1987-035 ORDINANCE NO. 87-35 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION AGREEMENT (Leider Property) WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit by virtue of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and, WHEREAS, there has heretofore been submitted to the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Buffalo Grove a petition to annex the property legally des- cribed in Exhibit A hereto; and, WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Buffalo Grove an Annexation Agreement; and, WHEREAS, proper and due notices of public hearings on said Annexation Agreement and Zoning have been given and public hearings were held; and, WHEREAS, it is determined to be in the best interests of the Village of Buffalo Grove to approve said Annexation Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1. The Annexation Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A" is approved. ..Section 2. The President and Clerk of the Village are hereby authorized to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Village of Buffalo Grove. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. AYES: 6 - Marienthal, Glover, Reid, Shields, Kowalski, Shifrin NAPES: 0 - None ABSENT: 0 - None PASSED: April 27 1987 APPROVED: April 27 1987 APPROVED: 517 ATTEST '�? ............ fr° vim, VERNA L. CLAY TON, ft , TON, Village resident a ' A Villa Clerk 2584756 4/23/87 LEIDER PROPERTY ANNEXATION AGREEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Applicable Law. 2 2. Agreement: Compliance and Validity. 3 3. Enactment of Annexation Ordinance. 3 4. Enactment of Zoning Ordinance. 3 5. Approval of Plans. 4 6. Compliance with Applicable Ordinances. 4 7. Amendment of Plan. 5 8. Building Permit Fees. 5 9. Water Provisions. 5 10. Storm and Sanitary Sewer Provisions. 6 11. 7 12. Payment eofrRecapture Fees Owed. 7 13. Security for Public Site Improvements. 8 14. Exhibits. 9 15. ..Buildin , Landscaping and Aesthetics Plans. 10 16. Declaration of Protective Covenants. 10 17. Road Improvements and,-Right of YaL Dedications. 11 18. Annexation to the Buffalo Grove Park District. 11 19. Facilitation of Develo went. 12 20. Enforceability of the Agreement. 12 21. Term of A reement. 12 22. Binding Effect of Agreement. 12 23. Corporate Capacities. 13 24. Notices. 13 25. Default. 13 26. Signs. 14 27. Special Conditions. 14 �5g4�'S6 3 LEIDER PROPERTY LOCATION MAP OF •�,;..,, Z L �i I ass INVE UNIT 77 ,_ _ R h ma � •SU! .NITS\ "BIIIICK .Jdo � N ACRES eo -Inc •.ryo- A..s c 4464. I �S 1 A .9b9 l00,7+o s are A Pir + ^ � _._ r... r •orb � .44 •� j ��! af.l c -. QA TAKISIG gIoco.o �.r vQ r.ena/ wr V Stole cr J. ' b ,e ref I(h.. a TRIP'S TOUPP-i SUB L rr PEN i .SUE : CO ORATE y � r �-s QuylraIlly _ s i L$Ci• rr "re it n tic• Aav/ i y "irwu-u rs. ss I M P/ ?I\ Oab 3Y . (K4w wi 6T CA- C-1 s � p �a ♦ e eat ,,C.. [•w 1A a � Gny ,O �v•� "6 LOCATION SKETCH 2584756 4/23/87 LEIDER PROPERTY ANNEXATION AGREEMENT This agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") made and entered into this 27th day of April, 1987, by and between the VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE (hereinafter referred to as "Village") by and through the President and Board of Trustees of the Village (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Corporate Authorities") and MICHAEL M. LEIDER and ASBURY CORPORATION, an Illinois Corporation, (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Owners") . W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970; and, WHEREAS, Michael M. Leider is the owner of record of the land legally described as "Parcel A and Parcel C" in EXHIBIT A attached hereto and made part hereof as, (hereinafter sometimes referred to as Parcel A and Parcel C) , comprising 21.882 acres more or less; and, WHEREAS, Asbury Corporation is the owner of record of land legally described as "Parcel B" on EXHIBIT A attached hereto and made part hereof (hereinafter sometimes referred to as Parcel B) , comprising 17.661 acres, more or less; and, WHEREAS, the Owners wish to annex the tract of land consisting of Parcel A , Parcel B and Parcel C and including any adjacent unincorporated right-of-way (hereinafter referred to as the "Property") to the Village; and, 2584'75G 1 4 WHEREAS, Owners desire and propose, pursuant to the provisions and regulations applicable to the I (Industrial) District of the Village Zoning Ordinance, to develop Parcel C in accordance with and pursuant to a certain Preliminary Plat (hereinafter the "Preliminary Plat") prepared by Donald Manhard Associates, Inc. and dated as last revised November 12, 1986, a copy of which is attached hereto as EXHIBIT E and incorporated herein, and subject to all other exhibits attached hereto or incorporated by reference herein; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the Village's Home Rule powers, a proposed Annexation Agreement, was submitted to the Corporate Authorities and a public hearing was held thereon pursuant to notice as provided by Statute; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to due notice and advertisement in the manner provided by law, the Plan Commission of the Village has held such public hearings prescribed by law and has made its recommendations with respect -to the requested zoning classification of I (Industrial) District and the Preliminary Plat; and, WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees, after due and careful consideration, have concluded that the annexation of the Property to the Village and its zoning and development on the terms and conditions herein set forth would further enable the Village to control the development of the area and would serve the best interests of the Village. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, mutual covenants and agreements herein set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Applicable Law. This Agreement is made pursuant the Village's Home Rule powers. The preceding whereas clauses are hereby made a part of this Agreement. 25g4'7�6 2 2. Agreement: Compliance and Validity. The Owners have filed with the Village Clerk of the Village a proper petition (EXHIBIT B hereto) pursuant to and in accordance with provisions of Section 7-1-8 of the Illinois Municipal Code (Chapter 24, Illinois Revised Statutes 1985) , conditioned' on the execution of this Agreement and compliance with the terms and provisions contained herein, to annex the Property to the Village. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement, in its entirety, together with the aforesaid Petition for Annexation, shall be null, void and of no force and effect unless the Property is validly annexed to the Village and is validly zoned and classified in the I (Industrial) District, all as contemplated in this Agreement. 3. Enactment of Annexation Ordinance. The Corporate Authorities will enact a valid and binding ordinance (hereinafter referred to as the "Annexation Ordinance") annexing the Property to the Village within twenty-one (21) days of the execution of this Agreement by the Village. Said Annexation Ordinance and Annexation Agreement shall be recorded with the Lake County Recorder's Office along with the Plat of Annexation (attached hereto as EXHIBIT C) . Recordation shall take place no more than thirty (30) days after enactment of the Annexation Ordinance. 4. Enactment of Zoning Ordinance. Within twenty-one (21) days after the passage of the Annexation Ordinance, the Corporate Authorities shall adopt a proper, valid and binding ordinance, zoning the Property in the I (Industrial) District subject to the restrictions further contained herein and all applicable ordinances of the Village of Buffalo as amended from time to time. Parcel C shall be developed in accordance with the Preliminary Plat (EXHIBIT E) .The Village agrees to allow farming as a permitted use on portions of the Property not under construction. z5S4t 56 3 7 . Approval of Pans. The Corporate Authorities hereby approve the Preliminary Plat (EXHIBIT E) pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement and the Development Ordinance as modified by this Agreement. The Owners may, any time after recording of the Plat of Subdivision, submit to the Village the required materials for the issuance of appropriate building and other permits on Parcel C. Said submission shall be based on the Final Engineering Plan for the development of the Property as submitted by the Owners and shall: A. conform to the Preliminary Plat (EXHIBIT E) ; and B. conform to the terms of this Agreement and all applicable Village Ordinances as amended from time to time except as set forth in paragraph 6 hereof; and C. conform to the form of the Development Improvement Agreement (EXHIBIT D) . The Village agrees that specific development plans submitted for an individual lot or lots on Parcel C will not require additional review by the Plan Commission or Corporate Authorities. 6. Compliance with Applicable Ordinances. The Owner agrees to comply with all ordinances of the Village of Buffalo Grove as amended from time to time in the development of the Property, provided that all new ordinances, amendments, rules and regulations relating to zoning, building and subdivision of land adopted after the date of this Agreement shall not be arbitrarily or discriminatorily applied to the Property but shall be equally applicable to any property similarly zoned and situated to the extent possible. Owner, in the development of the Property shall comply with the standards set forth in the Village of Buffalo Grove Development Ordinance as amended from time to time. 2ss4�ss 4 7. Amendment of Plan. If the Owners desire to make changes in the Preliminary Plat, as herein approved, the parties agree that such changes in the Preliminary Plat will require, if the Village so determines, the submission of amended plats or plans, together with proper supporting documentation, to the Plan Commission and/or the Corporate Authorities for their consideration and approval. The Corporate Authorities may, at their sole discretion, require additional public hearings and may review the commitments of record contained in this Agreement (including, but not limited to fees) prior to final consideration of any change in the Preliminary Plat. The Village Manager is hereby authorized to approve such minor changes as he deems appropriate without the approval of the Plan Commission or Corporate Authorities. 8. Building Permit Fees. The building permit fees for the Property shall not be increased by more than the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for the Chicago Metropolitan Area (January, 1986 base year) for a period of two (2) years from the date of this Agreement. In the event a conflict arises between the Owners and the Village on any engineering and technical matters subject to this Agreement, the Village reserves the right to pass along any and all additional expenses incurred by the use of consultants in the review and inspection of the development. 9. Water Provisions. The Owners shall be permitted and agree to tap on to the Village water system at points as approved by the Village Engineer. The Owners further agree to pay to the Village such fees as may be required by applicable Village Ordinances at the time of the issuance of the water permits except that permit fees for the Property shall not be increased by more than the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for the Chicago Metropolitan Area (January, 1986 base year) for a period of 5 258��56 two (2) years from the date of this Agreement. However, this limitation on fee increases does not apply to fees which are changed by other agencies which cannot be controlled by the Village. Following such tap on, the Village agrees to provide, to the best of its ability and in a non-discriminatory manner, water service to all users on Parcel C in accordance with the Preliminary Plat except as set forth in Paragraph 27A. Watermains serving the Property and those approved as part of the development, shall be installed by the Owners and, except for service connections to the buildings shall, upon installation and acceptance by the Village through formal acceptance action by the Corporate Authorities, be dedicated to the Village and become a part of the Village water system maintained by the Village. 10. Storm and Sanitary Sewer Provisions. A. The corporate Authorities agree to provide sewer service to Parcel C and to cooperate with the Owners and to use their best efforts to aid Owners in obtaining such permits from governmental agencies having jurisdiction as may be necessary to authorize connection from the proposed development to a Lake County Public Works Department facility for the collection of sewage. The Owners shall construct on-site and off-site sanitary sewers as may be necessary to service Parcel C, as per EXHIBIT E. Upon installation and acceptance by the Village through formal acceptance action by the Corporate Authorities, the Corporate Authorities agree to operate and maintain such systems, except for sanitary sewer service connections. The Owners agree to accept any increase in sewer rates and tap on fees, provided that such fees and rates are applied consistently to all similar users in the Village and except in regards to the Property that permit fees shall not be increased by more than the percentage increase in 2584`756 6 16 the Consumer Price Index for the Chicago Metropolitan Area (January, 1986 base year) for a period of two (2) years from the date of this Agreement. However, this does not apply to fees which are changed by other agencies which cannot be controlled by the Village. B. The Owners shall also construct any storm sewers which may be necessary to service Parcel C, as per EXHIBIT E. Upon installation and acceptance action by the Corporate Authorities, the Corporate Authorities agree to operate. and maintain that portion of the storm sewer system which serves public streets, or multiple properties, and the Owners agree to operate and maintain that portion of the storm sewer system located on Parcel C and not dedicated until such time as said obligations are assigned to an owner's association, and Owners shall record a covenant to that effect subject to Village approval within thirty (30) days of the recording of the Plat of Subdivision. The Village agrees to maintain that portion of the storm sewer system located in public rights of way (after acceptance) or located off the Property. The approval of the drainage plan submitted by the Owners is further subject to the approval of the Illinois Department of Transportation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Corporate Authorities agree to aid Owners in obtaining such permits as may be necessary from the Illinois Department of Transportation in order to implement said drainage plan. 11. Draina e Provisions. The Village Engineer may disapprove any building site plan not in compliance with the approved drainage plan and if it does not comply with good engineering practices. 12. Pa ent of Reca ture Fees Owed. The recapture required to be paid by this Property pursuant to Ordinance #85-61 shall be due and payable upon final platting of Parcel C. 7 13. Security for Public Site Improvements. Security for public site improvements benefitting Parcel C shall be provided at the time of approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision and shall be in accordance with this Agreement, the Development Ordinance as modified by this Agreement, and the Development Improvement Agreement (EXHIBIT D) as modified by this Agreement and amended from time to time. Any bonds or letter of credit issued for public site improvements shall be drawn on a financial institution of net worth reasonably satisfactory to the Village Attorney. The issuer may have an equitable or lending interest in the Property provided that the letter of credit, either by its own terms or by separate written assurances of the issuer, shall be honored irrespective of that interest. The Village shall have the right to draw up to the full amount of the bonds or letter of credit in order to complete, and have formal acceptance of, all improvements secured by the letter of credit. Notwithstanding any provision of the Development Improvement Agreement or the Village's Development Ordinance, the Village will reduce the balance of the bonds or letter of credit or other security at periodic intervals of not less than thirty (30) days and in aggregate amounts of not less than $100,000.00 on the following terms and conditions: A. The security for any completed section of sanitary sewers or storm sewers on which the required infiltration testing and the "televising" has been completed and approved by the Village Engineer shall be reduced to a 15% retention. B. The security for any completed section of water main on which the required pressure testing, chlorination and bacteriological testing has been completed and approved by the Village Engineer and on which an IEPA operating permit has been issued shall be reduced to a 15% retention. 2584�75s 8 � C. The security for any completed section of street lighting which is tested and approved by the Village Engineer shall be reduced to a 15% retention. D. The security for mass site grading in a given area (including excavation and filling of individual lots, ditches, swales, detention areas and lakes) shall be reduced to a 15% retention upon completion to the lines and grades shown on the approved Engineering Plans, after disturbed areas have been seeded or sodded to prevent soil erosion, and after fill areas have been compacted and approved by the Village Engineer within said area. E. The security for road excavation, gravel base course, and asphalt binder course for any given section of road shall be reduced to a 50% retention upon completion of all of the above work to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer and completion of the compaction testing of the subgrade, Dynaflect testing, and proof rolling of the roadway in said section. The remaining security for said section shall be reduced to a 15% retention upon completion of the Dynaflect testing and approval of the Village Engineer. Security for private site improvements for all Owners of Parcel C shall be waived and the Village shall continue to waive this provision if satisfactory performance is observed by the Village. The determination of this shall be in the sole discretion of the Village. 14. Exhibits. The following EXHIBITS, some of which were presented in testimony given by the Owners or the witnesses during the hearing held before the Plan Commission and the Corporate Authorities prior to the execution of this Agreement, are hereby incorporated by reference herein, 9 2584'756 13 made a part hereof and designated as shown below. This Agreement, upon execution by the parties together with copies of all EXHIBITS, shall be kept on file with the Village Clerk and be available for inspection to the parties hereto. EXHIBIT A Legal Description EXHIBIT B Petition for Annexation of Property =- EXHIBIT C Plat of Annexation EXHIBIT D Development Improvement Agreement EXHIBIT E Preliminary Plat EXHIBIT F Corporate Grove Signage Concept EXHIBIT G Plat of Survey (existing improvements) EXHIBIT H Excluded Uses 15. Building. Landsca ing and Aesthetics Plans. Owners will submit building and landscaping plans (which landscaping plans shall conform to the requirements of Village Ordinances as amended by this Agreement) for approval by the Appearance Commission and the Corporate Authorities before commencing construction of buildings. Future lighting and signage shall be compatible within the Property. Portions of Parcels A and C not under construction, completed or being farmed shall be maintained in a reasonably neat and orderly fashion as determined by the Village Manager. Future development of Parcels A and B (excluding improvements to or of the existing use on Parcel B) shall be of the same quality as surrounding adjacent development in the Village as determined by the Village Manager. Uses as identified in EXHIBIT H shall not be permitted or special uses on said parcels. 16. Declaration of Protective Covenants. Owners shall record against Parcel C a declaration of protective covenants, conditions and restrictions which shall include provisions which grant the Village the right, but not the obligation, to enforce covenants or obligations of the owners or owner's association as defined and provided within the declaration of protective covenants, and further shall grant the Village the right, upon thirty (30) 10 258475t; 1iy days prior written notice specifying the nature of the default, to enter upon the real estate described therein and cure such default, or cause the same to be cured at the cost and expense of the association or the owner or owners thereof. The Village shall also have the right to charge or place a lien upon the property of the owner's association for the repayment of such costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in enforcing such obligations. The declaration shall further provide that these provisions may not be amended without the approval of the Village. Prior to recording, the finalized declaration of protective covenants shall be submitted to the Corporate Authorities for their approval. Said declaration shall include, but not by way of limitation, the following covenants and obligations: a) to maintain lakes and drainage system pursuant to Village Ordinances and in a neat and orderly manner so as not to cause standing water, conditions of excess sogginess, erosion, odor or other items determined by the Village Engineer or Health Officer to be detrimental to the area and b) the same shall apply to the area 20 feet north of the south Property line of Parcel B. 17. Road Improvements and Right of Way Dedications. A. Pavement width on Asbury Drive shall be 37 feet from back of curb to back of curb with a 60 foot right of way. B. A twenty (20) foot easement along the south side of Aptakisic Creek shall be granted to the Village by the Owners for bicycle path purposes. 18. Annexation to the Buffalo Grove Park District. The Owners agree, at the request of the Buffalo Grove Park District, to annex any part or all of the Property to said Park District. It is understood that there are no fees or donations associated with this annexation. 11 2584 5G iS 19. Facilitation of Development. Time is of the essence of this Agreement, all parties will make every reasonable effort to expedite the subject matters hereof. It is further understood and agreed that the successful consummation of this Agreement and the development of the Property in the best interests of all the parties requires their continued cooperation. The Owners do hereby evidence their intention to fully comply with all Village requirements, their willingness to discuss any matters of mutual interest that may arise, and their willingness to assist the Village to the fullest extent possible. The Village does hereby evidence its intent to always cooperate in the resolution of mutual problems and its willingness to facilitate the development of the Property, as contemplated by the provisions of this Agreement. 20. Enforceability of the A reement. This Agreement shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction by any of the parties or by an appropriate action at law or in equity to secure the performance of the covenants herein described. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, such provisions shall be deemed to be excised herefrom and the invalidity thereof shall not affect any of the provisions contained herein. 21. Term of,-Agreement. This Agreement will be binding on all parties for a term of twenty (20) years from the date of the execution of this Agreement by the Village. If for any reason the term of this Agreement shall be held invalid, the term shall be deemed to be the maximum term then permitted by law, but in no event greater than twenty (20) years. This Agreement shall not be assigned without prior notice to the Village and upon said assignment and acceptance by a purchaser, Owners shall have no further obligations hereunder. 22. Bindin& Effect of A reement. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective successors and assigns. 12 2584'756 23. Corporate Capacities. The parties acknowledge and agree that the individuals that are members of the group constituting the Corporate Authorities are entering into this Agreement in their official capacities as members of such group and shall have no personal liability in their individual capacities. 24. Notices. Any notice required pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and be sent by certified mail to the following addresses until notice of change of address is given and shall be deemed received on the fifth business day following deposit in the U.S. Mail. If to Owners: Asbury Corporation and Michael M. Leider c/o Leider Companies 3750 W. Deerfield Road Riverwoods, IL 60015 Copy to: John H. Mays Gould & Ratner 8th Floor 222 N. LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60601 If to Village: Village Clerk Village of Buffalo Grove 50 Raupp Boulevard Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Copy to: William G. Raysa Bloche' , French & Raysa 1140 Lake Street Suite 400 Oak Park, IL 60301 25. Default. In the event Owners default in their performance of their obligations set forth in this Agreement, then the Village, shall upon notice to Owners, allow Owners sixty (60) days to cure the default or provide evidence to the Village that such default will be cured in a timely manner if it cannot be cured during said period. 13 / � 26. Signs. The parties recognize the unique nature of the proposed development, and the need for the Owners and subsequent owners of the Property to design and install signage representative of the proposed development, the types of facilities located thereon and the community generally. Accordingly, the Village and Owners agree that the Village's Sign Ordinance and all subsequent amendments thereto shall not apply to the Property except as provided in EXHIBIT F, and that for the first phase of Parcel C all signs must be reviewed and approved by the Village Manager in lieu of the Village's Sign Code and Appearance Commission review. The sign code shall be replaced by "The Corporate Grove Signage Concept" (EXHIBIT F) . This procedure shall continue for the remainder of the Property if satisfactory performance is observed by the Village. The determination of this shall be in the sole discretion of the Village. If satisfactory performance is not observed by the Village, the Village and Owners agree to develop and approve a mutually acceptable revised design standard for signage on the Property. Existing signage on the Property shall be allowed to remain. 27 Special Conditions. Notwithstanding any other term or condition of this Agreement or Village Ordinances, the Property may be developed with the following special conditions and variances: A. Owner may install a 4" water line from Parcel C to service the existing development within Parcel B north of Aptakisic Creek and at such future time as service is available to the north portion of the Property, Owner may connect to that main at Owner's expense in order to service the north portion of the Property and in any event shall connect at the time of development or redevelopment of the balance of the Property. Village shall cause the owner of the real estate to the east of the Property (commonly 2584'�S6 14 14 known as the Klefsted Property) upon subdivision of the Klefsted Property to extend a 10" sewer line from the Village facilities to be installed north of Aptakisic Creek to the Property, or in the alternative, the Village will obtain all easements necessary to enable the Owner to install such a line. That portion of the cost of such line which solely benefits the Property shall be borne by the Owner. There shall be no other charge for such tap-in except customary tap-in fees. B. In regards to Parcel B, notwithstanding any provision of the Village Zoning Ordinance, the Village Development Ordinance, Village Building Codes, or any other Village Ordinance now in effect or adopted during the term of this Agreement in conflict herewith, the Village agrees that all structures and improvements currently located on the Property shall not be subject to Village building, health, safety, and fire codes until such time as improvements or repairs are made to said structures, however, all Lake County Ordinances shall be complied with. All improvements and major repairs to said structures which requires a building permit or change in uses shall be subject to all Village Ordinances provided, however, any permit issued by Lake County prior to annexation shall be honored and any work thereunder may be constructed in accordance with Lake County Ordinances rather than Buffalo Grove Ordinances. C. ZONING ORDINANCE VARIATIONS. The following variations are hereby granted to Parcel C only: 1. Section 17.48.020.E. To allow Parcel C to be subdivided into 20,000 (minimum) square foot lots with a minimum 50 foot frontage and covenant that no single site will be less than 40,000 square feet. 2. Section 17.48.020.F.6. Owners will not be required to construct a fence or berm and/or be subject to current Village setback limitations adjacent to any residentially zoned property. The setback 15 258475G /9 requirements shall conform with interior lot requirements in the I (Industrial) District. D. DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE VARIATIONS. Procedural Items (Parcel C only) : 1. Section 16.20.060.A.2. Detailed site grading plans will be provided at time of building permit application. E. DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE VARIATIONS. Drainage Items (Parcel C only) : 1. Section 16.50.030.D. 17.a. and b.i. and b.ii. The Village will permit open drainage channels for conveyance of storm water on private property if privately maintained and provided that a covenant for maintenance satisfactory to the Village is obtained. The Village does hereby waive requirements in its Development Ordinance requiring 6: 1 side slopes and an 8 foot minimum width paved access road adjacent to a channel. 2. Section 16.50.040.D. The Village does hereby waive its requirements that no structure be built within twenty-five (25) feet of a detention facility and will permit structures to be built immediately adjacent to a detention facility. F. DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE VARIATIONS. Right of Way (Parcel C only) : 1. Section 16.50. 120.I. 1 .e. The Village agrees that trees may be planted in groups rather than at a uniform spacing in parkways, detention areas and on individual lots. 2. Section 16.50.120.D. 1. Unpaved rights-of-way areas, detention area banks and drainage easements may be seeded rather than sodded. 3. Section 16.50.100.C. The Village will permit roadway lighting standards to be located at 500 foot maximum spacing in accordance with the Final Engineering Plan. 16 2584756 ao 4. Section 16.50.070.D.2. The roadway shown on the preliminary plan will be 37 feet back to back of curb with a 60 foot right of way. No parking shall be allowed on said streets. 5. Section 16.50.080.A. 1. and 16.50.090. The Owners will not be required to construct sidewalks or bike paths on Parcel C. However, a 20 foot easement adjacent to the north and south bank of Aptakisic Creek will be provided for maintenance and drainage. The easement on the south bank may be used for sidewalks or bike paths. 6. Section 16.50.080.A. 1. Owners will be permitted to construct berms within parkway areas of the public rights-of-way provided no berm located over a watermain, sanitary sewer or storm sewer exceeds a height of three (3) feet above the curb level. G. FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE VARIATION. The Village will permit excavation within 100 feet of the center line of Aptakisic Creek pursuant to EXHIBIT E. H. The following uses shall be allowed on Parcel B: 1. greenhouses and related uses 2. wholesale and retail growers and suppliers of plants and related materials 3. plant rentals 4. nurseries and related uses 5. general horticultural uses 6. farming I. The Owner acknowledges that a 16" DIWM is required on the frontage of Parcel A along Aptakisic Road. The Owner agrees that the installation of said 16" DIWM is the responsibility of the Owner and will be constructed in conjunction with the development or redevelopment of either Parcel A or Parcel B. 17 258�ass a . V J, Owners shall improve Asbury Drive south of the Property to Corporate Grove Drive. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporate Authorities and the Owners have caused this instrument to be executed by their respective proper officials duly authorized to execute the same on the day and the year first above written. VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE VERNA L. CLAYTON, Village , esident ,Vil e Gl flt'e OWN /' t /J SUBJECT PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That part 27, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the as follows, to wit: Th�rdthe Principal MerzNorthwest 'dian described Commencing at a point on the south line of the northwest 114 aforesaid, said point being 571.75 feet east of the southeast corner of the west 1/2 of the west 1/2 of the 4;northwest 1 feet to a thence northerly 2630.63 Point on the center line of Aptakisic Road, said point being 156.95 feet easterly of the intersection of said center line o f road with the north line of the northwest 114 of Section 27, Township and Range aforesaid; thence easterly along the center line of said Aptakisic Road, 769.57 feet; thence southerly 2527.0 feet to a Point on the south line of the northwest 1/4 of. said Section 27, said paint being 571,,'S feet Cast of the Poinof thence west along said south line of the northwest 1/4, 571.75t feet bto=theng; part thereof taken for Aptakisic Road, all in Lake County, Illinois. Place of beginning. Excepting therefrom the above described property that ATTEST: 258�►�56 18 EXHIBIT "A" That part of the Northwest ij4 of Section 2i , Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point on the South iine of the Northwest 1j4 aforesaid, said point being 51l . 75 feet East of the Southeast corner of the West 1j2 of the West 1%2, of the Northwest i/*4; thence Northerly 2,6.i0 .6.5' feet to a point on the center line of Aptakisic Road , said point being i56 .95 feet Easterly of the intersection of said center line of rood ` with the North Line of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2-1 , Township and Range aforesaid; thence Easterly along Lhe center line of said Aptakisic Road , 169 .57 feet; thence Southeriy 2521 .0 feet to a point on the South line of the Northwest 1' /4 of said Section 27 , said point being 57� . 'j5 feet East of the point of beginning; thence West along said South line of the. Northwest 1/4 , 51l . '/5 feet to the place of beginning . Excepting therefrom the above described property that part thereof taken for Aptakisic Road, all in Lake County, liiinois. 97 0 2584756 LAY; ',1,`v l t', I u� 1981 JUN 30 A,"' 9: 57 STATE OF ILLINOIS L'n ) SS. COUNTY OF COOK & LAKE ) I, JANET M. SIRABIAN, hereby certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting VILLAGE CLERK of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Counties of Cook and Lake, Illinois, and the keeper of its seal and records. I hereby further certify that the attached is the original of Ordinance No. 87-35 adopted on the 27th day of April , 19 87 , by the Village Board of the Village of Buffalo Grove as shown by the records in my custody. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Village of Buffalo Grove aforesaid, at said Village, in the County and State aforesaid, this 26th day of June 19 87 Village Clerk 1 y Deputy ClerK :�3