1967-002JMS /vK AN ORDINANCE VACATING CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS IN THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of the Village of Buffalo Grove have determined that the public interest would be subserved by vacating certain public streets described below in the. Village of Buffalo Grove and WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of the Village of Buffalo Grove have determined that the nature and extent of the public use and the public interest to be subserved is such as to warrant the vacation of certain public streets as described below; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE SECTION ONE: That those public streets commonly known as Weidner Court, Bel Aire Drive and Bernard Court East, being legally described as: Certain public streets in Arlington Hills in Buffalo Grove, being a subdivision in Sections 5 and 6, Town ship 42 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois. Said public streets to be vacated being all of Weidner Court ly- ing West of the West line of Weidner Road and imme- diately adjoining and contiguous to 'Lots 119 to 124 inclusive and that part of Bel Aire Drive lying West of said West line of Weidner Road and immediately adjoining and contiguous to Lots 105 to 117 inclusive and all of Bernard Court East lying North of the North line of Bernard Drive and immediately adjoining and contiguous to Lots 93 to 99 inclusive, all being in Arlington Hills in Buffalo Grove, being a subdivision in Sections 5 and 6, Township 42 North, Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook Countv, Il- linois, be and they are hereby vacated. The public streets herein va- cated are designated "hereby vacated" on the plat of vacation which is attached hereto and made part of this ordinance. SECTION TWO: The Village Clerk of the Village of Buffalo Grove is hereby directed to file a true and correct y -- i Z STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS COUNTY OF C O O K ) I, Clerk of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook County, Illinois, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Vacating Certain Public Streets in the Village of Buffalo Grove," passed and approved by the. President and.Board of Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois, at a meeting of said Village Board held on the i day of 1967, and the plat of vacation therein described. I DO FURTHER CERTIFY that the original of which the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy is entrusted to my care for safekeeping and is now on file .in my office, and that.I am the keeper of the records, entries, ordinances, reso- lutions, papers, books and the corporate seal of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois. I DO FURTHER CERTIFY that the vote upon the passage of said ordinance was taken by Ayes and Nays and so entered.upon .the legislative records of the Village Board of said Village of Buffalo Grove, and that said ordinance received the necessary three - .fourths majority of the corporate authorities' vote for its adoption. WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Illinois, this day of 1967. �illage Clerk, Villa ,,_g of Buffalo Grove T `l - copy of this ordinance, together with a plat of vacation,.in the, office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County. SECTION THREE: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its.passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: (� PASSED &APPROVED this day of , 1967. Vi IJage President ATTEST: i.l age Clerk i 11111L, py, E. - � -WMA FN I WA 14 A O� cerfaii� i°ob /ic Sfree fs in Fir /�n y9fon ! -/ij /s /i� Qu,�°�a /o Grove, 6 ei�9 a .9u6oiv:s /on rn Oecfrons -S aoo/ 6, Township �2 /Vor /.S, ,Pa�ye //, Easf of /he Tf3iro'Prrl;ocio� //lloi= /diary, 1r2 Coo, Covr�yj/, I///v� o/.s . Saio%v6 /ic 511-eef5 fo be vacafeo/ he1179 all 0/":, /eiodner C'ourf /yiny �f/esf o�'fhe W<5/ 9f /ii2e o7�'Werdne - ,Qcad and imined�af /y a joiri�i9 and eml% wous /o Lo /s //9 fo 12¢ and fft2fParf oiBe //�i1-e D -:ve ° e/aye5/ o/' W 9 d yuous fo Lofs /05 f7 l�h oiiianCond/ /nc75rve BCour/ 9 //ori0 o7ffie Nordfi /rne o��ernaro'Or :ve a�'ir�/n�af /y d djo /ni%r9 ano' COOfi9cuo us fo Lofs 93 fo 99 //�c /usive , a// 6c°ii�9 /o AeZ 1416 7-041 h/ /L L 5 //i/ BUFFALO GPO/E eM'S / $eci a o, w�sh:/ 42 Nord2// fTf/o , % h ar Prirc:oa ial7l //J COO,E COUnt,/, ., 111hoi9 - sJC<4L �' Z INCH= /Do FzE T &E.0 NWAO 9 'r Pv&Z1C -9 eEE'TTO A9E V4C47,EO P /,g/ NELSON, h�1�,2,C�E� IrIWZLOY, INC. .eEG /STE,eEO CANO SU.PYEYOP__S 6'/7Q Al /1/O.exgwz' 9T I-1wY. L'.alc4co ,3/ ILL /NO /S P.v• fo 3- 3066 { COUNT.QY L.9NE ',qPProved 6y The ALN CO/Y/Y/55/ON • o�fhe Y %*e o/' Bum /o 6rwe� (oa� Counfy (:,2" tiI-A 9 Q /94V7 Z,/S /GNEO� � �.���Y C.S'•9 /,2 417 - ,9T7'EST.. SEC,ee'T,pg y A,dproved 6y /fie A29,,7' o,+° 7rvsfa-s ae 113e Y.// 9e o��u�a /o Crrova, Coo, Counfji, 1 / /Hors, fhis /�{ dayo� ,� tta.rr.1i ,9.0. /966 si��vEo PHES /o6Nr ,477,sSr: Cl EAf?& Stafe o�°I / / /i�ois1 CoY/i�y o�Coot- J r -55 NELSON, �.e�E.P�`�19pLLDY, ING. hereby cerf.� ff,�f f/le Pya�' hereo,7 o%a wn fps 6�rer, pre�r�o/ander rfS di ecf on 6y an I / / /i>ois •P is7`ered Land Surveyor /rz», eX /;>9 sv�veys and /istru/nenys o�r- ecorr� �r fhe puroosc oi°vaca /i:�9 Pu�c Sfiz�e %s and f/��Sar�' � /a / /.s d cbrrecfreore,�en /a /ion o�°ffe �,�i�y dess�-•r-:6eo/6erPOr�. _ _ _ _ - ___ _ - I -_ _ __- - -_- Till.. >(1i iYELSON, Np.2�E,2 �MOLLOY, INC. P.eES/oBrvr I..2.L.5. M.' /sue �4s 4 � d i I