1977-0059 W W ORDINANCE NO. 77--r AN ORDINANCE calling a special elec- tion to be held in and for the Vil- lage of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, on Saturday the 19th day of February, 1977. WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Vil- lage of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, on the 8th day of November, 1976, did adopt Ordinance No. 76 -56 in accord- ance with the provisions of Division 76.1 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code, as amended, said ordinance being entitled: and "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE BUFFALO GROVE GOLF COURSE BY INSTALLMENT CONTRACT BY THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS." WHEREAS, said ordinance was duly published twice within thirty days after its passage in the Buffalo Grove Herald as re- quired by law; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of said Division 76.1, a petition was filed on January 17 1977 with the Clerk of said Village, signed by electors of said Village numbering more than five per cent (5q) of the number of votes cast at the last preceding general Village election, said petition being in the following form: "We, the undersigned hereby petition the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois to hold a referendum at the next municipal election or at a special election, re- garding ordinance number 76 -56 which is the purchase of the Buffalo Grove golf course by installment contract by the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake counties, Illinois." and W W WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of said Vil- lage have examined said petition and do hereby find and determine that said petition is in proper form and substance and contains thereon the true and genuine signatures of the required number of electors, all in substantial compliance with the requirements of the provisions of said Division 76.1; and WHEREAS, before the President and Board of Trustees are authorized to purchase the Buffalo Grove Golf Course by install- ment contract as provided in Ordinance No. 76 -56 hereinabove re- ferred to, and as adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village on the 8th day of November, 1976, and approved by the President of said Village on said date, such question must be submitted to the electors of said Village and be approved by a majority of the electors of said Village voting upon such question at such election: STOW, THEREFORE, Be It and It Is Hereby Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, as follows: Se'ct'ion 1. The question of purchasing the Buffalo Grove Golf Course by installment contract as authorized by Ordinance No. 76 -56 adopted by the President and Board of Trustees on November 8, 1976 shall be submitted to the legal voters of said Village at a special election, which is hereby called to be held in and for said Village on Saturday ' the 19th day of February, 1977, between the hours of 6:00 o'clock A.M. and 6:00 o'clock P.M. of said day. Sectiori 2. Said election shall be held in the eleven -2- W W (11) election precincts customarily used for all Village elections, and the boundaries of each of said precincts and the polling place for each shall be as hereinafter set forth in Section 3, in the form of notice to be given of said election. Section 3. The Village Clerk of said Village shall be and she is hereby ordered and directed to cause notice of said elec- tion to be given by publishing notice thereof once in the Buffalo Grove Herald, being a newspaper having a general circulation in said Village, there being no newspaper published in said Village. The date of such publication of said notice shall be not more than thirty (30) days nor less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for said special election, and said notice as published shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION in and for the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. Public notice is hereby given that a special election Will be held in and for the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, on Saturday the 19th day of February, 1977, at which time there will be submitted to the electors of said Village the following question: Shall Ordinance No. 76 -56 adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, on Novem- ber 8, 1976, entitled "An Ordinance providing for an agreement for the pur- chase of the Buffalo Grove Golf Course by installment contract by the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois," which provides for the pay- ment of the principal amount of $1,097,000, together with interest at -3- W W the rate of 7% per annum, such payments to be made in semiannual installments on May 1 and November 1 of each of the years 1977 to 1991, inclusive, and au- thorizes the levy of a tax to pay such installments, become effective? For the purpose of said election the corporate limits of the Village of Buffalo Grove shall be divided into eleven (11) elec- tion precincts, the boundaries of which and the polling place desig- nated for each being as follows: Precinct 1. All that portion of the Village bounded on the North by the centerline of Dundee Road; on the east by the Village limits, on the south by the Village limits, on the west by a line commencing at the intersection of said south boundary line and the centerline of Buffalo Grove Road; thence north along said centerline of Buffalo Grove Road to its inter- section with the rear lot lines fronting the north side of University Drive; thence east along said rear lot lines to its intersection with the rear lot lines fronting the west side of Harvard Lane; thence north along said rear lot lines to its intersection with the centerline of.Anthony Road; thence east along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of Cambridge Drive; thence north along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of Dundee Road. Polling Place: Cambridge -on- the -Lake Pavilion - card room 125 Lake Boulevard Buffalo Grove, Illinois -4- Precinct 2. All that portion of the Village lying south of the centerline of Dundee Road and east of the centerline of new Buffalo Grove Road and not contained in Precinct 1. Polling Place: Cambridge -on- the -Lake Pavilion 125 Lake Boulevard Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 3. All.that portion of the Village lying south-of the centerline of Dundee Road; east of the centerline of Villa Verde Drive and west of the centerline of new Buffalo Grove Road. Polling Place: Washington Irving School - gym 1250 Radcliffe Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 4. All that part of the Village bounded on the south by the centerline of Dundee Road; on the west by the Village limits; on the north by the centerline of Bernard Drive and on the east by a tine starting at the centerline of Bernard Drive between Greenwood Court and Estate Drive and running south to its intersection with the centerline of Dundee Road. Polling Place: Longfellow School - gym 501 Arlington Heights Road Buffalo Grove, Illinois P,reg nct 5. All that part of the Village bounded on the south by the centerline of Dundee Road; on the east by the centerline of Golfview Terrace north from Dundee Road to its intersection with Raupp Boulevard. Thence northerly on the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Bernard Drive. Thence west along the centerline of Bernard Drive. Thence south on a line drawn between Greenwood Court and Estate Drive to the centerline of Dundee Road. Polling Place: Alcott School - gym 530 Bernard Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 6. All that part of the Village bounded on the north by the centerline of Bernard Drive; on the west by the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Golfview Terrace; thence south on the said centerline of Wain- wright Parkway (Golfview Terrace) to its intersection with the centerline of Dundee Road. On the south by the centerline of Dundee Road, on the east by the Village Limits. Polling Place: Joyce Kilmer School - gym 655 Golfview Terrace Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 7. All that part of the Village bounded on the South by the centerline of Bernard Drive, on the west by the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Lake -Cook Road. Thence northeasterly along the centerline of Lake- Cook Road to its intersection with the county line. On the north by the county line, on the east by the Village limits. Polling Place: Buffalo Grove Municipal Building ­Council Chambers 50 Raupp Boulevard Buffalo Grove, Illinois 9 Precinct 8. All that part of the Village bounded on the- south- by the centerlines of Bernard Drive, on the west by a straight line running north and south between Belaire Drive and Cherrywood Road, .:n the east by the centerline of Raupp Boulevard; on the north by the centerline of Lake -Cook Road. Polling Place: Alcott School - gym 530 Bernard Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 9. All that part of the Village bounded on the north by the centerline of Lake-Cook Road, on the south by the center- line of Bernard Drive; on the west by the Village _limits; on the east by a straight line running north and south between Belaire Drive and Cherrywood Road. Polling Place: Cooper Junior High School- Rooms 5 E 6 1050 West Plum Grove Circle Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 10. All that part of the Village having for its west boundary the west limits of the Village and tying south and southeasterly of a line commencing at said west boundary line at a point due west of the rear lot lines of the lots fronting on Twisted Oak Lane and Aspen Drive; thence,east on said rear lot lines to a point where said line intersects with the rear lot line.of the first lot fronting on Indian Spring Lane, thence southeasterly along the rear lot lines of the lots fronting on Indian Spring Lane to the southwest lot corner of 581 Indian Spring Lane; thence northeasterly along the south lot line of 581 Inu'ian Spring Lane; the centerline of Holiystone Lane, the south lot line of 660 Twisted Oak Lane; the south lot line of .691 Checker Drive and the centerline of Twilight Pass to a point which would intersect with the rear lot lines, if extended, of lots fronting on Silver Rock Lane and Checker Drive, thence northeasterly along the rear.lot lines of said lots to the northeast lot corner of 930 Checker Drive; thence westerly along the north lot 'line of 930 Checker Drive to the centerline of Checker Drive; thence northeasterly along said centerline to the centerline of Illinois Route 83. On the east, the Village limits; on the south along the centerline of Lake -Cook Road to the intersection of the county line. Thence easterly to the Village limits. Polling Place: Willow Stream Park Farrington Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 11. All that part of the Village in Lake County not contained in Precinct 10. Polling Place: Willow Grove School 777 Checker Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois W W The polls at said election will be opened at 6:00 o'clock A.M. and will be closed at 6:00 P.M. on the date of the election. All persons qualified to vote at regular Village elections are qual- ified to vote on said question, and voters must vote at the polling place designated for the election precinct within which they reside. By order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. Dated this 24th day of January , 1977. �� K e At / /es President, Board of Trustees Village Cler Section 4. For said special election, the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed judges of said elec- tion, to -wit: ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 1 JUDGES Marilyn Hendrickson, 273 Anthony Road Isabelle Edens, 946 Cambridge Drive June Ferbend, 11 University Court Frances E. Ericson, 1198 Selwyn Lane Carita Wilson, 875 Sussex Court _7_ ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 2 JUDGES Ella Mulatz, 250 Lake Boulevard Louis Paradis, 225 Lake Boulevard Marjorie Donnelly, 250 Lake Boulevard Elsie Schaefer, 250 Lake Boulevard Beatrice Wolter, 200 Lake Boulevard ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 3 JUDGES Sharon Dahl, 401 West Dundee Road Sadly Pistanowich, 1027 Crofton Lane Joanne Merkel, 613 Stanford Lane Barbara Berman, 876 Thornton Ilene Wolf, 845 Thornton ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 4 JUDGES Mary Kowieski,. 2 Beechwood Court Hedewig Mludek, 1039 Beechwood Road. Diana Mendenhall, 505 Weidner Road ... Marlene Eberle, 1029 Beechwood Road. Darlene Tufano, 949 Beechwood Road ELECTION'PREC'INCT NUMBER 5 JUDGES Sue Cimaglio, 554 Patton Drive Shirley Kanoles, 514 White Pine Road Barbara Commo, 665 Thornwood Drive Mary Lou Black; 524 White Pine Road Joan Pingry, 450 White Pine Road ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 6 JUDGES Noel Fischer, 399 Navajo Rochelle Begel, 5 Roberta Court Judy Witcher, 496 Raupp Boulevard Wilma Kraus, 473 Glendale Road Carolyn McKenzie, 458 Glendale Road ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 7 JUDGES Nancy.Lindh.o.lm, 26 Crestview Terrace Dorothy.Avenarius, -183 St. Mary's.Parkway . Joyce Duval.1, 216. Glendale Gertrude Wiedeman., 219 Forest .Place Rosemary.Emmel,.6. Brucewood.Dr.ive .... i W ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 8 JUDGES Virginia _Avildson,.230 .Cherrywood Mary Holtz, 162.Cherrywood. Lavergne .Al.lendor.f, . 171. Cherr.ywood . . . . . .. . . . Virginia .Tanner,. 302. Rosewood . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joyce Hennessy, .3.10.Rosewood ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 9 JUDGES Nora. Planck.,.1043 Plum Grove.. Judy Jaeger.,.760 St..Mary's Parkway Bobbie Schenwar, 46 Ti.mberhi.11 Barbara Baio,,253 Stonegate Road. Janet Sirab.ian, 2.67.Wi.ndsoC ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 10 JUDGES Madeline.Seabaugh,.1 Springside Court Pat Peterson, 410 Springside Jean Guiffre, 410 Springside Barbara Sheldon, 2 Burnt Ember Court Cathie Preusker, 930 Twisted Oak —10— a • ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER-11 JUDGES ... Peggy Grieco,. 712 Clohesey .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . Joyce Bieritz; 708 Aspen . Karen Fergadis; 621 Essington Judy Brown, 601 Indian Spring . Connie Warwick, 1070 Knollwood . Secti'ori 5. Said election shall be held and conducted and the returns thereof duly canvassed, all in the manner and time as provided by law, and all persons desiring to vote at such elec- tion, upon presenting themselves at the polls, shall first request of the judges of the election.and sign an affidavit which shall contain the following: (a) the name and address of the voter, (b) a statement that the voter resides within the limits of such Village, (c) that he is registered to vote in general elections from such address, and (d) a statement that such person so desir- ing to vote at said election is a qualified voter; and such affida- vit shall be in substantially the following form: STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS COUNTY OF ) A 71"'r'M earrm Each of the undersigned does hereby solemnly swear (or affirm) that he is a citizen of the United States of America, that he presently resides within the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, at the address shown below opposite his signature, that he is registered to vote in general -11- elections from said residence located in the Village, that he desires to vote at the special election heretofore called to be held in and for said Village on February 1977, and that he is a qualified voter of said Village. Signature Address 1. Illinois 2. .. .... Illinois (Herein.provide additional lines for names and addresses.) Subscribed and sworn to before me by each of the persons whose names appear above, this day of ,. 1977. Notary Public or Judge of Election Section 6. The ballot to be used at said election for the purpose of submitting the question to the voters shall be in substantially the following form: -12- • • (Face of Ballot) OFFICIAL BALLOT QUESTION. ON ORDINANCE NO. 76-56 'ADOPTED NOVEMBER 8 1976 (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: Place a cross (x) in the space opposite the word indicating the way you desire to vote.) : Shall Ordinance No. 76 -56 adopted by , : the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook , : and Lake Counties, Illinois, on Novem- : ber 8, 1976, entitled "An Ordinance. YES : providing for an agreement for the pur- ; chase of the Buffalo Grove Golf Course : by installment contract by the Village , : of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, : Illinois," which provides for the pay- : ment of the principal amount of , : $1,097,000, together with interest at : the rate of 7% per annum, such payments : to be made in semiannual installments NO : on May 1 and November 1 of each of the : years 1977 to 1991, inclusive, and au- ; : thorizes the levy of a tax to pay such , : installments, become effective? , On the back of the ballot shall appear the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT Official ballot to vote on the question at a special election held in and for the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, on the day of February, 1977. Precinct Number: Polling Place: Buffalo Grove, Illinois Village Clerk, Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. -13- a W Section 7. The Village Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to cause a sample of the ballot to be published once in the Buffalo Grove Herald, being a newspaper having a general cir- culation in said Village, there being no newspaper published in said Village, the date of such publication to be not less than five (5) days prior to the date set for the election, and said Village Clerk is further ordered and directed to procure and pre- pare all necessary election material for holding and conducting said election. SectIon.8. This ordinance shall become effective imme- diately upon its passage and approval. PASSED this 24th day of January , 1977. AYES: 6 - Mahoney', Re-ch. Driscoll, Bogart, Carroll, Marienth -al NAYS: 0 - None 0 - None ABSENT: APPROVED this 24th day of January, President, Bo rd of Tru tees ATTEST: Village Clerk iS :rd -14- , 1977. a STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OF COOK ) I�.. Verna L. - Clayton do hereby certify that I am the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, and as such officer I am the keeper of the official ,journal, records and files of the President and 'Board of Trustees of said Village. I do further certify that the foregoing constitutes a full, true and complete transcript of the minutes of the legally convened meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of said Village held on the 24th day of January, , 1977, insofar as same relates to the adoption of an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE calling a special elec- tion to be held in and for the Vil- lage of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, on Saturday , the 19th day of February, 1977. ' a true and correct copy of which ordinance as adopted at said meet- ing appears in the foregoing transcript of the minutes of said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official hand this :day of January , 1977. Village Clerk, Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. RWS:rd s • s Trustee ...... Ruch . . . . . . moved and Trustee Bogart seconded the motion that said ordinance as presented and read by the Village Clerk be adopted. After a full discussion thereof, the President directed that the roll be called for a vote upon the motion to adopt the ordinance as read. Upon the roll being called, the following Trustees voted "AYE "• 6 - Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll; Bogart, Carroll., Marienthal The following Trustees voted "NAY ": 0 - None Whereupon the President declared the motion carried and the ordinance adopted, and henceforth did approve and sign the same in open meeting and did direct the Clerk to record the same in full in the records of the President and Board "of Trustees of the Vil- lage of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. Other business not pertinent to the adoption of said or- dinance was duly transacted at said meeting. adjourned. '3: rd Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was Village Clerk VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE s ORDINANCE NO. 19--JAE ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAG OF BU ALO GROVE THIS Y OF _A , 1977 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, C k and Lake Counties, Illinois, this day of 197. Village Clerk i d i 0 ORDINANCE NO. 77; AN ORDINANCE calling a special elec- tion to be held in and for the Vil- lage of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, on Saturday the 19th day of February, 1977. WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Vil- lage of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, on the 8th day of November, 1976, did adopt Ordinance No. 76 -56 in accord- ance with the provisions of Division 76.1 of Article 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code, as amended, said ordinance being entitled: and "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE BUFFALO GROVE GOLF COURSE BY INSTALLMENT CONTRACT BY THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS." WHEREAS, said ordinance was duly published twice within thirty days after its passage in the Buffalo Grove - Herald as re- quired by law; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of said Division 76.1, a petition was filed on January 17 1977 with the Clerk of said Village, signed by electors of said Village numbering more than five per cent (5 %) of the number of votes cast at the last preceding general Village election, said petition being in the following form: "We, the undersigned hereby petition the .._ Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois to hold a referendum at the next municipal election or at a special election, re- garding ordinance number 76 -56 which is the purchase of the Buffalo Grove golf W_ course by installment contract by' -the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake counties, Illinois." and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of said Vil- lage have examined said petition and do hereby find and determine that said petition is in proper form and substance and contains thereon the true and genuine signatures of the required number of electors, all in substantial compliance with the requirements of the provisions of said Division 76.1; and WHEREAS, before the President and Board of Trustees are authorized to purchase the Buffalo Grove Golf Course by install- ¢1 ment contract as provided in Ordinance No. 76 -56 hereinabove re- ferred to, and as adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village on the 8th day.of November, 1976, and approved by the President of said Village on said date, such question must be submitted to the electors of said Village and be approved by a majority of the electors of said Village voting upon such question at'such election: NOW, THEREFORE, Be It and It Is Hereby Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. The question of purchasing the Buffalo Grove Golf Course by installment contract as authorized by Ordinance No. 76 -56 adopted by the President and Board of Trustees on November 8, 1976 shall be submitted to the legal voters of said Village at a special election, which is hereby called to be held in and for said Village on Saturday the 19th day of February, 1977, between the hours of 6 :00 o'clock A.M. and 6:00 o'clock P.M. of said day. Section 2. Said election shall be held in the eleven -2- (11) election precincts customarily used for all Village elections, and the boundaries of each of said precincts and the polling place for each shall be as hereinafter set forth in Section 3, in the form of notice to be given of said election. Section 3. The Village Clerk of said Village shall be • and she is hereby ordered and directed to cause notice of said elec- tion to be given by publishing notice thereof once in the Buffalo Grove Herald, being a newspaper having a general circulation in said Village, there being no newspaper published in said Village. The date of such publication of said notice shall be not more than ' thirty (30) days nor less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for said special election, and said notice as published shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION in and for the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. Public notice is hereby given that a special election will be held in and for the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, on Saturday , the 19th day of February, 1977, at which time there will be submitted to the electors of said Village the following question: Shall Ordinance No. 76 -56 adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, on Novem- ber 8, 1976, entitled "An Ordinance providing for an agreement for the pur- chase of the Buffalo Grove Golf Course by installment contract by the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois," which provides for the pay - ment of the principal amount of $1,097,000, together with interest at -3 0 the rate of 7% per annum, such payments to be made in semiannual installments on May 1 and November 1 of each of the years 1977 to 1991, inclusive, and au- thorizes the levy of a tax to pay such installments, become effective? For the purpose of said election the corporate limits of the Village of Buffalo Grove shall be divided into eleven (11) elec- tion precincts, the boundaries of which and the polling place desig- nated for each being as follows: Precinct 1. All that portion of the Village bounded on the North by the centerline of Dundee Road; on the east by the Village limits, on the south by the Village limits, on the west by a line commencing at the intersection of said south boundary line and the centerline of Buffalo Grove Road; thence north along said centerline of Buffalo Grove Road to its inter- section with the rear lot lines fronting the north side of University Drive; thence east along said rear lot lines to its intersection with the rear lot lines fronting the west side of Harvard Lane; thence north along said rear lot lines to its intersection with the centerline of Anthony Road; thence east along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of Cambridge Drive; thence north along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of Dundee Road. Polling Place: Cambridge -on- the -Lake Pavilion - card room 125 Lake Boulevard Buffalo Grove, Illinois -4- Precinct 2. All that portion of the Village lying south of the centerline of Dundee Road and east of the centerline of new Buffalo Grove Road and not contained in Precinct 1. Polling Place: Cambridge-on- the -Lake Pavilion 125 Lake Boulevard Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 3. All.that portion of the Village lying south of the centerline of Dundee Road; east of the centerline of Villa Verde Drive and west of the centerline of new Buffalo Grove Road. Polling Place: Washington Irving School - gym 1250 Radcliffe Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 4. All that part of the Village bounded on the south by the centerline of Dundee Road; on the west by the Village limits; on the north by the centerline of Bernard Drive and on the east by a line starting at the centerline of Bernard Drive between Greenwood Court and Estate Drive.and running south to its intersection with the centerline of Dundee Road. Polling Place: Longfellow School - gym 501 Arlington Heights Road Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 5. All that part of the Village bounded on the south by the centerline of Dundee Road; on the east by the centerline of Golfview Terrace north from Dundee Road to its intersection with Raupp Boulevard. Thence northerly on the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Bernard Drive. Thence west along the centerline of Bernard Drive. Thence south on a line drawn between Greenwood Court and Estate Drive to the centerline of Dundee Road. Polling Place: Alcott School - gym 530 Bernard Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 6. All that part of the Village bounded on the north by the centerline of Bernard Drive; on the west by the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Golfview Terrace; thence south on the said centerline of Wain- wright Parkway (Golfview Terrace) to its intersection with the centerline of Dundee Road. On the south by the centerline of Dundee Road, on the east by the Village limits. Polling Place: Joyce Kilmer School gym 655 Golfview Terrace Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 7. All that part of the Village bounded on the South by the centerline of Bernard Drive, on the west by the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Lake -Cook Road. Thence northeasterly along the centerline of Lake - Cook Road to its intersection with the county line. On the.north by the county line, on the east by the Village limits. Polling Place: Buffalo Grove Municipal Building — Council Chambers 50 Raupp Boulevard Buffalo Grove, Illinois -5- Precinct 8. All that part of the Village bounded on the south by the c.cnterlinc of Bernard Drive, on the west by a straight line running north and south between Belairc Drive and Cherrywood Road, .;n the east by the centerline of Raupp Boulevard; on the north by the centerline of Lake - Cook Road. Polling Place: Alcott School - gym 530 Bernard Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 9. All that part of the Village bounded on the north by the centerline of Lake -Cook Road, on the south by the center - line of Bernard Drive; on the west by the Village limits; on the east by a straight line running north and south between Belaire Drive and Cherrywood Road. Polling Place: Cooper Junior High School - Rooms 5 & 6 1050 West Plum Grove Circle Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 10. All that part of the Village having for its west boundary the west limits of the Village and lying south and southeasterly of a line commencing at said west boundary line at a point due west of the rear lot lines of the lots fronting' on Twisted Oak Lane and Aspen Drive; thence east on said rear . lot lines to a point where said line intersects with the rear lot line of the first lot fronting on Indian Spring Lane, thence southeasterly along the rear lot lines of the lots fronting on Indian Spring Lane to the southwest lot corner of 581 Indian Spring Lane; thence northeasterly along the south 'lot line of 581 Indian Spring Lane; the centerline of Hollystone Lane, the south lot line of 660 Twisted Oak Lane; the south lot line of ,:691 Checker Drive and the centerline of Twilight Pass to a point which would intersect with the rear lot lines, if extended, of lots fronting on Silver Rock Lane and Checker Drive, thence northeasterly along the rear.lot lines of said lots to the northeast lot corner of 930 Checker Drive; thence westerly along the .north lot line of 930 Checker Drive to the centerline of Checker Drive; thence northeasterly along said centerline to the centerline of Illinois Route 83. On the east, the Village limits; on the south along the centerline of Lake -Cook Road to the intersection of the county line. Thence easterly to the Village limits. Polling Place: Willow Stream Park Farrington Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 11. All that part of the Village in Lake County not contained in Precinct 10. Polling Place: Willow Grove School 777 Checker Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois -6- 7 The polls at said election will be opened at 6:00 o'clock A.M. and will be closed at 6:00 P.M. on the date of the election. All persons qualified to vote at regular Village elections are qual- ified to vote on said question, and voters must vote at the polling place designated for the election precinct within which they reside. By order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. Dated this 24th day of January 1977. �2 rr'�Vt�t Attes President, Board of Trustees Village Cler Section 4. For said special election, the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed judges of said elec- tion, to -wit: ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 1 JUDGES i j Marilyn Hendrickson, 273 Anthony Road Isabelle Edens, 946.Cambridge Drive June Ferbend, 11 University Court Frances E. Ericson, 1198 Selwyn Lane Carita Wilson, 875 Sussex Court —7— 3 ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 2 JUDGES Ella Mulatz, 250 Lake Boulevard Louis Paradis, 225 Lake Boulevard Marjorie Donnelly, 250 Lake Boulevard Elsie Schaefer', 250 Lake Boulevard Beatrice Wolter, 200 Lake Boulevard ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 3 JUDGES Sharon Dahl, 401 West Dundee Road Sally Pistanowich, 1027 Crofton Lane Joanne Merkel, 613 Stanford Lane Barbara Berman, 876 Thornton Ilene Wolf, 845 Thornton ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 4 JUDGES Mary Kowieski, 2 Beechwood Court Hedewig Mludek, 1039 Beechwood Road Diana Mendenhall, 505 Weidner Road Marlene Eberle, 1029 Beechwood Road —8— ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 5 JUDGES Sue Cimaglio, 554 Patton Drive Shirley Kanoles, 514 White Pine Road Barbara Commo, 665 Thornwood Drive Mary Lou Black, 524 White Pine Road Joan Pingry, 450 White Pine Road ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 6 JUDGES Noel Fischer, 399 Navajo Rochelle Beget, 5 Roberta Court Judy Witcher, 496 Raupp Boulevard Wilma Kraus, 473 Glendale Road Carolyn McKenzie, 458 Glendale Road ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 7 JUDGES Nancy Lindholm, 26 Crestview Terrace Dorothy Avenarius,.183 St. Mary's Parkway i Joyce Duvall, 216 Glendale Gertrude Wiedeman., 219 Forest Place Rosemary Emmel, 6 Brucewood.Drive . { i i ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 8 JUDGES Virginia Avildson, 230 Cherrywood. Mary Holtz, 162 Cherrywood Lavergne Allendorf, 171_Cherrywood Virginia Tanner, 302 Rosewood Joyce Hennessy, .310 Rosewood . ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 9 JUDGES Nora Planck,.1043 Plum Grove Judy Jaeger,.760 St. Mary's Parkway Bobbie Schenwar, 46 Timberhill Barbara Baio, 253 Stonegate Road Janet Sirabian, 267 Windsor . ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 10 'JUDGES Madeline Seabaugh, 1 Springside Court Pat Peterson, 410 Springside Jean Guiffre, 410 Springside Barbara Sheldon, 2 Burnt Ember Court Cathie Preusker, 930 Twisted Oak —10— ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER 11 JUDGES Peggy Griem, 712 Clohesey Joyce Bieritz, 709 Aspen Karen Fergadis, 621 Essington Judy Brown, 601 Indian Spring . .Connie Warwick, 1070 Knollwood Section 5. Said election shall be held and conducted a and the returns thereof duly canvassed, all in the manner and time as provided by law, and all persons desiring to vote at such elec- tion, upon presenting themselves at the polls, shall first request of the judges of the election and sign an affidavit which shall contain the following: (a) the name and address of the voter, (b) a statement that the voter resides within the limits of such Village, (c) that he is registered to vote in general elections from such address, and (d) a statement that such person so desir- ing to vote at said election is a qualified voter; and such affida- vit shall be in substantially the following form: STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS COUNTY OF ) AFFIDAVIT i Each of the undersigned does hereby solemnly swear (or affirm) that he is a citizen of the United States of America, that he presently resides within the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, at the address shown below -opposite his signature, that he is-- registered to vote in general -11- elections from said residence located in the Village, that he desires to vote at the special election heretofore called to be held in and for said Village on February _, 1977, and that he is a qualified voter of said Village. Signature Address 1. Illinois 2. Illinois (Herein provide additional lines for names and addresses.) Subscribed and sworn to before me by each of the persons whose names appear above, this day of 1977. Notary Public or Judge of Election Section 6. The ballot to be used at said election far the purpose of submitting the question to the voters shall be in substantially the following.form: -12- M_ (Face of Ballot) OFFICIAL 'BALLOT QUESTION ON ORDINANCE NO. 76 -56 ADOPTED NOVEMBER 8, 1976 (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: Place a cross (x) in the space opposite the word indicating the way you desire to vote.) : Shall Ordinance No. 76 -56 adopted by : the President and Board of Trustees : of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook : and Lake Counties, Illinois, on Novem- : ber 8, 1976, entitled "An Ordinance : providing for an agreement for the pur- : chase of the Buffalo Grove Golf Course : by installment contract by the Village : of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Ill' i It YES Yno s, which provides for the pay- , : ment of the principal amount of , : $1,097,000, together with interest at , : the rate of 7% per annum, such payments , : to be made in semiannual installments NO : on May 1 and November l of each of the , :.years 1977 to 1991, inclusive, and au- , : thorizes the levy of a tax to pay such : installments, become effective? , On the back of the ballot shall appear the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT Official ballot to vote on the question at a special election held in and for the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, on the day of February, 1977. Precinct Number: Polling Place: Buffalo Grove, Illinois Village Clerk, Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. -13- Section 7. The Village Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to cause a sample of the ballot to be published once in the Buffalo Grove Herald, being a newspaper having a general cir- culation in said Village, there being no newspaper published in said Village, the date of such publication to be not less than five (5) days prior to the date set for the election, and said Village Clerk is further ordered and directed to procure and pre - pare all necessary election material for holding and conducting said election. Section 8. This ordinance shall become effective imme- diately upon its passage and approval. PASSED this 24th day of January , 1977. AYES: 6 - Mahoney, Rech, Driscoll, Bogart, Carroll, Marienthal NAYS: 0 - None 0 - None ABSENT: .... i s APPROVED this 24th day of January. , 1977. . President, Bo rd of Tru tees ATTEST: Village Clerk RWS :rd -14-