2003-08-05 - Board of Fire and Police Commissioners - Minutes Board orCommission: ❑ Fire& Police commission Document Type: 0 A e g nda 0 Minutes Meeting ate: 08/05/2003 Type of Meeting: ❑ Regular Meeting Village of Buffalo Grove Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Minutes of the Regular Meeting on Tuesday, August 5 , 2003 CALL TO ORDER and ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p .m. by Chairman Jackson at the village of Buffalo Grove Police Headquarters Building. Secretary Lane called roll . Secretary Lane noted for the commissioners present were Chairman Jackson, Commissioner Karge, Commissioner Rubin and Commissioner Anderson . Also in attendance at the meeting were Police Chief Balinski, Fire Chief Sashko and Village Staff Liaison Art Malinowski. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF: Chairman Jackson motion to correct the minutes of the regular meeting of Tuesday, July 1 , 2003 . Commissioner Rubin was in attendance, Remove the word acting in front of Police Chief Balinski' s name and Correct the spelling of Fire Lieutenant Bob Deau' s name . Commissioner Anderson made the motion to approved the minutes and it was seconded by Commissioner Karge . CHAIRMAN' S REPORT : The Board need to review the post interview process COMMISSIONERS' REPORT : No report . OLD BUSINESS : Chairman Jackson informed the Commissioners that the final eligibility list with points added in was posted. The first 3 background checks has begun . Commissioner Rubin will put a package together to discuss the testing process . NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Rubin makes the motion to vote on Rule Sec . 4 . 02 of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners and was seconded by Commissioner Karge. The vote was 4 yes and Commissioner Karge abstained. Chairman Jackson opened the discussion on the order in which the testing is given . Chief Sashko will look over the suggestion and will report back to the commissioners on his opinion at the September meeting. The financial factor and the knowledge of the Doctors makes the usage of the Omega group in the Fire department hiring process a logical choice . All Commissioners agreed with this decision. Chief Balinski would like for the Commissioners to look at a possible candidate on the September meeting because of a grant that has been issued tot the department. EXECUTIVE SESSION: At 8 : 03 a motion made by Commissioner Karge and seconded by Commissioner Rubin to go into Executive Session which included Art Malinowski and Chief Sashko to discuss the 3 aspect of the newly signed legislation by the Governor. At 8 : 30 Commissioner Rubin made the motion to come out of executive session and was seconded by Commissioner Karge . ADJOURNMENT: At 8 : 31 Commissioner Lane made a motion to adjourn the meeting and seconded by Commissioner Anderson. Respectfully submitted, Dr . Kelvin C . Lane Secretary, of Board of Fire and Police Commissioners