1985-0430 0 ORDINANCE NO. 85 -43 AN ORDINANCE establishing Special Service Area Number One of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 6(a) of Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois (the "Constitution "), the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois (the "Village "), has elected by referendum to become a home rule unit; and WHEREAS, special service areas are established by home rule units pursuant to Part (2) of Section 6(1) of Article VII of the Constitution, which provides: The General Assembly may not deny or limit the power of home rule units . . . (2) to levy or impose additional taxes upon areas within their boundaries in the manner provided by law for the provision of special services to those areas and for the payment of debt incurred in order to provide those special services. and are established pursuant to the provisions of "AN ACT to provide the manner of levying or imposing taxes for the provision of special services to areas within the boundaries of home rule units and non -home rule municipalities and counties," approved September 21, 1973, as amended (the "Act "), and pursuant to the provisions of the Revenue Act of 1939 of the State of Illinois, as amended; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that the area hereinafter described be established as Special Service Area Number One of the Village for the purpose set forth herein (the "Area "); and WHEREAS, the Area is compact and contiguous and is totally within the corporate limits of the Village; and WHEREAS, the Area will benefit specially from the municipal services to be provided (the "Services "), and the Ser- vices are unique and in addition to municipal services provided to the Village as a whole and it is, therefore, in the best interests of the Village that the Area be established; and WHEREAS, it has heretofore been and it is hereby esti- mated that the cost of providing the Services will be $4,750,000; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that bonds in not to exceed the amount of $4,750,000 and secured by the full faith and credit of the Area be issued for the purpose of paying the cost of providing the Services (the "Bonds "); and WHEREAS, the Bonds shall be retired over a period not to exceed 20 years from the issuance thereof and shall bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed 15% per annum; and WHEREAS, the Bonds shall be retired by the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on the Bonds as the same comes due and to discharge the principal thereof at maturity; and WHEREAS, said direct annual tax shall be levied upon all taxable property within the Area for said period of not to -2- exceed 20 years ana shall be unlimited as to Qe or amount and in addition to all other taxes permitted by law; and WHEREAS, the establishment of the Area was proposed by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village (the "Board ") pursuant to Ordinance No. 85 -40 entitled: AN ORDINANCE proposing the establishment of Special Service Area Number One of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, and the issuance of bonds to the amount of $4,750,000 for the purpose of paying the cost of providing special services in and for such Area. duly adopted on the 15th day of July, 1985, and was considered at a public hearing held on the 5th day of August, 1985, by the Board (the "Hearing "); and WHEREAS, notice of the Hearing was given by publication at least once not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the Hearing in The Buffalo Grove Daily Herald, the same being a newspaper published in and of general circulation within the Village; and WHEREAS, mailed notice of the Hearing was given by depositing notice in the United States mails addressed to the person or persons in whose name the general taxes for the last preceding year were paid on each lot, block, tract or parcel of land lying within the Area not less than ter_ (10) days prior to the time set for the Hearing, and in the event taxes for the last preceding year were not paid, the notice was sent to the person last listed on the tax rolls prior to that year as the owner of said property; and WHEREAS, said notice complied with all of the applicable provisions and requirements of the Act; and -3- 0 0 WHEREAS, the Hearing was held on the 5th day of August, 1985, and all interested persons affected by the establishment of the Area or the issuance of the Bonds and the levy of the tax to pay the Bonds, including all owners of real estate located within the Area, were given an opportunity to be heard at the Hearing regarding the establishment of the Area and the issuance of the Bonds and the levy of said tax and an opportunity to file objections to the establishment of the Area or the issuance of the Bonds and the levy of said tax; and WHEREAS, at the Hearing, all interested persons affected by the Area were permitted to file with the Village Clerk of the Village written objections to and to be heard orally in respect to any issue embodied in the notice given of the Hearing; and WHEREAS, the Board has heard and considered all of the comments, objections, protests and statements made with regard to the Area and the Bonds and has determined and does hereby determine that it is in the public interest and in the interest of the Village and the Area that the Area be established: NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. That the preambles of this ordinance are hereby incorporated into this text as if set out herein in full. Section 2. That the Hearing was finally adjourned on the 5th day of August, 1985. Section 3. That there have been no protests and objec- tions to the establishment of the Area or the issuance of the Bonds. 0 0 Section 4. That Special Service Area Number One of the Village is hereby established in and for the Village and shall consist of the following described territory: THAT PART OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 11, AND OF PART OF SECTION 3. TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 11, EAST OF THE 3RD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 34 AND RUNNING THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 50.0 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE EAST LINE OF WHEELING AVENUE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF COLUMBIA.N GARDENS UNIT N0. 4, BEING A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JUNE 26, 1929 AS DOCUMENT NO. 339091 IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OFSAID WHEELING AVENUE TO THE NORTH LINE OF WEST DRIVE IN COLUMBIAN GARDENS UNIT NO. 4; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST DRIVE AND ITS EASTERLY EXTENSION TO THE EASTERLY ROW LINE OF THE MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL AND SAULT STE, MARIE RAILWAY BEING THE PLACE OF BEGINNING OF THE TRACT HEREIN INTENDED TO BE DESCRIBED; THENCE CONTINUING EASTERLY ON THE EXTENSION OF THE LAST DESCRIBED LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID COLUMBIAN GARDENS UNIT NO. 4, THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF BLOCK 20 AND ITS EXTENSION IN SAID SUBDIVISION TO THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF 33.0 FEET WIDE WEST DRIVE; THENCE ALONG THE CURVED NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF WEST DRIVE WHICH HAS A RADIUS OF 4583.7 FEET CONVEX NORTHEASTERLY AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS SOUTH 34 DEGREES 28 MINUTES EAST, A CHORD DISTANCE OF 1069.8 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE CURVED NORTH EASTERLY LINE OF WEST DRIVE WHICH HAS A RADIUS OF 1146.3 FEET, CONVEX SOUTHWESTERLY AN ARC DISTANCE OF 394.28 FEET ( CHORD TO SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 35 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST); THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 11 SECONDS EAST, 322.99 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LAKE COOK ROAD; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL AND SAULT STE. MARIE RAILWAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING ( EXCEPTING THEREFROM LOT 6 IN BLACK 19 OF COLUMBIAN GARDENS UNIT NO. 4) ALL IN LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. mfg -5- a o> o H c O r N n N C T m z x m n� .".. z n° m •o x� n n m m m> •rc = n N O C z Hw.i G m H •n C1 m H y m g H m z A 7< H n m z 3" m N ro z y L, K K n O c C K C a' % '.S O• s s O n O N •ro c• m ra z z n n m m G c p 'n n O z> N `n tIn O D co H y H H tH•f > o r. v'r 2 z I- c < rn rri C N Z ,r. n H •n >° ti z O m r H H o> rn n o ° v , z N A z N� -� D N .O S y O m O m> C >< D 2 H 0 r N Ili z< y z m X m y m m z G K y Z P.' p O m n m _ C m m y v n �r H x n H x m e m En cn G C O Y H D D !7 r C O C': H Z •n z v z n t°n r o x c o x T z c � mn Z •.+ rn .a z �p 3 -' v D m M y u. "< S 2> y O N n O K m n % r m A m s m r o o m a= n a ro O n -0 A x p z z v m z r m r m" D H m m m H. o � N ° c o A H a m N �., m :- y o "rco mM" a, nm: o > CD C z v C 3 0 t ro z v; a o z `m 'n c c m N c ° z •Hr. C O K m m O m N- O O O n 'n r o= o m- r K " m on a A H G O N S O ! A m S N N O O 0 m N y a m " > $ '' > i `n i -0 > n n O A D n r 0 m m> N C rl O A 2 G r I=n O n g •yi [rn 0 H y y O.H m H z m n -• r n C L A T;& z> x H o o• n P D m O c� m= t. r c m m Z>• ss O m m n c O «- o Ln R M m> r m s N v N 3> D • �o tHn O �' w m � -�i A 9 i �' p ,z-i r- 1�+1 Z A 0 rHf r 0 m n , N tA m > m y C m o h O Zm O O s ? H O N m_ ppnn O z c y Z m n r H S >< > r z H a n> •n 'L O m CA rnn D z a A N N �•i r t m> 0 0 bo in m y N m m p N r= OM to mm zz H H K C N= N= m n> w L T n z m n n % 1ym > m z > m < In A C m r> C m -, H O C N, O m n ro y O~ S i H O fT+7 m O in O s• P K> 2 In y H ° n c�j c u n m N to m O y, C N m > N y —r, A- �01 o c z z N m u N m H H z 0 o 0 > cxn > C z m •n ° H u z LL's m h D a `4 Ln x < in ppro n n a A X z !d > O 14 n t°n T 7 °c o °z r vzi z tnn = 2 H r°n sic i. tm' N > cxn ° O a •r --3-3 N m v z ° m T a z m w :f mA F > tyx*f P En �n Z O a a- n •c9 m c c M «- A V C') Ic N E x N m vZi �-• V. N > > ro m m i- r � S ro •-+ n O 3c3 r- v N C m n H m S u Z N x m m m O w H o N y z N O C 'L T. -� «- n W •n O O3 L N° a r w 3 m m < z H w .C-• n m V. �D 2 .�- o m N O C m n to O •y9 [�*' r y a H O m m H nui r- z< o o o m K m m C z c .c m z H w O n N = > c n m m m N Q id x H D z m r o C S> N Z N> r z m % n -• m ro m � H •-i On Fi O• n +°J - m z C') C > m C'. -n < {P N C C m m m A H c� •n ° v m n o r m v z z a o o 0 z� 'sy.s 0 S m m •L c ' Z < o A n N m x K tx+'1 n tmn L !A" m O cn K z < - H r n in v z m H D 2> > z m m < tHn z n A 0 Z % N m �-• v >tt O O t>- to En 10 > 0 2 n x y 0 C m N S N N a ot°n °mna�nom n N n c v r O• A m < v w m y o c n~ oso T � � H m z to N rn a -1 o m N tHn r K 4 An accurate map of he Area being attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 5. That the purpose of the establishment of the Area is to provide the Services to the Area, including the construction of sewer and water improvements, streets, curbs, water distribution system and facilities, street lights, storm water retention lakes and landscaping, fire protection and design engineering /surveying, all of the Services to be in and for the Area and all of said construction to be on existing public property or property to be acquired by the Village for such purpose. Section 6. That the Bonds in not to exceed the amount of $4,750,000 and secured by the full faith and credit of the Area are authorized to pay the cost of the Services, and the Bonds shall be retired over a period of not to exceed 20 years from the issuance thereof and shall bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed 15% per annum, and the Bonds, if issued, shall be retired by the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest thereon, said tax to be levied upon all the taxable property within the Area for said period of not to exceed 20 years and to be unlimited as to rate or amount and in addition to all other taxes permitted by law. Section 7. That if a petition signed by at least 51% of the electors residing within the Area and by at least 51% of the owners of record of the land included within the boundaries of the Area is filed with the Village Clerk of the Village within 60 days following the final adjournment of the Hearing objecting to the creation of the Area, the levy or imposition of a tax or o 0 the issuance of the Bonds for the provision of the Services to the Area, or to a proposed increase in the tax rate, no such Area may be created, or tax may be levied or imposed nor the rate increased, or no such Bonds may be issued. Section 8. That all ordinances, orders and resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this ordinance be in full force and effect forthwith upon its adoption and approval as provided by law. Adopted August 5, 1985. AYES: 4 - Marienthal, Glover, Reid, Kowalski NAYS: 0 - None ABSENT: 0 - None Approved August 5, 1985• President, Village of falo Grove, Cook and Lake C unties, Illinois Attest: Villageppjg2E�, Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois Recorded in the Village Records on August 5, 1985. -7- 0 0 MINUTES of a regular public meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, held at 50 Raupp Boulevard, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, in said Village at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the 5th day of August, 1985. The President called the meeting to order and directed the Village Clerk to call the roll. Upon roll call, the following answered present: Verna L. Clayton the President, and Trustees Marienthal, Glover, Reid, Kowalski The following Trustees were absent: O'Reilly, Shields Trustee Marienthal presented .-nd- the Village ^i gaga in fell the following ordinance: 0 0 Trustee Marienthal moved and Trustee Glover seconded the motion that said ordinance as presented and read by the Village Clerk be adopted. After a full discussion thereof, the President directed that the roll be called for a vote upon the motion to adopt said ordinance as read. Upon the roll being called, the following Trustees voted AYE • Marienthal, Glover, Reid, Kowalski The following Trustees voted NAY: NONE ABSENT: O'Reilly, Shields Whereupon the President declared the motion carried and said ordinance adopted, approved and signed the same in open meeting and directed the Village Clerk to record the same in full in the records of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, which was done. Other business not pertinent to the adoption of said ordinance was duly transacted at the meeting. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. Village Clerk Pro Tem o STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS COUNTY OF COOK ) CERTIFICATION OF MINUTES I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the duly qualified and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois (the "Village "), and that as such official I am the keeper of the records and files of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village (the "Board "). I do further certify that the foregoing is a full, true and complete transcript of that portion of the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on the 5th day of August, 1985, insofar as same relates to the adoption of Ordinance No. 85 -43 entitled: AN ORDINANCE establishing Special Service Area Number One of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. a true, correct and complete copy of which said ordinance as adopted at said meeting appears in the foregoing transcript of the minutes of said meeting. I do further certify that the deliberations of the Board on the adoption of said ordinance were conducted openly, that the vote on the adoption of said ordinance was taken openly, that said meeting was held at a specified time and place convenient to the public, that notice of said meeting was duly given to all newspapers, radio or television stations and other news media requesting such notice, that said meeting was called and held in strict compliance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act of the State of Illinois, as amended, and "AN ACT to provide the manner of levying or imposing taxes for the provision of special services to areas within the boundaries of home rule units and non -home rule municipalities and counties," approved September 21, 1973, as amended, and that the Board has complied with all of the provisions of said Acts and with all of the procedural rules of the Board. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix my official signature and the seal of the Village, this 5th day of August , 1985. Village Clerk Pro Tem (SEAL) .,6, r f ORDINANCE NO. 85 -43 AN ORDINANCE establishing Special Service Area Number One of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 6(a) of Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois (the "Constitution "), the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois (the "Village "), has elected by referendum to become a home rule unit; and WHEREAS, special service areas are established by home rule units pursuant to Part (2) of Section 6(1) of Article VII of the Constitution., which provides: The General Assembly may not deny or limit the power of home rule units . . . (2) to levy or impose additional taxes upon areas within their boundaries in the manner provided by law for the provision of special services to those areas and for the payment of debt incurred in order to provide those special services. and are established pursuant to the provisions of "AN ACT to provide the manner of levying or imposing taxes for the provision of special services to areas within the boundaries of home rule units and non -home rule municipalities and counties," approved September 21, 1973, as amended (the "Act "), and pursuant to the provisions of the Revenue Act of 1939 of the State of Illinois, as amended; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that the area hereinafter described be established as Special Service Area Number One of the Village for the purpose set forth herein (the "Area "); and WHEREAS, the Area is compact and contiguous and is totally within the corporate limits of the Village; and WHEREAS, the Area will benefit specially from the municipal services to be provided (the "Services "), and the Ser- vices are unique and in addition to municipal services provided to the Village as a whole and it is, therefore, in the best interests of the Village that the Area be established; and WHEREAS, it has heretofore been and it is hereby esti- mated that the cost of providing the Services will be $4,750,000; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that bonds in not to exceed the amount of $4,750,000 and secured by the full faith and credit of the Area be issued for the purpose of paying the cost of providing the Services (the "Bonds "); and WHEREAS, the Bonds .shall be retired over a period not to exceed 20 years from the issuance thereof and shall bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed 15% per annum; and WHEREAS, the Bonds shall be retired by.the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on the Bonds as the same comes due and to discharge the principal thereof at maturity; and WHEREAS, said direct annual tax shall be levied upon all taxable property within the Area for said period of not to -2- exceed 20 years and shall be unlimited as to rate or amount and in addition to all other taxes permitted by law; and WHEREAS, the establishment of the Area was proposed by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village (the "Board ") pursuant to Ordinance No. 85_40 entitled: AN ORDINANCE proposing the establishment of Special Service Area Number One of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, and the issuance of bonds to the amount of $4,750,000 for the purpose of paying the cost of providing special services in and for such Area. duly adopted on the 15th day of July, 1985, and was considered at a public hearing held on the 5th day of August, 1985, by the Board (the "Hearing "); and WHEREAS, notice of the Hearing was given by publication at least once not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the Hearing in The Buffalo Grove Daily Herald, the same being a newspaper published in and of general circulation within the Village; and WHEREAS, mailed notice of the Hearing was given by depositing notice in the United States mails addressed to the person or persons in whose name the general taxes for the last preceding year were paid on each lot, block, tract or'parcel of land lying within_ the Area not less than ter_ (10) days prior to the time set for the Hearing, and in the event taxes for the last preceding year were not paid, the notice was sent to the person last listed on the tax rolls prior to that year as the owner of said property; and WHEREAS, said notice complied with all of the applicable provisions and requirements of the Act; and -3- WHEREAS, the Hearing was held on the 5th day of August, 1985, and all interested persons affected by the establishment of the Area or the issuance of .the Bonds and the levy of the tax to pay the Bonds, including all owners of real estate located within the Area, were given an opportunity to be heard at the Hearing regarding the establishment of the Area and the issuance of the Bonds and the levy of said tax and an opportunity to file objections to the establishment of the Area or the issuance of the Bonds and the levy of said tax; and WHEREAS, at the Hearing, all interested persons affected by the Area were permitted to file with the Village Clerk of the Village written objections to and to be heard orally in respect to any issue embodied in the notice given of the Hearing; and WHEREAS, the Board has heard and considered all of the comments, objections, protests and statements made with regard to the Area and the Bonds and has determined and does hereby determine that it is in the public interest and in the interest of the Village and the Area that the Area be established: o NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. That the preambles of this ordinance are hereby incorporated into this text as if set out herein in full. Section 2. That the_Hearing was finally adjourned on the 5th day of August, 1985. Section 3. That there have been no protests and objec- tions to the establishment of the Area or the issuance of the Bonds. -4- Section 4. That Special Service Area Number One of the Village is hereby established in and for the Village and shall consist of the following described territory: THAT PART OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 11, AND:OF PART OF SECTION 3. TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 11, EAST OF THE 3RD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 34 AND RUNNING THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 50.0 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE EAST LINE OF WHEELING AVENUE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF COLUMBIAN GARDENS UNIT N0. 4, BEING A SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JUNE 26, 1929 AS DOCUMENT NO. 339091 IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID WHEELING AVENUE TO THE NORTH LINE OF WEST DRIVE 1,14 COLUMBIAN GARDENS UNIT NO. 4; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST DRIVE AND ITS EASTERLY EXTENSION TO THE EASTERLY ROW LINE OF THE MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL AND SAULT STE, MARIE RAILWAY BEING THE PLACE OF BEGINNING OF THE TRACT HEREIN INTENDED TO BE DESCRIBED; THENCE CONTINUING EASTERLY ON THE EXTENSION OF THE LAST DESCRIBED LINE TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID COLUMBIAN GARDENS UNIT NO. 4, THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF BLOCK 20 AND ITS EXTENSION IN SAID SUBDIVISION TO THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF 33.0 FEET WIDE WEST DRIVE; THENCE ALONG THE CURVED NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF WEST DRIVE WHICH HAS A RADIUS OF 4583.7 FEET CONVEX NORTHEASTERLY AND WHOSE LANG CHORD BEARS SOUTH 34 DEGREES 28 MINUTES EAST, A CHORD DISTANCE OF 1069.8 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE CURVED NORTH EASTERLY LINE OF WEST DRIVE WHICH HAS A RADIUS OF 1146.3 FEET, CONVEX SOUTHWESTERLY AN ARC DISTANCE OF 394.28 FEET ( CHORD TO SAID CURVE BEARS SOUTH 35 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST); THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 11 SECONDS EAST, 322.99 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 19 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LAKE COOK ROAD; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL AND SAULT STE. MARIE RAILWAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING ( EXCEPTING THEREFROM LOT 6 IN BLACK 19 OF COLUMBIAN GARDENS UNIT NO. 4) ALL IN LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. M -5- > S S n S u 3 L M= •N'] _� Z ^zi N m w N M• y i� 7M tp •••1 hne+ ^' c n N M m M c 0 °) V o> M> rn o E m N H x O tzil > N n -I N> n H m t°n N y n N tMii 1-1 A S° O 8 N C C z - W° M y m C n 2 t°•1 S N tCn °•1 M H M r r X H M 2 M M x N '� . •� T < N 'q n n x O b a c o o z o a o s i z z z fin" r z H O n r .:•� O N c +• m •u 3 n n t°n L T 70c. O Z :1 N M +M7 L..t t`n 2 y> y m O° c> y x tn+f zS S H t°n m t. N M A ^7 O> H 'M H t°O '� N C D N O >> M L° Z Ln M. ° Z r < C N G N H 'L C p O t°a -� v> a° n HZ c z n p m z H o Z m 53 °M c c� x y c°n n M v z N E x rm.> m (A N M z N C1 -• O - C A3 n tM* Z O K N° .� O M Y tD v. .••) N .o T c> < c x H o r Ln z V. m r N to N M z H M a a .G v •' > N N r H Z< O! G n N O !F") M (T r r "L C O ..+ N M C .+ n n C -• N n O M M z M N •-1 M M :c o o ;L •r_ n r z n r x c o z H opr o O K cn Z M z0 O M C M m T .q N c 'n n ' Fri i H x M a> a- ttoo x °n _ 'N3 M ty cM+ o y N S H x n' T— a z M r> N H z L to H n w > H N N N Z 3f p v J N "L C O p M -•"t •••' n t9 •n `° O z H O° n r 22 '�7 z O z n m r O 2 .C•1 m :z M. n m w 3 t*1 0 0> n x z m S w s n 9 n V yuo t�7 3 '+7 z H V M M ... M .G c o M M H u < H c N c c z H D N O- K C, x x a •� n t°„ n �- m N � c M M M r r o S 0 n n .°D H M _H 23 E E a tan to O M S r > •o z z z n > in z m H ta M n u ti.• r H H 0 C) y M O m N > m M O H N r H S °•+n a M— x H. O c N a G� M M z H O A M H y nyi N V x T O` N C •) u L n n Z x N a N M<_ >° m c z c z o a .o p N x m M r a M M O Z MO C N C C •zi N tH*f v �°z7 m y m txn ta/1 R Z M .4 M z H •! V. N T n< M x O M O n H n S n r •••� O K M M N O O C M r n G z n n x z L- .� z H v z .. o n n r o r c w- r z p < o c a z r 9 Z p K N y ... O m M z y H •V•i H 7c M M r M z N z n ^7 M m M O p Z H N O O > m S M, 'aG N n z n +: a ea H z o N= o z tA„ °' •o m� H Hon � n N o M N> M o r N x T x M N O •r 7C > O +1 > ^3 N ^1 S M n n n°q y M z O p L O o z o n r o x M m a to v` a n o 0 w a c m c p .o z i s r ra v n w ,N.t m o to y z "+ a• n m p - Z •L z y rn v 'q H H < lD N O H r°n H L M n•• rr- n C L z M R m z° H L p S 'L z> �• H O O n M C M° O m n 0 D M o c z M z r c .M r M o z z a M z >• R O M m n 3 c z M— H r T N N n> M M z H N C c w w n a H '� y n z N r V. - N N r M T _• .�., O O O n n H 0 O S >w M M c• Z • .D rn O m ro tzo L •i rn T t<•f F x C M H 0 H= O C G y M _ T 2 K M r Z IR M N K M 'L M M a O H O C r M O C•i s°r N N 'L H H H D 7 z 0 G > n o• L M° r- rn > C M> Z im M D n> N N O r- y m o c m O N w C N z M n �' H S > r 2 +7 z to H M K M n M E r o > r . zt a> n> •v 'L O x C M M K L rNq O 'L m •OL n p O t°i� C H M z y ZO L m H r n z 0 0 .+ M <- n H A H O Z a N S is S M b N= M r L M 9 O �>°. m m o < -4 Tao n t+<7 '°+7 a tr 4- rn m r O N cyn y .r+ VCi N "� C CZj H K C C t n m s n a Z S N N S /.. G tMO S O Z A Z< M .a• •r t7 x ° i x < N S n M M M N T N N a M A ° y '!. v O D D n > a n a C M M M O p O +. o• z < w O .�- M m O y in y M O T M oi. N H p.. v L.•+ M M in la N D L C N r K 0 N to H l7 i f n M M 0 O q M M 2 S N° n N H M z (>n N i n N y M m H N M N F M M K M n > o CA C N M a N y -5A- 'An accurate map of the Area being attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 5. That the purpose of the establishment of the Area is to provide the Services to the Area, including the construction of sewer and water improvements, streets, curbs, water distribution system and facilities, street lights, storm water retention lakes and landscaping, fire protection and design engineering /surveying, all of the Services to be in and for the Area and all of said construction to be on existing public property or property to be acquired by the Village for such purpose. Section 6. That the Bonds in not to exceed the amount of $4,750,000 and secured by the full faith and credit of the Area are authorized to pay the cost of the Services, and the Bonds shall be retired over a period of not to exceed 20 years from the issuance thereof and shall bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed 15% per annum, and the Bonds, if issued, shall be retired by the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest thereon, said tax to be levied upon all the taxable property within the Area for said period of not to exceed 20 years and to be unlimited as to rate or amount and in addition to all other taxes permitted by law. Section 7. That if a petition signed by at least 51% of the electors residing within the Area and by at least 51% of the owners of record of the land included within the boundaries of the Area is filed with the Village Clerk of the Village within 60 days following the final adjournment of the Hearing objecting to the creation of the Area, the levy or imposition of a tax or the issuance of the Bonds for the provision of the Services to the Area, or to a proposed increase in the tax rate, no such Area may be created, or tax maybe levied or imposed nor the rate increased, or no such Bonds may be issued. Section 8. That all ordinances, orders and resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this ordinance be in full force and effect forthwith upon its adoption and approval as provided by law. Adopted August 5, 1985. AYES: 4 - Marienthal, Glover, Reid, Kowalski NAYS: 0 - None ABSENT: 0 - None Approved August 5, 1985. President, Village of falo Grove, Cook and Lake C unties, Illinois Attest: Villageppol.erV4, Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois Recorded in the Village Records on August 5, 1985. -7-