1977-019ORDINANCE NO. 77 -! 9 CONVEYANCE OF REAL ESTATE TO BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT COMONLY KNOWN AS 1.1818 ACRE STRATHMORE GROVE SITE. WHEREAS, the Buffalo Grove Park District is a municipal corpora- tion organized for the purpose of owning and operating park and recreational facilities; and WHEREAS, the said District has represented that more land is needed for park and recreational facilities and that it will improve the land described herein and use it for park and recreational pur- poses if said land is conveyed to it; and WHEREAS, the Village considers that it is to the best interest of the public to convey the property described herein to the Park District for park and recreational facilities; and WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove, pursuant to the pro- visions of "An Act in Relation to the Transfer of Real Estate Owned by Municipalities ", Chapter 10, Paragraphs 156 -158a, Illinois Revised Statutes 1969, is desirous of effecting a transfer subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1. The President and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a deed conveying the following described real estate to the Buffalo Grove Park District, subject to the stipulation and conditions herein set forth: Lot le in Block 7 in Strathmore Grove in Buffalo Grove Unit One, being a subdivision of part of the South half of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to a plat thereof recorded May 24, 1974 as Document No. 1665059, in Lake County, Illinois, containing 1.1818 acres more or less. � T SECTION 2. The deed shall contain the following reverter clause: "In the event the property herein described is not used by the Grantee for park and /or recreational purposes, title and possession shall revert to the Grantor." SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according to law. AYES: NAYS: O ABSENT: / PASSED AND APPROVED this � day of - 1977. APPROVED: ATTEST: Clerk i s' VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ORDINANCE NO. /J /J -/ /0 ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE THIS lb DAY OF , 197%. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, this _OC, day of 197. Village Cler i N ORDINANCE NO. 77 '117 CONVEYANCE OF REAL ESTATE TO BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT COMONLY KNOWN AS 1.1818 ACRE STRATHMORE GROVE SITE. WHEREAS, the Buffalo Grove Park District is a municipal corpora- tion organized for the purpose of owning and operating park and recreational facilities; and WHEREAS, the said District has represented that more land is needed for park and recreational facilities and that it will improve the land described herein and use it for park and recreational pur- poses if said land is conveyed to it; and WHEREAS, the Village considers that it is to the best interest of the public to convey the property described herein to the Park District for park and recreational facilities; and WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove, pursuant to the pro- visions of "An Act in Relation to the Transfer of Real Estate Owned by Municipalities ", Chapter 10, Paragraphs 156 -158a, Illinois Revised Statutes 1969, is desirous of effecting a transfer subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1. The President and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a deed conveying the following described real estate to the Buffalo Grove Park District, subject to the stipulation and conditions herein set forth: Lot le in Block 7 in Strathmore Grove in Buffalo Grove Unit One, being a subdivision of part of the South half of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to a plat thereof recorded May 24, 1974 as Document No. 1665059, in Lake County, Illinois, containing 1.1818 acres more or less. r SECTION 2. The deed shall contain the following reverter clause: "In the event the property herein described is not used by the Grantee for park and /or recreational purposes, title and possession shall revert to the Grantor." SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according to law. AYES: NAYS: O ABSENT: / PASSED AND APPROVED this — day of 1977 ATTEST: C er APPROVED: 60,4'21a President 1 ft Ow E Co.F A Co C.".ca L (3 A L BLANKS 1\ 1 \T o. O O 21 ?NEW j QUITCLAIM DEED— Statutory IILLIMOIFI {CORPORATION TO CORPORATION' APPIR.ed By (ChINR'U TIIIa Knd Trout Co. ChicAao IteAl E+4tr Bard (The Above Space For Recorder's Use Only) THE GRANTOR VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE (Cook & Lake Counties) mrllicipal - a corporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois and duly authorized to transact business in the State of Illinois , for the consideration of Ten and no/ 100------------------------------------ ($10.00AOLLARS, in hand paid. and pursuant to authority given by the Board of Trustees of said corporation CONVEYS and QUIT CLAI]IS unto BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT m icipal aorpora[Ion organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois having its principal office in theVillage of Buffalo GroveCounty of Cook & Lake and State of Illinois all interest in the following described Peal Estate situated in the County of Lake and State of Illinois, to wit: Lot 13 in Block 7 in Strathmore Grove in Buffalo Grove, Unit One, being a subdivision of part of the South half of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal :Meridian, according to a plat thereof recorded May 24, 1974 as Document ilo. 1665059, in Lake County, Illinois, containing 1.1816 acres more or less. Reverter Clause: In the event the property described herein is not used by the Grantee for park and as recreational purposes, title and possession shall revert to the Grantor In Witntss Whereof—said Grantor has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and has caused its name to be signed to these presents by its Village President, and attested by its Clerk St f *, this /4, day of 19 7 7 _I /1 VILLAG OF BUFFALO GROVE EMPRESS �F' // t, RATIONI OORPOBATE SEAL by L / n .,i/jY / / /iif✓ eKCarocwT State of Illinois, County of ss., I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that Edward Fabish personally known tome to be the Vi 1 lag ePresident of the Village of Buffalo Grove a municipal corporation, and Verna Clayton personally known to me to be the Clerk Sac1'IM'y of said corporation, and personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowl- edged that as such President and Secretary, they 7441OTARUL SEAL signed and delivered the said instrument as President and ,HERE Secretary of said corporation, and caused the corporate seal of - said corporation to be affixed thereto, pursuant to authority, given by the Board of of said corporation as their free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and official seal, this /h t day of d' Commission expires laJ-) /off. 19F _S:ld 3i� .. 4i/ MgTwKY eVRL,c 0 w 0 0 0 0 w v 0 x la � G ir 44 ...I D) a 6 w 0 Z Xt.4 w o C z) c 4., LO : rJ m b cc � � N i+ p, X � Ol < H A 0 0 n c z Ln H z c m 0 z This document prepared by William G. aysa 1011 Lake Street, Oak Park, Illinois 60301 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: See legal description NAME Address-- Of-- Grante.e * - _ Buffalo Grove Park District aewrLTO: ADDRESS 150 Rau PPS Buf €alo-- Grove,—I1l_. CITY AND THE ABOVE A00R155 IS FOR STA1151ICAL STATE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NCT A PART OF THIS Of. ED.