1967-012ORDINANCE NO. 67 %� AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE THE QUESTION OF AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $225,000 BONDS OF THE VILLAGE FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING, ACQUIRING AND EQUIPPING A MUNICIPAL BUILDING. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1. It is hereby found and declared that it is necessary and in the best interests of the Village of Buffalo Grove that a municipal building be constructed, acquired and equipped on the site now owned by the Village and described as: All that part of the N 40 rods (660.0 feet) of the NEk of the NEk of Section 5, Township 42 N, Range 11 E of the 3rd Principal Meri- dian and of the SEk of Section 32, Township 43 N, Range 11 E of the 3rd Principal Meridian, bounded by a line described as follows: Commencing at 'a point on the N line of the NE4 of said Section 5, 66.0 feet W of the NE corner thereof; thence S 00 degrees 19 minutes 38 seconds W, parallel with the E line of said NE4, 660.0 feet, to a point on the S line of the N 40 rods, as aforesaid; thence S 89 degrees 43 minutes 08 seconds W, along the S line of the N 40 rods, as aforesaid, 149.90 feet; thence N 34 degrees 40 minutes 14 seconds W, 544.82 feet; thence N 55 degrees 39 minutes 51 seconds E, 561.22 feet to a point on a line drawn 93.72 feet W of and parallel with the E line of the SEk of said section 32, thence S 00 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds E along said parallel line, 103.91 feet to the place of beginning, in both Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois that the cost of such construction, acquisition and equipment is $225,000; that the Village does not have funds available for paying such cost; that it is necessary and in the best interests of the Village that bonds of the Village be issued and sold and that the proceeds thereof be used for the purpose of paying • such costs; and that before bonds can be issued and sold it is necessary that an election be called for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the Village the question of authorizing said bonds. Section 2. A special election is called to be-.,held in and for the Village of Buffalo Grove on Tuesday, April 18, 1967, between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 6:00 F.M. for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the Village the following proposition: Shall bonds in the amount of $225,000 be issued by the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, for the purpose of constructing, acquiring and equipping a municipal building for the Village, maturing $5,000 on January 1 in each of the years 1970 through 1975; $10,000 on January 1 in each of the years 1976 through 1979; $15,000 on January 1 in each of the years 1980 through 1982; $20,000 on January 1 in each of the years 1983 through 1985; and $25,000 on January l in each of the years 1986 and 1987, and bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed 4 -3/8% per annum? Seetion 3. For the purpose of the election, the territory within the Village is divided into two election precincts, the boundaries and polling places of which shall be as follows: Precinct No. 1: Comprising all of that part of the Village of Buffalo Grove in Cook County not included in Precinct No.2. Polling Place: Ranch Mart Community Room in Shopping Cater, Buffalo Grove Road and Dundee Road Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Precinct No. 2: Comprising all of that part of the Village of Buffalo Grove in Lake County and all of that part of the Village in Cook County lying west of the line described as follows: starting at a point where the extended centerline of Raupp Boulevard intersects the Cook -Lake County boundary, thence south- easterly along said extended centerline to -2- Raupp Boulevard, thence southeasterly and southerly along the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to the point of inter- section with the centerline of Golfview Terrace, thence southwesterly and southerly along the centerline of Golfview Terrace to the south side of Dundee Road. Polling Place: Alcott School, 534 Bernard Drive, Buffalo Grove, Illinois Section 4. The judges of election shall be such as shall be hereafter designated by the President and Board of Trustees to serve as election officials. Section 5. The President and Village Clerk are authorized and directed to give notice of the special election by publishing a notice thereof not more than thirty nor less than fifteen days in advance of the election in Wheeling Herald , a newspaper of general circulation within the Village of Buffalo Grove, there being no newspaper published within the Village of Buffalo Grove. substantially the following form: -3- Such notice shall be in NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Village of_Buffalo Grove Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, April 18, 1967, at the places hereinafter described in the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, a special election will be held for the purpose of submitting to the voters of said Village the following proposition: Shall bonds in the-amount of $225,000 be issued by the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and-Lake Counties; Illinois, for the - purpose of constructing, acquiring and equipping a municipal building for the Village, maturing $5,000 on January 1 in each.of the years 1970 through 1975; $10,000 on January 1 in each of the years 1976 through 1979; $15,000 on January 1 in each of the years 1980 through 1982; $20,000 on January 1 in each of the years 1983 through 1985; and $25,000 on January 1 in each of the years 1986 and 1987, and bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed 4 -3/8% per annum? which special election will be opened at 6 :00 o'clock in the morning and continued open until 6 :00 o'clock in the afternoon of that day. For the purpose of the special election, the following precincts and polling places are established: Precinct No. 1: Comprising all of that part of the Village of Buffalo Grove in Cook County not included in Precinct No. 2. Polling Place: Ranch Mart Community Room in Shopping Center, Buffalo Grove Road and Dundee Road, Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Precinct No. 2: Comprising all of that part of the Village of Buffalo Grove in Lake County and all of that part of the Village in Cook County lying west of the line described as follows: starting at a point where the extended centerline of Raupp Boulevard inters.eet -9 the Cook -Lake County boundary, thence south- easterly along said extended centerline to Raupp Boulevard, thence southeasterly and southerly along the centerline of Raupp Boulevard to the point of intersection with the centerline of Golfview Terrace, thence southwesterly and southerly along the centerline of Golfview Terrace to the south side of Dundee Road. -4- Polling Place: Alcott School, 530 Bernard Drive, Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Published by order of President and Board of, "Trustees of the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. Dated at Buffalo Grove, this day of , 1967. Village Clerk. -5- : : Section 6. The official ballots for the election shall be substantially the following form: (Face of Ballot) OFFICIAL BALLOT Question to issue $225,000 Municipal Building Bonds. Instructions to Voters: Place a cross mark (x) in the box to the right of the word indicating the way you desire to vote. Shall bonds in the amount of $225,000 be issued by the Village of Buffalo Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, for the purpose of constructing, acquiring and YES equipping a municipal building for the Village., maturing $5,000 on January l in . each of the years 1970 through 1975; : $10,000 on January 1 in each of the years 1976 through 1979; $15,000 on January 1 in each of the years 1980 through 1982; $20,000 on January 1 in each of the years 1983 through 1985; and $25,000 in each of NO the years 1986 and 1987, and bear.ng interest at the rate of not to exceed 4 -3/8% per annum? - • s (Back of Ballot) OFFICIAL BALLOT SPECIAL ELECTION OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK.AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. BALLOT FOR PROPOSITION TO ISSUE $225,000 BONDS TO CONSTRUCT, ACQUIRE AND EQUIP A MUNICIPAL BUILDING. Precinct No. Polling Place M (Facsimile signature) Village Clerk, Village of Buffalo Grove, Cooly and Lake Counties, Illinois. W W The Village Clerk shall cause a sample of such ballot to be published in the Wheeling Herald , a newspaper of general circulation within the Village of Buffalo Grove, there being no newspaper published within the Village of Buffalo Grove, prior to the date of the election. Section 7. The Village Clerk is authorized and directed to cause the ballots to be prepared and to distribute them, to procure and distribute election supplies, and to do all other things necessary for the proper conduct of the election and said election and all matters pertaining thereto shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by Statute. Section 8. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. AYES: 5— NAYS: 0 Passed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees 90 1967. AT ST: r V:*LlXAge Clerk. -7- 1`ot�ice: o SpeExal E�c��gn Village f Grrgve tCobk aa� �k .= e�, .IWnois that.oi Tuiesda. 1+967, 'at tii nloce�: - _ �escr�ed in a; ta° exceed° 4-3f8 'per cent annum? �: special, election : will be 'd at" 6:00 - o'clock in the, ing and continued o p e 6 :00 o'clock in -the 'after place's ",a a' established: `. Precinct No.' 1 . Comprisi n g j all of that - part , of the%. Village l of Buffalo G ve in Cook Coun- ty riot `includ r in Precinct No. 2 POLLING f,PLtACE: Ranch ncf Dundee ! $oad, Buffalo. I r`ove; Illinois: ; Precinct No.�2 Com�ris�rig:all Coa irie i Ftaupp "°Boulevard to the lioint of intersection; with. the c6iteriine of Golfview Terrace; thence. southwesterly and ' mutherl y along the centerline ;bf G o 11 view Tesrace,to -the south side of Dundee Road - POLLING' PLACE- Alcott School, 530 Bex►ard,Drive, But - falo._Gjrr Illinois:` Published by order "of Presi dent and Board of Trustees_ of the pillage of B�}fMal Groeie Cook. `;atl Lake Counties, III- noes, , Dated at Buffalo Crove, this - MUBOWMI _ t lheeling 13erah CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. A Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware, DOES 4 HEREBY CERTIFY That it is the publisher of_ WE "l H&r_ d That said i er l d fs a secular newspaper and has been published Tri- weekly in the Village of —Wheeling —, County of Cook and State of Illinois, continuously for more than one year prior to, on and since the date of the first publication of the notice hereinafter referred to and is of gen- eral circulation throughout said Village, County and State. I further certify that eP is a newspaper as defined in "an Act to revise the law in relation to notices" as amended by Act approved July 17, 1959 —I11. Revised E tatutes, Chap. 100, Para. 1 and 5. That a notice of which the annexed printed slip is a true copy, was published in said Wheeling Herald , on the 29t1 day of_ March A.D. 196-_. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, the said PADDOCK PUBLICA- TIONS, Inc., has caused this certificate to be signed and its corporate seal affix- ed hereto, by FRANCIS E..STITES, its Secretary, at Arlington Heights, Illinois, this X31 at day of_ March , A.D. 196--7—. PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, IPtC. J 0 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. A Corporation organized and existing under and by virtucs of the laws of the State of Delaware, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY That it is the publisher of 7A— Herald That said + , , e 14e"al 4 is a secular newspaper and has been published Tri- weekly in the Village of WhA 0 it —, County of Cook and State of Illinois, continuously for more than one year prior to, on and since the date of the first publication of the notice hereinafter referred to and is of gen- eral circulation throughout said Village, County and State. I further certify that _ Whe r 1 ng jig=. is a newspaper as defined in "an Act to revise the law in relation to notices" as amended by Act approved July 17, 1959 —Ill. Revised Statutes, Chap. 100, Para. 1 and 5. That a notice of which the annexed printed slip is a true copy, was published in said Wheeling Herald , on the 29th day of*�* , A.D. 196._. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, the said PAIIDOCK PUBLICA- TIONS, Inc., has caused this certificate to be signed and its corporate seal affix- ed hereto, by FRANCIS E. STITES, its Secretary, at Arlington Heights, Illinois, this--314* day A.D. 196. PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. >r B3' L— Z Secretary. 3 irl is i.uuce oz Speei41 .Election Village alo Grove Cook Cdui►t�pa_ illiiinid Cook and Lake ­. C ounties, nois a spd— election will. be held for. thurpose of sub= miffing the, voters of s a i d Vfllage following proposi- tioa. -the - amo�uat of i by the Vil- -lage -of Buffalo Grove,- Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois;; for the purpose.. ,of - constrnetin 1 nicipal building #otlie Vil 1age, maturing $S;O�oit Jan uary 1 in each ois:_. a years 1970 through 1975; $10;000 on January 1 -in ,each of the years 1976 through. 1999; $15,000 an January 1 in each =of fire years 1980 through 1982; $20,000 on January i in each,:of the years: 1983'_ through 1985; and , $25, •• .. Ua.y ,. Jn eacndroI the years 1986 and;.;19$7, ' and bearing interest at the. rate of not -to exceed-_4 =3/8 per cent per annum? ' which special election will be )pened, at 6:00'o'clock M the norning and > contilnued open tntil k'00 o'clock in the after- loon of thatday. For the. pur- *senof-the special election, .the ollowing precincts and polling daces are established: Precinct N&, 1: Comprigi n g; ll of that par of trig• Village: f Buffalo Grove_ in Cook Coup- 7 not included ii. Precinct No: POLLING PLACE: Ranch Wt Community Room in,Shop- ingg Center, Buffalo Grove Road nd 'Dundee . Road, 13 a & rove, Illinois. Precinct No. 2: Comprising all that part of the Village __of uffalo Grove in Lake County; id_ "all of that part of the- Vil= ge in Cook County lying west . the.- line .described as fbilows: artin9 at a point where the ex- nded centerline of R'aup Boul and intersects the Cook= Lake runty boundary; ; thence =scut. along the centerline .' Of Golfview Terrace ;y - thence southwesterly and ; southerly along the centerline of G o <1 f- view. Terrace ID the south side 11 'of. Dundee Road. POLLING PLACE: Alcott School, 530 Bernard Drive, Buf-, falo Grove, Illinois. Published by order or- Piesi dew Board of- 'liastees.Of. Grove;. nCk Lake Comdzes, 1Ea. Dated at Bpffalo Grove, this 29th day of March, ,1967. WILLIAM J FARRINGTON President ROSALIE L.. KASZUBOWW Village Clerk Published in' Wheeling Herald Unruh 90 tine i CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. A Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue (rf the laws of the State of Delaware, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY That it is the publisher That said MO d is a secular newspaper and has been published Tri- weekly in the Village of_ County of Cook and State of Illinois, continuously for more than one year prier to, on and since the date of the first publication of the notice hereinafter referred to and is of gen- eral circulation throughout said Village, County and State. I further certify that -- a -la— is a newspaper as defined in "an Act to revise the law in relation to notices" as amended by Act approved July 17, 1959 —Ill. Revised Statutes, Chap. 100, Para. 1 and 5. That a notice of which the annexed printed slip is a true copy, was published in , on the 29th day of - +fit , A.D. 1196-j_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, the said PADDOCK PUBLICA- TIONS, Inc., has caused this certificate to be signed and its ccrporate seal affix- ed hereto, by FRANCIS E. STITES, its Secretary, at Arlington Heights, Illinois, this_ day of mare , A.D. 196--j_ PADDOCK PUBLICATIONS, INC. t By a 41J'tt Secretary. AU oil! kill ]IRL MY fit lot fill