1967-0280 ORDINANCE NO. 0 -67 -28 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 0 -62 -2 being the Electrical Code of the Village of Buffalo Grove, AS AMENDED BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1. Ordinance No. 0 -62 -2 as amended is hereby further amended by adding the following paragraph to SECTION 12. (k) Main circuit breaker shall be installed on all new construction. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. AYES 5 NAYS 0 ABSENT 1 PASSED this 14th day of August 1967. APPROVED this 14th day of August 1967. VILLAGE P DENT ATTEST: -- ------ - - -4 _ VILLAGE CLERK PUBLISHED this 23rd day of August, 1967. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION t PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. A Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Urdinnce , State of Delaware, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY That it is the publisher Mu.! "0.67 -28 Wheeling Herald Of ` �AANCE AMENNDINrx NQ. "242 *e - That Wheeling Herald is a secular kiectricat (;ode of the Village o #, ,$uffo Grove, AS. AN1MEV' newspaper and has been published Tri- weekly in the Village of , ORDAINED ; &Y THE RESIDENT AN a- BOARD OF Wheeling County of Cook TRU�TEFS OF '�R.i.AGP: , OF $VFFAW GROVE, II:I.I- and State of Illinois, continuously for more than one year prior to, on and since f- ,SEC�ION (Jrd�an No �- the date of the first publication of the notice hereinafter referred to and is of gen- 62-2 as< ametldec} #s _hereby. further an3iendedy adding t$ie! r eral circulation throughout said Village, County and State. followin paragraph ta, Seetioii' f IVlaxn circuit brea ' (k) ker I further certify that Wheeling Herald shall lie * aW,, qna all ngw is a newspaper as defined in "an Act to revise the law in relation to notices" as construction SECTION 2 :'I•his ordFnance amended by Act approved July 17, 1959 —Ill. Revised Statutes, Chap. 100, shad lie' ui full farce ai effect from and After `its passage, ag-: Para. 1 and 5. proval and publication, accord- Mg to : `law.: That a notice of which the annexed printed slip is a true copy, was published in A E 5 NAYS Q tj,BSENT 1 PASSED tiis 14th:day of 9u -' gust,. 1967 � Wheeling Herald , on the APPROVED this 14th day, of i 1967." 23rd :August, /s/ : DONALD 1 THOMPSON day of AtigLiSt , A.D. 196-1— V illa gersident ATTEST. - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, the said PADDOCK PUBLICA- `/s� DOROTHY -C , HO,,PKINS TIONS, Inc., has caused this certificate to be signed and its corporate seal affix - Village' Clerk . :• Published in .Wheeling Herald ed hereto, by FRANCIS E. STITES, its Secretary, at Arlington Heights, Illinois, Aug: " 23; 1967. - - -- -- this 23rd day of August , A.D. 196-L-. PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. r- BY Secretary. t