1970-027Section 1 of ordinance 70 -27 is hereby amended by deleting f herefrom the following: i ✓V Seeking to obtain subscriptions to books, magazines periodicals, newspapers and every other type or kind of publication; or ORDINANCE #70 AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO SOLICITORS, PEDDLERS VENDERS AND CANVASSERS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. Ordinance #0-64-1 of the Village of Buffalo Grove, is hereby amended to read as follows. SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS: That for the purpose of this Article, the foll:owiln�, ; -crds as used herein shall be construed to have the meaning herein ascribed thereto, to -wit: "Soliciting ": Shall mean and include any one or more of the following activities: Seeking to obtain orders for the purchase of goods, wares, merchandise, foodstuffs, services, of any kind, character or description whatever, for any kind of consideration whatever; or Seeking to obtain prospective customers for application or purchase of insurance of any type, kind or character; or 4' Seeking to obtain subscriptions to books, magazines, 1 periodicals, newspapers aril evtry other type or kind of publication; or Seeking to obtain gifts or contributions of money clothing or any other valuable thing for the support or benefit of any charitable or non - profit association, organization, corporation, or project. "Peddler ": A peddler is a person engaged in business for profit, who sells or offers for sale any commodity or article, traveling from place to place in the Village, or who sells or offers for sale and delivery from any vehicle going from place to place in the Village any commodity or article, and who carries such commodity or article with him for delivery at the time of sale. "Itinerant Vendor" Itinerant vendor is a person engaged in business for profit who conducts a temporary or transient business in the Village of selling commodities, articles or services with the intention of continuing such business in the Village for not more than 120 days and who, in such business, uses, leases or occupies all or part of any room, structure or vacant lot in the Village, for the display of such commodities or articles, or in connection with the offering of such services. "Residence" Shall mean and include every separate living unit occupied for residential purposes by one or more persons, contained within any type of building or structure.. "Registered Shall mean and include any person who has obtained Peddler, Solicitor, a valid Certificate of Registration as hereinafter Itinerant Vendor" provided, and which Certificate is in the possession of the solicitor, peddler, itinerant vendor, on his or her person while so engaged in soliciting. - 2 - SECTION 2: CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION: Every solicitor, peddler, itinerant vendor as herein defined shalI48ton or upon any private residence without first obtaining a Certificate of Registration as hereinafter provided. SECTION 3: APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION: Application for a Certificate of Registration shall be made upon a form provided by the Chief of Police of this Municipality and filed with such Chief. The applicant shall truthfully state in full the information requested on the application, to -wit: (a) Name and address of present place of residence and length of residence at such address; also business address if other than residence address; also Social Security number; (b) Address of place of residence during the past three years if other than present address; (c) Age of applicant and marital status; and if married, the name of spouse; (d) Physical description of the applicant; (e) Name and address of the person, firm or corporation or association whom the applicant is employed by or represents; and the length of time of such employment or representation; (f) Name and address of employer during the past three years if other than the present employer; (g) Description sufficient for identification of the subject matter of the soliciting which the applicant will engage in; -3- (h) Period of time for which the Certificate is applied for; (i) The date, or approximate date, of the latest previous application for Certificate under this Ordinance, if any; (j) Has a Certificateof Registration issued to the applicant under this Ordinance ever been revoked; (k) Has the applicant ever been convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or the Ordinance of any other Illinois Municipality regulating solicitors, peddlers or itinerant vendors; (1) Has the applicant ever been convicted of the commission of a felony under the laws of the State of Illinois or any other State or Federal law of the United States; (m) Also such additional information as the Chief of Police may deem necessary to process the application; (n) In the case of a peddler or itinerant vendor, the commodities or articles the applicant proposes to sell or deal in; the address at which he conducts business or wheth3c he proposes to peddle or sell from a vehicle or a pack or packs carried with him; a current registration under the Retailer's Occupation Tax Act; and a State license when required. All statements made by the applicant upon the application or in connection therewith shall be under oath. -4- Flee -p ie r of Peliee shall regt4re to E4-ttger printing by ehe Police ip�lity i-n---eenneetien w • th th ppl t "n for (' rti f,i ca e rr The Chief of Police shall cause to be likept in his office an accurate record of every application received and acted upon together with all other information and data pertaining thereto and all Certificates of Registration issued under the provisions of this Ordinance, and of the denial of applications. Applications for Certificates, shall be numbered in consecutive order as filed, and every Certificate issued, and any renewal thereof, shall be identified with the duplicate number of the application upon which it was issued. No Certificate of Registration shall be issued to tiny person who has been convicted of the commission of a felony under the laws of the State of Illinois or any other State or Federal law of the United States, within five years of the date of the application; nor to any person who has been convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this Oridinance, nor to any person whose Certificate of Registration issued hereunder has previously been revoked as herein provided. SECTION 4: ISSUANCE AND REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATE: The Chief of Police, after consideration of the application aid all information obtained relative thereto, shall deny the application if the applicant does not possess the qualifications for such Certificate as herein required, and that the issuance of a Certificate of Registration to the applicant would not be in accord with the -5- with the intent and purpose of this Ordinance. Endorsement shall be made by the Chief of Police upon the application of the denial of the application. When the applicant is found to be fully qualified, the Certificate of Registration shall be issued forthwith. Any Certificate of Registration issued hereunder shall be revoked by the Chief of Police if the holder of the Certificate is convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or has made a false material statement in the application, or otherwise becomes disqualified for the issuance of a Certificate of Registration under the terms of this Ordinance. Immediately upon such revocation written notice thereof shall be given by the Chief of Police to the holder of the Certificate in person or by certified U.S. mail addressed to his or her residence address set forth in the application. Immediately upon the giving of such notice the Certificate of Registration shall become null and void. The Certificate of Registration shall state the expiration date thereof. SECTION 5: VILLAGE POLICY: It is hereby declared to be the policy of the governing body of this Municipality that the occupant or occupants of the residences in this Municipality shall make the determination of whether solicitors, peddlers or itinerant vendors shall be, or shall not be, invited to their respective residence. moz SECTION 6: NOTICE: Every person desiring to secure the protection intended to be provided by this Ordinance, shall comply with the following directions, to -wit: Notice of the determination by the occupant of giving invitation or the refusal of invitation to any xesidence shall be given in the manner following: A weatherproof card, approximately three inches by four inches in size, shall be exhibited upon or near the main entrance door to the residence, indicating the determination by the occupant, containing the applicable words, as follows: "ONLY SOLICITORS, PEDDLERS OR ITINERANT VENDORS REGISTERED IN BUFFALO GROVE INVITED ". •• "NO SOLICITORS, PEDDLERS OR ITINERANT VENDORS INVITED ". The letters shall be at least one -third inch in height. For the purpose of uniformity the cards may -', be provided by the Chief of Police to persons requesting, at the cost thereof. Such card so exhibited shall constitute sufficient notice to any person of the determination by the occupant of the residence of the information contained thereon. The card may be varied to permit invitation to or refusal of invitation to, any one, two or all of the herein defined categories. SECTION 7: DUTY OF SOLICITORS, PEDDLERS, ITINERANT VENDORS: It shall be the duty of every solicitor, peddler and itinerant vendor upon going onto any premises in the Municipality upon -7- which a residence as herein defined is located to first examine the Notice provided for in Section 6 ofthis Ordinance, if any is attached, and forthwith comply with said notice by immediately and peacefully departing from the premises, if the card states no invitation is given. Any person who has gained entrance to any residence, whether invited or not, shall immediately and peacefully depart from the premises when requested to do so by the occupant. SECTION 8: UNINVITED SOLICITING, PEDDLING OR VENDING PRO- HIBITED: It is hereby declared to be unlawful and shall constitute a nuisance for any person to go upon any premises and ring the door bell upon or near any door, or create any sound in any other manner calculated to attract the attention of the occupant of such residence, for the purpose of securing an audience with the occupant thereof and engage in soliciting, peddling or vending, as herein defined, in defiance of the notice exhibited at the residence in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 of this Ordinance. SECTION 9: TIME LIMITATIONS: It is hereby declared to be unlawful and shall constitute a nuisance for any person whether registered under this Ordinance or not, to go upon any premises and ring the door bell upon or near any door of a residence located thereon, or rap or knock upon any door, or create any sound in any other manner calculated to attract the attention of the occupant of such residence, for the purpose of securing an audience with the occupant thereof and engage in soliciting, peddling or vending, as herein defined, prior to 9:00 o'clock A.M. or after 9:00 P.M. of any week day, or at any time on a Sunday or on a State or -8- National Holiday. SECTION 10: REGISTRATION FEE: The following registration fee shall be charged: (a) Peddler - $25.00 (b) Itinerant Vendor - $25.00 (c) Solicitor - no fee The Certificate of Registration shall be valid only for the calendar year in which issued regardless of the date of issue. SECTION 11: EXEMPTION: The corporate authorities may, by a two - thirds vote, waive the registration provisions hereof I or any charitable, religious or non- profit organization. SECTION 12: REPEALED:' The provisions of Ordinance 0 -64 -1 not repeated herein are hereby repealed. SECTION 13: SEVERANCE CLAUSE: If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity thereof shall not affect aZy -of the other provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 14: PENALTY: Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not more than $500. 0 for each offense. SECTION 15: EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect, from and after its passage and publication, in accordance with the terms of Section 1 -2 -4 of the Illinois Municipal Code. AYES :— NAYES: p ABSENT: -Z APPR ED: r i rST: Pie ident l la ge Published: A 0 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. A Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY That it is the publisher of Buffalo Grove Herald That said Buffalo Grove Herald ;a a secular newspaper and has been published daily in the Village of Buffalo Grove County of Cook and State of Illinois, continuously for more than one year prior to, on and since the date of the first publication of the notice hereinafter referred to and is of gen- eral circulation throughout said Village, County and State. I further certify that Buffalo Grove Herald is a newspaper as defined in "an Act to revise the law in relation to notices" as amended by Act approved July 17, 1959 —Ill. Revised Statutes, Chap. 100, Para. 1 and 5. That a notice of which the annexed printed slip is a true copy, was published in said Buffalo Grove Herald ,on to 28th day of__- -___August , A.D. 19 70 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, the said PADDOCK PUBLICA- TIONS, Inc., has caused this certificate to be signed and its corporate seal affix- ed hereto, by FRANCIS E. STITES, its Secretary, at Arlington Heights, Illinois, this 28th day of __ August _ A.D. 19-7-0— PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. By/ secretary. 0 '°1Z +mperian suppi9'MMCe., $34.87; Industrial Appraisal Co., V idustriai Automotive..1988.24; International Assoc. of Chiefs f o .00.46; international Assoc. of Electrical Inspectors, 116.00: Inters asoc. of FYre Chiefs, - $106.00; International Business Machines 193.80; International Camera Corp., $3&60; International institute deal Clerks, $16.00: The Jacobs Co.. $?„000.00: Jan's Grill, In's Steel Co., $124.16; Jay Gee Shooter Supplies, $104.00; J. l epair, $183.92; Jeffoo Industries. $23.65; Jensen Welding E4uipme .6.41; Jerauld-Engfaee , , $349.00; JGB Gun Repair, $60.00; A. J Lambing, $30.OD; Johnson's Sporting Goods, $154.70; Henry Kaefer rank. W, HOW $36.00; Elaine Kania, ;100.00; Howard ICs :900.60; Kedsie Gbncrete, $100.00; Klman Corp.. $111.50; K11 4.5o;, K. K KOffee Service, $498.77; K. L. Komarek, _ 00.00; oenlg, $26_65; Henry T. Kahle $ Sons Kohut $Inc.r 6, I 47tatement Of 8eee11145 and Mbursoments Pbr the P'beal Year Ended April 30, 1970 CASH IN BANK Cash rides Northman Tsai Bach of ' 1La Salle I Continental W.76 'a Elk Grove i 74,936.33 National 4,000.00 ID. Nadl. 000.00 -0-" -0. -0. 449.69 � 3,147.93 .0. --0- , 355.18 416.47 .0, -0- )- ,13,54 &43 -0- -0- 416.47 -a � -0" 1,726.93 -0- , : '0' -o- -0- 3,134'.31 166:00 -¢a 2,106.00 829.32 .0. -0, -a - 100.00 106.70 .0. e<i.1o6.70 4 4,629.32 776.77 8$549.28 .0. ,o- � x•72 946.88 '0' --0. 2037398 40. . 516.6,5 4' 548.ffi 40. 2,834.54 .0. -0- 776.34 -0. 7,246.48 --N �.� *51,549.28 ¢ 3,000.00 $177.103.57 933.30 -0- - $10,460. '°1Z +mperian suppi9'MMCe., $34.87; Industrial Appraisal Co., V idustriai Automotive..1988.24; International Assoc. of Chiefs f o .00.46; international Assoc. of Electrical Inspectors, 116.00: Inters asoc. of FYre Chiefs, - $106.00; International Business Machines 193.80; International Camera Corp., $3&60; International institute deal Clerks, $16.00: The Jacobs Co.. $?„000.00: Jan's Grill, In's Steel Co., $124.16; Jay Gee Shooter Supplies, $104.00; J. l epair, $183.92; Jeffoo Industries. $23.65; Jensen Welding E4uipme .6.41; Jerauld-Engfaee , , $349.00; JGB Gun Repair, $60.00; A. J Lambing, $30.OD; Johnson's Sporting Goods, $154.70; Henry Kaefer rank. W, HOW $36.00; Elaine Kania, ;100.00; Howard ICs :900.60; Kedsie Gbncrete, $100.00; Klman Corp.. $111.50; K11 4.5o;, K. K KOffee Service, $498.77; K. L. Komarek, _ 00.00; oenlg, $26_65; Henry T. Kahle $ Sons Kohut $Inc.r 6, I Qxidinsnce No. 70.27 AN.4 - ADYINQ TO SOU .' an ri's BY,. M AND P� �A10b 90AhD :AIDE 00 SPFAL MUffErm- ;,1 t1 �, Ordinance 1 of ; 8ur!>,it, Grove; is $alb tmended tore . SECTION IONS; '011llowin W-0 ,used heroin �T'>s +Ae, 7 �Aav 'the ell d r to -wit: i''. Gans > I Shall meeH'dud Include any one or r$ors of thi slsa�vav+ne aoEipi }; Use, t o girders for the DurCliaso s, m4fti 3u• detltfl6: (ReCrlCea, of any 'kind, phararspr whst9Ver, for any kln6vi consl4�atlon whatever; or, ' Seeking to �prOaUective customers for siP�li�'aUon or PutleDass tf insuranee. of � r 1dnnd or character; Or. Seeking t6 ..:subscriptions i tewapaPers ArIQ 8'vat'y Other type or $Ind Of .o . . SealdW to obtain slits pr- cuntglbltfiotis, oher valuable thttlg for the olwort.�or h _ Profit assodaglOni, Organisation, .'dprporadon A- peddler fa a >trers for ogle any' mmo8kty d artlate s t ' O oitfalils.>M Ike, Y111age, Or who sells or offers for sale plgd � "—° I Is icing Erma place to place in the t ike)�ve ., a,& Veld 1 who. 6a Such aommod(ty or article t�rl a . OMMddif�P -bo 'and of aale:. 'Pr da I"My at the 1211141 " Ittuerant Vendor" Itict Itipsranf vendor Is,a Person engapd in builfatas for DTptlt wLD aw eno4l a temporary or transient business bi. the Village of selling. ogo* mogftfes, erfddes or serVlces with the intention of continuing such buok aesg In the Vfitags for tuft tttore titan f80 ,md. who,- Id such Meal ga!Mt'tp�, leases s. oor t eti Og or Dart Of arty a6eml Idrdeture or vita" IM taa>4ectivlffase, for the dlsplaq Of such cceln dlelso or article%' or !�! der with •the of eifbh services. .?.$hap matte off 1 e `>hesidewe •5" lehtlai.Purpoitas by o>t `dt ,a 3.'.:seDarate llrl6g Unit Oftpled for t� bult(tfag of koueture. persons, wilt% ed within arty type of "ReBlate"j, ad , SoYciMr >'z YenAm"' S sate insult and hlcludE any petYOn whopl a vand Cartl Ci liesf8y' uw ^as herelnatter pbavlded t�Kttv"-Certl ibote is the Dti$geasfdn Of tlie'SOUCitor, peddler Itln' , M , - his or soliciting. - ? or , m . the been ';ZQ ;1` Z to aril' person who has d'.ot the commission of a er the laws of the State �f < k�!` other State or Federal law of the United States, within) live years Of Qb date of the application; nor to any person who has been) convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of the Ordinance, nor to m' person whose Certificate of Registration issued hereunder has pre - vluslY been revoked as herein provided. gf f OErheChief o Poll A�REf ATIONOp C TMC[Econsideration o application and r motion obtained relative thereto, shall deny the application It the appli- cant does not possess r6gu the qualifications for such Certificate as herein. 'red' and that the issuance of a Certificate of Registration to the aPPlicant would not be In accord with the intent, and Purpose of this.. Ordinance. Endorsement shall be made by the Chief of Police upon the to pli fully on, m the deNal Of the APPlicatlon. When t]+e applicant is found forthwit. quell tied, the Certificate of, Registration shall be issued' Any Certificate of Registration Issued hereunder shall be'revoked bye Me Chief of Police If the holder of the Certificate is convicted of s violation of any of the Provisions of this Ordinance, Or has made a false . material statement In the application, or otherwise becomes disqualified) for the Issuance of a Certificate of Registration under the terms of this Drdinance. Immediately upon such revocation written notice thereof shall be given by the Chief Of Police to -the holder of the Certificate in person Dr by certified U.S. mail addressed to his or her residence address set forth in the application Itnmedlately upon th giving of such notice the Certificate of Regis- tration Shall become null d void. The CertiOcate of Regf ation shall State the expiration date thereof. SECTION 6: VILLA E POLIOYs It Is hereby declared to be file Policy of the govemst ng body of this Municipality that the occupant t or occupants of the residences in this Municipality Shall make the deter7rit- lotion of whether solicitors, Paddlers or ithtemnt vendors -, Meld or shall not be, invited to their respective residence. SECTION 6: NOTICE: Eterq Dessajs desiring to secure the protection intended dire S, to S, provided by this Orfluthnce, Shalt Comply with the follow NoticMS of� the determination by the occupant o of giving Invitation the refusal of invitation to any residence shall be given 111 the mon o tonowing; A weatherproof card, approximately threw inches by four � Indies . to size, shall be exhibited upon or near the main entrance .door to. the residence. indicating the determination by the occuDank applicable words, as follows: containing the "ONLY SOLICITORS, PEDDLERS OR ITINERANT VENDORS REGISTERED IN BUFFALO GROVE INVITED.,, OR "NO SOLICITORS, PEDDLERS OR r17NERANT VENDORS INVITED •' the letters shall be at least one-third inch In height. For the purpose of oniformitY the cards may be provided by the Chief. of Police to persons requesting, at the cost thereof. Such card so exhibited !hall constitute sufficient notice to any person of the determination by the Occupant Of the residence of the information contained thereon. The card may be varied to permit Invitation to or refusal pf In- vitation to, any one, two or all of the herein - defined categories. SECTION 7: DUTY. OF SOLICITORS, PEDDLERS, ITINERANT VENDORS: It, Shall be the duty of every solicltor, peddler and itinerant vendor upon going onto env premises in the Munidpality upon which a residence as herein defined Is located to first examine the Notice pro- vided for in Section 6 of this Ordinance, If any to attached, & forthwl 'bmplY with Sold voOCs by immediately and Peacefully . departing from the premises, If. the card states no Invitation is given. vitedAny nook on who has gained a dedntrance to ally residence, whether lY peacefully depart Rom the premises