1977-010A ORDINANCE NO. 77 - /0 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY TO BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is the owner of a certain parcel of real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Village has no immediate use for said real property; and WHEREAS, the corporate authorities deem it to be in the public interest to have said property be put to public use by deeding same to the Buffalo Grove Park District with the reserva- tion that if said real property ceases to be used for park and /or recreation purposes, then said real property will revert to the Village. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois: Section 1: Pursuant to the authority granted to Munici- palities in Chap. 30, Sections 156 to 158(a) of the Illinois Revised Statutes, the President and Clerk of the Village of Buffalo Grove are hereby authorized and directed to execute said deed,with rider attached, to the Buffalo Grove Park District, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, a copy of which deed is attached as Exhibit "A ". f s � t Page 2 Section 2: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage approval according to law. AYES; I// NAYES: 0 ABSENT: a PASSED this ?.2 day of 1977 APPROVED this day of 2 1977 ATTEST: Vi 11 age Clerc APPROVED: i 437 age rest e t l f-That part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 30,,, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian bounded by a line described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of said quarter quarter section, 609.36 feet West of the Northeast corner thereof, said point being on the Westerly line of Fremont Way as heretofore dedicated in The Crossings, Center Addition, Block Three, a Subdivision'in the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 30; thence West along the North line of said quarter quarter section 503.59 feet, more or less, to a point on said North line which is 211.55 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of said Southeast 1/4; thence Southwesterly in a straight line, 213.64 feet to a point on the West line of said quarter quarter section which is 28.96 feet South of the Northwest corner thereof; thence South along the West line of said quarter quarter section, 252.98 feet to the North line of the South 1040.0 feet of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 30, as measured at right angles to the South line thereof; thence East along the North line of said South 1040.0 feet, as aforesaid, 789.87 feet to the Westerly line of Fremont Way, aforesaid; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said street, being a curved line convex to the Northeast and having a radius of 895.0 feet, a distance of 293.10 feet, arc measure, to the place of beginning, Lake County, Illinois. 4' GEORGE E. COLE NO: 821 LEGAL FORMS OCTOSER1967 JQUIT CLAIM DEED ..Statutory (ILLINOIS) (Corporation to Corporation) ) (The Above Space For Recorder's Use Only) THE GRANTOR Village of Buffalo Grove, 50 N. Raupp , Buffalo Grove , Ill a(unicgal Illinois c iorporatr n created and existing under and by virtue of the lays of the $fate of and 4Jly author Cr r I l llnOls µ zed to eact business in the State of for the consideration of en an no/ 1�u----------------------- ------------- - - - - -- DOLLARS, President and in hand paid, and pursuant to authority (liven y theiBoard of Trl) c t-PP S of said corporation CONVEYS and QUIT CLAIMS unto tufpalo Grove Park District municipal a/oorporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois having its principal office in the Village of Buffalo Grov @ountyof Cook and State of Illinois all interest in the following described Real Estate situated in the County of Lake and State of Illinnis to wit- This document prepared by: William G. Raysa, Suite 332 1011 Lake Street, Oak Park, Illinois 60301 Subject to: The rider attached hereto and made a part hereof., AND restrictions of record. In Witness Whereof, said Grantor has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and has caused its name to be signed to these presents by its Village President, and attested by its Village Clerk %ZP@Y. ty, this cat-4 day of 1.oT, 194. IMPRESS CORPORATESEAL HERE State of Illinois, County of Cook ss. I, the undersi ned, a Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that Edwar Fabish personally known to me to be the Village President of the Village of Buffalo Grove a municipal corporation, and Verna Clayton personally known to me to be the Village Soum= of said corporation, and personally known to me to be t 4Rpersons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instru- IMPRESS ment, appeared before me this day in perk n and severally acknowledged that as NOTARIAL SEAL such Tillage President and Villlage z4rclreta, they signed HERE_ and delivered the said instrument as Village dent and Vi.1 -1a7ee 94'P y`tof said corporation, and caused the corporate seal of said corpPi -4 lf` lobe affixed thereto, pursuant to authority, given by the Board of Trus tees of said corporation as their free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said cor or tion, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and official seal, this day of Fe I- "e?,`- 192,Z Commission expires dai -o-k 19z;'9 Axi)w - NOTARY PUBLIC dl BLOCHE, FRENCH & RAYSA (Name) MAIL. TO: 1011 Lake St., Suite 332 — ress) Oak Park, Illinois 60301 OR RECORDER'S OFFICE BOX NO. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Vacant land -see Aega71— description THE AND N 1K PIS FOR 11 8118 5'I'H'Al. PUKPOSFS ONLY AND IS NO'I A PAKl' OF'1'HIS UF.B), ril`iage'`Ndrxt'i1'> fAlo Grove 50 No. Raup I 7ess1 Buffalo Grove, Ill. 60090 Ir 0 •,-I U N CAI JJ U 116 N d LH to a-1 r, la N H v at 4J 44 4) 4J rn W 1~ W N IJ N � at •H at .t-t H� A v 0 C m z z r_ 7 m RIDER This Quit Claim Deed is subject to the following restrictions: 1. The subject premises shall be used only for park purposes, outdoor recreation, cultural arts, children's zoo, meeting center and museum or for any other public recreational purpose. If said property ceases to be used for the aforesaid purposes the property shall immediately revert to the Village of Buffalo Grove. GEORGE E. COLE NO, 821 LEGAL FORMS OCTOSER.7967 QUITCLAIM DEED :Statutory (ILLINOIS) (Corporation to Corporation) 1 (The Above Space For Recorder's Use Only) THE GRANTOR Village of Buffalo Grove, 50 N. Raupp, Buffalo Grove,IlI 1Punici.gal t Illinois orporatl n created and existing under and by virtue of the I I l lo1ri015 to of and fitly authorized to u act business in the State of 1 for the consideration of en an no/ OO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, President and in hand paid, and pursuant to authority ,iven by theh3oard of 1r17 c tai c of said corporation CONVEYS and QUIT CLAIMS unto of falo Grove Park District municipal Illinois a /corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of having its principal office in the Village of Buffalo GToyPounty of Cook and State of Illinois all interest in the following described Real Estate situated in the County of Lake and State of Illinnic to wit• This document prepared by: William G. Raysa, Suite 332 1011 Lake Street, Oak Park, Illinois 60301 Subject to: The rider attached hereto and made a part hereof., AND restrictions of record. In Witness Whereof, said Grantor has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and has caused its name to be signed to these presents by its Village President, and attested by its Village Clerk , this -1201 day of ;-&e0 k -, I94. IMPRESS CORPORATESEAL HERE State of Illinois, County of Cook ss. I, the undersiyed, a Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that Edward Fabish personally known to me to be the Village President of the Village of Buffalo Grove a municipal corporation, and Verna Clayton personally known to me to be the illa a = of said corporation, and personally known to t& me to be th .q- persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instru- IMPRESS ment, ap eared before me this day in pets nand severally acknowledged that as NOTARIAL SEAL such village President and Vl�lage &Mb,, they signed e e HERE and delivered the said instrument as Villa g_��esldent and Villa _ —� 94TVX Hof said corporation, and caused the corporate seal of said cot br4Frbtf` to be affixed thereto, pursuant to authority, given by the Board of Trustees of said corporation as their free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corpor tion,for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and official seal, this . day of. -.Fe A," uQA- 192-,'7 Commission expires da ke-k / 19,99 00/),W NOTARY PUBLIC ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Vacant land BL_OCHE, FRENCH & RAYSA - see— lega71— description (Name) MAIL TO: 1011 Lake St., Suite 332 jryt gROV t: Annl{F'SS IS IOR SrA7lti "I "IC'AL 1'URI'c)SF.S (Add,es$) f ONLY AND IS NO '1 A PART Of- I IS UYP.n, Oak Park, Illinois 60301 J ` "%"` "' ' _ `�'i'ti ag 'e N d�' �lt`pnlo Grove c i1V. a e an PVT-- . —_ "___ _ -___ _ -. INamel -- OR RECORDER'S OFFICE BOX NO, 50 No Raup Buffalo Grove, Ill. 60090 w a Z w w x x 0 a w A a X Z m d oil r. 0 u aI En 4J Q v 044 W 1.1 r,, �H aI Iy Cd NW .1 a w to to W G ca ,--I N � •� Ill 4 l7 O C m Z z C 7' Ib m W N td A i w z a This document prepared by: William G. Raysa, Suite 332 1011 Lake Street, Oak Park, Illinois 60301 Subject to: The rider attached hereto and made a part hereof., AND restrictions of record. In Witness Whereof, said Grantor has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and has caused its name to be signed to these presents by its Village President, and attested by its Village Clerk , this -1201 day of ;-&e0 k -, I94. IMPRESS CORPORATESEAL HERE State of Illinois, County of Cook ss. I, the undersiyed, a Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that Edward Fabish personally known to me to be the Village President of the Village of Buffalo Grove a municipal corporation, and Verna Clayton personally known to me to be the illa a = of said corporation, and personally known to t& me to be th .q- persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instru- IMPRESS ment, ap eared before me this day in pets nand severally acknowledged that as NOTARIAL SEAL such village President and Vl�lage &Mb,, they signed e e HERE and delivered the said instrument as Villa g_��esldent and Villa _ —� 94TVX Hof said corporation, and caused the corporate seal of said cot br4Frbtf` to be affixed thereto, pursuant to authority, given by the Board of Trustees of said corporation as their free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corpor tion,for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and official seal, this . day of. -.Fe A," uQA- 192-,'7 Commission expires da ke-k / 19,99 00/),W NOTARY PUBLIC ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Vacant land BL_OCHE, FRENCH & RAYSA - see— lega71— description (Name) MAIL TO: 1011 Lake St., Suite 332 jryt gROV t: Annl{F'SS IS IOR SrA7lti "I "IC'AL 1'URI'c)SF.S (Add,es$) f ONLY AND IS NO '1 A PART Of- I IS UYP.n, Oak Park, Illinois 60301 J ` "%"` "' ' _ `�'i'ti ag 'e N d�' �lt`pnlo Grove c i1V. a e an PVT-- . —_ "___ _ -___ _ -. INamel -- OR RECORDER'S OFFICE BOX NO, 50 No Raup Buffalo Grove, Ill. 60090 w a Z w w x x 0 a w A a X Z m d oil r. 0 u aI En 4J Q v 044 W 1.1 r,, �H aI Iy Cd NW .1 a w to to W G ca ,--I N � •� Ill 4 l7 O C m Z z C 7' Ib m W N td A RIDER This Quit Claim Deed is subject to the following restrictions: 1. The subject premises shall be used only for park purposes, outdoor recreation, cultural arts, children's zoo, meeting center and museum or for any other public recreational purpose. If said property ceases to be used for the aforesaid purposes the property shall immediately revert to the Village of Buffalo Grove. J' K e j, .QUIT CLAIM DEED Corporation to Corporation A TO GEORGE E. COLE LEGAL FORMS