1977-071ORDINANCE NO . 77- 71 ` AN ORDINANCE REGULATING ALARM SYSTEMS BE IT- ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1. - Notification A. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to have or maintain on any premises an audible type burglary and/ or robbery or trespass alarm unless the telephone numbers at which the person or persons authorized to enter such premises and turn off such alarm can be reached at all times have been submitted and filed with the Buffalo Grove Police Department. B. It is unlawful for any such person to fail to appear and turn off or reset any such alarm within two hours after being: no- tified by the police to do so. Section 2. - Activation of Alarm It is unlawful for any person to knowingly activate any rob - bery or burglary alarm for the purpose of summoning police except in the event of an actual or attempted burglary, robbery or tres- pass, or for any person to notify the police of an activated alarm, and having knowledge that such activation was apparently caused by an electrical oroother malfunction of the alarm system, to fail at the same time to notify the police of such apparent malfunction. Section 3. - Automatic Systems No person, firm or corporation shall use or cause or permit to be used, or engage in the business of providing any telephone device or telephone attachment that automatically selects a public trunkline of the Police or Fire Department of the Village andtthen reproduces any pre - recorded message to report any robbery, burglary. fire or other emergency unless previously approved by the Village. Section 4. - Definition of False Alarms A. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the term "false alarm" shall mean the activation of a burglary and /or robbery and /or trespass alarm by other than a forced entry or attempted forced entry to the premises and at a time when no burglary, robbery or trespass is being- committed or attempted on the premises. G B Section 5. - Response to False Alarm For a police response to any false alarm the Village of Buffalo Crove shall charge and collect from the person having or maintaining such burglary and /or robbery or trespass alarm on pre- raises owned or occupied by him, fees as follows: A. For a response to premises at which no other false a- farm has occurred within the preceding six months period, herein- after referred to as a "first response. ", no fee shall be charged, . but the%-person having or maintaining such burglary and /or robbery or trespass alarm shall, within three working days after notice to do so, make a written report to the Chief of Police on forms pre- scribed by him setting forth the cause of such false alarm, the corrective action-taken, whether such alarm has been.inspected by an authorized serviceman,, and such other information as the Chief of Police may reasonably require to determine the cause of such false alarm and corrective action necessary. B. For a second response to premises within six months after a first response, no fee shall be charged, but a written report shall be required as for a first response and the Chief of Police shall be authorized to inspect or cause to be inspected the alarm system at such premises, prescribe necessary corrective action, and shall give notice to the person having or maintaining such alarm system.of the conditions and requirements of this section. C. For a third response to premises within six months after such a second response, and for all succeeding responses within six months of the last response, a fee of twenty -five dollars ($25.00) shall be charged. Section b. Penalties Any person, firm or corporation convicted of any violation of the provisions of the ordinance shall be fined not less than twenty -five dollars ($25.00) nor more than five.hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense and each day that such violation con- tinues shall be a separate offense. Section 7. Enactort This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage approval and publication according to law. t. 5 - Bogart, Marlanthal^ AYES; KoYotar, Stone, NAYES: D - Nona /QBgEl�C� l - Rech ---------' —� -- . ` PASSED: December lg ,T977 APPROVED: December lq 7APPROVED: , � ,g PUBLISHED: '19 ATTEST: ` ^ a�� � � � . '" _ -- f IL- - VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ORDINANCE NO. %%- 7 ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE THIS j� -�, DAY OF 197 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, this ?O day of 1977. II ; 4 M/ OP.DINAICE 110. 77- 71 AN ORDIRVICE REGULATING ALA74 SYSTEMS BE IT ORDAITfiD BY THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, LAKE. AND COOK COUMES, ILLINOIS: Section 1. Notification A. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to have or maintain on any premises an audible type burglary and / or robbery or trespass alarm unless the telephone numbers at which the person or persons authorized to enter such premises and turn off`such alarm can be reached at all times have been submitted and filed with the Buffalo Grove Police Department. B. It is unlawful for any such person to fail to appear and turn off or reset any such alarm within two hours after being no- tified by the police to do so. Section 2. - Activation of Alarm It is unlawful for any person to knowingly activate any rob- bery or burglary alarm for the purpose of summoning police except a. in the event of an actual or 'attempted burglary, robbery or tres- pass, or for any person to notify the police of an activated alarm, and having knowledge that such activation was apparently caused by an electrical oroother malfunction of the alarm system, to fail at the same time to notify the police of such apparent malfunction. Section 3. - Automatic__-ay_stems No person, firm or corporation shall use or cause or permit to be used, or engage in the business of providing any telephone device or telephone >attachment that automatically selects a public trunkline of the Police or Fire Department of the Village andtthen # reproduces any pre- recorded message to ,report any robbery, burglary. fire or other emergency unless previously approved by the Village. Section 4. - Definition-of-False-Alarms A. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the term "false alarm" shall mean the activation of a burglary and /or robbery and /or trespass alarm by other than a forced entry or attempted forced entry to the premises and at a time when no burglary, robbery or trespass is being committed or attempted on the premises. 1 Section 5. - Resoonse to False Alarm For a police response to any false alarm the Village of Buffalo Crove shall charge and collect from the person having or - maintaining such burglary and /or robbery or trespass alarm on pre- mises owned or occupied by him, fees as follows: A. For a' response to premises at which no other false a- larm has occurred within the preceding six months period, herein - after referred to as a "first response. ", no fee shall be charged, but the person having or maintaining such burglary and /or robbery or trespass alarm shall, within three working days after notice to do so, make a written report to the Chief of Police on forms pre - scribed by him setting forth the cause of such false alarm, the corrective action.taken, whether such alarm has been inspected by an authorized serviceman, and such other information as the Chief of Police may reasonably require to determine the cause of such false alarm and corrective action necessary. B. For a second response to premises within six months after a -first response, no fee shall be charged, but a written report shall be required as for a first response and the Chief of Police shall be authorized to inspect or cause to be inspected the alarm system at such premises, prescribe necessary corrective action,. and shall give notice to the person having or maintaining such alarm system of the conditions and requirements of this section. C. For a third response to premises within six months after such a second response, and for all succeeding responses within six months of the last response, a fee of twenty -five dollars ($25.00) shall be charged. Section 6. Penalties Any person, firm or corporation convicted of any violation of the provisions of the ordinance shall be fined not less than twenty -five dollars ($25.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense and each day that such violation con- tinues shall be a separate offense. Section 7. Enactor nt This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. ti. 5 - Bogart, Marienthal, AYES: Keister, Stone, NAMES: 0 -None ABSENT 1 - Rech PASSED: December 19 ,1977 / APPROVED: December 19, '1977 PUBLISHED:— . &� -' 02-O ,19/ ATTEST_: , FT4(:E u.