterior that the building Is WKS MUM Ln, whole Or- in pm"t for 9XVY' PIWPOSO othe..,r thnn that of as r1well-Ing; thssre Is no covanodity sold upon ti-Le, premises, no person is empleyed therm other than as mamber of the j!ngn.e(Ij.ate ftmily resldln3 Harr the promises , end no mechan1cal eqttlpment IS jjberj, msscept suo[n as is jperyvA.4 sable for purely diome,st.Tc or household purjx,�uses* 1,25 Hotel. A building In. Which. lodpring is j,,,)rov1ded Wid g offered to the public for aompensfttlon, and Whieb is opu a to tran.sient, giiests, in cm am ty aaal�..sxgx.trrua.tAl.anrr Uo as boardinEy, house (i,.r lodgIng house. 1.26 institution. A building occapied by at, r[,on-j.,)r,of.1t or or v non-profit estnb11shrw1ont for pu:blio use, 1.27 111ELIL Bapt. A build.lng or place where lodging is provided (or, whicb, is equipped. regularly 'to provide lodg jng) by prearrangement for definite period, for conVensation, for three (3) oxi, more, Init not exoesding twelve (12) lr.tdlviduals, not open te"u transient Fues C :t r r)r), g , ts, In c, mtrwilsti, toti, , to hotels open to transients, - 6 nv 1.28 Lot. A parael of 1P.nd ocoupled r.m Intended for occupency by a use permitted in this Ordinance, inc,ludin3 one (1) main buildi.r;tg together With its aocezaory bulldings, the open spaces and parking spaces required by this ordinance# 1.29 Lot, Corner. A lot abutting j1poll ttwo (a) or more streets at their intersectlon. 2.50 Lot, 22kth.cry'. The mearl horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. Lot, Double Frlont are. A lot having ra frontage on two (2) non-intersenting streets, as distinguished from a corner let. 1.3�2 Lot of Record. A lot which is a part of a sub- divis-11on, the MEP Of which has been recorded Jr,� the office of the Recorder of Deeds or as pareel of land, the deed to which was recorded in the office cyr the 11acorder of Deeds prior to the date of tjje adoption of this Ordinance. 1-33 Manufac,tuar� .au, or LnqusLa. Any use in which, the MAJOX� acti'vity Is the treatment, pray cessing, re- building, repairing or wholesale storage of material, products or items and where the finishad product Is not acquired, by the ultimate user on the premises, as distinguished from a retall use where the treat- ment, processing, repairing or storage, is secondary to the sale, exchange or repniring of materials or produots on the premlses. I 'Alt Non-Con T.Tse. Any building or hand lawfully 2 fox 1rin Z __ occupied by as use at the time Of PsSSS.ge of the - 7 - original, Zoning Ordinance or any amendment thereto, whialn does riot ronform ,�,,kfter the passage of the Zoning Ordinance or amendment thereto with the uise regulations of the district In which it is situated. 1-35 Lax°iri �Ltr_-e- A diurably surfaced ares, enalosed, In the main building, in an accessory building, or unenclosed, si,,ifficient in size to store onel (1) stan.dard autom(,ibile, and if the space is nanenclosed c omprising an errs of not less than one trandred and for'ty (140) square feet, exclusive of a, dw.,-ably surfaced, driveway connecting Lane parking space with a street ox,^ alley and permitting sptisfaotory ingress and. egress of Pan autorsobile. 1 .,36 Fls,.ce. An open unoccupled space other than a street or alley permanently reserved as the principal means of ecoess to abutting property. 1-37 aoonjLn� House. See Lodging Houee. L -- 1'.38 Servloe Establishments# Shops whereln the major activitioa are the repair and maintenw,me of wesring apparel, sportIng goods, and articles for use in, 'the horrie, inaluding household appliances. 1-39 Stable. A building accommodating one (1) or more horses. 3 -14 0 Street. All. property dedicated for pub.'lic or private street$ highway, freeway, or roadway purposes or sublect Lo essemeru,ts therefor. I That portion of a building, Other them a cellsr, Included between the su-rfsLoe Of arly fjo�r,)r and the suxafo,0.6 of' the floor next above it or, if there be no floor above It. then the space between the floor and the celling next above It. 1.tj,2 2L=, Lalf. A space under as sloping roof whieb has the 11ne of interseatioll of roof deoking and wall Pace not more than three (3) feet qtcove ttte top floor level, end In whieh apace not more than, sixty 1(60) per cent of the; floor area is finished off for use. 1,43 Street line. A dividing line between a lot, 'tract or PArCel Of ILuxl and s, con.tlguoiis street, 1-44 Structure. 11mything const;mcted or erected, that use of wbich requires Permanent locKtion onthe UOUXXI 011 attached ,tea scffle'1'Mhlng h.a.ving as permanent locatiora On 'the ground, ineltidAng but without lilniting tare Sey'01's-1.16y of the foregoing, advertle- ing billboards, back stops for tennis caurts, and, pergolas. .1 -45 Str�,Iotural Alterations,* Any, change In the support- ing members of a building, such as bea,ring w0le or PaPtititions, Cojl[1=18, bearm or eirders, or rAftV, substantitil change In t1le 1'00f or In ttie exterior wall's. 6, Tourist or Trafjer 2LM-P- Arl area Contalning one (I ) oju more striActures, desIgned or inLend.ed to 'be used E'ta temPDX'"Y living fscilftles of two (2) or more fam.1.3.1es, and interided primarily f011 atitomobtle - 9 - trax,siente or providing spaces where two (2) or more terIts Clx� auto trailers can be or are Intended, to 'be parked. .1 Traller. Any structure used for 11ving, s2.eeping, husiness or storage pLa�poses, having no foundation other than wheels, blocks, sklcls, jaeka, horses, or skirtIngs wad which is, Iias been, or ressonably can be, equIpped with wheels or other devices for trarjspa,,Irtlng the structure from, place to Place, whether by motive r-wower or other nteans. The term lltrt,11.16r" shall incli,%de aaartlp car and houze car. 3 J48 Yard. An opf.,.wn space, 01) tare saute lot with as building, nri000upled and unobstriacte('J 4 by any portion of a 8 ructure from the upwtird, except as ot�],,Clr- wise provided hereirl. In measuring 9, yard for the p,u.-pose of determInIng tjje width of a side yard, the depth of the front yard, or the deptia. of R rear yard, the mean horizorital diatanae between the lot 11.zle mnd the rriain build.ing shall be used, l.a a.r Lront. A yard extending scross tjaze fr(q)t of as lot between, tl,.te side yard Itaes, and being the minimiun horizon'tal d1stance "between the s,troet line end the rmrarlra buildin6 c, � any p,rc jeotion thereof other thv.;jj tile pr�041e(, . tion, of the u8ual steps. 101,10 Yard, Remr. A yard, extending across the rar4r of a lot, measured between, the side lot lir,,jes, and being the mintirum ho,'rizontal d1stance between tdie rear IOL line gind the rear, of the nirdn, bulldlng or any projectlons Othf,,r tIaRn, ateps. On both corner lots - 10 - and InhWar Wts the rear yeArd sh all, in all cases be at the opposite and of W; lot—from the froW yard. 1, 5 1 YRrd, Side. A �ard between t�ie Ynaln buAldlng and the side line of the 'J.ot, and extending from the front 3A line, to tivb reEu yard line. ARTIOLE 11 Watriats amnAl frAnurnAdvanles 2.01 Establishment of Districts . In order to classify, PaVAAte aml restrlct the looatloi)8 of traidesp Industries and the locatlon. of tr,tAjjdinga deslgne.,d for specified uses, to regulate eared, litrit the height and �,Dn2k of buildings herea.fter ei!!-ectecl, or att,octurail,ly altereld, to regulate and 11mit th.e: liften. 81ty of the uae of t;he lr,t ar6as, and to rer gi,r1F,ite a xid determlne the areas of yards, ra(�nixts rArO other open spames within and surroundings such bk�vlldings, tile V111,,ege of' El"uffs.lo Clrove Is hBreby di'vided into L,kie followirig districts: "AA" - flesidence DisUrlet "A" - WIN= DUMA "B" - a c ur,,f Rasa lness District "0" - LIght k1duatrial, Blast rlct 2.02 FWAS where 2MjertjjjjL — -- M- Mt�j ar�ISO- Where uncertialy,,ity Oxists Wh respect to 'the boundaries oif tfjn varJ,Ou� districts as shown on the RUIIP acmM)Danylng And made n. part of tits ,as Ordinagles, the followly1g, ar')ply: The district holi,tnd ass les exe eltPmr st reetaj or alleys unless Othmi"!m S"wwn and where tho districts designated on the map accompany- - 11 - t.ng aat,"i aaiaacter a,. part of t h u a Os:°att9.rtaaaac e are bounded approximately by street or alley linens, the street or ei1c,,:ttashall tee. c°,onstr^Tied to, 1,.ze ti°ee boundary of toir.aM district. Maeere the ai i s rt_e t boundaries are not othe.rwiae, irri:V`c.rataeri, and where tine property !sans>>a been or may hereafter be divided i.nbcia� blocks and lots, the,,, ri.,is r'aimet t.aacundaawr*i.e^tiu ihaall be eccu:ster aeri to be the lot lines, and rwi.raefre. the d i es h r i c.,t;a e ci e s I ra a t e,d on .i taea rrr e is aac e o:aau i ara°r;,ie 1rag and rrraaci.e ar paa.aw,tt of this iircttre.aarrce area bounded a air Tarre-rra1m.aa.tely by het 11nes, tt,,tre lot lines hall be construed to be the boundary of the cti.st tetas unless the bo rr°u. aeriere are other— wise .in ica,d,bed on the rar.aapw In eir°r.4 idlaaided pr cq.)e °t y the distrIct bor,Wjdsry line er on the retaa,p a rcreaorrjaaa:u:�in and. marde ar part of this Orr%inrT.r ae shall be da:aterrua-tned "had U°Is cft h`kae raa-rs:i.e appearing, on Lile Map. 2-03 1We�rdrrrt ATie o. ',i"imae boundaries of the ai:i.estr 1 orbs are shown su,imn the rraar.;l:e which is made aa. ifaer°tt of this Ordinance, which map is designated as the eeDistreiet 1Wlaai'>wmr The district rrasrp arndl all nrrtaatsiea: s.. rare'"erenccee ."e.nd eati°aer 1 r.:forrra¢'ataton Maiseearefn ti r:a"es,rerr. are az 1,',R:r"°'ta of u,"rsrd£raaarrres and, la n:a,te the same ;C.'orces and e:t'.i"ect as if the District Map and all do acute€;a't.ieara.aa, references and other Q:k:'aarm.dettwu ettrcawwn, thereon were all ful3y set t o ts'h,, or described trera°ain, tire oriz,a.r:aal of w1alch Distriat Map Is isruatsarrl',ir asuttLestaed ss.nah Is on, tW t.le W i t h the Clerk, op 't,r acr 2,04 ta,errra�rr¢ued IT iae,r^t y Any tx,,au.a,t or i.,ar°h.a hereafter annex(-nl to L1:o3 V 1.1 l at e shall be cr ca s e.fl f e d r.S within the ee,Warr re i.cieaafce di_etrae:Wt, unless s . ,ct.ii,c Pro ie:i.arrr tce the racarstrRry is r.naaciee by on ~a.anencisq nt,; to tt h i.a a t r('!1.n art r^e. 2.05 'i+`aaf,ul In street. Whenever any street, aal t.e y, or War Waubiwi.c way is Vr ,'i .vrtt,a=rd, the zonin d rtsrlc. t aratic nf:ng enut`s' side aa,G" such xsB;r@.+et, alley Eer° ;re B,ia way shall be autOMEAtiCRIly extended to Lhe center — 12 of such a vRcation., and 912 F,,kreii 1,ncluded In tte vac*dJcm qhcwlll then, and henceforLh be ejubject Lo all regulablons of the extended dis-, Mots. 2.06 Prohlld,t vicalatlons. s�awej,at as provided: (0) NO Sh&ll he erpoted, converted, en1srged, r noon structed my stmuct"rally Otered, nor, nhall any WAMnS or lan], be used exoelpt for pin,,pose 1,�ermitted In the d! afar,1.ct .1.'ia Llv.,e bulldlng or land Is located. (b) Na sha',11 be erected, converted, enlarged, recon,,str ed or, strn�i.rAur :,-,,JAY altered to exceed the ljjgrj, L�s t,jej e j r entablished for ti-le In whi,,,-Ii thf:+ is 10a,,,ated,. (n) No building shall be erected, converted., enlarged,—reconstruebw! = structurally altered excej,,�)t, in conforrilty cPvitfh the area rngulahlons of' tiae D116trict, in whiope the ballid-In.,cr Is 1ocuteld. cl The rr.InAintua and oth.er open spaces, 1r1c1UAJr19 lob aren, per raq�,A,re'd by this Ordirkence, for onch arid evt,.;ry buildIng existing wt Ww, tine of passage of this D:t,Mnan(�e oil, for Dila� Wall not be wwronched 111)"')II On Ca1 il.denyd. as YUPA M" open space requiremer,J3 ficor no ,Aher t)u1.1,d1rig ere,,at,ad or Structurelly alkeral M01 be loonted on a lot as Toneln tnd In rio cszie shall h1rP,,r16 INEI, ;woe thwi one (1) amin buildine on ane (1) 1,oto providad In WAA Ordlnance'. (f) TOD fnmt yinj on hot strecta, of a corner lot viall in YnarvNi for aj�t buildinen and buillings. AMOLE-III "U" Res 1der1-2L-2L!1LLL�L, It ohall. be arjL�nv[`ul to use o , oistri -�L - X c I Ac any ballding or to use any land W Um MU" Residenae - 13 - District in VIACOM r1l' WlY Of the ()r nf thL"3 article. Parm1bbed. Et ,ai-ji,w fA h �u,n].Rwru.1 to ins 8mty MIMS or land ltrn an "AP dk,,stj"lot for family dw,�111,ngs. 2. Prtvate gart-,,tges,w Tcnapiorary structarlea to arid work. �151-0 It ahal.], be lmlxtwful to use f,,�r I tract or lob in "AA" resldenco diitniot for any purpose other than a. ,paxk s'p,tcjj lot tract has an area of not leas thes, twE)'ItY bhOUSMld squ,.rre, 1711-,ret, a.n.nnat nn fr'ODtrL�CI or, -,t lea.st o)Le h.undred, (100) feet. t. Jetensi�jy, af No more" thwY. t1al-irty-fIve pNr cant oc tc)tal k,,,,rrja of R lot or tv�.:vit, In th.0 "AA" residence district shn.11 be ocauj,,Avd by bullrM IncludIna thm maln buildtng and ROWWOry IYUIVUngs. o 3 05 pr=L, SATI 2ad rmoawr .Zambi., In, the "JLO resl.dun e distriat Were sball, 'be the follovil.rig front, slde� E i'd reox yards: (a) FrOnt Y'a..T,,,dq Dept)a of frorit , *vrd to be T71,5FTy:-7T7'7 feet rvinlartxn, exoept where a building Ma as alrefkd,y been establishm:1 In ,uiy blor.,k % buildings on thirty (30%) per cant mr more of the lots in any *Iioh block in WhAoh, c re no build1nv, sholl project heyoml the average rront yar(:1 entabliahed, but this mguAtimi shall not remlrt,� a front ye.rd of more than f If by 50) feet . Tl-�,ere slLfill he R twAnty&Lve (25) feet m1nimum fr"ont; y,,irr'l, on eaWi MW street of a aorner lot. (b) Side Yard. NUnimum width of side yar(la 71' be -ten (10) feet. to) R11; 73rd. There shall be a vear .1 ard of r�ot 177—sthan thtrty (,50) feet, o,.v,, twenty- fl, e (21,ij1,4) jp(,:ar cent of the depth of' t1la lot'j, wl,,Lliahever anount In UW smaller. Frl,vwwto «,Jetaahed may be bullt lbo within ben C10) 1!;'nt of the rear lot line . Re,,vtr1otteak' . Tri th,e IIAO realderice rListrict no building shall axcee ft thlrt (30) f6)et in helght. Publio, or neml-pub'llc buildings, hoapl.tala, InstUntions or schoicls, w:h,en pern�o,V;ted in R. district, may be ereated to a h.elght not eYeeed.1rA[,,r sixty (60) feet ani alvarches and ternples may be to ('? ) e erect ed a helght of '&E�vent�'--ftvS 1 5 f 'et ir tho building Is set 1,'aaf!.k frarn each :jard 1.1ne one US for each A& of additional bulldlnf,l 1ielght, above the hieight 11,nAt oth"rwlao 1,!�rovldod Jri tP,je dintr0h In whlch the lootatiod. 3-07 Breg1,11 Uses. The following uses auq be permitted as speniql uses, by as amjoolty of an,ft 'Roarcl of Tri,tatees, In any d,,tStrlct 'In the munlolpality: Parks, Playgrounds, WIN or pnroahlal snbools, churc]lea ar, Teynipl�,wS. AFt3711',ILE IV "Al Residm Dlstrlat L2Luls tions. It ebAll W unlavyf�O, to use uiw any builling or bo us(.n any lwi�,l Irt bt)e "All ResIdence District In violation of" an.y (:�f` tho or restr-l('ttorFa ol" this 0 2 178run, JIM permIttal mes, inteas I ty of usr,a, and frAnim(.Z71 f"a:'Cwot, as rear, yajz d Lo t1je mats. District shall be t1le "A" Residenoe District. - M 3 Lde Y2,raj. Mlro?mumra side yarlds in the "A" ResIdence Distrlc,t shall be sj,x (6) feet, provided that Ln Un.'J; 1, Buffalo UrmM %Mivision, minimum sidn jards shpall grew ten (1n) feet. 4-04 long Qwnqw"ona. IL AM be uWAwnO to use smy traQ or lot Ln "10 Reslder�me D,1str1.ct for --arly gurpose rot ter tWui a hOrk oarless saah job Op trIct has an area of not Pap WWI six ttaoasajid,, six hundred (6,600) square Ceet and a froritagei of at J,east (60) feet. Lk Ell T—I "B" Local Bustnew, E A3 -rict 5-01 EA,Mj2LL1±j. It shall be unlnwfu], b r) as oy, any bull ding or to tuse any. land in the Lacel Ruslne3$ Diabriab in violation or any of the regulations or resl;r!.(°°ttons of t1:)1,4 artiole. Rea Permit0d. It shall be iin1,,iwfuj to ��13e 5-02 any lnsid, building or strachcre in the "B" Local, Busttjess DistrIS QP any WPM(,, othor tJrurtn the followlrig2 1. 2 Bokwi y wihc�se p(,,oducts sold s,L reLrL11 0.1"6 tl'Ie In T'3uffa,lo Grove. Barber shop wr "beauty sijoj,oa 5- Business or c,,�onanero-In.1 sckioiol, or danirLng 0,11 nnistc acaderay., 6. 0 a t 0'r, 1 ng, 0 a t u,OrM 11,3 hin e n It 7- and relpaIr shoj,)s. 8. Fi."Lltng sbatlons. 9. Howls. 10. flospltals arid clinlas for untmals, bnat not open, kicuariels. t. 6 or telegraph service 3Laitlons. 12. Of f 1 eas. 1-3. Painting and de r,ora t trig shops. ILi". Photo�zr'wapVaAc galleirles. 15. Public garages, exaeyt Visb the roprair or storagis portion olf such InAI1dIrkfr shall occapy, not rsov ttn.asxn stxty (60) pox, cent, of the total floor area and shall n(A be lem; than twontrILve (25) feeb rrom the fnont of the 'building axid no lot or portion bherec.)f staCIJ be txseid for the dISPIRY of, used oars. 16. Ranrer,°ittnn bixlldirig or stracture. 1q. Res as,urwAa. 13. 3a.iles ov tibow ro(:xmis 19. Service similar -to others Hated W UOY secti cart. 2U. Stmes or shops for the conduct, of' rete!ll, business., 21. Stor,es, fo the collection arld dIstrIbu.tIcn of laundry and Ary cle ease ing firticle�q, , but riot for the treatnverit, oleanl,uILv or procwmi- g su<,h artialas 22. Theatre or 5unusement except open air d.rlve-irk theatres, praovi,led, however that no theat:ve shall be erected or reconstructed unless there La provided an thp same lot, o:r wlthln, three hundred, (300) feat thereof, parkijn4!, space whloh Contains an arOa adeqttate to aocorimodatkds one autrsnobile for every eight (8) seats In the V,ieatre. 23. Tallar- shVs, dressmfilrAnk., estirxbliskiments end. atilltnery shops. 24. Television or radio repair WT and sales stores. 25. Tire repair, silops. 26. UwNrt"Ang asteMshont, prwdded Never, that parking spaes Surflelent Cor twonty (20) automobiles aihall be provided an the lot or awl.thAn three handred (300) Met thereof. 27- A&MMIsilIg sigins and bulletin boards subject to the sign ordDmnaeg of the, V1119,ge Of Buffalo Grove. - 17 - 28. D yet,nj!, ojid clesning works asj:ng wh<)ae base is of a Tnaterial wlilcla is not flaffmiable or as petrolaixm prod-uct, derl,vative. 29. Lsiindere tes and laundromats. 30. Taverns and shops disp�ensing or selline. alcoholic beverages at retail. 31. Bottltn,g jp].Rjits for soft beverages. 32. Job printing shops. 33. Pli�inblng shop�a. 3y.. Tinainithing Slaolps. 35- Ice storage and distribution station of n.ot, aior-e than five (5) to", O&Paclta;Y-, 36. Studios and conservatories . 37- Public Comfort 3Ga��Ionu. 38. FMI,ght stabions. 39- Labor a t orle a. 40- Par st Offices. 41, ElactrIc Power sub-atatiorls. IJ2 Roof tnL; and plastering abops. 4-3. Looksmitti, sharpening and grime Ing shops., )44- UP1,101atering stiops. 10 o PM-k or Playground. or PtLrocsjjfuj )47- C'hurc,-,h or Temple. 1.8. Accessory building3 wad uases eaa-bomg�jrjjy inx,llent to 'the Rbove Uses. Any primarily as for any of the above uses may lia"ve not more than stxtPy, (6o) per cent or' the f1o()-Yµ area dey,oted to industry or storage iflcldOntal to sucIi primary tise, Provided that not more blian ten (10) MPIO,Yees sball be engagred at any time on the prerfLises In such incidental USO, 5 Rdarzulqtions. latrl, ox, preintaa,2 La lbhe Local Business D.I.strict shall "b used far. any purpose unless there is provrided, on °tisorepremjsf�s or within W,,ree hund.red (3CQ) feet thereof, adequ&ta parking space, o�ff the street, to avoid traffio C Ong'estion. Where 8,, M'11LIPle family dwelling or dwelling faell-Ity Is constructed an akriy lot there shall be provided aiad maintakned parkIng space for on,a epr for eaoh fp,�,mily unit. Rierever as structure la erected or reconst!mzcted for any of the commercial PLU'lposes Permitted in as LocO, Business Dtstrtat there skiall bo.�a proviled parking spaces orl the lot in tile Patio of riot less than otie parking space for eac1-L W"iree hund.'red (300) square feet of fjoor sl:uace In the NA.I.ding is used, for conunercjal purposeis, e.Xrept that 911Y or establish- ment whose primary use Is to serve meals, Ituaches or drinks to patrons, either in their cars or in the building, shall provide paj.^king spaces or, tkle lot In the ratio of not lese, than one parking space for eikoh two lnutdred (200) square feet ()f floor 3PAce 1r1 thO building. Suoh parkin Pace may be located as it three (300) hundred feet of the building. 11'wo or more o%9rjers of iOay join together In providing thIs Parking spaae. AR11IO'LE V1 "C 6.o,i Re,z 1 at:J1.on a. It shall be unlqwfloj� to 1 0 na ; ue �ri - x3e or o tr t Luq balld.ing or to lase any land in t1le "C" 'j,jg ht 19 - Industrial district Jn Violation of finy of' the regulations or restriations of this article. 6.o2 Uses Land or bi,,,iildings in the "C" light, Industrial district may be used for any lawful. piu.,�pose not creating or causing A e 0r, c Uazard 'to the health and safety, exoept the follow- Ing uses which are prohibited In the 1101 light industria-I dlstriot.* 1. Abattoirs. 2. Acetylene Gas ManufEicture. AcId Manufacture. Amonin, B"LeachIng Flo wrier or C"Kiortne M anuf ac ture 5- Arsanal. 6. AspTvalt Manufacttire or Refining. 7. Blast Ai sous ace. 8. Boiler Works. 9. Brick, Tile ox, Terx% Gotta Mqtjufacttjr,e, 10. Candle Man-ufacture. 11. C82-2.tzloid Marnifactuxe or Treatmant. 12. Coke Oven,-). 1,3. Crematory. 11t, Creosote Tr~eatmen, or M�.,,inijfacture. 15. Dislafectant, Insecticide 0r Poison M Arvut f ac,t ure. 1.6. Distills-tjorjG of Bones, CCM1, or Wcmd. VT. Dyestuff Nlanufaotiure. 18. Salt Works. 19. 13auericreat, Sausage Or Bologna Manufl&,jcture. 20. Ship Yard. .. Shoe Blar!,king Dlanufae:tmjra. - 20 - 22. Smelters . Q. Sodr.k and Compound Manufactuxe., 21.p,. Storak Yrtx-dsi. 25- Stone M12.1 or, �,,,tarry. 26. Stove PoLlsh, ftanafmcture. 27- 3u1Nmr1,r,,, Nitric, Hydrochloric or Fiario Acid MaxAufs�,,,.ture. 28. Tallow, Grei rare e-, or Lt.i.rd Meniafacture or Rerining. 29. Tar 1Mst1,11mt1orj[ or M,�).nufar,,�ure. 30. Tar Fbafing or 'V'Vnterproofing Martufacture. 31. Tobmao (ohawlne) or Tr,,eatjaent. 32- Vinegar M snufar,-,t w,ire . 33- Wool Fulling or, Secaixing. 3� Yeast Flaunt Ard In general those iises which have been dealared a nuisan�,,,e In an3 court of record or MIA may be r,R)noxlous or, offensive 'by res3on of the emissim of odi>r# Ve"poll, dust, smoke, gp,s or nolse. 6.1,13 !±TAj;j R2jzjQjtVmy. No In.0,111n,g, lenrl or premises In "C" llghU 1ndLV3t['1R1 d1,9trict shall be tv3ed for any purpose unless thery A provIded 1xi thm promises or wMIn three Ivandred (300) flat thwoof adepate parking space, off the streetl . to avold trarfir, oongestion. Such apsee sk oA-Ll be suffialent to aco(nwaodate t1ae enrs of atll eraployees of," any Industrial, manufarxtavin3 ox oomav rcial meriL as well as all vehicles, Ine lixra l,rig truck3, of e,,,u1a1h1Jshxvent. ARFICLE V13. "D" Utll,jU� Dtntrlct 7-01 It shal.-I be anlawful to lxoq,M Or, to construct any buildln_g, or, to Lise any lar,A, lu,rs t�,,,e - 21 - aaiyaa Utility Mtr.lat, in iat ion of the regulations or, re�strinticn.s of this extial'a. . 7.02 pa,rrrnitrted Uses. N 1,)e to use any IwW nr MIME W W W Uhility District for sny purpose other th,,xn inul-udinZ but not limited "to sepmge disposal facilities T aal. wste:v I'scil"Aties, �Bort e ci Is o. Vaxlletlons a Creation nnd Meyr.,,ber�� The word "I.-,ourd", waerl ased In this, se&Um OwIl be construed to mean the Bc,)Rrd cat" Apy,jealn. The said. Board shall nons.,.Ist of seven (7) mewars appointed, by the Preatr.leant by and iP;ith t!.ao ncinsnnt of the Board of Trustees for v, five (1-),� year, terrre. OnP of' the mere bera of said B,,�ard t�e des,16cnated, by t'he', Prasldent, with the consent of the Village Botwd, as Ghairm., j of said Ecs,vd, am(l shall hold J-1.1s said. offIce Li.s Chairman wit il bi" succassoji, is tapj-�()inted. Such, Challmima, or In his sbawme tan WKS OhWwan, may administer oat h.a and compel the,,s atterol-ance of wi L ne,-,� ,es. The RrasIAJE� Ilt S1'!all haVE� tjuje poVqer, tO re-nnove any of Said Bovxd for avuse and &Xter a Padic hewqng. Vacaxva lee upon said, Board shall, be filled for the unexpirerl t(or2,,a of lrraa irne.n,aI,.erir wkiose pltv e hes Y.,)eccone vaoc.nt, Ln the nanner heroOj) provided for 1;h.e aprjolntjrjej,at of s,Ljcj,) yL, ) J�, e 8.02 MEAN All meeMmEs of t'kie Board of Ajppealks shell be )w3d at the call of t;),,le Ck'lairmcm or ant two merrber6 -aid at sucl�n, tj,wr-,,, c,�s suc�,� p�oc,,r, s ay - 22 - de t e rx,,,,k I i i e. All ssld. Board SI-101, N) oi)en to the- public. The Board shsl], keep minutem Of Its 3howlrig, the v(,,,t,e of each naem,,er opon eaoh question, w, 11' absent or faMnLz to vote, Indlooting much fact, W M21, also keelp r000rds Q Its hw,,Ar:,u.ngs and ottaer offlc,�-T.al. ficLIcgns . Findings of feet shall be WcMed M "Am Mutes of eaah oese of it xa"iqua afed. a�arletion, anal Wn reasons fora aae,matrsarursrrtt 1uu, or, denying suell, varjjeytjorj, sholl, bc; spealfled. Every rdle or ref,,'zulstlon, fl'%N"X`° alrtfaMW mail or repeel thereof, anc] every u,,)rd ear, decision or daterminntion of dam Board shall be Med %wedletely in the Office af tam Board and shall be a publia recu:jrd. The adapt its = rMes of procedLn-e not, I.n. ocn�fllct witI!,i thS Ordinance or witb the Illlnola Statuties III SLWh USSe mode and jprovideri,, and, may select c.r appolrit snicqj orf,,Trer,s as it deems n(.-ceusqlly. AlIE11. An ispeal amy be t&kfein. Li) tho Boarld of Appeals by any person, flrnt 01" or 'by any ofthar, department, Boaii,vl of Bu,reau affected by a dealslan of the BuildirIg Iri.s e V pectol? plfLtj e to Ws WAInmee . SUCh appeal shall be teak en witbin WWI tin* as shn,ll be presnrlbod by thei 13oard of Appeals by ganeral rule, bY fllir?,g alth the BuIld- ,Ing Inspector arad with the Board of Appeals as notice Of We el, apeoifyintr, the frrjund,s tl oreof. The Building Inspector shall fortliwit?i trknsrwJt, to the Boo,rd 011 of the PaPers constituting tbO record UP01) Whli(�It th#� action appealed fr,om was takell. An appeal shall stny EM. proceed.Ings in fear thex— ance of the action arpealed from, i.jrj2aqss the Building - 23 - lnspe,,tor certif to the Board of ApIpeals alfter thei notio,(a of appeal has been filed with btm thtit by reason of facts stated In tare oartificate as sta,y, would, In kois opinlon, cause bminen't peril, 'to life or property, in whieb ease the proceedings sha.1.1. not, be stayed otheridse than by a relstllaining o.rde.r, wh1ch mAy be E,,,,ranted by the Board of Appealm or by a court of record ori, application, on notiee to the Building Inspector nnd on due aeuse shown. The Board shal','L select a reasonable time a.ind place for the tIearing of the appeal and give due mart,trace thereof to the L.,rF.rtlea and. shall render a deciston on the ajppefAl vd.thout unreason&We delay, Any person rriay applear FLr& testify at the hearing, either In, persor or by duly authorized Vagent or attorney. R.0)4 Fee. A fee of 11;wo dollars (ter 2.00) shall be paid, at the time the notice of spj:aeal is filed. 05 Der lsion. 1',Vl).e Board may a sewer se or offirm Wholly or, 1,.rartly or Ynay modIfy or nn.mnd the onler, reqalre-- ment, decisioyt or deteriftinAti(ffl qppealed frm to the extent and In the manner, that the Fioard may dealile to be fitting and proper In the premlses, P o 6 Variations., Vfti.en as frope'rty owner ishows tilat as strict aPplication of the terms of this Ordlim.nco, relating to the use, cons traot ion, or alteratlon of" baildings car s tr'oet-Lire s, or to tl,,,Le use of land,, i1eP0803 txpoxi him practical dIfficulties op jjajx,j;jcujsr htardshtp, then the Board may make atich variations of the st"iCt aPPIA(lixtion, of the terms of 1,rJ .s Ordinance as Are In, harmony with its generr,�rj ptirpose - 24 and, intenA whean tko Roavd !Is satisfSed, ander thre ownAnse Word beMe At* that a, granting of' sov-,h vEWahJcm 032. not merely serve ;as a acnmenlence to the applWant, twit Is IMICOSS01"Y to alleviate some demonstrable hardship or diffivulty so t-,a as to warrant as varlstion in tto rcillowinT, ina�stanofl',M : To pr,rrmlt the extunimi of a district where the bmmdA,r line of a district divides a .1ot In siri,gle ownerslaij,) rirs show n on, r,ecord. To perM the reconstinaSion of a non -con fornifng baUding which hao been destroye',,d or damaged to PwLri extent or mn;T than ts y :-),,e,-r cent �(5o%) oft' vali:ie, byr f,'Ire, or not of God, or the public enemy, wlaeru the Eotard shall, ffind some compelling piab,�llc necowlty inquiring a oontlnn,-aatian or the non--conf 'rn�- Ing; use, but In no oaas shall s Ach a pe�r,,fvlt 'tree lsslaeel if its pr"mry function is to contUmus as amnopoly. To permIt the erentl(�cn Rnd use of a 1,,�a13(,JAn8 cr use, or Iri lonation for n 1,-nablic sF rvictq coTporntion ror pub2lo utility purpo.,,ie^r wh-Tch the Poard: deems raasonahly nee esse,,ry foil the Public con'Verilerce as, welfare. Tn We a vhrlance whe're, ",�ry reazon of an ex, eptlon- al aWntim, or jorojition of as spec lfi,3 pleoe of property, c"r by pmpsoir re'�)f exseptls)11'~tl nar':V'CrW- mess, ash nllowneas or shape A s s1selfic piece o:f property of record, or, try reasozi of exceptl(:r, l conditions t1g) strAct 0,11001on of any provision of this crdinnni,a�,* wsa,u ld, renult tn pecullar end excapbLunal MAIM Officultles or hardship upon the owner of propeirty and iuw°M llnt to a pract'Ans]., COMMMOWtion of property, as distingulshed - 25 - to such owner, 1,,,�rovlded such relief Con tf,,n granted. wltln.out s,fA)star,.tlal debritri,ent to Ibbe public gcod and, without substAntlally I m�t a 1.r i the Cene,i ql pu,rp,,)se, and, lnterj�t oi' th,e COMMOMMIM p1ma as establL,,Iihed 'ty the,.a Lin.td, provis,ions conttI,,L!ied In this Drdina,.nce. TO of" this Ord-I.nance "I toe �,,tx,e(A actua.11y cia the gr�,,Fi,.:�nd, vsvIes from thle ,,taMrr,a~.t tnn=utrs7t at,, shi.;�vvr. on t]ao Distrlc.A, fi:xinL, the sevierq] dtatriatis. To wolve tlae pnrkinl& v1vnever tiv. char acter or use of the, l..ritlirtlnurw Is such as to mnke the full q,,oviston of paxkinjg, Or Juck:r, vvo�.,tld Unpone, arse (11")Tle a r In hardsh1p upon the 'ane & tiv; lot, ws acniurasta,3 wjjj.j awrely grIvating an alvnnta, or a canNonlenae . To perMit q lot op try l�d,e and L,)Y mcriu t-'I r,ne main evi,,,)n thonrf,-L the Sri dtIl of t1a,^r lr�t und othor almilm, reldr sale nti may not be fully complM QW, =,» the dl.stance+a lnet era van the propoind nee and W-ipr C,iv 1,1,nv, a s:.�. 'r° :r , to We nAnSwun raqcilrenmarits a:)f' the MOM In which the I n h V,� �ua'd v.,Ia-aIl a1c"l, VIohl, '�aA��111 �"qq he �,r,,.-�VlhIe""A. 8-07 Vote Rte)-,ILjr In considering 01 appeals and W prwpoinl wsriations 'Lx, tlal,,,a Cirdinarics t1j;" BIoard shaI2, beVore makine ony vuvUltion fr,n,,,r). the Ordinqnoe apecific aan.se, f,*irst; det,"I'm''T'ne t'?IoL Lhf"� tinni WW. viat Th111j,)'u1-x"I an su' Ply of S.nl nip Lu aajment 1waparty, or sera n dab cuiable Ulareasm thr., COO le""On In WIN strsetm, Or Solsewn the dangn; - 26 .- thA­", P'11)11M WAY, W. tumauBonably diminigA or ImPair 1p�loperty vnluea withill the surrounding gnen, ot, cWther resrect tmps.�_r the publio health, safety, oomWt, rmra> or welf",e of the WhabLtants of the riu.n.LoLptill,ty . Pir,,W corm arring Vote c)f C'o��w �riedb�ers of the Board shOl Tm necessary tO revOrss wq an4r, requirement, decinton m, determina- tion of Me BUIA&Z lns�,:ceator, or,, to decide in favor of toe NT11CM my u'("')eon w1i'lich It, ts by this OrW)i iancei to renider as Notice. V"Le E'cWax,d shall, ma"k:M no for a variation oximpt In sl;:aeclf'V ease qn,a qrte r ,,, p 1,11c a u hearing oanducted. by Vno.,a I,r.Wermr mA ynotlae of the t1rae eTid tnlqce of such puhll�.,, Ig ShaLl T-o' places A the, J,eqst :r t,o the SUW1 notlee c%cri­ ,;,aln 'the or locatlon of t,ne At varlatinn by the Bonj,­l 1s as W3 a brief description nf tho rash us; A the verintion. 10 tali,[f'o'DE' 1X 9.01 ProassWre Ar Amendswas, No endment to U11,13 Ord',nwnr,';e to choxige tYie boand*,riHsor (11"S'tr lots Or the uses We que3t1 or-L of ad�q,-)tlnS suc,,,i re fe rred t o s ome a i sir or, t 6"ee f"n 1° fis pirvided T)y jqOti4" Of shall, os postpc'j Jr.r. th"eC 1e"MT11ric"�nt p1laces :1n the vIlLege noU Ass than Jul teen nor more thm, .&djty—"aYS recjulx,�"A, by law. a -. 0 i4,n 3 mi Dol r3u 11 olint"l 1,or�R I, "s "be tm, rif`ficer of the 9.03 It is the In'torO.,ton of' the Borunl of Truatmes that thla OmllncxncMe rah )ilrl be corksiclere Mpnr4blm, and thst tho of m.rty smA ton, 0 wise Or P31OV1 Si()tl Shall I-ItIV6 sirl )ffeat an the valTlIty of—eny ot'rmnv portlon, of' �,,;hls OvdlrLa,,.rice. PWMND this 13M day of kagmsQ K D. 195T, APPROVKD-. v 1 71—7 e a p� ATTESTaFa /5�7 28 STATE OF MLINOIS SS COUNTY OF C 0 0 K kFFIDAVIT OF POSTING The undersigned, JOSEWR L. WLVMOt being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That at the instruction of Paula D, lobese , Village Clerk, he posted a copy of the attached Ordinance No. 0-5&-16, in three (3) prominent" places in the Village of Buffalo Grovef to—wit: 1, The office of Buffalo Grove, Home Builderat Inc. and U. S. Post Office Sub—Station. 2. On the telephone pole at the corner of St. Mary"s Parkway and Buffalo, Grove Road 3. On the telephone pole at the 'vest end of Cx-estview Terra,ce., That said notices were pos,ted on the day of November, 19,58. SUBSCRIBIM AND SWORN TO bef ore, me 1 7 ' this ," LP" day of November$ A.D.p 1958. ......... ' Village Clerk a 3$ 4Yt n eo o 4 � W 3 _... _. UZ / 0tlAtlN I EX cy w C r a O pM37 do V , 0 • o Y 'w1' V 3NVl VONI13W = C1 V © W ���3AIMO,._ VNiVMIN Q O � J ,g� O anv aaam3soe tvo'� u z a U O I 37YtlN3L Nl07NYl 4 q m o 0 I N U N