1970-0150- 90- /5' O R D I N A N C E AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR PRO -RATA REIMBURSEMENT BY PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE COST OF INSTALLATION OF PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois to encourage the development of property as far as possible; and, WHEREAS, the President ant Board of Trustees in keeping with the policies and activities of other Villages similarily situated, the President and Board of Trustees wish to provide for reimbursement by property owners of the cost of installation of private improve- ments to prospective developers. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AI4D BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1. Except where the Village has entered into separate agreements, whenever any property owner shall have heretofore or shall hereafter, at his own cost, construct, within the village streets or public thoroughfares of the Village, pursuant to permit and authority received from the President and Board of Trustees, a sanitary or storm sewer, or waterline extention, in accordance with Village Standards and specifications, inspected and approved by the proper official of the Village, and when properties other than the property of the person constructing such improvement shall intervene and abut upon that section of the street within which such improvement lies, then when the constructing owner shall furnish certification and satisfactory evidence of the cost of such n improvement, the Village Manager and Engineer shall investigate the reasonableness thereof in accordance with existing prices, and when the corporate authorities shall be satisfied as to such reasonableness the Village Clerk shall make an appropriate record of the nature, extent, location and cost of such improvement. Section 2. Said improving owner shall further, prior to the inception of the work upon such improvement, deposit with the Village Clerk a waiver of liability of, or right of reimbursement, from the Village of Buffalo Grove, of the cost of such improvement. The improvement, after construction, shall become the property of the Village. Section 3. Whenever the owner or owners of any such intervening property, or properties, shall thereafter apply to the Village for a right to tap into, or make connection with, such privately constructed sewer or waterline extension, then the Village Manager and Engineer shall compute and certify to such applicant the pro - rata cost of construction of that section of such line abutting applicant's property, and shall, before issuing permit to tap into or connect therewith, receive such pro -rata contribution for reimbursement, and upon receipt thereof shall remit the same to the person constructing such line. The determination of the Village Manager and Engineer as to the amount of such contribution shall, in the absence of willful fraud and misconduct, be conclusive as between the Village and the person having constructed such line. Section 4. The sums herein provided to be contributed by intervening owners shall be in addition to, and exclusive of fees -2- required and fixed by ordinance as inspection or permit fees for connection with, or tap into. Village sewer and waterlines. Section 5. When the owner of property contiguous to the property of any owner who shall have previously constructed any private improvement as above described, shall be desirous of connecting to, and extending such sewer or waterline within the public streets, then such extension shall be permitted only if in the opinion of the Village Engineer, or Engineer acting for the Village, the existing facility shall be adequate for such purpose, and provided that such extension shall be made along the total frontage of the property of the applicant owner abutting upon such street. Section 6. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, as provided by law. AYES : 'mom NAPES: ABSENT: Q PASSED:— /- y ATTEST: C ler -3- APPROVED: