2003-06-03 - Board of Fire and Police Commissioners - Minutes Board or Commission: ❑ Fire& Police commission Document Type: ❑A e g nda 0 Minutes Meeting ate: 06/03/2003 Type of Meeting: ❑ Regular Meeting Village of Buffalo Grove Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Minutes of the Regular Meeting on Tuesday, June 3, 2003 CALL TO ORDER and ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:35PM by Chairman Jackson at the village of Buffalo Grove Police Headquarters Building. Secretary Lane called roll. Secretary Lane noted for the commissioners present were Chairman Jackson, Commissioner Karge, Commissioner Rubin and Anderson were absent. Also in attendance at the meeting were Police Chief Balinski, Fire Chief Sashko and Village Staff Liaison Malinowski. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF: Chairman Jackson motion to correct the minutes of the regular meeting of Tuesday, May 6, 2003. The Executive session that was tabled until Saturday May 10, included a roll call vote for approving two candidates to move to the next step for employment to The Fire Department. The roll call vote for candidate Paleka was yes by all the Commissioners present. The roll call vote candidate Russell was 3 yes and the only no vote was by Commissioner Lane. A motion was made by Commissioner Karge and seconded by Commissioner Lane to approve the amended minutes. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: Chairman Jackson informed the Commissioners that Commissioner Rubin turned in his resignation to the board. His reasons for resigning from the board was, because of his business has taken up a lot of his time. COMMISSIONERS' REPORT: Commissioner Karge wants to change the order of the Physical and the Written exam. He has agreed to table this discussion until after we finish this set of tests. Commissioner Lane informed the board of the great time he had at Leo McCann's "Retirement' party. He also wanted to thank the police officers for their help with the written exams. OLD BUSINESS: Only 182 out of the 265 that attended the orientations showed up for the written exams. Only 97 out of the 182 received passing grades on the written exams, that's a 53 % passing rate. The test scores range between 37 - 98. The times were set at 9:OOAM, 9:30AM and 10:OOAM for the Physical exams to be held at Buffalo Grove High School on the 21 st of June, 2003. NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Jackson made a suggestion to streamline the procedure of each commissioner to read and examine the Polygraph, Psychological and background check on prospective candidates. A copy of the documents would be made and distributed to the commissioners and returned to Art. All documents are to be kept confidential. A suggestion that, the same company do the post and pre Medical Exams. Chief Balinski would like The Lateral Entry Program to be looked at again at the September meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION: At 8:47PM a motion made by Commissioner Karge and seconded by Commissioner Lane to go into Executive Session for the purpose personnel. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lane. Secretary Lane called roll. Chairman Jackson, Commissioner Karge all voted in favor of the motion. A motion by Commissioner Lane to offer employment to Paleka as a member of the Fire Department was seconded by Commissioner Karge. All three Commissioners voted yes. A motion by Commissioner Lane to offer employment to Russell as a member of the Fire Department was seconded by Commissioner Karge. All three Commissioners voted yes. At 8:50PM Chairman Jackson made a motion to come out of Executive Session and seconded by Commissioner Lane. The Commissioners voted in favor of the motion. Submitted by, Dr. Kelvin C. Lane, Secretary