1970-001ORDINANCE NO. 0 -70 -1 HEALTH ORDINANCE CREATION OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT BE IT ORDAIN ,0,- BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Creation. There is hereby created a Health Department. This department shall consist of such employees as may be assigned to such department from time to time by the Village Manager. SECTION 2. Sanitarian. There is hereby created the position of Sanitarian who shall be appointed by the Village Manager. The Sanitarian shall be a legally qualified Sanitarian under Illinois State Statutes. He shall have the powers of a police officer and a conservator of the peace. SECTION 3. Duties of Sanitarian. It shall be the duty of the Sanitarian to enforce all rules and regulations of the Department of Health of the Village and of the Department of Health of the State of Illinois. The Sanitarian shall examine all cases of contagious disease arising in the Village or within one -half mile of the corporate limits thereof and shall see to the enforcement of quarantine rules and shall determine the time for raising quarantine. He shall give to the Village Manager and Board of Trustees information and advice concerning the health of the Village and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Village Manager. SECTION 4. Analysis. It shall be the duty of the Sanitarian • • to make analysis of any food or drink alleged to be tainted or unwholesome, and to analyze the drinking water of the Village whenever requested to do so by the Village Manager. SECTION 5. Inspections. The Sanitarian shall assist in the enforcement of all ordinances relating to the sale, delivery or storage of food or drink intended for human consumption, and he shall make or cause to be made such tests, analyses and in- spections as may be necessary for this purpose. SECTION 6. Contractual Services. The Board of Trustees may, from time to time, by resolution, contract with any one or more persons, firms, corporations or municipalities for the in- spection of food establishments, analysis and inspection of food and drink or for the performance of any other duties which are imposed on the Sanitarian or the Health Department by any pro - vision;of the Village ordinances for such compensation and sub- ject to such terms and conditions as the Board of Trustees may deem desirable. CONTROL OF DISEASE SECTION 7. Report Required. It is hereby required that any physician, attendant, householder, principal or teacher of any school or any other person having knowledge of any known or suspected contagious, infectious or communicable disease, or of any other disease dangerous to the public health shall report same immediately to the Sanitarian. SECTION 8. Mental Illness. The Board of Health may in its discretion designate mental illnesses as having a deleterious effect - 2 - upon persons other than the patient. Within the limits of avail- able medical knowledge, the Sanitarian shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining such procedures as will alert the contracts, and as will assist them in avoiding the ill consequences of exposure to such patients. The Sanitarian is authorized to take such actions as will prevent the development of or minimize the effect of such psychiatric illnesses in the Village. The Sanitarian is authorized to expedite the attainment of relief for the patient having psychiatric illness. SECTION 9. Diseases Transmissible between Man and Animals. It shall be the duty of any owner or custodian of any animals to report the occurrence among such animals of any disease which is transmissible to human beings to the Sanitarian. The owner or custodian shall care for or dispose of such animal as provided in the state statutes or in the rules of regulations of the state department of agriculture and the ordinances of the Village of Buffalo Grove. SECTION 10. Communicable Diseases - Definitions. For the purposes of this Article the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: (a) Isolation. The word "isolation" shall mean the separation of a person suffering from a communicable disease ,a carrier of the infecting organism, or a person suspected of having such a disease or of being a carrier, from other.persons in such places and under such conditions as will prevent the direct or indirect transmission of the infectious agent. (b) Quarantine. The word "quarantine" shall mean the - 3 - limitation of freedom of movement of any person who has been ex- posed to a communicable disease. SECTION 11. Enforcement of State Law. The Sanitarian shall enforce all state statutes and the rules and regulations of the state department of public health and the ordinances of the Village of Buffalo Grove relative to the control of communicable diseases. SECTION 12. Investigation, Isolation and Quarantine. (a) The Sanitarian or his duly authorized representative shall make such investigation as in his judgment may be necessary to determine the presence or absence of any communicable disease and if any such be found or suspected, he shall adopt such measures of isolation and quarantine as are necessary for the prevention of the spread of such disease, and for the relief of the patient and other members of the household, and to these ends he or his duly authorized representative may enter any premises where he reasonably suspects the presence of any such disease. (b) The Sanitarian is authorized to isolate persons ill with communicable diseases and carriers, establish modification of isolation where indicated, to quarantine contacts to communicable diseases during the incubation period of such disease, to modify quarantine where indicated, and to placard premises in which persons isolated or quarantined because of communicable diseases are so isolated or quarantined. (c) The Sanitarian is authorized to designate the place in which persons ill with a communicable disease shall be isolated, and may order the removal of the patient thereto at public expense, and to designate the limits within which contacts to communicable diseases shall be quarantined. - 4 - SECTION 13. Material for Laboratory Examination. The Sanitarian or his representative shall secure material for laboratory examination to assist in determining the diagnosis of illness or of the existence of the carrier state in any person whenever in his judgment such procedure is necessary, and any person when re- quested by him, shall provide such material or permit such material to be taken. SECTION 14. Isolation or Restriction of Carriers. The Sanitarian or his representative may isolate or restrict the movement of carriers of the infectious agents of communicable diseases until such carriers are shown by laboratory tests to be free from the specific organisms of the disease. SECTION 15. Emergency Measures. When a communicable disease exists in or near the community to the extent that an epidemic exists or may develope, and the Board of Trustees deems the situation an emergency, it may provide that persons who cannot provide evidence of effective immunity naturally or artificially induced against such disease shall not be permitted to attend any school or other public gathering. In such an emergency it shall be the duty of the Sanitarian to cause immunization of all persons who are unable to employ a private physician and to ex- pedite the immunization of all persons through mass procedures if, in the opinion of the Sanitarian, such mass procedures are indicated. A person shall be deemed unable to employ a private physician if he states that he is unable to employ a private physician. MISCELLANEOUS HEALTH LAWS SECTION 16. Water Courses. The obstruction or pollution of any water course or source of water supply in the Village is hereby declared to be a nuisance. It shall be unlawful for any - 5 - person to obstruct or pollute any such water course or source of water supply. SECTION 17. Stagnant Pools. Any stagnant pool of water in the Village is hereby declared to be a nuisance. It shall be unlawful for any person to permit any such stagnant pool of water to exist or remain on any property under his control or ownership. SECTION 18. Drinking Cups. It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain any common drinking cup or cups, dipper or other similar utensil for the use of more than one person in any public hall, theater, store or other place frequented by the public. SECTION 19. Spitting. It shall be unlawful for any person to spit on any public sidewalk or street or other public place, or on the floor, stairway or walls of any hall, theater, store, public vehicle or other place frequented by the public or to which the public is invited. SECTION 20. Sewage. Any method for the disposal of human excrement other than by depositing in the public sanitary sewer is hereby designated as hazardous to the public health. No person shall build or maintain or allow to exist on any premises any device for the disposal of human excrement which is hazardous to the public health, except by written permission of the Corporate Authority, which permission may be rescinded at the discretion of the Corporate Authority; except, that such permission shall be re- scinded by the Corporate Authorities whenever a public sanitary sewer connecting point is four hundred feet or less distance from any part of a premises whereon disposal of human excrement is by a hazardous method. - 6 - SECTION 21. Insects. It shall be unlawful to permit any premises or vacant areas in the Village to become a breeding site for flies or other insects or to become infected with flies or other insects in such a way as to endanger health or permit the spread of such flies or other insects to other premises or vacant areas. SECTION 22. Rodents. It shall be unlawful to permit any premises, or vacant areas, in the Village to become a breeding site for rodents or to become infested with rodents in such a way as to endanger health or permit the spread of such rodents to other premises or vacant areas. SECTION 23. Structures. Any structure, building, place or vacant area in such condition as to be dangerous to the public health in any way is hereby declared to be a nuisance. It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant thereof or any person to permit any such structure, building, place or vacant area under his or its ownership or control to exist or remain in such condition. SECTION 24. Acts. It shall be unlawful for any person to commit or do any act which endangers the public health. SECTION 25. Wherever in this ordinance any act is prohibited or made or declared unlawful or an offense, or whenever the doing of any act is required or the failure to do any act is.declared to be unlawful, the violation of any such provision shall be punished by a fine of not less than $10.00 or more than $500.00. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 26. Whenever in this ordinance the designation "Person" occurs, the same shall include the plural and shall further include firms and corporations. - 7 - R SECTION 27. Should any provision of this ordinance be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the same shall not affect, impair or render invalid or unenforceable the re- mainder of this ordinance. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. Passed this 12th day of January, 1970. AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 ABSENT: 1 ATTEST: APPROVED: 7 ' Presi '�nt. Clerk. Published this day of "``w 1970. 11 I CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. A Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY That it is the publisher ,.s Wheeling Herald That said -__ Wheeling Herald ;s a secular newspaper and has been published daily in the Village Whe e tin County of Cook and State of Illinois, continuously for more than one year prior to, on and since the date of the first publication of the notice hereinafter referred to and is of gen- eral circulation throughout said Village, County and State. I further certify that Wheeling H e r ra l d is a newspaper as defined in "an Act to revise the law in relation to notices" as amended by Act approved July 17, 1959 —Ill. Revised Statutes, Chap. 100, Para. 1 and 5. That a notice of which the annexed printed slip is a true copy, was published in said v.1theeling Herald on the 215 day of Janu4_ =_ , A.D. 192D­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, the said PADDOCK PUBLICA- TIONS, Inc., has caused this certificate to be signed and its corporate seal affix- ed hereto, by FRANCIS E. STITES, its Secretary, at Arlington Heights, Illinois, this 21St —day of J zam u a r - -- - A.D. 19 7 0 PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. By, �i�L7 Secretary.