1996-0284596 Ordinance 96 - _2 s An Ordinance Providing For Part-Time Police Officers Whereas, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970, Whereas, Illinois Public Act 89 -170 provides for the employment of part -time police officers; that such part-time police officers shall be members of the regular police department, except for pension purposes; and that a municipality that employs part-time police officers shall, by ordinance, establish hiring standards for said officers, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1 Sections 2:28.040 and 2.28.050 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 2.28.040 Appointment of Members- -Fire and Police Departments. A. The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall appoint all officers and members of the Fire and Police Departments of the municipality, except those positions exempted by Village ordinance. The sole authority to issue certificates of appointment shall be vested in the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, and all certificates of appointment issued to any officer or member of the Fire or Police Department shall be signed by the chairman and secretary, respectively, of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners upon appointment of such officer or member of the Fire or Police Department by action of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. Names of candidates for original appointment will be removed from any eligibility list after having been on the list for more than two years except that: I. the eligibility list for original appointment to the Police Department shall be from January 30, 1996 through June 30, 1997; and 2. the existing eligibility list for original appointment to the Fire Department shall expire on February 6, 1997 and the new eligibility list shall be from February 7, 1997 through August 7, 1998. B. All original appointments to the Fire or Police Department shall be for a probationary period of eighteen months. All promotional appointments to the Fire or Police Department shall be for a probationary period of one year. During the probationary period, an original appointee may be dismissed without a hearing before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners if the chief of the department determines that the employee has failed to demonstrate the ability and the qualifications necessary to furnish satisfactory service. The chief shall notify the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners in writing of such dismissal. If an employee is not dismissed during his probationary period, his appointment shall be deemed complete at the end of the period. During the probationary period, promotional appointees shall be considered as on furlough from the rank held immediately prior to promotion, and may be reinstated to such prior rank without a hearing before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners if the chief of the department determines that the employee has failed to demonstrate the ability and the qualifications necessary to furnish satisfactory service at the higher rank. The chief shall notify the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners in writing of such action. If a promotional appointee is not reinstated in his prior rank during the probationary period, his appointment shall be deemed complete at the end of the period. C. If a member of the department is appointed Chief of Police or Chief of the Fire Department prior to being eligible to retire on pension, he shall be considered as on furlough from the rank he held immediately prior to his appointment as chief. If he resigns as chief or is discharged as chief prior to attaining eligibility to retire on pension, he shall revert to and be established in such prior rank and therefore be entitled to all benefits and emoluments of such rank without regard to whether a vacancy then exists in such rank. All appointments to each department other than that of lowest ranks shall be from the rank next below that to which the appointment is made, except that the Chief of Fire or Police Department may be appointed from among the members of the Fire and Police Departments respectively, regardless of rank, unless the Village Board of Trustees shall have by ordinance otherwise provided. 2 D. Any full -time member of the Fire or Police Department or part-time police officer who comes under the provisions of this Chapter is a Village Officer but is exempt from any residency requirements except as shall be set by specific departmental rules and regulations. E. The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall annually appoint all part-time police officers. Part-time police officers: 1. shall only be appointed or reappointed upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police and only from full -time members of the Village's Police Department who retire or resign in good standing from full - time duties; 2. must have a minimum of ten (10) years experience as a full-time Village police officer; and 3. must apply for and be accepted by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners prior to retiring or resigning from the Police Department. 2.28.050 Rules and Publications. A. The board shall make rules to carry out the purpose of this Chapter and for appointments and removals in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. The board from time to time may make changes in these rules. B. All rules and changes therein shall be printed immediately for distribution. The board shall give notice of the places where the printed rules may be obtained and of the date not less than ten days subsequent to the time of publication when the rules and changes therein shall go into effect. This notice shall be published in a newspaper with a general circulation within the Village. C. These rules of the board shall apply to the conduct of examinations for original appointments, for promotions, to the standards for part-time police officers and to the conduct of hearings on charges brought against a member of the Police or Fire Department. No such rules shall be made by the board to govern the operation of the Fire or Police Department, or the conduct of its members. 3 Section 2 Subsection B of Section 2.28.080 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 2.28.080 Removal, discharge and demotion -- Retirement. B. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the Chief of the Fire or the Police Department from suspending without pay any member of the department for a period of not more than five days, but he shall notify the board in writing of such suspension. Any fire or police officer so suspended may appeal to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners to review the suspension within five days after the suspension and upon such appeal, the board may sustain the action of the chief of the department, may reverse it with instructions that the person receive pay for the period involved, or it may suspend the officer for an additional period of not more than thirty days or discharge the person and/or demote the person, depending on the facts presented. Section 3 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. AYES: 6 - Marienthal, Reid, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYES: 0 - ABSENT: 0 -None 4 Y � PASSED: April 15, 1996 APPROVED: April 15, 1996 ATTEST: �l n VIL AGE CLERK 5 APPROVED: PRESIDENT . ITE__ __I. (A) TO: Mr. William R. Balling, Village Manager FROM: Chief Leo C. McCann DATE: April 3, 1996 SUBJECT: ORDINANCE REVISION, CHAPTER 2.28 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE Bill, enclosed is a revision to our to our Municipal Code creating the position of Part-Time Police Officer (2.28.040 & 050). The President and Board of Trustees have already had an opportunity to review this concept, and the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners has been polled by Mr. Walser and unanimously endorse the ordinance. Please note that the amendment also revises Section 2.28.080, bringing the Village into compliance with an Illinois statute that permits fire /police officers 5 days rather than 24 hours to appeal suspensions imposed by the service Chiefs. The Commission has also reviewed and endorsed this change. Please place this item on the agenda for the April 15, 1996 meeting of the President and Board of Trustees. Thank you. Sincer pvl Leo C. McCann Chief of Police cc: Mr. Clarke Walser Mr. Lee Szymborski 459 Ordinance 96 - Additions are indicated by highlight; deletions by strikeout. An Ordinance Providing For Part-Time Police Officers Whereas, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970, Whereas, Illinois Public Act 89 -170 provides for the employment of part -time police officers; that such part -time police officers shall be members of the regular police department, except for pension purposes; and that a municipality that employs part -time police officers shall, by ordinance, establish hiring standards for said officers, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1. Sections 2.28.040 and 2.28.050 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 2.28.040 Appointment of Members- -Fire and Police Departments. A. The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall appoint all officers and members of the Fire and Police Departments of the municipality, except those positions exempted by Village ordinance. The sole authority to issue certificates of appointment shall be vested in the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, and all certificates of appointment issued to any officer or member of the Fire or Police Department shall be signed by the chairman and secretary, respectively, of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners upon appointment of such officer or member of the Fire or Police Department by action of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. Names of candidates for original appointment will be removed from any eligibility list after having been on the list for more than two years except that: 1. the eligibility list ''for original appointment to the Police Department shall be from January 30, 1996 through June 30, 1997; and 2. the existing I eligibility list for original appointment to the Fire Department shaft expire on February 6, 1997 and the new eligibility list shall be from February 7, 1997 through August 7, 1998. B. All original appointments to the Fire or Police Department shall be for a 2 probationary period of eighteen months. All promotional appointments to the Fire or Police Department shall be for a probationary period of one year. During the probationary period, an original appointee may be dismissed without a hearing before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners if the chief of the department determines that the employee has failed to demonstrate the ability and the qualifications necessary to furnish satisfactory service. The chief shall notify the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners in writing of such dismissal. If an employee is not dismissed during his probationary period, his appointment shall be deemed complete at the end of the period. During the probationary period, promotional appointees shall be considered as on furlough from the rank held immediately prior to promotion, and may be reinstated to such prior rank without a hearing before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners if the chief of the department determines that the employee has failed to demonstrate the ability and the qualifications necessary to furnish satisfactory service at the higher rank. The chief shall notify the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners in writing of such action. If a promotional appointee is not reinstated in his prior rank during the probationary period, his appointment shall be deemed complete at the 3 end of the period. C. If a member of the department is appointed Chief of Police or Chief of the Fire Department prior to being eligible to retire on pension, he shall be considered as on furlough from the rank he held immediately prior to his appointment as chief. If he resigns as chief or is discharged as chief prior to attaining eligibility to retire on pension, he shall revert to and be established in such prior rank and therefore be entitled to all benefits and emoluments of such rank without regard to whether a vacancy then exists in such rank. All appointments to each department other than that of lowest ranks shall be from the rank next below that to which the appointment is made, except that the Chief of Fire or Police Department may be appointed from among the members of the Fire and Police Departments respectively, regardless of rank, unless the Village Board of Trustees shall have by ordinance otherwise provided. D. Any full -time member of the Fire or Police Department or part-time police officer who comes under the provisions of this Chapter is a Village Officer 0 but is exempt from any residency requirements except as shall be set by specific departmental rules and regulations. E. The Board of Fire and Police Commission e I rs. shall annually appoint all part-time, police officers. Part-time police officers: I . shall only be appointed or reappointed, upon the rewnimendation of the Chief of Police andonly from full-time members of the Village's Police Deparbme who retire or resign in good standing from AAI- time duties-, 2. must have a Iminimum of ten (10) years experience as ,a full-time 3♦ must apply for and be accepted by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners prior to retiring or resigning from the Police signing Department. 2.28.050 Rules and Publications. A. The board shall make rules to carry out the purpose of this Chapter and for appointments and removals in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. The board from time to time may make changes in these rules. B. All rules and changes therein shall be printed immediately for distribution. The board shall give notice of the places where the printed rules may be obtained and of the date not less than ten days subsequent to the time of publication when the rules and changes therein shall go into effect. This notice shall be published in a newspaper with a general circulation within the Village. C. These rules of the board shall apply only to the conduct of examinations for original appointments, for promotions, to the standards for part-time police officers and to the conduct of hearings on charges brought against a member of the Police or Fire Department. No such rules shall be made by the board to govern the operation of the Fire or Police Department, or the conduct of its members. z Section 2 Subsection B of Section 2.28.080 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 2.28.080 Removal, discharge and demotion — Retirement. B. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the Chief of the Fire or the Police Department from suspending without pay any member of the department for a period of not more than five days, but he shall notify the board in writing of such suspension. Any fire or police officer so suspended may appeal to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners to review the suspension within five days after of the suspension and upon such appeal, the board may sustain the action of the chief of the department, may reverse it with instructions that the person receive pay for the period involved, or it may suspend the officer for an additional period of not more than thirty days or discharge the person and/or demote the person, depending on the facts presented. Section 3 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. 7 AYES: NAPES: ABSENT: PASSED: 1996 APPROVED: 1996 APPROVED: VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ORDINANCE NO. W-ow ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE 0 FFALO GROV THIS AY OF Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffa o Grove, Cook & L e Counties, Illinois, this day of 19, sZ 1?7 Village C erk By%IiJ� Deputy Village Clerk 1. 415196 Ordinance 96 - 28 An Ordinance Providing For Part-Time Police Officers Whereas, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970, Whereas, Illinois Public Act 89 -170 provides for the employment of part-time police officers; that such part -time police officers shall be members of the regular police department, except for pension purposes; and that a municipality that employs part-time police officers shall, by ordinance, establish hiring standards for said officers, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1 Sections 2:28.040 and 2.28.050 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 2.28.040 Appointment of Members- -Fire and Police Departments. A. The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall appoint all officers and members of the Fire and Police Departments of the municipality, except those positions exempted by Village ordinance. The sole authority to issue certificates of appointment shall be vested in the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, and all certificates of appointment issued to any officer or member of the Fire or Police Department shall be signed by the chairman and secretary, respectively, of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners upon appointment of such officer or member of the Fire or Police Department by action of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. Names of candidates for original appointment will be removed from any eligibility list after having been on the list for more than two years except that: 1, the eligibility list for original appointment to the Police Department shall be from January 30, 1996 through June 30, 1997; and 2. the existing eligibility list for original appointment to the Fire Department shall expire on February 6, 1997 and the new eligibility list shall be from February 7, 1997 through August 7, 1998. B. All original appointments to the Fire or Police Department shall be for a probationary period of eighteen months. All promotional appointments to the Fire or Police Department shall be for a probationary period of one year. During the probationary period, an original appointee may be dismissed without a hearing before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners if the chief of the department determines that the employee has failed to demonstrate the ability and the qualifications necessary to furnish satisfactory service. The chief shall notify the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners in writing of such dismissal. If an employee is not dismissed during his probationary period, his appointment shall be deemed complete at the end of the period. During the probationary period, promotional appointees shall be considered as on furlough from the rank held immediately prior to promotion, and may be reinstated to such prior rank without a hearing before the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners if the chief of the department determines that the employee has failed to demonstrate the ability and the qualifications necessary to furnish satisfactory service at the higher rank. The chief shall notify the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners in writing of such action. If a promotional appointee is not reinstated in his prior rank during the probationary period, his appointment shall be deemed complete at the end of the period. C. If a member of the department is appointed Chief of Police or Chief of the Fire Department prior to being eligible to retire on pension, he shall be considered as on furlough from the rank he held immediately prior to his appointment as chief. If he resigns as chief or is discharged as chief prior to attaining eligibility to retire on pension, he shall revert to and be established in such prior rank and therefore be entitled to all benefits and emoluments of such rank without regard to whether a vacancy then exists in such rank. All appointments to each department other than that of lowest ranks shall be from the rank next below that to which the appointment is made, except that the Chief of Fire or Police Department may be appointed from among the members of the Fire and Police Departments respectively, regardless of rank, unless the Village Board of Trustees shall have by ordinance otherwise provided. 2 D. Any full -time member of the Fire or Police Department or part-time police officer who comes under the provisions of this Chapter is a Village Officer but is exempt from any residency requirements except as shall be set by specific departmental rules and regulations. E. The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall annually appoint all part-time police officers. Part-time police officers: 1. shall only be appointed or reappointed upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police and only from full -time members of the Village's Police Department who retire or resign in good standing from full - time duties; 2. must have a minimum of ten (10) years experience as a full -time Village police officer; and 3. must apply for and be accepted by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners prior to retiring or resigning from the Police Department. 2.28.050 Rules and Publications. A. The board shall make rules to carry out the purpose of this Chapter and for appointments and removals in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. The board from time to time may make changes in these rules. B. All rules and changes therein shall be printed immediately for distribution. The board shall give notice of the places where the printed rules may be obtained and of the date not less than ten days subsequent to the time of publication when the rules and changes therein shall go into effect. This notice shall be published in a newspaper with a general circulation within the Village. C. These rules of the board shall apply to the conduct of examinations for original appointments, for promotions, to the standards for part-time police officers and to the conduct of hearings on charges brought against a member of the Police or Fire Department. No such rules shall be made by the board to govern the operation of the Fire or Police Department, or the conduct of its members. 3 Section 2 Subsection B of Section 2.28.080 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 2.28.080 Removal, discharge and demotion -- Retirement. B. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the Chief of the Fire or the Police Department from suspending without pay any member of the department for a period of not more than five days, but he shall notify the board in writing of such suspension. Any fire or police officer so suspended may appeal to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners to review the suspension within five days after the suspension and upon such appeal, the board may sustain the action of the chief of the department, may reverse it with instructions that the person receive pay for the period involved, or it may suspend the officer for an additional period of not more than thirty days or discharge the person and/or demote the person, depending on the facts presented. Section 3 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. AYES: 6 - Marienthal, Reid, Rubin, Braiman, Hendricks, Glover NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 0 - None 0 PASSED: April 15, 1996 , APPROVED: April 15, 1996 , ATTEST: VIL AGE CLERK' 5 APPROVED: PRESIDENT