2003-12-02 - Board of Fire and Police Commissioners - Minutes Board orCommission: ❑ Fire& Police commission Document Type: 0 A e g nda 0 Minutes Meeting ate: 12/02/2003 Type of Meeting: ❑ Regular Meeting Village of Buffalo Grove Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Minutes of the Regular Meeting on Tuesday, December 2, 2003 CALL TO ORDER and ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 6 : 48 p.m. by Chairman Jackson at the village of Buffalo Grove Police Headquarters Building. Secretary Lane called roll . Secretary Lane noted for the record that a quorum of the commissioners were present at the meeting. The commissioners present were Chairman Jackson, Commissioner Karge, Commissioner Anderson, and Commissioner Rubin . Also in attendance at the meeting were Police Chief Balinski, Deputy Chief Dan Pearson and Village Staff Liaison Art Malinowski APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF A motion was made by Commissioner Anderson and seconded by Commissioner Lane to approve minutes for the meeting on October 7 . Commissioner Jackson, Lane, Karge, and Anderson voted yes . Commissioner Rubin Abstained. A motion was made by Commissioner Karge and seconded by Commissioner Rubin to approve the minutes for the meeting on November 4 . Corrections to the minutes are to be made : The word role to be changed to roll . The word Fire Department Promotion Act is to be added to the chairman' s report. The Physical fitness test that is referred t in New business is in regards to the Fire Department. Commissioner Jackson, Lane, Karge, and Rubin voted yes . Commissioner Anderson Abstained. A motion was made by Commissioner Karge and seconded by Commissioner Lane to approve the minutes for the Special meeting on November 14 . Commissioner Jackson, Lane and Karge voted yes . Commissioner Anderson and Rubin Abstained. CHAIRMAN' S REPORT: Fireman Richard Schiradelly was involved in an accident with an ambulance that resulted in $500 in damages . He received 4 hours of suspension that has already been served. COMMISSIONERS' REPORT: No report OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS CONT. : We had a discussion on changing the time of the regular board meetings, but decided to keep the time as is at 7 : 30 . Copies of Nick Oto' s Polygraph will be delivered to the Commissioners . The Fire Department would like the board to review and consider making a conditional offer during our January meeting. Art M. reminded us that as of January 1st. the Executive session must be recorded. The recorder and the log will be kept in a file cabinet located at the Police Department. Hector De La Paz has received his orders and will graduate from the academy on December 12, 2003 . He will then be deployed to Iraq for a year. There is no news from the collective bargaining committee of the Fire department at this time . EXECUTIVE SESSION: At 7 : 52 Commissioner Anderson made a motion to go into Executive Session. It was seconded by Commissioner Karge . NEW BUSINESS cont. : Executive session ended at 7 : 57 . Commissioner Anderson made a motion make a final offer to William Mentzelopoulos . Commissioner Karge second it. All Commissioners voted Aye . ADJOURNMENT: At 7 : 58 Commissioner Karge made a motion to adjourn. it was seconded by Commissioner Lane . Respectfully submitted, Dr. Kelvin C. Lane Secretary, of Board of Fire and Police Commissioners