1967-003AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR INSURANCE AND DISABILITY BENEFITS FOR POLICEMEN WHEREAS, the Regular and Reserve Police Personnel are now receiving and have received sundry disability benefits, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the President and Board of Trustees to clarify the insurance disability and salary benefits to avoid misunderstanding and misconstruing of same, and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that a petition will be filed with the Village Clerk for a referendum requesting that the matter of whether the Village adopt Article 3 of the Illinois Pension Code prior to a determination by census that the Village has a population of 5,000 be placed upon the ballot. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS: ARTICIE I. REGULAR FULL TIME POLICE PERSONNEL Section 1. This article shall only apply to full time police personnel, both male and female. Section 2. The Village will maintain in full force and effect the existing workmen's compensation insurance or a comparable workmen's compensation policy covering all full time police personnel. All medical bills for provable service connected disability as defined by said workmen's compensation policy or policies shall be paid in accordance therewith. The decision of the workmen's compensatioi insurance company with respect thereto shall be final, provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall preclude the right of any one to any claim or action before the Illinois Industrial Commission, the appropriate administrative body, or the courts. The Village will be bound by any final decision in connection therewith. Section 3. In the event of a service connected disability, the Village, while such disability continues and for a period not to exceed one year from date of the accident, will pay the disabled individual his or her regular weekly take -home pay, provided, there shall be deducted from the payments made by the Village amounts received from Social Security benefits, Workmen's Compensation insurance, amounts received pursuant to Article 3 of the Illinois Pension Code when the same becomes effective, and payments (other than medical) made through health and accident insurance, if any, provided by the Village. Take -home pay shall be computed on a 40 hour a week basis. A certification by a medical examiner for the workmen's compensation insurer that a person is able to return to work shall be prima facie evidence of the same. The disabled individual shall be required to submit to a medical examination by a physician selected by the Village and upon the request of the Village. In the event the disabled person receives a lump settlement from the workmen's compensation insurer, the salary payments hereinabove described shall cease upon receipt of same. Section 4. All injuries resulting from service shall be reported to the Chief of Police in writing within 48 hours after the injury. Failure to report same and the denial of liability by the workmen's compensation insurer as a result of same shall relieve the Village from any payments under Section 2 and 3 hereof; provided that in the event the Industrial Commission of the State of Illinois or a final court decision (as the case may be) orders payment, then the liability of the Village under Sections 2 and 3 hereof shall be fixed accordingly. 2- Section 5. The normal work day of police personnel shall consist of 8 hours per day, exclusive of lunch periods, and the normal work week shall consist of 5 days. Each police personnel shall be entitled to one day vacation for each full month worked up to May 1st of any year, to a maximum of ten days. Police personnel with more than one year but less than ten years contin- uous service shall, as of their anniversary date, receive 2 weeks vacation. Police personnel with 10 or more years continuous ser- vice shall receive 3 weeks vacation. Vacations shall be assigned during the months of May through September and shall be allocated by the Chief of Police with due regard to the safety and general public welfare of the Village. Vacations shall not be cumulative and must be taken during the year earned. The Village shall have the right to waive vacations upon request and pay police personnel for their vacation period in the event the same is not taken during the period earned. The police personnel shall be paid for 6 National holidays. in the event a holiday falls during a vacation period, the indivi- dual shall receive an extra day's pay or an extra day's vacation. ARTICLE II RESERVE POLICE PERSONNEL Section 1. This Article shall apply only to Reserve Police Personnel, male and female. Section 2. The Village will maintain full force and effect the existing workmen's compensation insurance or a comparable work- men's compensation policy covering all reserve police personnel. All medical bills for provable service connected disability as defined by said workmen's compensation policy or policies shall be paid in accordance therewith. The decision of the workmen's com- pensation insurance company with respect thereto shall be final. -3- provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall preclude the right of any police personnel to any claim or action before the Illinois Industrial Commission, the appropriate administrative body, or the courts. The Village will be bound by any final decision in connection therewith. Section 3. In the event of service connected disability and while such disability continues, the Village will paypolice personnel his or her regular weekly take -home pay on primary job for a period of not to exceed one year. Take -home pay shall be computed on a 40 hour week. In the event a person is on a commission basis, his take -home pay shall be computed on the basis of his average weekly income for the year prior to commencement of disability, taking into consideration moneys allowed for expenses. There shall be deducted from such payments, moneys received from Social Security, Workmen's Compensation payments, (other than medical) made through a health and accident plan, if any, provided by the Village, and voluntary salary payments made by the person's employer during disability. A certification by a medical examiner for the workmen's compensation insurer that a person is able to return to work shall be prima facie evidence of the same. The disabled individual shall submit to a medical examination upon request of the Village. In the event the disabled person receives a lump sum settlement from the workmen's compensation insurer, above payments under sections 2 and 3 hereof shall cease upon receipt of same. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its approval and passage according to law. I�AYES ATTEST: Clerk. +t9 _NAYES APPROVED: -4- /f President.