1977-064ORDINANCE NO. 77- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 77 -54 (THE PLUMBING CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1. Section 12 of Ordinance #77 -54 is hereby repealed in its entirety and the following Section 12 enacted in lieu thereof: Section 12. The Illinois State Plumbing Code is hereby amended by adding thereto the following sections: a. Water Conservation Criteria 1. All new water services shall be metered. New services include but are not limited to water service in new construction of all types. 2. Flushing of sanitary sewers with potable water shall be performed through the use of a high velocity type sewer jet. 3. a. In all new construction and in all repair and /or replacement of water using fixtures, only fixtures not exceeding the following flow rates and /or water usage shall be instal- led. These ratings are based on a pressure at the fixture of 40 to 50 psi. Water Closets, tank type Water Closets, flushometer type Urinals, tank type Urinals, flushometer type Shower heads Lavatory, sink faucets 3.5 gal. per flush 3.0 gal. per flush 3.0 gal. per flush 3.0 gal. per flush 3.0 gal. per minute 3.0 gal. per minute b. Lavatories for Public Use - In addition to the requirements in Item a above, in all new construction and in all repair and /or replace- ment of fixtures faucets of lavatories located in restrooms intended for public use shall be of metering or self closing type. C. Car Wash Installation - In all new construction and replacement of fixtures, car wash installations shall be equipped with a recycling system on the wash water unit and the rinse cycle unit. b. All down spouts or roof drains shall discharge onto the ground or shall be connected to storm sewer, drainage ditches or drainage system when available. -1- Footing drains shall be connected to sump pumps and discharge to the storm water drainage system. Sump pumps installed to receive and discharge ground waters or other storm waters shall be connected to the storm sewer when available or discharge into a drainage swale or drainage system. Floor drains shall be installed in all basements and shall be connected to a sanitary sump. The sanitary sump is to be designed to receive and discharge floor drain flow, laundry tubs or other sanitary sewage and shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system by means of an ejector pump. A sanitary sewer injector pit with gas - type cover and vent shall be required for all fixtures which drain into the sanitary sewer below grade. c. Water piping below ground or under a concrete slab shall be type K, copper with minimum joints. d. Water piping above ground shall be type L copper or galvanized iron. e. Footing drains, corrugated plastic tubing if used around foundation wall shall meet acceptable sections of commercial standards S.C. 228 -C1 for strength and chemical characteristics with 1000 pound crush. Install 3" plastic pipe, schedule 40 or heavier, PVC or ABS from TEE outside of wall into sump pit for basement using a 4" sleeve for the footing. f. Overhead Plumbing - All new buildings with basements, floors, rooms or occupancy areas below ground level at the building site and served by a public or a private sewer system shall have overhead plumbing. -2- SECTION 2. This Ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. SECTION 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be fined not less than $10 or more than $500 for each violation. Each day that a violation continues shall be considered a new violation. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. AYES: 6 - Rech, Bogart, Marienthal, Keister, Stone, Mendenhall NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT:O - None PASSED: November 21 , 1977. APPROVED: PUBLISHED: November November 21 23 1977, , 1977. ATTEST: Village Clerk v -3- APPROVED: Village President i VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ORDINANCE NO. ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE THIS -Eg— DAY OF Published in pamphlet form by authority Of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, C ok and Lake Counties, Illinois, this day of 1977. V3.11ag'el r c - -- ORDINANCE NO. 77 -_L/_ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 77 -54 (THE PLUMBING CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1. Section 12 of Ordinance #77 -54 is hereby repealed in its entirety and the following Section 12 enacted in lieu thereof: Section 12. The Illinois State Plumbing Code is ereby amended by adding thereto the following sections: a. Water Conservation Criteria 1. All new water services shall be metered. New services include but are not limited to water service in new construction of all types. 2. Flushing of sanitary sewers with potable water shall be performed through the use of a high velocity type sewer jet. 3. a. In all new construction and in all repair and /or replacement of water using fixtures, only fixtures not exceeding the following flow rates and /or water usage shall be instal- led. These ratings are based oii a pressure at the fixture of 40 to 50 psi. Water Closets, tank type 3.5 gal. per flush Water Closets, flushometer type 3.0 gal. per flush Urinals, tank type 3.0 gal. per flush Urinals, flushometer type 3.0 gal. per flush Shower heads 3.0 gal. per minute Lavatory, sink faucets 3.0 gal. per minute b. Lavatories for Public Use - In addition to the requirements in Item a above, in all new construction and in all repair and /or replace- ment of fixtures faucets of lavatories located in restrooms intended for public use shall be of metering or self closing type. c. Car Wash Installation - In all new construction and replacement of fixtures, car wash installations shall be equipped with a recycling system on the wash water unit and the rinse cycle unit. b. All down spouts or roof drains shall discharge onto the ground or shall be connected to storm sewer, drainage ditches or drainage system when available. -1- Footing drains shall be connected to sump pumps and. discharge to the storm water drainage system. Sump pumps installed to receive and discharge ground waters or other storm waters shall be connected to the storm sewer when available or discharge into a drainage swale or drainage system. Floor drains shall be installed in all basements and shall be connected to a sanitary sump. The sanitary sump is to be designed to receive and discharge floor drain flow, laundry tubs or other sanitary sewage and shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system by means of an ejector pump. A sanitary sewer injector pit with gas - type cover and vent shall be required for all fixtures which drain into the sanitary sewer below grade. c. Water piping below ground or under a concrete slab shall be type K, copper with minimum joints. d. Water piping above ground shall be type L copper or galvanized iron. e. Footing drains, corrugated plastic tubit.j used around foundation wall shall meet acceptable sections of commercial standards S.C. 228 -C1 for strength and chemical characteristics with 1000 pound crush. Install 3" plastic pipe, schedule 40 or heavier, PVC or ABS from TEE outside of wall into sump pit for basement using a 4" sleeve for the footing. f. Overhead Plumbing - All new buildings with basements, floors, rooms or occupancy areas below ground level at the building site and served by a public or a private sewer system shall have overhead plumbing. -2- SECTION 2. This Ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. SECTION 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be fined not less than $10 or more than $500 for each violation. Each day that a violation continues shall be considered a new violation. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. AYES: 6 - Rech, Bogart, Marienthal, Keister, Stone, Mendenhall NAYES: 0 - None ABSENT•0 - None PASSED: November 21 , 1977. APPROVED: November 21 , 1977. PUBLISHED: November 23 , 1977. ATTEST: Village Clerk -3- APPROVED: Village President