1987-032ORDINANCE NO. 87 - 32 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING CHAPTER 8.20 OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTITLED "GARBAGE AND WASTE" WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule unit pursuant to the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, the Village originally adopted Ordinance 76 -57, on December 6, 1976 to establish the health regulations relative to garbage and waste control within the Village; and WHEREAS, certain amendments to both content and language of that original Ordinance necessitate a restating of Chapter 8.20 of the Village's Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, the following: SECTION 1. Chapter 8.20 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: 8.20.010 Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforce- ment of this chapter: A. "Customer" means any premises receiving service from a disposal contractor or firm. B. "Disposal Contractor" means any contractor with whom the Village has licensed and contracted for the removal of refuse from within the Village. C. "Disposal Firm" means any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of removal and disposal of refuse. D. "Dumpster" means any container approved by the Village's Health Officer and used for institutional, multi - family housing, commercial or industrial refuse. E. "Dwelling" means a building or portion thereof, but not..including a house trailer or mobile home, designed or used exclusively for residential occupancy, including one - family dwelling units, two family dwelling units, and multiple - family dwelling units, but not including hotels, boarding houses, or lodging houses. The units can be considered attached, detached or semi - detached. F. "Garbage" means any rejected waste or food, offal, swill or carrion, manure, and every accumulation of animal, fruit or vegetable matter that the preparation, use, cooking and dealing in, or storage of meats, fish, fowl, fruits or vegetables, and any other matter of any nature, which are subject to decay, putrifac- tion and the generation of noxious or offensive gases or odor, or which during or after decay, may serve as a breeding or feeding materials for rodents, flies or other germ- carrying insects or animals. - 1 - G. H. I. J. K. "Person" includes owner, occupant or lessee of any dwelling, and firm, corporation, or organization of any kind. "Premises" means any dwelling, along with commercial or industrial establishments, hotels, motels, boarding houses, lodging houses, church, school, hospital, club building or meeting hall or other usable structure. "Refuse" means waste, recyclable materials and garbage. "Refuse container" means a container with close- fitting cover of galvanized iron or non - corrodible metal or material that is rodent proof and flyproof, non - absorbent, durable and leakproof, of the type commonly sold as a garbage can, of a suitable guage and construction to insure durability, with suitable handles on can and lid or a uniform, sealable container of plastic, metal, or paper of sufficient strength to hold the weight of refuse placed in them, commonly referred to and sold as garbage bags, and of a capacity of not less that ten gallons and not more than thirty gallons. "Waste and recyclable materials" means any and all of the following: ashes, tin cans, bottles, cartons, books, newspapers, boxes and other household trash, discared household furniture, furnishings, fixtures and appliances of all kinds, trees, tree branches, tree roots, tree trunks, brush, shrubs, grass clippings, plant stalks, leaves, and all other rubbish of any kind. 8.20.020 Disposal Requirement. The occupancy of any premises shall be prima facie evidence that refuse is being produced and accumulated on such premises, and pickups must be made. All refuse shall be called for and disposed of by a disposal firm or contractor duly licensed by the Village except that building or other construction contractors may remove construction, remodeling, and demolition debris, tree trunks, bush and shrubs. If the owner fails to remove any refuse twenty -four hours after notice is visibly tacked on the premises by the Village Health Officer or other Village employee, agent or officer, setting forth that the condition of the premises which creates a health hazard as determined by the Health Officer or other Village employee, agent or officer, the Village may cause removal of refuse from the property, and the cost of removal shall become a lien on the real estate involved, and the Village may recover the costs thereof by appropriate legal action. 8.20.030 Accumulation Prohibited. Refuse accumulated on any premises within the Village shall be enclosed in covered refuse containers. The same shall be removed from the premises, and every person shall keep his premises at all times free and clean of same. Except as set forth in this chapter, it is unlawful to dispose of or place any refuse in any public place in the Village. 8.20.040 Containers Required. Every customer in possession of any premises in the Village shall provide for, and at all times maintain in good order and repair, a sufficient number of refuse containers for a weekly accumulation of - 2 - o • normal refuse. Every customer in possession of any premises shall cause to be deposited in such refuse containers all refuse produced in or on such premises as soon as practicable after same is produced, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. 8.20.050 Containers- Standards. All refuse containers shall be as previously defined and no other type of container or containers shall be acceptable. Filthy, leaking or defective refuse containers shall be cleaned, repaired or replaced by the person in possession of the premises serviced, and at his expense, as directed by the Village's Health Officer, or other Village employee, agent, or officer. Evidence of neglect of these requirements or unsafe containers shall be determined by the Village Health Officer. Con- tainers that are in violation of this chapter will be identified by a violation notice from the health authority and must be replaced or repaired within forty -eight hours. 8.20.060 Containers - Storage, Placement. Institutional, multi - family housing, commercial and industrial refuse containers shall be mounted on wheels and shall be specifically designed for use with collection vehicles. Container's wheels must elevate the base of the container a distance of at least six inches off the storage surface. The storage surface must have an impervious, easily cleanable surface. Compactor box and refuse containers which are mechanically raised or dumped are also permitted for institutional, multi - family housing, commercial and industrial use. All dumpsters which contain garbage shall be covered and be maintained as specified in Section 8.20.050. 8.20.070 Containers- Location. It shall be the duty of every person in possession of any premises in the Village for which a refuse container or containers shall be provided to place the same at ground level, in sight, at a location that may be conveniently and economically serviced; provided, however, it shall be the duty of every person in possession of any detached single- family, duplex, townhouse and attached single - family dwelling unit in the Village (other than that collected from common units such as dumpsters) to place the same in the parkway at the curb in front of said dwelling where it can be seen from the road on scheduled pickup days. Refuse containers, or any other materials as set forth in this chapter shall be set out not earlier than 5:00 P.M. the night before collection. Refuse containers shall be removed from the parkway within twenty -four hours after collection. All service routes shall start at 7:00 A.M.; refuse set out too late for collection shall be removed from the parkway no later than 6:00 P.M. of the pickup day missed. 8.20.080 Containers - Inspection. All refuse containers and /or dumpsters shall be subject to inspection by the Village Health Officer or other Village personnel selected by the Village Manager or designee. - 3 - e • 8.20.090 Refuse - Preparation, Deposit in Container It shall be the duty of every customer in possession of any premises to cause all refuse produced on the premises to be securely wrapped, bound, and placed in suitable refuse containers in such manner as may be necessary to prevent the same from being scattered, spilled or blown away. All refuse of a size or nature which renders it unsuitable for deposit in refuse containers shall be placed on the ground adjacent to the containers in neat and orderly bundles or stacks not to exceed seventy pounds in weight and four feet in length, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. 8.20.100 Burning, Dumping, Scattering Prohibited. No refuse shall be burned, dumped, scattered or buried within the Village limits. 8.20.110 Disposal Within Closed Building. Refuse and other combustible materials may be disposed of within the building where it is accumulated or within a closed building accessory thereto situated on the same premises by means of closed compaction type equipment approved by the National Solid Waste Management Association, or by grinding or shredding such waste finely and disposing of it through pipes leading to a public sanitary sewer; provided, that all refuse or combustible material so disposed of in such pipes shall have been ground or shredded to such a degree that all particles are carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in the sewers into which same is deposited. Any closed compaction type.equipment, inciner- ator, grinder or shredder shall be in compliance with the State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency standards and regulations. 8.20.120 Incinerator. No incinerator will be allowed within two hundred fifty feet of a residential district, said distance being measured from property line to property line. This restriction shall not apply to other government- al agencies. 8.20.130 Building /Construction Debris - Identification of Disposal Agent. Any dumpster, drop box, dump truck or other container for the collection and /or removal of building debris from new construction or remodeling projects or demolition debris shall have the name and phone number of the disposal firm or builder /contractor /owner plainly displayed on said container. 8.20.140 Collection- Sanitation Requirements. Unless hauling recyclable materials to a recycling center, no person, firm, company or corporation shall transport refuse over the streets or public ways in the Village unless such refuse being transported over or along the streets of the Village or other public property thereof is . contained in a leakproof, compaction type body commonly referred to as a packer type refuse body, or a vehicle approved and licensed by the ME e e Village. Such equipment shall be clean and shall be maintained in good condition and repair. The disposal contractor or disposal firm shall immediately clean up any refuse that he may have caused to spill on private premises, parkways, streets, alleys or other public places, in a neat and workmanlike manner and shall replace at his expense, containers which may be damaged by carelessness of his employees. 8.20.150 Village Contractors For Refuse Disposal. Only one license shall be issued by the Village for the collection of refuse at detached single - family, duplex, townhouse and attached single - family dwelling units in the Village (other than that collected from common collection units such as dumpsters). The scope of work and specific premises serviced by the licensee shall be established within a scavenger service contract between the Village and disposal contractor or firm. The disposal contractor or firm shall meet all of the requirements of the service contract. Any detached single- family, duplex, townhouse and attached single - family (other than that collected from common collection units such as dumpsters) that as of the date of this ordinance have had the collection of refuse provided through private disposal contracts, as noted in Section 8.20.160, shall be exempt from the language of this Section through the term of the refuse license issued under this Section. Said exclusive service contract will continue to a date no later than April 30, 1991. 8.20.160 License - Private Disposal. Except as otherwise set forth in this chapter, no person shall remove refuse from any premises in the Village on a private basis, or transport same through the streets, alleys or public ways in the Village, or in any other manner dispose of same originating in the limits of the Village, or contract for or permit himself or itself to be employed or engaged in any such removal, transportation or disposal without having secured a license for performing such private disposal service from the Village. Private disposal shall be provided to those premises within the Village not serviced within the scope of the scavenger service contract noted in Section 8.20.150. 8.20.170 License - Acquisition and Display. Application for license shall be made to the Village Clerk or designee. The annual license fee shall be five hundred dollars, payable annually. The license shall expire on the thirtieth day of April following its issuance. Evidence of such license shall be provided by the Village and displayed on each vehicle of licensee used in the Village. 8.20.180 Licensee - Service Responsibility. Every applicant for a private refuse service license must demonstrate that he has adequate and sufficient equipment, personnel and financial responsibility to service any customer requesting it, all in accordance - 5 - 0 • with the provisions of this chapter. Every applicant that receives a private refuse service license must agree to provide service not less than once each week to all institutional, multi - family residential, commercial and industrial customers. 8.20.200 License - Insurance Requirement. Every licensee is required to carry a full line of general and public liability insurance in amounts deemed prudent to properly carryout the provisions of this chapter. In no case, will the amounts, by line of coverage be less than the statutory requirements for worker's compensation; $500,000 per individual and $1,000,000 per accident bodily injury for automotive, with a $150,000 per accident coverage for property damage; and a general liability policy with limits of at least $500,000 each person and $500,000 each accident bodily injury liability with $150,000 each accident for properly damage. A certificate of insurance shall be kept in file with the Village and will be updated at least annually with the submittal of an application. Insurance certificates shall name the Village as an additional insured. Said insurance policies shall not be cancellable without thirty days prior written notice to the Village. 8.20.210 License - Adherence to Laws. No licensee shall dump or otherwise place or dispose of refuse in violation of the laws of the State of Illinois, United States Environmental Protection Agency or the ordinances of any municipality. 8.20.220 License - Denial of License. The President and Board of Trustees of the Village reserve the right to deny any applicant a private refuse service license if any reasonable doubt exists as to the applicant's reasonable ability to comply with the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance provisions of the Village. 8.20.230 Violation - Penalties. Any person who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with, or resists the enforcement of any of this chapter shall be fined not less than $10.00 dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist constitutes a separate offense. In the event a disposal firm or contractor violates any provision of this chapter or of any ordinance of the Village, the Village shall have the right, in addition to enforcing the penalties otherwise provided, to revoke the license of such refuse disposal firm or contractor. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in the manner provided by law. This Ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. - 6 - o • AYES: 5 - Marienthal, O'Reilly, Glover, Reid, Kowalski NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 Shields PASSED: April 6 APPROVED: April 6 ATTEST: Vilf ge Clerk 1987 1987 Village President - 7 - VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ORDINANCE N0. 82-3a. ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE THIS DAY OF 1'9 97 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffal Grove, Cook & Lake Counties, Illinois, this (IL day of 19 . r , Village Clerk /, By ��6�I% Deputy Clerk IN ORDINANCE NO. 87 - 32 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RESTATING CHAPTER 8.20 OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTITLED "GARBAGE AND WASTE" WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule unit pursuant to the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, the Village originally adopted Ordinance 76 -57, on December 6, 1976 to establish the health regulations relative to garbage and waste control within the Village; and WHEREAS, certain amendments to both content and language of that original Ordinance necessitate a restating of Chapter 8.20 of the Village's Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, the following: SECTION 1. Chapter 8.20 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: 8.20.010'Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforce- ment of this chapter: A. "Customer" means any premises receiving service from a disposal contractor or firm. B. "Disposal Contractor" means any contractor with whom the Village has licensed and contracted for the removal of refuse from within the Village. C. "Disposal Firm" means any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of removal and disposal of refuse. D. "Dumpster" means any container approved by the Village's Health Officer and used for institutional, multi - family housing, commercial or industrial refuse. E. "Dwelling" means a building or portion thereof, but not including a house trailer or mobile home, designed or used exclusively for residential occupancy, including one - family dwelling units, two family dwelling units, and multiple- family.dwelling units, but not including hotels, boarding houses, or lodging houses. The units can be considered attached, detached or semi - detached. F. "Garbage" means any rejected waste or food, offal, swill or carrion, manure, and every accumulation of animal, fruit or vegetable matter that the preparation, use, cooking and dealing in, or storage of meats, fish, fowl, fruits or vegetables, and any other matter of any nature, which are subject to decay, putrifac- tion and the generation of noxious or offensive gases or odor, or which during or after decay, may serve as a breeding or feeding materials for rodents, flies or other germ- carrying insects or animals. - 1 - 3 G. "Person" includes owner, occupant or lessee of any dwelling, and firm, corporation, or organization of any kind. H. "Premises" means any dwelling, along with commercial or industrial establishments, hotels, motels, boarding houses, lodging houses, church, school, hospital, club building or meeting hall or other usable structure. I. "Refuse" means waste, recyclable materials and garbage. J. "Refuse container" means a container with close - fitting cover of galvanized iron or non - corrodible metal or material that is rodent proof and flyproof, non - absorbent, durable and leakproof, of the type commonly sold as a garbage can, of a suitable guage and construction to insure durability, with suitable handles on can and lid or a uniform, sealable container of plastic, metal, or paper of sufficient strength to hold the weight of refuse placed in them, commonly referred to and sold as garbage bags, and of a capacity of not less that ten gallons and not more than thirty gallons. K. "Waste and recyclable materials" means any and all of the following: ashes, tin cans, bottles, cartons, books, newspapers, boxes and other household trash, discared household furniture, furnishings, fixtures and appliances of all kinds, trees, tree branches, tree roots, tree trunks, brush, shrubs, grass clippings, plant stalks, leaves, and all other rubbish of any kind. 8.20.020 Disposal Requirement. The occupancy of any premises shall be prima facie evidence that refuse is being produced and accumulated on such premises, and pickups must be made. All refuse shall be called for and disposed of by a disposal firm or contractor duly licensed by the Village except that building or other construction contractors may remove construction, remodeling, and demolition debris, tree trunks, bush and shrubs. If the owner fails to remove any refuse twenty -four hours after notice is visibly tacked on the premises by the Village Health Officer or other Village employee, agent or officer, setting forth that the condition of the premises which creates a health hazard as determined by the Health Officer or other Village employee, agent or officer, the Village may cause removal o,f refuse from the property, and the cost of removal shall become a lien on the real estate involved, and the Village may recover the costs thereof by appropriate legal action. 8.20.030 Accumulation Prohibited. Refuse accumulated on any premises within the Village shall be enclosed in covered refuse containers. The same shall be removed from the premises, and every person shall keep his premises at all times free and clean of same. Except as set forth in this chapter, it is unlawful to dispose of or place any refuse in any public place in the Village. 8.20.040 Containers Required. Every customer in .possession of any premises in the Village shall provide for, and at all times maintain in good order and repair, a sufficient number of refuse containers for a weekly accumulation of - 2 - normal refuse. Every customer in possession of any premises shall cause to be deposited in such refuse containers all refuse produced in or on such premises as soon as practicable after same is produced, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. 8.20.050 Containers - Standards. All refuse containers shall be as previously defined and no other type of container or containers shall be acceptable. Filthy, leaking or defective refuse containers shall be cleaned, repaired or replaced by the person in possession of the premises serviced, and at his expense, as directed by the Village's Health Officer, or other Village employee, agent, or officer. Evidence of neglect of these requirements or unsafe containers shall be determined by the Village Health Officer. Con- tainers that are in violation of this chapter will be identified by a violation notice from the health authority and must be replaced or repaired within forty -eight hours. 8.20.060 Containers - Storage, Placement. Institutional, multi - family housing, commercial and industrial refuse containers shall be mounted on wheels and shall be specifically designed for use with collection vehicles. Container's wheels must elevate the base of the container a distance of at least six inches off the storage surface. The storage surface must have an impervious, easily cleanable surface., Compactor box and refuse containers which are mechanically raised or dumped are also permitted for institutional, multi- family housing, commercial and industrial use. All dumpsters which contain garbage shall be covered and be maintained as specified in Section 8.20.050. 8.20.070 Containers - Location. It shall be the duty of every person in possession of any premises in the Village for which a refuse container or containers shall be provided to place the same at ground level, in sight, at a location that may be conveniently and economically serviced; provided, however, it shall be the duty of every person in possession of any detached single - family, duplex, townhouse and attached single - family dwelling unit in the Village ,(other than that collected from common units such as dumpsters) to place the same in the parkway at the curb in front of said dwelling where it can be seen from the road on scheduled pickup days. Refuse containers, or any other materials as set forth in this chapter shall be set out not earlier than 5:00 P.M. the night before collection. Refuse containers shall be removed from the parkway within twenty -four hours after collection. All service routes shall start at 7:00 A.M.; refuse set out too late for collection shall be removed from the parkway no later than 6:00 P.M. of the pickup day missed. 8.20.080 Containers - Inspection. All refuse containers and /or dumpsters shall be subject to inspection by the Village Health Officer or other Village personnel selected by the Village Manager or designee. - 3 - r 8.20.090 Refuse - Preparation, Deposit in Container It shall be the duty of every customer in possession of any premises to cause all refuse produced on the premises to be securely wrapped, bound, and placed in suitable refuse containers in such manner as may be necessary to prevent the same from being scattered, spilled or blown away. All refuse of a size or nature which renders it unsuitable for deposit in refuse containers shall be placed on the ground adjacent to the containers in neat and orderly bundles or stacks not to exceed seventy pounds in weight and four feet in length, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. 8.20.100 Burning, Dumping, Scattering Prohibited. No refuse shall be burned, dumped, scattered or buried within the Village limits. 8.20.110 Disposal Within Closed Building. Refuse and other combustible materials may be disposed of within the building where it is accumulated or within a closed building accessory thereto situated on the same premises by means of closed compaction type equipment approved by the National Solid Waste Management Association, or by grinding or shredding such waste finely and disposing of it through pipes leading to a public sanitary sewer; provided, that all refuse or combustible material so disposed of in such pipes shall have been ground or shredded to such a degree that all particles are carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in the sewers into which same is deposited. Any closed compaction type equipment, inciner- ator, grinder or shredder shall be in compliance with the State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency standards and regulations. 8.20.120 Incinerator. No incinerator will be allowed within two hundred fifty feet of a residential district, said distance being measured from property line to property line. This restriction shall not apply to other government - a -1 agencies. 8.20.130 Building /Construction Debris - Identification of Disposal Agent. Any dumpster, drop box, dump truck or other container for the collection and /or removal of building debris from new construction or remodeling projects or demolition debris shall have the name and phone number of the disposal firm or builder /contractor /owner plainly displayed on said container. 8.20.140 Collection- Sanitation Requirements. Unless hauling recyclable materials to a recycling center, no person, firm, company or corporation shall transport refuse over the streets or public ways in the Village unless such refuse being transported over or along the streets of the Village or other public property thereof is contained in a leakproof, compaction type body commonly referred to as a packer type refuse body, or a vehicle approved and licensed by the - 4 - t Village. Such equipment shall be clean and shall be maintained in good condition and repair. The disposal contractor or disposal firm shall immediately clean up any refuse that he may have caused to spill on private premises, parkways, streets, alleys or other public places, in a neat and workmanlike manner and shall replace at his expense, containers which may be damaged by carelessness of his employees. 8.20.150 Village Contractors For Refuse Disposal. Only one license shall be issued by the Village for the collection of refuse at detached single- family, duplex, townhouse and attached single - family dwelling units in the Village (other than that collected from common collection units such as dumpsters). The scope of work and specific premises serviced by the licensee shall be established within a scavenger service contract between the Village and disposal contractor or firm. The disposal contractor or firm shall meet all of the requirements of the service contract. Any detached single - family, duplex, townhouse and attached single - family (other than that collected from-common-collection units such as dumpsters) that as of the date of this ordinance have had the collection of refuse provided through private disposal contracts, as noted in Section 8.20.160, shall be exempt from the language of this Section through the term of the refuse license issued under this Section. Said exclusive service contract will continue to a date no later than April 30, 1991. 8.20.160 License - Private Disposal. Except as otherwise set forth in this chapter, no person shall remove refuse from any premises in the Village on a private basis, or transport same through the streets, alleys or public ways in the Village, or in any other manner dispose of same originating in the limits of the Village, or contract for or permit himself or itself to be employed or engaged in any such removal, transportation or disposal without having secured a license for performing such private disposal service from the Village. Private disposal shall be provided to those premises within the Village not serviced within the scope of the scavenger service contract noted in Section 8.20.150. 8.20.170 License - Acquisition and Display. Application for license shall be made to the Village Clerk or designee. The annual license fee shall be five hundred dollars, payable annually. The license shall expire on the thirtieth day of April following its issuance. Evidence of such license shall be provided by the Village and displayed on each vehicle of licensee used in the Village. 8.20.180 Licensee - Service Responsibility. Every applicant for a private refuse service license must demonstrate that he has adequate and sufficient equipment, personnel and financial responsibility to service any customer requesting it, all in accordance - 5 - Q with the provisions of this chapter. Every applicant that receives a private refuse service license must agree to provide service not less than once each week to all institutional, multi - family residential, commercial and industrial customers. 8.20.200 License- Insurance-Requirement. Every licensee is required to carry a full line of general and public liability insurance in amounts deemed prudent to properly carryout the provisions of this chapter. In no case, will the amounts, by line of coverage be less than the statutory requirements for worker's compensation; $500,000 per individual and $1,000,000 per accident bodily injury for automotive, with a $150,000 per accident coverage for property damage; and a general liability policy with limits of at least $500,000 each person and $500,000 each accident bodily injury liability with $150,000 each accident for properly damage. A certificate of insurance shall be kept in file with the Village and will be updated at least annually with the submittal of an application. Insurance certificates shall name the Village as an additional insured. Said insurance policies shall not be cancellable without thirty days prior written notice to the Village. 8.20.210 License - Adherence to Laws. No licensee shall dump or otherwise place or dispose of refuse in violation of the laws of the State of Illinois, United States Environmental Protection Agency or the ordinances of any municipality. 8.20.220 License - Denial of License. The President and Board of Trustees of the Village reserve the right to deny any applicant a private refuse service license if any reasonable doubt exists as to the applicant's reasonable ability to comply with the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance provisions of the Village. 8- .20.230 Violation - Penalties. Any person who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with, or resists the enforcement of any of this chapter shall be fined not less than $10.00 dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for each offense. Each day'that a violation is permitted to exist constitutes a separate offense. In the event a disposal firm or contractor violates any provision of this chapter or of any ordinance of the Village, the Village shall have the right, in addition to enforcing the penalties otherwise provided, to revoke the license of such refuse disposal firm or contractor. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in the manner provided by law. This Ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. AYES: 5 - Marienthal, O'Reilly, Glover, Reid, Kowalski NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 —Shields PASSED: April 6 1987 APPROVED: April 6 1987 ATTEST: Village Clerk - 7 - Village President