1996-046 5/30/96 3840329 ORDINANCE NO. 96- 46 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS VALENZIANO_RIG_HT-OFn.WAY, ABBOTT.000RT North of Twin Rinks Ice Pavilion, Abbott Court WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit by virtue of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and, WHEREAS, the real property legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto is owned by the Village of Buffalo Grove in fee simple title; and, WHEREAS, said territory is not within the corporate limits of any municipality, but is contiguous to the Village of Buffalo Grove and is uninhabited; and, WHEREAS, the Village has determined that said property is needed to allow construction of Abbott Court to properly serve the development of properties in the area; and, WHEREAS, notice of the proposed annexation of such territory has been given to the appropriate authorities; and, WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Village of Buffalo Grove that such territory be annexed to the Village of Buffalo Grove. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section_1. That the real property legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto be and hereby is annexed to the Village of Buffalo Grove pursuant to Section 5/7-1-9 of the Illinois Municipal Code (Illinois Compiled Statutes, 1994, Ch. 65), and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Buffalo Grove is hereby amended by classifying said property in the Industrial District. A true and correct map of said real property is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit B. Section 2. The Village Clerk of the Village of Buffalo Grove is hereby directed to cause to be filed in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County a copy of this Ordinance with an accurate map of the territory annexed. 3840329 2 Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after its passage and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. AYES: -Ma ndricks, Glover NAYES: o - None ABSENT: 1 - gnbin PASSED:-june -i_ lggfi APPROVED: June 3, 1996 ATTEST:.�� AIDNEY D: -y Faj+l,�t�z MATHIAS, Village President 1'0 r��r� 1 vfw rs 3840329 Filed for Record in: LAKE COUNTY, IL FRANK J. NUSTRA-RECORDER On Jun 20 1996 At 11:30as Receipt #: 22510 Doc/Type ORD Deputy - Cashier #2 3840329 Y-6 �� Ulu� �� EXHIBIT A ICE PARTNERS - VALENZIANO RIGHT-of-WAY LEGAL DESCRIPTION PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 28 . TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH , RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 6 IN OF FRILLMAN PARK , A SUBDIVISION RECORDED JULY 1 . 1887 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 35931 , IN BOOK "A„ BLOCK 3 THE EASTERLY "RIGHT OF WAY LOINELOFSWEIILAND. PAGE 6ROADN( LAKE FORMERLYNTY. ILLINOIS. AND GROVE ROAD OR FRILLMAN AVENUE ) : BUFFALO 39 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE SAtD EASTERLYSRIGHTUTH IOFDWgRELINE80FINUTES ROAD 213. 93 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST ALONG A LINE 1247. 58 FEET ( MEASURED EGREES 32 PERPENDICULARLY ) NORTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF NORTHEAST QUARTER OF AFORESAID SECTION 28 . A DISTANCE OF 392. THENCE NORTHWESTERLY 55. 05 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CIRCLE CONY NORTHEASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 81 . 00 FEET AND WHOSE CHORD E FEET. NORTH 70 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 14 SECONDS WEST 54. 00 FEET: THENCEEX 89 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 337. 13 FEET TO A POINT BEARS AFOREMENTIONED EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE; THENCE SOUTH 12 DEGREES SOUTH 18 MINUTES 39 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE 18. 460N THE THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GREES FEET TO 3840329