1987-029ORDINANCE NO. 87 - 29 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 16 OF THE BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE, BEING THE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE WHEREAS, Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule unit; pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1: The following sections of Title 16 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: SECTION 16.50.030.D.13 13. Sewer Depth and Minimum Culvert Length Storm sewers shall be constructed sufficiently deep so as to prevent freezing and to provide an outfall for all storm water within the ultimate service area, both existing and future. The minimum cover shall be three (3) feet for storm sewers and eighteen (18 ") inches for culverts. In the R -E Single Family Dwelling District where storm sewers are not required,-the-minimum length of corrugated metal culverts shall equal the width of the pavement crossed plus eight (8')..£eet.- :plus--:e: ght (8)-times the depth of the ditch. SECTION 16.50.030.D.15 15. Sewer Pipe and Culvert Bedding a. Sewer pipe and culvert bedding shall, as a minimum, conform to the requirements shown on Exhibit No. 202 and 202A. b. Sewer pipe concrete cradle, arch, or fill encasement shall be constructed whenever dictated by trench or embankment conditions. SECTION 16.50.030.D.17 17. Open Channels a. Open channels may be provided on an optional basis in lieu of enclosed storm sewer pipe when the channel will be draining an area eighty (80) acres or larger or in the R -E Single Family Dwelling District when located in the public right -of -way and as hereinafter specified. b. All open channels located within a development or located on public property or easements adjacent to the development and other open channels within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the development, other than in the R -E Single Family Dwelling District, shall be improved as follows: o • (i) Maximum slopes shall be six (6) horizontal to one (1) vertical. (ii) An eight (8) foot wide bituminous concrete (IDOT - Class I) pathway, suitable for use by maintenance vehicles, with a minimum thickness of six (6) inches, shall be constructed a minimum of two (2) feet above the normal water level. The far edge of the pathway shall be a minimum of one (1) foot within the easement running along the open channel. The near edge of the pathway shall not be more than ten (10) feet from the edge of the normal water line. (iii) A six (6) inch underdrain shall be constructed with a minimum cover.of six (6) inches along the flowline of all open channels. (iv) An easement for drainage, access and municipal utilities, shall be provided along the open channel with a width adequate to include the area covered by a one hundred (100) year storm. C. All open channels located within a development classified in the R -E Single Family Dwelling District shall be improved as follows: (i) Maximum slopes shall be four (4) horizontal to one (1) vertical. (ii) Minimum ditch gradient - 0.50%. (iii) Minimum ditch depth - 24!"_...below adjacent pavement centerline. SECTION 16.50.030.E.1 E. Material Specifications All storm sewer system elements shall conform to the following specifications: 1. Sewer Pipe a. Sump pump service connection and storm sewer extension (4" and 6 ") - ABS sewer pipe of PVC sewer pipe ASTM D2751, SDR35, or ASTM D3034, SDR35, respectively. b. Concrete sewer pipe (10" diameter and smaller), minimum Class 3, ASTM C14. C. Reinforced concrete pipe (12" diameter and larger), circular reinforcement, minimum Class 3, wall B ASTM C76. d. Reinforced concrete arch culvert pipe - double line reinforcement, minimum Class 3, ASTM C506. e. Reinforced concrete elliptical culvert pipe minimum Class HE -III or VE -III, ASTM C507. f. PVC underdrain pipe (4" and 6 ") - ASTM D2729, SER35. g. Galvanized corrugated steel culvert pipe - AASHTO M246, Type B, minimum wall thickness 14 gauge. (Shall only be used for culverts). SECTION 16.50.070.I.1 I. Curb and Gutter 1. Combination curb and gutter shall be constructed on both sides of all street pavements and shall comply with the requirements of Exhibit No. 501A and 501B except within development classified in the R -E Single Family dwelling district where curb and gutter will only be required at intersections with arterial streets and at other such locations required by the Corporate Authorities where in their opinion additional delineation of the pavement edge is required. In those locations where curb and gutter is not required, the pavement base course shall be extended an additional two (2') feet beyond the finished pavement width. SECTION 16.50.080.A.1 A. General 1. Sidewalks The work performed under these standards shall consist of the construction of Portland Cement concrete sidewalks constructed as described herein. Such sidewalks.shall have a minimum width of five (5) feet and a minimum thickness of five (5) inches, except the,;,thickness shall be six (6) inches where passing across an existing or proposed driveway and where passing over public utility lines. The length of thickened slab where passing over public utility lines shall be constructed to meet the grade of such sidewalks or as may be directed by the Village Engineer or his representative. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along both sides of all public and private streets, including cul -de -sacs, and comply with the requirements shown on Exhibit No. 502, except within the R -E Single Family dwelling district where sidewalks will only be required on arterial streets and in other locations deemed necessary by the Corporate Authorities to provide safe and efficient pedestrian movements. Where sidewalks are not required, the pavement shall be widened four (4) feet on each side, except on cul -de -sacs, and shall have pavement markings included as shown on Exhibit No. 202 A. SECTION 16.50.100.E.1 1. Underground cable from power source to lighting standards shall be a minimum of X66 stranded two (2) conductor copper commercial grade for direct burial RHH, RHW 600 volt with #6 stranded bare ground conductor. SECTION 16.50.100.E.5 5. All wiring shall have two (2) inch galvanized rigid steel conduit with two (2) inch fiber bushings, or two (2) inch heavy wall PVC schedule 40, used as a raceway for underground cable. SECTION 16.50.120.F F. Trees NOT Allowed The following trees shall not be allowed for planting in parkways unless otherwise approved by the Village Engineer. 1. Elms (Siberian, Chinese) 2. Willows 3. Poplars 4. Box Elders 5. Soft Maples 6. Ornamental (Crab trees, flowering shrubs, fruit trees) 7. All upright Evergreens SECTION 16.50.120.G G. Approved Trees Trees to be planted in Village parkways shall be selected from the tree species listed below, unless in the opinion of the Appearance Commission or the Director of Public Works, the tree will not survive, be a nuisance in the location or locations indicated, or result in an over — population of a species in the area. The following is a list of trees which may >be_approved and not necessarily a recommendation. Tree Selection *1. Norway Maple Schwedler Maple Crimson King Maple Emerald Queen Summer Shade *2. Green Ash (seedless) Marshall Summit 3. Red Maple October Glory Red Sunset Cardinal 4. Sugar Maple 5. European Black Alder 6. Hackberry 7. European Beech 8. Copper Leaf Beech *9. White Ash Rosehill Autumn Purple 10. Ginko or Maidenhair Tree (male only) 0 • *11. Honey Locust (thornless and seedless) Majestic Skyline Shademaster Imperial Sunburst Moraine 12. Kentucky Coffee Tree 13. European Larch 14. Northern Red Oak 15: Burr Oak 16. English Oak *17. Linden Greenspire Redmond 18. Horsechestnut 19. Sweet Gum 20. Kwanzan Cherry 21. Sargent Cherry 22. Bradford Pear *23. Hybrid American Elm 24. Others as approved by the Village Engineer Certain of the above species have special requirements which must be provided by the developer in order to insure the trees survive in a healthy condition.. These requirements sometimes include well drained soils, acid soils, or other conditions. It_1s, the developer's responsibility to denote in the Development Plan what measures, if any, have been taken to survey existing conditions to insure compatibility with each planting specie he proposes and what modifications, if any, he proposes to provide to existing conditions in order to insure final conditions which are compatible with each proposed specie. Those species which have been found to be most compatible with the range of conditions found in Buffalo Grove are denoted with an asterisk. All crippled, deformed and physically damaged trees, regardless of species shall be removed and replaced if an inspection by the Village indicates recovery and normal development cannot be expected. All trees infected with non — curable disease that will result in deformation, death, and infection of other trees, shall be removed and replaced with healthy species. SECTION 16.50.120.H H. Variety in Planting 1. Diversification of tree species selection is desired to be as great as possible. For every linear mile, and succeeding mile or fraction thereof, of parkway in a development, a minimum of four (4) different species is required. Deviation from the above will be considered only after a written request is made to the Appearance Commission and the Director of Public Works. Approval of both is required. 2. An approved master tree planting schedule shall be submitted and must be approved by the Appearance Commission. SECTION I. Requirements for Planting Trees and Shrubbery 1. Trees a. All plants shall conform in size and grade in accordance with "American Standard for Nursery Stock." b. All plants will be handled and planted in accordance with accepted horticultural practices and professional standards as published by the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association in "A Uniform Set of Workmanship Standards in Landscape Specifications." C. Specified varieties of any species shall be specimen type trees and shall be first class representatives of their normal species and varieties. They shall have well developed root and branch systems, reasonably straight stems, and a well defined single leader. d. Trees shall be nursery grown with a good compact, fully developed fibrous root system which has been developed by proper cultural treatment and is sufficient enough to insure plant growth. e. Trees for parkways and other public areas shall be required throughout all developments. Trees shall be planted in the parkways not less than four (4) feet from any sidewalk or curb and spaced not less than forty (40) feet and not more than fifty (50) feet apart and not less than one (1) per lot. However, at a street corner, trees shall be located at least twenty -five (25) feet from the intersection of street right -of -way lines. f. Trees shall be a minimum trunk diameter of two and one -half (2D inches, calipered at six (6) inches above ground level. Trees shall be northern nursery grown (hardiness zone 5 USDA MAP). Trees shall have been transplanted twice, the last transplanting not less than four (4) years prior to planting. All trees shall be tagged and identified as to species, size, and place of origin. Tags shall remain in place until inspection and approval by the Public Works Department is done both at the nursery and at the final planting site. All trees shall be balled and burlapped. All trees shall have straight trunks and good branching. Branches shall begin from five (5) to six (6) feet above ground level and shall be high quality representatives of their species in all regards, including general shape. Each tree shall be planted plumb and at the same level as where it stood in the nursery in relation to finished grade. Backfill shall be black top soil properly fertilized with organic fertilizer and shall be thoroughly watered when the hole is two - thirds (2/3) full of topsoil. All spoils, shall be removed from the site. g. After watering, the filling shall be completed and the soil thoroughly tamped. After planting, a four (4) inch mulch of wood chips or an approved equal shall be applied over the disturbed ground and a shallow watering basin provided around the tree. h. All digging of trees in the nursery and all planting shall be done during the proper season. i. Each tree shall be staked when necessary with a two (2) inch square stake six (6) feet long. The stake shall be driven plumb two (2) feet into the ground adjacent to the tree. Each tree shall be tied at the top with a figure eight hitch consisting of AWG #14 wire encased in a section of rubber hose at the tree. If necessary, guide wires shall be used where more support for the tree is needed. j. All trees shall be maintained until established. All trees not in a vigorous growing condition after one (1) growing season shall be replaced at the beginning of the next succeeding planting season, at no cost to the Village. k. Tree pits shall be at least eighteen (18) inches wider than the diameter of the ball, have vertical sides and a depth of at least twenty -four (24) inches below finished grade. 1. All trees of one and one -half (1}) inch caliper or greater shall be wrapped within seventy two (72) hours after planting. Trunks of the trees shall be wrapped spirally from top to bottom with waterproof crepe paper and shall be securely tied with hemp cord at top and bottom and at twelve (12) inch intervals along the trunk. The wrap shall cover the trunk from the ground to the first branch and shall be neat and snug. 2. Shrubbery Shrubbery, bushes, or evergreen bushes existing in the public ground or dedicated right -of -way shall not exceed thirty (30) inches in height. Deciduous trees in the public ground or dedicated right -of -way shall be maintained with their branches not lower than six (6) feet from the ground. Existing evergreen trees shall be allowed to remain as are. Not withstanding the foregoing provisions, no planting, fence or other obstruction to vision shall be maintained on a dedicated right -of -way, alley, other public ground, or other property if it is detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. SECTION 3:: , Title 16 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is further amended by adding EXHIBIT NO. 202 -A entit- d— "CULVERT CROSSING AND BEDDING DETAIL ". • o SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. This ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. AYES: 5 - Marienthal, O'.Reilly, Glover, Reid, Kowalski NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: 1 - Shields PASSED: April 6 1987 APPROVED: April 6 1987 PUBLISHED: April 7 1987 APPROVED,:.;; VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: VILLAG LERK EXHIBIT N0. 202-A ROADWAY OR DRIVEWAY .L.-- %AI _ 1 wl I 411 WIDE THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING 4D L to MINIMUM CULVERT LENGTH L= W+ 8' + 8D ROADWAY OR DRIVEWAY �*-W SEE EXHIBIT NO.202 MINIMUM COVER- 18" T DITCH ♦D DEPTH OPEN GRADED BEDDING MATERIAL EXTENDED TO 42` BELOW FINISHED PAVEMENT CA -5 CULVERT CROSSING AND BEDDING DETAIL VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ORDINANCE NO. g 7 ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE THIS In DAY OF q_46& , 198"x%. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook & Lake Counties, Illinois, this —�--- day of 196_. Village Clerk By Deputy Clerk L ORDINANCE NO. 87 - 29 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 16 OF THE BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE, BEING THE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE WHEREAS, Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule unit; pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1: The following sections of Title 16 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: SECTION 16.50.030.D.13 13. Sewer Depth and Minimum Culvert Length Storm sewers shall be constructed sufficiently deep so as to prevent freezing and to provide an outfall for all storm water within the ultimate service area, both existing and future. The minimum cover shall be three (3) feet for storm sewers and eighteen (18 ") inches for culverts. In the R -E Single Family Dwelling District where storm sewers are not required, the minimum length of corrugated metal culverts shall equal the width of the pavement crossed plus eight (8'):feet.plus eight (8) times the depth of the ditch. SECTION 16.50.030.D.15 15. Sewer Pipe and Culvert Bedding a. Sewer pipe and culvert bedding shall, as a minimum, conform to the requirements shown on Exhibit No. 202.and 202A. b. Sewer pipe concrete cradle, arch, or fill encasement shall be constructed whenever dictated by trench or embankment conditions. SECTION 16.50.030.D.17 17. Open Channels a. Open channels may be provided on an optional basis in lieu of enclosed storm sewer pipe kmen the channel will be draining an area eighty (80) acres or larger or in the R -E Single Family Dwelling District when located in the public right -of -way and as hereinafter specified. b. All open channels located within a development or located on public property or easements adjacent to the development and other open channels within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the development, other than in the R -E Single Family Dwelling District, shall be improved as follows: (i) Maximum slopes shall be six (6) horizontal to one (1) vertical. (ii) An eight (8) foot wide bituminous concrete (IDOT - Class I) pathway, suitable for use by maintenance vehicles, with a minimum thickness of six (6) inches, shall be constructed a minimum of two (2) feet above the normal water level. The far edge of the pathway shall be a minimum of one (1) foot within the easement running along the open channel. The near edge of the pathway shall not be more than ten (10) feet from the edge of the normal water line. (iii) A six (6) inch underdrain shall be constructed with a minimum cover of six (6) inches along the flowline of all open channels. (iv) An easement for drainage, access and municipal utilities, shall be provided along the open channel with a width adequate to include the area covered by a one hundred (100) year storm. C. All open channels located within a development classified in the R -E Single Family Dwelling District shall be improved as follows: (i) Maximum slopes shall be four (4) horizontal to one (1) vertical. (ii) Minimum ditch gradient - 0.50%. (iii) Minimum ditch depth - 24 "...below adjacent pavement centerline. SECTION 16.50.030.E.1 E. Material Specifications All storm sewer system elements shall conform to the following specifications: 1. Sewer Pipe a. - Sump pump service connection and storm sewer extension (4" and 611) - ABS sewer pipe of PVC sewer pipe ASTM D2751, SDR35, or ASTM D3034, SDR35, respectively. b. Concrete sewer pipe (10" diameter and smaller), minimum Class 3, ASTM C14. C. Reinforced concrete pipe (12" diameter and larger), circular reinforcement, minimum Class 3, wall B ASTM C76. d. Reinforced concrete arch culvert pipe - double line reinforcement, minimum Class 3, ASTM C506. e. Reinforced concrete elliptical culvert pipe minimum Class HE -III or VE -III, ASTM C507. f. PVC underdrain pipe (4" and 6 ") - ASTM D2729, SER35. g. Galvanized corrugated steel culvert pipe - AASHTO M246, Type B, minimum wall thickness 14 gauge. (Shall only be used for culverts). SECTION 16.50.070.I.1 I. Curb and Gutter 1. Combination curb and gutter shall be constructed on both sides of all street pavements and shall comply with the requirements of Exhibit No. 501A and 501B except within development classified in the R -E Single Family dwelling district where curb and gutter will only be required at intersections with arterial streets and at other such locations required by the Corporate Authorities where in their opinion additional delineation of the pavement edge is required. In those locations where curb and gutter is not required, the pavement base course shall be extended an additional two (2') feet beyond the finished pavement width. SECTION 16.50.080.A.1 A. General 1. Sidewalks The work performed under these standards shall consist of the construction of Portland Cement concrete sidewalks constructed as described herein. Such sidewalks shall have a minimum width of five (5) feet and a minimum thickness of five (5) inches, except the thickness shall be six (6) inches where passing across an existing or proposed driveway and where passing over public utility lines. The length of thickened slab where passing over public utility lines shall be constructed to meet the grade of such sidewalks or as may be directed by the Village Engineer or his representative. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along both sides of all public and private streets, including cul -de -sacs, and comply with the requirements shown on Exhibit No. '502, except within the R -E Single Family dwelling district where sidewalks will only be required on arterial streets and in other locations deemed necessary by the Corporate Authorities to provide safe and efficient pedestrian movements. Where sidewalks are not required, the pavement shall be widened four (4) feet on each side, except on cul -de -sacs, and shall have pavement markings included as shown on Exhibit No. 202 A. SECTION 16.50.100.E.1 1. Underground cable from power source to lighting standards shall be a minimum of #6 stranded two (2) conductor copper commercial grade for direct burial RHH, RHW 600 volt with #6 stranded bare ground conductor. SECTION 16.50.100.E.5 5. All wiring shall have two (2) inch galvanized rigid steel conduit with two (2) inch fiber bushings, or two (2) inch heavy wall PVC schedule 40, used as a raceway for underground cable. SECTION 16.50.120.F F. Trees NOT Allowed The following trees shall not be allowed for planting in parkways unless otherwise approved by the Village Engineer. 1. Elms (Siberian, Chinese) 2. Willows 3. Poplars 4. Box Elders 5. Soft Maples 6. Ornamental (Crab trees, flowering shrubs, fruit trees) 7. All upright Evergreens SECTION 16.50.120.G G. Approved Trees Trees to be planted in Village parkways shall be selected from the tree species listed below, unless in the opinion of the Appearance Commission or the Director of Public Works, the tree will not survive, be a nuisance in the location or locations indicated, or result in an over — population of a species in the area. The following is a list of trees which may be approved and not necessarily a recommendation. Tree Selection *1. Norway Maple Schwedler Maple Crimson King Maple Emerald Queen Summer Shade *2. Green Ash (seedless) Marshall Summit 3. Red Maple October Glory Red Sunset Cardinal 4. Sugar Maple 5. European Black Alder 6. Hackberry 7. European Beech 8. Copper Leaf Beech *9. White Ash Rosehill Autumn Purple 10. Ginko or Maidenhair Tree (male only) *11. Honey Locust (thornless and seedless) Majestic Skyline Shademaster Imperial Sunburst Moraine 12. Kentucky Coffee Tree 13. European Larch 14. Northern Red Oak 15: Burr Oak 16. English Oak *17. Linden Greenspire i Redmond 18. Horsechestnut 19. Sweet Gum 20. Kwanzan Cherry 21. Sargent Cherry 22. Bradford Pear *23. Hybrid American Elm 24. Others as approved by the Village Engineer Certain of the above species have special requirements which must be provided by the developer in order to insure the trees survive in a healthy condition. These requirements sometimes include well drained soils, acid soils, or other conditions. It is the developer's responsibility to denote in the Development Plan what measures, if any, have been taken to survey existing conditions to insure compatibility with each planting specie he proposes and what modifications, if any, he proposes to provide to existing conditions in order to insure final conditions which are compatible with each proposed specie. Those species which have been found to be most compatible with the range of conditions found in Buffalo Grove are denoted with an asterisk. All crippled, deformed'and physically damaged trees, regardless of species shall be removed and replaced if an inspection by the Village indicates recovery and normal development cannot be expected. All trees infected with non — curable disease that will result in deformation, death, and infection of other trees, shall be removed and replaced with healthy species. SECTION 16.50.120.H H. Variety in Planting I. Diversification of tree species selection is desired to be as great as possible. For every linear mile, and succeeding mile or fraction thereof, of parkway in a development, a minimum of four (4) different species is required. Deviation from the above will be considered only after a written request is made to the Appearance Commission and the Director of Public Works. Approval of both is required. 2. An approved master tree planting schedule shall be submitted and must be approved by the Appearance Commission. SECTION 16.50.120.I I. Requirements for Planting Trees and Shrubbery 1. Trees a. All plants shall conform in size and grade in accordance with "American Standard for Nursery Stock." b. All plants will be handled and planted in accordance with accepted horticultural practices and professional standards as published by the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association in "A Uniform Set of Workmanship Standards in Landscape Specifications." C. Specified varieties of any species shall be specimen type trees and shall be first class representatives of their normal species and varieties. They shall have well developed root and branch systems, reasonably straight stems, and a well defined single leader. d. Trees shall be nursery grown with a good compact, fully developed fibrous root system which has been developed by proper cultural treatment and is sufficient enough to insure plant growth. e. Trees for parkways and other public areas shall be required throughout all developments. Trees shall be planted in the parkways not less than four (4) feet from any sidewalk or curb and spaced not less than forty (40) feet and not more than fifty (50) feet apart and not less than one (1) per lot. However, at a street corner, trees shall be located at least twenty -five (25) feet from the intersection of street right -of -way lines. f. Trees shall be a minimum trunk diameter of two and one -half (2J) inches, calipered at six (6) inches above ground level. Trees shall be northern nursery grown (hardiness zone 5 USDA MAP). Trees shall have been transplanted twice, the last transplanting not less than four (4) years prior to planting. All trees shall be tagged and identified as to species, size, and place of origin. Tags shall remain in place until inspection and approval by the Public Works Department is done both at the nursery and at the final planting site. All trees shall be balled and burlapped. All trees shall have straight trunks and good branching. .Branches shall begin from five (5) to six (6) feet above ground level and shall be high quality representatives of their species in all regards, including general shape. Each tree shall be planted plumb and at the same level as where it stood in the nursery in relation to finished grade. Backfill shall be black top soil properly fertilized with organic fertilizer and shall be thoroughly watered when the hole is two - thirds (2/3) full of topsoil. All spoils, shall be removed from the site. g. After watering, the filling shall be completed and the soil thoroughly tamped. After planting, a four (4) inch mulch of wood chips or an approved equal shall be applied over the disturbed ground and a shallow watering basin provided around the tree. h. All digging of trees in the nursery and all planting shall be done during the proper season. i. Each tree shall be staked when necessary with a two (2) inch square stake six (6) feet long. The stake shall be driven plumb two (2) feet into the ground adjacent to the tree. Each tree shall be tied at the top with a figure eight hitch consisting of AWG #14 wire encased in a section of rubber hose at the tree. If necessary, guide wires shall be used where more support for the tree is needed. j. All trees shall be maintained until established. All trees not in a vigorous growing condition after one (1) growing season shall be replaced at the beginning of the next succeeding planting season, at no cost to the Village. k. Tree pits shall be at least eighteen (18) inches wider than the diameter of the ball, have vertical sides and a depth of at least twenty -four (24) inches below finished grade. 1. All trees of one and one -half (1}) inch caliper or greater shall be wrapped within seventy two (72) hours after planting. Trunks of the trees shall be wrapped spirally from top to bottom with waterproof crepe paper and shall be securely tied with hemp cord at top and bottom and at twelve (12) inch intervals along the trunk. The wrap shall cover the trunk from the ground to the first branch and shall be neat and snug. 2. Shrubbery Shrubbery, bushes, or evergreen bushes existing in the public ground or dedicated right -of -way shall not exceed thirty (30) inches in height. Deciduous trees in the public ground or dedicated right -of -way shall be maintained with their branches not lower than six (6) feet from the ground. Existing evergreen trees shall be allowed to remain as are. Not withstanding the foregoing provisions, no planting, fence or other obstruction to vision shall be maintained on a dedicated right -of -way, alley, other public ground, or other property if it is detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. SECTION 3: Title 16 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is further amended by adding EXHIBIT NO. 202 -A entitled "CULVERT CROSSING AND BEDDING DETAIL ". SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. This ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. AYES: 5 - Marienthal, O'Reilly, Glover, Reid, Kowalski NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT: l - Shields PASSED: April 6 1987 APPROVED: April 6 , 1987 PUBLISHED: April 7 1987 APPROVED VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: l VILLAGE CLERK r EXHIBIT NO. 202-A ROADWAY OR DRIVEWAY 1 4" WIDE THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING DITCH D DEPTH I D 4D L MINIMUM CULVERT LENGTH L= W+ 8' +8D -W SEE EXHIBIT NO.202 ROADWAY OR DRIVEWAY N, MINIMUM COVER 18" OPEN GRADED BEDDING MATERIAL EXTENDED TO 42" BELOW FINISHED PAVEMENT CA-5