1996-048 6/27/96 ORDINANCE 96 -48 WALGREENS Northeast corner Lake Cook Road/Buffalo Grove Road Planned Unit Development in the B-5 Town Center District WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970; and, WHEREAS, the properties known as 15 N. Buffalo Grove Road, 25 N. Buffalo Grove Road, 45 N. Buffalo Grove Road and 55 N. Buffalo Grove Road, as legally described in EXHIBIT A attached hereto, are zoned in the Residential Estate Dwelling District pursuant to Ordinance 89-69. WHEREAS, the property known as 35 N. Buffalo Grove Road, as legally described in EXHIBIT A attached hereto is zoned in the B-5 District pursuant to an Annexation Agreement dated July 17, 1989 approved by Ordinance 89-55. WHEREAS, Parcel A as referred to herein and as legally described in EXHIBIT A-1 attached hereto, includes the properties at 15 N. Buffalo Grove Road, 25 N. Buffalo Grove Road, 35 N. Buffalo Grove Road and a portion of the property at 45 N. Buffalo Grove Road;and, WHEREAS, Parcel B as referred to herein and as legally described in EXHIBIT A-1 1 attached hereto includes a portion of the property at 45 N. Buffalo Grove Road and the' property at 55 N. Buffalo Grove Road; and, WHEREAS, the Dial Companies, Inc. shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Developer,": and, WHEREAS, the Developer and the owners of the foregoing properties have petitioned to the Village for approval of a Planned Unit Development in the B-5 District including Parcel A and Parcel B, rezoning Parcel A (the portions zoned Residential Estate) and Parcel B to the B-5 Commercial Sub-district, approval of a Special Use in the B-5 Commercial Sub-District to allow a drive-through service facility for the proposed Walgreens store on Parcel A, approval of a Special Use in the B-5 Commercial Sub- district to allow a single-family residence on Parcel B, approval of a Preliminary Plan for Parcel A and Parcel B; and approval of a variation to the Village Zoning Ordinance concerning minimum lot-area: and, WHEREAS, Developer is the contract purchaser of the properties constituting Parcel A and Parcel B; said parcels are hereinafter referred to as the "Property;" and said real estate is within the corporate limits of the Village; and, WHEREAS, Parcel A includes a development site of 1.74 acres and a stormwater detention area of 0.21 acres; and, WHEREAS, Developer proposes to develop Parcel A for a Walgreens store with a floor area of 15,120 square feet pursuant to the Preliminary Plan attached hereto as EXHIBIT C (Site Plan, drawing AO.1 dated June 24, 1996) and EXHIBIT D (Preliminary Engineering Plan dated as last revised May 29, 1996);and, WHEREAS, Developer intends to convey Parcel B as legally described in 2 EXHIBIT A-1 attached hereto to a different owner, and-said owner proposes to use said property as a single-family residence until such time as a different use is proposed, which future use is depicted as a parking lot on EXHIBITS C and D attached hereto; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to due notice and advertisement, the Plan Commission of the Village has held a public hearing and made their recommendations pursuant to Sections 17.28.050 and 17.44.060 of the Zoning Ordinance with respect to the requested zoning in the B-5 District, approval of a Planned Unit Development, approval of a Special Use in the B-5 Commercial Sub-district for a drive-through service facility for the proposed Walgreens store on Parcel A, approval of a Special Use in the B-5 Commercial Sub-district for a single-family residence on Parcel B, and variation of the Zoning Ordinance concerning minimum lot area in the B-5 Commercial Sub-district and pursuant to the Development Ordinance concerning approval of a Preliminary Plan; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees after due and careful consideration have concluded that the zoning and development of the Property on the terms and conditions herein set forth would further enable the Village to control the development of the area and would serve the best interests of the Village; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village (sometimes hereafter referred to as the "Corporate Authorities") do hereby find that the evidence presented meets the requirements for a Planned Unit Development in the B-5 Commercial Sub-district and Preliminary Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: 3 1. Applicable Law. This Ordinance is made pursuant to and in accordance with the Village's Zoning Ordinance, Development Ordinance and the Village's Home Rule powers. The preceding whereas clauses are hereby made a part of this Ordinance. 2. Enactment of Zoning Ordinance The Corporate Authorities hereby adopt a proper, valid and binding ordinance, zoning Parcel A and Parcel B of the Property in the B-5 Commercial Sub-district with a Planned Unit Development , a Special Use to allow a drive-through service facility for the Walgreens store on Parcel A and a Special Use to allow a single-family residence on Parcel B, subject to the restrictions further contained herein, including without limitation Paragraph 20, and all applicable ordinances of the Village of Buffalo Grove as amended from time to time. Said zoning shall be further conditioned on the development of the Property in accordance with the Preliminary Plan (EXHIBITS C and D) and other exhibits attached hereto or incorporated by reference herein. If the Walgreens store is not constructed on Parcel A as proposed herein within one year of the date of approval of this ordinance, the Village may revoke the zoning and Preliminary Plan for Parcel A approved by this ordinance. The use of Parcel B is restricted to a single-family residence, and any other use is subject to Village approval, including approval of a Preliminary Plan for said Parcel. 3. Approval of Plans. The Corporate Authorities hereby approve the Preliminary Plan (EXHIBITS C and D) pursuant to the provisions of the Development Ordinance and subject to the conditions of this ordinance. The Corporate Authorities agree to approve a Development Plan (including plats of subdivision) based on final versions of the plans and drawings of the development of the Property as submitted by the Developer provided that the Development Plan shall: (a) conform to the approved Preliminary Plan, and 4 (b) conform to the terms of this Ordinance and all applicable Village Ordinances as amended from time to time; and (c) conform to the approved Development Improvement Agreement (EXHIBIT B) as amended from time to time. 4. Compliance with Applicable Ordinances The Developer will comply with all ordinances of the Village of Buffalo Grove as amended from time to time in the development of the Property, provided that all new ordinances, amendments, rules and regulations relating to zoning, building and subdivision of land adopted after the date of this Agreement shall not be arbitrarily or discriminatorily applied to the Property but shall be equally applicable to all property similarly zoned and situated to the extent possible. Developer, in the development of the Property, shall comply with the standards set forth in the Village of Buffalo Grove Development Ordinance as amended from time to time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Village shall not apply new ordinances or regulations to the Property to the extent that the ordinances or regulations will prevent development of the Preliminary Plan approved herein. 5. Amendment of Plan. If the Developer desires to make changes in the Preliminary Plan, as herein approved, the parties agree that such changes in the Preliminary Plan will require, if the Village so determines, the submission of amended plats or plans, together with proper supporting documentation, to the Plan Commission and/or the Corporate Authorities to consider such changes to this Ordinance. The Corporate Authorities may, at their sole discretion, require additional public hearings and may review the commitments of record contained in this Ordinance, including, but not limited to fees, prior to final consideration of any change in the Preliminary Plan. The Village Manager is hereby authorized to approve such minor changes as he deems appropriate, provided 5 that no such changes - (a) involves a reduction of the area set aside for common open' space; nor (b) increases by more than two percent (2%) the floor area proposed for nonresidential use; nor(c) increases by more than two percent (2%) the total ground area covered by buildings. 6. Building Permit Fees The building permit fees may be increased from time to time so long as said permit fees are applied consistently to all other developments in the Village to the extent possible. In the event a conflict arises between the Developer and the Village on any engineering and technical matters subject to this Agreement, the Village reserves the right to pass along any and all additional expenses incurred by the use of consultants in the review and inspection of the development from time to time. Developer shall pay any non-discriminatory new or additional fees hereinafter charged by the Village to Developer or property within the Village. 7. Water Provision. The Developer shall be permitted and agrees to tap on to the Village water system at points recommended by the Village Engineer which points to be extent shown on EXHIBIT D are hereby approved by the Village. It is understood, however, that changes to the Preliminary Engineering Plan may be required at the time of Final Engineering. The Developer further agrees to pay to the Village such fees in accordance with the applicable Village Ordinances at the time of the issuance of the water and sewer permits. The Developer agrees to accept any increase in water rates and tap on fees provided such rates and fees apply consistently to all other similar users in the Village to the extent possible. Following such tap on, the Village agrees to provide to the best of its ability and in a non-discriminatory manner water service to all users on the Property in accordance with the Preliminary Plan. Watermains serving the Property and those approved as part of the development shall be installed by_the Developer and, except 6 for service connections to the buildings shall, upon installation and acceptance by the Village through formal acceptance action by the Corporate Authorities, be dedicated to the Village and become a part of the Village water system maintained by the Village. 8. Storm and Sanitary Sewer Provisions. A. The Corporate Authorities agree to cooperate with the Developer and to use their best efforts to aid Developer in obtaining such permits from governmental agencies having jurisdiction as may be necessary to authorize connection from the proposed development to the Lake County Department of Public Works for the collection of sewage and to the Lake County Division of Transportation as may be appropriate. The Developer shall construct on-site and off-site sanitary sewers as may be necessary to service the Property, as per EXHIBIT D. It is understood, however, that changes to the Preliminary Engineering Plan may be required at the time of Final Engineering. Upon installation and acceptance by the Village through formal acceptance action by the Corporate Authorities, the Corporate Authorities agree to operate and maintain such systems, except for sanitary sewer service connections. The Developer agrees to accept any increase in sewer rates and tap on fees, provided that such fees and rates are applied consistently to all similar users in the Village to the extent possible. B. The Developer shall also construct on the Property in question any storm sewers which may be necessary to service the Property, as per EXHIBIT D. It is understood, however, that changes to the Preliminary Engineering Plan may be required at the time of Final Engineering. Upon installation and acceptance by the Village through formal acceptance action by the Corporate Authorities, the Corporate Authorities agree to operate and maintain that portion of the storm sewer system which serves public streets, and the Developer agrees to operate and maintain that portion of the storm sewer system 7 located on the subject Property and not dedicated, and shall record a covenant to that. effect within thirty (30) days of the recording of the Plat of Subdivision. 9. Drainage Provisions. The Developer shall fully comply with any request of the Village Engineer related to the placement of buildings on lots, to preserve drainage standards. The Developer shall install any storm sewers and/or inlets which are required to eliminate standing water or conditions of excess sogginess which may, in the opinion of the Village Engineer, be detrimental to the growth and maintenance of lawn grasses. 10. Payment of Recapture Fees Owed Any amount of recapture required to be paid by this Property shall be due and payable to the Village upon final platting of the first plat of subdivision of any portion of the Property. 11. Security for Public and Private Site Improvements Security for public and private site improvements shall be provided in accordance with the Development Ordinance, and the Development Improvement Agreement (EXHIBIT B) as amended from time to time. Any letter of credit issued for such improvements shall be drawn on a financial institution of net worth reasonably satisfactory to the Village Attorney. The issuer may have an equitable or lending interest in the Property provided that the letter of credit, either by its own terms or by separate written assurances of the issuer, shall be honored irrespective of that interest. The Village shall have the right to draw up to the full amount of the letter of credit in order to complete, and have formal acceptance of, all improvements secured by the letter of credit. 12. Right of Way Dedication At the request of the Village, but no later than upon approval of the first plat of subdivision of any portion of the Property, Developer agrees to dedicate 10 feet of right-of-way along Buffalo Grove Road and a corner radius 8 of 50 feet (notwithstanding what is depicted on EXHIBITS C and D) both as required by the Lake County Division of Transportation and 20 feet along Lake Cook Road. 13. Exhibits. The following EXHIBITS, some of which were presented in testimony given by the Developer or the witnesses during the hearings held before the Plan Commission and the Corporate Authorities prior to the execution of this Ordinance, are hereby incorporated by reference herein, made a part hereof and designated as shown below. This Ordinance, together with copies of all EXHIBITS, shall be kept on file with the Village Clerk and be available for inspection to the parties hereto. EXHIBIT A Legal Descriptions: 15 N. Buffalo Grove Road; 25 N. Buffalo Grove Road; 35 N. Buffalo Grove Road; 45 N. Buffalo Grove Road; 55 N. Buffalo Grove Road. EXHIBIT A-1 Legal Description - Proposed Parcel A EXHIBIT A-2 Legal Description - Proposed Parcel B EXHIBIT B Development Improvement Agreement EXHIBIT C Site Plan dated June 24, 1996 by Lawrence S. Levinson, AIA GROUP Preliminary Engineering Plan dated as last revised May 29, EXHIBIT D 1996 by W-T Engineering, including Sheet AO.1, Site Plan; Sheet C.1, Demolition Plan; Sheet C.2, Preliminary Site Grading Plan; Sheet C.3, Preliminary Site Utility Plan; Sheet C.4, Site Details; Sheet C.5, Site Specifications; Sheet L.1, Landscape Plan; Tree Survey; Sheet S-1, Plat of Survey. EXHIBIT E Building elevations of Walgreens store (no date) by Levinson Associates, Inc. 14. Building, Landscaping and Aesthetics Plans Developer will submit building and landscaping plans (which landscaping plans shall conform to the requirements of 9 Village Ordinances) for approval by the Appearance Commission and the Corporate Authorities before commencing construction of buildings. Lighting and signage shall be compatible with surrounding areas and are subject to approval by the Appearance Commission. Areas not under construction or completed shall be maintained in a neat and orderly fashion as determined by the Village Manager. EXHIBIT E is subject to modification by the Appearance Commission or the Corporate Authorities to ensure that the proposed Walgreens store is architecturally compatible with adjacent buildings on Buffalo Grove Road, including the Deerfield Bakery and Grove Memorial Chapel. 15. Facilitation of Development Time is of the essence of this Ordinance, and all parties will make every reasonable effort to expedite the subject matters hereof. It is further understood and agreed that the successful consummation of this Ordinance and the development of the Property is in the best interests of all the parties and requires their continued cooperation. The Developer does hereby evidence his intention to fully comply with all Village requirements, his willingness to discuss any matters of mutual interest that may arise, and his willingness to assist the Village to the fullest extent possible. The Village does hereby evidence its intent to always cooperate in the resolution of mutual problems and its willingness to facilitate the development of the Property, as contemplated by the provisions of this Ordinance. 16. Enforceability of the Ordinance This Ordinance shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction by any of the parties or by an appropriate action at law or in equity to secure the performance of the covenants herein described. If any provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, such provisions shall be deemed to be excised herefrom and the invalidity thereof shall not affect any of the provisions contained herein. 10 17. Binding Effect of Ordinance This Ordinance shall be binding upon the Property, the parties hereto and their respective grantees, successors and assigns. 18. Corporate Capacities The parties acknowledge and agree that the individuals that are members of the group constituting the Corporate Authorities are entering into this Agreement in their official capacities as members of such group and shall have no personal liability in their individual capacities. 19. Notices. Any notice required pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance shall be in writing and be sent by certified mail to the following addresses until notice of change of address is given and shall be deemed received on the fifth business day following deposit in the U.S. Mail. If to Developer: J. F. Carter Dial Companies q 11506 Nicholas Street, Suite 200 Omaha, NE 68154 Copy to.- Copy to: Marc-K. Schwartz Marc K. Schwartz and Associates 314 N. McHenry Road, Suite D Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 If to Village: Village Clerk Village of Buffalo Grove 50 Raupp Boulevard Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Copy to: William G. Raysa, Esq. Raysa & Skelton 1140 Lake Street, Suite 400 Oak Park, IL 60301 11 20. Special Conditions. A. The following variation to the Village's Zoning Ordinance is hereby granted: Section 17.44.060.D.1 b -To allow a lot area of 1.95 acres for Parcel A and a lot area of 0.91 acres for Parcel B instead of 10 acres; B. The zoning and Preliminary Plan approval for Parcel A and Parcel B are subject to the conditions set forth in this ordinance including without limitation Paragraphs 2 and 3. Approval of the Preliminary Plan (EXHIBITS C and D) is also subject to approval of access to Buffalo Grove Road by the Lake County Division of Transportation and to Lake Cook Road by the Cook County Highway Department. The Village will not permit the use of Parcel B for any use other than a single-family residence until access for ingress and egress for Parcel A and Parcel B to the Buffalo Grove Town Center is achieved. C. It is understood and agreed that Parcels A and B and the Buffalo Grove Town Center need public cross easements in order to achieve coordinated access and efficient traffic flow. Developer shall provide public access easements on Parcel A and Parcel B as required by the Village and shall obtain an easement acceptable to the Village for ingress and egress access to the Buffalo Grove Town Center for both Parcel A and Parcel B. The locations of said access easements are subject to Village approval. It is understood and agreed that the Village will not approve any plat of subdivision for the Property until said easements are obtained by the Developer and accepted by the Village. D. The existing driveway to Buffalo Grove Road serving the property at 12 55 N. Buffalo Grove Road (on Parcel B) shall be eliminated, and access to the single-family residence shall be provided by the driveway to Buffalo Grove Road to be constructed by Dial Companies pursuant to EXHIBITS C and D. Said access modification for the house at 55 N. Buffalo Grove Road (on Parcel B) shall be effectuated prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the proposed Walgreens store. E. EXHIBITS C and D are subject to revision as required by the Village concerning the location of handicapped accessible parking spaces and the provision of directional signage or other traffic control devices to ensure a safe traffic flow on the Property regarding the drive-through facility for the proposed Walgreens store. F. In the event that the access road from Parcel A and Parcel B to the Buffalo Town Center is determined by the Village to be necessary prior to redevelopment of Parcel B for a commercial use, the Dial Companies shall construct said road as directed by the Village. The cost of said construction shall be included in the bond or letter of credit in the Development Improvement Agreement (EXHIBIT B) to be approved as part of the plat of subdivision pursuant to Paragraph 3 of this ordinance. G. Developer shall obtain easements and other approvals as needed from the Buffalo Grove Town Center to construct the stormwater facility depicted on EXHIBIT E. H. All water wells and septic sewer facilities on the Property shall be properly sealed or pumped and filled as required by the Illinois Department of Public Health and as approved by the Village Health Officer. All storage tanks on 13 the Property shall be removed in accordance with applicable regulations, and the Village Fire Chief and Health Officer shall be notified prior to removal of any said storage tanks. I. Prior to any grading, site preparation work or removal of trees or other plant material on the Property, Developer shall obtain approval of a tree preservation plan by the Village. J. The initial development of Parcel A shall include removal of all buildings and structures located on the properties at 15 N. Buffalo Grove Road, 25 N. Buffalo Grove Road, 35 N. Buffalo Grove Road and 45 N. Buffalo Grove Road. Developer shall make best efforts to cooperate with Village to make said buildings and structures available to the Village for fire training purposes prior to removal of said buildings and structures for development of the proposed Walgreens store. 'Developer shall be responsible for removing the remains of said buildings and structures from the Property. The Village shall provide an appropriate hold harmless indemnity agreement to the Developer before using said buildings structures for fire training purposes. 21. Effect, This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. AYES: 6 - Marienthal, Reid Rubin Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT:0 - None PASSED: July 1 96 APPROVED: Jul 1 1996 14 ATTEST: APP ED: Villag Jerk SIDNE ' MATHIAS Village President x. 6�. 15 EXHIBIT A-1 PARCEL "A" PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FOR NEW WALGREENS SITE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LAKE-COOK AND BUFFALO GROVE ROADS PART OF THE SOUTHWEST '/, OF SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2 IN FIRNBACH SUBDIVISION,BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 33,RECORDED AS DOCUMENT # 1032013,THENCE NORTH 22 DEGREES 16 MINUTES WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 2,61.15 FEET TO A SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1 IN BUFFALO GROVE TOWN CENTER UNIT 1,BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 33,RECORDED AS DOCUMENT#2737813,BEING ALSO THE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE NORTH 85 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 44 SECONDS EAST ALONG A SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1,202.59 FEET THENCE SOUTH 12 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 9 SECONDS EAST, ALONG A WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1,215.71 FEET TO A SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1,THENCE SOUTH 81 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST ALONG A SOUTHERN LINE OF SAID LOT 1,BEING ALSO THE NORTH LINE OF FORMER SCHOOL LOT, 183.20 FEET TO A CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF FORMER SCHOOL LOT,THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 12 M[[NUTES 00 SECONDS WEST AND A WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1,BEING ALSO THE EAST LINE OF FORMER SCHOOL LOT,34.45 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF LAKE-COOK ROAD AS DEDICATED BY DOCUMENT 2009841 AND DOCUMENT 24865307,THENCE SOUTH 65 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 43 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LAKE COOK ROAD. 338.53 FEET TO A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTH,HAVING A RADIUS OF 25.00,AND ARC DISTANCE OF 35.22 FEET(CHORD BEARS N 74^28'09" W,32.38 FEET)TO THE NORTHEAST LINE OF BUFFALO GROVE ROAD,PER DOCUMENT#24865307,THENCE NORTH 34 DEGREES 6 MINUTES 3 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE NORTHEAST LINE OF SAID BUFFALO GROVE ROAD,243.97 FEET,THENCE NORTH 55 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST,44.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 84531.68 SQ.FEET IN COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES.ILLINOIS. EXHIBIT A-2 PARCEL "B" PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FOR VACANT PROPERTY ADJOINING PROPOSED WALGREENS SITE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LAKE-COOK AND BUFFALO GROVE ROADS PART OF THE SOUTHWEST '/, OF SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2 IN FIRNBACH SUBDIVISION,BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 33,RECORDED AS DOCUMENT # 1032013.THENCE NORTH 22 DEGREES 16 MINUTES WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 2.61.15 FEET TO A SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1 IN BUFFALO GROVE TOWN CENTER UNIT 1.BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 33,RECORDED AS DOCUMENT#2737813,BEING ALSO THE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE NORTH 850 56 MINUTES 44 SECONDS EAST ALONG A SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT L.202.59 FEET THENCE SOUTH 12 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 9 SECONDS EAST, ALONG A WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1, 56.00'FEET THENCE SOUTH 84 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 34 SECONDS EAST,44.06 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 55 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST,261.00'FEET,TO THE NORTHEAST LINE OF BUFFALO GROVE ROAD,PER DOCUMENT#24865307,THENCE NORTH 34 DEGREES 6 MIINUTES 3 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE NORTHEAST LINE OF SAID BUFFALO GROVE ROAD, 172.00 FEET,TO A LINE THAT IS 2 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 IN FIRNBACH SUBDIVISION,THENCE NORTH 56 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 2 FEET OF LOT 2 AFORESAID. 153.09 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND A WEST LINE OF LOT 1 IN SAID BUFFALO GROVE TOWN CENTER UNIT 1 AFORESAID,THENCE SOUTH 22 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 24 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF LOT 2 AND WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1. 39.56 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 39670.09 SQ.FEET IN COOK &LAKE COUNTIES,ILLINOIS. WALGREEN'S P.U.D. EXHIBIT A Ir .•. "15 N. Buffalo Grove Road That part of a tract of land `described as beginning at a � . Point where the centerline of McHenry Road intersects the South line of Section 339 Township 43 North, Range 11 , East Of the Third Principal Meridian; thence Northwest along the centerline of said road forming an angle of 124 degrees 29 minutes with the South line of said Section 33 and the centerline of said McHenry Road (measured from East to Northwest ) a distance of 25.58 feet; thence Northeast along a line fd'rming an included angle of 98 degrees 19 minutes with the last described course(measured from Southeast to Northeast ) a distance of 59.89 feet ; thence East along a line forming an included angle of 140 degrees 44 minutes with the last described course (measured from Southwest to East ) a distance of 378.81 feet; thence South alono a line forming an included angle of 85 degrees 39 minutes with the last described course (measured from Nest to South) a distance of 60 feet to a point which is 25 feet North of the South line of said Section 33; thence West forming an included angle of 94 degrees 01 minutes (measured from North to West) a distance of 407.9 feet to the place of beginning (except those portions falling in the right of way of Lake-Cook Road and Buffalo Grove Road as shown on the plat of right of way- recorded July 25, 1979 as Document 2009841) in Lake County, Illinois. ALSO: That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 11 , East of the Third Principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the County line between Lake and Cook Counties and the centerline of McHenry Road (present Buffalo 8rove Road) as now •established; thence Northeasterly, a distance of 407.9 feet to a point which is 25 feet North of said County line; thence South 25 feet to said County line; thence West on said County • line to the place of beginning, (excepting from the above described parcel Westerly of a line, 30 feet that of and that part lying with the centerlineparallel of McHenry Road (present Buffalo Grove Road) aforesaid, and also excepting that Of the Northerly right of wa part lying Easterly shown on the Y line of Lake-Cook Road as plat of right of way recorded July 23, 1979, as Document 2009841 ) in Lake County, Illinois. 1 of 5 WALGREEN'5 P.U.D. EXHIBIT A 25 N. Buffalo Grove Road That part of the South West Quarter of Section `33, Township 43 North, Range 11 , East of the Third Principal Meridian, bounded by a line described as follows to-wit: Beginning at a point where the center line of McHenry Road intersects with the South line of the aforesaid Section 33; thence North 34 degrees West along the center line of said road, 81 .0 feet ; thence North Easterly along a line which forms an included angle of 98 degrees 19 minutes with the aforesaid center line of McHenry Road, measured from the South East to the North East, for a distance of 200. the Northerly 0 feet to a point in y line of a tract of land conveyed to Emmerich and w Joseph ife by Warranty Deed recorded as Document 144862; thence South 81 degrees East along the North line of said tract conveyed in Document 144862, 311 .0 feet to the North East corner of the tract of land conveyed in Document 144862; thence South 0 degrees 30 minutes West along the Easterly line of said tract, 128.45 feet, more or less, to a point which is 25 feet North of the South line of said Section 33; thence Westerly to the lace o beginning (exceptethat part thereof, described aspfollows: Beginning at a point where the center line of McHenry Road intersects the South line of Section 33, Township and Range aforesaid; thence North West along the canter line of said Road forming an angle of 124 degrees 29 minutes with the South line of said Section 33 and the center line of said McHenry Road (measured ft'om East to North West ) , a distance of 25.38 feet ; thence North East along a line forming an Included angle of 98 degrees 19 minutes with the last described course (measured from South East to North East ) , a distance of 59.89 feet; thence East along a line forming an included angle of 140 degrees 44 minutes with the last described course (measured from South West to East) , a distance of 378.21 feet ; thence South along a line forming an Included angle of 85 degrees. 59 minutes with the last described course (measured from West to South) , a distance of 60 feet to a point which is 25 feet North of the South line of said Section 33; thence West, forming an included angle of 94 degrees 01 minutes (measured from North to West) , a distance of 407.9 feet to the Place of Beginning) , in Lake County, Illinois. 2 of 5 WALGREEN'S P.U.D. EXHIBIT A 35 N. Buffalo Grove Road THAT PART OF THE SOUTH WEST .- QUARTER OF SEC RANGE 11, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN N BOUNDED BY 33, To P 43 NORTH, AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT A POINT WHERE THE SOUTH LINE DOFYSA LINE DESCRIBED INTERSECTS THE CENTER LINE OF MCHENRY ROAD, SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION SECTION 33 BEING 14.10 CHAINS EAST OF THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF SECTION NORTH 34 DEGREES WEST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID R 33, THENCE ERSECTION SHALL BE THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 34 :D DEGREES WEST AFEET ANDLONG THIS CENTER OF SAID ROAD TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OFGAETRACTSOFALONG THE TO FRANK WELTER BY QUIT CLAIM DEED RECORDED AS DOCUMENT 3 NORTH 61 DEGREES, 12 MINUTES EAST ALONG THE SOUTH EAST LAND CONVEYED WELTER TRACT, $], 0 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF C7582' THENCE TO JOSETR EMMERICH AND WIFE BY WARRANTY DEED DOCUMENT EASTERLY LINE OF SAID NCE SOUTH $1 DEGREES EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT THE TRACT 2; LAND CONVEYED OF THE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO THOMAS F. HA EY ETO THE$HARTHEWEIS WCORNER IFE, BY WARRANTY DEED RECORDED MAY 5, 1947 AS DOCUMENT A616413; TALEY, HIS WIFE, WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH WESTERLY LINE OF SAID HALEY HENCE SOUTH OR LESS, TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING (EXCEPT THE SOUTHWESTERLY050.0F MORE THEREOF) IN VERNON TOWNSHIP , LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, and FEET A PART OF THE SOUTH WEST QUARTER OF SECTION 33, j EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. DESCRIBED OWNSHIP 43 NORTH, THE SOUTH WEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 33; THENCE EAST RANGE 11 , SECTION 922. 15 FEET TO THE CENTER OF MCHENRy AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT 9 • MINUTES WEST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID R T ON THE SOUTH LINE OF ROAD; THENCE NORTH THENCE DEGREES , NORTH 61 DEGREES, 12 MINUTES EAST 87.0 FEET FOROAD POINT O FEET; THENCE SAID POINT OF BEGINNING RUNNING NORTH 61 DEGREES, 12 A POINT OF BEGINNING FROM WEST C91S25TFEET TOG THE spO7 MINUTES EAST 55.5 FEET; THENCE ILLINOIS . INT OF BEGINNING, IN VERNON TOWNSHIP, LAKE COUNTY, 3 of 5 WALGRE$N'S:-P..U.D... :;'::.:.,•. EXHIBIT A. 45 N. Buffalo Grove Road That part of the South West Quarter of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 11 , East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of State Route No. 83 and the South line of said South West Quarter of Section 33 said point of Intersection being 882.4 feet West of the South East corner of said South West Quarter of Section 33; thence Northerly along the center line Of -State Route No. 83, being a curved line,convex Westerly, radius 1432.69 feet, a distance of 110.3 feet , more or less, to a point which is 108 feet North from the South line of said South West Quarter of Suction 33; thence West parallel to said South line of the South West Quarter of Section 33, 378 feet to the East line of former school lot; thence North 0 degrees 30 minutes East 45.45 feet to the North East corner of said school lot; thence North 81 degrees West along the North line of said school lot, 183.9 feet to the South East corner and point of beginning of premises intended to be described; thence North 81 degrees West along said North line of school lot, 187 feet; thence North 22 degrees 07 minutes West 55.5 feet; thence, South 61 degrees 12 minutes West, 165 feet to the center of the -.McHenry Road; thence North 34 degrees 09 minutes West along the center of said road, 55.52 feet; thence ,,North 59 degrees 29 minutes East, 182. 12 feet; thence North 22 degrees 16 minutes West, 61 . 15 feet; thence North 86 degrees 40 minutes East 201 .5 feet; thence South 13 degrees 55 minutes East 216.6 feet to the Place of Beginning in Lake„ County, Illinois. 4 of 5 WALGREEN'S'.R+U..D. : " :"EXHIIPIT A - 55 N. Buffalo Grove Road The Northwesterly 2.00 feet, as measured perpendicular to the Northwesterly line of Lot 2 in Fi_rnbach Subdivision, being a Subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 339 Township 43 North, Range 11 , East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded May 289 1959, as Document No. 1032013, in Book 1707 of Records, page 440, in Lake County, Illinois, and Lot 2 (except the Northwesterly 2.00 .feet thereof as measured perpendicular to the Northwesterly line of said Lot 2) , in Firnbach Subdivision, being a Subdivision-•of part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 339 Township 43 North, Range ill East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof, recorded May 289 1959 as Document 1032013 in Hook 1707 of Records, page 440 (except that part of said lot described as follows) : said part lying Southwesterly of a line 30 feet Northeasterly of and parallel with the centerline of McHenry Road (present Buffalo Grove Road as now established) , said centerline being a straight line extended from the most Easterly corner of Heidner 's Subdivision in the Southwest Quarter of said Section 33, recorded August 15, 1958 as Document 999971 in Book 1541 , page 3999 in "the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in Lake County, Illinois; said most Easterly corner being in the center of said McHenry Road, to a point in the South line of said Southwest Quarter , said point being 981 .90 feet East from the Northwest corner of Section 49 Township 42 North, Range 11 , East of the Third Principal Meridian, as measured along the North line of said Northwest Quarter of Section 41 in Lake County, Illinois. 5 of 5 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO //GROVE ORDINANCE NO. ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE 0 BUFFALO GROV / THIS DAY OF 19�l� Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook Lake Counties, Ill ' ois, this day of 19 . Village C1 Ark By- eputy Village Clerk