1977-054. { ORDINANCE NO, 77 - . THE PLUMBING CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE WHEREAS, pursuant to Statute three copies of the 1976 state of Illinois Plumbing Code have been on file with the Village Clerk for more than 30 days last past and that the same have been and are available for public inspection, and WHEREAS, the said Code has been reviewed and approved by various members of the Village Staff, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. Section 1. (a) Except as hereinafter modified. The 1976 State of Illinois Plumbing Code, is hereby adopted by reference; in the event any of the provisions of the 1976 State of Illinois Plumbing Code are in conflict with any ordinance of the Village, the most restrictive provision among the 1976 State of Illinois Plumbing Code or Ordinance shall prevail. (b) At least three (3) copies of the 1976 State of Illinois Plumbing Code shall be kept on file in the office of the Village Clerk for public use, inspection and examination. Section 2, It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of plumbing contractor within the Village with- out being registered in the manner hereinafter set forth. Section 3, Any person desiring to engage in the business of plumbing contractor within the Village provided said contractor is licensed in the State of Illinois, shall apply for registra- tion to the Building Official. Upon the filing of such applica- tion and the payment of the registration fee set out in Section 4 of this Code the Building Official shall issue to the applicant a certificate of registration which will authorize the applicant to engage in such business for the year in which it is issued, A copy of the registration shall be forwarded to the Village Clerk. Section 4, The fee for registration as a Plumbing Contractor shall be fifteen dollars annually, payable to the Village of Buffalo Grove, R Section 5, Every person desiring to engage in the business-of making any plumbing installation in the Village shall execute and file with the Village Clerk a surety bond payable to the Village, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned that the applicant shall well and faithfully observe all of the provisions of the this Code and other ordinances and other regulations of the Village relating to plumbing installations. This bond must remain in full force and effect while any plumbing work is being performed in the Village of Buffalo Grove, Section 6, The Building Official and such other employees as may from time to time be appointed by the President and Board shall be charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this Code, the rules and regulations thereof, and the standards and specifica- tions for the installation, alteration and use of plumbing equip- ment as provided for. Section 7. No plumbing shall be installed or altered except upon a permit first issued by the Building Official provided, how- ever, that no permit shall be issued for installing or altering by contract plumbing equipment unless the person applying for such permit is registered as a plumbing contractor as required by or- dinance and except that no permit shall be required for minor repairs which do not require changes in the existing plumbing system. Section 8, The Building Official shall inspect all plumbing work installed or altered, and shall require that it conform to the standards and specifications applicable thereto and adopted as foresaid. Section 9,_ The Building Official shall have the power to enter buildings or premises at any reasonable hour in the dis- charge of his duties, It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the Building Official in the performance of his duties. Whenever, in the opinion of the Building Official, it shall be necessary to call upon the police department for aid and assistance in carrying out or enforcing any of the provi- sions of this Code governing the inspection of plumbing systems, he shall have the authority to do so, and it shall be the duty of any number of the police department, when called upon by the Building Official to act according to the instructions of and to perform such duties as may be required by the Building Official in order to enforce or put into effect the provisions of this Code relating to the inspection of electrical equipment. Any person installing concealed piping or plumbing equipment in any building in the Village shall notify the Building Official in writing of such intended installations, at least twenty -four hours before the work is to be covered, and no such work shall be covered until inspection thereof has been made as herein required. In all cases where such notice has not been given or such work has been covered without inspection thereof as herein provided, the Building Official is authorized to take down or have removed such portions of the building or structure as shall be necessary for the inspection of such piping or plumbing as herein required, and the cost of such taking down and replacing such work so removed by such official shall be borne by the person who has failed to give notice of the installation thereof, or by the person who has covered such work after such notice and before inspection thereof as herein required, and the cost of such works so re- moved by such official shall be borne by the person who has failed to give notice of the installation thereof, or by the person who has covered such work after such notice and before inspection thereof as herein provided, as the case may be. Section 10. In case the Building Official finds a defect in any plumbing system, subject to inspection in the Village, he shall report the same to the persons for who the test is being made, giving a description of the character of the defect. If the defect is of a dangerous character, necessitating immediate repair, the Building Official shall forthwith condemn the system for fur- ther use, or until the same is removed, repaired or renewed. Section 11. The Building Official shall have the right to condemn plumbing systems which are defective and dangerous to life or property, and shall require the owner of such system to remove or replace same. Section 12. The Illinois State Plumbing Code is hereby a- mended by adding thereto the following sections: (a) Water Conservation Criteria Flush tanks - maximum of 3 1/2 gal. per flush Showers - maximum of 3 1/2 gal. per minute Water Supply to sinks - maximum of 3 1/2 gal, per minute i (b) All down spouts or roof drains shall discharge onto the ground or shall be connected to storm sewer, drainage ditches or drainage system when available.. Footing drains shall be connected to sump pumps and discharge to the storm water drain- age system. Sump pumps installed to receive and discharge ground waters or other storm waters shall be connected to the storm sewer when available or discharge into a drainage swale or drainage system. Floor J� shall "1 sump 1� n� drain shall means drains shall be installed in all basements and be connected to a sanitary sump. The sanitary is to be designed to receive and discharge floor flow, laundry tubs or other sanitary sewage and be connected to the sanitary sewer system by of an ejector pump. A sanitary sewer injector pit with gas -type cover and vent shall be required for all fixtures which drain into the sanitary sewer below grade. (c) Water piping below ground or under a concrete slab shall be type K, copper with minimum joints. (d) Water piping above ground shall be type L copper or galvanized iron. (e) Footing drains, corrugated plastic tubing if used around foundation wall shall meet acceptable sections of commercial standards S.C. 228 -C1 for strength and chemical characteristics with 1000 pound crush. Install 31' ' plastic pipe, schedule 40 or heavier, PVC or ABS from TEE outside of wall into sump pit for basement using a 4" sleeve for the footing. (f) overhead Plumbing All new buildings with basements, floors, rooms or occupancy areas below ground level at the building site and served by a public or a private sewer system shall have overhead plumbing. •~ Section 13, Plumbing Inspection Fees. The following fees shall be collected prior to the issuance of permit (s), Swimming Pools: Up to 10 000 gallons = $10.00 /10,000 gal, or more ,20,00 Water Softener: Fee = $10.00 Floor Drains: Fee = $ 5.00 Each Clean Out: Fee = $ 4,00 Each Sump Pump: Fee = $10.00 Each Water Meter Fee = $ 5.00 Inspection Each Sewer Fee = $ 5.00 Inspection Each Water Fee = $ 5.00 Inspection Sprinkler Fee = $15.00 System Each plumbing fixture not otherwise listed Fee = $5.00 Section 14. Plan examination Fee $10.00 per plan Section 15, Re- inspection Fee Any reinspection or inspection not covered by the above fee shall be $10.00 per inspector per hour or any part of an hour. Section 16. Ordinance Numbers 61 -26, 66 -7, 68 -7, 71 -24, 73 -522 75 -31, 76 -40, 76 -53, 76 -54 and 76 -59 are hereby specifi- cally repealed. Section 17, This Ordinance may be published in pamphlet form, Section 18. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be fined not less than $10 or more than $500 for each violation. Each day that a violation con- tinues shall be considered a new violation. Section 19, This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. 6 -Rech, Bogart, AYES: Marienthal, KeisterNAyES: 0 - None ABSENT: 0 - None MennenN911 PASSED: October 3, 1977. APPROVED: October 3, 1 1977, PUBLISHED: , 1977. ATTEST ---7i'Irage ClerF P,R D : rest dent- ' VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ORDINANCE NO. ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE THIS DAY OF 1971. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Groveokk and Lake Counties, Illinois, this _L4jL_ day of 197. illage Cler ORDINANCE NO. 77 -� THE PLUMBING CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE WHEREAS, pursuant to Statute three copies of the 1976 State of Illinois Plumbing Code have been on file with the Village Clerk for more than 30 days last past and that the same have been and are available for public inspection, and WHEREAS, the said Code has been reviewed and approved by various members of the Village Staff, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. Section 1. (a) Except as hereinafter modified. The 1976 State of Illinois Plumbing Code, is hereby adopted by reference; in the event any of the provisions of the 1976 State of Illinois Plumbing Code are in conflict with any ordinance of the Village, the most restrictive provision among the 1976 State of Illinois Plumbing Code or Ordinance shall prevail. (b) At least three (3) copies of the 1976 State of Illinois Plumbing Code shall be kept on file in the office of the Village Clerk for public use, inspection and examination. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of plumbing contractor within the Village with- out being registered in the manner hereinafter set forth. Section 3. Any person desiring to engage in the business of plumbing contractor within the Village provided said contractor is licensed in the State of Illinois, shall apply for registra- tion to the Building Official, Upon the filing of such applica- tion and the payment of the registration fee set out in Section 4 of this Code the Building Official shall issue to the applicant a certificate of registration which will authorize the applicant to engage in such business for the year in which it is issued. A copy of the registration shall be forwarded to the Village Clerk. Section 4. The fee for registration as a Plumbing Contractor shall be fifteen dollars annually, payable to the Village of Buffalo Grove. Section 5, Every person desiring to engage in the business of making any plumbing installation in the Village shall execute and file with the Village Clerk a surety bond payable to the Village, j in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned that the applicant shall well and faithfully observe all of the provisions of the this Code and other ordinances and other regulations of the Village relating to plumbing installations. This bond must remain in full force and effect while any plumbing work is being performed in the Village of Buffalo Grove, Section 6, The Building Official and such other employees as may from time to time be appointed by the President and Board shall be charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this Code, the rules and regulations thereof, and the standards and specifica- tions for the installation, alteration and use of plumbing equip- ment as provided for. Section 7. No plumbing shall be installed or altered except upon a permit first issued by the Building Official provided, how- ever, that no permit shall be issued for installing or altering by contract plumbing equipment unless the person applying for such permit is registered as a plumbing contractor as required by or- divance and except that no permit shall be required for minor repairs which do not require changes in the existing plumbing system. Section 8. The Building Official shall inspect all plumbing work installed or altered, and shall require that it conform to the standards and specifications applicable thereto and adopted as foresaid. Section j The Building Official shall have the power to enter buildings or premises at any reasonable hour in the dis- charge of his duties, It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the Building Official in the performance of his - duties. Whenever, in the opinion of the Building Official, it shall be necessary to call upon the police department for aid and assistance in carrying out or enforcing any of the provi- sions of this Code governing the inspection of plumbing systems, he shall have the authority to do so, and it shall be the duty of any number of the police department, when called upon by the Building Official to act according to the instructions of and to perform such duties as may be required by the Building Official in order to enforce or put into effect the provisions of this -Code relating to the inspection of electrical equipment. Any person installing concealed piping or plumbing equipment in any building in the Village shall notify the Building Official in writing of such intended installations, at least twenty -four hours before the work is to be covered, and no such work shall be covered until inspection thereof has been made as herein required.. In all cases where such notice has not been given or such work has been covered without inspection thereof as herein provided, the Building Official is authorized to take down or have removed such portions of the building or structure as shall be necessary for the inspection of such piping or plumbing as herein required, and the cost of such taking down and replacing such work so removed by such official shall be borne by the person who has failed to give notice of the installation thereof, or by the person who has covered such work after such notice and before inspection thereof as herein required, and the cost of such works so re- moved by such official shall be borne by the person who has failed to give notice of the installation thereof, or by the person who has covered such work after such notice and before inspection thereof as herein provided, as the case may be. Section 10. In case the Building Official finds a defect in any plumbing system, subject to inspection in the Village, he shall report the same to the persons for who the test is being made, giving a description of the character of the defect. If the defect is of a dangerous character, necessitating immediate repair, the Building Official shall forthwith condemn the system for fur - ther use, or until the same is removed, repaired or renewed. Section 11. The Building Official shall have the right to condemn plumbing systems which are defective and dangerous to life or property, and shall require the owner of such system to remove or replace same, Section 12. The Illinois State Plumbing Code is hereby a- mended by adding thereto the following sections: (a) Water Conservation Criteria Flush tanks - maximum of 3 1/2 gal, per flush Showers - maximum of 3 1/2 gal. per minute Water Supply to sinks - maximum of 3 1/2 gal, per minute (b) All down spouts or roof drains shall discharge onto the ground or shall be connected to storm sewer, drainage ditches or drainage system when available. Footing drains shall be connected to sump pumps and discharge to the storm water drain age system. Sump pumps installed to receive and discharge ground waters or other storm waters shall be connected to the storm sewer when available or discharge into a drainage swale or drainage system. Floor drains shall be installed in all basements and shall be connected to a sanitary sump. The sanitary sump is to be designed to receive and discharge floor drain flow, laundry tubs or other sanitary sewage and shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system by means of an ejector pump. A sanitary sewer injector pit with gas -type cover and vent shall be required for all fixtures which drain into the sanitary sewer below grade. (c) Water piping below ground or under a concrete slab shall be type K, copper with minimum joints. (d) Water piping above ground shall be type L copper or galvanized iron. (e) Footing drains, corrugated plastic tubing if used around foundation wall shall meet acceptable sections of commercial standards S.C. 228 -C1 for strength and chemical characteristics with 1000 pound crush. Install 3" plastic pipet schedule 40 or heavier, PVC or ABS from TEE outside of wall into sump pit for basement using a 4" sleeve for the footing. (f) Overhead Plumbing - All new buildings with basements, floors, rooms or occupancy areas below ground level at the building site and served by a public or a private sewer system shall have overhead plumbing. Section 13. Plumbing Inspection Fees. The following fees shall be collected prior to the issuance of permit (s). Swimming Pools: Up to 10,000 gallons = $10.00 /10,000 gal. or more $20.00 Water Softener: Fee - $10.00 Floor Drains: Fee - $ 5.00 Each Clean Out: Fee = $ 4.00 Each Sump Pump: Fee - $10.00 Each Water Meter Fee = $ 5.00 Inspection Each Sewer Fee - $ 5.00 Inspection Each Water Fee - $ 5.00 Inspection Sprinkler Fee — $15.00 System Each plumbing fixture not otherwise listed Fee = $5.00 Section 14. Plan examination Fee $10.00 per plan Section 15. Re- inspection Fee Any reinspection or inspection not covered by the above fee shall be $10.00 per inspector per hour or any part of an hour. Section 16. Ordinance Numbers 61 -26, 66 -7, 68 -7, 71 -24, 73 -520 75 -31, 76 -40, 76 -53, 76 -54 and 76 -59 are hereby specifi- cally repealed. Section 17. This Ordinance may be published in pamphlet form, Section 18. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be fined not less than $10 or more than $500 for each violation. Each day that a violation con- tinues shall be considered a new violation. Section 19. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. 6 -Rech, Bogart, AYES: Marienthal, Kelste:NpyES: 0 - None ABSENT; 0 - None '-brane, Mendenn-all PASSED: October 3, 1977. APPROVED: October 3, 1977, PUBLISHED: 1977. ATTTST� `�� age er g PR�VED .9 V lZage resi lent /��( i