1977-003W ORDINANCE NO. 77 - 3 1W 1977 REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION ORDINANCE, VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS SECTION 1. There shall be a regular municipal election of officers in the Village on Tuesday, April 19, 1977• SECTION 2. At such election,there shall be elected: 3 Village Trustees - 4 year term each SECTION 3. The ballot to be used in such election shall be in the form prescribed by statute. It shall be the duty of the Village Clerk to see to the preparation of sufficient ballots for the election and cause a sample of such ballot to be published prior to the day of election in a newspaper of general circulation within the Village (there being no newspaper published within the Village). The Clerk shall provide necessary election supplies for each precinct. SECTION 4. At least 15 days but not more than 30 days before the election, the Clerk shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village a notice of election, which notice shall be sub- stantially as follows: NOTICE OF ELECTION On the 19th day of April, 1977, there will be a regular municipal election in the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, to elect: 3 Village Trustees - 4 year term each. For the purpose of the election, the territory within the Village is divided into election precincts, the boundaries and polling places of which shall be as follows: Precinct 1. All that portion of the Village bounded on the North by the centerline of Dundee Road; on the east by the Village limits, on the south by the Village limits, on the west by a line commencing at the intersection of said south boundary line and the centerline of Buffalo Grove Road; thence north along said centerline of Buffalo Grove Road to its inter- section with the rear lot lines fronting the north side of University Drive; thence east along said rear lot lines to its intersection with the rear lot lines fronting the west side of Harvard Lane; thence north along said rear lot lines to its intersection with the centerline of Anthony Road; thence east along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of Cambridge Drive; thence north along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of Dundee Road. W Mr w Polling Place: Cambridge -on- the -Lake Pavilion - card room 125 Lake Boulevard Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 2. All that portion of the Village lying south of the centerline of Dundee Road and east of the centerline of new Buffalo Grove Road and not contained in Precinct 1. Polling Place: Cambridge -on- the -Lake Pavilion 125 Lake Boulevard Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 3. All that portion of the Village lying south of the centerline of Dundee Road; east of the centerline of Villa Verde Drive and west of the centerline of new Buffalo Grove Road. Polling Place Washington Irving School - gym 1250 Radcliffe Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 4. All that. part of the Village bounded on the south by the centerline of Dundee Road; on the west by the Village limits; on the north by the centerline of Bernard Drive and on the east by a line starting at the centerline of Bernard Drive between Greenwood Court and Estate Drive and running south to its intersection with the centerline of Dundee Road. Polling Place: Longfellow School - gym 501 Arlington Heights Road Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 5. All that part of the Village bounded on the south by the centerline of Dundee Road; on the east by the centerline of Golfview Terrace north from Dundee Road to its intersection with Raupp Boulevard. Thence northerly on the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Bernard Drive. Thence west along the centerline of Bernard Drive. Thence south on a line drawn between Greenwood Court and Estate Drive to the centerline of Dundee Road. Polling Place: Alcott School - gym 530 Bernard Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 6. All that part of the Village bounded on the north by the centerline of Bernard Drive; on the west by the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Golfview Terrace; thence south on the said centerline of Wain- wright Parkway ( Golfview Terrace) to its intersection with the centerline of Dundee Road. On the south by the centerline of Dundee Road, on the east by the Village limits. Polling Place: Joyce Kilmer School - gym 655 Golfview Terrace Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 77. All that part of the V%llage bounded on the South by the centerline of Bernard Drive, on the west by the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Lake -Cook Road. Thence northeasterly along the centerline of Lake - Cook Road to its intersection with-the county line. On the north by the county line, on the east by the Village-l.imits. W 1W Precinct 8. All that part of the Village bounded on the south by the centerline of Bernard Drive, on the west by a straight line running north and south between Belaire Drive and Cherrywood Road, on the east by the centerline of Raupp Boulevard; on the north by the centerline of Lake -Cook Road. Polling Place: Alcott School - gym 530.Bernard Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 9. All that part of the Village bounded on the north by the centerline of Lake -Cook Road, on the south by the center - line of Bernard Drive; on the west by the Village limits; on the east by a straight line running north and south between Belaire Drive and Cherrywood Road. Polling Place: Cooper Junior. High School - Rooms 5 & 6 1050 West Plum Grove Circle Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 10. All that part of the Village having for its west boundary the west limits of the Village and lying south and southeasterly of a line commencing at said west boundary line at a point due west of the rear lot lines of the lots fronting on Twisted Oak Lane and Aspen Drive; thence east on said rear lot lines to a point where said line intersects with the rear lot line of the first lot fronting on Indian Spring Lane, thence southeasterly along the rear lot lines of the lots fronting on Indian Spring Lane to the southwest lot corner of 581 Indian Spring Lane; thence northeasterly along the south lot line of 581 Indian Spring Lane; the centerline of Hollystone Lane, the south lot line of 660 Twisted Oak Lane; the south lot line of 691 Checker Drive and the centerline of Twilight Pass to a point which would intersect with the rear lot lines, if extended, of lots fronting on Silver Rock Lane and Checker Drive, thence northeasterly along the rear lot lines of said lots to the northeast lot corner of 930 Checker Drive; thence westerly along the north lot line of 930 Checker Drive to the centerline of Checker Drive; thence northeasterly along said centerline to the centerline of Illinois Route 83. On the east, the Village limits; on the south along the centerline of Lake-Cook Road to the intersection of the county line. Thence easterly to the Village limits. Polling Place: Willow Stream Park Farrington Drive Buffalo .Grove, Illinois Precinct 11. All that part of the Village in Lake County not contained in Precinct 10. Polling Place: Willow Grove School 777 Checker Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Polls shall be open from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Central Daylight Time. Published by order of the President and Board of Trustees. -? 4000 . Village Clerk Buffalo Grove, Illinois -3- r s �r SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approva..l. AYES: 4 NAYES: © ABSENT: D PASSED by President and Board of Trustees , 1977, ATTEST: 0� re-� Village Clerk APPROVED: Village Presi ent -4- r , VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ORDINANCE NO. ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILL/,A�G�E OF BUF ALO GROVE THIS ,'i/ DAY OF 1 , 197 . Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, this day of ► 197' Village Clerk -- - r ORDINANCE NO. 77 - —I- 1977 REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION ORDINANCE, VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS SECTION 1. There shall be a regular municipal election of officers in the Village on Tuesday, April 19, 1977• SECTION 2. At such election,there shall be elected: 3 Village Trustees - 4 year term each SECTION 3. The ballot to be used in such election shall be in the form prescribed by statute. It shall be the duty of the Village Clerk to see to the preparation of sufficient ballots for the election and cause a sample of such ballot to be published prior to the day of election in a newspaper of general circulation within the Village (there being no newspaper published within the Village). The Clerk shall provide necessary election supplies for each precinct. SECTION 4. At least 15 days but not more than 30 days before the election, the Clerk shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village a notice of election, which notice shall be sub- stantially as follows: - NOTICE OF ELECTION On the 19th day of April, 1977, there will be a regular municipal election in the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, to elect: 3 Village Trustees - 4 year term each. For the purpose of the election, the territory within the Village is divided into election precincts, the boundaries and polling places of which shall be as follows: Precinct I. All that portion of the Village bounded on the North by the centerline of Dundee Road; on the east by the Village limits, on the south by the Village limits, on the west by a line commencing at the intersection of said south boundary line and the centerline of Buffalo Grove Road; thence north along said centerline of Buffalo Grove Road to its inter - section with the rear lot lines fronting the north side of University Drive; thence east along said rear lot lines to its intersection with the rear lot lines fronting the west side of Harvard Lane; thence north along said rear lot lines to its intersection with the centerline of Anthony Road; thence east along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of- Cambridge Drive; thence north along - said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of Dundee Road. Polling Place: Cambridge -on- the -Lake Pavilion - card room 125 Lake Boulevard Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 2. All that portion of the Village lying south of the centerline of Dundee Road and east of the centerline of new Buffalo Grove Road and not contained in Precinct 1. Polling Place Cambridge -on- the -Lake Pavilion 125 Lake Boulevard Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 3. All that portion of the Village lying south of • the centerline of Dundee Road; east of the centerline of Villa Verde Drive and west of the centerline of new Buffalo Grove Road. Polling Place: Washington Irving School - gym 1250 Radcliffe Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 4. All that part of the Village bounded on the south by the centerline of Dundee Road; on the west by the Village limits; on the north by the centerline of Bernard Drive and on the east by a line starting at the centerline of Bernard Drive between Greenwood Court and Estate Drive and running south to its intersection with the centerline of Dundee Road. Polling Place: Longfellow School - gym 501 Arlington Heights Road Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 5. All that part of the Village.bounded.on the south by the centerline of Dundee Road; on the east by the centerline of Golfview Terrace north from Dundee Road to its intersection with Raupp Boulevard. Thence northerly on the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Bernard Drive. Thence west along the centerline of Bernard Drive. Thence south on a line drawn between Greenwood Court and Estate Drive to the centerline of Dundee Road. Polling Place: Alcott School - gym 530 Bernard Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 6.. All that part of the Village bounded on the north by the centerline of Bernard Drive; on the west by the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Golfview Terrace; thence south on the said centerline of Wain- wright Parkway ( Golfview Terrace) to its intersection with the centerline of Dundee Road. On the south by the centerline of Dundee Road, on the east by the Village limits. Polling Place: Joyce Kilmer School - gym 655 Golfview Terrace Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 7. All that part of the Village bounded on the South by the centerline of Bernard Drive, on the west by the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Lake -Cook Road. Thence northeasterly along the centerline of Lake- Cook Road to its intersection with the county line. On the north by the county line, on the east by the Village limits. Polling Place: Buffalo Grove Municipal Building - Council Chambers 50 Raupp Boulevard Buffalo.Grove, Illinois -2- Precinct 8. All that part of the Village bounded on the south by the centerline of Bernard Drive, on the west by a straight line running north and south between Belaire Drive and Cherrywood Road, un the east by the centerline of Raupp Boulevard; on the north by the centerline of Lake -Cook Road. Polling Place: Alcott School - gym 530 Bernard Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 9. All that part of the Village bounded on the north by the centerline of Lake -Cook Road, on the south by the center- line of Bernard Drive; on the west by the Village limits; on the east by a straight line running north and south between Belaire Drive and Cherrywood Road. Polling Place: Cooper Junior High School - Rooms 5 & 6 1050 West Plum Grove Circle Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 10. All that part of the Village having for its west boundary the west limits of the Village and lying south and } southeasterly of a line commencing at said west boundary line at a point due west of the rear lot lines of the lots fronting on Twisted Oak Lane and Aspen Drive; thence east on said rear lot lines to a point where said line intersects with the rear lot line of the first lot fronting on Indian Spring Lane, thence southeasterly along the rear lot lines of the lots fronting on Indian Spring Lane to the southwest lot corner of 581 Indian Spring Lane; thence northeasterly along the south lot line of 581 Indian Spring Lane; the centerline of Hollystone Lane, the south lot line of 660 Twisted Oak Lane; the south lot line of 691 Checker Drive and the centerline of Twilight Pass to a point which would intersect with the rear lot lines, if extended, of lots fronting on Silver Rock Lane and Checker Drive, thence northeasterly along the rear lot lines of said lots to the northeast lot corner of 930 Checker Drive; thence westerly along the north lot line of 930 Checker Drive to the centerline of Checker Drive; thence northeasterly along said centerline to the centerline of Illinois Route 83. On the east, the Village limits; on the south along the centerline of Lake -Cook Road to the intersection of the county Line. Thence easterly to the Village limits. Polling Place: Willow Stream Park Farrington Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Precinct 11. All that part of the Village in Lake County not contained in Precinct 10. Polling Place; Willow Grove School 777 Checker Drive Buffalo Grove, Illinois Polls shall be open from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Central Daylight Time. Published by order of the President and Board of Trustees. Village Clerk. Buffalo Grove., Illinois -3- SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. AYES: NAYES: Z% ABSENT: O PASSED by President and Board of Trustees .. ? 1977, APPROVED: 6,P Village President ATTEST: Vi lage Clerk -4 your r test WeWe.ao etee[:.a. ViYage] tem. .F ces of which shaf be as tome t Preriact 1. All that portion of the % Polling Pface� Cambridge Cortland . zu lKast Duadee Its :BdYab Grove, Ishk PrerinclR A11thalpwiionodmet7W Grove and oM ecatelmd in Precinct Pulling Piece: Cambridge on the ,L 125 lake Boulevard. sulfate Rave: RRao Precinct 1. An that part of they Want of Buttb s Drove Road. . FWsng Ptwur- ton Irving dlngeipkig Sri ofUeaiRtetJiee #? Reed, Vista, Araigimailel" Reed, and is s%imil lobby Baffeb trove; Illinois nr?cintt e. Aa Unit po*6 of the Vitlage is Oook tAmlty,"!pest ut the mebeaus # Adintie 61 e** Road. i ng Plane' an Verde Drive t _ - Hnffalq Greve, Dfinnis 1 Dundee send. Poling Place: etwean Creenwaod Cmvt frtd t4ean brke;� tYMag9agb is w �deascana�wkr't� � Rr Bid(ab Grave: Minas 1tpM #the ViRa`g6ermdedaotb a6amhtheemtta�e #Itrmdee Rued; ggme P,ut by theahnterane ''i CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION REMINDER PUBLICATIONS INC. A Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY That it is the publisher of That said REMINDER NEWSPAPER REMINDER NEWSPAPER newspaper and has been published weekly in the Village of is a secular WHEELING , County of Cook and State of Illinois, continuously for more than one year prior to, on and since the date of the first publication of the notice hereinafter referred to and is of general circulation throughout said Village, County and State. ampp Boulevard to Us h erme op with the ik� wim Watar+ard.4>ttmca Ptq�tYrll,aa pN ea�mtipgL{ �+9: as #eg T✓ err Drive. Them Soot aline drawn bweeaterBae rd ,qqt aYtRg evatermn #B"rd Drive. Ttrcee seam m e lire dearer pMR�im GranMaod�'pala4lred- jhlr#n` b meaktaBais M�IAmdte mad '' REMINDER NEWSPAPER I further certify that .... a Pohang Place: AIcou sebod - G1no ' i, ` •.' , -. ' Bmaard'J�ve is a newspaper as defined in "an Act to revise the law in relation to notices" as amended by e#tato crove,.IBiora Act approved July 17, 1959 —Il1. Revised Statutes, Chap. 100, Para. 1 and 5. .yragian y. AB that part the village bounded Henrrd.'e` iaY theOt by be That a notice of which the annexed printed slip is a true copy, was published in said gemerlim M'RaapR ilnrbrard to its eentalineof Wain wri parkway fGOifview interaecaart tHm # e00e .� 'now Se die tip 3�ai i y�te gpyy by me centerline offluntke Road; at the Nmt�dlevlBtga s - ' Paging Place: DDa t mrerTert _ r ., REMINDER NEWSPAPER e on the W RnfWe Rave > � _ p (/��' iJi%L eft- �0 iUuents ,, •r < ,,: rt Ap matW vlB eal pn rax vDrive, Ya 4J the � preterit" Mltaupp ard totta day(f) /IW ./1� A.D. 19 —� tl - cmterlimof lake,Cook Bird tain'tatet#e ties wkf;.Poe _l/yd early lfa�'eR IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, the said REMINDER PUBLICATIONS INC., rtR1e limib - a t has caused this certificate to be signed and its corporate seal affixed hereto, by MARY t%ISng gate; >rt�lo GreredNe�ip� elplty' MILLER, its Secretary, at Wheeling, Illinois. '' ab Grove, Rfiuni h«tacga AlLtimtpari of me YlNaCe tioiliWedmtdaffiptr g`' t," 6e dVfyq,±ntMwMtkY,}a4'+igbt - `hae'ruodng �'. and South benrae Bellaire, now this�tlay of D. 19 . Urfve 9qd �Rq'Gd. et fire �J' rrte trnbtiJ,W of Boldevard;'on the Norm by the centeraae d la„ka+Cgek ' Pontng Piece: Alcoa Sdroi -Cry# 7, SM Bernard Dybnnoa.,,�. REMIND UBLICAd'IONS, INC. Sulfate Grove. R pretext m. All thatpnr M the village bounded on mmNerm by # ed Rev by me - ceuterllne #Bernard Drive; an vltpgCuta. `Fi - an tkC ROi ev1RMGattriAESonm betaeen S Drive rive and Cberrywood Rand. - B y Secretary. , ..sebool - - YaSing Place: Cooper Junior } ton as 5 111,e + 1030 Went Plum Grove cirde Buffalo Grove, Rmris .. PrmindD. All that part #d1e Vtingelrving far in Westbbiahoey4heWastMadls961ite ±IR�eaad ly�Oi'3aoth end m?Wiseterly MawandApmDAve:tb WEastatdpty e}�drN(eet #ltNtnar "f9t 6rde oQ lSeW trmabg" ._ lot Jim fteeklalotfiv thogwo eftan Spring R raw. leDyeBntwhe"lo IfMf afthenwSbtbege- firere to the South laden Spring 1%581. Btecre 2*4 me tmr IM ayes# the lea tradilq tie F• ' btlan le 4 - pin 56, "nSprianetl the cenberalbteobonivu ttAdiMC r� iii ba�f me South lot ref a PoaSa[ dttief tkla aiOtlOTrtalB6Gak IJaa: MrBNexiot ` 6911nd*aDingtad;e be briftifoedfioByataeRfiPea, wi Cfmtjn an Silv0tlm2bltl4line dt11v1tlghf PanitAaPiedtdrhtaY 'aGdfiMAlmst'MTtl1'Nief9t Nihon ;ini t4lnihq.af ed ur bn frmlang Rock laoe sad tlleclter Drive, tMn.s,l tttty. storig`Por.rsOr lot "dpekaf lob said to the ca nerof Checker Drive, theme Northeasterly Rive;ssaid 4Wr*at� WNorffib !rotor 00ebackerDrivetothe centerane of (7reeter Drive; EtleBVe fib' song add eertllr,yrdta rice elnnr4se # Baoais Ratite tB. Os the Fist. me.VlBage limits, on the South abng me eetdertine# I.SkeLaok to the feeelacxaon Make calretY flog; 7'hemx Bestery to " Village limits. the .- Potting Place: Winne, stream Park Farrington Drive �Bunalo Grove, Inirwis f Pre9inct 12 An dot part of the Village in take Canty not eainioed to Product 11. - Pining Place: - Willow, Greve hoof _ rTA (2ieeker ve ' - - ,� , �f 77��r pp ■ -_ _T_ __ _' _ -- - - _. ___ _ _ fTfl i m -'.II' IO.f