1987-037 ORDINANCE NO. 87-37 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS (Leider Property) WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit by virtue of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and, WHEREAS, the hereinafter legally described real property was annexed to the Village of Buffalo Grove by Ordinance No. 87-36 pursuant to a written Annexation Agreement dated March 31, 1987, and approved by the Village by Ordinance No. 87-35; and, WHEREAS, notices of public hearings for zoning and annexation on said Annexation Agreement have been given and public hearings were held. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1 . The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Buffalo Grove, cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, as amended is hereby further amended by classifying upon annexation the territory legally described below into the I (Industrial) District and the Village's Comprehensive Plan is changed accord- ingly. That part of the Northwest 114 of Section 27, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the south line of the northwest quarter aforesaid, said point being 571.75 feet east of the southeast corner of the west half of the west half of the northwest quarter; thence northerly 2630.63 feet to a point on the center line of Aptakisic Road, said point being 156.95 feet easterly of the intersection of said center line of road with the north line of the northwest quarter of Section 27, Township and Range aforesaid; thence easterly along the center line of said Apta- kisic Road, 769.57 feet; thence southerly 2527.0 feet to a point on the south line of the northwest quarter of said Section 27, said point being 571 .75 feet east of the point of beginning; thence west along said south line of the northwest quarter, 571.75 feet to the point of beginning, excepting therefrom the above described property that part thereof taken for Aptakisic Road, all in Lake County, Illinois. and That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27 and the southwest quarter of Section 22, Township 43 North, Range 11 east of the Third Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at a point on the centerline of Aptakisic Road, said point being 156.93 feet easterly of the intersection of said centerline of road with the north line of the northwest quarter of said section; thence south 80 degrees 32 minutes 40 seconds east, along said centerline, a distance of 769.57 feet; thence north 7 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds east, a distance of 40.02 feet, to the northerly right of way line of said Aptakisic Road; thence north 80 degrees 32 minutes 40 seconds west, along said north right of way line, a distance of 772.66 feet; thence south 3 degrees 20 minutes 43 seconds west, a distance of 40.23 feet, to the point of beginning, in Lake County, Illinois. -1- -2- Section 2. The said zoning shall be and is subject to the provision of Ordinance No. 87-35, being "An Ordinance Approving an Annexation Agreement" passed and approved April 27, 1987, which Ordinance is by reference made a part hereof. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after its passage and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. AYES: 6 - Marienthal Glover, Reid, Shields, Kowalski, Shifrin NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 0 - None PASSED: Aril 27, 1987 APPROVED: April 27, 1987 APPROVED: VERNA L. CLAYTO , V•llage� esident ATTEST: Ckc�Y�± ° ..d Vi11&d Clerk