1977-061l ORDINANCE NO. 77 -61 AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CREATION OF A YOUTH COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Village recognizes the need to provide service to the Youth in the community; and, WHEREAS, the Village encourages the coordination of all. programs and recreation available to the Youth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove: SECTION 1. Creation There is hereby created a Youth Commission for the Village of Buffalo Grove. Said commission is an advisory body to the Village Board of Trustees. SECTION 2. Purpose - The purpose of the Youth Commission shall be to assess and verify the program and recreational needs of the Village youth. The Youth Commission shall be responsible for development, coordination, and implementation of program goals and objectives. SECTION 3. Membership The Commission shall consist of eleven members to be appointed by the Village President by and with the approval of the Board of Trustees. The Village President shall designate one of the members as Chairman and the Village President shall be an ex- officio member of the Commission. The terms of office for the first four appointments will expire on April 30, 1980, the terms of office of the second four appointments will expire on April 30, 1979, and the remaining three appointments will expire on April 30, 1978. Reappointment and new appointments for the three appointments which expire on April 30, 1978 shall thereafter be for a term of one year to run from May 1 to April 30. All other reappointments and new appointments shall thereafter be for a term of three years to run from May 1 to the appropriate April 30. I • powers: SECTION 4. Duties and Powers The Commission may perform and exercise the following duties and a) Assess and verify the needs of Village youth and available acti.viti.es. b) Make recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees with respect to present and future needs of program and recreational needs of .Village youth. c) Develop, implement and coordinate any youth activity approved by the President and Board of Trustees.. d) File an annual report on or before April 30 of each calendar year or at such other times as may be designated or requested by the President and Board of Trustees. e) Exercise such other powers and duties prescribed by the President and Board of Trustees. SECTION 5. Meetings The Commission shall hold regular meetings not less than once a month. Special meetings shall be held as prescribed.by the By -Laws of the Commission. SECTION 6. Quorum A majority of members holding office shall constitute a quorum. SECTION 7. Records Minutes shall be kept of all proceedings of the Commission and a copy thereof shall be. submitted to the President and Board of Trustees monthly. SECTION 8. Budget and Expenditures The Commission shall submit an annual budget to the President and Board of Trustees. No expenditure shall be made without approval of the President and Board of Trustees. SECTION 9. By Laws and Regulations The Commission may adopt By -Laws containing procedural rules -2- a and such substantive regulations as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this ordinance. SECTION 10. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, according to law. AYES: 6 - Rech, Bogart, Marienthal, Keister, Stone, Mendenhall NAYES : 0 - None ABSENT: 0 - None PASSED: October 17 1977. APPROVED: October 17 ,1977. *R'0-: , "4! 9:F . APPROVED: -Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk