2003-01-06 - Board of Fire and Police Commissioners - Minutes Board orCommission: ❑ Fire& Police commission Document Type: ❑A e g nda 0 Minutes Meeting ate: 01/06/2003 Type of Meeting: ❑ Special Meeting Village of Buffalo Grove Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Minutes of the Special Meeting of Monday, January 6, 2003 CALL TO ORDER and ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Jackson at the Village of Buffalo Grove Police Headquarters Building. Secretary Rubin called the roll. Secretary Rubin noted for the record that a quorum of the Commissioners were present at the meeting. The Commissioners present were Chairman Jackson, Commissioner Karge, Commissioner Rubin, and Commissioner Lane. Commissioner Anderson was absent. Also in attendance at the meeting were Police Deputy Police Chief Balinski, Deputy Fire Chief Pearson, and Village Staff Liaison Malinowski. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 3, 2002: A motion was made by Commissioner Lane, seconded by Commissioner Karge to accept the minutes of the Meeting of December 3, 2002 subject to corrections Corrections were noted and made to reflect that after the Executive Session, two motions were made. The first motion was made by Commissioner Karge, seconded by Commissioner Rubin to make a conditional offer of employment as a firefighter/paramedic to Carl DeCarlo. All Commissioners present had voted yes. The second motion was made by Commissioner Karge, seconded by Commissioner Rubin to make a conditional offer of employment as a firefighter/paramedic to Adam Dziedzic. The question was called and all Commissioners present voted no. The second motion therefore was not passed. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: The Chairman noted an email received from State Representative Mathias. A copy of the email is attached to these minutes. The Chairman also noted that Police Deputy Chief Lippert retirement party is scheduled for January 24, 2003. COMMISSIONERS' REPORT: None. OLD BUSINESS: Discussion took place regarding the Lateral Entry proposal of the Police Department. An formal proposal from the Police Department was distributed for the Board's review. Discussion took place. The Chairman requested all comments to be received by him from Commissioners within two weeks. The matter will be voted upon at the next meeting. Police officer 2003 testing schedule was approved and is attached hereto. The Fire Department resubmitted the Fire Lieutenant Promotional Exam Proposal to include a Tactical Assessment. The Board briefly discussed same. The matter will be discussed and voted upon at the next regular meeting. NEW BUSINESS: The Swearing in for Carl DeCarlo shall be Monday 1/13/03 at 7p.m. at the Fire Department Administration Building. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Commissioner Karge to go into Executive Session for purposes of Personnel. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rubin. Secretary Rubin called the role. Chairman Jackson and Commissioners Karge, Lane and Rubin voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. The Commission entered Executive Session at 6:40 p.m. The Commission returned to the Regular Meeting at 6:42 p.m. ADDITIONAL NEW BUSINESS: A motion was made by Commissioner Karge and seconded by Commissioner Lane to promote John Gilleran to Lieutenant. All Commissioners present voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. The Swearing in for John Gilleran shall be Monday 1/13/03 at 7p.m. at the Fire Department Administration Building. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made Commissioner Rubin, seconded by Commissioner Karge to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Secretary Rubin called the role. All Commissioners present voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Brian N. Rubin Secretary, of Board of Fire and Police Commissio