1970-004ORDINANCE NO. 70 -4 PURCHASE OF VEHICLE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD'OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS. SECTION 1. Pursuant to Division 61, Chapt. 24, Illinois Revised Statutes-1969, the President and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a purchase agreement for the purchase of the following described vehicle from Howe Fire Apparatus Co. at a price of $81,000.00: Model HR -122 Howe - Defender quintuple combination booster, pumping, hose, 85' aerial ladder and miscellaneous ladders fire truck com- plete in accordance with contract and specifications in accordance with the invoice attached and made a part of this ordinance. SECTION 2. Further, the President and Clerk are further authorized to execute a financing agreement for the purchase with the Wheeling Trust & Savings Bank of Wheeling, Illinois. Said financing agreement to provide, among other things, for the repay- merit over a period of not less than eight years at an interest rate of not to exceed 52 %. Said financing agreement shall also provide that the Village shall have unlimited pre - payment privileges and that in the event interest rates are reduced, the bank will permit refinancing at the lower rate. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according to law. 1 PASSED THIS e� -4?cl.ay of ,{-�� 1970. AYES: �1 NAYS: ? ABSENT: L2 APPROVED: Pvvesident. ATTEST: �--- C l rk . WE FIRE APPA /BTUS :C DEPENDABLE FIRE APPARATUS SINCE 1872 HOME OFFICE 3 FACTORY, ANDERSON, INDIANA 46011 ; Make all checks and other fomvd s o x NO. 2357 Payment for this account payable Only to Howe fire Apparatus Cpgv ORDER NO. F per!►, a Wi 0k b,dia, SOLD •Village of Buffalo Grove 8HIP Attn: Donald J. • Thompson, To Buffalo Grove 'Vol. Fire Dept, TO President Buffalo Grove, Illinois N. Raupp St, Village Hall • Buffalo Grovel Illinois �' L J B/L 3449 b. . • DATE ENTERED 10/21/68 YOUR ORDER NO. 11/14/68 SHIP VIA Overland F. O. B:. uffalo G POWAID ove CDLLECT TERMS See below ' DATE ..HIPPED . 2/12/70 1lIVOICE NO. 70 -50 GUAM. ORD. PART OR PLATE NO. DESCRIPTION GUAM IMiPPED UNIT ;PRICt TOTAL '.." t4volft OAT*' l Only Model HR -122 Howe - Defender quin- tuple combi nation, booster, pumping, hose, 851 aerial ladder and miscellan- eous ladders fire truck complete in accordance with contract and specifioa f ' tions .. ............................... $76 9498,00 ,,, Additional equipment added 906652.i5' j r 5 -man canopy cab n lieu of semi -t3 i ab Y` with heater and defroster r ' 447 00 ' f S 3" Aluminum pipe in fly section 35.00 311 Hose connection for ladder pipe � 60.00 2 -Red fresnel lights for outriggers 40 80.00 Air control valve for`Keystone...valve 125.00 l - Additional" plug cap 12.60 . ,a,3" Hose changed.to 501 lengths 54.40 .° •.1- Additional Akron 448 spanner set 15,04 ,.12- 01earance lights added 67.50 Speoiai- side compartments added :;'' 661,00 80,827.69 Howe: Serial No. 12811 : Chassis Serial, •No. 13365 TERM, s Net Cash' Upon Deli ery.;and Motor. Serial No. 375691 Acoeptan e� . _ r -•