2003-02-04 - Board of Fire and Police Commissioners - Minutes Board or Commission: ❑ Fire& Police commission Document Type: ❑A e g nda 0 Minutes Meeting ate: 02/04/2003 Type of Meeting: ❑ Regular Meeting Village of Buffalo Grove Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Monday, February 4, 2003 CALL TO ORDER and ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Jackson at the Village of Buffalo Grove Police Headquarters Building. Secretary Rubin called the roll. Secretary Rubin noted for the record that a quorum of the Commissioners were present at the meeting. The Commissioners present were Chairman Jackson, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner Karge, Commissioner Rubin, and Commissioner Lane. Also in attendance at the meeting were Deputy Police Chief Balinski, Fire Chief Sashko, and Village Staff Liaison Malinowski. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 2003: A motion was made by Commissioner Karge, seconded by Commissioner Lane to accept the minutes of the Meeting of January 6, 2003, subject to corrections. All Commissioners present, except Commissioner Anderson, voted yes. Commissioner Anderson abstained. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: None COMMISSIONERS' REPORT: None. OLD BUSINESS: Discussion took place regarding the Police Lateral Entry proposal. It was determined that a Special Meeting would be called for Sunday February 23, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. to discuss this matter further. A discussion also took place in regard to the Fire Department proposed revision to the Lieutenant Promotional Process to include a Strategic Simulated Tactical Command Experience to be supervised by the Fire Chiefs Association. The matter will be discussed further at the March Regular Meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion regarding to continue to use an outside consultant for the physical testing element of Police Officer Candidates. A motion was made by Commissioner Karge, seconded by Commissioner Anderson to continue the use of an outside consultant. The motion passed unanimously. Staff Liaison Malinowski announced that a review of the questions used on applications is under review by staff and a recommendation for changes will be submitted to the Board at a future meeting. Deputy Police Chief Balinski distributed and reviewed applicant surveys/reviews submitted by Sergeant Candidates. Possible changes to future procedures based on the constructive criticism will be discussed at a future meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Commissioner Karge to go into Executive Session for purposes of Personnel. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rubin. Secretary Rubin called the role. Chairman Jackson and Commissioners Karge, Lane and Rubin voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. The Commission entered Executive Session at 8:30 p.m. The Commission returned to the Regular Meeting at 8:45 p.m. ADDITIONAL NEW BUSINESS: A motion was made by Commissioner Karge and seconded by Commissioner Lane to make a conditional offer of employment as a firefighter/paramedic to Mathew S. Mueller. All Commissioners present voted in not in favor of the motion. The motion failed. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made Commissioner Rubin, seconded by Commissioner Karge to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 p.m. Secretary Rubin called the role. All Commissioners present voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Brian N. Rubin, Secretary, of Board of Fire and Police Commissioners