1970-007ORDINANCE 70=7— TRANSFER OF REAL ESTATE TO BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Buffalo Grove Park District has recently been organized and is or will be in the very near future in a position to generally operate and maintain park and recreational facilities, and it is considered in the best interest of the public for park and recreational use to transfer certain properties now owned by the Village of Buffalo Grove to the Buffalo Grove Park District, and WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove, pursuant to the provisions of "An Act in Relation to the Transfer of Real Estate Owned by Municipalities" Chapter 30, Paragraphs 156 - 158a, Ill. Revised Statutes 1969 is desirous of effecting said transfer subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS: Section 1. The President and Clerk are hereby authorized to convey the following described real estate to the Buffalo Grove Park District subject to the stipulations and conditions herein set forth: That part of Lot "B" in Arlington Hills in Buffalo Grove, being a subdivision in Sections 5 and 6, Township 42 North, Range 11 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, lying North of a line described as commencing at a point on the West line of said Lot, 360.34 feet North, as measured along said West line, of the Southwest corner of said Lot "B" and running to a point on the East line of said Lot, 178.46 feet North of the most Easterly Southeast corner of said Lot "B ", Cook County, Illinois. ALSO Lot C in Strathmore (except the South 300 feet thereof) in Buffalo Grove Unit #1, being a resub of certain Lots and vacated streets in Arlington Hills in Buffalo Grove, being a sub in Sections 5 & 6 and of sundry tracts of land in the W 1/2 of said Section 5 all in Township 42 North, Range 11 E of the 3rd PM in Cook County, Illinois. Lot "F" (except that part described as follows: beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot; thence West 175 feet along the North line thereof; thence South at right angles to said North line 175 feet; thence East parallel to said North line to the Westerly right of way line of Raupp Boulevard; thence Northerly along said Westerly right of way line to the Place of Beginning) in Buffalo Grove Unit No. 2, being a sub- division of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 42 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian (except the South 1074.82 feet thereof) also Lots "A" and "B" in Buffalo Grove Unit No. 1, being a Subdivision in the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 42 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois. ALSO That part of Lot 65 in Block 10 lying Westerly Northerly and Southerly of the following described line: beginning at a point in the Northerly line of said Lot 65 which is 240.08 feet Westerly of the Northeast corner thereof; thence Southerly, at right angles to said Northerly lot line, a distance of 130.00 feet; thence Westerly, at right angles to the last described course, a distance of 54.92 feet; thence Southerly, at right angles to the last described course, a distance of 135.00 feet; thence Easterly at right angles to the last described course, a distance of 132.80 feet; thence Southerly, at right angles to the last described course, a distance of 315.00 feet; thence Easterly, along a line which makes an angle to the left of 87 °35'43" with the last described course extended, a distance of 248.57 feet to the Southeast corner of the aforementioned Lot 65 in Strathmore in Buffalo Grove, Unit No. 9, being a subdivision of parts of Sections 29 and 32, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof, recorded March 18, 1969, as Document No. 1414386 in Lake County, Illinois. Section 2. The conveyances shall be made by Quit Claim Deeds. Each deed shall contain the following restriction: In the event the aforesaid property is not used for park or recreational purposes for a period in excess of 3 years, title to the same shall revert to the grantor. Further, in the event the grantor shall require an easement on any portion of said land (not then occupied by a park or recreational building) for the construction, maintenance and operation of a well supplementing the municipal sewer and water system, the granting of such an easement will not be unreasonably denied and there will be no charge therefor. Section 3. In addition thereto the delivery of the deed to part of Lot F aforesaid shall be made only upon the -2- a v execution and delivery to the village of a XC year lease with option to renew for another I - years upon the same terms, covering the present garage and the two offices adjacent to the garage in the building formerly housing the municipal offices and previously known as 150 North Raupp Boulevard in the Village. A copy of said lease is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A ". section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and recording according to law. Ayes Nayes Absent (% Passed and approved this -��-- day of 1970, Attest: er Approved: -3- Preside ORDINANCE 70=7--- TRANSFER OF REAL ESTATE TO BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Buffalo Grove Park District has recently been organized and is or will be in the very near future in a position to generally operate and maintain park and recreational facilities, and it is considered in the best interest of the public for park and recreational use to transfer certain properties now owned by the Village of Buffalo Grove to the Buffalo Grove Park District, and WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove, pursuant to the provisions of "An Act in Relation to the Transfer of Real Estate Owned by Municipalities" Chapter 30, Paragraphs 156 - 158a, Ill. Revised Statutes 1969 is desirous of effecting said transfer subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS: Section 1. The President and Clerk are hereby authorized to convey the following described real estate to the Buffalo Grove Park District subject to the stipulations and conditions herein set forth: That part of Lot "B" in Arlington Hills in Buffalo Grove, being a subdivision in Sections 5 and 6, Township 42 North, Range 11 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, lying North of a line described as commencing at a point on the West line of said Lot, 360.34 feet North, as measured along said West line, of the Southwest corner of said Lot "B" and running to a point on the East line of said Lot, 178.46 feet North of the most Easterly Southeast corner of said Lot "B ", Cook County, Illinois. ALSO N Lot C in Strathmore (except the South 300 feet thereof) in Buffalo Grove Unit 41, being a resub of certain Lots and vacated streets in Arlington Hills in Buffalo Grove, being a sub in Sections 5 & 6 and of sundry tracts of land in the W 1/2 of said Section 5 all in Township 42 North, Range 11 E of the 3rd PM in Cook County, Illinois. IA V Lot "F" (except that part described as follows: beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot; thence West 175 feet along the North line thereof; thence South at right angles to said North line 175 feet; thence East parallel to said North line to the Westerly right of way line of Raupp Boulevard; thence Northerly along said Westerly right of way line to the Place of Beginning) in Buffalo Grove Unit No. 2, being a sub- division of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 42 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian (except the South 1074.82 feet thereof) also Lots "A" and "B" in Buffalo Grove Unit No. 1, being a Subdivision in the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 42 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois. ALSO That part of Lot 65 in Block 10 lying Westerly Northerly and Southerly of the following described line: beginning at a point in the Northerly line of said Lot 65 which is 240.08 feet Westerly of the Northeast corner thereof; thence Southerly, at right angles to said Northerly lot line, a distance of 130.00 feet; thence Westerly, at right angles to the last described course, a distance of 54.92 feet; thence Southerly, at right angles to the last described course, a distance of 135.00 feet; thence Easterly at right angles to the last described course, a distance of 132.80 feet; thence Southerly, at right angles to the last described course, a distance of 315.00 feet; thence Easterly, along a line which makes an angle to the left of 87 035'43" with the last described course extended, a distance of 248.57 feet to the Southeast corner of the aforementioned Lot 65 in Strathmore in Buffalo Grove, Unit No. 9, being a subdivision of parts of Sections 29 and 32, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof, recorded March 18, 1969, as Document No. 1414386 in Lake County, Illinois. Section 2. The conveyances shall be made by Quit Claim Deeds. Each deed shall contain the following restriction: In the event the aforesaid property is not used for park or recreational purposes for a period in excess of 3 years, title to the same shall revert to the grantor. Further, in the event the grantor shall require an easement on any portion of said land (not then occupied by a park or recreational building) for the construction, maintenance and operation of a well supplementing the municipal sewer and water system, the granting of such an easement will not be unreasonably denied and there will be no charge therefor. Section 3. In addition thereto the delivery of the deed to part of Lot F aforesaid shall be made only upon the MC a a LEASE THIS INDENTURE, Made this 20th day of April A.D., 1970, between BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT, a municipal corporation, State of Illinois, Lessor, and VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, a municipal corporation, State of Illinois, Lessee,' WITNESSETH: 1. Premises and Term. Lessor, in consideration of the covenants of Lessee, hereinafter set forth, hereby leases to Lessee the following described property, to -wit: That part of Emmerich Park Building (Building North of Creek on Raupp Boulevard, Buffalo Grove, Illinois) comprising garage and the two offices immediately adjacent thereto. in the Village of Buffalo Grove, County of Cook - Lake and the State of Illinois. To have and to hold the same to Lessee, from the 20th day of April , 1970, to the 19th day of April 19 90. 2. Rent. Lessee,' in consideration of the leasing of the premises as above set forth, covenants and agrees with Lessor to pay Lessor, at Buffalo Grove Park District offices as rent for the same, the sum of One Dollar per year during the .term hereof and any extension thereof. 3. Possession at End of Term. Lessee covenants with Lessor that at the expiration of the terms of this lease or any extension thereof, Lessee will yield up the premises to Lessor without further notice, in as good condition as when the same were entered upon by Lessee, ,loss by fire or inevitable accident and ordinary wear excepted. 4. No Subletting Without Consent. It is further agreed by Lessee that neither Lessee nor Lessee's legal representatives will sublet said premises or any part thereof, or assign this lease without obtaining in advance the 'written consent of Lessor, except for use by fire department.. ,� G � r 5. Lessee shall have the option to renew this lease for a period of 20 years pursuant to the same provisions herein contained. Notice of exercise of option to renew shall be given Lessor on or before 60 days prior to expiration of first period. 6. Lessee will also pay Lessor $1.00 for use of electrical facilities during the term or any extension thereof. 7. The covenants herein shall extend to and be binding upon the parties there successor and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and their respective corporate seals affixed the day and year first above written. Attest: Secretary Attest: C er BUFFALO GROVE PARK DISTRICT, a municipal corporation By President VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVEr a municipal corporation By rest ent -2- GEO E COLE S CO CHICAGO N0. 821 L E G A L B L A N K S (NEW MARCH 1957) QUIT CLAIM DEED— Statutory (ILLINOIS) (CORPORATION TO CORPORATION) Approved By JChieago Title and Trust Co. jl Chicago Real Estate Board (The Above Space For Recorder's Use Only) THE GRANTOR' Village of Buffalo Grove, a: municipal ;q corporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois and duly authorized to transact business in the State of Illinois , for the consideration of Ten ($10.00) DOLLARS, in hand paid, and pursuant to authority given by the Board of Trustees of said corporation CONVEYS and QUIT CLAIMS unto Buffalo Grove Park District a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois having its principal office in the Village of Buffalo GrOVCounty of Cook and State of Illinois all interest in the following described Real Estate situated in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, to wit: That part of Lot 11B in ARLINGTON HILLS IN BUFFALO GROVE, being a subdivion in Sections 5 and 6, Township 42 North, Range 11 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian,lying North of a line described as commenc- ing at a point on the West line of said Lot, 360.34 feet North, as measured along said West line, of the Southwest corner of said Lot "B" and running to a point on the East line of said Lot, 178.46 feet North of the most Easterly Southeast corner of said Lot "B11,Cook County,Ill a w In the event the aforesaid property is not used for park or recreation al purposes for a period in excess of 3 years, title to the same shalla revert to the grantor. Further, in the event the grantor shall require an easement on any portion of said land (not then occupied by a park or recreational building) for, the construction,maintenance and operation of a well supplementing 'ehe municipal sewer and water system, the granting of such an easement will not be unreasonably denied and there will be no charge therefor. In Witness Whereof, said Grantor has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and has caused its name to be signed to these presents .by its President, and attested by its Clerk , this ao' '~ day of '19 70. Vil e of Buffalo Grove, �INAALE RPORATION) IMPRESS / /1 .4 �i / OF _ _ .- . J- CORPORATE SEAL HERE Clerk State of Illinois, County of Cook ss., % I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that Donald Thompson personally known to me to be the President of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois corporation, and Rosalie Kaszubowskipersonally known to me to be the Clerk Y, 34 of said corporation, and personally known to I' me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowl- edged that as such President and Clerk Sxa=W, they IM NOTARIAL SEAL signed and delivered the said instrument as President and Clerk � QkXVay of said corporation, and caused the corporate seal of HERE said corporation to be affixed thereto, pursuant to authority, given by the Board of Trustees " of said corporation as their free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set fo th. Given under my hand and official seal, this n t day of _ L 1970. Commission expires" �� 19-73 �' ' �� "� qq L NOTARY PUBLIC _ ✓��CL�.L[a_�v/. ., ADDRESS Or PROPERTY: NAME MAIL TO: ADDRESS CITY AND STATE OR RECORDER'S OFFICE BOX NO. w Z w w x a 0 in a w a {Yi W W d 0 C M Z H Z C to M z TIE ABOVE ADDRESS IS FOR STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT A PART OF THIS DEED. :GE E. COLE NO. EGat. FORMS OCTOBERR, , 1967 QUIT CLAIM DEED Statutory (ILLINOIS) (Corporation to Corporation) (The Above Space For Recorder's Use Only) THEGRANTOR Village of Buffalo Grove a municipal core a corporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of 71 1 i j r and duly authorized to transact business in the State of for the consideration of 4c4c DOLLARS, Ck,o in hand paid, and pursuant to authority given by the Board of Trus tees of said corporation CONVEYS and QUIT CLAIMS unto R ++:F€@1Q Cr-cm-re zPar].; B1Str1Bt a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of T 1 1 i n n i s having its principal office in the Vi 1 1 age of 'At i if fn a GrQmCounty of Conk and State of I11 irtois all interest in the following described Real Estate situated in the County of cook and State of Illinois, to wit: Lot C in Strathmore(except the South 300 feet thereof) in Buffalo ! Grove Unit #1, being a resub of certain Lots and vacated streets in Arlington Hills in Buffalo Grove, being a sub in Sections 5 &6 and of sundry tracts of land in the W2 of said Section 5 all in Township 42 North, Range 11 E of the 3rd PM in Cook County, Illinois w In the event the aforesaid property is not used for park or recre -'z ational purposes for a period in excess of 615ree years, title to a the same shall revert to the Grantor. Further, in the Grantor shall require an easement on any portion of said land(not then occupied I� by a park or recreational building) for the construction, main- LU tenance and operation of a well supplementing the municipal sewer Iz and water system, the granting of such an easement will not be > LU unreasonably denied and there shall be no charge therefor. la In Witness Whereof, said Grantor has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and has caused its name to be signed to these presents by its President, and attested by its Clerk *O#JAWJthis C �` day of 191Q. Village of Buffalo Grove; Illinois, a municipal IMPRESS CORPORATESEAL HERE State of Illinois, County of Cook ss. 1, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the j County and State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that Donald Thompson personally known to me to be the President of thelli 1 1 age of Buffalo Grove, municipal corT corporat ion, and_Rgs:a 1 7.e.y K3.:5:4;u _Lo aski personally known to me to be the Glerk gl #W' p of said corporation, and personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instru- ' IMPRESS ment, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowledged that as NOTARIAL SEAL such President and C k S# they signed HERE and delivered the said instrument as President and Clerk Whhw# #f said corporation, and caused the corporate seal of said corporation to be affixed thereto, pursuant to authority, given by the Board of TriiStP_eS of said corporation as their free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation,_ for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and official seal, this day of ti I9�p Commission expires — I NOTARY PUBLIC. , (Name) MAIL TO: (Address) (City, State and Zipj OR RECORDER'S OFFICE BOX NO. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: TIME ABOVE ADDRESS IS FOR STATISTICAL PU NPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT A PART OF THIS DEED. SEND SUBSEQUENT TAX BILLS TO: 0 0 O n C Ct7 z Z C W n'1 1 4 Lot "F" (except that part described as follo*s: beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot; thence West 175 feet along the North line thereof; thence South at right angles to said North line 175 feet; thence East parallel to said North line to the Westerly right of way line of Raupp Boulevard; thence Northerly along said westerly right of way line to the Place of Beginning) in Buffalo Grove Unit No. 2, being a subdivision of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 51 Township 42 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian (except the South 1074.82 feet thereof) also Lots "A" and "B" in Buffalo Grove Unit No. 1, being a Subdivision in the Northwest Quarter of Section 41 Township 42 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois. In the event the aforesaid property is not used for park or recreational -purposes for a period in excess of three years, title to the same shall revert to the Grantor. Further, in the Grantor shall require an easement on any portion of said land (not then occupied by a park or recreational building) for the construction, maintenance and operation of .a well supplementing the municipal sewer and water system, the granting of such an easement will not be unreasonably denied and there shall be no charge therefor. GCO E CoLE A Co CHICAGO �T o. 821 L E G A L B L A N K S (NEW MARCH 1957) QUIT CLAIM DEED— Statutory (ILLINOIS) (CORPORATION TO CORPORATION) 'v Approved By )Chicago Title and Trust Co. j Chicago Real Estate Board (The Above Space For Recorder's Use Only) THE GRANTOR Village of Buffalo Grove, a municipal corporation, Lake and Cook Counties a corporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois and duly authorized to transact business in the State of Illinois , for the consideration of Ten ($10.00) DOLLARS, President and in hand paid, and pursuant to authority given by the/ of T u Gees , of said corporation CONVEYS and QUIT CLAIMS unto Buffalo Grove Pari f istri.ct, Lake and Cook Counties a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois having its principal office in the Village of Buffalo Grove,County of Cook and State of Illinois all interest in the following described Real Estate situated in the County of Qa.Qk: and State of Illinois, to wit: In Witness Whereof, said Grantor has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and has caused its name to be signed to these presents by its President, and attested by its Clerk Sacxatary, this c 9�- day of 1 , <- L . 19 70 • IMPRESS CORPORATE SEAL HERE State of Illinois, County of Cook ss., I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that Donald Thompson personally known to me to be the President of the Village Of Buffalo Grove, a municipal corporation, and ko -sa3.- e. Kas:zubowski personally known tome to be the Clerk Se&netary of said corporation, and personally known to me to be the same persons whose Dames are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowl- IMPRESS edged that as such President and Clerk Swxatary, they NOTARIAL SEAL signed and delivered the said instrument as President and HERE Clerk .5;cr eetaxy of said corporation, and caused the corporate seal of said corporation to be affixed thereto, pursuant to authority, given by the Board of Trustees of said corporation as their free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, Given under my hand and official seal, this day of 1 19_ZO� 1� 19Z �X _ Commission expires _ NOTARY PUBLIC NAME MAIL TO: ADDRESS CITY AND STATE — OR RECORDER'S OFFICE BOX NO. G ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: W Psi w x a d F m W Z W W a a 0 V2 a w a x 7S W W d d 0 eh H Z w z THE ABOVE ADDRESS IS FOR STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT A PART OF THIS DEED. V Y �r That part of Lot 65 in Block 10 lying Westerly, Northerly and Southerly of the following described line: ; Beginning at a point in the Northerly line of said Lot 65 which is 240.08 feet Westerly of the Northeast corner thereof; thence.Southerly, at right angles to said Northerly lot line, a distance of 130.00 feet; thence Westerly, at right angles to the last described course, a distance of 54.92 feet; thence Southerly, at right angles to the last described course, a distance of 135.00 feet; thence Easterly at right angles to the last described course, a distance of 132.80 feet; thence Southerly, at right angles to the last described course, a distance of 315.00 feet; thence Easterly, along a line which makes an angle to the left of 87 °35143" with the last described course extended, a distance of 248.57 feet to the Southeast corner of the aforementioned Lot 65 in Strathmore in Buffalo Grove, Unit No. 9, being a sub - division of parts of Sections 29 and 32, Township 43 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof, recorded March 18, 1969, as Document No. 1414386 in Lake County, Illinois. In the event the aforesaid property is not used for park or recreational purposes for a period in excess of 3 years, title to the same shall revert to the grantor. Further, in the event the grantor shall require an easement on any portion of said land (not then occupied by a park or recreational building) for the construction, maintenance and operation of a well supplementing the municipal sewer and water system, the granting of such an easement will not be unreasonably denied and there will be no charge'there£or. .w E. COLE NO. 821 .FORMS OCTOBER, 1967 QUIT CLAIM DEED $SdSUSOry (ILLINOIS) (Corporation to Corporation) (The Above Space For Recorder's Use Only) THEGRANTOR Village Of Rttffaln G-- ---- a muniCipal rnrznnrMtinn_ a corporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois and duly authorized to transact business in the State of Illinois for the consideration DOLLARS, of in hand paid, and pursuant to authority given by the Buffalo and CONVEYS and QUIT CLAIMS unto Gi Trustees said corporation corporation organized and existing nder and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois having its principal office in the Village of Buffalo GrO'Munty of Cook and Slat of T11 i nni s all interest in the following described Real Estate situated in the County of L e ake and State of Illinois, to wit: In Witness Whereof, said Grantor has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and has caused its name to be signed to these presents by its President and attested by its ll r7e . ,19, o Clerk _ NMj`� this � day of�� IMPRESS CORPORATESEAL HERE Village of Buffalo trove, a municipal corp. -State of Illinois, County of Cook SS. I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that Dona Id i homns on personally known to me to be the Presidenfof the Village of Buffalo Grove, ��nniCi a corporation, ands �it1S ZL1bULTSk1 personally known to me to be the Clerk at � of said corporation, and personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instru- ment, appeared before me this day in person and several! acknowledged that as such President and Clerk severally ,iio they signed NOTARIAL SEAL HERE and delivered the said instrument as President and �_lexk- &�0#gjkf said corporation, and caused the corporate seal of said corporation to be affixed thereto, pursuant to authority, given by the Board of Trustees.. of said corporation as their free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purgoses, therein set forth. 2 C _ L day i-L <,G Given under my hand and official seal, this r� Y of lq % 0 --� , Commission expires �TARt PueuC ( ame) MAIL TO: (Address) (City, State and Zip) OR RECORDER'S OFFICE BOX NO. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: ONLY AND IS NOT ASPART OF THIS STATISTICAL DEED. PURPOSES SEND SUBSEQUENT TAX BILLS TO: .. a Q V) LW Z) Z w m a 0 a w a a X rL a t� n C m z Z C A tly SURVEYS FOR LOT FARM PROPERTY LINE MORTGAGE SUBDIVISION CONSTRUCTION ILLINOIS WISCONSIN INDIANA I 1 -1 LLl _,_Ll'__L 5 I 91' L 1 11 IiEiALIM PLAT OF SURVEY T BY L;;:��� rr,.ti; N M E L V I N J. S P O T T S TELEPHONE: 413 NO. HAMUN AVENUE TA 5 -4853 PARK RIDGE, IWNOIS SCALE 111= -" FT OF 1...•_ '• i ... "7 iUD _ "L 'u:'t-0 (il uE L.- - Li'. _i'S._..- .._ _..__.w` -_ , .. 1 `. el e^� 2 c C' 1'x:::4 i %, rol-31 r °!". "? • ,a r E , ... - -. .. _S'. .. .. �«.. .., 1 .. -'.r .al, .d 1 of ..:le 1G t. "o, OF 1 1 i 1 1 0 0 rq IMPORTANT U 0 Mol 0 p)0 : 1•tit c7. G S,-',f-.C' 1 '.1,C a 96 137 Ro , -'r QQ0 -JO AreA. �Cl' :- 'F!rii 9c 0 Before starting any excavating or build- ing excavators and builders are request- ed to compare all measurements and should any discrepancies be found, re- port same to our home office at once. Zwirn, Temple &L Attn at Lew 1>0 W Dunde_ Rd 326.96 _ — State of Illinois County of Cook ss I � 0 i t LtII .e18 i=U e.. it t.lt Ir Lti! 1 • ) � R \ t z98,S7 v SE. C !'LV R LUi �j I, hereby certify that I have re- surveyed and located the building on the property above described and that the plat above is a correct representa- tion of said survey and location. Park Ridge, A. D. 196_ REGISTERED ILLINOIS LAND SURVEYOR pata Bt.ff1t1 OcE `01: J? , PIC :. cc State of Illinois County of Cook) ss I a!r:lvin j :'i of ~,pan Illinois Licensed Land Survey- or, hereby certify that I have surveyed the above described property and that the plat above is a correct representation of said survey. Dimensions are shown in feet and decimal parts thereof and are corrected to a temperature of 62 degree Fahrenheit. A. D. 196_ REGISTERED ILLINa LAND sUrEYOR Y Lt -- ..LaG ,..... OF 1 1 i 1 1 0 0 rq IMPORTANT U 0 Mol 0 p)0 : 1•tit c7. G S,-',f-.C' 1 '.1,C a 96 137 Ro , -'r QQ0 -JO AreA. �Cl' :- 'F!rii 9c 0 Before starting any excavating or build- ing excavators and builders are request- ed to compare all measurements and should any discrepancies be found, re- port same to our home office at once. Zwirn, Temple &L Attn at Lew 1>0 W Dunde_ Rd 326.96 _ — State of Illinois County of Cook ss I � 0 i t LtII .e18 i=U e.. it t.lt Ir Lti! 1 • ) � R \ t z98,S7 v SE. C !'LV R LUi �j I, hereby certify that I have re- surveyed and located the building on the property above described and that the plat above is a correct representa- tion of said survey and location. Park Ridge, A. D. 196_ REGISTERED ILLINOIS LAND SURVEYOR pata Bt.ff1t1 OcE `01: J? , PIC :. cc State of Illinois County of Cook) ss I a!r:lvin j :'i of ~,pan Illinois Licensed Land Survey- or, hereby certify that I have surveyed the above described property and that the plat above is a correct representation of said survey. Dimensions are shown in feet and decimal parts thereof and are corrected to a temperature of 62 degree Fahrenheit. A. D. 196_ REGISTERED ILLINa LAND sUrEYOR Y SURVEYS FOR LOT FARM PROPERTY LINE MORTGAGE SUBDIVISION CONSTRUCTION ILLINOIS WISCONSIN INDIANA C16ro I___ __._. __ - . PLAT OF BY MELVIN J. AL_.L_ -1 L �!.:.t:_1 t L "L31YL1 Y!1HIllYLllgl1 SURVEY SPOTTS 413 NO. HAMLIN AVENUE PARK RIDGE, ILLINOIS LCT >p RC° in trl r,c�cr. Eil�.. in L,a�i'lu Cr�;vez „ei r- a _ e6•SL 'tT.21i' Oi :iai:. .:e tt.iOn3 aii in Olv il9Fip Illinois r•ec "ay t:le ;tn Jou Meet ,.'_Iur o!'; i 1� a i r\ C•Ta ir, i:`n in 2 ec: Itiort.h , t:,,tne e, -1 _ ;ast so. i nE vFii'rrtIfL tUl RCA O 696.59' t TELEPHONE: TA 5 -4853 SCALE 111= 1' FT. ::1OTI .. ccrLEtln 1!its anu VaCat':U StreC,Tc 3nu V anL. of 3llL Lruct: SURVEYS FOR LOT FARM PROPERTY LINE MORTGAGE SUBDIVISION CONSTRUCTION ILLINOIS WISCONSIN INDIANA PLAT OF SURVEY BY t N MELVIN J. SPOTTS TELEPHONE: 413 NO. HAMLIN AVENUE TA 5 -4858 PARK RIDGE, ILLINOIS OF SCALE 111= i %, FT. e o< ' a C' e 1 i; 0; FiiL ALL IMPORTANT Before starting any excavating or build- ing excavators and builders are request- ed to compare all measurements and should any discrepa es be found, re- port same to our home office at once. NO. AtTTl 8t: i+r7W _0 - ri DUTIU(_(' tt.. State of Illinois County of Cook ss 1, hereby certify that I have re- surveyed and located the building on the property above described and that the plat above is a correct representa- tion of said survey and location. Park Ridge, e. D. 196_ REGISTERED ILLINOIS LAND SURVETOR i-'& 3 uii1 4 8 09© , Ii> -1 ; Li: State of Illinois County of Cook ss Spot'..s an Illinois Licensed Land Survey- or, hereby certify that I have surveyed the above described property and that the plat above is a correct representation of said survey. Dimensions are shown in feet and decimal parts thereof and are corrected to a/ temperature of 62 degree Fahrenheit. A. D. 196_ s REtSTERED ILLINOIS D eU v O a -r -OFF