1987-070DRAFT - 10/23/87 0 ORDINANCE NO. 87 -70 1E ORDINANCE APPROVING RECONVEYANCE OF SOUTH PORTION OF ARBORETUM GOLF COURSE- WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove has previously received title to real property, commonly known as the Arboretum Golf Course, by deed recorded in Lake County, Illinois as document number 2556349; and WHEREAS, said Arboretum Golf Course property was basically divided in that part north of Route 22 (commonly known as the "Portion ") and that part south of Route 22 ( "South ");,and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the "South Portion" legal description needs to be revised. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1: The preceding Whereas clauses are incorporated herein. Section 2: That the Deed attached hereto as Exhibit "A" which reconveys the South portion of the Arboretum Golf Course back to the Grantor is hereby approved and the Village President and Village Clerk are hereby authorized to execute same. Section 3: The Deed attached hereto as Exhibit "B" which conveys the new south portion of the Arboretum Golf Course to the Village with a revised legal description is hereby approved and accepted. Section 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. AYES: 5 - Marienthal, Glover, Reid, Shields, Kowalski NAYES : 0 - None ABSENT: 1. - Shifrin PASSED: November 2 , 1987. APPROVED: November 2 , 1987. APPROVED Village President F ATTEST: �''�J ��•�� Village Clerk OYfI li.l. L��:aatrt COREECri VE TTV S DEED I VILLAGE OF Bf3;WAI FA'.? 'arE Form 1591 Joint Tenancy I The above space for tecorders use THIS INDENTURE, made this 19th day of March , 1987 , between AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO, a corporation duly organized and existing as a national banking association under the laws of the United States of America, and duly authorized to accept and execute trusts within the State of Illinois, not personally but as Trustee under the provisions of a deed or deeds in trust duly recorded and delivered to said national banking association in pursuance of a certain Trust Agreement, dated the 26th day of November I , 19 85 , and known as Trust Number 67182 party of the first part, and Village of Buffalo Grove, a Municipal Corporation Fifty Raupp Blvd., Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089 ,parties of the second part. WITNESSETH, that said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of $10.00 ---------- TEN AND NO/ 100---- ------ ------ ---- -------- --- Dollars, and other good and valuable considerations in hand paid, does hereby grant, sell and convey unto said parties of the second part, not in tenancy in common, but in joint tenancy, the following described real estate, situated in County, Illinois, to -wit: See Legal Description attached hereto and made a part hereof. PERMANENT INDEX NOS.: 15 -17- 400 - 001 -0010 and 0011; 15 -17- 300 - 003 -0010 and 0011 15 -20- 200- 003 -0010 and 0011; 15 -20- 200 - 004 -0021; 15 -21- 100 - 006 -0021 and 15 -21 -100- 007 -0021 (AFFECTS THIS PROPERTY AND 0112M PROPERTY) together with the lonetnents and appurtenances thereunto belonging. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto said parties of the second part, forever, not in tenancy in common, but in joint tenancy. This doed is exevted by the party of the first part, as Trust ", as aforesaid, pursuant to and in the exercire of the power and authority granted to and vented in it by the terms of said Deed or Deeds in Trust and the provisions of said Trust Agreement above mentioned, and of every whor pcwar and authority therounto enabling. This deed is made subject to the liens of all trust deeds and /or mortgages upon said real estate, it say, recorded or registered in said county, IN WITNESS WfiFREOF, said party of the first part has coused its corporate seal to be hereto nfft xed. and has caused Its name to be signed to these presents by cne d lit Vice Presidents or its Assistant Vice Presidents and attested by its Arsislant Secretary, the day and year tint obove written. AMERICAN NATIONAL DAN[ AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO p.: as Trust ", as aforesaid, and not personally, NdVV'1'4J 'TCk, ?:?eAPM�h+3�.Jeir? / VICE PRESIDENT r ! . V t l4PJtL �ti r is Attest ASSISTANT SECRETARY 1 1 11— �Ow I' ^ 1 J t prepared by` :'William Raysa, 1140 Lake St., Suite 400. Oak Park. I STATE Or ILLINOIS. t I, Iha un•.tursigne.d, a Notary Pubh,• in and inr Iho Ccunly rind Sint. aforesaid. DO 11FRI.RY CERTIFY, COU NTY Or ('UOK ( SS. thin the hove umu>d Vnv 'ha 0l 1 ,n,l As,I.t.n,t s.rrouay „I it,. AMI'Hh'.AN NA'IIONA!. RANK AND TIMSI' COMPANY 01' ,'HIC Atilt, A Nannnal 11,1,A qq Asn.vn,h.n,, si,anto' Vu .1 ily known to me Io be Iha nn. pet sons whoa. nau,BS are ulbsvnhnd to ttI. I matrumenl :egmnv V, u Pra ,dent rind Asaratanl serlal"'y ,nsparnvol r. Ill. od hah,w , tinsuch u dny I, pn,s ,n wul orknowl.JVaI Iha! 'I, y n,anod „rid dahv'rod it a. el mvh,:nrenl ar tlmn ,awn TRislastrVrRent,progpEaii,,, hue mgt vohunmy a�I and as Iha tluo vnd volam Iy arI of said N,n,..nnI Ass.•.,,,hnn for the hY. ,. •u)jea. glud 4r}x ua the,a,n vet Inrth; and the auni Aav,ahnn $u. Ielary Ihan and Ihrru r: ka„wlu.l. lad tin,l smd ASS �inf+Surr.Iary. • Arrrerican Njationa1 ns r stodn", , I Iha ­w-mt., aval of .­d National Panku,v A.1s.,, Iah, uod , it,. 'or•,,rnly, .1-1,11 W xud NaaOU',I Nt kuul Aunnrmh,+u 1, ha oih ,J .n anl,l m.lnunrnt n a nand rise• I:,dI` s,., •$link oar ✓s ow , Ira. , I'd v IIm y ,,, t a,,,t , > m. ha. „I'd v.dnl nn y ,,, l nr .'­l NaII „.,.d A., Ith. ; and Trust 6)rnpany Punkiny ,nIi i for nsaa a.,d I,nlrn .1.,a rtII•,um gut ta,tll :. 33 NORTH LA SALLE STREET. (:ivan ,nda n„ ,,o.,d .,.., N..I.,i, •:...I °1 '\ �• . ♦, CHICAGO 60690 .. .>.. ...,v .., J <� .., ......: r' f vJ( I G� l� •'CJ ��G Nomly Public D NAME E $LCC,iE, i'i1.:N�1 & IfAYSA, P.C. L STREET A T T O R N t' : ,� r l_ll yr I 1 I C > LAKE: s'rrir er, soli Z. 400 V CI'T'Y OAK PARK. ILLINOIS 60301 E L 386.7273 R OR Y reisTrueTf,Hs AECORDEA's OFFICV SOX NuMRCR_____ FOR INFORMATION ONLY INSERT STREET ADDRESS OF ABOVE DESCRIAI.P PAOT117.11Ty IfCRr ti :if : C- 0 y�y � wY:i w t.sa a r Pa �4 3 7. DEED IN TRUST Forth 191 Rev. 11.71 The above ,poet order's use only. THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, THAT THE GRANTOR, VILLAGE OF Municipal corporation of the County of Lake and State of Illinois of the sum of TEN AND N01100 VIUAG,C OF BUFFALO GROVE, a , for and in consideration Dollars ($ 10.00 - - - -- ), in hand Qaid, and of other good and valuable considerations, receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, Convey S and t C1u�ntnl`SAMERICAN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO, a national banking association whose address is 33 No. LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois, as Trustee under the provisions of a certain Trust Agreement, dater) the 26th clay of NOVerrber 1985 , and known as Trust Number 67182 the following described real estate in the County of Lake and State of Illinois, to wit: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF PERMANENT INDEX NOS: 15 -17- 400 - 001 -0010 and 0011; 15 -17 -300- 003 -0010 and 0011 15 -20 -300 -003 -0010 and 0011; 15- 20- 200 -003 -0021; 15 -21 -100- 006 -0021 and 15 -21 -100- 007 -0021 (AFFECPS THIS PROPERTY AND OTHER PROPERTY) TO HAVE AND 70 !101.17 the said real eaht! x11h the enpurtenanrea, upon the trusts, And for the hoes and Durooaea herald and In said Trust Agreement set forth. Full Dnwrr and arrthnrlry' is herby runt pd to .III Trustee In impt,,, ana Fr, pmteet and ubdilld, $Aid real estate r Amv Part thereof. to dedlrete parka, xt errs!, hIgIISa'esA or elirys In recall, by atl1 1,'ISlon or pgrI ,here, ?, and 10 retohdh'Id, ,olds rnl ),solo eA ntlen 93 desired, In eonlrart to vrll. to start sl loos I Ifr11n P ,,I nr n� In .. n v Irr n MnreY eilhrr u'ilh ! ',ashes I,, Iran and in ,:tool ,, then urreaeor o or x'I,Iunll e, Io erxlinn. to tom's' oohs r nl Slalr nr aN' part thereof In aurfnstnr or stir- ! rn Irtio alt of ih +• Iltl e, eel Ale, pma'er9 And ernhnrlliex rest r!f In old Tniatee. in donate. In deAlfatr, If InnrNl K•Ige. IdedgC or fl t^Y,ri Ae r fhmbe, laid reala "roll,. nA tt Ihrren(. ,!I IrAte .NIII real ,state. nr n' par{ )berth /, 1.111 Iltae In Ilene, In nnsxex.einll dee ai hp Irnnrs M n Inn err in proeuenai nr in fulurn� nn,I r v term. and for ii% perind periods o! lime, not xrreding In the rA3 of nth' Ingl! mlae elm brin 111.4 Yearl`sell In enrx^ aren't Jr.— um,n n r "trrmp anA ten Nnv netted r nrrlaax er time and to a,d I rhxnRP or muase tenses a„1 or, u 1 nrnr xintin Ihs'nmr xt )' lime r lirnea Ilrrfnft rr, to rm111 raft Irr obt a lease, an', to grant options In Into and onlinna In lf..or I nturX and unnolla h+ PIIlrhaaf rhr x'Il..h• Ar AnY earl: A( lhC rr)'eYAlnrl Nnrl (A !noosed rPXllrl', II1K llI'. IhPnllrI of fixhla Ill, am I I of oMaenl nr n11hM ern, al9, In pA rt itlon a xrhange salt' reAl r. lal:•. !+ nnY rent f1,crenf, for ntller sal nr Pnrxnnal un+nrrU'. In Besot raxrm+•nis n herRra"nf Y kind, in relrasf, re. try to nsalFn any Ili RIII, IIIIC r Irteat vin I.tni gpprl Y:rna it to PBill 'Al ,Plat, , 4111' Part thereof, a,Id Ihr deal sl'dth sold teal !elate nttd refry "hall thereof In '11 nlhrr 1 nrl ff .r shah x:ll.r n rl A,ralimu here II aruulrl no Inwhll I'll nn)' Prrx,m m'nlnR the some In deal % "in the same. whether Slm liar In or different from Illy ,s'A7'a abn�e xprrifled. al PnY stmt nr tlmea 11Pfaafter. In nn a xhAll ar )' noel' dealing ollh aAfd Ten l­, r tut ,nr " In Irual. relellnn to cold rni ,stale. or to whom aAld real e6tale ! par It,nr,nf Shalt efs¢ ! eYnrl, rnn(rartell in be. sn�!I, lensed r -ugaam by `rSa id Tnifllrc. r AnY r esrnr In bust. he t111Rrd I" s to the an .1t,•nl innal,�f i�rbxar n y, r nu Lerr -od h'anmd nn�l se is r•nl a IA,r, be ooft,.1 III I s sh Ihat the terms I Ihls ,nlxt ha, e, Lean tnnpdo I ,! r pbe IriRrrl lu laub",` "ban Ihr r,ayrlhuril r cerxlly or rxPelllrlll')' of )) art !Ar told Truslec. nT SI1C bllgF,l nr Vrivtor '! to Innitlrc Info en)' of the terms of to id 'I'rnxl .1 Krn•menl: and rs'erY drrd, lots))`deer). Innrl ¢a al,. irP xe nr Anlm II xl r "In "t • ..1110 by xA Id T Ilstee. any xu. r in Irnxl, in rrlat inn ,n sx lA real Islab Pbnll le „mrinxlrc r, )dente In Irnxr of r r Prnnn liurindblK Cllr 'Itcaslrnr of e'I'1, its of ", I'no1 relYhtg nrnn`Pn"IapninK un•Irr nth ! rr1'aneal rx. + oher Inn rurnrtil. Lrl hot nl PIP Nme`r6r Ihr ern+rr+ IlnTenr the trufll rn'nled by Ilgs In,irnl Ufe sell h)' s IAr TWmt Aarrrms'nl") lu !1111 there rpd`effer e.0 ,hx other Inxt Whorl++ rnlerl In art rrdnnrC srhh ,hr Inrals, ran lltlnnx 111 Ilmllxlinnx n Idlned Inv illds loll 1,rhe In Ih earl '1'rllxl 1. \Frerinlrnt l'ralne All M- o'hnrms th'o,l.,vlfr.'In and hindhlR upon All hPnC!IClArlrfl hen`undef. lr, isI treat. x duly aorlmrizr,l nn.1 rnirno'en•d to ! +I ::.I del le.T)� that Sold Truxler. ar n ode to 1ea e.v.. nr urr,r x Ir, )eels). Ihal sir �Il `e on or Ilrcrr sorb titer), IWrfl Irr J. Jr.,,. I , era aye nlb,r inatnhnrnl toil I'll if lit. " r1Rh 1. +, npwen yrauthnri,irA. vdul lr. Iind uhllael lone o! Il.e, III, ax +nf r ,sort In Iru1 t Inn ^I• been pl,perly Ionp,dowl still are hdly ..tic.l ,oath 511 rhr IIIir „x1Ale. r o sir xPreArnsrnr In Total. 'fhla torn,....... Ia made onml the press unllere,anrling N 1 nmdlflan., Inn) nrlt her :lloerioto National Itank and Trust nomDsm' of rhlrngn. Ind it iduxil f a Treat," nor al's surre _ or "I'! ..ears Iu lnul shall Inca, nn prnunal IInh1111y or l+r xnbjet•lyd 10 anY rixlm. judRe,nenl or deem. fur 'nylhinF I, nr Ihr. or its ,:` heir agents ttorneys ma) do n em t to do In n ahrnl Ihr sold e 1 rf,ale n tender the r—kon, f this 1•rrd .hid ret Ile n r.:olenf mnrele. or for Oghn' h+ Perxnn nr p,,r,,rtY hapo log it nr ahnrr raid IeAI eelxlr. an Id ell Purh rllehilliy Acing rherob,r torts,)' w Iefd :mil ,n9rnerd. ,1u3' tract, bll under n In rl:l, Ines, Inru rh,i n nterrd thin by Ihr Teunre n s +, Irrllnn)n'1lh &Aid real estate Mey be entered Into In It In Ihr n .f Ihr Ih,I ben,flClaflra under said Tn;,3 Aere—ol a, .their horn —le -feel. herehy Irrrrnrxnh' snpn{nted for smh obronaes. 1 the e1rr11no .Ir the Trustee in I;x n a T'",",' of al r3'n trust And no, IndlelduP,lY Ixnd Ile Trustee shall hair nhll Win, x'halaperer x'Ilh ,� pPrl In em' .xurh ortrocl, nhliKa,inn '+ IndPotldnesv r. eel only sn far Aa the Irnxr nrnprrt, Rod bends In Ihr art,aI IxnSPxai no or the TrnttrP inall be appllral,lr /ne (h,• el. 'ohs alA r,,t, rhr 11IM lr . \il pennna m,d rnrprrAl Inns x'hnmxneerr and ,hall ,hall br .,are,, xi,h nntIle "r Ink enndilinn from the rIAie It Ihr flling for r<I nnl nl Ibis drrd, The )merest of •arh n,' rrrn' he,ealelan' leretmdrr rend mlAer a III Tnnl Aar ,.,, l .ml of all persons elelm log Imder ,hem n an)• of dl shoo h. only In he o,"11 , n 11',, anti n ,.rends ,Axles from Ihr sole or any :nhrr dlshn,ll inn of 1, 1 r,al rxi Ate, and enrh Interest Is hrrehy de0a re�I In be nerxrmal Pn+nrri e. nn,l nI_ riAo hrrronrler =hole hart PnY {Isle or nl errs). Ir.xl o nlri )able, In r In old n•ni r air a xurh, true ell' on n r u n ,rhinos. a all! and nn+rec,ix (berrnf x sfor,•Ia,l, the Inn nnnr3 hereof brim "1 ,'evt in PI,- . \Inrrlran NAI IOn41 v.q amt Tlinl Comp4..Y of I;hicago , IllPfeentire `Iv,al and 'etiollahle title In re ellliplr. In Nn:l to all of Ihr rrni eSI'le ahnre rle,artlhr, 1. If the Illh' to any of Ihr ahnrr reel rxi Ale la n nr hrrraher regim,-1. the IteKlnrar iIf Tit Ir•s Ix hrrehy dlrrcled not II, Rixlrr or poll In ihr "I'lloolle f xole or dn"Ifi -e there,+!, ell mnrlgl, ,h, ,hole "In,total." or uMm rood))loot or 'will) limi4 )tuna," or shed, of almllar inmurty. in an unlantc ,vllh the Sl Binle in rh rase tide and rel,bi 1r r A lul {I r said µranter her by rxprraah' n'unr nil rrlra xnp and all fight ar hell! di under and by xirlur of nI, .rod I'll xl ntrn Ca nr Ihr YI.1! of illhinl s'. IIr „elrl IAN (n, , vi ,mrllnl� nt hninrmrnax nmrn soh 'lln xxn'tlinn nr ntbrrh'Irr IN WITNF,SS WNFRF,OF, said Grantor hat, caused its corporal, seal Lo arc affixed, and has caused iLs name to ue signed to these presen by bicy and at tar,trxl iItn b' J -c j�-, 11 1 t Its lh day of Match, I4t17. VILLAGTUFFAW GRUVF; Attest: By: __S_...:_ ♦_�:: -,j- Gr-- State of Illinois, County of Lake)ss. I, the undo rs toned d Notary rubl is in and for the County and SLaLe al orena ill, I)O li EREBY CERTIFY, that a�nj'jLj_j�,_Cjjjy_ n,{j),rh;.ndlly known to me to be the ll'' residollt of the Village of buffalo Grove, and JLlllt_'t M. _tell T817_l All__ personally known to me Lo bo ttw (ill -I) -_ of ihr Vi l Ingo I,I It'll lalo Grov e, and port.. ,, a3 fly w knon b Lo me to e Lhe same persons whose names are subscribed to the fnrrOni no inst rune Wt, appNa err' !,. fnrr re, II,i< r, i nIitrumenC and caused -L he Corporate) seal of the \1 iIlaye of Buffalo Grove to be affixed thereto, pursuant to authority given by the Board of Trustees of said Village of Buffalo Grove, as their free and voluntary act, and as the free . arid voluntary act and deed of the Village of buffalo Grove, for 11- 1—— amt nu rpsas rho r�iW �<,1 f „rI II. A / : •1, ., ...,tr Notary pool lc my commission p:xpires:.3_�a A `( "(911 'IAt tr �t l:AtI M. If.Nl.flfLlj ((( NOWY Fulilk, Ststs of Illinob MY Cn!nmlulNn Expires 3/6/69 m P ppO,�1 'i ►k'p � tC V q m (D 00) O a •}1.{1 N C C7 H � ) m {Ftj1 1,4 O 41) m 4a C-:7, N _0 E "gym d ce O A l,0 xaE- EE v W m E � A �+ W to m m Al 'I -III' I':; -'I 1:1 r11 i"v I'I:11'•1::: IU\I-'. IN 1-,14 , W,11:11' b !+117\i J —I 221 North leivllliIo : tnvt -, 82800 Chicago, IL 60601 M VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ORDINANCE NO. a-7- %b ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE THIS _DAY OF VQLI , 19 97. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook & Lake Counties, Illinois, this - Jw day of Vd (J , 19 gr% . Village Clerk By Deputy Clerk 0 I DRAFT - 10/23/87 ORDINANCE NO. 87 -70 ORDINANCE APPROVING RECONVEYANCE OF SOUTH PORTION OF ARBORETUM GOLF COURSE WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove has previously received title to real property, commonly known as the Arboretum Golf Course, by deed recorded in Lake County, Illinois as document number 2556349; and WHEREAS, said Arboretum Golf Course property was basically divided in that part north of Route 22 (commonly known as the "Portion ") and that part south of Route 22 ( "South "); and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the "South Portion" legal description needs to be revised. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1: The preceding Whereas clauses are incorporated herein. Section 2: That the Deed attached hereto as Exhibit "A" which reconveys the South portion of the Arboretum Golf Course back to the Grantor is hereby approved and the Village President and Village Clerk are hereby authorized to execute same. Section 3: The Deed attached hereto as Exhibit "B" which conveys the new south portion of the Arboretum Golf Course to the Village with a revised legal description is hereby approved and accepted. Section 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. AYES: 5 - Marienthal, Glover, Reid, Shields, Kowalski NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1. - Shifrin PASSED: Novemb� r Z r 1,987. APPROVED: November 2. — - _ . - _ , 19ts7. ATTEST: _ A'ti� . &� vv ege Clark APPROVED: CJ