1967-005 ORDINANCE NO. 67s ,�- AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ILLINOIS WHEREAS , certain property described below is unoccupied territory lying along the boundary line between the adjoining municipalities of the Village of Wheeling and the Village of Buffalo Grove; and WHEREAS , a Petition and a proposed pre-annexation agree- ment were filed with the President and Board of Trustees and after a public hearing as provided by law, the President and Board approved said pre-annexation agreement, and WHEREAS , notice of the proposed annexation by the Village of Buffalo Grove of such territory has been given to the Wheeling Township Fire Protection District, as provided by law, a copy of which Notice was recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, on February 14, 1967 , as Document No. 20062629; and WHEREAS , said territory was previously annexed to the Village of Wheeling and the corporate authorities adopted an ordinance providing for the disconnection of said territory; and WHEREAS , it is in the best interests of both Villages in- volved that this territory be annexed to the Village of Buffalo Grove. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD f OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: That the following described territory: That part of the NW'� of Sec. 4, Town 42 No. Range 11 E of the3rd PM bounded by a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the S line of said NWk with the center line of Buffalo Grove Rd. ; thence E along the S line of said NW14 218.73 feet for a place of beginning, thence continuing E along said S line 218 .73 feet, thence Northerly parallel with the center line of Buffalo Grove Rd. 200 feet, thence W parallel with the S line of said NWk 218 .73 feet, thence Southerly parallel with the center line of Buffalo Grove Rd. to the place of beginning in Cook County, Illinois . Located south of Aptakisic Rd. on the East side of Buffalo Grove Rd. be annexed to the Village of Buffalo Grove. „ t rrr f � ��,����d �rrr�rrt.,w� SECTION TWO: That the Clerk of the Village of Buffalo Grove shall, andshe is hereby directed to, cause the filing for recordation of an accurate map of the added territory, together with a certified copy of this ordinance, with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois . SECTION THREE: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. AYES: NAYS : 0 69;� / PASSED this day of 1967 . APPROVED this day of 1967 . resident. ATTEST: V' age Clerk. a4dNIXW/NIiNMIW'NHroIg4Mk'mmµWbH4divw.awMmmxurvwwm✓✓rki(MMMaeu!WNutirvimmmgµmuxwrv.mwwi'f;MiwDflMl�rvm�iMpXN raNdmu � NvlY,iid D STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK ® ROSALIE L. KASZUBOWSKI, Clerk of the Village of Buffalo Illinois, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the attached and fore- going is a true correct copy of an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE VILLAGE BUFFALO GROVE" passed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees the Villageof Buffalo Grove, Illinois, at an regular t of saidVillage Board held on the A. I DO FURTHER CERTIFY that the original of which the attachedor of is a true and correct copy entrusted to my care n safekeeping and is now on file in my office, and that I am the keeper of the records, entriesp ordinances, resolution, papers, books, and the corporate seal of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois . FURTHERI DO CERTIFY that the vote upon the passage of said ordinance was taken by AYES AND NAYESand so entered upon the legislativerecords of the Village Board of said Village of Buffalo Grove, and that said Ordinance received the necessary jorit of the corporate authorities ' vote for its adoption. WITNESS my hand and the corporate seaal- of the Village of n ffaln C.rnv . T11inois this PeGG day of Atl.� , .D. , lcjj�7 m