1977-053ORDINANCE NO. 7 7 - .:3 THE ELECTRICAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE 0 WHEREAS, pursuant to Statute three copies of the 1975 Edition of the National Electrical Code have been on file with the Village Clerk for more than 30 days last past and that the same have been and are available for public in- spection, and WHEREAS, the said Code has been reviewed and approved by various members of the Village Staff, NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1, (a) Except as hereinafter modified, the 1975 Edition of the National Electrical Code, recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, is hereby adopted by reference; in the event any of the provisions of the 1975 National Electrical Code are in conflict with any ordinances of the Village or with the State law then the most restrictive pro- vision among them shall prevail, (b) At least three (3) copies of the National Electrical Code shall be kept on file in the office of the Village Clerk for public use, inspection and examination. 9 Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of electrical contractor within the Village without being registered in the manner hereinafter set forth, Section 3. Any person desiring to engage in the business of electrical contractor within the Village shall apply for a license to the Building Official. Upon the filing of such application and the payment of the license fee set out in Section 4 of this Code, the Building Official shall turn over the application to the Electrical Commission for re- view and testing, The Commission shall in turn either ap- prove or deny the application. After approval by the Elec- trical Commission the Building Official shall issue to the applicant a license which will authorize the appli- cant to engage in such business as an electrical contrac- tor. A copy of the license shall be forwarded to the Village Clerk. Section 4, The fee for a license as an electrical con- tractor shall be twenty -five dollars, payable to the Village of Buffalo Grove, provided that if said applicant is licensed in another municipality in the State of Illinois, he shall not be required to be licensed in this Village, and proof of such license in other municipalities shall be filed with the Building Official, The initial license fee shall include that years registration fee, 9 • Section 5, Any person desiring to engage in the businesa;,or electrical contractor within the Village provided said contractor is licensed in the State of Illinois, shall apply for registration to the Building Official, Upon the filing of such application and the payment of the registration fee set out in Section 6 of this Code the Building Official shall issue to the applicant a certi- ficate of registration which will authorize the applicant to en- gage in such business for the year in which it is issued, A copy of the registration shall."be forwarded to the Village Clerk, Section 6, The fee for registration as an electrical contrac- tor shall be fifteen dollars annually, payable to the Village of Buffalo Grove, provided that if said applicant is registered in another municipality in the State of Illinois, he shall not be required to register or pay a fee in this Village, and proof of such registration in other municipalities shall be filed with the Building Official, Section 7. Every person desiring to engage in the business of making any electrical installation in the Village shall execute and file with the Village Clerk a surety bond payable to the Village, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned that the appli- cant shall well and faithfully observe all of °the provisions of the this Code, and other ordinances and other regulations of the Village relating to electrical installations. This bond must remain in full force and effect while any electrical work is being performed in the Village of Buffalo Grove, Section 8, The Building Official and such other employees as may from time to time be appointed by the President and Board shall be charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this Code, the rules and regulations thereof, and the standards and specifications for the installation, alteration and use of electrical equipment as provided for, Section 9, No Electrical equipment shall be installed or altered except upon a permit first issued by the Building Offi- cial provided, however, that no permit shall be issued for in- stalling or altering by contract electrical equipment unless the person applying for such permit is registered as an electri- cal contractor as required hereunder and except that no permit shall be required for minor repairs which do not require changes r ,in the existing electrical circuitry, - Section 10. The Building Official shall inspect all electrical equipment installed or altered, and shall require that it conform to the standards and specifications applicable thereto and adopted as foresaid, The Building Official is hereby empowered to reinspect any electrical equipment, and when such equipment is found to be unsafe to life or property, shall notify the person owning, using or operating the same to place the same in a safe and secure con- dition and in compliance with the standards and specifications described herein, within such time as the Building Official shall consider just and reasonable, Upon refusal or wilful failure to comply with the requirements of such notification, in addition to the penalties otherwise provided herein, the Building Official may recommend the cutting off and stopping of such current until such electrical equipment has been placed in a safe and secure condition and in compliance with the stan- dards and specifications referred to herein, No inspection fee shall be charged for such reinspection, but in case it becomes necessary to replace such electrical equipment on account of defects disclosed by such reinspection, a permit therefor shall be obtained and an inspection fee paid as provided herein, Section 11, The Building Official shall have the power to enter buildings or premises at any reasonable hour in the dis- charge of his duties, It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the Building Official in the performance of his duties. Whenever, in the opinion of the Building Official, it shall be necessary to call upon the police department for aid and assistance in carrying out or enforcing any of the pro- visions of this Code governing the inspection of electrical equipment, he shall have the authority to do so, and it shall be the duty of any number of the police department, when called upon by the Building Official to act according to the instruc- tions of and to perform such duties as may be required by the Building Official in order to enforce or put into effect the provisions of this Code relating to the inspection of electri- cal equipment, Any person installing concealed electric wires or equipment in any building in the Village shall notify the Building Official in writing of such intended installations, at least twenty -four hours before the work is to be covered, and no such work shall be covered until inspection thereof has been made as herein re- quired. In all cases where such notice has not been given or such work has been covered without inspection thereof as herein pro - vided, the Building Official is authorized to takedown or have removed such portions of the building or structure as shall be necessary for the inspection of such electric wires or equip- ment, as herein required, and the cost of such taking down and replacing such work so removed by such official shall be borne by the person who has failed to give notice of the installation thereof, or by the person who has covered such work after such notice and before inspection thereof as herein required, and the cost of such works so removed by such official shall be borne by the person who has failed to give notice of the in- stallation thereof, or by the person who has covered such work after such notice and before inspection thereof as herein pro- vided, as the case may bee Section 12, In case the Building Official finds a defect in any electrical apparatus or equipment, subject to inspec- tion in the 'Village,' he shall report the same to the persons for who the test is being made, giving a description of the character of the defect. If the defect is of a dangerous character, necessitating immediate repair, the Building Offi- cial shall forthwith.condenm the apparatus or equipment for further use, or until the same is removed, repaired or renewed. If the defect is of a character such that the apparatus or equipment may be safely operated for a period of some days pend- ing repairs, the Building Official shall so report, and name the number of days during which the same may be operated, A duplicate of all such reports shall be promptly filed in the office of the Village Clerk. 0 Section 13, The Building Official shall have the right ro condemn wires which are defective and dangerous to life or prop- erty, and shall require the owner of such wires to remove or replace the same with new wires. Section 14, The National Electrical Code latest edition is hereby amended in the following respects: (a) All services shall be installed in metallic conduit, (b) No non - metallic tubing shall be used within buildings. Flexible conduit or armored cable may not be used in new construction, except for final connections to lighting fixtures and equipment, No flexible conduit or armored cable length shall exceed 4` -0 "/ For re- modeling work conduit shall be used in all exposed areas, and armored cable or flexible conduit may be used in confined spaces. In no case shall flexible metal conduit be installed without a ground conductor, (c) The name of the electrical contractor performing the work shall be displayed on fuse panel boxes, (d) In single - family dwellings, the minimum service shall be: 1) 100 amperes with a 20 circuit cabinet, or; 2) 200 amperes with a 24 circuit cabinet, (e) A main service disconnect shall be installed for every metered service, (f) Stairways, halls, passageways, corridors and garages accessible by more than one entry or exit shall have a light or lights controlled by a switch at each entry and exit (g) A duplex wall receptacle shall be installed in each hallway or foyer, (h) All receptacles shall be the full load rating of the breaker in residential occupancies, (i) Outlets and switches installed in new construction and remodeling shall not be obstructed with paint, (j) A light shall be installed in every accessible storage area, and in attic and crawl spaces, (k) An outside light controlled by a wall switch shall be installed at each egress including garage, (1) Detached garages shall be on a separate circuit and,, shall include the following; 1) A ceiling light controlled by a wall switch, 2) A minimum of one grounded type duplex receptacle, (m) In single - family occupancies an empty conduit shall be installed from the water meter location to the outside wall approximately 5` -0" from the front of the residence and on the same side that the gas meter is located. This conduit will accept low voltage wiring from the water meter to a remote reader. Reader and wiring will be installed by the Village, (n) Attached garages shall include a minimum of one grounded type duplex receptacle, (o) Wiring for all circuits in commercial and buildings shall be 20 ampere rated conductors or larger, (p) In Commercial and mercantile and minimum service shall be: 200 amperes with a 30 circuit cabinet, (q) Aluminum wire, sizes 8 and smaller, is prohibited in the Village of Buffalo Grove, (r) The use of aluminum wire in ground or below grade for the purpose of grounding is prohibited, (s) All electric furnaces and electric hot water heaters are required to have disconnects within sight and not more than five (5) feet away, (t) A fixture with a maximum watt label of a 60--watt lamp, must have a glass lens enclosing the fixture and be at least twenty -four (24) inches vertically and at least six (6) inches horizontally from any storage area where combustible articles are to be stored, (u). Ground -Fault circuit protection shall be provided for all occupancies, All 120 -volt, single phase, 15 and 20 ampere receptacle outlets, installed out of doors and in bathrooms, or in any other room or that has a water device shall, have ground -fault circuit protection against line to ground shock hazard, (v) A receptacle outlet shall be supplied for a water softener installation, located within sight and not more than six feet from the unit, Section 15, ELECTRICAL INSPECTION-,FEES {a) For each nominal 15 ampere and 20 ampere two wire circuit, including Fixtures, sockets or Receptacles; CIRCUITS 15 AMP 20 AMP 1 5.00 7,00 2 10,00 13.00 3 14,00 19,00 4 18.00 24,00 5 22,00 29,00 6 25,00 33,00 7 28,00 38.00 8 32,00 42,00 9 35,00 46,00 10 38.00 50,00 11 40,00 53,00 12 42,00 56,00 13 45,00 59,00 14 47,00 62.00 15 49,00 65,00 16 51,00 68,00 17 53,00 71,00 18 56,00 74.00 19 57,00 77.00 20 60,00 80.00 21 62,00 83,00 22 64,00 86,00 23 67,00 90.00 24 69,00 92.00 25 71.00 95.00 26 or more 2,00 ea, circuit 3.00 ea, (b) 30 ampere branch circuit, the inspection fee shall be double the amount of the 15 amp circuit, 40 ampere branch circuit, the inspection fee shall be double the amount of the 20 amp circuit, (c) 50 ampere branch circuit, the inspection fee shall be three times of the amount of the 20 amp circuit. circuit (d) Three (3) wire circuit shall have a multiplier of (1 1/2) one and half times that listed in sections No. (a), (b), and (c) above, (e) Single phase residential services, including service revisions, 100 thru 200 amp $15,00 plus additional circuits, (f) Feeder circuits - 15 to 100 amp (2 wire) (3 wire) $10,00 (4 wire) 101 to 200 amp (3 wire and 4 wire) $20,00 201 to 400 amp (3 wire and 4 wire) $40.00 401 to 600 amp (3 wire and 4 wire) $55,00 601 to 1000 amp (3 wire and 4 wire) $65,00 1001 to 3000 amp (3 wire and 4 wire) $75,00 (g) MOTORS AND ENERGY CONSUMING DEVICES r 1 A motor or energy consuming device one (1) h/p or over shall be $10,00 for the first and $5.00 for each additional. A motor 1/2 h/p or less, tapped on a branch circuit, shall be $1.00 each. (h) ALARM AND EMERGENCY SYSTEMS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM INTERCOM AND PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM MASTER ANTENNA SYSTEM AUDIO VISUAL (SPECIAL) (i) TEMPORARY INSTALLATIONS $10,00 $ 5,00 + 15 amp circuit rat $10,00 per system $10.00 per floor $25.00 Exhibitations, carnivals, outside wiring connected loads less than: 1OKW $10.00 Connected loads of 10 KW to 50KW $25,00 Connected loads of 51 KW to 100 KW $35,00 Connected loads of lO1KW to 200 KW $40.00 Connected loads of 201KW to 300 KW $50.00 Additional connected load over 300 KW $5.00 for each 100 KW. or fraction thereof. (j) PLAN EXAMINATION FEE - $10,00 per plan (k) REINSPECTION FEE Any reinspection or inspection not covered by the above fee, shall be $10.00 per inspector per hour or any part of an hour. Section 16. If any part, section, sentence or clause of this ordinance shall be adjudged void; the same shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions and this ordi- nance shall be deemed separable Sect on 17, Ordinances Numbers 62 -2t 67 -28, 7328 and 76 -8 are hereby specifically repealed, Section 18, PENALTY Any person who violates any of the provisions of this code (electrical) or who maintains any electrical wiring and appara- tus found to be dangerous to life and property, shall be fined not less than $10,00 or more than $500 for each offense, Each day such violation shall continue constitutes a separate and distinct offense and so much of any electrical installations as may be erected or altered and maintained in violation of this code shall be condemned and the Building Official is here- by authorized to cut off and discontinue current to such elec- trical wires and apparatus, Section 19, This ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. Section 20, This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. 6 -Rech, Bogart, Marienthal, Keister, AXES Stone, Mendenhall NAYES`: 0 None October 3, PASSED ;. 1977 APPROVED: October 3: , 1977 October 4_. , PUBLISHED: 1977 ATTEST Village Clerk ABSENT 0 None APPROVED: Village en° t - -- VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ORDINANCE NO. ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND.BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE THIS DAY OF , 19 71;17. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grov , Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, this day of 19 7, Village Clerk e ORDINANCE . NO 7 7 - J� -3 THE ELECTRICAL CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE WHEREAS, pursuant to Statute three copies of the 1975 Edition of the National Electrical Code have been on file with the Village Clerk for more than 30 days last past and that the same have been and are available for public in- spection, and WHEREAS, the said Code has been reviewed and 'approved by various members of the Village Staff, NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK i AND LAKE COUNTIES', ILLINOIS: Section 1. (a) Except as hereinafter modified, the 1975 Edition of the National Electrical Code, recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, is hereby adopted by reference; in the event any of the provisions of the 1975 National Electrical Code are in conflict with any ordinances of the Village or with the State law then the most restrictive pro- " vision among them shall prevail. (b) At least three (3) copies of the National Electrical Code shall be kept on file, in the office of the Village Clerk for public use, inspection and examination. 3 Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of electrical contractor within the Village without being registered in the manner hereinafter set forth, Section 3. Any person desiring to engage in the business of electrical contractor within the Village shall apply for a license to the Building Official. Upon the filing of such application and the payment of the license fee set out in Section 4 of this Code, the Building Official shall turn- j over the application to the Electrical Commission for re- view and testing. The Commission shall in turn either ap- prove or deny the application. After approval by the Elec- trical Commission the Building Official shall issue to the applicant a license which will authorize the "appli - cant to engage in such business as an electrical contrac- tor. A copy of the license shall be forwarded to the i Village Clerk. Section 4. The fee for a license as an electrical con- tractor shall be twenty -five dollars, payable to the Village of Buffalo Grove, provided that if said applicant is licensed in another municipality in the State of Illinois, he shall not be required to be licensed in this Village, and proof of such license in.other municipalities shall be filed with the Building Official. The initial license fee shall include that years registration fee, a Section 5, Any person desiring to engage in the business or electrical contractor within the Village provided said contractor is licensed in the State of Illinois, shall apply for registration to the Building Official, Upon the filing of such application and the payment of the registration fee set out in Section 6 of this Code the Building Official shall issue to the applicant a certi- ficate of registration which will authorize the applicant to en- gage in such business for the year in which it is issued, A copy of the registration shall ".be forwarded to the Village Clerk, Section 6, The fee for registration as an electrical contrac- tor shall be fifteen - dollars annually, payable to the Village of Buffalo Grove, provided that if said applicant is registered in another municipality in the State of Illinois, he shall not be required to register or pay a fee in this Village, and proof of such registration in other municipalities shall be filed with the Building Official, Section 7. Every person desiring to engage in the business of making any electrical installation in the Village shall execute and file with the Village Clerk a surety bond payable to the Village, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned that the appli- cant shall well and faithfully observe all of:the provisions of the this Code, and other ordinances and other regulations of the Village relating to electrical installations. This bond must remain in full force and effect while any electrical work is being performed in the Village of Buffalo Grove, Section 8. The Building Official and such other employees as may from time to time be appointed by the President and Board shall be charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this Code, the rules and regulations thereof, and the standards and specifications for the installation, alteration and use of electrical equipment as provided for. Section 9, No Electrical equipment shall be installed or altered except upon a permit first issued by the Building Offi- cial provided, however, that no permit shall be issued for in- stalling or altering by contract electrical equipment unless the person applying for such permit is registered as an electri- cal contractor as required hereunder and except that no permit shall be required for minor repairs which do not require changes in the existing electrical circuitry, Section 10. The Building Official shall inspect all electrical equipment installed or altered, and shall require that it conform i to the standards and specifications applicable thereto and adopted as foresaid. The Building Official is hereby empowered to reinspect any electrical equipment, and when such equipment is found to be unsafe to life or property, shall notify the person owning, using or operating the same to place the same in a safe and secure con- dition and in compliance with the standards and specifications described herein, within such time as the Building Official shall consider ,just and reasonable Upon refusal or wilful failure to comply with the requirements of such notification, in addition to the penalties otherwise provided herein, the Building Official may recommend the cutting off and stopping of such current until such electrical equipment has been placed in a safe and secure condition and in compliance with the stan- dards and specifications referred to herein, No inspection fee shall be charged for such reinspection, but in case it becomes necessary to replace such electrical equipment on account of defects disclosed by such reinspection, a permit therefor shall be obtained and an inspection fee paid as provided herein. Section ll. The Building Official shall have the power to } enter buildings or premises at any reasonable hour in the dis- charge of his duties It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the Building Official in the performance of his duties. Whenever, in the opinion of the Building Official, it shall be necessary to call upon the police department for aid and assistance in carrying out or enforcing any of the pro- . iC visions of this Code governing the inspection of electrical' equipment, he shall have the authority to do so, and it shall be the duty of any number of the police department, when called upon by the Building Official to act according to the instruc- tions of and to perform such duties as may be required by the Building Official in order to enforce or put into effect the provisions of this Code relating to the inspection of electri- cal equipment, Any person installing concealed electric wires or equipment in any building in the Village shall notify the Building Official in 'writing of such intended installations, at least twenty -four hours before the work is to be covered, and no such work shall be covered until inspection thereof has been made as herein re- quired. In all cases where such notice has not been given or such work has been covered without inspection thereof as herein pro - vided, the Building Official is authorized to take down or have removed such portions of the building or structure as shall be necessary for the inspection of such electric wires or equip - ment, as herein required, and the 'cost of such taking down and replacing such work so removed by such official shall be borne by the person who has failed to give notice of the installation thereof, or by the person who has covered such work after such notice and before inspection thereof as herein required, and the cost of such works so removed by such official shall be borne by the person who has failed to give notice of the in- stallation thereof, or by the person who has covered such work after such notice and before inspection thereof as herein pro- vided, as the case may bey Section 12, In case the Building Official finds a defect in any electrical apparatus or equipment, subject to inspec- tion in the Village," he shall report the same to the "persons for who the test is being made, giving a description of the character of the defect, If the defect is of a dangerous character, necessitating immediate repair, the Building Offi- cial shall forthwith condenm the apparatus or equipment for further use, or until the same is removed, repaired or renewed, If the defect is of a character such that the apparatus or equipment may be safely operated for a period of some days pend- ing repairs, the Building Official shall so report, and name the number of days during which the same may be operated, A duplicate of all such reports shall be promptly filed in the office of the Village Clerk. a w Section 13, The Building Official shall have the right to condemn wires which are defective and dangerous to life or prop- erty, and shall require the owner of such wires to remove or replace the same with new wires. Section 14, The National Electrical Code latest edition is hereby amended in the following respects: (.a) All services shall be installed in metallic conduit, (b) No non- metallic tubing shall be used within buildings. Flexible conduit or armored cable may not be used in new construction, except for final connections to lighting fixtures and equipment, No flexible conduit or armored cable length shall exceed 4' -0 "/ For re- modeling work conduit shall be used in all exposed areas, and armored cable or flexible conduit may be used in confined spaces. In no case shall flexible metal conduit be installed without a ground conductor, (c) The name of the electrical contractor performing the work shall be displayed.on fuse panel boxes. (d) In single- family dwellings, the minimum service shall be; 1) 100 amperes with a 20 circuit cabinet, or, 2) 200 amperes with a 24 circuit cabinet. (e) A main service disconnect shall be installed for every metered service. (f) Stairways, halls, passageways, corridors and garages accessible by more than one entry or exit shall have a light or lights controlled by a switch at each entry and exit. (g) A duplex wall receptacle shall be installed in each hallway or foyer. (h) All receptacles shall be rated the full load rating of the breaker in residential occupancies, (i) Outlets and switches installed in new construction and remodeling shall not be obstructed with paint, (J) A light shall be installed in every accessible storage area, and in attic and crawl spaces. (k) An outside light controlled by a wall switch shall be installed at each egress including garage (l) Detached garages shall be on a separate circuit and shall include the following; 1) A ceiling light controlled by a wall switch, 2) A minimum of one grounded type duplex receptacle, (m) In single - family occupancies an empty conduit shall be installed from the water meter location to the outside wall approximately 5' -0" from the front of the residence and on the same side that the gas meter is located. This conduit will accept low voltage wiring from the water meter to a remote reader. Reader and wiring will be installed by the Village. (n) Attached garages shall include a minimum of one grounded type duplex receptacle, (o) Wiring for all circuits in commercial and buildings shall be 20 ampere rated conductors or larger. (p) In Commercial and mercantile and minimum service shall be: 200 amperes with a 30 circuit cabinet (q) Aluminum wire, sizes 8 and smaller, is prohibited in the Village of Buffalo Grove, (r) The use of aluminum wire in ground or below grade for the purpose of grounding is prohibited, (s) All electric furnaces and electric hot water heaters are required to have disconnects within sight and not more than five (5) feet away, (t) A fixture with a maximum watt label of a 60 -watt lamp, must have a glass lens enclosing the fixture and be at least twenty -four (24) inches vertically and at least` six (6) inches horizontally from any storage area where combustible articles are to be stored, (u2 Ground- Fault.circuit protection shall be provided for all occupancies All 120 -volt, single phase, 15 and 20 ampere receptacle outlets, installed out of doors and in.bathrooms, or in any other room or that has a water device shall have ground- fault circuit protection against line to ground shock hazard. (v) A receptacle outlet shall be supplied for a water softener installation, located within sight and not - — more than six feet from the unit Section 15. ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FEES (a) For each nominal 15 ampere and 20 ampere two wire circuit, eluding Fixtures, sockets or Receptacles: RCUITS 15 AMP 20 AMP 1 5.00 7,00 2 10.00. 13.00 3 14,00 19.00 4 18.00 24.00 5 22.00 29,00 6 25.00 33.00 7 28.00 38.00 8 32.00 42.00 9 35.00 46.00 10 38.00 50.00 11 40.00 53.00 12 42.00 56.00 13 45.00 59.00 14 47.00 62.00 15 49.00 65.00 16 51.00 68.00 17 53.00 71.00 18 56.00 74.00 19 57.00 77.00 i 20 60.00 80.00 21 62.00 83.00 22 64,00 86.00 23 67.00 90.00 24 69.00 92.00 25 71.00 95.00 26 or more 2.00 ea, circuit 3.00 ea, circuit (b) 30 ampere branch circuit, the inspection fee shall be double the amount of the 15 amp circuit 40 ampere branch circuit, the inspection fee shall be double the amount of the 20 amp circuit. (c) 50 ampere branch circuit, the inspection fee shall be three times of the amount of the 20 amp circuit. i (d) Three (3) wire circuit shall have a multiplier of (1 1/2) one and half times that listed in sections No. (a), (b), and (c) above. (e) Single phase residential services, including service revisions, 100 thru 200 amp $15,00 plus additional circuits (f) Feeder circuits 15 to 100 amp (2 wire) (3 wire) $10.00 (4 wire) 101 to 200 amp (3 wire and 4 wire) $20.00 201 to 400 amp (3 wire and 4 wire) $40.00 401 to 600 amp (3 wire and 4 .wire) $55.00 601 to 1000 amp (3 wire and 4 wire) $65;00 1001 to 3000 amp (3 wire and 4 wire) $75.00 3 i i (g) MOTORS AND ENERGY CONSUMING DEVICES A motor or energy consuming device one (1) h/p or over shall be $10.00 for the first and $5,00 for each additional, A motor 1/2 h/p or less, tapped on a branch circuit, shall be $1.00 each. (h) ALARM AND EMERGENCY SYSTEMS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 10.00 EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM 5,00 + 15 amp circuit ra INTERCOM AND PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM 10.00 per system MASTER ANTENNA SYSTEM 10.00 per floor AUDIO VISUAL (SPECIAL) 125,00 (i) TEMPORARY INSTALLATIONS Exhibitations, carnivals, outside wiring connected loads less than: lOKW $10.00 Connected loads of 10 KW to 50KW $25.00 Connected loads of 51 KW to 100 KW $35.00 Connected loads of lO1KW to 200 KW $40.00 Connected loads of 201KW to 300 KW $50.00 Additional connected load over 300 KW $5.00 for each 100 KW• or fraction thereof. (j) PLAN EXAMINATION FEE - $10.00 per plan (k) REINSPECTION FEE Any- reinspection or inspection not covered by the above fee, shall be $10.00 per inspector per hour or any part of an hour. Section 16. If any part, section, sentence or clause of this ordinance shall be adjudged void, the same shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions and this ordi- nance shall be deemed separable Section 17, Ordinances Numbers 62 -2, 67 -28, 73 -28 and 7.6 -8 are hereby specifically repealed, Section 18, PENALTY Any person who violates any of the provisions of this code (electrical) or who maintains any electrical wiring and appara- tus found to be dangerous to life and property, shall be fined' not less than $10.00 or more than $500 for each offense. Each day such violation shall continue constitutes a separate and distinct offense and so much of any electrical installations as may be erected or altered and maintained in violation of this code shall be condemned and the Building Official is here- by authorized to cut off and discontinue current to such elec- trical wires and apparatus, Section 19. This ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. Section 20. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect. from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. 6 -Rech, Bogart, Marienthal, Keister, AYES Stone, Mendenhall NAPES 0 - None ABSENT: 0 None October 3, PASSED; 1977 APPROVED: October 3 .... 1977 PUBLISHED: October , 4. . . 1977 APPROVED: AL age Presi efit ATTEST Villigi Clerk