1977-009 ORDINANCE NO. 77 An Ordina �mmAmending aF ak% Number -Akoown srnBalsamo property) WHEREAS, Ordinance Number 74-22-A is an ordinance rezoning certain real property and approving planned developments thereon; and WHEREAS. Amalgamated Trust & Savings Bank, Trust No. 2068 has petitioned the Village of Buffalo Grove to change the planned development as set forth in Section Four of Ordinance Number 74-22-A from 241 townhouse units to 151 single family detached homes. WHEREAS, the Plan Commission of the Village and the President and the Board of Trustees have conducted public hearings on said 0 application; and WHEREAS, the President and- the Board of Trustees have con- sideration for said petition and have determined that the approval of same is in the best interests of the Village of Buffalo Grove; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That Section Four of Ordinance Number 74-22-A is hereby repealed and the following a-acted in lieu thereof: SECTION FOUR: The rezoning of the following described property, to wit: That part of the East 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian lying North of the center line of Illinois Route 83 as shown on the right of way map of said road recorded November 5, 1931 as Document Number 374979, Lake County, Illinois; said tract is located along the North side of Illinois Route 83 approximately 2000 feet East of Arlington Heights Road; is subject to the property being developed as a special use residential development consisting of not to exceed 151 single family detached homes. Said residential development will be constructed in substantial compliance with a plan prepared by Salvatore Balsamo & Associates, Architects and Planners, which plan is attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance as Exhibit "B-1", except as otherwise modified in this Ordinance. SECTION TWO: That Section Five "A", of Ordinance Number 74-22-A is hereby repealed and the following enacted in lieu thereof: SECTION FIVE: A. The developer and/or owner will pay to the Village for the benefit of school districts 125 and 96 serving the subject property, in accordance with the resolutions and policy of the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Buffalo Grove respecting donations by developers and/or owners in connection with developments within the Village, a total sum not to exceed One Hundred Three Thousand Dollars ($103,000.00) , the amount to be contributed for the residential development a described in Section Four of this Ordinance shall be $22,773.30 (this sum being included in the total sum of $103,000.00) Such financial contributions are intended to satisfy all requirements for donations or land dedication, except as here- inafter set forth. Such financial contributions shall be made to the Village for the use of the school district or districts as the Village shall designate at the time of the issuance of any building permits and be based pro-rata upon the number of building permits then being issued. SECTION THREE: That Section Nine of Ordinance Number 74-22-A is hereby repealed and the following enacted in lieu thereof: SECTION NINE: The residential development hereinabove pro- vided for in Section Four of this Ordinance is further sub- ject to the following terms and conditions: A. That notwithstanding any provision contained herein or in Ordinance Number 74-22-A and that the underlying zoning on said parcel is R-9 multiple family dwelling district, the owner, developer, and successors shall comply with regulations and standards set forth in the R-6 single family zoning district, except for Lot size, which shall be a minimum of 6000 square feet. B. The developer and/or owner will pay to the Village, for the benefit of the Park District serving the subject property a total sum of $20,000.00 to be used by the Park District -2- for what is commonly known as Camelot Park. Said donation shall be paid to the Village within 30 days of the effective date of this ordinance. Such financial contributions along with those contained in Section Five hereof are intended to satisfy all require- ments for donations of land dedication. C. To insure adequate drainage, the grading of each lot within the parcel and the placement of the house on the lot, will be subject to the approval of the Village Engineer. D. Concurrently with the final plat approval, the owner of said parcel will convey to the Village, free of taxes a and other liens property designated as Lot "A" on Exhibit "B-l" which is intended to be used as a storm water detention area. The owner/developer will landscape (includes grading and seeding when necessary for a period of one year from delivery of Deed) said Lot "A". The Village will otherwise maintain same. E. Each final plat of subdivision shall bear the following restriction: "Only detached single family homes and appurtenant structures shall be constructed hereon." F. The owner/developer will pay its proportionate share of water mains installed in Arlington Heights Road as per Recapture Ordinances Numbered 7 l -4V & fG- &LO SECTION FOUR: Ordinance Number 74-22-A is hereby reacknowledged and reaffirmed as amended herein. SECTION FIVE: The provisions of the Amendatory Ordinance apply only to the parcel described in Amended Section Four here- inabove set forth. SECTION SIX: Wherever owner/developer appears herein it shall include but not by way of limitation, successors, transferees and assignees. -3- SECTION SEVEN: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner pro- vided by law. AYES '/ NAYES ABSENT PASSED this _�� day of ,1977 APPROVED this �G� day of 1977 APPROVED: l Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ORDINANCE NO. �— J ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE - THIS DAY OF 197�. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties , Illinois, this day of 1977. Village Clerk